Tag Archives: transformation

Vital Fact: The “Only Way” To Heaven Is Lord Jesus Christ! No Other Ways!

Vital Fact: The “Only Way” To Heaven Is Lord Jesus Christ! No Other Ways!

This Vital Fact Has Not Changed For Over 2,000 Years! The “Only Way” To Heaven Is Lord Jesus Christ! No Other Ways!

Prologue: Through divine calling from our Lord Jesus Christ, MARANATHA TRUMPETER Evangelical Outreach is an Evangelical Ministry with the goals of continuous online and offline soul winning, encouraging the faith of all true believers-in-Christ as well as always preparing people online and offline for the imminent glorious Rapture and the prophetic Millennial Reign of worldwide Peace under King Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18; 1 Corinthians 15:5153; Revelation 20:4-6). The prophetic Millennial Kingdom  (Revelation 20:4-6) is the 1,000 years peaceful reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth after the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Jeremiah 30:3-11; Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 6-16).

MARANATHA TRUMPETER Evangelical Outreach is continuously spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ online and offline. Lord Jesus Christ desperately wants numerous souls saved from dropping daily into eternal burning Hell fire. Therefore, MARANATHA TRUMPETER Evangelical Outreach always wants to win numerous sinners urgently online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. MARANATHA TRUMPETER Evangelical Outreach always wants to depopulate eternal burning Hell fire and populate glorious Heaven for our Lord Jesus Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

In this highly inspiring Evangelical Post, MARANATHA TRUMPETER Evangelical Outreach will enlighten you about this reality: This Vital Fact Has Not Changed For Over 2,000 Years! The “Only Way” To Heaven Is Lord Jesus Christ! No Other Ways!” Many people who are obedient to God and Lord Jesus Christ end up in Heaven after physical death while some people who are disobedient or unrepentant end up in eternal burning Hell after physical death. When you read the true testimonies of some people who have been shown the terrible agonies of tormented souls in Hell fire by our Lord Jesus Christ, you will be highly enlightened about the vital reality of the eternal burning Hell fire. You will be convinced that to have your name written in Heavenly Book of Life, you must accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6).

Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in Hell after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold/lukewarm Christian can be left behind by Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to soul winning online/offline and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. You will be highly blessed through this Holy Spirit inspired Evangelical Post. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Indeed, you are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after physical death on Earth by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Kabbalist, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. All these categories of unbelievers and unrepentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. They will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day and are Hell bound unless they accept the salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! On Great White Throne Judgment day, these categories of unbelievers and unrepentant sinners who are already doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8).

Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to eternal burning Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6), no other ways! If you refused the eternal salvation of Lord Jesus Christ while alive, you will stand before Him on Great White Throne Judgment day in your resurrected form and will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (John 5: 22-29; Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8).This is a vital Biblical fact! Avoid this horrible calamity before you die! Do it now! Death can come anytime! Tomorrow will be too late! Procrastination is dangerous! No more argument! You have been warned!

All categories of unbelievers and unrepentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. Some unbelievers who are always ignoring the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be successful and prosperous physically, they may think they are not yet captured by Satan. However, spiritually, they are already captured by Satan and in great satanic bondage. The reason why some unbelievers and unrepentant sinners think they don’t need the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be because they are successful and prosperous physically. However, the plain truth is that all categories of unbelievers and unrepentant sinners can only escape from satanic bondage and eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire if they quickly accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ before their physical death. (John 3:16, 14:6).

As an unbeliever and unrepentant sinner, your name is not written in the Heavenly book of life (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6). That means you are Hell bound and eternally doomed after physical death! Therefore, to have your name written in Heavenly book of life, you must accept LORD JESUS CHRIST as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. Stop arguing that Lord Jesus Christ is not God and that He is just an ordinary Prophet and Messenger of God. Your argument is futile! Whether you believe it or not, Lord Jesus Christ is GOD (John 1: 1-4, 8:56-58, 10:25-30, 14:6, 14:9-10, 20:28; Romans 9:5; Philippians 2:5-11; 1 Timothy 3:16; Titus 2:13). One God exists in 3 eternal self-existent Divine Beings (Trinity). This triune God of the Bible is the Almighty God Christians worship and serve devotedly. This triune God hears us when we pray and understands us perfectly. This triune God will be with us at the time of death to see us safely to Heaven. It is important and comforting to believe in the triune God of the Bible.

The triune God of the Bible consists of the Father (Jehovah), the Son (Lord Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:2, 26, 3:22; Matthew 3:16-17, 28:19; John 3:16, 14:16, 16:7; Colossians 1:16). They are not 3 Gods. No! Whether you believe it or not, Almighty God is 3-In-1 (Trinity). The Trinity are equal in power; one is not superior to another one. The Trinity shows us the extent to which God’s existence is rooted in the joys of eternal relationship. The three-in-oneness of God shows us the eternal reality of His love and the enormous price that God paid in the great sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ for the sins of mankind. The three-in-oneness of God shows us that our own relationships are important to a God in whom relationship and love are foundational to His existence. A three-in-one God shows us the inexpressible joy and creativity of a perfectly shared relationship. Unlike the many warring gods of pagan religions, the triune God of the Bible is always one in mind and action.

Although God is one, He is not a solitary Being. There is plurality within this unity. The word translated “God” in the Holy Bible is “Elohim” which is a plural term. Therefore, Elohim clearly refers to the one God who is a Creator, Sustainer and Master of everything. The triune God of the Bible sometimes used a plural pronoun when speaking of Himself. In Genesis 1:26, He said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” Later, after Adam and Eve had eaten from the forbidden tree, God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil.” (Genesis 3:22). In essence, it is much easier for us to understand the sense of relationship, submission, love and loyalty that the Holy Bible describe as existing between the Trinity – the Father (Jehovah), the Son (Lord Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit). The Holy Bible does not reveal the Trinity to us separately, but in a profound sense of unity. It represents all the three self-existent Divine Beings in a relationship of oneness and love for one another and for all human beings as well. As an unbeliever, your futile argument can’t change this vital Biblical fact. Stop your argument henceforth! You have been warned!

The eternal Sonship of Lord Jesus Christ is due to the fact that He voluntarily came into the world as a human being over 2,000 years ago to die for the sins of all human beings (Philippians 2:5-11). Lord Jesus Christ voluntarily died on the Cross of Calvary over 2,000 years ago to save humanity from eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire and lake of fire. He rose up from death by resurrecting on the third day to prove that He is our eternal Redeemer (Revelation 1:17-18). Lord Jesus Christ is alive in Heaven and He is coming back on imminent glorious Rapture day. You can’t know the day or hour of His glorious coming in the air but be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture which is a prophetic reality. The imminent glorious Rapture event will occur suddenly and unexpectedly (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

The Great White Throne Judgment of Damnation will happen after the peaceful Millennial Reign of Lord Jesus Christ and it will involve all unsaved people who while alive refused to accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Sadly, they will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Therefore, all active soul winners must intensify their soul winning efforts online and offline in this grace period to win numerous lost souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly treasures and eternal rewards are awaiting us in Heaven by God’s grace. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

Eternity In Heaven: Why Is It Compulsory To Be Born Again?

John 3:3-16; 14:6. To be allowed to pass through Heaven’s gate, you need to have all of your sins removed. The only cleanser strong enough to thoroughly remove sin stains is the blood of Lord Jesus Christ. To become born again, first, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of your wrong doings. Finally, make Lord Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him. Ask Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to forgive your sins. By dying on the Cross, Lord Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in Hell fire! The reason so few people accept this pardon is that they do not think they need a Savior or they want to find their own way of salvation. When God looked at your soul, He saw a sinner. God judges your heart, your thoughts, your attitude and intentions. When you are saved and forgiven of your sins, God looks upon you and sees the blood of Lord Jesus Christ making you pure and clean. Accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Procrastination is dangerous! Many doomed souls are now suffering horribly in eternal burning Hell fire due to procrastination! Don’t join these doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire! Heaven is your best choice! You have been warned!

“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). This Biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Lord Jesus Christ will judge you on Great White Throne Judgment day. You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire and sulfur since you are still alive. Repent and accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid Hell! Heaven is your best choice. Lord Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker, Muslim or an unbeliever. God is real! Lord Jesus Christ is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Great White Throne Judgment day is certain! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Lord Jesus Christ and ready always for imminent glorious Rapture!

Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to make Heaven and escape from going to Hell when you die (John 14:6). The lake of fire and sulfur will be a place of eternal torment. It will be very terrible for Satan, fallen angels/demons and the lost souls in that eternal burning lake. Do not end up in it! You can’t die again in your immortal resurrected form but you will be eternally tormented in the fiery lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 14:11). No rest for you for eternity! The “second death” means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Listen to what Lord Jesus Christ is saying to you now: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the One who lives. I was dead, but look: I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hell.” (Revelation 1:17-18). God does not send someone to Hell. You choose Hell when you refuse to accept Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior.

When you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Lord Jesus Christ, you willingly choose Hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in Hell fire when you die. When you say “No” to Lord Jesus Christ and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into Hell fire. You are telling God that you do not need Lord Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in Hell fire! Hell is for eternity! If you die without accepting the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in burning Hell fire and for eternity in lake of fire and sulfur. You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

It will be a great disaster if you die without accepting the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 8:36). Burning Hell fire and lake of fire and sulfur are horrible places of eternal torment! “The smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night.” (Revelation 14:11). God has a perfect place for you in Heaven: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no person has imagined what God has prepared for those people that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Avoid burning Hell fire! Avoid lake of fire and sulfur! Lord Jesus Christ is your only way of making Heaven after physical death on Earth (John 14:6). It will not cost you anything to accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Accept Lord Jesus Christ while you are still alive. It will be too late if you die and end up in Hell fire! Take the right decision now. “The salvation that was given to us is very great. So surely we also will be punished if we live like this salvation is not important.” (Hebrews 2:3).

After being born again, remain dedicated in your commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is an act of faith (John 3:3-16, 5:24). Believe strongly that you are saved in Jesus name. Don’t doubt. The Holy Spirit will help to strengthen your faith in Lord Jesus Christ. Make sure you continue to grow in your devotion to Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t backslide. You must always resist temptation that can lead you to indulge in sinful acts. Read your Bible daily. Also, pray always and look for a reliable Gospel-focused Church where you can worship God regularly. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope and an imminent reality. Therefore, we must be ready always. You can’t know the day or hour of imminent glorious Rapture (Matthew 24:36). Rapture is a matter of faith and continuous suspense. Since we can never know the day or hour of imminent glorious Rapture, we must always be ready. The grace period we have presently is short. Time is running out. The warning signs of imminent glorious Rapture are now occurring regularly in every part of the Earth. Lord Jesus Christ is warning us regularly through numerous warning messages to be ready always. Never give up your glorious Rapture blessed hope.

If you have never received Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, ask Him to save you now! Confess all your sins and ask God to forgive you in Jesus name. Do not put it off another second! This may be your last chance before you die! Take the chance now! The salvation of Lord Jesus Christ is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. It is very easy to accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, pray the salvation prayer below and mean it with all your heart.

Sinner’s Prayer Of Salvation:

The following prayer, “The Sinner’s Prayer” (also known as the Prayer of Salvation) is a simple prayer to follow when asking Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Dear God in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that Lord Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin. You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus Christ as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. This very moment I accept Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying for me and giving me eternal life. Amen.

Still Procrastinating?

Take these easy steps to be saved: Realize you are a sinner. “There is no person without sin. None!” (Romans 3:10). “All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23). Realize you cannot save yourself. “We are all dirty with sin. Even our good works are not pure. They are like blood-stained rags.” (Isaiah 64:6). “He saved us because of His mercy (love), not because of any good things we did.” (Titus 3:5). Realize that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins. “Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right.” (1 Peter 2:24). “Jesus is the one who loves us. And Jesus is the One who made us free from our sins with his blood (death).” (Revelation 1:5). Simply by faith receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. “Some people did accept Him. They believed in Him. He gave something to those people who believed. He gave them the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). “…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all these people from your house.” (Acts 16:30-31). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).


Urgent Warning Messages And Divine Revelations From Lord Jesus Christ. Be Ready Always For Imminent Glorious Rapture. Never Give Up Your Glorious Rapture Blessed Hope.

Additional Vital Evangelical Resources You Can Share With Everybody As A Dedicated Rapture Watcher And Active Soul Winner.

MARANATHA TRUMPETER Evangelical Outreach will now share with you some divine revelations and vital messages from our Lord Jesus Christ about the agonies of tormented souls in eternal burning Hell fire and the reality of the imminent glorious Rapture. After reading them, you must decide immediately whether you want to end up in Heaven or Hell You must also decide whether you want to be among the glorified Raptured Saints on imminent glorious Rapture day (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) or you want to go through the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16) after imminent glorious Rapture.

It is vital for you to decide immediately whether you want to remain as a dedicated Rapture watcher or Rapture scoffer. Active soul winner or a lukewarm Christian? True born again Christian or an unbeliever? Raptured or left behind? Glorious Rapture or 7 years worldwide Tribulation period? Raptured in glory or Martyred in pain? Raptured Saint or Great Tribulation Saint? Dedicated follower of Lord Jesus Christ or deluded follower of Antichrist? Micro-chipped or Martyred? Eternal citizen of Heavenly New Jerusalem or doomed eternally in the eternal Lake of Fire and Sulfur? Your choice is very vital! It is true you can’t know the day or hour of glorious Rapture. However, whether you believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminent! Be ready always! Your scoffing is futile! Time is running out! Make the right decision! A wrong decision is dangerous! Decide wisely! No more excuse for you! You have been warned!

Divine Revelation Of Imminent Glorious Rapture Event. Be Ready Always!

By Evangelist Sola Awolaja

Praise God. Hallelujah! By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, I want to share two true divine visions I had about the imminent glorious Rapture event. Glory to Lord Jesus Christ. This is a wake- up call to everybody worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Time is running out! Never give up your glorious Rapture blessed hope. Indeed, whether Rapture scoffers, lukewarm believers and unbelievers believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminent! It is true we can’t know the day or hour of glorious Rapture, but the warning signs of imminent glorious Rapture are now occurring regularly worldwide. We can’t deny this vital fact or pretend as if nothing is happening.

In my first vision, I was lying in bed, thinking about the imminent glorious Rapture and how amazing it will be. Suddenly and unexpectedly, my spiritual ears opened. I heard a very loud trumpet sound. “POOOOH!!!” The direction of the trumpet sound came from the sky above but it was very loud and powerful to the extent of being heard all over the world at the same time.

The glorious Rapture trumpet is a spiritual instrument that will be blown by one of God’s Arch-Angels. Therefore, you can’t hear the glorious Rapture trumpet sound with your physical ears. You can only hear the glorious Rapture trumpet sound with your spiritual ears which are opened by the power of the Holy Spirit due to the mercy of Lord Jesus Christ and your perpetual Rapture ready condition. The glorious Rapture trumpet sound will only be heard by Rapture ready born again Christians whose spiritual ears are already opened. Cold or lukewarm believers, Rapture scoffers and unbelievers will not hear this glorious Rapture trumpet sound due to their blocked spiritual ears. This means that they will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day unless they repent quickly before it is too late.

In my vision, immediately I heard the loud glorious Rapture trumpet sound, my body began to vibrate powerfully and uncontrollably. I was vibrating powerfully like a large space rocket about to take off from the space rocket launching pad. I noticed that I had become transformed gloriously within a twinkle of an eye. I had a strong feeling that I am about to be launched powerfully into the sky and I thought that the glorious Rapture we have been anticipating for a long time had occurred at last. Suddenly, I felt myself being propelled powerfully into the sky faster than the speed of light and I woke up!

When I woke up from the vision, my heart was beating loudly and very fast. I really thought the glorious Rapture had taken place during that true divine vision. However, it was just a divine warning from Lord Jesus Christ to me and everybody worldwide to always be ready for the imminent glorious Rapture because it will happen suddenly when we are not expecting it.

In my second vision, I was suspended mid-air so that I can observe what is taking place on Earth below and in the sky above. From my vantage position, I could look down at the world below and also look up at the sky above. When I looked down, I saw people very busy with different activities. They were so attached to worldly mundane things they are doing that they did not give any attention to what is about to take place in the sky above. Suddenly, there was total darkness all over the Earth. Later, when the total darkness cleared, I was surprised when I noticed that people were still very busy with different activities and highly indifferent to what is about to take place in the sky above.

I was still suspended mid-air and from my vantage position, I looked up into the sky above. Suddenly, I saw the glorious appearance of Lord Jesus Christ in the sky with the Heavenly Angels. Then, I saw gloriously transformed Rapture ready born again Christians ascending from the Earth into the sky faster than the speed of light. The scene was very glorious and amazing. There were adults (men and women), teenagers, young children, and babies among the glorified Raptured Saints. However, the number of Raptured young children and babies outnumbered that of adults. The Raptured babies were foetus (unborn babies), crawling babies and toddlers.

As born again parents, make sure you lead your children to Lord Jesus Christ very early and prepare them to be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. Don’t assume that they are still young and will decide for themselves when they grow old. Since you don’t know the day or hour of imminent glorious Rapture, it is better for you and your children to be ready always.

In my vision, after I observed the glorious Rapture amazing scene, the glorified Raptured Saints, Lord Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Angels ascended to Heaven. The next scene I saw in the vision was the appearance of the four Apocalyptic horse men (Revelation 6:1-8). This means that after the glorious Rapture, the worldwide 7 years Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27) will be the next agonizing event on Earth. After this last scene in my vision, I heard the voice of Lord Jesus Christ telling me to warn people on Earth below to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture because all the things I saw in the vision will become fulfilled at an unexpected time.

After the vital warning message from Lord Jesus Christ in my vision, I looked down at the Earth below and saw the people who are still so attached to worldly mundane things they are doing that they did not give any attention to what will take place in the sky above at an unexpected time. Suddenly, my voice became very loud in my vision and could be heard by everybody on Earth below.

I shouted very loudly: “Wake up people! Look up! Wake up from your lukewarm, spiritual slumber! Repent! Repent before it is too late! Time is running out! Whether you believe it or not, Glorious Rapture is imminent! Be ready always! Don’t be left behind due to your unbelieving and lukewarm attitude! Lord Jesus Christ is warning you repeatedly to wake up and be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture! Accept the eternal salvation of Lord Jesus Christ before it is too late! Don’t delay till tomorrow! Today may be your last chance! Procrastination is dangerous! You have been warned! No more excuse for you!”

After my vital warning to the people on Earth below in my vision, I woke up suddenly!  The vital warning message from the true divine vision is that we must be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Apart from being Rapture worthy, we must also watch for the glorious appearance of Lord Jesus Christ in the sky on imminent glorious Rapture day (2 Timothy 4:7-8). This is our blessed hope as active soul winners and dedicated Rapture watchers. We are not fanatical or alarmist. One blessed day, we will arrive in Heavenly New Jerusalem by God’s grace. Our Lord Jesus Christ is warning us repeatedly through numerous prophetic messages to be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. Be ready always! Don’t be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day! Remember this always! No more excuse for you. You have been warned! Maranatha.

Coordinating Scriptures:

1 Thessalonians 4:15-18: What we are teaching you now is the Lord’s teaching: we who are alive on the day the Lord comes will not go ahead of those who have died. There will be the shout of command, the archangel’s voice, the sound of God’s trumpet, and the Lord Himself (Lord Jesus Christ) will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. So then, encourage one another with these words.

1 Corinthians 15:51-53:  Listen to this secret truth: we shall not all die, but when the last trumpet sounds, we shall all be changed in an instant, as quickly as the blinking of an eye. For when the trumpet sounds, the dead will be raised, never to die again, and we shall all be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die.

Matthew 7:13 (KJV): Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matthew 24:36-39 (KJV): 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.

Matthew 24:37-44: When the Son of Man (Lord Jesus Christ) comes, it will be the same as the thing that happened during Noah’s time. In those days before the flood, people were eating and drinking. People were marrying and giving their children to be married. The people were still doing those things until the day Noah entered the boat. Those people knew nothing about what was happening. But then the flood came and all those people were destroyed. It will be the same when the Son of Man (Lord Jesus Christ) comes. Two men will be working together in the field. One man will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain with a mill. One woman will be taken and the other woman will be left. So always be ready. You don’t know the day your Lord (Lord Jesus Christ) will come….The Son of Man (Lord Jesus Christ) will come at a time when you don’t expect Him.

Luke 21:36 (KJV): Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the SON of Man (Lord Jesus Christ).

Romans 1:26-32: Even the women (Lesbians) pervert the natural use of their sex by unnatural acts. In the same way the men (Homosexual) give up natural sexual relations with women and burn with passion for each other. Men do shameful things with each other.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV): For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

1 Timothy 4:1: The Spirit (Holy) says clearly that some people will abandon the faith in later times; they will obey lying spirits and follow the teachings of demons.

2 Timothy 3:1-5: Remember that there will be difficult times in the last days. People will be selfish, greedy, boastful and conceited; they will be insulting, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful and irreligious; they will be unkind, merciless, slanderers, violent and fierce; they will hate the good; they will be treacherous, reckless and swollen with pride; they will love pleasure rather than God; they will hold to the outward form of our religion but reject its real power. Keep away from such people.

Revelation 19:8 (KJV): And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.


The Terrible Agonies Of Doomed Souls In Eternal Burning Hell!

Vital Warning Message To Everybody From Lord Jesus Christ Given To Jarrod Waugh.

“Hello MY son. It is I your LORD JESUS. I do have words. Not only for you MY son, but for you, your friends and the entire Earth below the sky. I your LORD JESUS have important words to tell each of you. Now listen to ME. Listen to MY words. Take heed. These are serious words for all of you.

I love you all so much, MY daughters and MY sons I love you more than any other creation of MINE. I made you in MY image. How can I not love you, MY FATHER loves you so much because He sees ME in all of you who have MY blood. I love all of you so much. You will never fully know or understand how much I love you. You will never be able to measure the depth of MY love for you Children. I am going to address a lot of things that man takes for granted. Not realizing that it is the enemy’s deceit and lies that draw people into his sin. I your LORD, your GOD will expose HIM today. I do this only because I love MY creation and I want each of you to choose ME. Choose ME, your SAVIOR, the one who loves you.

MY children do you understand how much I love you. I want nothing but the best for all of you. I want to see you happy. I long to see you all walking in MY perfect will for your lives. I long to have you learn what peace is. Peace and joy in its fullness and the only way you can have that is through ME, the LORD JESUS CHRIST the only SON of GOD. MY children, I love you deeply. Your mother and father will never love you as I do. I alone know the true definition of love, I am love. The only way you are able to love each other is because MY SPIRIT is still on the Earth. You are able to love because I loved you first. I, GOD, of the Heavens and the Earth, everything belong to ME and I love you all. Yes the GOD of all loves each of you individually equally. I love you so much. Do not try to understand MY love for you but know MY love for you. Know my love for each of you. Even in sin I still love you and beg you to return to ME. Do not entertain the enemy’s deception and temptation.

I love you MY children. I love you and as surely as I live, as surely as I the sovereign GOD will always live, the enemy (Satan) will hate you. MY children do you think he likes you, he does not like you, how can he even love you. He (Satan) cannot tolerate you. If it were not for MY hand of protection over you the enemy would have killed you and had you in the pits where you will understand the hate he has for ME and you. Be not deceived. You think the pleasure you have on the Earth is nothing more than pleasure? No, it is sin. The pleasure of flesh is against the spirit. MY children please read this slowly, understand it fully. He (Satan) hates you, (the Lord Jesus Christ sounds sad) yes I am heartbroken by MY children who have perished. MY heart aches for each of them, each of them MY Spirit. Why do you choose the flesh over ME MY children? I can give you more but you choose him, the enemy (Satan) I defeated long ago. His defeat was written long ago, before you were born. He (Satan) hates you and he will do anything. Whatever it takes to have your soul in Hell. He will do it. Through your family, through your friends. Your career. Your music. The things you watch. Everything that he can find that will get to you he will use, but he cannot use it unless you give him power. MY children, Satan has no power. Do not entertain his evil ways, he wants your soul in Hell. In Hell, do you know what is in Hell my children? Do you?

Snakes which make love to you. Smokers, homosexuals, drunkards, their punishment is severe. Even MY children who called themselves MY own, those who chose money over ME, those who were harsh in words, people who love wild parties, there are so many in Hell MY children, so many being tortured. Yet some of you seem to think you can handle Hell, that Hell is a place of fun. You joke about Hell being a party, a fun party where you drink and smoke and take part in your pleasure filled sins. Yes it is so, MY children you will party, you will drink, you will smoke, you will fornicate for eternity MY children. It will indeed be a hot party, but believe ME you will find no pleasure in any of that. Only demons will find pleasure in Hell’s possession of your soul.

Drink: you will drink fire, you will drink acid, you will drink burning liquid, you will drink the most horrid painful things only Satan’s demons find pleasure in. You will smoke things you never thought to smoke and it will never end my children. You will be pierced with spears all over your bodies. All over your bodies you will be speared, stabbed, bitten, your flesh will be torn. You will cry for death but death will never come. You are made in MY Image, I am an ETERNAL BEING and you cannot die. Yes fornicators will be pierced in the genitals. In the most painful of areas. Demons with thorns all over their body will make love to you. Worms will suck on your tongues. Ugly, horrific things will happen to you. That is the party you will be in forever. The party, the hot party in Hell never ends my children. It never ends. There are no 6 to 6’s in Hell. Only eternity, forever, and ever the torment will go on. Is a minute’s pleasure worth eternal torment MY children; really is it worth it MY children? How do you choose that over what I offer you? I offer you peace, joy, eternal rest. I offer you life. I offer you the beauties of heaven. The finest GOD can give you. Do you not want to smile for eternity, do you not? What MY children is it not enough? Is to live to sin? How is it that you encourage this term of yours live a little?

What is to live a little? Live on the Earth sinfully, die and land up in Hell? Is that to live a little? MY children listen to Me, you do not live a little. You will never live a little. You will live forever. When your soul departs from your body that is the beginning of eternity. Where will you spend it? In MY Kingdom, in MY presence, Or in Hell? My children stop encouraging each other to sin, it is not right, it is unholy, it is evil, it is detestable.

My children I told you I am going to tell you many things in these words, I tell you the truth and nothing else. Nothing but truth comes out of MY mouth; I have no reason to deceive those I love. No reason to lie. I am not man. I cannot lie. I cannot, it is not in MY Being, and MY SPIRIT knows not to lie. I do not lie. My children, suicide, why do you commit suicide? Do not do it, I know MY children it is hard, some of you your circumstances seem unbearable but just trust and believe that I God will work everything out in your favor. I have forgiven every sin. Even suicide, I have MY blood to cover suicide but I will explain to you why MY children, why suicide offenders land up in Hell. Suicide offenders land up in Hell, MY children because they could not repent. You cannot repent in Hell. You cannot repent after the departure from your body. By the time you die there is no time for you to ask for forgiveness, you have left the Earth. You have been cut off from the Earth my children remember this.

Repentance is not for the grave, MY children. Repentance is for now. It is now. Do not waste time. Do not deceive yourselves thinking you will run away from your circumstances to a better place, you will find yourselves worse off than you were while on the Earth MY children, but I ask you my children to come to me. Run to ME, I will comfort you in your sickness and in your pain. I am here for you. I will never turn my back on you. I will give you back everything that the devil stole from you. I, GOD will give you back your joy. Your peace and your worth. I God will mend you and put you back together for my own glory because I love you and those who belong to me will not be mocked or destroyed by the enemy (Satan) for I will be your GOD, your PROTECTOR. I am the Great “I AM.” I can only protect you if you belong to Me. Call on MY name my children. Call on the name of JESUS. I am here.

My children listen to ME. I have a complaint against you. Why do you betray each other MY children? Why do you betray and hurt your friends and your family. Why do you lie to each other? Why do you fight? Make peace today, MY children. Talk, forgive one another, stop crucifying each other and mocking and slandering your names. MY children this is not from ME. I command you to love each other as you love yourselves. Do not believe that you will enter MY kingdom (Heaven) if you hold any grudges, MY children. No. Stop being hypocrites. Stop it. I do not go to MY Father and bad mouth you, I do not remind MY FATHER of the countless sins you performed. Forgive each other, help each other, respect, and do not break each other’s trust. Encourage each other in the LORD. In ME, encourage each other, do not pull each other away from each other. MY church is to help each other. Stop judging each other, judgment is for God alone not for mere people. Judgment is MINE; MY judgment is fair and just. Do not hurt each other.

MY children I am going to talk about pornography. I need you to understand MY children it is a sin. How dare you put what I made for privacy on display? Pornography encourages sex out of marriage. Demons of lust enter into your body then you yield to your flesh and sin against your own body, through masturbation. Why masturbation is wrong you may ask yourself? It is sin MY children, I am not pleased with MY children lusting after each other, I am not pleased with the world telling my children to masturbate because it is natural. Sex outside of ME, MY children is dangerous, demons make love to you. Do not do it. Do not watch pornography, do not make pornography, MY children, this includes your photos. The photos you take and the photos you look at. Listen to ME, you are grieving the HOLY SPIRIT, you are. MY children please, the road to Hell is very broad and the road to Heaven is very narrow. Few find it. I ask you now, what road are you walking on? Sex is for man and woman in marriage alone. Only in marriage, MY children. You ask yourselves why and how you became so sexual, so promiscuous? Sex MY children, sexual demons are in you, ask ME to restore you and purify you MY children that you are found not guilty before a Holy GOD. Only I, GOD can deliver you from such sin. Yes only I, GOD.

I am not done MY children; I have words, listen to ME, and listen to ME carefully. I am coming. I am coming very soon (imminent glorious Rapture). I am coming so soon. Those who do not believe, those who doubt, your blood is on your own head. I have warned you over and over. Do not expect to see tomorrow, do not plan for next week, do not invest for retirement, do not watch and wait for your youth to end, do not stall, do not wait to turn to ME. I will come soon. I am coming now, I am on MY way. I am here. I am ready to leave with MY “bride” (Rapture ready born again Christians). I have sent the words out: Soon MY children. You will be shocked at the events that are about to take place before MY coming and after MY coming. Woe to you MY children who are left behind to face the Antichrist. Woe to you. The time is now. Do not wait. Repentance is not for the grave. It is not. I am coming with the voice of an arch-Angel and the sound of a trumpet. “I AM” is here! I love you all.”



Divine Revelation Of The Wicked Accuser (Satan) Of True Believers-In-Christ And The Eternal Redemption Of Lord Jesus Christ.

By Maurice Sklar

I had a true divine vision. In the vision, I was allowed to stand in the Throne Room of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The worship before His Throne is awesome and ecstatic. I was caught up for some time in the Song of the LORD in Adoration. Suddenly, everyone became silent. Then, after some minutes, I watched as what looked like a perfect “man” came forward and stood in front of God. He looked like a prince. He was a very handsome man, but I knew that something was terribly wrong with him. He had haughtiness about him, and was clothed in a majestic robe that kept changing colors, from black through the rainbow color spectrum and back to white and then, in reverse back to black again. This happened every minute or so. But each time it returned to white, it was more and more grayish.

He stood there with a mocking expression with his hands on his hips. As he smiled, it looked pure evil…such hate was in His eyes toward God. I was astonished that anyone could stand in this Holy Place like that. I thought to myself, “Why doesn’t the LORD do something and throw this impudent man out of here immediately!” I noticed that all the music and the worship was stopped. Just total silence. The Living Creatures (Revelation 4:6-11) were hovering above the Throne, but without making a sound…just everyone’s eyes were glued on this proud, hateful “man.” There was just that deafening pregnant silence for some time.

Finally, the Father spoke from the Throne in a booming voice that shook the pillars and the whole floor. I trembled. “Satan, what have you come here for?” He thundered. Satan replied: “I am here to inform you that Your Plan has failed. Your church is divided, rife with sin, idolatry, uncleanness. Israel is surrounded by my warriors, who will destroy her.” Satan sneered, “Even you, can’t stop me now! This generation is MINE! They don’t love you. They don’t want you. They love me! Not you! Just look at them running after my every pleasure and sin! What do you say now, oh great lover of Adam’s hopeless race? Millions are perishing forever in my domain! And all you can do is look on in despair…they will NEVER come into your Kingdom NOW!”

I was astonished as I watched this “beautiful” man as he began to change in his appearance before everyone! He began to change into a hideous demonic form, with large horns and reptilian-like skin. Then his eyes began to glow red and he grew into a being that looked about 30 feet tall. Claws grew out where the man’s hands once were. He had giant wings but they looked like an old bat wings, like they had been eaten away by some awful disease. He was very muscular in this alternate form, but his flesh was dark gray and blackened in many places with what looked like soot. I was looking at Satan himself! What a hideous creature he is! Maybe he was once beautiful, but no more! Yet, he did not stay in that form long. When he finished that accusation, he once again transformed back like the “man” who first entered, except, I could faintly see the outline of his once angelic wings now behind him.

God spoke loudly: “Satan, I have seen this day from before the Dawn of Time! I know ALL that are Mine. Not one of them shall perish! I died and shed My Blood for them all. I was condemned in their place!” When He had said, “My Blood,” Satan shuddered and fell on his face before God. It was obvious he could no longer speak to God. His accusations had been silenced this time once again.

God continued, “The only souls that are lost are the ones you planted in the Earth! Do not accuse ME or My People of unfaithfulness! All that are Mine are destined to come to Me and are written in My Book. Nothing you do can stop Me or them! Nothing takes Me by surprise. Even your fall, and your defeat at the Cross were foreknown before you were even created. Now, your hours are numbered. Your END is near! Soon, you shall be silenced and no longer shall you hurt or destroy My People. No matter how hard you try, you shall never succeed in mixing the Seed of the Righteous with the seeds of wickedness and evil. Your time is almost over! Then you shall burn forever in the Lake of fire prepared for you and all who follow you. Every soul that joins you there shall only add to your everlasting torments.”

Satan suddenly disappeared in a flash of smoke and fire, and the worship and glory of the LORD JESUS CHRIST filled that Holy Place once again. Then, the true divine vision ended. By God’s grace, I was faithful to record what I saw and heard. May the LORD JESUS CHRIST bless you and keep you, dearly Beloved ones!


Urgent Warning Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To Jarrod Waugh.

I received a WORD from the Lord Jesus Christ. Here it is:

“My Son, I am on My knees. I am heartbroken. I have warned, and warned and warned. I am so sad. I am feeling so lowly because My children whom I love so much just refuse to listen to Me. Oh, I am heartbroken. I have sent out so many warnings. Things are escalating globally at a rapid pace and I am soon about to sound the alarm and bring my Children Home. There is not a lot more that I can do. I have spoken of judgment for so long, and because of this, My Children have either grown weary, or have become complacent. Every day, there are so many prayers that are sent up to My Throne Room, pleading with Me, “When will you come, Lord?” “How much longer, My Lord?”

I cannot wait much longer, as I have received so many souls within My Time of Extended Grace, but all the same, there are so many more who have rejected Me and ignored My Words because they think that they know better. My Wicked children will soon reap what they sow. I have had enough of the pain and the anguish. The time is now. I am ALREADY on My Way. My faithful children are exhausted. I can see that. They have pleaded and pleaded with Me to save their loved ones, and few have listened. Yet, they need to understand that free will is Free Will. I will NOT force anyone. It has to be a choice of FREE WILL alone.

Things are about to change. Already, things are heating up and I will not contain it for much longer. I have had enough. ENOUGH I tell you. My patience only goes so far, and like everyone that was made in My Image, it has its limits. I have warned and warned. But yet, my belligerent children just refuse to listen! So what shall I do? What can I do?

I will Judge and I will Judge MIGHTILY. My wrath will be poured out upon all who chose sin over a Holy lifestyle and they will beg for mercy when they have missed their chance to board My ARK of Salvation that I have offered to ALL men. They are left with no excuse, and they CANNOT say that nobody warned them. I have sent messenger after messenger after messenger. But what did they do? They MOCKED, they LAUGHED and they RIDICULED. Do you know what this reminds Me of? This reminds ME of MY Crucifixion. It rekindles MY Anger because of what I suffered to offer them a place of safety from Satan’s Schemes and Plans, but they rejected Me then and they REJECT ME NOW!

Woe to them. WOE to them! Son, warn them. I love them. But this is IT! I have Spoken. I will see you soon. Gear up. Pray. Stay in MY WORD. Reside in ME. Things are about to get ugly. Things will change in the twinkling of an eye. My Word has spoken it. Be ready at all times.

Yours Truly, with LOVE, “

Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah.


I Saw The Biblical Lot And Daughters In Terrible Agony In Hell Fire!

True Divine Revelation By Rachael Mushala Chisulo

The Lord Jesus Christ had told me that He has called me to tell of the reality of Hell as well as Heaven and warn people so that they repent. On this particular morning, the Lord Jesus Christ visited me to show me something in Hell. We descended into the dark abyss (pit of Hell) and I saw so many people burning in the enormous flames of Hell. I saw a man in the flames, he was all burnt out. The man was screaming in a way I cannot exactly describe. It sounded like a cry of extreme deep pain and regret. His clothes had long burnt off; all of his flesh had been eaten by worms and burnt off. He completely had no flesh left on him! It had all fallen off and only bones smeared with blood from his flesh remained. He was just a skeleton and yet he was alive! I could only tell he was a man because of his voice as he screamed.

He had no eyes, they had rotted and burnt off, only eye sockets remained yet I noticed that he could see because he turned to look at the Lord Jesus Christ and I.  He had no ears, or nose, everything had been burnt in the fire of that terrible place. Yet he could still hear and smell! I noticed that even his tongue was gone yet he could still talk! It was a horrible sight to behold. I was terrified, I moved closer to Lord Jesus Christ. Even though this man had completely burnt off remaining only a skeleton, He could not die. He kept on burning and screaming in great agony. He could still feel the pain the same way those with flesh were feeling. Lord Jesus Christ and I moved closer to the man. He was in horrible pain. Huge flames of fire covered him and he cried out loudly in pain. He lifted up his hands to his face, screaming in pain but there was no relief. This fulfils the word of the Lord Jesus Christ in Job 11:20:”But the eyes of the wicked shall look [for relief] in vain, and they shall not escape [the justice of God]; and their hope shall be to give up the ghost.”

I then asked the Lord Jesus Christ who this man was. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “This is Lot from the Bible.” I was shocked. Strength left me. Ever since I first heard of Lot until this very moment, I had always assumed he is in Heaven. God had rescued him and his family from Sodom because he was a righteous man. I have never had reasons to ever imagine him in Hell. I was in utter shock to see him in that terrible place going through unimaginable torment! Tears were coming out of my eyes, I looked at Lord Jesus Christ and I asked, “But Lord how can Lot be here? You saved him from Sodom.” I saw that Lord Jesus Christ was in great pain watching this man suffering. When He spoke, His voice sounded shaky (as a person would sound when he is in pain). He said, “I saved him and his family from Sodom, but towards the end of his life, he turned away from Me. He abandoned My ways. Go and tell My people to be faithful till the very end. Tell them to be faithful until the very end of their earthly lives. Hold on to Me faithfully because if you are not careful I can save you today but you can lose your salvation tomorrow. Look at him, I saved him from the fire of Sodom and Gomorrah but he abandoned Me and still ended up here (Hell Fire). Tell My people to be faithful to Me until the end. Tell them to be faithful till the end. Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life.”  Revelation 2:10.

I was still in absolute shock at what I was seeing and what the Lord Jesus Christ was telling me. Lord Jesus Christ was in so much pain, He couldn’t look at Lot anymore and He turned to face away. When I looked at Lot, the flames that had gone down to his waist came right back up covering his whole body in a fiery explosion. I covered my face with my hands. It was too much to take. I began to think of how easily we could lose our souls if we become careless with sin. This man (Lot) escaped the fire of Sodom and Gomorrah, yet he failed to escape the fires of Hell. I saw the absolute need of staying close to the Lord Jesus Christ every single minute of our lives. He is the only one who can help us. My joints felt weak. Lord Jesus Christ then led me away from there. On our way out, the Lord Jesus Christ showed me two women who were also burning in Hell and He told me, “Look, those are his (Lot) daughters.” They were in Hell too. As we left that place, the Lord Jesus Christ emphasized to me, “Tell My people to be faithful until the very end, until the very end.”We then left the place.

The Bible talks of Lot being a righteous man and that is why he was saved from Sodom. “For that righteous man (Lot) dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds.” (2 Peter 2:8). This is in reference to the state of his life while in Sodom, he was a righteous man. The Bible however is silent on what happened to him after Genesis 19:30-38 when his two daughters made him totally drunk and had immoral sexual intercourse with him which resulted in him impregnating the two daughters and becoming the father of their two illegitimate sons (Moab and Benammi). His life is no longer discussed from then on. But the Lord Jesus Christ told me the reason he was in Hell was because he turned his back on God. He turned to the world later in his life (backslider). That is what Lord Jesus Christ told me.

The Bible says, “But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness and committed iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? All his righteousness that he has done shall not be mentioned: (shall not be remembered) in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them shall he die.” Ezekiel 18:24. Even though you are righteous today but you later turn back to sin and die in sin, the Bible says your righteous deeds shall not be remembered. This is why Lord Jesus Christ is emphasizing on being faithful until the very end. That is the only way you will gain the crown of life.

Once saved is not always saved. You have to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. (Philippians 2:12). This simply means holding on to Lord Jesus Christ, living a holy life until the very end of your earthly life. It is carrying your cross every single day of your life. Luke 9:23- “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross DAILY and follow me.” Don’t put down your cross to rest, it is not time yet, now we are still in battle and must overcome the enemy. “And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved? And Jesus looking upon them said, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:26-27.  Remember that without Lord Jesus Christ you cannot live a holy life, stay joined to Him always. Be faithful until the end and you will get the crown of life. (Revelations 2:10).


Some hours later, I prayed and read the Bible. I was listening to worship music when the Lord Jesus Christ showed me a section in Hell for those who were greedy on Earth. This time around I was in the company of an Angel. The Angel explained to me that people who go to this section in Hell are those who loved money more than God. “Thou shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3. Money was their god. They were greedy with money and would do anything just to get their hands on more money. They wouldn’t care whom they hurt, and would even steal and do anything just to get money. “And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of all kinds of greed for a man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses.” (Luke 12:15).

In this section of Hell, I saw what looked like an expensive purse drop to the floor. It seemed to have dropped out of nowhere. Immediately this purse dropped, all the people in this section ran to the purse. All of them wanted it. They were so many and they began fighting for the purse. They fought and abused each other in an attempt to get it to themselves.  They did this for a very long time. I noticed that they were extremely tired but they continued fighting and raining abuses at each other! This surprised me because I expected at least even one of them to give up considering how tired they looked but not one of them stopped.

The Angel explained, “On Earth, they fought so hard and wouldn’t stop for anything to get money. Money was their god. Because they fought so hard for money, they must continue fighting for it even here in Hell. Nothing can make them stop fighting until they just collapse out of exhaustion but even then when they get up they continue to fight again. Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sow, that shall he also reap.”

As I watched, the people all kept fighting until like the Angel had said, they all collapsed to the ground one by one. The Bible says you cannot serve two masters at once. You can’t serve both God and money at the same time. (Luke 16:13). God wants to be first in your life; whatever you put ahead of Him is an idol. ” Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shall love the LORD thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-5. You cannot see Him unless you rid yourself of idols. Repent of every sin and make Lord Jesus Christ your Lord and personal Savior. “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:” Hebrews 12:14. Lord Jesus Christ loves you and sends this warning in love. He doesn’t want you to perish in that place (Hell) but He wants you to come to Him now so that you will have everlasting life.” John 3:16. All these people in Hell cannot come back to Earth to repent, but you can repent while you are still on Earth. God bless you beloved brothers and sisters.


 Herodias’ Daughter In Hell Fire!

True Divine Revelation By Rachael Mushala Chisulo

I remember there was a time we could physically hear people in Hell screaming, everyday. There was this man who was screaming in a way I don’t even like to remember. So after we were talking about it, I saw a vision. I saw the daughter to Herodias, King Herod’s wife. The one who had asked for John the Baptist’s head in the Bible on Herod’s birthday. The story that is in Matthew 14:1-12.


“At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus, and he said to his attendants, “This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead! That is why miraculous powers are at work in him.”

Now Herod had arrested John and bound him and put him in prison because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, for John had been saying to him: “It is not lawful for you to have her.” Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people, because they considered John a prophet.

On Herod’s birthday the daughter of Herodias danced for the guests and pleased Herod so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked.  Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.”  The king was distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he ordered that her request be granted and had John beheaded in the prison. His head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother. John’s disciples came and took his body and buried it. Then they went and told Jesus.”

I saw Herodias’ daughter in Hell fire! She was in torment. The demons kept presenting her a head on a platter, then she would scream and run away so wildly but the scene just kept repeating. The whole place was made of fire and she was screaming so loudly. Hell is horrific, none of us should go there. There is just a way that Earth always manages to erase this reality from us.


Be Warned Of Secular Celebrity Influence: True Vision Of Hell’s Trash Can.

True Divine Revelation By Zipporah Mushala


This true divine revelation is from an experience with the Lord Jesus Christ as He showed me the pit of darkness-HELL. The Lord Jesus Christ pointed at something and said, “Do you see that? What do you think it is?” I saw something being spilled into a dark pit. It looked like a waterfall or sand. I answered, “Sand?” He brought the view closer and I could see that it was not sand at all, but countless human beings falling into a pit! He said, “This place is a trash can, the tares are gathered and burnt in here.” These people were from every race, tribe and language, the young and the old. There were Mongoloids, Eskimos, Masais, Buddhists, Hindus, spiritualists, prostitutes, the blind, mothers, fathers and children. The list is endless. Yes, even children, when they know what is wrong and right, must choose their destination. They were all falling into Hell in different positions. Some were falling shoulder first, stomach first, head first, back first, hand first etc. at the speed of light. Some were clothed, some were not.

The Lord Jesus Christ said with pain in His voice, “They are living on Earth, ignoring Me like I don’t exist. Especially in these secular movies, they create a scenario where the people have a ‘perfect life’ chasing their own pleasure, building their relationships and having their dream jobs with totally nothing to do with Me. It is unfortunate for them, because they have terribly deceived themselves. They do not think so, but they desperately need Me to save them. In just a snap of a finger, they may be dead and they will find themselves in this horrendous place. They have to repent; they just have to if they want to be saved, because I can never receive them into my kingdom (Heaven) when they are dead. They did not want to associate themselves with Me in life and they will surely not associate with Me in death. People who watch these movies also end up behaving the same. Come back to Me now before the door is closed.” He said this part with urgency in His voice.

He put His hand on my shoulder and said, come and see this. There were cauldrons with boiling lava and people in them! The flesh of these people was being washed away from their bones by it. One man in a cauldron upon seeing Lord Jesus Christ began unleashing insults on Him. He said, “I will get you yet, God!” and some other horrible things I would rather not repeat. When the man insulted Lord Jesus Christ, I felt like a knife had been driven through my heart and I told him, “If there is anyone you want to blame, it is yourself and the demons that deceived you into this place. Your own sinful pleasures have landed you here!” But the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “Don’t mind them, they belong to their father, the devil.” The Lord Jesus Christ just looked at him sadly and said, “In life you insulted Me. You thought and said you did not need Me, and even in death, you continue to insult Me and are not repentant.” A fat, ugly demon with dirty, green saliva dripping from its mouth then came and drowned him in the lava. Then the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “When the people in this place (Hell) ask for my mercy and say they have repented, it is not because they are sorry for their sins but because they are in pain. They are all just like this man.”

Lord Jesus Christ continued, “This is the result for all those who did not want to have anything to do with Me in life. This is not all but just one of the least punishments. From here, these people will be transferred by demons to other sections of Hell for punishment. These people thought, ‘What a fulfilled life I have. I have all the money, happiness and just what else can I need?’ I sent my people to them, but they refused to listen, and some of them even said, ‘God is for the poor and hopeless that need to be comforted.’ They did not know that it was demons that were whispering to them.” Some people in this section are also those who were racist or used foul language on Earth. I saw no limit of torture in Hell. Demons did as they pleased, and they did it with zeal and delight. When new people landed in Hell, the demons felt a new surge of energy. They would walk about majestically with pride. I also want you to know that demons never get tired of torturing these doomed people in Hell. The Lord Jesus Christ also disapproved of dirty jokes, either saying or listening to them.


Biblical King Saul, King Ahab And Judas Iscariot Are Doomed In Hell Fire!

True Divine Revelation By Emmanuel SamsonJude


Lord Jesus Christ took me to Hell fire. On our way to Hell, we passed through a tunnel. When we got out of this tunnel we immediately arrived at a place of pure darkness. It was a place of great darkness with terrifying sounds of crying and horror. I asked, ‘where are we, Lord?’ And He said, “THIS IS THE KINGDOM OF SATAN, HELL FIRE”. Hell fire is a fearsome place of a thick darkness. I saw many demons; they were huge and ugly. These demons were working hard and with speed and without rest. [1 Peter 5:8]. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THEY ARE PLANNING HOW TO BRING MAN TO THIS PLACE.”

Hell fire is like a sea and everybody has his or her own portion within different departments. There are many people in Hell fire asking for a second chance, but restitution is not possible. [Micah 3:4]. The first department that the Lord Jesus Christ showed me was a place where Pastors who lost Heaven were been tormented. I saw many Pastors in Hell. On their pits, there is something like a signboard; it contains the name of that Pastor, the name of the church that Pastor attended, plus the reason why that Pastor is in Hell. Each Pastor had a demon tormenting them. They cried out for mercy, but Lord Jesus Christ wept and said “WHEN I WARNED YOU, YOU REFUSED TO LISTEN TO ME AND NOW YOU ARE IN THIS PLACE. I KNOW YOU NOT!” [Proverb 1:24-31].

The Lord Jesus Christ said to me, “HELL HAS ENLARGED HERSELF AND NONE THAT COME HERE SHALL RETURN AGAIN.” [Proverb 2:19], [Isaiah 4:14]. I saw such a great and surprising thing! “My people, how can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” [Hebrews 2:3].


The Lord Jesus Christ told me: “COME, I WANT TO SHOW YOU A KING.” I then saw a man on a throne chained down and a wicked demon was tormenting him with great anger. The Lord Jesus Christ told me this was Biblical King Saul, and when King Saul saw me, he said, “You are here! Go tell my people that I am here! Tell them they should not disobey God! Tell the children of Israel that they must obey the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that my disobedience led me to this place. “[1 Samuel 13:13-14] [1 Samuel 15:22-26,] [1 Samuel 16:14]. “For I was a murderer and I killed myself! I thought I was the owner of my life.” [1 Samuel 31:4]. “Please tell them that Hell fire is real!” King Saul was crying for help, but the demon continued tormenting him. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “YOU MUST TELL THEM WHAT YOU SAW, IF YOU DO NOT TELL THEM, YOU SHALL BE JUDGED!


The Lord Jesus Christ then showed me a man who was sitting chained onto an iron seat. The seat was very hot and reddish like a burning coal. Though he screamed in great agony the demons continued tormenting him with spears and with a great fury. This man began to beg Lord Jesus Christ for a chance to get out of the fire. I wondered who the man could be; the Lord Jesus Christ knew my thoughts and told me, “HE IS BIBLICAL KING AHAB.” (1 Kings 16-22).


I saw a man in Hell fire; the demons made him lay upon a metal-like table. They hurt him with many type of devices. I saw a very big iron which a demon operated to pass through the stomach of the man. It went through his belly…. the man cried bitterly. Then suddenly, a demon appeared having a very big metal knife in his hand. He cut off the middle of the head of the man, then the demon gathered many maggots and scorpions, he stuffed them inside the man’s head and covered it back. The man cried more like the wind of the sea. It pained me greatly to see this! The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “HE IS ONE OF MY DISCIPLES, JUDAS ISCARIOT.” I then asked one of the demons the reason they are tormenting him in such a way and the demon told me, “If he did not reveal that man of light [Lord Jesus Christ] to the people to be killed, the work of salvation will not come into manifestation.” They shouted loudly, “Why did you betray Him?” They continued to torment him. [Matthew 10:4], [Matthew 20:18].

You must be careful of what you are doing; do not betray Lord Jesus Christ! “Woe unto that man, by whom the Lord is betrayed!” [Matthew 26:24]. Those who have learned from the Lord Jesus Christ and have understanding about the word of God must allow “the word of Christ to dwell in you.” [Colossians 3:16-17]. To him who draws back, the Lord says “MY SOUL SHALL HAVE NO PLEASURE IN HIM.” [Hebrew 10:38]. If you are a servant of God, examine yourself. Take away the stumbling block from your life—HELL FIRE IS HORRIBLY REAL.


I saw a woman in Hell fire, the demons were tormenting her. They beat her with spears as she cried and shouted. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “SHE IS JEZEBEL, THE FALSE PROPHETESS WHO SEDUCED THE PEOPLE TO SIN AGAINST GOD.” [Revelation 2:20]. You must be careful because there are many false prophets and prophetesses who teach the people false doctrines, who only set up riches for themselves. They call themselves saviors and deceive people with the deceptions of the devil. IF THEY REFUSE TO REPENT, THEY SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN HELL FIRE. [2 Thessalonians 1:8].


I saw a man in Hell fire, the demons were tormenting him with their weapons and devices. The man was begging for mercy and he cried bitterly. I asked the Lord Jesus Christ, “Who is this man?” The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “HE IS REVEREND OSHOFFA, THE FOUNDER OF CELESTIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST, THE WHITE GARMENT CHURCH.”  The Lord Jesus Christ told me the mystery of this man: “HE MADE A COVENANT WITH SATAN TO SEDUCE THE PEOPLE WITH A DOCTRINE OF DARKNESS, HEALING WITH CANDLES, PERFUMES AND SOAPS. HE WOULD TELL THEM TO USE THESE AND TO GO BATHE IN THE RIVER, THUS DECIEVING THEM WITH THE POWER OF A DEVIL.” The Lord Jesus Christ added, “HE INTRODUCED FALSE DOCTRINES JUST TO BE KNOWN AS A POWERFUL MAN OF GOD.” [Ephesians 4:14]. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “I WARNED HIM BUT HE REFUSED.”  He said to the man, “I KNOW YOU NOT!” Lord Jesus Christ was weeping like a baby. This man denied the cross of Lord Jesus Christ just because of fame. Now he is in Hell begging for mercy with the Lord Jesus Christ denying him due to iniquity being found within him. [2 Timothy 2:12, 19].

I want you to understand that no matter what– don’t be living in a way or teaching others things that “you cannot defend for yourself before God.” [Titus 1:16], [Jeremiah 23:24]. Many people are in Hell fire because of their false doctrines. [Philippians 2:5].


The Lord Jesus Christ then showed me another man in Hell fire. He was known as Reverend Patrick Cooney on Earth. The demons were cutting his body with saws as if it were a tree. The man was crying but the demons continued tormenting him, and that way of torment was very great. They would mock him and laugh at him as the only spot where he was found at fault was due to his Catholic doctrine. He was here (Hell) because he frequently would bow before a Saint Mary image. [Exodus 20:3-4]. This is so sad; many people end up in eternal Hell fire due to this kind of Catholic idolatrous act. Lord Jesus Christ wept with great compassion for the soul of the man. I was also in a great sorrow when the Lord Jesus Christ said to me, “IF YOU ARE TRULY SORROWFUL, YOU WILL TELL THEM WHAT YOU SAW.”

You must open your heart and say “No” to the deception of the Devil. We must come out from any religious doctrine that will make Lord Jesus Christ have to deny us [2 Corinthians 6:14-18]. STOP IT! DO NOT BOW BEFORE SAINT MARY IMAGE ANY MORE! IT IS IDOL WORSHIP! IT WILL LEAD YOU TO ETERNAL BURNING HELL FIRE! STOP RELIGIOUS IDOLATRY! MARY IS NOT THE MOTHER OF GOD!




I saw a little boy in Hell fire, the demons were tormenting the boy with spears. When the boy saw us, he cried for help to take him out of the fire, but the Lord Jesus Christ said, “I AM NOT THE GOD OF THE DISOBEDIENT.” This boy was very rude while he was on Earth, he would always disturb his parents during the time of the Pastor’s messages. Whenever his parents corrected him, he would shout at them. He became sick and died, now he is in Hell forever. The Lord Jesus Christ says, “NO DISOBEDIENT CHILD WILL INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” [Ephesians 6:1-2].


I saw many people in this department in Hell fire. The Lord Jesus Christ showed me their earthly pictures. They were all beautiful and handsome on Earth, but now they are very ugly here in Hell. The demons tormented them and use spears to beat and pin their private parts. They cry and seek for death but death cannot be found. [Revelation 9:6]. Oh, Lord Jesus Christ wept! The people beg the Lord Jesus Christ to take them out. They swear with their life to do His will if  they could come out of the fire, but the Lord Jesus Christ never plays or jokes with the word that has gone out of His month [Colossians 3:5-6]. It is declared in His Word that anyone who practices immorality cannot inherit the Kingdom of God [1 Corinthians 6:9-10].


There are many people in Hell fire who have heard about the work of salvation of Lord Jesus Christ, but refuse to repent from their sins. These thought they can come into Heaven with works of flesh and blood, but instead end up in the fire of Hell that burns for eternity [1 Corinthians 15:50]. They were crying, but the Lord Jesus Christ said, “THEY WERE GIVEN MUCH GRACE WHILE THEY WERE ON EARTH TO REPENT FROM THEIR SINS, BUT SAID, ‘TOMORROW’ AND PROCRASTINATED. SOME EVEN SAID ‘THERE IS NO HELL FIRE.’ SOME BEAT MY SERVANTS THAT I SENT TO THEM, AND NOW THEY ARE IN HELL BEGGING FOR SECOND CHANCE…..I KNOW YOU NOT.” [Proverb 1:24-28]. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “I SHOW THEM THE WAY TO ESCAPE HELL FIRE, BUT THEY HATE ME AND MY WAY AND CHOOSE A LIFE OF ENJOYING THIS WORLD. I EVEN OFFER THEM GRACE WHEN THEY WERE ABOUT TO DIE BUT THEY WERE DISTRACTED.” The Lord Jesus Christ also said, “THEY HATED ME AND LOVED DEATH…..NOT ONLY EARTHLY DEATH BUT ALSO EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT IN HELL FIRE. [Proverb 8:35-36].”

Repent from your sin for there is no repentance in Hell fire. Those who refuse to repent will be cast away into everlasting punishment [Revelation 21:8].


There was a great torment for those who turned away from the Lord Jesus Christ. The demons cut their tongue, cut their body and beat them with sharp weapons. They cried bitterly, they started blaming themselves saying, “Oh, why did I turn back? He warned me but I hearkened not!” And the demons tell them to “shut up, He gave you grace but you make it useless. You will never get out; we shall torment you till the judgment is set!”…..and they continue tormenting them. [Ezekiel 18:24]. The demons will tell them, “You are mine forever.” Please do not go back to the world, all you who are Christians, for there is a great danger in turning away from the Lord Jesus Christ [2 Peter 2:20-22].


Then the Lord Jesus Christ showed me my own pit in Hell fire. I was very sorrowful, but the Lord Jesus Christ said, “EVERY ONE ON EARTH HAS THEIR OWN PIT IN HELL FIRE AND THE MISSION OF THE DEMON IS TO BRING YOU INTO IT.” You must make sure you do not go to that pit because it is very hot, burning with fire like acid. And we left the place.


Then the Lord Jesus Christ took me to the throne of Devil (Satan). I saw a very big, tall, fat, huge demon on this throne. He was very hideous and he immediately set his eyes on me. He called my name, ‘Senayon, you have come here to see our mystery. I will not allow you to share any of our secrets! I will kill you, I swear.” And the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “FEAR NOT, FOR I AM YOUR LIFE.” [Isaiah 41:10-11]. Then after sometime, we were invisible to the Devil and the Lord Jesus Christ told me that “ALL THINGS ARE NOT VISIBLE TO THE DEVIL, HE DOES NOT KNOW EVERY THING. BUT ALL THINGS ARE VISIBLE TO GOD.”I at first did not believe this, because we all know that Devil is powerful. The Lord Jesus Christ knew my thoughts and he took me to the back of the throne. I noticed the Devil did not know that we were there. Then the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “CALL MY NAME” and I quietly said, “Jesus!”….. A great power shook Hell and the Devil fell down from his throne.

Then Devil turned back and we appeared visible. Then the Devil shouted my name, “SENAYON!” The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “TRY THE POWER IN MY NAME.” and I commanded Devil to die for three minutes in the name of Jesus! The power in the name of Lord Jesus Christ nailed his spirit on something like a wall and his hideous body fell down [Philippians 2:9-11]. After three minutes, the Lord Jesus Christ released his spirit and Devil came back in to that hideous body. Immediately when he rose up, he shouted with a great fury and with wrath. Then I saw many demons approaching; they were rushing out and they all assembled with arrows in their hands. They all come against us at once, then Heaven opened and I saw a pure white arrow! Just that one arrow came down and it destroyed all the arrows of the demons.

I want to tell you, there is power in the name of Lord Jesus Christ; by His Name every knee shall bow. [Philippians 2:9-11]. [Mark 16:17-19], [John 14:14], [John 16:23]. There is power in the name of Lord Jesus Christ, call it out with faith and the demons will flee from you; but when you call the name of Lord Jesus Christ without repentance you are in danger.


The Lord Jesus Christ took me to a big hall in Hell. I saw all the demons chained down and on seats. The Lord Jesus Christ told me they were the fallen Angels, so I asked the reason why they were chained down. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THEY ARE VERY POWERFUL AND IF THEY WERE RELEASED, THEY WOULD CAST MORE SOULS INTO HELL, THEY ARE VERY POWERFUL.”  Then the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THEY WILL BE RELEASED AFTER THE RAPTURE TO TROUBLE THE EARTH AND PERSECUTE THE PEOPLE FOR THE MARK OF THE BEAST.” [2 Peter 2:4] One of them, called my name, and said, “Senayon, the Lord has shown you a good testimony, but if I meet you on Earth, I will kill you.”

When we left the place and on our way, I noticed that something was holding onto my cloth. When I looked back, I saw it was a demon, and he came out from underneath. Because of the light of Lord Jesus Christ, it could not come near me. Then the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “HE IS THE HIGH PRIEST OF THE DEVIL [Beelzebub] [Matthew 12:24]. The demon said to me, “We will not allow you to share the testimony and you will not reveal our secret, we will kill you.” Then the Lord Jesus Christ told me “COMMAND HIM!” So I commanded him in the Name of Jesus to fall down- just then a great wind beat him down and he returned to his place. The Lord Jesus Christ also showed me the spirit of stubbornness, and how it sent evil weapons, but the Lord Jesus Christ send it back many fold more, and it ran away. [Psalm 91:1]. As long as the Lord Jesus Christ held my hand, His presence cast away my fear, and there was not a sorrow about what I saw.


I saw a lady afar off in Hell fire, the demons were tormenting her [Nahum 2:10]. She cried as she was looking at me and I asked the Lord Jesus Christ, “Who is she?” The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “IT IS RUTH, YOUR AUNTY” [My parents’ first born]. She had died many years ago, what a great sorrow. She was there because she did not know the Lord Jesus Christ. I was not happy and I was thinking if I too would not make it to Heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ knew my thoughts and told me, “I AM YOUR LIFE.”  I want Him to promise me that I will not end up in Hell and He said, “IF YOU KNOW MY NAME!” He always tells me “FEAR NOT, FOR I AM YOUR LIFE!


The Lord Jesus Christ told me that the target of Devil (Satan) is the prayer life of a man. Once your prayer life is captured, then your decision for God will be captured. The person will also fall victim when the fasting life of the man is captured. You must master and guide your prayer life. When a person’s prayers are affecting the kingdom of darkness, the Devil will try to find ways to quench the power so its fire might weaken and die. [1 Peter 5:8]. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “LOOK AT THE MAN THAT THE DEMONS TORMENT WITH ANGER.” The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “WHEN HE WAS ON EARTH THERE WAS ALWAYS CONFUSION IN THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS WHEN THIS MAN PRAYED, AND I LOVED IT….HIS PRAYERS WOULD THWART AND DESTROY THE DEVIL’S PLANS.”

The Devil and his agents began to target the prayer life of this man. They captured the man through the bitterness in his heart over one brother in the church. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “I WARNED HIM, BUT HE REFUSED TO LISTEN TO ME.”  The man had an accident and he died, [Matthew 5:44] and now he is in Hell fire. There are many choir ministers that have bitterness in their heart against brothers in Christ. This is often because one is more talented than the other in one thing or another. People develop envy and pride because of this. They which do such things are in danger of Hell [Matthew 18:4].


The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THE PLAN OF GOD IS GREAT FOR MAN. WHENEVER GOD HAS A PLAN FOR A MAN’S LIFE, THE PLAN OF THE DEVIL IS TO DESTROY THE PROMISE AND PLAN OF GOD.” I asked Lord Jesus Christ, “Can the Devil destroy the promise and the plan of God for a man?” The Lord Jesus Christ said, “YES,” and He explained to me, “IN EVERY PLAN AND PROMISE OF GOD FOR A MAN, THERE IS ALWAYS A CONDITION, AND IN THAT CONDITION, THERE IS GRACE AND MERCY….THE GRACE IS FOR A CHANCE FOR RESTITUTION IF THE PERSON BREAKS ANY OF THE CONDITIONS, MERCY IS FOR THE PERSON TO BE FORGIVEN BY GOD.” The Devil will make sure you break the conditions. When God made a covenant with Abraham, the condition God gave him was to “WALK BEFORE ME AND BE THOU PERFECT.” [Genesis 17:1-7]. God has a plan for your life and the conditions are written in the scriptures [Galatians 5:19-21]. Not only that, but God Himself will tell you more! Do not lose the grace in the condition of God and His mercy will raise you up. [Psalm 91:11-12].


The Lord Jesus Christ showed me the broad road of Hell. There are many people on that road. Some look like Christians but they were going on the road leading to Hell. Some held hands, a husband holds the hand of the wife and a wife holds the hand of husband. Parents hold the hands of their children and some were going on their own. There was a very big load on the back of each person. The more Jesus looked at them, the more He was crying like a baby. The Lord Jesus Christ wept bitterly and He cried aloud like a woman in labor. Those of you who think you can just do as you like after you gave your life to Lord Jesus Christ, you are just deceiving yourself! Do not listen to the deception of the Devil, when you are born again, old things have passed away [2 Corinthians 5:17].


The Lord Jesus Christ then showed me the narrow road to Heaven. I saw people but they are not as many as on the broad road to Hell. On that narrow road to Heaven, I saw that some were moving forward, some were moving with joy, and some were dancing, praising God. [2 Corinthians 13:9], [2 Corinthians 12:9]. I then noticed that there are little and not-too-high hills on that road, and whenever anybody gets there, they will climb up it then get down to continue on their journey. I noticed some people had already crossed the hill but were coming back to the road. They were tired of moving forward. If you are that kind of Christian, you are tired of temptation, afflictions, poverty and many other things. You think the best solution is to quit serving the Lord Jesus Christ, so you stop that and go back because you feel you are just a man that escaped from a tiger and had fallen into the pit of a lion. The Lord Jesus Christ still wants you, but you must persevere. “We must pass through much tribulation to enter in to the Kingdom of God.” [Acts 14:22]. Return to Lord Jesus Christ and He will save you! Remember the torment of the backsliders in Hell fire [Jeremiah 3:21-22].

I saw some were standing, they are not moving, they are just standing there. If you are Christian and you are thinking of whether to continue serving the Lord Jesus Christ or not, you have to stop the evil thoughts and then move forward. The best choice is to continue moving, so pray for strength [Ephesians 6:18]. I then saw that some were crawling, they wished to continue on the way, but they were tired. If you are the kind of Christian that you fear your parents more than you fear the things of Lord Jesus Christ, you have to stop it. This is very dangerous and some of you think that your parents are persecuting you, making you to sin against God. You have to pray and say “No” to any decision that is against the will of God. The Lord Jesus Christ says, “FEAR NOT” [Matthew 10:28].

Pray for strength to stand up and begin to move forward because our God is powerful. Cry unto Him and He will listen to your request [Ephesians 6:14-18], [Jeremiah 33:3]. Lord Jesus Christ wept bitterly and I too was sorrowful — the Lord Jesus Christ told me “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU THAT YOU ARE SORROWFUL? IF YOU TRULY ARE SORROWFUL, THEN TELL THE PEOPLE WHAT YOU SAW. ” I then woke up!

Amazing Glorious Rapture Or Agonies Of Great Tribulation Period? Decide Wisely!

Amazing Glorious Rapture Or Agonies Of Great Tribulation Period? Decide Wisely!

Divine Revelation Of Imminent Glorious Rapture Event. Be Ready Always!

By Evangelist Sola Awolaja

Praise God. Hallelujah! By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, I want to share two true divine visions I had about the imminent glorious Rapture event. Glory to Lord Jesus Christ. This is a wake- up call to everybody worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Time is running out! Never give up your glorious Rapture blessed hope. Indeed, whether Rapture scoffers, lukewarm believers and unbelievers believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminent! It is true we can’t know the day or hour of glorious Rapture, but the warning signs of imminent glorious Rapture are now occurring regularly worldwide. We can’t deny this vital fact or pretend as if nothing is happening.

In my first vision, I was lying in bed, thinking about the imminent glorious Rapture and how amazing it will be. Suddenly and unexpectedly, my spiritual ears opened. I heard a very loud trumpet sound. “POOOOH!!!” The direction of the trumpet sound came from the sky above but it was very loud and powerful to the extent of being heard all over the world at the same time.

The glorious Rapture trumpet is a spiritual instrument that will be blown by one of God’s Arch-Angels. Therefore, you can’t hear the glorious Rapture trumpet sound with your physical ears. You can only hear the glorious Rapture trumpet sound with your spiritual ears which are opened by the power of the Holy Spirit due to the mercy of Lord Jesus Christ and your perpetual Rapture ready condition. The glorious Rapture trumpet sound will only be heard by Rapture ready born again Christians whose spiritual ears are already opened. Cold or lukewarm believers, Rapture scoffers and unbelievers will not hear this glorious Rapture trumpet sound due to their blocked spiritual ears. This means that they will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day unless they repent quickly before it is too late.

In my vision, immediately I heard the loud glorious Rapture trumpet sound, my body began to vibrate powerfully and uncontrollably. I was vibrating powerfully like a large space rocket about to take off from the space rocket launching pad. I noticed that I had become transformed gloriously within a twinkle of an eye. I had a strong feeling that I am about to be launched powerfully into the sky and I thought that the glorious Rapture we have been anticipating for a long time had occurred at last. Suddenly, I felt myself being propelled powerfully into the sky faster than the speed of light and I woke up!

When I woke up from the vision, my heart was beating loudly and very fast. I really thought the glorious Rapture had taken place during that true divine vision. However, it was just a divine warning from Lord Jesus Christ to me and everybody worldwide to always be ready for the imminent glorious Rapture because it will happen suddenly when we are not expecting it.

In my second vision, I was suspended mid-air so that I can observe what is taking place on Earth below and in the sky above. From my vantage position, I could look down at the world below and also look up at the sky above. When I looked down, I saw people very busy with different activities. They were so attached to worldly mundane things they are doing that they did not give any attention to what is about to take place in the sky above. Suddenly, there was total darkness all over the Earth. Later, when the total darkness cleared, I was surprised when I noticed that people were still very busy with different activities and highly indifferent to what is about to take place in the sky above.

I was still suspended mid-air and from my vantage position, I looked up into the sky above. Suddenly, I saw the glorious appearance of Lord Jesus Christ in the sky with the Heavenly Angels. Then, I saw gloriously transformed Rapture ready born again Christians ascending from the Earth into the sky faster than the speed of light. The scene was very glorious and amazing. There were adults (men and women), teenagers, young children, and babies among the glorified Raptured Saints. However, the number of Raptured young children and babies outnumbered that of adults. The Raptured babies were foetus (unborn babies), crawling babies, and toddlers.

As born again parents, make sure you lead your children to Lord Jesus Christ very early and prepare them to be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. Don’t assume that they are still young and will decide for themselves when they grow old. Since you don’t know the day or hour of imminent glorious Rapture, it is better for you and your children to be ready always.

In my vision, after I observed the glorious Rapture amazing scene, the glorified Raptured Saints, Lord Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Angels ascended to Heaven. The next scene I saw in the vision was the appearance of the four Apocalyptic horse men (Revelation 6:1-8). This means that after the glorious Rapture, the worldwide 7 years Tribulation period will be the next agonizing event on Earth. After this last scene in my vision, I heard the voice of Lord Jesus Christ telling me to warn people on Earth below to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture because all the things I saw in the vision will become fulfilled at an unexpected time.

After the vital warning message from Lord Jesus Christ in my vision, I looked down at the Earth below and saw the people who are still so attached to worldly mundane things they are doing that they did not give any attention to what will take place in the sky above at an unexpected time. Suddenly, my voice became very loud in my vision and could be heard by everybody on Earth below.

I shouted very loudly: “Wake up people! Look up! Wake up from your lukewarm, spiritual slumber! Repent! Repent before it is too late! Time is running out! Whether you believe it or not, Glorious Rapture is imminent! Be ready always! Don’t be left behind due to your unbelieving and lukewarm attitude! Lord Jesus Christ is warning you repeatedly to wake up and be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture! Accept the eternal salvation of Lord Jesus Christ before it is too late! Don’t delay till tomorrow! Today may be your last chance! Procrastination is dangerous! You have been warned! No more excuse for you!”

After my vital warning to the people on Earth below in my vision, I woke up suddenly!  The vital warning message from the true divine vision is that we must be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Apart from being Rapture worthy, we must also watch for the glorious appearance of Lord Jesus Christ in the sky on imminent glorious Rapture day (2 Timothy 4:7-8). This is our blessed hope as active soul winners and dedicated Rapture watchers. We are not fanatical or alarmist. One blessed day, we will arrive in Heavenly New Jerusalem by God’s grace. Our Lord Jesus Christ is warning us repeatedly through numerous prophetic messages to be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. Be ready always! Don’t be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day! Remember this always! No more excuse for you. You have been warned! Maranatha.

Coordinating Scriptures:

1 Thessalonians 4:15-18: What we are teaching you now is the Lord’s teaching: we who are alive on the day the Lord comes will not go ahead of those who have died. There will be the shout of command, the archangel’s voice, the sound of God’s trumpet, and the Lord Himself (Lord Jesus Christ) will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. So then, encourage one another with these words.

1 Corinthians 15:51-53:  Listen to this secret truth: we shall not all die, but when the last trumpet sounds, we shall all be changed in an instant, as quickly as the blinking of an eye. For when the trumpet sounds, the dead will be raised, never to die again, and we shall all be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die.

Matthew 7:13 (KJV): Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matthew 24:36-39 (KJV): 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.

Matthew 24:37-44: When the Son of Man (Lord Jesus Christ) comes, it will be the same as the thing that happened during Noah’s time. In those days before the flood, people were eating and drinking. People were marrying and giving their children to be married. The people were still doing those things until the day Noah entered the boat. Those people knew nothing about what was happening. But then the flood came and all those people were destroyed. It will be the same when the Son of Man (Lord Jesus Christ) comes. Two men will be working together in the field. One man will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain with a mill. One woman will be taken and the other woman will be left. So always be ready. You don’t know the day your Lord (Lord Jesus Christ) will come….The Son of Man (Lord Jesus Christ) will come at a time when you don’t expect Him.

Luke 21:36 (KJV): Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the SON of Man (Lord Jesus Christ).

Romans 1:26-32: Even the women (Lesbians) pervert the natural use of their sex by unnatural acts. In the same way the men (Homosexual) give up natural sexual relations with women and burn with passion for each other. Men do shameful things with each other.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV): For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

1 Timothy 4:1: The Spirit (Holy) says clearly that some people will abandon the faith in later times; they will obey lying spirits and follow the teachings of demons.

2 Timothy 3:1-5: Remember that there will be difficult times in the last days. People will be selfish, greedy, boastful and conceited; they will be insulting, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful and irreligious; they will be unkind, merciless, slanderers, violent and fierce; they will hate the good; they will be treacherous, reckless and swollen with pride; they will love pleasure rather than God; they will hold to the outward form of our religion but reject its real power. Keep away from such people.

Revelation 19:8 (KJV): And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Glorified Raptured Saint Or Martyred Great Tribulation Saint? Decide Wisely!

Lord Jesus Christ will take “the bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians) to Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53). Antichrist will emerge after the imminent glorious Rapture. The satanic New World Order (NWO) is ready but it will manifest fully after the imminent glorious Rapture. The New World Order (NWO) is eager to commence its satanic global agenda but the Holy Spirit is still restraining this evil scheme (2 Thessalonians 2: 3-8). Holy Spirit will depart for Heaven with Raptured Saints on imminent glorious Rapture day. This will enable Antichrist, the False Prophet and the satanic New World Order (NWO) global elites to unleash their evil scheme on left behind cold or lukewarm believers and non-believers in Christ.

After the imminent glorious Rapture, Antichrist and the False Prophet will reveal to the world their true satanic agenda in conjunction with the powerful global elites in the New World Order (NWO). According to Revelation 13:1-2, Satan will give Antichrist his own power, throne and vast authority. Therefore, Antichrist will be a man highly possessed by Satan. This is why Antichrist will be very wicked, idolatrous, occultic, blasphemous, murderous, sexually immoral and power drunk.

According to Biblical prophecies, Antichrist will become very powerful globally after imminent glorious Rapture due to satanic empowerment. People will worship Satan through Antichrist because he will be a possessed Satanist (“Beast”). Antichrist will gather a huge following worldwide through satanic deception and also cause untold suffering in the world, especially for the left behind cold or lukewarm Christians. Antichrist will receive his power, throne and authority from Satan (Revelation 13:2). He will be a ruler, conqueror, guilty of terrible blasphemy against Almighty God, put himself above everything and everyone and also proclaim himself to be “God” (Revelation 6:2, 13:5; Daniel 11:37; 2 Thessalonians 2:4).

Antichrist will attack left behind cold or lukewarm Christians; kill millions of them for refusing to accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) and worship his image; have authority over the nations; demand that his image be worshipped by everybody and his code number will be “666” (Revelation 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 13:7-18). If you are not raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day, you may end up receiving Antichrist satanic mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) and worship him (Revelation 3:16-18). Accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ today! Tomorrow will be too late!

The False Prophet will make sure that everyone (deluded left behind people) worship Satan and his false “Messiah” (Antichrist). By using the supernatural powers Satan had given him, False Prophet will perform all sorts of deceptive miraculous signs (magical performance) to delude his gullible followers worldwide (Revelation13:13-14).

In order to enforce the satanic worship of Antichrist, False Prophet will construct a giant image (Idol or holographic image) of the false “Messiah” (Antichrist) that could actually speak (Revelation 13:14-15). His deluded left behind followers worldwide will be forced to worship this animated image of the Antichrist and those who refused to worship this satanic image will be killed horribly.

To ensure their strict devotion to Antichrist as well as loyalty to his false One-World Religion (Chrislam) and compliance with its satanic rituals, False Prophet will fix it so that deluded left behind people could not earn money or buy the things they need unless they take a mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) signifying their belief in the false “Messiah” (Antichrist). Refusing to receive the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be punishable by horrible torture and death by beheading or other horrible means (Revelation 13:16-18). From that period, following Lord Jesus Christ by left behind lukewarm believers will require great faith that will lead to martyrdom. Reign of terror (Hell on Earth) will be unleashed during this Great Tribulation period.


“The beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) placed on their right hands or their foreheads. No one could buy or sell without having this mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666), that is the Beast’s (Antichrist) name or the number that stands for the name. This calls for wisdom. Whoever is intelligent can work out the meaning of the number of the beast (Antichrist), because the number stands for a human name. Its (Antichrist) number is 666.” (Revelation 13:16-18).

Wicked demons from the satanic kingdom will invade the Earth massively after the imminent glorious Rapture. During the Great Tribulation period, these wicked demons will try to enforce on left behind people their own version of the mark of the Beast (666). Even if you try to evade the compulsory “666” micro-chipping (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) mandated by Antichrist and False Prophet, the wicked demons will attempt to brand your forehead or right hand with the satanic “666” mark of the Beast. Once you are branded by the wicked demons with the satanic “666” mark of the Beast, you are doomed forever! That means you belong to Satan, forever separated from God.

If you are not raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day, you must be ready to die as a martyr during the Great Tribulation period if you want to come to Heaven (Revelation 6:9-11). Indeed, you must be ready to die as a martyr rather than accepting the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) or the satanic “666” branding on your forehead or right hand. You will make Heaven as a Great Tribulation Saint if you prefer to be martyred. If you are micro-chipped (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) or branded with the satanic “666” mark of the Beast, you are Hell-bound for eternity (Revelation 14:9-11). On the Great White Throne Judgment day, you will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). Remember this vital fact always. You have been warned!

Can you hide in the Amazon jungle during the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period? Can you survive in a cave without food and water for 7 years? Can you cope with mosquito bites, scorpion attacks, snake bites and attacks from wild animals while hiding in forest or caves during the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period? It is better for you to be perpetually ready for the imminent glorious Rapture. Wake up from your spiritual slumber! Stop your Rapture scoffing! Stop mocking dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners. Repent from your cold or lukewarm attitude now! Don’t be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day.

Presently, are you still an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner? It is better to accept Lord Jesus Christ now as your Lord and personal Savior before it is too late. Glorious Rapture is imminent! Don’t wait until Great Tribulation period before accepting the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. After the imminent glorious Rapture, the only way you can make Heaven is through painful martyrdom. You will have to die for your faith in Lord Jesus Christ. Antichrist will torture and kill you if you refused to worship him as “God” or accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in your right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:14-18).

If you worship Antichrist and accept his mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in your right hand or forehead, you will end up in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 14:9-11). No more excuse for you. Your scoffing is futile! Accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! Don’t procrastinate! Tomorrow will be too late! Be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. Death can come unexpectedly! Avoid Eternal burning Hell fire! Heaven is your best choice! Make the right decision now! Don’t be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day due to your unbelieving and sinful condition. Remember this vital fact always! You have been warned!

Are You A Rapture Watcher Or Soccer Idolater?

Soccer is a game being played on the football field or through game play station. Soccer can become a sin if it is your idol or you are idolizing soccer stars or you are betting (gambling) on soccer matches habitually. If you love soccer more than Lord Jesus Christ, you are an idolater. As a Christian, if you are always thinking of your soccer stars or favorite clubs or betting (gambling) always about soccer matches, you are a lukewarm Christian.

Sports’ betting is very addictive. As a lukewarm Christian, you are in love with the world and not ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. Repent from this sin (soccer idolatry) if you want to be among the raptured saints on imminent glorious Rapture day. Don’t be left behind! Love Lord Jesus Christ more than soccer and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. Lord Jesus Christ will appear suddenly in the sky for imminent glorious Rapture on the day you are not expecting Him. You can’t know the day or hour of imminent glorious Rapture. Therefore, as a dedicated Rapture watcher, you must be perpetually ready for imminent glorious Rapture.

Glorious Rapture: Scary Or Blessed Hope?

Ideally, we may think that all Christians are eager for the imminent glorious Rapture. Although many professing Christians would most likely not admit it. However, there are some cold or lukewarm Christians who are not eager for the imminent glorious Rapture. Some lukewarm Christians did not want Lord Jesus Christ to return in their life time while some want Him to delay His coming for the next 50 years or more inspite of numerous Rapture alert warnings from Lord Jesus Christ. Are they lukewarm Laodiceans?

Some lukewarm Christians are worldly and pleasure loving. They are scared of imminent glorious Rapture because they assume that the return of Lord Jesus Christ will affect their earthly programs and daily activities. They are so much in love with the world. They want to enjoy continuously and actualize all their earthly aspirations until grand old age. According to Apostle Paul, “while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5:6). If we are too materialistic, not keen about soul winning, if our heart and homes are not in Heaven, we will not be very eager for the imminent glorious Rapture. If you are a true born again Christian, you have nothing to fear presently. We are still in the grace period, not the Great Tribulation period. Glorious Rapture has not taken place yet. Mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will only be enforced worldwide during the Great Tribulation period by Antichrist after the imminent glorious Rapture (Revelation 13:16-18).

People must be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. Indeed, people worldwide must be perpetually prepared for the imminent glorious Rapture. Rapture is an unpopular topic in lukewarm churches today and so many lukewarm Christians/Pastors and unbelievers care less about it because it is not as enticing and motivating as prosperity, breakthrough, new things, favors, blessing and earthly success. However, glorious Rapture is a daily expectation and thought of the wise Christians while prosperity and earthly blessings are the only major focus for the lukewarm Christians/Pastors and unbelievers. Prosperity and earthly blessings are essential but we must also be Heavenly minded and always ready for the glorious Rapture which is an imminent prophetic event (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53).

Apart from thinking, waiting, preparing or expecting prosperity, miracle or anything else, you must also be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. The reason is because only those who earnestly, eagerly wait and prepare for His (Lord Jesus Christ) appearance more than anything else will eventually become raptured, just like the Biblical 5 wise virgins (Rapture-ready born again Christians). The 5 foolish virgins (lukewarm believers) were left behind due to their lukewarm, spiritual attitude. Read Matthew 25 for the full parable of the 10 virgins who were awaiting the coming of the “bride-groom” (Lord Jesus Christ).

As a Rapture scoffer, cold/lukewarm believer or unbeliever, you can’t stop glorious Rapture or wish it never occur in your life time due to your worldly attachment. It is either you are raptured or left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. As an active soul winner and dedicated Rapture watcher, you will become raptured by God’s grace.

You must assume that any day can be the anticipated glorious Rapture day. You must have daily anticipation about the imminent glorious Rapture. That will enable you to be perpetually ready for imminent glorious Rapture by God’s grace. If you continue in your spiritual lukewarmness or coldness, you may end up being left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day by Lord Jesus Christ. However, if you are left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day, don’t worship Antichrist as “God” neither bow to his image and don’t accept the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in your right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:14-18). If you worshipped Antichrist as “God” or bowed to his image and get chipped, you are eternally Hell bound (Revelation 14:9-11). Remember this vital fact always. No more excuse for you! You have been warned!

According to many divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, many people worldwide will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day due to their lukewarm, sinful condition and not being ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. Therefore, we should try to increase the number of people worldwide who will become raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must urgently create continuous awareness about the imminent glorious Rapture both online and offline. Don’t be ashamed to be an active soul winner and dedicated Rapture watcher. We must urgently intensify our soul winning efforts both online and offline. Make sure you utilize your time, talents and God given resources to Evangelize zealously and win many souls for Lord Jesus Christ in this grace period while awaiting the imminent glorious Rapture.

As active soul winners and dedicated Rapture watchers, our glorious Rapture blessed hope is a reality by God’s grace. Active soul winners worldwide, continue your soul winning efforts. Don’t give up! Many lost souls are perishing daily in eternal burning Hell fire. Let us continuously populate the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ with numerous souls. As an active soul winner for our Lord Jesus Christ, your eternal Heavenly rewards and Heavenly treasures are awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. As active soul winners, we will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

Presently, daily News report on both online/offline media worldwide is scary and depressing. Satan and his demonic agents are on rampage worldwide. Our Lord Jesus Christ is warning us repeatedly through numerous prophetic messages to be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We must not be afraid of the imminent glorious Rapture or become Rapture-phobic. We must be ready always. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope as dedicated Rapture watchers and born again Christians.

The warning signs of imminent glorious Rapture are now occurring worldwide. You are aware of these regular warning signs of imminent glorious Rapture in the sky and in every part of the Earth. We can’t bury our heads in the sand like an Ostrich, pretending as if nothing is happening. It is Rapture scoffers, cold/lukewarm believers as well as unbelievers who are always opposing dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners. It is because they are so much in love with the world. Be perpetually ready for imminent glorious Rapture. Glorious Rapture is a true blessed hope of dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners worldwide.

Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Yes! The True Blessed Hope Of Dedicated Rapture Watchers.

The “Church age” will come to a distinct end on imminent glorious Rapture day and will be followed by the “day of God’s wrath” (the unfulfilled worldwide Tribulation period of 7 years – Daniel 9:27). Rapture ready born again Christians (“the bride of Christ”) will not go through the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period because it is not for us due to the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and His reliable assurance in Revelation 3:10.

“Because you have kept My command to endure, I (Lord Jesus Christ) will also keep you safe from the time of trouble (the worldwide Tribulation period of 7 years) which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

Lord Jesus Christ will deliver us on imminent glorious Rapture day from the wrath that is coming to the Earth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. “The bride of Christ” is not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) but to salvation or deliverance. “For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). Lord Jesus Christ alluded to our merciful escape from the coming day of wrath that shall try the whole Earth. “Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36).

The 7 years worldwide Tribulation period is not for “the bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians). Instead, it is for Israel to fulfill Biblical prophecy and for the Gentiles (unbelievers) to be punished if they refuse to repent and accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To understand end times prophecy, you must distinguish between the “Church,” Israel and the Gentiles. The “Church” is really made up of both believing Jews and converted Gentiles who have spiritually experienced the “born again” (John 3:3-16) relationship with Lord Jesus Christ by faith. They have entered into the kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ spiritually by faith, awaiting the day when they will enter His physical kingdom by His glory and power at His glorious second coming to Earth. They are not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) which is really for unbelieving Jews and rebellious Gentiles.

The glorious Rapture will be sudden and unexpected! Rapture ready born again Christians are looking for Lord Jesus Christ and perpetually ready for His glorious appearance in the sky on imminent glorious Rapture day. They are spiritually prepared for Lord Jesus Christ like an expectant “bride” awaiting the coming of her ‘Groom” (Lord Jesus Christ). “The bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians) is perpetually ready for the imminent glorious Rapture. However, cold/lukewarm Christians who live worldly, carnal lives show by their deeds that they have little or no anticipation for the glorious appearance of Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day. Some of them did not want Lord Jesus Christ to come in their life time while some want Lord Jesus Christ to delay His coming perpetually. They will regret their actions when they are left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day and experience the agonies of the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27).

Deliverance of “the bride of Christ” from the world’s greatest period of wrath (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) is a gift of Lord Jesus Christ for His devoted Rapture ready born again Christians. Lord Jesus Christ loves us because He is our anticipated “Groom.” Therefore, it is like the perfect “Groom” (Lord Jesus Christ) to manifest His love by rapturing His devoted “bride” (Rapture ready born again Christians) before the period of wrath just because He loves her (Revelation 3:10). The present distress, economic challenges, violent militancy, calamities and violent Islamic terrorism (ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda, etc.) being experienced in some countries are “birth pains” prior to our merciful deliverance on imminent glorious Rapture day. We must not give up our faith in Lord Jesus Christ. The love of Lord Jesus Christ for “the bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians) is sufficient to sustain our “blessed hope” of being raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day.

As a redeemed follower of Lord Jesus Christ, you are a citizen of a Heavenly city. This glorious golden city is more dazzling and beautiful than anyone on Earth has ever seen (Revelation 21-22). As active soul winners and dedicated Rapture watchers, we are waiting for our glorious entry on imminent glorious Rapture day into Heavenly New Jerusalem with hopeful anticipation. Apostle Paul assured us that our grand entry into Heavenly New Jerusalem will happen on glorious Rapture day at Christ’s coming for us in the air. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). On imminent glorious Rapture day, you will pass through a glorious pearly gate and enter Heavenly New Jerusalem. You will gaze in wonder when you see your image on the transparent golden streets of Heavenly New Jerusalem. You will eat fruits from the Tree of life and drink from the crystal River of life. You will dwell in your Heavenly glorious mansion. Indeed, our glorious Rapture flight is imminent.

As active soul winners and dedicated Rapture watchers, we must urgently create continuous awareness about the imminent glorious Rapture both online and offline. Don’t be ashamed to be an active soul winner and dedicated Rapture watcher. We must urgently intensify our soul winning efforts. As an active soul winner and dedicated Rapture watcher, if you become raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day, you will leave behind on Earth your cheque book, credit cards, debit cards, cash deposits in banks and money wallet. You will leave behind on Earth your sophisticated Note-book, laptop PC or desktop PC, any brand of Smart-phone you are using, iPhone, iPad, Tablet, Phablet or ordinary mobile phone. Also, you will leave behind on Earth your properties, cars, houses, clothes, bags, shoes, jewellery, companies and other worldly acquisitions. You will not take to Heaven on glorious Rapture day anything you have acquired on this sinful Earth. You will only ascend to Heaven on glorious Rapture day as a glorified Saint in your glorious white garment of righteousness (Revelation 19: 8, 14). Therefore, make sure you utilize your divine calling, time, talents and God given resources to Evangelize zealously and win many souls for Lord Jesus Christ in this grace period while awaiting the imminent glorious Rapture.

As a Rapture scoffer, cold/lukewarm believer or unbeliever, if you are left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day, you will read “Breaking News” about glorious Rapture either on your Television, desktop PC, laptop PC, iPhone, iPad, Android Smart phone, BlackBerry Smart phone, Tablet, Phablet or normal mobile phone. This is not a fairy tale. Pre-Tribulation Rapture doctrine (Revelation 3:10) is a Biblical reality. This is the blessed hope of active soul winners and dedicated Rapture watchers worldwide. Whether Rapture scoffers, cold/lukewarm believers and unbelievers believe it or not, glorious Rapture is an imminent reality. Therefore, be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. Lord Jesus Christ gave us the Pre-Tribulation Rapture assurance in Revelation 3:10. Are you an active soul winner and dedicated Rapture watcher? Don’t give up!

Mid/Post-Tribulation Rapture doctrines are highly deceptive. If you believe in Mid/Post-Tribulation Rapture doctrines, you will not be watching for the sudden appearance of Lord Jesus Christ in the sky on imminent glorious Rapture day (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53). Presently, since you are always expecting to go through either 3 and half years Tribulation period or the full 7 years Tribulation period, you will become a Rapture scoffer and lukewarm believer. The vital reality you must always remember if you are left behind is that after the imminent glorious Rapture, the only way you can make Heaven is through painful martyrdom. You will have to die for your faith in Lord Jesus Christ.

Antichrist will torture and kill you if you refused to worship him as “God” or accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in your right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:14-18). If you worship Antichrist and accept his mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in your right hand or forehead, you will end up in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 14:9-11). No more excuse for you. Your regular scoffing about imminent glorious Rapture is futile! Avoid Eternal burning Hell fire! Heaven is your best choice! Make the right decision now! Don’t be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day due to your Rapture scoffing and lukewarm condition. Remember this vital fact always! Repent before it is too late! You have been warned!

Dedicated Rapture watchers worldwide have been waiting for over 2,000 years for the glorious Rapture. It is obvious that glorious Rapture is overdue. Lord Jesus Christ has delayed glorious Rapture several times due to His great mercy to save more sinners and increase the number of people who will become raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day. Therefore, remain as an active soul winner and prepare always for imminent glorious Rapture.

Glorious Rapture is a suspense filled prophetic event. However, don’t worry or be too anxious. Our Lord Jesus Christ will not inform us whether we will be among the Raptured Saints or not. He expects us to be perpetually prepared and ready for imminent glorious Rapture. He will reward us with the crown of righteousness if we remain as dedicated Rapture watchers till He appears in the sky suddenly on imminent glorious Rapture day (2 Timothy 4:7-8). Therefore, we should have strong faith in Lord Jesus Christ and trust Him to pilot us safely to Heaven on imminent glorious Rapture day. The way to Heaven is very narrow but with Lord Jesus Christ leading us, we will enter Heaven by His grace. The grace of Lord Jesus Christ is more than sufficient. We should repent always from any hidden or known sin committed and ask God to forgive us in Jesus name. We should remain as dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners for Lord Jesus Christ. The great mercy of Lord Jesus Christ will usher us into Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day by His grace.

As an active soul winner and dedicated Rapture watcher, don’t relent in your selfless labor for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your glorious crowns are awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. As committed born again Christians and dedicated Rapture watchers, we will never be ashamed of our Lord Jesus Christ. We will remain dedicated in our Evangelism online and offline. We are committed soul winners for our Lord Jesus Christ online and offline. We will continue to warn people worldwide to be perpetually ready for the imminent glorious Rapture. We will also continue to warn unbelievers worldwide to accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ before it is too late. Rapture scoffers can’t discourage us. Our blessed Rapture hope is a reality by the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are eternal citizens of Heavenly New Jerusalem by God’s grace. We will walk on the golden streets of Heavenly New Jerusalem by God’s grace. We will dwell in our glorious Heavenly mansions forever by God’s grace.

After the imminent glorious Rapture, there will be the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period. Indeed, glorious Rapture is not a science fiction! It is a reality! The glorious Rapture is a blessed hope of all dedicated Rapture watchers worldwide. Whether you believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminent! The glorious Rapture trumpet can sound anytime! It will be suddenly and unexpectedly! Only those who are perpetually ready for imminent glorious Rapture will hear the glorious Rapture trumpet sound, become transformed gloriously and caught up into the sky for the glorious trip to Heavenly New Jerusalem with Lord Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Angels. You will be left behind by Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day if you are a cold or lukewarm Christian, Satanist, Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker, New Ager, Occultist, Muslim, Idolater, unrepentant sinner and unbeliever. Accept the eternal salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Procrastination is dangerous!

There will be 7 years worldwide Tribulation period after imminent glorious Rapture (Daniel 9:27, Revelation 6-16). Therefore, we must be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. All left behind people (cold/lukewarm believers and unbelievers) must be ready to die as martyrs if they want to go to Heaven as Great Tribulation Saints (Revelation 7:9-17). Left behind unbelievers must first accept Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior if they want to make Heaven after martyrdom. Indeed, martyred unbelievers will go straight to eternal burning Hell fire and then cast into eternal lake of fire and sulphur on Great White Throne Judgment day (Revelation 20:11-15; 21:8). Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 3:16; 14:6). You have been warned! Stop your argument now! No more excuse for you if you died as an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner. Accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now before it is too late!

Left behind people (cold/lukewarm believers and unbelievers) must not accept the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) in their right hands or foreheads. They must not worship Antichrist and his image. They will be tortured horribly and then beheaded due to their non-conformist attitude. Left behind people (cold/lukewarm believers and unbelievers) who willingly worship Antichrist and his image and also accept his mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) in their right hands or foreheads will end up in the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 14:9-11).

Lord Jesus Christ will spit cold/lukewarm Christians out of His mouth (Revelation 3:14-22). Indeed, cold or lukewarm Christians, Rapture scoffers and unbelievers will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. Therefore, be hot and zealous for Lord Jesus Christ henceforth. Wake up from spiritual slumber! “I-don’t-care” attitude should stop now! Attachment to mundane, worldly things should stop now! Don’t love the world too much like unbelievers. Always be Heavenly minded. Live everyday from now as if it may be your last day on Earth. Have daily Rapture expectation. This will enable you to be perpetually ready for imminent glorious Rapture. You can’t know glorious Rapture day or hour but it is now upon us! It will happen when you are not expecting it. Suddenly and unexpectedly! Scoffing about glorious Rapture or mocking dedicated Rapture watchers is not a good attitude. Stop your scoffing! Whether you believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminent! Be ready always!

One-World Government: Antichrist And The New World Order (NWO) Global Agenda.

The Bible prophesied the end time activities of two prominent men (Antichrist and False Prophet) after the imminent glorious Rapture. Read Revelation 13:1-18 to know their end time assignments during the Great Tribulation period. Antichrist and False Prophet are referred to as “Beasts” due to their wicked and satanic dispositions. They will be supernaturally empowered by Satan who will endow them with supernatural powers and vast authority to dominate the whole world during the Great Tribulation period after imminent glorious Rapture. Due to this satanic empowerment, numerous left behind unbelievers worldwide will follow and worship Antichrist as “God” (Revelation 13:1-4). Antichrist will proclaim himself as “God” and “Savior” of mankind (Revelation 13:5-6). He will be very blasphemous and supported actively by his evil partner known as False Prophet.

The first “Beast” (Antichrist) pictured in Revelation 13:1-10 will be the head of the coming “One-World Government” because he so definitely takes on the functions of a powerful and highly influential person. He will be joined by the second “Beast” (False Prophet) who is also a powerful and highly influential person (Revelation 13:11-15). The two of them will operate during all 7 years of the worldwide Tribulation period. During the last half of the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (3 and half years or 42 months), Antichrist will have almost total control of the left behind people living on the Earth at that time through satanic empowerment.

“The dragon (Satan) gave the beast (Antichrist) his own power, his throne and his vast authority… The whole earth was amazed and followed the beast (Antichrist). Everyone worshipped the dragon (Satan) because he had given his authority to the beast (Antichrist). They worshipped the beast (Antichrist) also, saying: Who is like the beast (Antichrist)? Who can fight against it (Antichrist)? (Revelation 13:2-4).

Whenever the Bible uses a “beast” symbolically, it always means government. An example is found in the prophecy of Daniel chapters 7 and 8. Many evil governments are repressive and persecute the common people. These wicked governments usually hate God (anti-Christ) and try to keep the people from worshipping God. The old Roman “Caesars” and the past Communist dictators are obvious examples of this. The blasphemous “Beast” (Antichrist) in Revelation 13:1-10 will be the “Ruler” of the coming “One-World Government” after the imminent glorious Rapture.

“Then I saw a beast (Antichrist) coming up out of the sea. It (Antichrist) had ten horns and seven heads; on each of its horns there was a crown and on each of its heads there was a name that was insulting to God. The beast looked like a leopard with feet like a bear’s feet and a mouth like a lion’s mouth…The beast (Antichrist) was allowed to make proud claims (“I am God”) which were insulting (blasphemous) to God and it was permitted to have authority for forty-two months (3 and half years). It (Antichrist) began to curse God, His name, the place where He lives (Heavenly New Jerusalem) and all those who live in heaven (Heavenly New Jerusalem). It (Antichrist) was allowed to fight against God’s people (left behind lukewarm believers) and to defeat them and it (Antichrist) was given authority over every tribe, nation, language and race. All people (left behind cold/lukewarm believers and unbelievers) living on earth will worship it (Antichrist), except those whose names were written before the creation of the world in the book of life which belongs to the Lamb (Lord Jesus Christ) that was killed.” (Revelation 13:1-8).

Whenever a wicked political leader tries to exterminate true religion or true worship of God, he must use the services of a false religious leader. The Antichrist will not be different. His false religious leader (False Prophet) will look “like a lamb” and speak “like a dragon. The Antichrist will rule the world during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period with the “False Prophet” as his satanic religious leader.

“Then I saw another beast (False Prophet), which came up out of the earth. It (False Prophet) had two horns like a lamb’s horns and it (False Prophet) spoke like a dragon. It (False Prophet) used the vast authority of the first beast (Antichrist) in its presence. It (False Prophet) forced the earth and all (left behind cold/lukewarm believers and unbelievers) who live on it to worship the first beast (Antichrist)…This second beast (False Prophet) performed great miracles (deceptive magic); it (False Prophet) made fire come down out of heaven to earth in the sight of everyone. And it (False Prophet) deceived all the people (left behind cold/lukewarm believers and unbelievers) living on earth by means of the miracles (deceptive magic) which it (False Prophet) was allowed to perform in the presence of the first beast (Antichrist). The beast (False Prophet) told them to build an image (Idol or holographic image) in honor of the beast (Antichrist)…The second beast (False Prophet) was allowed to breathe life (Animation) into the image (Idol or holographic image) of the first beast (Antichrist), so that the image (Idol or holographic image) could talk and put to death all those who would not worship it.” (Revelation 13:11-15).

It is Satan known as the “Dragon” who will empower “Antichrist” and “False Prophet” to deceive left behind people (unbelievers) of Earth and mobilize them to rebel against Almighty God (Jehovah) and true Savior of mankind (Lord Jesus Christ). During the Great Tribulation period, Antichrist will hate left behind lukewarm believers who are now zealous for Lord Jesus Christ. Antichrist will seek to destroy them completely (Revelation 13:7-8).

Antichrist will be a great Politician (Political Leader), the smartest, most charismatic man the world has ever known. Initially, he will pretend as “Man of global peace. Satan will deceptively convince left behind unbelievers worldwide that Antichrist is the “Messiah” (Savior). Deluded left behind people (unbelievers) on Earth will devotedly worship Satan and his false “Messiah” (Antichrist). As the “man of sin” (2 Thessalonians 2:3), Antichrist will encourage left behind people (unbelievers) to be very rebellious against Almighty God and Lord Jesus Christ. Antichrist will openly encourage sexual immorality among rebellious left behind people (unbelievers) and also openly support depraved left behind people like Homosexuals, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Pedophiles, etc. Incest and bestiality will also be encouraged openly. Antichrist will always be daring Almighty God and Lord Jesus Christ through his devilish support for all forms of sinful attitudes. Through demonic possession, deluded left behind people (unbelievers) will remain rebellious and unrepentant throughout the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period.

After the glorious Rapture (disappearance of true believers from the Earth), God’s Word (Holy Bible) will be very scarce on Earth because it will be forbidden by Antichrist. Therefore, left behind unbelievers will be easily tricked by Antichrist and False Prophet. Satan will harden the hearts of left behind unbelievers against the truth, thus deluding them into believing satanic lies. They will be easily fooled by the satanic deception of the satanic trinity: Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet.

The satanic False Prophet will be a very prominent religious leader widely loved and admired worldwide due to his religious charisma and deceptive manipulations of gullible followers globally. The major job of the False Prophet will be to lead the world’s new false religion (Chrislam) after the imminent glorious Rapture. “Chrislam” is an anti-Christ religion that does not recognize Lord Jesus Christ as the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6). According to Chrislam anti-Christ doctrines, there are many “WAYS” to Heaven, Hell is not an eternal burning place, lake of fire does not exist, Holy Bible is not the Word of God and Lord Jesus Christ is not the Savior (Messiah) of the world. Chrislam believes in the false teachings of purgatory and reincarnation. Through “Chrislam” (One-World Religion), False Prophet will deceive his deluded left behind followers worldwide that Antichrist is the new “Messiah” (Savior) of the world (Revelation 13:11-12).

Chrislam (One-World Religion) will unite all false religions worldwide and also actively encourage Devil worship (Satanism). Chrislam will encourage left behind people (unbelievers) to remain very rebellious against Almighty God and Lord Jesus Christ. Through Chrislam, any rebellious left behind person (unbeliever) can remain as a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc.

The “bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians) should not be expecting the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period, although the Jewish people should. They have seven prophetic years (Daniel 9:27) still unfulfilled and these years will be fulfilled during that time of wrath called “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:3-11; Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 6-16). The unsaved Gentiles (unbelievers) should also expect that 7 years worldwide Tribulation period when the “New World Order” (NWO) for a “One-World Government” will come on the scene saying, “Let us give world peace a chance. All it would take is for a charismatic-type world figure (Antichrist) who has no place for God or His moral values to pull it all together through the United Nations Organization (UNO) and European Union (EU).

The prophecy of Daniel 9:27 indicated exactly what will start the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period when “he” (the Ruler that shall come) will have a firm agreement with many people for 7 years. This means that Antichrist will make a covenant (peace agreement) with Daniel’s people (Jews) for 7 years. Antichrist, the Ruler of the “One-World Government” after imminent glorious Rapture will initially pretend as man of global peace. By offering “peace” to the world, he will make a covenant (7 years peace agreement) with Israel. The Jewish people will have “peace” in the Holy Land (Jerusalem), rebuild their Temple and reinstate their religious sacrifices again for 3 and half years. However, in the middle of the 7 years or after 3 and half years has elapsed, he (Antichrist) will bring an end to Jewish sacrifices and offerings.

“That ruler (Antichrist) will have a firm agreement with many people for seven years and when half this time is past, he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings. The awful Horror (abominable object) will be placed on the highest point of the Temple and will remain there until the one who put it there meets the end which God has prepared for him.” (Daniel 9:27).

Antichrist will break his covenant (peace agreement) with the Jews in the middle of the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period and launch the greatest time of desolation in the history of the world (Revelation 11 and 13). The 7 years worldwide Tribulation period will begin by the signing of a peace agreement (covenant) between the coming “One-World Government” headed by Antichrist and the nations of the world, including Israel. However, when Antichrist gains total control after 3 and half years, he will break that covenant (peace agreement) and begins to persecute the nation of Israel horribly. The “man of sin” (Antichrist) will then reveal his true satanic agenda of being worshipped as “God.

The satanic civil government described in Revelation 13:1-18 will be under the total control of Antichrist and his New World Order (NWO) evil forces. During the Great Tribulation period, left behind lukewarm Christians who are now very zealous for Lord Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18).

There will be two kinds of people on the Earth during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period: those who will accept Lord Jesus Christ by faith in His blood shed on the cross for their sins and those who will reject Lord Jesus Christ and instead follow Antichrist. The deluded followers of Antichrist will end up killing those who believe and revere the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Presently, where do you stand? Have you ever personally invited Lord Jesus Christ to come into your life to forgive your sins and save your soul from eternal doom in eternal burning Hell fire? If so, when? If you have not done so or you are not sure you have, you must do so right now! Glorious Rapture is imminent! Do not delay your salvation till tomorrow! Glorious Rapture will take place suddenly when you are not expecting it. Don’t be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day! No more excuse for you. You have been warned!

Indeed, according to Revelation 6-16, after imminent glorious Rapture, this world will experience 7 years worldwide Tribulation period full of severe trials, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, wars, divine judgments, etc. Millions of left behind lukewarm believers will be martyred for their faith in Lord Jesus Christ by the satanic agents of Antichrist. Severe tribulation will be worldwide after Lord Jesus Christ removes Rapture ready born again Christians and the restraining power of the Holy Spirit (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12).

The revealing of Antichrist will spell trouble, terror and tragedy for the unbelievers and cold/lukewarm believers left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. The “man of sin” (Antichrist) prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 will achieve worldwide power by conning his deluded followers worldwide to follow him. He will pretend as if he can create an orderly society out of one that has been reeling in chaos. His False Prophet will work miraculous wonders by the power of Satan. Later, the benevolence of Antichrist will turn to malevolence. He will fiercely persecute and attempt to slaughter all who accept Lord Jesus Christ and would refuse his demand that he be worshipped as “God” (Revelation 6:9-11). Antichrist will conduct a reign of terror bringing death to multitudes, both Jews, left behind cold/lukewarm believers and Gentiles (unbelievers).

Antichrist will not be the only source of suffering during the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period. In addition, this terrible period will be marked by great calamity that will come as a result of God’s judgment and wrath (Joel 1:15, Revelation 11:18; 16:9). Amid this devastation will be the death of one quarter of the world’s population (Revelation 6:8), massive earthquakes (Isaiah 2:19), catastrophic fires (Isaiah 24:1-6) and sudden destruction (1 Thessalonians 5:3). The Earth will experience unparalleled trouble as God’s wrath is poured out on all left behind people (Isaiah 13:6-11). The unbelieving nations will not go unpunished by the hand of God. They will live to hate the day they cast their lot with God’s arch-enemy (Satan). For generations their leaders will have rejected God and mocked the Lord Jesus Christ. A just punishment will befall them during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. Two sections of the New Testament describe the events of these 7 years worldwide Tribulation period. Read Matthew 24 and Revelation 6-16. These prophetic details indicate how left behind people worldwide will suffer during this frightening time.

The suffering and death that will fall on the rebellious nations during the Great Tribulation period will be horrible. Millions upon millions of rebellious people worldwide will die in the terrible outpouring of God’s wrath. However, due to demonic possession, the majority of rebellious people who are still alive will not repent. “…and people bit their tongues because of their pains, and they cursed the God of heaven for their pains and sores. But they did not turn from their evil ways.” (Revelation 16:10-11).

During the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period, there will be a great multitude of Gentiles (unbelievers) who will repent from their sins and accept Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. They and the left behind lukewarm believers will come to Heaven as Great Tribulation Saints due to their martyrdom by Antichrist and his satanic agents worldwide. Apostle John refers to them as a great multitude which no one could number from every race, tribes, nations and languages (Revelation 7:9-17).

There are two purposes for the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period. The first will be the divine punishment of the rebellious nations and rebellious unbelievers worldwide. The second will be divine arrangement to bring Israel to the place where this Biblical nation can be restored to the position of spiritual favor she once held in God’s eyes. Israel will suffer intensely during the Great Tribulation period. This is the “time of Jacob’s trouble” prophesied by Prophet Jeremiah:

“Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.” (Jeremiah 30:7).

The Jews will be greatly hit by the terror of the Great Tribulation period. Prophet Zechariah prophesied that two-thirds of all Jews will die during this awful period (Zechariah 13:8-9) but the suffering will bring Israel to national repentance. The remnant will collectively accept Lord Jesus Christ as the true Messiah and sovereign King. Hallelujah!

Prophet Ezekiel prophesied Israel’s conversion: “I (Lord Jesus Christ) will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries and bring you into your land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes and you will keep My judgments and do them. Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people and I will be your God.” (Ezekiel 36:24-28).

Biblical descriptions of Israel’s restoration are also prophesied in Ezekiel 37 (the valley of dry bones) and Zechariah 12:10-11. “Then they (the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem) will look on Me (Lord Jesus Christ) whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son.” (Zechariah 12:10).

The spiritual restoration of Israel as a Messianic nation will take place at the return of Lord Jesus Christ to Earth at the end of the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Zechariah 14:3-5). When Lord Jesus Christ returns to rescue the Jews (Zechariah 14:3-5) from being annihilated by Antichrist, they will nationally accept Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Savior, even though individually a large number of Jews will already have been converted (Revelation 7:1-8). It will be wonderful that after hundreds of generations of hard-hearted disbelief, the people of Israel will finally trust in Lord Jesus Christ as their true Messiah. In terrible agony, inflicted by Antichrist, the Jews will turn in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ.

As the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period draws to a close, the Earth will be in turmoil. Millions of rebellious people will have died in wars and terrible natural disasters. Antichrist’s hatred of God will focus on the Jews as the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period begins to wind up. Opposed from the North and East (Daniel 11:44-45), Antichrist will march his armies into Palestine in preparation for a vast military showdown. Evil spirits will draw rebellious nations together for a final battle on the plains of Megiddo (Revelation 16:12-16). “Then the spirits (evil) brought the kings together in the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.” (Revelation 16:16).

The armies assembled in Palestine will be made up of satanic blood thirsty men who have resisted God throughout the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period. Both sides – Antichrist and his opponents – will hate the Jewish people. They will engage in a fierce battle at Armageddon. The fighting will reach Jerusalem and the Jews living there will suffer horribly (Zechariah 14:1-2). A sense of despair will sweep over the Jews as the armies of Antichrist attack them.

Suddenly, when all seems hopeless, the scene will change. Lord Jesus Christ will appear in all His glory and descend to the Mount of Olives. When His feet touch it, the mountain will split in half, forming a vast new valley stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea (Zechariah 14:3-9). The Jewish believers will be given superhuman strength to fight their enemies (Zechariah 12:6-9). God will send a plague on the enemy soldiers (Zechariah 14:12-15) and panic will grip the foreign troops, causing them to attack one another (Zechariah 14:13).

In Revelation 19:11-21, Apostle John provides us with a beautiful portrait of the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ to the Earth on His majestic white horse with the Heavenly Saints also on white horses. King Jesus Christ is depicted astride his royal white horse. His eyes blazing.

Antichrist will rally the armies of Earth to attack Lord Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Saints but they will be crushed in great defeat. Israel will be rescued and the rebellious armies of Antichrist will be totally slain. Antichrist and False Prophet will be thrown into the horrible lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 19:20).

Satan will be bound by a powerful Angel of God and confined in the fiery bottomless pit where he will remain for 1,000 years and later thrown into the horrible lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:1-10).

The victorious King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Lord Jesus Christ) will ascend His glorious throne in Jerusalem to rule the whole world in peace for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:4). King Jesus Christ will rule over the entire Earth in 1,000 years reign of peace, prosperity and righteousness, which we call the Millennial Reign of Christ (Revelation 20:4-6). Lord Jesus Christ will fulfill His prophesied rule (Luke 1:32-33). The Raptured and Resurrected Saints will reign with King Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:4-6). When King Jesus Christ rules in the Millennial kingdom, His love, justice, mercy, righteousness and peace will be found throughout the Earth. The people of the Millennial kingdom will reflect the characteristics of King Jesus Christ and during this golden age, the Earth will be what God intended it to be (Isaiah 2:4, 11:6-8, 30: 23-26, 35:5-6, 65:19-22; Micah 4:4; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Zechariah 8:4-5; Ezekiel 47:9-12).

Are You A Dedicated Rapture Watcher And Active Soul Winner? Don’t Give Up!

Satan and anti-Christ agents worldwide can’t suppress dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners. Also, Rapture scoffers and antagonists can’t discourage us. Their regular mockery of our blessed Rapture hope can’t stop our commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. We are on the winning side with our Lord Jesus Christ. We will become raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day by the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are eternal citizens of Heavenly New Jerusalem by God’s grace. Forever, we will walk joyfully on the transparent golden streets of Heavenly New Jerusalem, eat the delicious fruits of the Tree of life and drink the refreshing water of the crystal River of life (Revelation 21:9-27; 22:1-5). Our eternal joy as glorified Saints in Heavenly New Jerusalem is our eternal gift from our Lord Jesus Christ who paid the precious price on the Cross of Calvary over 2,000 years ago. Glory to our Immortal Redeemer, Lord Jesus Christ.

What Is Your Vital Decision? A Wrong Decision Is Dangerous! Decide Wisely!

Now, what is your vital choice? Raptured gloriously or left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day? Glorious Rapture or 7 years worldwide Tribulation period? Raptured in glory or Martyred in pain? Raptured Saint or Great Tribulation Saint? Dedicated follower of Lord Jesus Christ or deluded follower of Antichrist? Micro-chipped or Martyred? Eternal citizen of Heavenly New Jerusalem or doomed eternally in the eternal Lake of Fire and Sulphur? Your choice is very vital! Make the right decision now! Tomorrow will be too late! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6). Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Glorious Rapture is imminent! Be ready always!!

In this highly inspiring Evangelical post, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will share with you many urgent warning messages and divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ. This is to prepare us for the imminent glorious Rapture and to encourage us to continue with our active soul winning for our Lord Jesus Christ. After reading all these vital messages and divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, you must decide immediately whether you want to remain as a dedicated Rapture watcher or Rapture scoffer?  True born again Christian or an unbeliever? Active soul winner or lukewarm believer? Your choice is vital! Whether you believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminent! Whether you believe it or not, Heaven and Hell are real! Your scoffing is futile! Time is running out! Make the right decision! A wrong decision is dangerous! Decide wisely!

Divine Message From Lord Jesus Christ Given To Ted White.

Here are recent words I received from the LORD Jesus Christ that HE wants me to share, and I hope they provide some encouragement to everybody.

“I paid it All, yet most have turned against ME and don’t even acknowledge this ‘awesome’ gift.  Therefore the world is headed for destruction.  Destruction comes quickly now.  Abide in ME, talk to ME, be ever ready for my soon coming for MY perfect church.  MY bride will not experience the coming destruction, as she is not appointed for wrath, only the unspeakable beauty of MY heavenlies.

Abide in ME.  Let ME be your hands, feet, mouth, your mind.  Talk to ME all day, throughout the day, and listen to MY voice. Learn to do this.  You know MY voice – just trust completely that you will hear ME.”

LORD Jesus, what about a ‘to-do’ list, is this something desirable?

“Yes, but in the present time you need to make yourself always ready, always in communication with ME.  This is possible, and I will make it so. When you are fully surrendered to ME, you are in the center of MY will, so you are an extension of ME on Earth. Just trust that this will happen.  Remember, you are to have blind faith.

Don’t look back, nor be tempted to. Remember Lot’s wife! I am so ready for this battle [flesh versus. Spirit] to be over! Let’s work on this communication ‘talent’ and perfect it.  Talk to ME about every opportunity that comes up, every action, word, deed, and then thought must be from ME.  Going deeper means letting go – to ME.  Let ME take everything.  This is how I did it, this is how Paul did it, all of MY true servants on Earth, they ‘let go.’ The practical application of this is – practice staying close to ME and listening for ME.  You already do this but to do it all the time takes some practice, just like everything you want to perfect. MY coming is still moments away.  All world leaders have turned their backs to ME, and everything is happening now just as I said it would. “

Coordinating Scriptures:

Luke 21:36: Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?  Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 15:51-53:  Listen to this secret truth: we shall not all die, but when the last trumpet sounds, we shall all be changed in an instant, as quickly as the blinking of an eye. For when the trumpet sounds, the dead will be raised, never to die again, and we shall all be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die.

1 Thessalonians 4:15-18: What we are teaching you now is the Lord’s teaching: we who are alive on the day the Lord comes will not go ahead of those who have died. There will be the shout of command, the archangel’s voice, the sound of God’s trumpet, and the Lord Himself (Lord Jesus Christ) will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. So then, encourage one another with these words.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

1 Thessalonians 5:9: For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation 3:10: Because you have kept My command to endure, I (Lord Jesus Christ) will also keep you safe from the time of trouble (the worldwide Tribulation period of 7 years) which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth.


Words of the LORD:

“NO Man Knows the Hour”

Vital Words Received From Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis.

I am ready to give you a new letter.

Children, I, GOD have new Words to speak. MY time is coming: “MY TIME!” For I am in charge of ALL TIME. I am in charge of the hour I will return. You are not in charge of this knowledge…NO MAN KNOWS THE HOUR.

Children, there is a reason for this. You would not want for MY enemy to have this information. You would not want to have this information either. MY children, if you knew exactly the hour of MY coming you would all procrastinate in your coming to ME. You would put it off until the time of MY coming. You would not prepare your robes and make them clean. You would not be ready even if you knew the exact moment of MY coming. You would not run into MY Arms because the pull of the world would be too great.

You know it is the season. The season is all you need to know. That means now is the time to prepare. Already so many are on their way to Hell because they ignore MY warnings carefully placed in MY Word.

Children, you must sit up and pay attention. Who will prepare you if you do not make a FULL SURRENDER to ME? Only I can take you by the hand like a child and lead you. Only I can hold you up above the challenges that life brings. No one is exempt. All must choose. Everyone has a choice to make who is the age of accountability and able to choose.

You children need to take your focus off of the date of MY return. That is only for I to know and focus on ME, your GOD. Do not remove your gaze from ME. Put your energies in finding ME in intimacy and pursuing your lost brothers and sisters who are all around you. Too many will be left behindleft to terror, sadness, loss, and sudden destruction.

Children, seek ME. Now is the time to prepare, not later. Later will be too late. I am holding the door open. When I come through to take MY bride home, I will shut the door and no more will it be open. Pray that you be found worthy to escape.

I am coming very soon. Will I find you ready and waiting on ME?

Soon children. Be ready!

Your LORD Doth Cometh

Coordinating Scriptures:

Matthew 24:36-39 (KJV): 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Revelation 19:8 (KJV): And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Matthew 7:13 (KJV): Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV): For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Luke 21:36 (AKJV): Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the SON of man.



Vital Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To Mitchell Bertram

Father what is it that You wish to say?

“My Children, it is I your GOD.

I wish to tell you that My coming is NEAR. It is SOON. So soon that many will be caught off guard when it happens. My children are wrapped up in the cares of this life. They do not wish for ME to come. They cherish their lives over MY eternal plan. This is evil and detestable in MY sight. REPENT I say to you!

My children, awaken! For now is the time that your salvation draws nearer than when you first believed. Yes I tell you, MUCH nearer.

Listen My children, for My Arch-Angel Gabriel will soon sound his trumpet and I will come faster than the speed of light to come take you all away! Yes My children, listen for this is truth.

I wish for you all to be taken into MY Heavenlies but you will decide this for yourself. I cannot force you, for you have free-will that I have given you all.

My children, you MUST surrender your ALL to me. Yes, everything. You MUST come to ME with your everything and lay it at MY feet. Invite ME into your heart as your Lord and Savior, then I will reside in you through MY Holy Spirit. You will be MY temple. You must forgive ALL. You must repent of ALL. Yes, all that you are ashamed of. All that you wish not to speak of. All that you have regretted. I already know all of this and all that you have done and said. Oh how I wish for you to speak this to ME, children for it is humbling in MY sight. It is MY WILL for you to do this. All of you!

Come before ME, children and seek MY Kingdom first, not the things that follow. Seek ME and I shall bless you with what I wish. Yes Children, even after you have received what it is that I have given you, still you must seek ME.

I wish for you all to spend time with ME. Talk with ME, read with ME, think of ME, sing to ME, honor ME, and praise ME for I alone am worthy! I the Lamb (Lord Jesus Christ) who was slain for all, am worthy of all.

Children this is a dark hour that is only going to get darker. It has been spoken through this messenger that famines, pestilences and plagues, and animal die-offs shall increase. Lo, you have witnessed this come to pass and it shall continue to increase for I the LORD your GOD have spoken!

You will hear this message. Heed it, for I AM coming soon! Gloriously I shall come on the clouds. Yes men’s hearts shall fail them in fear. Many will say in that hour to the rocks above them, “fall on us and hide us from the one who sits on the right hand of GOD for the great and terrible day of HIS wrath has come!”

But I say to you, none is hidden from ME!

I come. Amen.”


Revelation 22:12King James Version (KJV)

12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

Luke 21:34King James Version (KJV)

34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and CARES OF THIS LIFE, and so that day come upon you unawares.

Romans 13:11King James Version (KJV)

11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

1 Corinthians 15:52 – In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Romans 12:1 – I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20King James Version (KJV)

19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Matthew 6:14-15King James Version (KJV)

14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 6:33King James Version (KJV)

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Revelation 5:12New King James Version (NKJV)

12 saying with a loud voice:

“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain

To receive power and riches and wisdom,

And strength and honor and glory and blessing!”

Revelation 1:7King James Version (KJV)

7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Revelation 6:14-17King James Version (KJV)

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Luke 8:17King James Version (KJV)

17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

Hebrews 4:13New King James Version (NKJV)

13 And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.


Divine Message From Lord Jesus Christ Given To Donna McDonald




N.B: Word of the LORD Jesus Christ to Donna McDonald

I received this Word right after awakening then followed with my normal Bible reading. I did not ask for the LORD Jesus Christ to give me a Word, the LORD Jesus spoke it to me. I came across the verse in my reading which tells us the LORD Jesus is coming like a thief meaning we don’t know when HE is coming so we must keep watch. If there was a hallmark event like the introduction of the worldwide mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666)  in order to buy and sell then the LORD Jesus could not come as a thief as all would be watching for the mark of the Beast to be internationally instituted. It is dangerous to think that there will be a hallmark event because then the people will be watching for this event instead of ‘pining’ for the LORD Jesus and pursuing HIM with all of their heart. The Bible also says the people will be buying and selling and marrying and giving in marriage when the LORD Jesus Christ returns for the glorious Rapture. This would not be true if the people could only buy and sell with the implantation of the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) because the entire world was in Tribulation also called the Great Tribulation. The world is seeing tribulation now in pockets and areas but not worldwide which would be the Great Tribulation.

Coordinating Scriptures:

Revelation 16:15 Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.”
Matthew. 24:36-42 But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Lord does come.


By Minister Curtis Roach

  1. It is going to be the next greatest event that will shock all the continents of the world.
  2. It is going to take place suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly, without warning and without prior notice.
  3. There shall be no second version of the glorious Rapture event.
  4. A greater percentage of Christians may be taken unawares.
  5. Careless Christians who miss the glorious Rapture event will have no other similar gracious opportunity.
  6. The glorious Rapture event shall have no regard or respect for ecclesiastical titles or church leadership positions.
  7. It shall be a day when the sheep shall be separated from the goats.
  8. The glorious Rapture day shall differentiate between the Broad Way Christians from the Narrow Way Christians.
  9. The glorious Rapture day shall separate sincerity from hypocrisy.
  10. The glorious Rapture day shall differentiate between those who harbor secret sins from those who abhor secret sins.
  11. The glorious Rapture day shall separate those whose lives are hidden in Christ from those who are hiding in the church.
  12. The glorious Rapture day shall show a glaring, clear, conspicuous, demarcation between Christians who walk on the path of holiness from those who walk on the path of worldliness.
  13. It shall be a day of double emotion: joy for some and unimaginable, indescribable, uncontrollable regrets for others.
  14. It shall be a day of surprises- some “Big names” may miss the glorious Rapture flight while some “Less known” may be on board.
  15. Another surprise may be that a man or woman who had faithfully served the Lord Jesus Christ for many years may defile his or her garment a few minutes before the sound of that summoning glorious Rapture trumpet and miss the glorious Rapture flight while a notorious sinner may surrender his or her life to Lord Jesus Christ within the same time frame and go to Heaven.
  16. This glorious Rapture event may happen now, today, this week, this month, this year, next year or anytme! This is not date-setting. The reality is that glorious Rapture will happen at an unexpected time. Nobody knows the day or hour of imminent glorious Rapture. Therefore, be ready always!
  17. Wise Christians, like the five virgins that took extra oil, are expected to get ready, yes, to get prepared (Matthew 25).
  18. After the glorious Rapture event, all those who are bitter against one another, malicious, unforgiving, jealous, arrogant, haters, hypocrites, drunkards, fornicators, adulterers, adulteresses, murderers with weapons and murderers with tongue etc, shall have enough time to continue in their evil trade. They will be left behind to experience the agonies of the Great Tribulation period.
  19. When the glorious Rapture event is over, there shall be revival among those who have chosen to stay behind not because there will be a second chance, no, but because the reality of the glorious Rapture event would have struck them like a thunderbolt. But they will have to pay with their own blood.
  20. When the glorious Rapture event is over, those who are left behind shall no longer be safe to worship in their gigantic, fanciful and multi-billion Dollars/Cedis cathedrals. Instead they shall seek safety in caves, bushes and abandoned and dilapidated but hidden structures.
  21. When this great glorious Rapture event is over, each time those who will miss their glorious Rapture flight manage to gather for worship, they will pay attention to only one sermon- whether they gather in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North or South America; the sermon will only centre on “How to Meet the Divine Standard and Join the Other Saints.”
  22. It is also worthy to note that those who will be left behind will never have any business with comedians at their altars anymore. No! There shall no longer be gatherings for entertainments. Whenever, they manage to gather, it shall always be for serious religious business only.
  23. The prayer pattern of those who will be left behind will also undergo a radical change. They will not be praying for things anymore. They will only be praying for strength to withstand the tortures of the Antichrist and die bravely to join the other Raptured Saints. None will be praying for jobs, marriages, etc.
  24. It is equally worthy of note that some of those who will miss their glorious Rapture flight will not be able to endure the torture of the Antichrist. They will receive the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) and thereby be doomed forever.
  25. When the ready glorious Rapture Saints are gone, all our denominational walls of partition will collapse. The man or woman who use to worship in Deeper Life, for instance, will hide in the same place with those who worship in Christ Embassy, Church of God Mission, Assemblies of God, Word Aflame, Action Chapel, Winners Chapel, Lighthouse Chapel etc and nobody will remember to claim superiority anymore because then they will be facing a common enemy (Antichrist).
  26. When this glorious Rapture event is over, each time believers who will miss their glorious Rapture flight manage to gather anywhere for worship, there will be an atmosphere of sobriety. This rowdiness we witness today shall be no more.
  27. There shall also be a radical change in the attitude of those who will miss their glorious Rapture flight towards Bible study. What we have now is an attitude characterized by a high degree of nonchalance and indifference, but when the ready glorious Rapture Saints are gone, those who will be left behind will begin to take their Bible study seriously.
  28. All the left behind teens and youths who only come to church to please their parents will repent after this great glorious Rapture event; yes, they will begin to seek God for themselves.
  29. When the glorious Rapture event is over, all those who will do any form of business in the schools, hospitals, banks, etc, will have to bear the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) or be hunted down and killed like common criminals.
  30. One of the gains of this reminder is that there may be someone reading this piece today who will take a firm decision to ensure that he/she gets on board that celestial glorious Rapture flight travelling to glory.
  31. However, one of the greatest tragedies of this reminder is that there may be someone too who is reading this piece today but who will see no need to heed this vital warning. A tragedy indeed!

God bless you.

Divine Message From God The Father (Jehovah) Given To Glynda Linkous.

My Children, Pursue Me!

By Glynda Linkous

“My people, I desire that you would tread very carefully through coming days, as the enemy (Satan) has set many snares for you. Many of My people are being enticed to return to old sins, being deceived into thinking they do not matter and that their wages will not be severe. This is a lie, My children that you must resist. Return to My Word! Those who are in My Word daily and in My presence shall not be deceived in this way.

Many of My people have grown weary in well doing and the enemy (Satan) has deceived them into thinking My Son’s return (Glorious Rapture) will not happen soon. He (Lord Jesus Christ) shall come like a thief in the nightbe readybe watching! Be praying, My children! Do not be left behind in the evil that shall follow when he has taken My own out of the world, for it shall be a dark and grievous place then.

Many of My people have grown complacent – you are satisfied with not enough of Me, and I desire you would seek Me with your whole being. Seek Me passionatelyfollow after Me. Pursue more of Me! Why do you settle for less, My people? Why do you desire more of the world and not more of Me, your Creator?

For those who pursue Me with all their hearts, I have great rewards in store – those who are in poverty in the world but rich in Me shall suddenly bloom with prosperity. Those who are ill in body but rich in Me shall suddenly wake up healed and whole. Those who long for mates but turn to Me shall suddenly find themselves married and fulfilled. Those who seek to do My will and sit in My presence daily, you shall know and walk in your assignments from on high!

My people who crave righteousness and hate sin, who pursue Me and stay in My Word continually shall be filled, healed and prospered. The days ahead for you who live to do My will are very bright indeed, for you shall see My glory!

Coordinating Scriptures:

Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 7:11: For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.

Galatians 6:9: And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Psalms 97:10: Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.

3 John 1:2: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

Vital Soul Winning Admonition Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

Heaven: Why Born Again? John 3:3-16; 14:6. To be allowed to pass through Heaven’s gate, you need to have all of your sins removed. The only cleanser strong enough to thoroughly remove sin stains is the blood of Lord Jesus Christ. First, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of your wrong doings. Finally, make Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him. Ask Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to forgive your sins. By dying on the Cross, Lord Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in Hell fire! The reason so few people accept this pardon is that they do not think they need a Savior or they want to find their own way of salvation. When God looked at your soul, He saw a sinner. God judges your heart, your thoughts, your attitude and intentions. When you are saved and forgiven of your sins, God looks upon you and sees the blood of Lord Jesus Christ making you pure and clean. Accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Procrastination is dangerous! Many doomed souls are now suffering horribly in eternal burning Hell fire due to procrastination! Don’t join these doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire! Heaven is your best choice! You have been warned!

After being born again, remain dedicated in your commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is an act of faith (John 3:3-16, 5:24). There are no signs to look for. Believe strongly that you are saved in Jesus name. Don’t doubt. Make sure you continue to grow in your devotion to Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t backslide. You must always resist temptation that can lead you to indulge in sinful acts. Read your Bible daily. Also, pray always and look for a reliable gospel-focused Church where you can worship God regularly. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope and an imminent reality. Therefore, we must be ready always for Rapture. Never give up.

IS YOUR NAME WRITTEN IN THE HEAVENLY BOOK OF LIFE? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6. Sincerely, to have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, freethinker or a religious idolater. You will be left behind on imminent Rapture day and suffer terribly during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture. Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned! No more excuse for you if you die and end up in eternal burning Hell fire! Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Raptured saint or martyred saint? Follower of Lord Jesus Christ or Antichrist? Decide wisely!

ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED? NO!  Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm Christians/Preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden Preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in eternal burning Hell fire after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold or lukewarm Christian/Preacher can be left behind by Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians or Evangelical Preachers, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to active soul winning and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Majority of lukewarm Christians/Preachers who believe the doctrine of “Eternal Security” usually don’t believe at all in the numerous true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire. If they do, they will know that many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire because they believed foolishly in “Eternal Security” while alive. They believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine known as Eternal Security. “OSAS” doctrine which some lukewarm Christians/Preachers are defending zealously is based on the false notion that a born again Christian does not lose salvation inspite of continuous sinful lifestyle. According to “OSAS” proponents, a lukewarm believer/Preacher or born again Christian can never “out-sin” himself or herself out of Heaven due to un-repentant sins or backslidden condition. “OSAS” proponents are always insisting that a lukewarm Christian or “backslidden” Christian/Preacher can never “lose salvation” because of his or her current “poor status” in willful disobedience to the Word of God (Holy Bible).

Indeed, salvation is solely given freely by grace through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ who sealed us in His Holy Spirit but we are not eternally secured. The plain truth is that a lukewarm or “backslidden” Christian can “lose salvation” because of his or her current “poor status” in willful disobedience to the Word of God (Holy Bible). According to “OSAS” proponents, “only unbelievers” who are “not saved” end up in eternal burning Hell fire if they have not trusted on the Lord Jesus Christ to be forgiven of their sins. “OSAS” proponents also insist that “no actual born again, Holy Spirit filled Christian ends up in eternal burning Hell fire.”

“OSAS” proponents usually emphasize that “false believers or people who claim to be Christians but do not believe on Lord Jesus Christ are not saved and born again with the Holy Spirit; they are deceivers or deceived.” However, according to numerous true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire, there are many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers who are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire because they believed foolishly in “Eternal Security” while alive. They believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” While alive, these dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers never repent from their sins or backslidden condition because they foolishly thought they are “eternally secured.” Now in eternal burning Hell fire, they are being agonizingly tormented by wicked demons and on great judgment day, they will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). In great agony in eternal burning Hell fire, they are now regretting that they foolishly believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” It is too late for them! No more repentance after death (Hebrews 9:27).

Now, who do you want to believe? As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, do you want to believe in true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire or the “man-made” doctrine called “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine known as Eternal Security? The choice is yours but you must stop misleading other people with a false doctrine (OSAS) that can lead them to eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire!

The letters from Lord Jesus Christ to the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3, are relevant to all dispensations up till the imminent glorious Rapture day. Therefore, according to Revelation 3:16, lukewarm Christians/Preachers will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. If a believer is cold or lukewarm, the implication is that he or she is an unprofitable servant of Lord Jesus Christ. As a dedicated Rapture watcher, a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher must be hot and zealous in his or her selfless service for Lord Jesus Christ. A cold or lukewarm Christian/Preacher will run out of oil like the foolish virgins in Matthew 25. Therefore, only dedicated Rapture watchers with full oil in their lamps are regarded as wise virgins who are rapturable.

“Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine is a false teaching because if a Christian is cold or lukewarm, the implication is that he or she is a backslidden Christian. As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, you must be hot and zealous for Lord Jesus Christ while awaiting the imminent glorious Rapture. Encourage others to do likewise. Tell them to wake up from spiritual slumber and become hot for Lord Jesus Christ. Glorious Rapture is an imminent reality! No more argument henceforth! Continue with your active soul winning service for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your reward is awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

If you commit any sin, you must pray to God and ask Him to forgive you in Jesus name. Since you are a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, you know the right thing to do. Confess your sins to Lord Jesus Christ and ask for His forgiveness. You must be very sincere. If you are very sincere in your confession, Lord Jesus Christ will forgive you. He is a loving and merciful God. He will wipe away your sins with His precious blood.

A lot of lukewarm Christians/Preachers believe that God is loving and He will simply accept sinners into His Heavenly kingdom if they profess to believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Many lukewarm Christians/Preachers believe that you can continue to be a sinner but still enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem) even though it is written in Revelation 21:27 that nobody who practices abominations nor lies will ever enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem). You must know that God is a Holy God and Lord Jesus Christ expects you to turn from your sins before you can come to Him and before He can wash you clean by the Cross. Put it simply if you do not repent, you cannot have the forgiveness of sin through the Cross. Unless there is repentance there is no Gospel, there is no Good News, there is no Salvation.

Salvation belongs only to those who repent, turned from their sins and they go to the Messiah Jesus Christ and what happens is that He comes into their hearts and He changes them and He sets them free from sin and then they go and they crucify their old ways and they follow Him in the new way. These people are the ones who do not dirty their new robes in sin and they go and enter the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem) after death or on imminent glorious Rapture day. But many other lukewarm Christians/Preachers they come to the truth and they hear the word of God but then the cares of life and the lusts of the eyes and the sins of the flesh come up and kill out the word of God in them and they die. These people do not enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem). They are in eternal burning Hell fire and will be cast into the lake of fire and sulfur on judgment day with the abominable and the Sorcerers and the filthy and the evil minded and the wicked (Revelation 21:8).

Unless you repent of all your sins including little sins, you will not inherit the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem). The message is REPENT OR PERISH! If you go on in sin, you will perish in eternal burning Hell fire after death. There is no salvation for a lukewarm or backslidden Christian/Preacher who do not turn away from the flesh (sinful condition) and put on Christ. Only if you put on Christ will you be made clean and be able to enter the Heavenly kingdom (Heavenly New Jerusalem). If you don’t put on Christ and follow the flesh desires, all the things that it wants to do that are abominable before God, then you will indeed perish even though you think you have love. Even though you think you believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Even though you think Lord Jesus Christ is a loving God and surely He will let you into Heaven (Heavenly New Jerusalem). Don’t deceive yourself, the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem) but only those who turn from their sins and come to the Lord Jesus Christ so He can set them free and cleanse them (Galatians 5:16-26).

The fact is that Christians makes no difference until they are different. Do you believe in JESUS? Have you asked JESUS to come into your heart? Do you live a life of obedience, holiness and righteousness unto GOD? You cannot say you are a born again Christian and you are still living the old lifestyle. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.”

You may be enjoying yourself, or living in a secret sin but on that fateful day when you die, you will account for how you lived your life on Earth. Remember 2 Timothy 2:19 says “Nevertheless, the foundation of GOD stands sure, sealed with the inscription that the LORD knows those who are HIS. Let everyone who names the name of the LORD depart from iniquity.” No more argument henceforth. We must always be Heaven-minded and ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Lukewarm believers/Preachers and backslidden Christians must wake up from spiritual slumber and resist the satanic temptation to backslide from the narrow way to Heaven before death or the imminent glorious Rapture day. You have been warned! Heaven or Hell? Decide wisely!

Eternal Doom Of All Categories Of Unbelievers And Un-repentant Sinners In Lake Of Fire And Sulfur!

All categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. Some unbelievers who are always ignoring the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be successful and prosperous physically, they may think they are not yet captured by Satan. However, spiritually, they are already captured by Satan and in great satanic bondage. The reason why some unbelievers think they don’t need the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be because they are successful and prosperous physically. However, the plain truth is that all categories of unbelievers can only escape from satanic bondage and eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire if they quickly accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ before their physical death. (John 3:16, 14:6).

As an unbeliever and un-repentant sinner, your name is not written in the Heavenly book of life (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6). That means you are Hell bound and eternally doomed after physical death! Therefore, to have your name written in Heavenly book of life, you must accept JESUS CHRIST as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan.

Indeed, you are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after physical death by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. All these categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. They will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day and are Hell bound unless they accept the salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! On great judgment day, these categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners who are already doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to eternal burning Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6), no other ways!

Eternity: Are You Heavenly Or Hell Bound? “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). This biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Lord Jesus Christ will judge you on judgment day. You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire since you are still alive. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid Hell! Heaven is your best choice. Lord Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker, Muslim or unbeliever. God is real! Lord Jesus Christ is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Judgment day is certain! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Lord Jesus Christ and ready always for imminent glorious Rapture!

What Is The Great White Throne Judgment of Damnation?

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades (Hell) gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades (Hell) were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15).

At the Great White Throne Judgment of God, the soul/spirit of condemned people in Hell will merge with their immortal bodies. In their resurrected forms, they will be judged by God. Lord Jesus Christ will be the Supreme Judge on the Great White Throne Judgment day because He will judge all rebellious people who refused to accept His great salvation offer (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15). It will be a judgment of condemnation, no appeal or mercy again. The verdict will be: “Guilty!” One can only repent while still alive. One can only accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ while still alive. The resurrected condemned people will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). Second death means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).


Satan, the deceiver and his fallen angels/demons will be thrown and confined totally into the lake of fire and sulfur eventually by God. They will be tormented forever. That will be the end of Satan’s evil activities on Earth forever. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur…and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10). You will be eternally separated from God in the lake of fire and sulfur. Your soul will never die but it will be eternally tormented in the horrible burning lake. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

On the Great White Throne Judgment day, all categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners who are already doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to eternal burning Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6), no other ways!

The Great White Throne Judgment of Damnation will happen after the Millennial Reign of Lord Jesus Christ and it will involve all unsaved people who while alive refused to accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15). Sadly, they will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Therefore, all active soul winners must intensify their soul winning efforts in this grace period to win numerous lost souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our eternal rewards are awaiting us at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to make Heaven and escape from going to Hell when you die (John 14:6). The lake of fire and sulfur will be a place of eternal torment. It will be very terrible for Satan, fallen angels/demons and the lost souls in that eternal burning lake. Do not end up in it! The second death is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Listen to what Lord Jesus Christ is saying to you now: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the One who lives. I was dead, but look: I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hell.” (Revelation 1:17-18). God does not send someone to Hell. You choose Hell when you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior.

When you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Lord Jesus Christ, you willingly choose Hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in Hell fire when you die. When you say “No” to Lord Jesus Christ and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into Hell fire. You are telling God that you do not need Lord Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in Hell fire! Hell is for eternity! If you die without accepting the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in Hell fire forever! You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

It will be a great disaster if you die without Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 8:36). Hell is a place of eternal torment! “The smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night.” (Revelation 14:11). God has a perfect place for you in Heaven: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no person has imagined what God has prepared for those people that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Avoid Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is your only way of making Heaven after physical death on Earth (John 14:6). It will not cost you anything to accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Accept Lord Jesus Christ while you are still alive. It will be too late if you die and end up in Hell fire!. Take the right decision now. “The salvation that was given to us is very great. So surely we also will be punished if we live like this salvation is not important.” (Hebrews 2:3).

If you have never received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, ask Him to save you now! Confess all your sins and ask God to forgive you in Jesus name. Do not put it off another second! This may be your last chance before you die! Take the chance now! The salvation of Lord Jesus Christ is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. It is very easy to accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, pray the salvation prayer below and mean it with all your heart.

Salvation Steps & Prayer

Are you still an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner? You must accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! If you remain in your rebellion against Lord Jesus Christ, you will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day by Lord Jesus Christ. Also, if you die without accepting the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ, you will end up in eternal burning Hell fire! How can you be saved? It is very simple. Take the steps below.


The following prayer, “The Sinner’s Prayer” (also known as the Prayer of Salvation) is by no means meant to be an “official prayer”, but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. You may certainly pray to God in your own words.

Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you say the following prayer and mean it with all your heart; along with repenting of your sins (asking for forgiveness), we believe that you will be saved and be born again. You may be wondering, “What happens next?” First, you will need to get into a Bible-based Church and study God’s Word. Once you find a Church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Lord Jesus Christ you are baptized in the Spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live; for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the Cross. May God Bless You!

Sinner’s Prayer

Dear God in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the Cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus Christ as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. This very moment I accept Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore, Lord Jesus Christ transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


If you just said this prayer and you meant it with all your heart, we believe that there is a great possibility that you just got saved and are born again. You may ask, “Now that I am saved, what is next?” First of all, you need to get into a bible-based Church, and study God’s Word. Once you have found a Church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Lord Jesus Christ you are baptized in the Spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live, for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the Cross. May God Bless You!

Still Procrastinating?

Take these easy steps to be saved: Realize you are a sinner. “There is no person without sin. None!” (Romans 3:10). “All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23). Realize you cannot save yourself. “We are all dirty with sin. Even our good works are not pure. They are like blood-stained rags.” (Isaiah 64:6). “He saved us because of His mercy (love), not because of any good things we did.” (Titus 3:5). Realize that Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross to pay for your sins. “Christ carried our sins in His body on the Cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right.” (1 Peter 2:24). “Jesus is the one who loves us. And Jesus is the One who made us free from our sins with His blood (death).” (Revelation 1:5). Simply by faith receive Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. “Some people did accept Him. They believed in Him. He gave something to those people who believed. He gave them the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). “…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all these people from your house.” (Acts 16:30-31). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

Why The Confusion? Glorious Rapture Is Different From The Second Coming Of Christ!

Why The Confusion? Glorious Rapture Is Different From The Second Coming Of Christ!

Prologue: “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to continuously win numerous souls online/offline as well as continuously warning people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. It is a selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ. The major aim of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is to massively propagate the Gospel online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a divine calling and personal sacrifice to propagate the Gospel continuously online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace. Due to the pervasive apathy of some lukewarm Christians to soul winning, Heavenly pursuit and perpetual Rapture readiness, the divine calling of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is to stand in the gap. “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will not give up dedicated Evangelical labor and Rapture blessed hope in Jesus name.

In this highly inspiring Evangelical Post, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will enlighten you extensively about this vital reality: Why The Confusion? Glorious Rapture Is Different From The Second Coming Of Christ!” Some people claiming to be Scriptural experts are creating great confusion both online and offline by insisting that the Glorious Rapture event and the Second Coming of Christ to the Earth will occur at the same time. Some of these people have produced YouTube videos to support their false and misleading doctrine. They are falsely claiming that true believers-in-Christ will go through the Great Tribulation period (Post-Tribulation) before being raptured into the sky and then coming down on white horses with Lord Jesus Christ during His second coming to the Earth.

The true reality is that glorious Rapture event (Pre-Tribulation) is different from the Second Coming of Christ to the Earth. “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will enlighten you extensively about this vital reality in this highly inspiring Evangelical Post. You will be highly enlightened about the vital realities of the imminent glorious Rapture, the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ, the agonies of Great Tribulation period and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ.

Presently, you have only two vital options as a true believer or unbeliever. Raptured or left behind? Glorious Rapture or 7 years worldwide Tribulation period? Raptured in glory or Martyred in pain? Raptured Saint or Great Tribulation Saint? Dedicated follower of Lord Jesus Christ or deluded follower of Antichrist? Micro-chipped or Martyred? Glorified Saint reigning with King Jesus Christ in the Millennial kingdom period or awaiting the Great White Throne Judgment of eternal damnation? Eternal citizen of Heavenly New Jerusalem or doomed eternally in the eternal Lake of Fire and Sulphur? What is your vital choice? Choose wisely! Your choice is very vital presently and for eternity! Make the right decision! A wrong decision is dangerous! Decide wisely! Wake up from spiritual slumber! Time is running out! Glorious Rapture is an imminent reality! Heaven and Hell are real! Lord Jesus Christ is our eternal Savior (John 3:16, 14:6)). Accept the eternal salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Stop procrastinating! Don’t delay your salvation till tomorrow! Tomorrow will be too late! You will be highly blessed through this Holy Spirit inspired Evangelical Post. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Reality Of Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Glorious Rapture Event Will Occur Before The Agonies Of Great Tribulation Period.

As active soul winners and Rapture ready believers, Lord Jesus Christ has a strong warning for us in the Holy Bible.

When the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) comes, it will be the same as the thing that happened during Noah’s time. In those days before the flood, people were eating and drinking. People were marrying and giving their children to be married. The people were still doing those things until the day Noah entered the boat. Those people knew nothing about what was happening. But then the flood came and all those people were destroyed. It will be the same when the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) comes. Two men will be working together in the field. One man will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain with a mill. One woman will be taken and the other woman will be left. So always be ready. You don’t know the day your Lord (Jesus Christ) will come….The Son of Man (Jesus Christ) will come at a time when you don’t expect Him.” (Matthew 24:37-44).

The glorious Rapture is a blessed hope of all active soul winners and dedicated Rapture watchers worldwide. The Rapture trumpet can sound anytime! It will be suddenly and unexpectedly! Only those who are perpetually ready for Rapture will hear the Rapture trumpet, become transformed gloriously and caught up into the sky for the glorious trip to Heavenly New Jerusalem with Lord Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Angels.

“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). “For the Lord Himself (Jesus Christ) will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

After the glorious Rapture, the satanic civil government described in Revelation 13:1-18 will be under the total control of Antichrist and his New World Order (NWO) evil forces. The False Prophet will work closely with Antichrist to deceive the unraptured people who are left behind on glorious Rapture day. During the Great Tribulation period, left behind lukewarm Christians who are now very zealous for Lord Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18).

There will be two kinds of people on the Earth during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period: those who will accept Lord Jesus Christ by faith in His blood shed on the cross for their sins and those who will reject Jesus Christ and instead follow Antichrist. The deluded followers of Antichrist will end up killing those who believe and revere the name of Jesus Christ. Presently, where do you stand? Have you ever personally invited Lord Jesus Christ to come into your life to forgive your sins and save your soul from eternal doom in eternal burning Hell? If so, when? If you have not done so or you are not sure you have, you must do so right now! Glorious Rapture is imminent! Do not delay your salvation till tomorrow! Glorious Rapture will take place suddenly when you are not expecting it. Don’t be left behind on glorious Rapture day!

Indeed, according to Revelation 6-16, after glorious Rapture, this world will experience 7 years worldwide tribulation period full of severe trials, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, wars, divine judgments, etc. Millions of left behind lukewarm believers will be martyred for their faith in Lord Jesus Christ by the satanic agents of Antichrist. Severe tribulation will be worldwide after Lord Jesus Christ removes Rapture ready born again Christians and the restraining power of the Holy Spirit (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12).

The revealing of Antichrist will spell trouble, terror and tragedy for the unbelievers and lukewarm believers left behind on glorious Rapture day. The “man of sin(Antichrist) prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 will achieve worldwide power by conning his deluded followers worldwide to follow him. He will pretend as if he can create an orderly society out of one that has been reeling in chaos. His False Prophet will work miraculous wonders by the power of Satan. Later, the benevolence of Antichrist will turn to malevolence. He will fiercely persecute and attempt to slaughter all who accept Lord Jesus Christ and would refuse his demand that he be worshipped as “God” (Revelation 6:9-11). Antichrist will conduct a reign of terror bringing death to multitudes, both Jews, left behind lukewarm believers and Gentiles (unbelievers).

Antichrist will not be the only source of suffering during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. In addition, this terrible period will be marked by great calamity that will come as a result of God’s judgment and wrath (Joel 1:15, Revelation 11:18; 16:9). Amid this devastation will be the death of one quarter of the world’s population (Revelation 6:8), massive earthquakes (Isaiah 2:19), catastrophic fires (Isaiah 24:1-6) and sudden destruction (1 Thessalonians 5:3). The Earth will experience unparalleled trouble as God’s wrath is poured out on all left behind people (Isaiah 13:6-11). The unbelieving nations will not go unpunished by the hand of God. They will live to hate the day they cast their lot with God’s arch-enemy (Satan). For generations their leaders will have rejected God and mocked the Lord Jesus Christ. A just punishment will befall them during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. Two sections of the New Testament describe the events of these 7 years worldwide tribulation period. Read Matthew 24 and Revelation 6-16. These prophetic details indicate how left behind people worldwide will suffer during this frightening time.

The suffering and death that will fall on the rebellious nations during the Great Tribulation period will be horrible. Millions upon millions of rebellious people worldwide will die in the terrible outpouring of God’s wrath. However, due to demonic possession, the majority of rebellious people who are still alive will not repent. “…and people bit their tongues because of their pains, and they cursed the God of heaven for their pains and sores. But they did not turn from their evil ways.” (Revelation 16:10-11).

During the 7 years worldwide tribulation period, there will be a great multitude of Gentiles (unbelievers) who will repent from their sins and accept Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. They and the left behind lukewarm believers will come to Heaven as Great Tribulation Saints due to their martyrdom by Antichrist and his satanic agents. Apostle John refers to them as a great multitude which no one could number from every race, tribes, nations and languages (Revelation 7:9-17).

There are two purposes for the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. The first will be the divine punishment of the rebellious nations and rebellious unbelievers worldwide. The second will be divine arrangement to bring Israel to the place where this Biblical nation can be restored to the position of spiritual favor she once held in God’s eyes. Israel will suffer intensely during the Great Tribulation period. This is the “time of Jacob’s trouble” prophesied by Prophet Jeremiah: “Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.” (Jeremiah 30:7). The Jews will be greatly hit by the terror of the Great Tribulation period. Prophet Zechariah prophesied that two-thirds of all Jews will die during this awful period (Zechariah 13:8-9) but the suffering will bring Israel to national repentance. The remnant will collectively accept Lord Jesus Christ as the true Messiah and sovereign King. Hallelujah!

Prophet Ezekiel prophesied Israel’s conversion: “I (Jesus Christ) will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries and bring you into your land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes and you will keep My judgments and do them. Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people and I will be your God.” (Ezekiel 36:24-28).

Biblical descriptions of Israel’s restoration are also prophesied in Ezekiel 37 (the valley of dry bones) and Zechariah 12:10-11. “Then they (the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem) will look on Me (Jesus Christ) whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son.” (Zechariah 12:10). The spiritual restoration of Israel as a Messianic nation will take place at the return of Lord Jesus Christ to Earth at the end of the 7 years worldwide tribulation period (Zechariah 14:3-5). When Lord Jesus Christ returns to rescue the Jews (Zechariah 14:3-5) from being annihilated by Antichrist, they will nationally accept Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Savior, even though individually a large number of Jews will already have been converted (Revelation 7:1-8). It will be wonderful that after hundreds of generations of hard-hearted disbelief, the people of Israel will finally trust in Lord Jesus Christ as their true Messiah. In terrible agony, inflicted by Antichrist, the Jews will turn in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ.

As the 7 years worldwide tribulation period draws to a close, the Earth will be in turmoil. Millions of rebellious people will have died in wars and terrible natural disasters. Antichrist’s hatred of God will focus on the Jews as the 7 years worldwide tribulation period begins to wind up. Opposed from the North and East (Daniel 11:44-45), Antichrist will march his armies into Palestine in preparation for a vast military showdown. Evil spirits will draw rebellious nations together for a final battle on the plains of Megiddo (Revelation 16:12-16). “Then the spirits (evil) brought the kings together in the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.” (Revelation 16:16).  The armies assembled in Palestine will be made up of satanic blood thirsty men who have resisted God throughout the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. Both sides – Antichrist and his opponents – will hate the Jewish people. They will engage in a fierce battle at Armageddon. The fighting will reach Jerusalem and the Jews living there will suffer horribly (Zechariah 14:1-2). A sense of despair will sweep over the Jews as the armies of Antichrist attack them.

Suddenly, when all seems hopeless, the scene will change. Lord Jesus Christ will appear in all His glory and descend to the Mount of Olives. When His feet touch it, the mountain will split in half, forming a vast new valley stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea (Zechariah 14:3-9). The Jewish believers will be given super-human strength to fight their enemies (Zechariah 12:6-9). God will send a plague on the enemy soldiers (Zechariah 14:12-15) and panic will grip the foreign troops, causing them to attack one another (Zechariah 14:13).

In Revelation 19:11-21, Apostle John provides us with a beautiful portrait of the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ to the Earth on His majestic white horse with the Heavenly Saints also on white horses. King Jesus Christ is depicted astride his royal white horse. His eyes blazing.

Antichrist will rally the armies of Earth to attack Lord Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Saints but they will be crushed in great defeat. Israel will be rescued and the rebellious armies of Antichrist will be totally slain. Antichrist and False Prophet will be thrown alive into the horrible lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 19:20).

Satan will be bound by a powerful Angel of God and confined in the fiery bottomless pit where he will remain for 1,000 years and later thrown into the horrible lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:1-10).

Second Coming Of Christ: The Millennial Reign Of Global Peace Under King Jesus Christ.

The victorious King of kings and Lord of lords (Jesus Christ) will ascend His glorious throne in Jerusalem to rule the whole world in peace for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:4). King Jesus Christ will rule over the entire Earth in 1,000 years reign of peace, prosperity and righteousness, which we call the Millennial Reign of Christ (Revelation 20:4-6). King Jesus Christ will fulfill His prophesied rule (Luke 1:32-33). The Raptured and Resurrected Saints will reign with King Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:4-6). When King Jesus Christ rules in the Millennial kingdom, His love, justice, mercy, righteousness and peace will be found throughout the Earth. The people of the kingdom will reflect the characteristics of King Jesus Christ and during this golden age, the Earth will be what God intended it to be (Isaiah 2:4, 11:6-8, 30: 23-26, 35:5-6, 65:19-22; Micah 4:4; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Zechariah 8:4-5; Ezekiel 47:9-12).

From what you have read so far, it is now obvious that the “Church age” will come to a distinct end on glorious Rapture day and will be followed by the “day of God’s wrath” (the unfulfilled worldwide tribulation period of 7 years – Daniel 9:27). Rapture ready born again Christians (“the bride of Christ”) will not go through the 7 years worldwide tribulation period because it is not for us due to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Because you have kept My command to endure, I (Jesus Christ) will also keep you safe from the time of trouble (the worldwide tribulation period of 7 years) which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

Lord Jesus Christ will deliver us on glorious Rapture day from the wrath that is coming to the Earth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. “The bride of Christ” is not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) but to salvation or deliverance. “For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). Lord Jesus Christ alluded to our merciful escape from the coming day of wrath that shall try the whole Earth. “Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36).

The Great Tribulation Period: Who Are The Prophesied Antichrist And False Prophet?

There is now a raging argument among many people whether the prophesied Antichrist and False Prophet are already in our global midst. According to many divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, Antichrist and the False Prophet are already in our global midst. However, they are presently still pretending as “men of global peace.” They have deceptively gathered huge followership globally. Eventually, after the imminent glorious Rapture, Antichrist and the False Prophet will reveal to the world their true satanic agenda in conjunction with the powerful global elites in the New World Order (NWO). The satanic New World Order (NWO) is ready but it will manifest fully after the imminent glorious Rapture. The New World Order (NWO) is eager to commence its satanic global agenda but the Holy Spirit is still restraining this evil scheme (2 Thessalonians 2: 3-8). Holy Spirit will depart for Heaven with raptured Saints on imminent glorious Rapture day. This will enable Antichrist, the False Prophet and the satanic New World Order (NWO) global elites to unleash their evil scheme on left behind cold or lukewarm believers and non-believers in Christ.

The glorious Rapture will be sudden and unexpected! Rapture ready born Christians are looking for Lord Jesus Christ and perpetually ready for His glorious appearance in the sky on imminent glorious Rapture day. They are spiritually prepared for Lord Jesus Christ like an expectant “bride” awaiting the coming of her “Groom” (Jesus Christ). “The bride of Christ” is perpetually ready for the imminent glorious Rapture. However, cold or lukewarm Christians who live worldly, carnal lives show by their deeds that they have little or no anticipation for the glorious appearance of Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day. Some of them did not want Lord Jesus Christ to come in their life time while some want Lord Jesus Christ to delay His coming perpetually. They will regret their actions when they are left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day and experience the agonies of the 7 years worldwide tribulation period.

Dedicated Rapture watchers are not looking for the time of wrath known as the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. We are looking for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day. Therefore, we should so live that if Lord Jesus Christ raptures the bride of Christ at such a time as you think not, we will be perpetually ready. Every unsaved person who has heard the gospel of Lord Jesus Christ and understands it should urgently call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Failure to do this will make the imminent glorious Rapture day come upon him or her as a “thief” and he or she will be left behind to go through the horrible 7 years worldwide tribulation period after the imminent glorious Rapture. If Lord Jesus Christ comes today to rapture the bride of Christ and then commence the 7 years worldwide tribulation period, will you be ready to be caught up with Lord Jesus Christ in the air? If you are not certain, you can make yourself ready always by personally inviting Lord Jesus Christ into your heart by faith. Do it now! Tomorrow will be too late!

Wicked demons from the satanic kingdom will invade the Earth after the glorious Rapture. During the Great Tribulation period, these wicked demons will try to enforce on left behind people, their own version of the mark of the beast (666). Even if you try to evade the compulsory “666” micro-chipping (RFID chip) mandated by Antichrist, the wicked demons will attempt to brand your forehead or right hand with the satanic “666” mark. Once you are branded with the “666” mark of the Beast, you are doomed forever! That means you belong to Satan, forever separated from God. You must be ready to die rather than accepting the RFID chip or the demonic “666” branding on your forehead or right hand. You will make Heaven if you prefer to be martyred. If you are micro-chipped or branded with the demonic “666” mark, you are Hell-bound for eternity (Revelation 14:9-11). On the Great White Throne Judgment day, you will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). You have been warned!

Can you hide in the Amazon jungle for seven years during the worldwide tribulation period? Can you survive in a cave without food and water for seven years? Can you cope with mosquito bites, scorpion attacks, snake bites and attacks from wild animals while hiding in forest or caves during the seven years worldwide tribulation period? It is better for you to be perpetually ready for the imminent glorious Rapture. If you are presently lukewarm, wake up from your spiritual slumber. Repent from your lukewarm attitude now! Don’t be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. If you are presently hot and ready always for glorious Rapture, remain hot always for Lord Jesus Christ.

The “bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians) should not be expecting the 7 years worldwide tribulation period, although the Jewish people should. They have seven prophetic years (Daniel 9:27) still unfulfilled and these years will be fulfilled during that time of wrath called “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:3-11; Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 6-16). The unsaved Gentiles (unbelievers) should also expect that 7 years worldwide tribulation period when the “New World Order” (NWO) for a “One-World Government” will come on the scene saying, “Let us give world peace a chance. All it would take is for a charismatic-type world figure (Antichrist) who has no place for God or His moral values to pull it all together through the United Nations Organization (UNO) and European Union (EU).

The prophecy of Daniel 9:27 indicated exactly what will start the 7 years worldwide tribulation period when “he” (the Ruler that shall come) will have a firm agreement with many people for 7 years. This means that Antichrist will make a covenant (peace agreement) with Daniel’s people (Jews) for 7 years. Antichrist, the Ruler of the “One World Government” after glorious Rapture will initially pretend as man of global peace. By offering “peace” to the world, he will make a covenant (7 years peace agreement) with Israel. The Jewish people will have “peace” in the Holy Land (Jerusalem), rebuild their Temple and reinstate their religious sacrifices again for 3 and half years. However, in the middle of the 7 years or after 3 and half years has elapsed, he (Antichrist) will bring an end to Jewish sacrifices and offerings.

“That ruler (Antichrist) will have a firm agreement with many people for seven years and when half this time is past, he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings. The awful Horror (abominable object) will be placed on the highest point of the Temple and will remain there until the one who put it there meets the end which God has prepared for him.” (Daniel 9:27). Antichrist will break his covenant (peace agreement) with the Jews in the middle of the 7 years worldwide tribulation period and launch the greatest time of desolation in the history of the world (Revelation 11 and 13).

The 7 years worldwide tribulation period will begin by the signing of a peace agreement (covenant) between the coming “One World Government” headed by Antichrist and the nations of the world, including Israel. However, when Antichrist gains total control after 3 and half years, he will break that covenant (peace agreement) and begins to persecute the nation of Israel horribly. The “man of sin” (Antichrist) will then reveal his true satanic agenda of being worshipped as “God.

Deliverance of “the bride of Christ” from the world’s greatest period of wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) is a gift of Lord Jesus Christ for His devoted Rapture ready Christians. Lord Jesus Christ loves us because He is our anticipated “Groom. Therefore, it is like the perfect “Groom” (Jesus Christ) to manifest His love by rapturing His devoted “bride”  (Rapture ready born-again Christians) before the period of wrath just because He loves her (Revelation 3:10). The present distress, economic challenges, calamities, rebellious militancy and violent Islamic terrorism (ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda, etc.) being experienced in some countries worldwide are “birth pains” prior to our merciful deliverance on imminent glorious Rapture day. We must not give up our faith in Lord Jesus Christ. The love of Lord Jesus Christ for “the bride of Christ” is sufficient to sustain our “blessed hope” of being raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day.

The 7 years worldwide tribulation period is not for “the bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians). Instead, it is for Israel to fulfill prophecy and for the Gentiles (unbelievers) to be punished if they refuse to repent and accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To understand end times prophecy, you must distinguish between the “Church,” Israel and the Gentiles. The “Church” is really made up of both believing Jews and converted Gentiles who have spiritually experienced the “born again” (John 3:3-16) relationship with Lord Jesus Christ by faith. They have entered into the kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ spiritually by faith, awaiting the day when they will enter His physical kingdom by His glory and power at His glorious second coming to Earth. They are not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) which is really for unbelieving Jews and rebellious Gentiles.

Glorious Rapture is a suspense filled prophetic event. However, don’t worry or be too anxious. Our Lord Jesus Christ will not inform us whether we will be among the raptured saints or not. He expects us to be perpetually prepared and ready for imminent glorious Rapture. He will reward us with the crown of righteousness if we remain as dedicated Rapture watchers till He appears in the sky suddenly on imminent glorious Rapture day (2 Timothy 4:7-8). Therefore, we should have strong faith in Lord Jesus Christ and trust Him to pilot us safely to Heaven on glorious Rapture day. The way to Heaven is very narrow but with Lord Jesus Christ leading us, we will enter Heaven by His grace. The grace of Lord Jesus Christ is more than sufficient. We should repent always from any hidden or known sin committed and ask God to forgive us in Jesus name. We should remain as dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners for Lord Jesus Christ. The great mercy of Lord Jesus Christ will usher us into Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day by His grace.

The Millennial Kingdom Reign Of King Jesus Christ: 1,000 Years Of Global Peace And Righteousness.

The revelation of Lord Jesus Christ at His second coming to Earth is painted graphically in Revelation 19:11-16:

“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice He judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has a name written on Him that no one knows but He Himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following Him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On His robe and on His thigh He has this name written:

King of kings and Lord of lords.”

Biblical Fact: Glorious Rapture Is Different From Second Coming Of Christ To Earth.

There is no similarity whatever between the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ to Earth and coming in the air at the glorious Rapture:

“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). “For the Lord Himself (Jesus Christ) will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

At the glorious Rapture, there is no record that Lord Jesus Christ ever judges the Earth or that His purpose is to end the times of the Gentiles. During the glorious Rapture, Lord Jesus Christ will remain in the air, “catch up”  (Harpazo: Rapture) resurrected believers and rapture ready believers that are alive and then take them to Heavenly New Jerusalem where they will remain throughout the duration of the seven years worldwide tribulation on Earth. Therefore, people must be perpetually prepared for the glorious Rapture. Rapture (“Harpazo”) is the catching away of the saints, which will happen within seconds and any moment very soon (1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Glorious Rapture is the first event of the end time advent when the Angels of God will blow the trumpets. Only born again Christians who are waiting for it, expecting it and preparing for it will become raptured by God’s grace.

Rapture is an unpopular topic in many lukewarm churches worldwide today and so many lukewarm Preachers, lukewarm Christians and unbelievers care less about it because it is not as enticing and motivating as prosperity, breakthrough, new things, favors, blessing and earthly success. However, glorious Rapture is a daily expectation and thought of the wise Christians while prosperity and earthly blessings are the only major focus for the lukewarm Preachers, lukewarm Christians and unbelievers. Prosperity and earthly blessings are essential but we must also be Heaven-minded and always ready for the imminent glorious Rapture which is an imminent prophetic event.

The simple clarification for self-examination is that apart from thinking, waiting, preparing or expecting prosperity, miracle or anything else, you must also be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. The reason is because only those who earnestly, eagerly wait and prepare for His (Jesus Christ) appearance more than anything else will eventually become raptured, just like the Biblical 5 wise virgins (Rapture-ready believers). The Biblical 5 foolish virgins (lukewarm believers) were left behind due to their lukewarm attitude. Read Matthew 25 for the full parable of the 10 virgins who were awaiting the coming of the bride-groom (Lord Jesus Christ).

Rapture is a glorious event of all generations. Therefore, glorious Rapture is going to be splendid, wonderful and rewarding for the raptured saints more than any event in the history of the world. Then it will leave behind gloom, doom and destructive reign of the Antichrist (mark of the Beast: RFID chip/human barcode: 666) during the Great Tribulation period for people who will miss the glorious Rapture. “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor ever shall be.” (Matthew 24:21).

In Revelation 19:11-16, the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ to Earth is pictured in contrast to His first coming. In His first coming to Earth, Lord Jesus Christ came quietly as a Man to live a humble life on Earth, became crucified on the Cross for our redemption and resurrected after three days in the tomb. Later, He ascended back to Heaven. In His second coming to Earth, Lord Jesus Christ will come in His great glory accompanied by the Heavenly Saints and Heavenly Angels. At the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ to Earth, there is no “catching up” of the church (Bride of Christ) and taking it out of the world as is true of the glorious Rapture. In the Second Coming, the Heavenly Saints and Holy Angels will accompany Lord Jesus Christ in His return and will remain in the earthly sphere to share in the Millennial kingdom reign that follows. At His second coming, Lord Jesus Christ will destroy the armies of the world that were gathered to conquer the Holy Land (Jerusalem). It is a terrible picture of divine judgment upon a wicked world that rejected Lord Jesus Christ. The world leader described as the Beast (Antichrist) and the False Prophet associated with him will be cast alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur (Revelation 19:20).

Immediately after Lord Jesus Christ returns to Earth and judges those who wickedly oppose Him, Satan will be rendered inactive for the first time, as Revelation 20:1-3 states: “I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss (bottomless pit) and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.”

Distinction must be made in the interpretation of this passage between what Apostle John saw and what he was told. He saw what appeared to be Satan, described here also as the dragon, the serpent, and the devil. John saw him thrown into the abyss (bottomless pit) and saw the abyss locked and sealed, but he could not understand why unless he was told. God had to reveal that Satan would be bound for a thousand years and that he would not be able to deceive the nations during that 1,000 years period. It also was revealed that at the end of the thousand years, Satan would be set free for a short time (Revelation 20:3). This future prophecy is certainly not fulfilled in the present age because the present age is not the Millennium period and Satan is not bound in the present age. In fact, Scripture makes it clear, as in 1 Peter 5:8, that “your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” In the present age while Satan is limited by God, he is not bound or inactive and is deceiving millions of people worldwide. Therefore, in Revelation 20, Satan’s binding is the logical result of Christ’s coming to judge the world, restore righteousness, and install His Millennial kingdom in which Satan will be inactive for the entire period of the thousand years!

In connection with the events following the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ, Apostle John also saw the resurrection of those who had been martyred in the Great Tribulation period preceding the Second Coming. John writes: “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:4- 6).”

It is significant that the resurrection of the Tribulation Saints, who died during the Great Tribulation period before the Second Coming, is accomplished in anticipation that they would in their resurrected life reign with King Jesus Christ for 1,000 years. Therefore, the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ is Pre-Millennial, that is, it occurs before the thousand years. This is required by the resurrection of the martyred saints killed in the Great Tribulation period. In essence, the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ results in the establishment of the Millennial kingdom. According to Revelation 20:4- 6, the martyred (murdered) people of the Great Tribulation period are resurrected and subsequently reign for 1,000 years with King Jesus Christ.

The false doctrine that there is one general resurrection of all people is also repudiated here because Revelation 20:5 states that the resurrection of the martyred dead is a selected resurrection and that the rest of the dead, that is, the wicked, will not be raised until after the thousand years. This is confirmed in the passage that follows, as described in Revelation 20:7-10, when the devil is released after the thousand years, begins to deceive the nations, and gains a large following, which surrounds Jerusalem and attempts to conquer it. Fire will come down from Heaven and devour them, and Satan himself will be cast into the lake of burning sulfur where he will be tormented forever and ever. The resurrection and judgment of the wicked dead people will follow at the Great White Throne judgment of God (Revelation 20:11-15). At the beginning of the Millennial kingdom, all the righteous people have been raised from the dead, and those living, both Gentiles and Jews, who survived the Great Tribulation period will enter the Millennium in their natural bodies and will perform natural functions in that Millennial kingdom. Only those who are wicked will still be in the grave and not resurrected during the Millennial kingdom period.

Indeed, the Millennium (also known as the Millennial Kingdom) is the 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth after the Great Tribulation period and before the Great White Throne judgment of God (Revelation 20:11-15). Lord Jesus Christ will reign as king over Israel as well as all the nations of the world (Isaiah 2:4; 42:1). The world will live in peace (Isaiah 11:6–9; 32:18), Satan will be bound for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1–3) and everyone will worship God (Isaiah 2:2–3). The purpose of the 1,000-years reign of King Jesus Christ is to fulfill promises God made to the world that cannot be fulfilled while Satan is free and human beings have political authority. Some of these promises, called covenants, were given specifically to Israel. Others were given to Lord Jesus Christ, the nations of the world and creation of God. All of these will be fulfilled during the 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth.

Revelation 20:1-10 says, “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

After the glorious Rapture of the Church (“Bride of Christ”), after the seven years worldwide tribulation period, and after the second coming to Earth, Lord Jesus Christ will reign in His Millennial kingdom. The coming literal kingdom of King Jesus Christ to this Earth will be the most blessed time this world has known since the Garden of Eden. Many Edenic features will characterize this Millennial kingdom. All the unrepentant rebels who rebelled against God and Lord Jesus Christ during the Great Tribulation period will be gone. Antichrist and the False Prophet will be languishing in the terrible lake of fire and sulfur. Satan will be bound for 1,000 years in the fiery bottomless pit so he cannot tempt people during the Millennial kingdom period. This will enable King Jesus Christ to enforce His worldwide 1,000 years reign of peace and righteousness. Together with His Holy Angels, King Jesus Christ will have the glorified Saints (Raptured and Resurrected Saints) in their new glorified bodies to help Him enforce His worldwide 1,000 years reign of peace and righteousness. It will be illegal for potential law breakers, criminals and other people who may want to corrupt society to ply their evil trades in the Millennial kingdom. Therefore, the coming Millennial kingdom will be a time of unprecedented prosperity, when everyone will have his or her home. The curse on the Earth will be lifted by King Jesus Christ and the ground will bear incredible harvests. Cheating and war will be non-existent, so people will enjoy the fruits of their labors.

Glorious Immortality: Glorified Saint With A Glorified Body For Eternity. 

Glorious Rapture is a blessed hope of dedicated Rapture watchers worldwide. As a Raptured or Resurrected Saint, your immortal body will be like the glorified body of our Lord Jesus Christ at His resurrection and in which He lives today. “..But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He really is. Everyone who has this hope in Christ keeps himself pure, just as Christ is pure (1 John 3:1-3).” A vital connection between us (glorified Saints) and Lord Jesus Christ will endure for eternity. In the Millennial kingdom period and for eternity, you will live forever in a real glorified body, eat, drink, interact with Lord Jesus Christ and other glorified Saints in Heavenly New Jerusalem, earthly Jerusalem and other parts of the world.

When will our glorious transformation into glorified Saints occur? It will occur on glorious Rapture day when Lord Jesus Christ will return in the air to take all of His own, living and dead, to be with Him in Heavenly New Jerusalem. The glorious Rapture event will take place before the terrible outpouring of God’s wrath on unbelieving Jews and Gentiles (unbelievers) during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. On glorious Rapture day, the dead in Christ will rise first and be given new, glorified bodies. Living believers will follow, and their bodies will be transformed gloriously. Both groups will meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air. The glorious Rapture event will occur suddenly!

“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). “For the Lord Himself (Jesus Christ) will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

What will our glorified bodies look like? The scriptural answers to this question are that our glorified bodies will be:

  • Flesh and bone, but dramatically changed (Luke 24:39; 1 Corinthians 15:50).
  • Like Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrected body (1 Corinthians 15:49; Philippians 3:21; 1 John 3:2).
  • Incorruptible (1 Corinthians 15:42, 50).
  • Awe- inspiring (1 Corinthians 15:43).
  • Having new abilities (1 Corinthians 15:43).
  • Suited for Heaven and eternal living (1 Corinthians 15:47- 49).
  • Spiritual (1 Corinthians 15:44).

The spiritual aspect of our glorified bodies is indicating the imperishable and perfect nature of our new immortal bodies. Since we have transformed from mortality into immortality, this means that we will be able to stand in the presence of and relate to Almighty God (Jehovah) who is a glorious Spiritual Being. Our glorified bodies have been designed by our Lord Jesus Christ for eternal life in Heaven (New Jerusalem) for eternity! Eternity has no end. We will live in our glorious Heavenly mansions forever (John 14:1-4). Yes, we will enjoy blissful existence during the Millennial kingdom period and for eternity in our glorified bodies. Hallelujah!

As a glorified Saint, your immortal body and clothes will always glow gloriously forever (Luke 9:28-36). Your glorified body and brain will possess supernatural powers. Your supernatural brain will be better than the most sophisticated computer or Smartphone in the world. You won’t need iPhone or Skype to communicate or vehicles to go from one place to another. Just desiring any information will bring it to your mind! You can also read the thought of another person near you or far away from you. If you feel like, you can use any sophisticated computer or Smart-phone that will be available during the Millennial kingdom period. There will be new and sophisticated technological inventions during the Millennium due to our superior knowledge. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

As a glorified Saint, distance will never be a barrier for you for eternity. Just thinking about going somewhere will get you there! However, if you feel like, you can use any vehicle, train, ship or an airplane. Just like our Lord Jesus Christ, you can walk on top of any river, lake or sea without sinking (John 6:16-21). In reality, you can also fly anywhere you want to go at the speed of light better than the science fiction character: “Superman.” As a glorified Saint, you can appear anywhere you want to go suddenly! Alternatively, you can also disappear suddenly! (Luke 24:13-49). Yes, as a glorified Saint, you will possess super-human abilities. This is not a science fiction or genetics engineering. It is a reality! As glorified Saints with glorified bodies, we have been blessed with our eternal inheritance through the special grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:35-58).

For eternity, all the things you can’t do in your mortal body, you will be able to do them as an immortal glorified Saint. You will never get tired or fall sick for eternity! You will have a youngish and radiant look forever! All glorified Saints will look young and handsome or beautiful forever! No aging wrinkles on your face for eternity! Your eye-sight will be perfect forever, no need for reading glasses again. No terminal disease or ailment in your glorified body forever! You can never die! You can’t die or become injured if you fall down from any great height. Gun-shot or dangerous weapons can’t kill you. No poison can kill you. Vehicle accident, car-crash or plane crash can’t kill you. If you are swimming in the swimming pool, river, lake or sea, you can go down and breathe under water! Yes, as a glorified Saint with a glorified body, you will be like a “Superman” or “Superwoman” forever! Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

In reality, you will be able to do what you can only imagine presently. Super-heroes in Science fiction films are fictional characters but glorified Saints with super-human abilities will become a reality during the Millennium and for eternity!  You will remain strong and energetic forever! You can walk through closed doors or wall (John 20:19-29).  You can float or fly in the air like a bird. If you feel like, you can ascend into the sky through the ceiling and roof of any building without causing any structural damage to the building. You can traverse from earthly Jerusalem or any part of the world to Heavenly New Jerusalem at will (Luke 24: 50-52; Acts 1:6-11). You can also get to any part of the world supernaturally within a twinkle of an eye! As a glorified Saint, there is no limitation for you for eternity! Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Are You Ready For The Divine Fire Test At Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ?

Romans 14:10-12 says, “For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat…so then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.” Second Corinthians 5:10 tells us, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” In the context, it is clear that both scriptures are referring to born again Christians, not unbelievers. The Judgment Seat of Christ, therefore, involves born again believers giving an account of their lives to our Lord Jesus Christ. The Judgment Seat of Christ does not determine salvation; that was determined by Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf (1 John 2:2) and our faith in Him (John 3:16). All of our sins are forgiven and we will never be condemned for them (Romans 8:1). We should not look at the Judgment Seat of Christ as God judging our sins, but rather as Lord Jesus Christ rewarding us for our lives. Yes, as the Bible says, we will have to give an account of ourselves. This is going to be the primary focus of the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ after the imminent glorious Rapture.

Indeed, a backslidden Preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in Hell after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold or lukewarm Christian can be left behind by Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to soul winning and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Many born-again Christians are getting ready for the imminent glorious Rapture but some of them may not be fully aware that they will give account of their service for Lord Jesus Christ while on Earth. The Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ will be for born again Raptured Saints when we get to Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day. The great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ will make us rapturable. Amen.

The White Throne Judgment of Damnation will happen after the Millennial Reign of Lord Jesus Christ and it will involve all unsaved people who while alive refused to accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15). Sadly, they will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Therefore, all active soul winners must intensify their soul winning efforts in this grace period to win numerous lost souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our eternal rewards are awaiting us at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

The essence of this inspiring Evangelical post is to prepare all born-again Christians and dedicated Rapture watchers for what to expect at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ after the imminent glorious Rapture. It is also an urgent wake-up call for unbelievers and cold or lukewarm Christians to wake up from spiritual slumber before it is too late! They must decide urgently whether they want to be among the Raptured Saints on imminent glorious Rapture day or they want to be left behind and experience the terrible agonies of the Great Tribulation period. Their usual mockery of imminent glorious Rapture is useless. They have only two vital options: Raptured Saints (Glorious Rapture) or Martyred Saints (Great Tribulation)? Let us hope they make the right choice before it is too late. May God help them to make the right decision in Jesus name. Amen.

At the Heavenly “Bema” or Judgment Seat of Christ after the glorious Rapture, all dedicated Rapture watchers will get the crown of righteousness from Lord Jesus Christ because they are perpetually ready for His glorious appearance in the sky. Since they are dedicated Rapture watchers, the crown of righteousness will be the reward for perpetual watchfulness. At the Judgment Seat of Christ in Heaven after the glorious Rapture, there is a crown of righteousness that Lord Jesus Christ will place on the heads of all dedicated Rapture watchers because they eagerly lovewatch and await His glorious appearance in the sky (2 Timothy 4:7-8).

There will also be awarded the crown of rejoicing for active soul-winners for Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20). There will also be an incorruptible crown for overcoming the old nature (1 Corinthians 9:25-27). There will also be a crown of life for enduring persecution and trials while on Earth (James 1:12; Revelation 2:10). Additionally, there will be a crown of glory for shepherding the flock of Christ (1 Peter 5:4). The crown of glory is a special crown that will be awarded by Lord Jesus Christ to dedicated men/women of God who share or teaches the “Word of God (Holy Bible)” regularly with people in the churches and everywhere both online/offline. They could be Evangelists, Ministers, Pastors, Deacons, Sunday school teachers, Child Evangelism teachers or anyone who teaches the “Word of God” faithfully to others. Such individuals will be adequately rewarded by Lord Jesus Christ for their dedication and commitment to sharing the eternal Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ and encouraging the faith of other believers-in-Christ. Lord Jesus Christ is the “Word of God” (John 1:1-5)By God’s grace, you will be entitled to any of these glorious crowns in Heaven as a raptured Saint at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ after the imminent glorious Rapture.

At the Judgment Seat of Christ, believers are rewarded based on how faithfully they served Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 9:4-27; 2 Timothy 2:5). Some of the things we might be judged on are how well we obeyed the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), how victorious we were over sin (Romans 6:1-4) and how well we controlled our tongues (James 3:1-9). The Bible speaks of believers receiving crowns for different things based on how faithfully they served Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 9:4-27; 2 Timothy 2:5). The various crowns are described in 2 Timothy 2:5, 2 Timothy 4:8, James 1:12, 1 Peter 5:4 and Revelation 2:10James 1:12 is a good summary of how we should think about the Judgment Seat of Christ: “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.”

After glorious Rapture, at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ, raptured believers whose faithful service provides them with genuine rewards that survive the fire test will receive many crowns from Lord Jesus Christ. Since the Bible tells us that we will reign with Lord Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:12) when He comes to reign in His Millennial kingdom, it is obvious what these crowns signify, for crowns are for Rulers. That is compatible with His (Lord Jesus Christ) parable of the pounds, in which He promised to give rewards according to service by saying, “I will make you ruler over ten cities.” (Luke 19:11-27). That may be the reason the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ will occur before the Millennial kingdom– so that glorified Saints can be assigned to opportunities of service according to the faithful use of their talents in directly advancing Christ’s spiritual kingdom in this present life.

According to 1 Corinthians 3:12-13, some of our Heavenly treasure (“good works”) will be “goldsilver, or precious jewels, meaning that they will survive the fire test and the believer will receive a reward. What you should also see in this passage is that “the woodhay and stubble” (bad works) do not survive the fire test and the believer suffers loss of reward– not loss of salvation. The reason “bad works” don’t qualify to abide the fire test and earn a reward is because they have not been done with the right motive. To the eyes of people, they may look like silvergold and precious stones, but in reality before Lord Jesus Christ, they are nothing but woodhay and stubble. The reality of the fire test will reveal what sort it is, whether good or bad. The Judgment Seat of Christ will reveal all truth because the works mentioned in 1 Corinthians 3 evidently all looked alike until after the fire “tested every man’s work what sort it was.” There would be no purpose in fire testing straw or wood or stubble– unless they looked the same as gold, silver or jewels. It is the holy test of fire that determines whether the “works” were really “good or bad.

To the church, Pastor or fellow Christians, a person’s “Christian service” may look like “good works, but his or her “evil motive” or “hidden counsels” will be revealed by Lord Jesus Christ at this Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ, and the believer will lose his or her reward because his or her motive was one of self-seeking or hypocrisy. Therefore, a believer can lose his or her crown, receive less than a full reward, and “suffer loss” even when expecting rewards. Some of the things that could cause a loss of reward are good things done with an evil motive and hidden counsels of the heart that are displeasing to Lord Jesus Christ. In essence, God’s work should be done in God’s way- with a pure heart and a desire to glorify Lord Jesus Christ, or else there will be no reward, or at least a diminished reward.

Lord Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16). Therefore, as a King or Queen, you will reign with the King of kings (Lord Jesus Christ) throughout the 1,000 years reign of our Great King Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:4). During the Millennial kingdom period, you will also interact with mortal people you are ruling over in any part of the world. The part of the world where you will rule and your responsibilities during the Millennial kingdom period will be determined by King Jesus Christ. You will report regularly to King Jesus Christ at earthly Jerusalem to brief Him about the progress of your administration. Because we are saved “by grace… through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9), many Christians think there is little or no call on their life presently to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Consequently, they accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ as a gift and do nothing to advance His kingdom afterward. Unfortunately, they do not read on to the following verse: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10). By reading this passage, the Lord Jesus Christ expects His children to work for Him after they have been given salvation.

In fact, we will be rewarded in the Millennial kingdom period in direct proportion to the way we have served the Lord Jesus Christ presently (Matthew 20:1-16, 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27). Therefore, we are expected, once saved, to serve our Lord Jesus Christ dedicatedly. Your dedicated service for the Lord Jesus Christ can be anything done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, or for His glory. It could be soul winningworshiping Him dedicatedly, or even giving a “cup of cold water” in His name (Matthew 10:40-42). Giving a “cup of cold water” in His name (Lord Jesus Christ) implies any act of kindness or charitable support rendered to the poor or the needy like the Biblical Good Samaritan. Lord Jesus Christ loves a kind, cheerful giver (Philippians 4:19).

The Lord Jesus Christ will reward us according to our faithfulness, talent and time spent in serving Him selflessly. Talent times our productive sharing of the Gospel (Evangelism) times the time we had after our salvation to labor for Lord Jesus Christ will equal our eternal reward. The record of our dedicated service is kept by Lord Jesus Christ, who knows what ability we have to serve Him, and will hold us accountable for how we use our talents and time for service. Lord Jesus Christ is a just God and He will treat each believer according to his/her works, based on his/her ability (Matthew 6:19-21). In the mercy of Lord Jesus Christ, He has not only given us salvation totally free, but He also gives us an opportunity to invest a portion of our “treasure” (our life) in eternal rewards. The Lord Jesus Christ is not interested in having us serve Him faithfully for just a few years, but rather for our entire lifetime. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Our reward is in Heaven for everything we do on Earth for Christ sake. Our treasure is in Heaven. Our continuous labor presently for our Lord Jesus Christ is being recorded always by the holy Angels. Our selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ will be bountifully rewarded in Heaven at the Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10). You will not take to Heaven on imminent glorious Rapture day anything you have acquired on this sinful Earth. You will only ascend to Heaven on glorious Rapture day as a glorious Saint in your glorious white garment of righteousness (Revelation 19: 8, 14). Therefore, make sure you utilize your divine calling, time, talents and God given resources to evangelize zealously and win many souls for Lord Jesus Christ in this grace period while awaiting the imminent glorious Rapture.

Don’t be a spectator believer. Our eternal treasures and rewards are reserved for us in heavenly New Jerusalem, kept safe for us by our Lord Jesus Christ. As profitable servants of Jesus Christ, we will be bountifully rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ when we get to Heaven on imminent glorious Rapture day. Don’t be an unprofitable servant who will have no eternal rewards in Heaven. The Holy Angels of God are daily recording everything we are doing on Earth for the sake of the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ and any help we render for the poor and needy.

Lord Jesus Christ will spit cold/lukewarm Christians out of His mouth (Revelation 3:14-22). Indeed, cold/lukewarm Christians, Rapture scoffers and unbelievers will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. Therefore, be hot and zealous for Lord Jesus Christ henceforthWake up from spiritual slumber! “I-don’t-care” attitude must stop nowApathy for active soul winning and contempt for dedicated soul winners must stop nowAttachment to mundane, worldly things must stop nowDon’t love the world too much like unbelieversAlways be heaven-minded. Live everyday from now as if it may be your last day on Earth. Have daily Rapture expectation. This will enable you to be perpetually ready for imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial kingdom period. You can’t know Rapture day or hour but it is imminent! It will happen when you are not expecting it. Suddenly and unexpectedly! Scoffing about Rapture or mocking dedicated Rapture watchers is not a good attitude. Stop your scoffing now! Whether you believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminentBe ready always!

Daily News report on both online/offline media worldwide is scary and depressing. Satan and his demonic agents are on rampage worldwide. Our Lord Jesus Christ is warning us repeatedly through numerous prophetic messages to be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We must not be afraid of the imminent glorious Rapture, we must be ready always. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope as dedicated Rapture watchers and born again Christians.

The warning signs of imminent glorious Rapture are now occurring worldwide. You are aware of these regular warning signs of imminent glorious Rapture in the sky and in every part of the Earth. We can’t bury our heads in the sand like an Ostrich, pretending as if nothing is happening. It is Rapture scoffers, lukewarm/cold believers as well as unbelievers who are always opposing dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners. It is because they are so much in love with the world. Be perpetually ready for imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial kingdom reign of King Jesus ChristGlorious Rapture is a true blessed hope of dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners worldwide.

In this grace period, global Evangelism should be urgently supported by all and sundry. Apathy and cold indifference must stop now! It is a satanic manipulation to hinder massive soul winning online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. Numerous lost souls are perishing daily worldwide. According to many true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, there are billions of doomed souls being tormented in eternal burning Hell. On the Great White Throne judgment day, they will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15). We should stop this great calamity urgently. Our blessed and long-anticipated departure for Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day is at the door! We should try to win as many souls as possible before the imminent glorious Rapture day.

According to many divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, many people worldwide will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day due to their lukewarmsinful condition and not being ready always for Rapture. Therefore, we should try to increase the number of people worldwide who will become raptured on imminent Rapture day by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must urgently create continuous awareness about the imminent glorious Rapture both online and offline. Don’t be ashamed to be an active soul winner and dedicated Rapture watcher. We must urgently intensify our soul winning efforts both online and offline.

Henceforth, everything you are doing for Lord Jesus Christ should be done because you love Him and want to glorify Him. This must always be your motive in your continuous selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t serve because you want to get a reward or commendation from people, serve dedicatedly because you love Lord Jesus Christ and want to glorify Him. You will get your eternal rewards by God’s grace. During the thousand years of the reign of King Jesus Christ, you will serve Him during that period in direct proportion to the way you have faithfully served Him during this present time on Earth. If you have been a spectator Christian in this life, you will be one in the Millennial kingdom period. Your eternal rewards earned from your selfless service in this present life will determine your opportunity to serve King Jesus Christ for 1,000 years! In this grace period before imminent glorious Rapture, it is entirely up to you to make the right decision nowWake up from lukewarmspiritual slumberTime is running outPrepare and be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture and Millennial reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth.


Second Coming Of Christ To Earth: What Will Happen During The Millennial Kingdom Of King Jesus Christ?

The Reason For The 1,000 Years Reign Of King Jesus Christ. The Millennial kingdom is a period of time when King Jesus Christ will reign over all the Earth. The purpose of the 1,000 years reign is to allow for the fulfillment of several promises God made with Israel, Lord Jesus Christ, the Gentiles and creation. Therefore, the main purpose of Lord Jesus’ 1,000 years reign is to fulfill the prophecies given to Israel and the promises made by God to Lord Jesus Christ, the nations and the whole Earth. God’s covenants were voluntary and eternal. He promised He would bless Israel and restore the world in specific ways, and He will accomplish His covenants through the 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth.

Promises To Israel. Throughout Israel’s history, God has made several promises, or covenants, promising to bless Israel in specific ways. Some of these covenants have yet to be fulfilled. The Palestinian Covenant or the Land Covenant (Genesis 15:18-20; Numbers 34:1-12; Deuteronomy 30:1-10) outlines the exact borders Israel will possess for eternity; however, the nation of Israel has yet to encompass these specific boundaries. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7) is the promise that God made to David that David’s heir would sit on the throne of Israel forever. Lord Jesus Christ is that heir, but He has yet to take His physical, political birthright. The New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34) outlines the promise that Israel as a nation will return to God and worship their Messiah: Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 9-11).

God has already fulfilled the personal aspects of the Abrahamic Covenant. Abraham went to the Promised Land (Canaan), he had many descendants, and he was the forefather of many nations. Several hundred years after Abraham, Joshua led the Israelites to claim ownership of the Promised Land (Canaan). However, Israel has never possessed the specific boundaries that God promised in Genesis 15:18–20 and Numbers 34:1-12. Not even Solomon ruled over this particular area (1 Kings 4:21–24). Although he did reign from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates, he did not hold the area from Mount Hor to Hazarenan (Numbers 34:7–9)—into present-day Lebanon and Syria. In addition, the covenant God made with Abraham was that he and his descendants would have the land for eternity (Genesis 13:15; 17:8; Ezekiel 16:60). The current Israeli state may be a step in this direction, but they still do not possess the boundaries God laid out.

Concerning the Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7), God’s covenant with David was that his line would never die out and that David’s heir would sit on the throne of Israel forever (2 Samuel 7:16). Biblical scholars agree that Lord Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of this covenant—one of the reasons His genealogy is given for both His step-father (Matthew 1:1–17) and His mother (Luke 3:23–38). The Jews understood this when they laid down palm branches and their cloaks as Lord Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1–17). They expected Him to be a military/political leader that would liberate them from the Romans and make Israel a great nation again. However, they didn’t understand the nature of Jesus’ work at the time was for the New Covenant, not the Davidic Covenant. The 1,000 years reign will be the beginning of Lord Jesus’ eternal reign over Israel and the Earth (Revelation 20:4, 6).

Pertaining to the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34), or the work of the New Covenant—Jesus’ death and resurrection to reconcile hearts to God—has been accomplished. However, we have not yet seen the complete fulfillment. Jeremiah 31:33 says, “But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Ezekiel 36:28 gives more specifics: “You shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers, and you shall be my people, and I will be your God.” Isaiah 59:20–21 explains that this covenant is possible because of the Redeemer, and the reconciliation He provides will last forever. This covenant means that Israel as a nation will eventually worship their Messiah (Lord Jesus Christ). The Old Testament prophets who spoke of this covenant, including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, and Ezekiel, all wrote that it will be fulfilled in the future. From their time on, Israel has yet to be an independent nation that worshiped its Messiah (Romans 9-11). They will be in the 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ. In essence, all the covenants of God with Israel will be fully fulfilled during the 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth.

Promises To Lord Jesus Christ. In Psalm 110, David records the promises that God (“The Lord“) made to Jesus Christ (“My Lord“). God invites Lord Jesus Christ to sit at His right hand until God makes Jesus’ enemies a footstool. Lord Jesus Christ will rule over, judge, and shatter His enemies while His loyal people will worship Him freely (Psalm 100). This combination of judging enemies and being worshiped by the faithful cannot happen simultaneously in the eternal heaven, because in heaven there will be no sin or rebellion to judge. Similarly, In Daniel 7:11-14, Lord Jesus Christ is given dominion over all the people, nations, and languages before His enemies are permanently destroyed.

Promises To The Gentiles. The promise in Daniel 7:11-14 refers to Gentiles, as well. It says that Lord Jesus Christ will be given dominion over all the nations. The whole world will know God (Isaiah 11:9). In addition to Jesus’ rule over the Gentiles, His faithful followers will be given positions of authority (Luke 19:12-27; Revelation 5:10; 1 Corinthians 6:2).

Promises To Creation. Jesus’ sovereignty will extend beyond human political systems and into all of creation. The curse will be lifted (Romans 8:18-23). Animals will live in peace again (Isaiah 11:6-9, 35:9, 65:25). Fields will be productive and freed from the curse of weeds (Isaiah 32:13-15). The mortals who survived the Great Tribulation period and populate the Earth during the 1,000 years kingdom reign of  King Jesus Christ will be freed from disease (Isaiah 33:24, 35:5-6,61:1-2; Ezekiel 34:16).

During the Millennial period, even though there is peace throughout the world, even though the worship of God is the norm for all nations, even though King Jesus Christ will reign from Jerusalem, and even though Satan is bound and cannot influence people, there will still be those who do not choose Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This is due to the fact that when Satan is released in Revelation 20:7, the rebellious people are completely open for his deception and willing to follow him into battle against King Jesus Christ one last time. They will not be few individuals—“number is like the sand of the sea.” (Revelation 20:8). Indeed, rebellion is a deliberate action because the influence of King Jesus Christ over civilization during the Millennium and the removal of Satan are not enough to encourage rebellious people to follow God (Romans 3:11-12). Only the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts ensures we will choose good over evil.  God cannot force people to accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. People must decide voluntarily whether they want to follow Lord Jesus Christ or Satan. Therefore, in the Millennium, rebellious people who choose to follow Satan will be doomed for eternity with Satan and his fallen angels/demons in the lake of fire and sulfur (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:11-15).

2 Peter 3:8-9 says, “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” The 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ offers the opportunity for God to fulfill His promises to Israel, Lord Jesus Christ, the Gentiles and creation. Therefore, the wait presently offers the opportunity for us (soul winners) to reach the world for Lord Jesus Christ and teach others about His great salvation offer and the blessings of God awaiting people during the Millennial kingdom period and for eternity.

Second Coming Of Lord Jesus Christ To Earth Is A Reality. The Biblical Psalms contain a number of references to Christ’s second coming to Earth. In Psalm 2, the writer says that the Lord scoffs at those who rebel against Him. The Psalm states: “Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, “I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill.” I will proclaim the decree of the Lord: He said to me, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery” (Psalm 2:5-9).

The trilogy of Psalm 22, 23, and 24 gives a panoramic view of Lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 22 speaks of His work as the Good Shepherd dying on the cross for our sins (John 10:11). Psalm 23 speaks of His present care for His own as the Great Shepherd (Hebrews 13:20), interceding for them in heaven. Psalm 24 describes Lord Jesus Christ as the King of Glory, the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4), who will enter the gates of Jerusalem. Another major revelation is given in Psalm 72, revealing Christ’s Millennial reign over the whole Earth. After describing how He will judge the people, defend the afflicted, and deliver the righteous, the psalm continues: “In His days the righteous will flourish; prosperity will abound till the moon is no more. He will rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. The desert tribes will bow before Him and His enemies will lick the dust. The kings of Tarshish and of distant shores will bring tribute to Him; the kings of Sheba and Seba will present Him gifts. All kings will bow down to Him and all nations will serve Him (Psalm 72:7-11). The Psalm concluded by stating that all nations will be blessed through Him and that the whole earth will be filled with His glory. (Psalm 72:17-19).

Another major passage dealing with Lord Jesus Christ in His second coming is found in Isaiah 11, where the righteous reign of King Jesus Christ and the blessings of the Millennial kingdom are revealed. Daniel 7:13-14 states that the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ marks the termination of the times of the Gentiles and the beginning of the reign of God’s kingdom on Earth: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into His presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” This passage, as all others on the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ, makes clear that it refers to an event not yet fulfilled that will consummate the plan of God for the ages.

Zechariah 2:10-11 also anticipates the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and His residence in the Earth, “Shout and be glad, O Daughter of Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you,’ declares the Lord. ‘Many nations will be joined with the Lord in that day and will become my people. I will live among you and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you.” In that future day, Scripture declares that Lord Jesus Christ will claim the Holy Land (Jerusalem) as His own. Zechariah says, “The Lord will inherit Judah as his portion in the holy land and will again choose Jerusalem.” (Zechariah 2:12).

A dramatic description of the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ is recorded in Zechariah 14, which describes an attack upon Jerusalem. Zechariah states, “Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights in the day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south.” (Zechariah 14:3-4). This prophecy makes clear that Lord Jesus Christ has not come in His second coming because the Mount of Olives is still intact, awaiting the coming of Christ.

Among the first duties of King Jesus Christ as He prepares to set up His 1,000 years reign is to sit in judgment on some groups of people.  King Jesus Christ will judge three groups of people:

  1. Resurrected believers from before Pentecost and the resurrected martyred great tribulation saints (Daniel 12:1-3, Revelation 20:4).
  2. Jews who had gone through the great tribulation period and survived (Ezekiel 20:33-44). Some of them will be allowed to become citizens of the Millennial kingdom and some of them will be cast into Hades (Hell). Their destination will depend on whether they chose to accept Lord Jesus Christ or to follow Antichrist and his revolt against God and Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. Gentiles (Matthew 25). What King Jesus Christ will do with Gentiles who endured the great tribulation period will depend on how they behaved during those devastating years. Those who did not follow Antichrist and who showed kindness to the Jews showed their love for Lord Jesus Christ, so they will enter the Millennial kingdom. The rest will be “cast away” into Hades (Hell) either because they worshipped Antichrist or because they mistreated Jews or both.

Pertaining to the judgment of the Jews who survived the great tribulation period, Prophet Ezekiel described King Jesus Christ as a shepherd standing at the door of a sheepfold. The Jews who have trusted Lord Jesus Christ will be received into His Millennial kingdom while those who rejected Him will not (Ezekiel 20:33-44). Again, a shepherd metaphor is used to describe King Jesus Christ while judging the Gentiles who live through the great tribulation period. King Jesus Christ is pictured as separating the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:31-46). Believers in Christ (the sheep) will be allowed to enter the Millennial kingdom while unbelievers (the goats) will die and await the great white throne judgment of God (Revelation 20:11-15).

At the battle of Armageddon, just when all seemed lost, King Jesus Christ will appear in glory, leading His heavenly armies to Earth. The battle will be won by King Jesus Christ and the armed hordes of the Earth will be totally defeated. The Earth will be in ruins. Death and destruction will lie everywhere. Rather than returning to heaven, King Jesus Christ will erect His glorious throne in Jerusalem, establish it as His capital city, reinstate the Jews as His people, and rule over the entire Earth in a 1,000 years reign of peace, prosperity and righteousness, which we call the Millennium (Revelation 20:4-6).

The Old Testament prophecies are filled with details about the new government King Jesus Christ will establish when He returns to Earth. Here is what it will be like when the Lord Jesus Christ rules the world:

  1. Jesus Christ Will Be King.
  • The Branch of David will rule (Jeremiah 23:5).
  • Jesus Christ will fulfill His prophesied rule (Luke 1:32-33).
  • The believers of the Church age and resurrected martyred great tribulation saints will reign with Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:4-6).
  1. Israel Will Be Prominent.
  • Israel will be the favored nation (Isaiah 2:1-3).
  • Jerusalem will be the capital city (Isaiah 60:10-14).
  • David’s throne will be re-established (Luke 1:32).
  1. Christ’s Rule Will Reflect His Character.
  • Justice for everyone (Isaiah 2:4).
  • All will prosper (Micah 4:4).
  • Jesus Christ will reign in righteousness (Jeremiah 23:5).
  • The Earth will be at peace (Zechariah 8:4-5).
  • People will be safe (Jeremiah 23:5-6).
  1. The Natural World Will Be Transformed.
  • Climate will be ideal (Isaiah 30:23-26).
  • Wild animals will be tame (Isaiah 11:6-8).
  • Fishing will be great (Ezekiel 47:9-10).
  • People will have good health (Isaiah 35:5-6).
  • Life of people will be lengthened (Isaiah 65:19-20, 22).
  • Trees will provide food and medicine (Ezekiel 47:12).
  1. God Will Be Worshiped.
  • The name of Jehovah (God) and Lord Jesus Christ will be known throughout the world (Malachi 1:11).
  • The new Millennial Temple at Jerusalem will be the center of worship (Ezekiel 40-48).
  • Representatives will come from everywhere worldwide to worship King Jesus Christ at Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:16).
  • All mankind will come to worship King Jesus Christ at Jerusalem (Isaiah 66:23).
  • The Jews will lead in worship (Isaiah 60:10-14).

When King Jesus Christ rules in the Millennial kingdom, His love, justice, mercy, righteousness and peace will be found throughout the Earth. Since people reflect their ruler, the people of the Millennial kingdom will reflect the characteristics of their king (Lord Jesus Christ). During this golden age, the Earth will be what God intended it to be.

Indeed, shortly after Lord Jesus Christ glorious return, He will transform this age-old Earth, reversing some of the fallout from the curse in the Garden of Eden. These changes will allow the inhabitants of Earth to enjoy a time of prosperity and happiness unparalleled in human history. The re-creation of King Jesus Christ will be marked by:

The Sovereign Ruler Reigns In The Millennium. The Millennial kingdom of King Jesus Christ will not be a democracy. Rather, it will be a theocracya benevolent government led by God. As Ruler of the Earth during the Millennial kingdom period, King Jesus Christ will be a King who will “reign and prosper, and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.” (Jeremiah 23:5). As King, Lord Jesus Christ will do what no other leader in history has been able to do. He will govern with absolute authority, righteousness and justice. Finally, after so many failures on the part of mankind, a utopian world will have arrived. King Jesus Christ will rule as we have always desired leaders to rule. There can be no such golden age for this world apart from the personal appearance, presence and rule of its rightful Sovereign, the Prince of Peace, King Jesus Himself! During this time, the nations “shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4).

Prophet Zechariah predicted, “Then shall the Lord (King Jesus Christ) go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives…And the Lord (King Jesus Christ) shall be King over all the earth (Zechariah 14:3-9).” Revelation 19 pictures the Messiah (King Jesus Christ) as Lord of lords and King of kings, coming down from heaven riding upon a white horse. In Revelation chapter 20, Apostle John made reference to 1,000 years about six times! This time span refers to a golden age when Satan is bound and King Jesus Christ is ruling over the nations of the Earth from the city of Jerusalem. During this golden age, “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord (King Jesus Christ) as the waters cover the sea.’ (Habakkuk 2:14).

The Millennial kingdom is primarily a political kingdom, though it has spiritual aspects and Lord Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, who has come to reign over the Earth. Because it is an earthly kingdom with Lord Jesus Christ on the throne, it obviously cannot be fulfilled in the present age when Lord Jesus Christ is in heaven, though Christians form a part of the kingdom of God in a spiritual sense.

Jesus Christ will serve as King of kings and Lord of lords in the Millennial kingdom and will fulfill the promises that He will sit on David’s throne over the house of Israel (2 Samuel 7:16; Psalm. 89:20-37; Isaiah 11:1-16; Jeremiah 33:19-21). In His relationship to Israel as her king, He was born to rule over her (Luke 1:32-33). The people of Israel rejected Him as their king (Mark 15:12-13; Luke 19:14). In His death, it was posted on the Cross that He died as a King (Matthew 27:37). It is in keeping with this that when He comes again, He comes as the King who will fulfill prophecies of His ruling over the Davidic kingdom (Revelation 19:16).

In addition to reigning over Israel as the Son of David, Lord Jesus Christ is also King of kings over the entire Earth, and this includes the Gentile world. As Psalm 72:8 states, “He will rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.” The fact that Lord Jesus Christ will reign over the entire world is taught by many Scriptures (Isaiah 2:1-4; 9:6-7; 11:1-10; 16:5; 24:23; 32:1; 40:1-11; 42:3-4; 52:7-15; 55:4; Daniel 2:44; 7:27; Micah 4:1-8; 5:2-5; Zechariah 9:9; 14:16-17). These Biblical verses demand a literal kingdom and a literal reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth.

In Christ’s reign over the people of Israel, David will be resurrected as king and serve as a “Regent” under King Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 30:9; 33:15-17; Ezekiel 34:23-24; 37:24-25; Hosea 3:5). The twelve Apostles also will have part in the reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth and will judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28).

The divine kingdom of King Jesus Christ in the Millennium is clearly over the entire Earth in fulfillment of Psalm 2:6-9 (Psalm 72:8; Daniel 2:35; 7:14; Micah 4:1-2; Zechariah 9:10). This is in keeping with His title in Revelation 19:16 as “King of kings and Lord of lords.” The Millennial kingdom will be an absolute rule of King Jesus Christ and it will involve judgment on anyone who opposes Him. (Psalm 2:9; 72:9-11; Isaiah 11:4).

Righteousness and justice will characterize the Millennial kingdom, in contrast to the corrupt governments of our present world. In keeping with this, Psalm 2:10-12 speaks of His wrath, and Isaiah 11:3-5 gives assurance that the poor and the meek will be dealt with righteously. Because all those who enter the Millennium are either resurrected saints or people who became born again (saved) during the great tribulation period and survived, in the early stages of the Millennium, there will be a righteous manner of life in the world such as the world has never seen.

A Time of Faith In Lord Jesus Christ. The Millennial kingdom period will be a time of faith, when the majority of the population will become believers-in-Christ (Christians). Only saved mortal people (born again Christians) will enter the Millennium and those born during the thousand years of Christ’s reign will need to receive Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and become born again Christians. Christianity will be the only approved religion worldwide during the Millennial kingdom period. No false religion or occultic society will be allowed worldwide. The Holy Bible will be the only approved Scriptural book worldwide. No false Scriptural book or occultic book will be allowed worldwide. Since King Jesus Christ will be fully in charge, there won’t be immoral or other forms of destructive Television programming or worldly music/movies that can blind the minds of people to the eternal Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. Body damaging substances (cocaine, heroin, marijuana, opium, LSD, anabolic steroid, cigar, cigarette, alcoholic drinks, etc.) will not be available worldwide, so people will not have their minds so fogged that they cannot fairly appraise the truths of Scriptures (Holy Bible). Satan will be bound for 1,000 years in the fiery bottomless pit so he cannot “blind the eyes” of the people spiritually.

In the Millennial kingdom period, the citadel of learning (University) will not be dominated by Professors or Doctors who are Atheists or Agnostics set to destroy the minds of youths. The false theory of “Evolution” or “Big Bang” false theory will be banned forever. All education from Primary, Secondary and University levels will start from the premise: “In the beginning GOD!” In such an academic climate, young people will be more open to the claims of God and Lord Jesus Christ on their lives. All education and art forms will glorify Lord Jesus Christ during the Millennial kingdom period. According to Jeremiah 31:31-34, everyone will be acquainted with the eternal Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. The Millennial kingdom period will offer people who have not known Lord Jesus Christ or His true expectations an opportunity to respond to Him. It is important to note that this is not a second chance. It will be the first and only chance for these people. The Bible teaches that everyone will have an opportunity to come to God (2 Peter 3:9).

During the Millennial kingdom period, Isaiah 65:20 indicates that unbelievers will die “being 100 years old.” This means that a person will be considered still a “child” at “100 yearsof age. In essence, this indicates that only believers-in-Christ (Christians) will live beyond their hundredth birthday. Evidently God will give people “100 years” to decide about Lord Jesus Christ. If they accept Him as Personal Lord and Savior, they will be permitted to live on for the rest of the Millennial kingdom period. However, no sinner will survive his or her hundredth birthday. Therefore, only believers-in-Christ (Christians) will be alive to propagate and raise children after they are “100 years” old.

During the Millennial kingdom period, Satan will be bound in the fiery bottomless pit (Revelation 20:1-2) and God’s people who will have been changed into immortal beings (glorified Saints) on glorious Rapture day (1 Corinthians 15:52), will be actively teaching mortal people worldwide God’s ways and the eternal Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. Commenting on this time, Isaiah 30:20-21 says: “And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your teachers will not be moved into a corner anymore, but your eyes shall see your teachers. Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” Satan’s constant influence to cause people to sin, which is part of this present evil world, will be replaced by immortal beings (glorified Saints) that will help guide people into Godly paths. Because of this positive teaching and guidance by immortal beings (glorified Saints)  and the fact that God’s law will be going out to all the Earth from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-3), the mortal people living in the Millennium will know about this period of time and that this is their opportunity to respond to God and Lord Jesus Christ.

The Spiritual Life In The Millennial Kingdom. Though the Millennial kingdom is a political kingdom, it nevertheless will provide a context for a high level of spiritual life and experience. Though Lord Jesus Christ reigns in the hearts of His followers now, in the Millennial kingdom this will be universal, political, and visible. An important part of this is the fact that Lord Jesus Christ will be visibly present and the world will be able to see His great glory (Matthew 24:30). Psalm 72:19 also mentions that the whole Earth will be filled with His glory.

In addition to other aspects of the spiritual life, full knowledge of God and His ways are indicated, as stated in Isaiah 11:9“They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” In contrast to the Mosaic Law, which was written on tablets of stone, God will put His truth in the heart of man, and all will know the facts about Lord Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 31:33-34). God will also forgive their sins and pour out His blessings upon them. The spiritual life in the Millennium will be manifested in righteousness among the glorified Saints, who will flourish (Psalm 72:7).

In addition to the kingdom being righteous in relation to spiritual life, it will also be a time of peace, when nations no longer fight each other, and interpersonal relationships will be peaceful. Isaiah 2:4 states, “He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”

In keeping with righteousness and peace, there will be universal joy, as stated in Isaiah 12:3-4: “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. In that day you will say: Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.”

In keeping with these predictions, the power of the Holy Spirit will work in the Millennial scene. Glorified Saints in the Millennium will be indwelt by the Holy Spirit, even as they are in the present age (Isaiah 32:15; 44:3; Ezekiel 39:29; Joel 2:28-29). The Millennial kingdom will manifest a high level of spiritual life unequaled in any previous dispensation.

The Social And Economic Characteristics Of The Millennium. The Millennium will provide a high level of social and economic characteristics for the entire Earth. Probably the majority of those living in the Millennium will be saved. This is because only saved mortal people (born again Christians) will enter the Millennium and those born during the thousand years of Christ’s reign will, of course, need to receive Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and become born again Christians. Because there is such universal knowledge of Christ and because Satan is bound and cannot oppose this, it would seem that the great majority of those who live in the millennial kingdom period will be saved even though at the end of the Millennium there will be a rebellion on the part of those who are not actually saved. The millennial kingdom period will also be a time of great prosperity and there will be no poor people or people suffering from lack of economic needs. The curse on the ground pronounced after Adam’s sin will be lifted, and even the desert will produce abundant crops (Isaiah 32:14-15; 35:1-2). It will be a time of general prosperity for the entire Earth (Jeremiah 31:12; Ezekiel 34:25-29; Joel 2:21-27; Amos 9:13-14).

In the Millennial kingdom period, each of the twelve tribes of Israel will have its designated portion of the promised land as indicated in Ezekiel 48.

One of the outstanding features of the Millennium is that there will be no war. Accordingly, expenditures necessary to support a military branch of the government will be turned into improvement of the social and economic life in the Millennium.

Contributing to peaceful circumstances, there will be universal justice. As stated in Isaiah 11:4, “With righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.”

The Earth, which was cursed following Adam’s sin, will now bring forth abundantly as stated in Isaiah 35:1-2, “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.” There will be abundant rainfall (Isaiah 30:23; 35:7). In general, there will be prosperity under the ideal government of King Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 31:12; Ezekiel 34:25-29; Joel 2:21-27; Amos 9:13-14).

Apparently, sickness will be less prevalent in the Millennium than in any previous dispensation and physical difficulties will be healed (Isaiah 29:18; 33:24). Even those who are lame will be healed and those who are dumb will be able to speak (Isaiah 35:5-6). In general, longevity will characterize the human race, for a person who dies at the age of “100 years” will be considered a “child” (Isaiah 65:20).

Because the Earth’s population has been decimated by the events of the Great Tribulation period, those in the Millennium will witness a large increase in the birth rate. In the book of Jeremiah the Lord (King Jesus Christ) says, “From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they will not be decreased; I will bring them honor, and they will not be disdained. Their children will be as in days of old, and their community will be established before me; I will punish all who oppress them.” (30:19-20). Indeed, the Millennium will be a golden age to a far greater extent than any previous dispensation.

Increased Productivity In The Millennium. Prophet Isaiah said that “the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; it shall blossom abundantly.” (Isaiah 35:1-2). In addition to enjoying peace and prosperity during the kingdom age, the inhabitants of the Earth will revel in the blessings of a fully cooperative natural world. Nature itself will smile upon mankind. Even the deserts will be well watered. According to Prophet Isaiah, “In the wilderness shall waters break out and streams in the deserts” (Isaiah 35:6). Evidently, new areas of land will be made fruitful and this new source of usable land will lead to a time of great prosperity. Even the fishing will improve (Ezekiel 47:9).

Better Weather In The Millennium. According to Prophet Isaiah, “Then He (King Jesus Christ) will give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground and bread of the increase of the earth; it will be fat and plenteous.” (Isaiah 30:23). King Jesus Christ transforming work will include changes in the climate of Earth. The sun will be more radiant and even the moon will shine brighter (Isaiah 30:26).

Peaceful Co-existence Of Animals In The Millennium. In the Millennial kingdom period, through the transformation power of King Jesus Christ, wild animals will become peaceful. In Isaiah 11:6-9 it is revealed that “Wolves and sheep will live together in peace, and leopards will lie down with young goats. Calves and lion cubs will feed together, and little children will take care of them. Cows and bears will eat together, and their calves and cubs will lie down in peace. Lions will eat straw (grass) as cattle do. Even a baby will not be harmed if it plays near a poisonous snake. On Zion, God’s sacred hill, there will be nothing harmful or evil. The land will be as full of knowledge of Lord (King Jesus Christ) as the seas are full of water. “

According to Prophet Isaiah, wild animals that are presently carnivorous will begin to eat grass only, so that the animals will not fear one another or harm people. However, not only will all animals literally be herbivorous in the Millennial kingdom period, but all animals once were herbivorous, since neither Man nor beast ate animal flesh prior to the great flood of Noah’s era.

Genesis 1:29-30, “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.”

The Hebrew word “oklah” translated “meat” by the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) simply means food or that which is devoured. The beasts (animals) are neither given for Adam’s food, nor for one another’s food. Both Adam and the beasts (animals) are given the herbs and fruits to eat. So Man (Adam) and beasts (animals) were all vegetarian. However, God changed things after the great flood.

In Genesis 9:2-3 God says to Noah, “And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.”

Since after the great flood of Noah’s era, the animals began to fear people, because human beings were given permission to eat the animals. This was also when many wild animals became carnivorous. However, by the transformation power of King Jesus Christ, all wild animals worldwide will become peaceful during the Millennial kingdom period. Even snakes will become harmless and not dangerous to human beings and animals. No more poisonous venom from the deadly bite of a snake because during the Millennial kingdom period, snakes will not bite again. During this utopian era, a crawling baby will be able to play with a snake which will be like a harmless toy.

“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion and the fatling together.” (Isaiah 11:6-7). This means that during the Millennial kingdom of King Jesus Christ, wild animals will become gentle and will not kill other animals again. The implication is that all animals worldwide will become grass eating (Herbivorous) during the Millennial kingdom period. In essence, carnivorous (flesh eating) tendency among wild animals will be removed by King Jesus Christ and His plans for this golden age will surely cause our lives to be more enjoyable.

Life Spans Increased In The Millennium. Isaiah 65:20-25 says, “There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed. And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them. And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD (King Jesus Christ).

There are many key statements in this prophetic passage. We see a great increase in life spans. However, not only will life spans literally be longer during the Millennium, but this too occurred before the great flood of Noah’s era.

In the genealogy from Adam to Noah given in Genesis 5 and 9:29, there are extremely long life spans. When we exclude Enoch who was taken to heaven by God (Genesis 5:24) at the age of 365 years and Lamech who died at the age of 777 years, we find that all of the other eight lived between 895 and 969 years. Methuselah was the oldest man who died at the age of 969 years. After the great flood of Noah’s era, there was a rapid drop in life span to a little over 400 years. Around the time of the tower of Babel, life spans dropped to a little over 200 years. Then they began to slowly decrease to more modern life spans over a period of hundreds of years.

According to Isaiah 65, during the Millennial kingdom period, longevity will be increased to almost what it was prior to the great flood of Noah’s era, when people lived to almost 1,000 years of age. At least that will be the case for believers-in-Christ born in the Millennial kingdom period, who will live from the time of their birth until the end of the Millennial kingdom period. In essence, 1,000 years life span will become a reality for a mortal believer-in-Christ during the Millennial kingdom period. Isaiah 65:20 indicates that a person will be considered still a “child” at “100 years” of age. Definitely, this will be a utopian era. Glory to Lord Jesus Christ.

In the Isaiah 65:20-25 passage we also see normal, everyday life taking place during the Millennial kingdom period. In this prophecy, we see normal activities like building houses, living in them, planting vineyards, eating fruit, bearing children, and sometimes even death among mortal human beings. The Glorified Saints with glorified bodies who are immortal beings can never die. This passage also provides further evidence of carnivorous animals becoming herbivorous.

It is pertinent to note that it is not only those who are resurrected or changed into immortal bodies that will enter the Millennial kingdom. This would leave no one in the Millennial kingdom who could possibly sin or die. But Matthew 25:31-46 describes King Jesus Christ dividing the sheep from the goats at the end of the great tribulation period. This is the judgment of the Gentile nations (Matthew 25:32). All of the people gathered on the Lord’s right hand are survivors of the great tribulation period and will pass into the Millennial kingdom in their mortal bodies. They will bear children who are mortal as well. The same is true for the many Israelites who will survive the great tribulation period, and will bear children in the Millennial kingdom. Ezekiel 37:25-26 says, “And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children’s children for ever: and my servant David shall be their prince forever. Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” All of these mortal people and their descendants will be capable of both sin and death in the Millennial kingdom, even though Satan will be in chains in the fiery bottomless pit and unable to influence them.

An End To Wars In The Millennium. There will be no war on Earth during the one thousand years reign of King Jesus Christ, until Satan is released from his bottomless pit prison (Revelation 20:7-9) for a short period at the end. In reference to Lord Jesus Christ, Micah 4:3 says, “And He (King Jesus Christ) shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” Isaiah 2:4 is another similar passage. Not only will there no longer be any war on Earth during the Millennial kingdom period, but the dangerous weapons of war worldwide will be dismantled and battle strategies will no longer be taught. Hallelujah! Glory to Lord Jesus Christ.

Israel will be at peace and dwell safely in the Millennial kingdom period. “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King (Lord Jesus Christ) shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In His days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is His name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” (Jeremiah 23:5-6). This is certainly in contrast to the present period with Israel surrounded by her enemies on all sides.

King Jesus Christ’s Judgment In The Millennium And The Restored Judges Of Israel. Micah 4:3 says, “And He (King Jesus Christ) shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King (Lord Jesus Christ) shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In His days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is His name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” (Jeremiah 23:5-6). The prophecies of Prophet Micah and Prophet Jeremiah refer to King Jesus Christ judging the nations of the Earth during His Millennial kingdom. He will do so in all wisdom and perfect justice, with a rod of iron. “And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God” (Revelation 19:15). Lord Jesus Christ will reign as a literal King on a glorious throne, dwelling in Jerusalem.

King Jesus Christ will also restore the Judges to Israel. “And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city.” (Isaiah 1:26). Who will the Judges of the twelve tribes of Israel be? Lord Jesus Christ told His disciples, “… Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of His glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (Matthew 19:28). As a traitor, Judas Iscariot committed suicide (self-murder), therefore he is doomed forever in hell and will end up in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur on great judgment day.

The 11 Apostles under the leadership of Apostle Peter replaced Judas Iscariot with Matthias. Paul became an Apostle by the special grace of Lord Jesus Christ but he was very dedicated as an Evangelist and Missionary throughout his life time. Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Apostle Paul wrote some of the books in Biblical New Testament and the numerous activities of his Ministry were recorded in “The Acts of the Apostles’ (Acts 9-28). Therefore, in the Millennial kingdom period, King Jesus Christ will decide wisely whether Apostle Paul or Apostle Matthias will be among the twelve Judges ruling the twelve tribes of Israel.

Israel Will Be A Kingdom Of Priests In The Millennium. “Thus saith the LORD of hosts; It shall yet come to pass, that there shall come people, and the inhabitants of many cities: And the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD, and to seek the LORD of hosts: I will go also. Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you” (Zechariah 8:20-23).

Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.” (Exodus 19:5-6).

The Feast Of Tabernacles In The Millennium. A prophecy occurring in Zechariah 14:16-19 concerns the Gentile nations keeping the feast of tabernacles in the Millennial kingdom period. “And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King (Jesus Christ), the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. And it shall be that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.” According to this prophecy, during the Millennial kingdom the Gentiles must keep the feast of tabernacles which was formerly a feast just for Israel. To do so, they must travel to Jerusalem once each year to “worship the King” (Lord Jesus Christ).

King Jesus Christ will reign on His glorious throne in Jerusalem like Ezekiel 43:7 says, “And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile..” To know the details about the feast of tabernacles which is also known as the feast of booths, you can read Leviticus 23:33-44. It may be that the feast of tabernacles will take on a slightly different meaning in the Millennial kingdom period since Israel will no longer celebrate their rescue from Egypt, but rather, from all the nations to which they have been scattered. Jeremiah 16:14-15 says, “Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be said, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers.

The Millennial New Temple And The Law In The Millennium. The Temple of the Millennial kingdom period is described in detail in Ezekiel chapters 40-44. The glory of the Lord Jesus Christ will fill the Temple (Ezekiel 43:5). The law given by God through Moses will still be kept by the Jews including the animal sacrifices (Ezekiel 43:19-27). The Levites will still minister in the Temple (Ezekiel 44:9-11). The laws and statutes delivered by Moses will be obeyed by the Jews (Ezekiel 44:24). The Sabbaths and feasts of Israel will still be kept including the Passover, the feast of unleavened bread (Ezekiel 45:21), and the feast of tabernacles (Ezekiel 45:25). It will be well known by all that Lord Jesus Christ gave his life as the perfect sacrifice for all mankind.

The new Millennial Temple will be a huge building rich in spiritual meaning. The spiritual significance of the Millennial Temple will differ from the importance of the Temple under the Mosaic Law, but it will provide a means of worship of God, including animal sacrifices. Though animal sacrifices in themselves do not provide any relief from sin, as was true in the Old Testament, Millennial kingdom period sacrifices will look back to the Cross of Lord Jesus Christ even as sacrifices in the Mosaic period looked forward to the Cross of Lord Jesus Christ. Though some critics have opposed the idea of animal sacrifices in the Millennium on the ground that Christ’s sacrifice was sufficient, there does not seem to be any other suitable explanation of the details of the Millennial kingdom period and the details of the sacrificial system in the Millennial kingdom period as provided in Ezekiel’s prophecy. During the present age, the Lord’s Supper is the scriptural reminder of the sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ.

As portrayed by Prophet Ezekiel, the Millennial new Temple building differs so much from the Temples of Jewish history that it cannot be identified with any of them. Therefore, a new Temple is going to stand in Jerusalem during the Millennial kingdom period. A literal acceptance of Prophet Ezekiel’s prophecy about another Temple with its associated animal sacrifices does not, as some critics claim, mean a return to the bondage of the law. Indeed, as the animal sacrifices under the law in Old Testament times pointed forward to Lord Jesus Christ, so those that are offered by the Jews in the future Temple during the Millennium will point back to Lord Jesus Christ. They will be vivid reminders of the sacrificial death of Lord Jesus Christ and thus they will serve a purpose similar to the observance of the Lord’s Supper. As we partake of the bread and the cup during the Holy Communion (Lord’s Supper) service in our present day churches, we remember the sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ for us through His bruised body and shed blood on the Cross of Calvary.

A literal fulfillment of Prophet Ezekiel’s prophecy and the observance of festivals and Sabbaths by the Jews during the Millennium will not be a return to the law. Instead, these observances are going to have memorial significance for the Jews. Although in the Millennial kingdom period, the ancient Jewish calendar will be followed by the Jews, we (glorified Saints) shall not be regulated as the Israelites were under Moses. Neither are we (glorified Saints) going to be involved in the observance of a complicated set of civil and ceremonial laws. Additionally, the idea of a future order of priests among the Jews in connection with the Millennial new Temple does not contradict the New Testament doctrine of the priesthood of all believers. Yes, priests from the Jewish family of Zadok will officiate in the new Temple services during the Millennium, but what they do will not in any way interfere with individual worship and access to God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Christians worldwide will still be attending regular church services during the Millennial kingdom period.

The literal interpretation of Prophet Ezekiel’s prophecy concerning the Millennial new Temple with its grounds and river, could never be located in Jerusalem as it now exists. However, in Zechariah 14:4, we are told that at the return of Lord Jesus Christ to Earth, the Mount of Olives  “shall cleave in its midst toward the east and toward the west and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north and half of it toward the south.” Prophet Zechariah later said that, “all the land shall be turned like Arabah from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem.” (Zechariah 14:10). It would be an easy task for the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ to produce the topographical conditions and make possible the fulfillment of Prophet Ezekiel’s prophecy. Therefore, we have no reason to reject a literal fulfillment of those prophetic predictions which speak of the Millennial new Temple as the center of world worship. Nothing about its priesthood or the observance of festivals and Sabbaths by the Jews conflicts in any way with the teaching of the New Testament about the completeness of our salvation or the priesthood of all believers. Also, Zechariah 14 suggests how the Lord Jesus Christ could bring about the physical conditions that would make possible the literal fulfillment of Prophet Ezekiel Millennial new Temple prophecy.

Prophet Jeremiah prophesied of a day when”a King (Lord Jesus Christ) shall reign and prosper, and shall execute justice and righteousness on the earth.” (Jeremiah 23:5). Prophet Malachi prophesied that the name of God is going to be great among the nations “from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same.” (Malachi 1:11). Prophet Isaiah assured us prophetically that “with righteousness shall He (King Jesus Christ) judge the poor… and with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked.” (Isaiah 11:4). Certainly, the predictions about the coming Millennial kingdom are going to be fulfilled just like those related to Lord Jesus Christ first coming. We can therefore look forward with glad anticipation to the coming golden age when King Jesus Christ will personally return to this Earth to establish His Millennial kingdom of peace and righteousness. It will be the most glorious time in all human history!

Geographical Changes In Israel During The Millennium. In the Millennial kingdom period, there will be tremendous geographical changes in Israel. When Lord Jesus Christ returns to the mount of Olives, just east of Jerusalem, an earthquake will split the mountain in two. “And His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee.” (Zechariah 14:4-5).

Additionally, the fountain of living water described in Zechariah and Ezekiel will have a geographical impact in Israel. “In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.” (Zechariah 13:1). Zechariah 14:8 shows us where the waters will flow, “And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalemhalf of them toward the former (eastern) sea, and half of them toward the hinder (western) sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.” The living waters will flow out of Jerusalem in two directions, to the west to the great sea (western or Mediterranean Sea) and to the east to the Dead Sea (eastern or Salt Sea). For further reference, you can read Ezekiel 47:1-7.

In the Millennial kingdom period, what effect will these living waters have on the Dead Sea? The Dead Sea is about 10 miles wide and 50 miles long running north and south on along the eastern side of Judea. Its northern end is about as far north as Jerusalem. It has no outlet and is seven times more salty than the oceans. No fish live in the Dead Sea, and ocean fish placed in its waters soon die. Only certain types of microbes live in it. Yet In Ezekiel 47:8-11 we are told the waters of the Dead Sea will be healed. “Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed. And it shall come to pass, that everything that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and everything shall live whither the river cometh. And it shall come to pass, that the fishers shall stand upon it from Engedi even unto Eneglaim; they shall be a place to spread forth nets; their fish shall be according to their kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many. But the miry places thereof and the marshes thereof (swamps) shall not be healed; they shall be given to salt.” Engedi, mentioned above, is on the western coast of the Dead Sea about 25 miles southeast of Jerusalem. A peninsula juts out into the sea from the east. South of this peninsula the Dead Sea is shallow, less than 20 feet deep in most places. But the majority of the sea is north of the peninsula, where the central and northern part of the sea is more than one thousand feet deep. Perhaps verse 11 refers to the shallow southern end, furthest from Jerusalem, that will remain too salty for aquatic life.

In the Millennial kingdom period, as the many following Isaiah verses show, the land of Israel will become much more fertile. The deserts will become fertile fields and the fields will become as forests.

Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.” (Isaiah 32:15).

Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest?” (Isaiah 29:17).

For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.” (Isaiah 51:3).

… the dessert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.” (Isaiah 35:1).

In the Millennial kingdom period, the nation of Israel will be given far more land than they presently possess. A general description is found in Genesis. “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates …” (Genesis 15:18). God confirmed this promise to Abraham’s son, Isaac, in Genesis 26:3 and later to Isaac’s son, Jacob, in Genesis 35:12. A detailed description of how this land will be divided by the 12 tribes of Israel is found in Ezekiel chapter 48. Zechariah 14:10 also reveals other geographical changes in Israel. These are just some of the changes to Israel’s geography and ownership that God’s Word (Holy Bible) says will take place when the Millennial kingdom comes. These are only a few of the many prophecies about the Millennial kingdom period in which King Jesus Christ will reign on the Earth from Jerusalem. The prophecies about the Millennial kingdom period that God has provided in the Holy Bible are vast and detailed. The evidence presented here is a sample of the teaching God’s Word (Holy Bible) has to offer on the Millennial kingdom period.

Jerusalem In The Millennium. In the Millennium Jerusalem will be exalted as a city and raised topographically above the surrounding land. According to Zechariah 14:10, “The whole land, from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem, will become like the Arabah. But Jerusalem will be raised up and remain in its place, from the Benjamin Gate to the site of the First Gate, to the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the royal winepresses.” Jerusalem will be greatly enlarged but will include some of the old landmarks such as the Benjamin Gate (Jeremiah. 37:13) as well as other gates (Zechariah 14:10).

Any close examination of the many particulars that abound in prophecy of this Millennial kingdom on Earth will make it clear that these prophecies are not being fulfilled in any sense now and that they require a second coming of Lord Jesus Christ, a personal return of Christ on Earth, and the establishment of His kingdom on Earth for a thousand years before the eternal state begins. The Millennial kingdom will not be fulfilled in the new Earth (Revelation 21-22), as in the Millennium there will be sin and death and divine judgment as well as other factors not found in heaven. The Millennium will be fulfilled in the present Earth, even though some changes will be made in the earthly situation.

Divine Judgment: The Final Defeat Of Satan And End To Human Rebellion On Earth.

It is unfortunate that in spite of all the ideal conditions arranged by God to attract a maximum number of people to accept the free salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ, millions of people will rebel at the end of the 1,000 years kingdom, for Revelation 20 indicates that at the end of the 1,000 years Satan will be released from the fiery bottomless pit to go out “to deceive the nations” – that is, to tempt them to rebel against God. The reason for this tempting is so that all the people living on the Earth at that period who are still unsaved will be forced to make a decision about whether they will receive the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ before God establishes the eternal order. It is apparent that these will be people under 100 years of age because Isaiah 65:20 indicated that only believers-in-Christ will live past their hundredth birthday.

According to Revelation 20, it is very sad that even after living for almost a hundred years under the righteous reign of King Jesus Christ, there will still be a multitude “whose number is as the sand of the sea” who will rebel against God and Lord Jesus Christ when given the opportunity. The implication is that rebellious people has a tendency to reject faith in Lord Jesus Christ due to the rebellion of their own will. Therefore, Satan coming on the scene at this point only brings to the surface the rebellion of many hearts who, like many Jews during the time of Lord Jesus Christ’s Ministry on Earth at His first coming, “willed not to come” to Him that they might have eternal life. (John 5:40). The judgment of God on these rebellious people will be swift because they will be burnt to death by a raging fire sent down by God from heaven before they could carry out their nefarious plot to attack Jerusalem and overthrow the benevolent kingdom of King Jesus Christ.

Revelation 20:10 says, “And the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast (Antichrist) and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” The ability of living beings to suffer indefinitely in the lake of fire and sulfur is seen in the fact that the Beast (Antichrist) and the False Prophet are mortal men. They are thrown alive into the lake of fire and sulfur at the beginning of the 1,000 years kingdom of King Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:20), yet they are spoken of in the present tense in Revelation 20:10, indicating that they are still there alive and they will continue to be tormented horribly for eternity! Probably, God will transform them suddenly into immortal beings that can’t die before they are cast into the horrible lake of fire and sulfur in order for them to suffer agonizingly for eternity!  Surely, with God, all things are possible. It is into this horrible lake of fire and sulfur that Satan is also cast. Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet, Fallen Angels/Demons and all the people from every age in history who rejected God’s free offer of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ “will be tormented day and night forever and ever” in the horrible lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20: 11-15). Yes, for eternity! That is the strongest word structure in the Bible. Make sure you don’t end up in the horrible lake of fire and sulfur for eternity! Accept the free salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late!

The bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ guarantees the Christian’s eventual resurrection. There are two resurrections, called in Scripture 1: “the first resurrection” also called “the resurrection unto life” and 2: “the second resurrection” which is the same as “the resurrection of damnation” or “white throne judgment.” The first resurrection is not a single event, but takes place in two stages which are separated by at least seven years. The first stage of the first resurrection is the glorious Rapture of the Church (Bride of Christ) which will include both living and dead Christians. When the Lord Jesus Christ shouts for His Church from heaven, He will resurrect the dead in Christ (all those who “sleep in Jesus Christ”).Then “we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). In essence, all those who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior whether living or dead at the time He comes in the air to rapture His Church, will be a part of this first stage of the first resurrection. The most comforting part of all is the promise that no matter what happens after that, “we will always be with the Lord.”

There are two stages of the first resurrection. After the first stage, millions of people will yet call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved during the seven years worldwide tribulation period. Then, when our Lord Jesus Christ comes to this Earth to set up His 1,000 years kingdom of peace and righteousness, He will resurrect the believers (great tribulation Martyrs) who are killed (beheaded) during the great tribulation period (Revelation 20:4-6). Indeed, during the great tribulation period left behind lukewarm Christians and unbelievers who become saved who are now very zealous for Lord Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18). Therefore, the second stage of the first resurrection will include the great tribulation Saints, most of whom will be martyrs because they refused to worship the Antichrist. Just like the raptured believers, the resurrected Great tribulation Saints will reign with King Jesus Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the “dead,” or all unbelievers who lived from the days of Adam and Eve until Lord Jesus Christ comes to set His Millennial kingdom, will not be raised until the end of that kingdom age, which comes just before eternity. That is called “the second resurrection.” It is a resurrection of the lost to judgment and then to eternal separation from God (Revelation 20: 11-15, 21:8).

Now, from what you have read so far, what is your vital choice? Raptured gloriously or left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day? Glorious Rapture or 7 years worldwide tribulation period? Raptured in glory or Martyred in pain? Raptured Saint or Great Tribulation Saint? Dedicated follower of Lord Jesus Christ or deluded follower of Antichrist? Micro-chipped or Martyred? Glorified Saint reigning with King Jesus Christ in the Millennial kingdom period or awaiting the Great White Throne judgment of eternal damnation? Eternal citizen of Heavenly New Jerusalem or doomed eternally in the eternal Lake of Fire and Sulphur? Your choice is very vital! Make the right decision now! Tomorrow will be too late! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6). Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Glorious Rapture is imminent! Stop scoffing! Wake up from lukewarm, spiritual slumber! You have no more excuse! Stop your futile argument! You have been warned!

MARANATHA TRUMPETER” will now share with you some divine revelations and vital messages from our Lord Jesus Christ about glorious Rapture day events and agonies of Great Tribulation period. After reading them, you must decide immediately whether you want to be among the Raptured saints on glorious Rapture day or you want to go through the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after glorious Rapture. Make the right choice before it is too late!

In this highly inspiring Evangelical post, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” will share with you many urgent warning messages and divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ to all Rapture watchers worldwide. This is to prepare us always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ . After reading all these vital messages and divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, you must decide immediately whether you want to remain as a dedicated Rapture watcher or Rapture scoffer. Decide wisely! Whether you believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminent! Your scoffing is futile! Make the right decision! A wrong decision is dangerous! Decide wisely! Time is running out! Glorious Rapture is an imminent reality! Heaven and Hell are real! Lord Jesus Christ is our eternal Savior (John 3:16, 14:6). Accept the eternal salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Stop procrastinating! Don’t delay your salvation till tomorrow! Tomorrow will be too late!

Vital Warning Message From Lord Jesus Christ To United States Of America.

By Maurice Sklar

America, this is what the LORD Jesus Christ says to you:
“Behold the Kings you choose to rule over you! They are mirrors of your own hearts. Do you hate them and mock them? You are only seeing your own reflection. They represent YOU. Just as Israel rejected Me to rule over them and coveted a king that would fight their battles and deliver them, so has America done to Me.

“America, how far you have fallen from where you once were. You are no longer the holy and righteous nation that once knew Me and honored Me. You have turned your back to Me. You have spit in My face. You have rejected My leaders I sent to you. You have rejected My prophets whom I have sent to you for the past 100 years to cause you to return to your first love. You are now worse than the heathen nations of the Earth around you. You worship idols. So, cry out to your idols to deliver you now. What will you do when My holy judgments shall come upon you? America, America, PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD!”

Divine Revelation Of The Destruction Of American Statue Of Liberty And Great Tribulation Calamities That Will Befall USA.

By Churchill Smith

I had a dream. It was a terribly frightening dream. In it, I saw a huge Angel standing suspended in the air over New York harbor. He looked so large that he covered the night sky. His body was clad in golden armor as if he was going to war. His face and entire being were so bright that I could not gaze up at him for long. White beams of light seemed to radiate outward from him in all directions. He was standing over the Statue of Liberty.

It was night, but I could hardly see the lights around him coming from New York City as he blazed so brightly with divine light. He reached for his belt that was covered with a red sash around his mid-section, and drew out his sword. It was so massive! It blazed with light and fire all around it. It looked at least 100 feet long! I have never felt such fear when I saw an Angel before. I just knew this mighty warring spirit had authority from the very throne of God. He had a grim expression as he held this mighty sword over his head with both hands.

I could see that he was poised to hit the Statue of Liberty and cleave it in two! I trembled and tried to hide, but the Angel was looking directly at me, and I knew there was nowhere to go that he would not see me. Then he spoke! His voice was like thunder and echoed throughout the whole harbor. He said, “How long will you refuse to humble yourself, O America! You have been weighed in the balances of God and found wanting. Your beginning was great and noble, but your end shall be disgrace and destruction! Thus saith the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, the LORD of Hosts, ‘Time is running out. The bowls of My wrath are full of My fury and judgment. They shall be poured out upon you. You shall drink them down to the dregs every drop! I have come to you day and night pleading with you to return to Me for over one hundred years. I am merciful and long suffering. It brings Me no joy to judge you. But, you have hardened your hearts, scoffed at My warnings through My prophets, and my holy servants. I brought you from nothing and exalted you, O America, higher than any other nation! But now you have fallen lower than Sodom. You have sinned greater than Egypt. You have become prouder than Babylon and Persia. You have become more selfish than Rome. You have exalted yourself in your own wisdom higher than Greece. You have more idols and high places of idolatry and luxury than any Gentile kingdom in history.

Your beginning was pure and great, but now the stench of your sin and filth fills My nostrils! I shall cut you in pieces and you shall reap the harvests of wrath from what you have sown! You shall no longer be the Queen of nations. Now you shall bear your shame and become the lowest of the heathen nations! Now, as Agag, you shall be hacked in pieces! O EARTH, EARTH, EARTH, HEAR YE THE WORD OF THE LORD!” Then, to my horror, that massive sword came smashing down on Lady Liberty. When it hit the top of her head, there was a blinding flash of light and that sword split her in two – right down the middle! Then the sword came again and again against her. It divided her in pieces. As the sword would finish each strike, fires would burst forth. I heard terrible explosions. The vision of the Statue ended with an earthquake as it was hacked into pieces and sunk into the harbor. I was weeping and crying out to God for mercy. Never had I seen this side of God before. I had only really known the love and goodness of Him, never had I seen the Wrath of the Almighty!

Then, as if I was watching from a zoomed-in close up the dream shifted and I started to zoom outward from New York harbor and started traveling in the air over America. What I saw was horror beyond anything I have ever seen! I saw the United States seem to cracking into two with a giant earthquake – right down the middle!

I saw the South-eastern United States covered with a giant wave of water from the ocean. I saw a massive earthquake that just seemed to crack off the coast of California. It reminded me of a Saltine cracker that just cracked in two! The great cities along the West coast just fell into the ocean, all the way from Mexico up to Alaska and giant waves flooded inland until much of the West Coast just wasn’t there! It had disappeared into the Pacific Ocean.

Then I saw three giant rocket missiles that took off into the air. Two came from out of the ocean waters, and one came from land and traveled a great distance. All of them blew up in the air one, two, and three in the upper atmosphere within five minutes of each other. It was out near space. They were terrible nuclear bombs. But the last one was the biggest and it created a huge mushroom cloud over the Mid-west part of America.

Then the ground shook and everything just went black. There wasn’t any electric light coming out of any homes. Then candles began to be lit and fires, and a little light was seen. There were other nuclear explosions, and many people perished throughout the nation. There was just twisted metal and charred debris in cities that once were tall and majestic. There was widespread looting and gangs roaming about everywhere with guns, stealing whatever food and supplies they could find.

Then I saw what looked like elite riot police by the thousands go into communities and even cities, force the people out of their homes, and brought into what looked like concentration camps. Some, but not all of these “police armies” had light blue helmets on.

Hundreds of thousands of people were arrested in this way. Many would not “cooperate” and were just shot and left dead in their homes. But, there were millions of hidden groups that escaped the first wave of these terrible disasters. Revival broke out, and great Evangelists, Prophets and Apostles rose up and began to preach to thousands outdoors, and many were saved and were born again. Miracles of provision, multiplication of food and water, and astonishing healings occurred. Millions of people cried out to God and He heard and answered.

I knew that this was not just happening in America, but the Great Tribulation was upon them, and all over the world these calamities were also taking place. I saw multitudes of Great Tribulation saints refusing to renounce Jesus as LORD. They were starving, many of them, but still refused to take the stamp (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) on their bodies so they could eat and live. There was what looked like kiosks that were in every little town. They advertised food and water, only if you went inside them and took the electronic mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666). Some people went in, bowed down to a holographic movie image of the Antichrist and were branded in their hands and foreheads with an electronic tattoo-like stamp (RFID chip/human barcode: 666). When they came out, if they came out, they had a zombie- like look. Their minds and souls were gone. It looked like they had a spiritual lobotomy.

Then these immediately joined the armies of those police units, and were given weapons after they were fed and drank and rested in the kiosk. They were like robots doing the Antichrist’s bidding. I knew that they were lost forever. But, quite a few did not make it out. They were tortured mentally and physically inside the kiosk thing, but, if they still refused the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666), there was a laser that shot through their brain and heart, and sliced their heads off.

Then they were immediately incinerated. Nothing but ashes remained. This was the most horrifying of all. It made the Nazi death camps look like a picnic, if that is possible. Millions of people were executed in this way via computer systems automatically with such precision and efficiency that I marveled that something like this was even possible and could take place on such a large scale. The technology was more advanced than I had ever seen.

Then, I was back looking at that terrible Angel of the LORD and he said, “Warn everyone! Flee from the wrath to come. Repent and turn to Lord Jesus Christ while you still can. Pray that you may escape these things that are shortly to happen and to stand in the Presence of the LORD. These things are about to take place! Turn to God and cry out for mercy. Come into the ark of Salvation before the doors of grace close and it is too late!” Then I awoke and was very troubled for some time and could not speak for several hours.

Vital Message From The LORD Jesus Christ:

“Few discover I am a GOD WHO is just and will judge according to each individual’s relationship with ME in this life.”

Words Received From Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis.

Take down these Words:

There is an overwhelming belief that I am not coming soon: so many want to believe otherwise. This world is too attractive to them—longing and looking for MY Coming is the last thing on their minds. When I come to bring out MY church, I will only be looking for a ready bride—a church perched in anticipation of her coming KING. I am coming in ALL MY Glory. Only those waiting…ready…watching with their robes white and stain-free will come out of this stagnant world—a cesspool of evil, a stench under MY Nose. Pin your hopes on the LIVING GOD. This is the ONE True Path—all others lead to destruction. The world is in a rapid descent to ultimate immorality and decay. Once I take out MY bride—MY true worshipful followers, this world will cave in on itself under the weight of the evil that will consume the land.

There will be bloodshed, cruelty, abominable atrocities. Man will enter a never witnessed before level of ultimate degradation. Children who turn back to ME after I take MY church out will find themselves under the rule of a cruel tyrant world leader: the Antichrist, who will round up the true believers, the ones who turn back to their GOD in great remorse. Theirs will be a sad plight as they must then endure the worst possible torment, torture, and death for their decision to return to their LORD and to reject the Antichrist system.

Horror awaits MY left behind, lukewarm church who must do the hard things to return to their GOD. Many will not be willing to pay the price before them in order to obtain their eternal freedom. Those who choose against ME for the Antichrist system will lose their place with ME for eternity and they will be tormented for eternity instead.

Hard choices must be made by those who are left and refuse to follow ME now. Turn to ME now. Surrender your ALL. Lay your life down. I am ready to take you out with ME when I come for MY beautiful bride.

Scoffers, mockers, doubters, lovers of this evil world will soon learn the error of their wayward ways turning back away from their GOD to give themselves over to seducing spirits and evil longings. They are grasping at evil pursuits following their own self-made paths believing they know best for themselves apart from their MAKER GOD WHO first loved them, created them, gave them life. Woe to those who believe this world a better choice than the LIVING GOD WHO makes all, WHO is ALL in all.

Come back to your senses lost church. Your love for ME is weak, your heart is failing, you have no temperature, you have grown cold. I cannot take you with ME, if you believe yourself ready while you devote yourself to this evil world. You are deceived, lost, and your destination is the broad road where many travel to, lost for eternity, everlasting Hell.

If this Word sounds untrue, it is because you have not spent time in MY Word or getting to know ME. If MY lost children would come to fear ME, then they would come back to the narrow road and separate themselves from the world and evil.

Few discover I am a GOD WHO is just and will judge according to each individual’s relationship with ME in this life. Do you know your GOD? Come know ME before it is too late. MY Warnings are coming to pass. Do not find yourself outside MY Will, lost for eternity. MY adversary is cruel.

Your choice is before your face. I am the ETERNAL OMNIPRESENT GOD. Reach out. I stand before you.

Coordinating Scriptures:

Matthew 24:43 (KJV): But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

1 John 2:22 (KJV): Who is a liar but he that denieth that JESUS is the CHRIST? He is antichrist, that denieth the FATHER and the SON.

Revelation 7:9 (KJV): After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

Revelation 7:13-14 (KJV): 13And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? 14And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the LAMB.

Jude 1:17-19 (KJV): 17But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our LORD JESUS CHRIST; 18How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. 19These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the SPIRIT.


Vital Message From The LORD Jesus Christ:

“The majority of the world is caught up in their own pleasure: seeking wealth; seeking rebellion to GOD; seeking sensual pleasures.”

Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis.

Children, this is your GOD. You see that the time is drawing near. You see I am trying to make it obvious to you but many do not want to pay attention. Many are still enthralled by the world by what looks normal and exciting to them. The world is putrid to MY Face: it stinks and it is disgusting to ME, a Holy GOD. The world runs contrary to MY Will, the Will of GOD. The world looks right and normal, but only a few operate in MY Will.

The majority of the world is caught up in their own pleasure: seeking wealth; seeking rebellion to GOD; seeking sensual pleasures. This is not MY Will, it is the will of MY enemy (Satan). And this is who the people are led by, the enemy of GOD.

The people want to be led by MY enemy. They want to run counter to MY Will. These are the ones who will drink MY Cup of wrath when I come back for the few who really want to be in MY Will. This is MY true church, MY bride, the bride I died for and the bride I am coming for. She has clean garments and pursues ME avidly. She takes MY breath away. She is the one I am anxious for and she is the one I am coming to rescue. These are MY loyal followers, the few who really read MY Words, the few who follow ME through a relationship and those who want to be in MY Will.

This church is a remnant: there is only a small number compared to those turned against ME. I am coming to set you free, O’ sacred church. You must keep your eyes on ME. For anyone who wants to be part of this church, surrender your all to ME, repent of your sins, give forgiveness to all, seek MY HOLY SPIRIT in HIS Fullness, pray to be baptized in HIS SPIRIT, read MY Words daily, seek ME as your Best FRIEND. I want to hear from you all through the day. These are MY terms, MY requirements for being part of the prepared church. If you do not want to be part of MY church, prepare for MY wrath that is coming to punish this evil world. You must seek ME as your Only HOPE, because I AM mankind’s ONLY HOPE.



Vital Message From The LORD Jesus Christ:

“I cannot tolerate a world that is not interested in hearing about MY sacrifice on the cross.”

Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis.

Children, it is I, your GOD from Heaven above. I want to give you news about MY COMING. So few are paying attention in this daunting hour—there is only a remnant paying attention. This has been foretold in MY Book that very few would be watching for ME when I come: when I come for MY bride, MY church.

Very few will be ready…very few will be watching…very few will be looking for ME with eager anticipation. Very few will have their EYES FIXED ON ME. Very few want to follow their GOD: in MY Perfect Will. Very few want to read MY Book by the Power of MY HOLY SPIRIT. Very few want a FULL OIL LAMP. Very few want to give all those around them FORGIVENESS that goes forth from their heart. Very few are REPENTANT before MY Holy Face. Very few are truly REMORSEFUL over their sin. Very few want to SEEK the HOLY SPIRIT for handling the sins of the flesh. Many want to handle their sins in their own flesh apart from the guidance of MY HOLY SPIRIT. It is only by the GUIDANCE and POWER of MY HOLY SPIRIT that anyone can conquer their flesh.

I, GOD, cannot stand how the church clings to the world. The world is an enmity to ME. I will not come back for you if you cling to both, ME and the world. The two cannot mix. The two cannot co-exist although this is the move of the world.

MY Message is an enmity to the world. I cannot tolerate a world that is not interested in hearing about MY SACRIFICE on the CROSS. I AM intolerant of those who deny MY GIFT, MY BLOOD SHED for all mankind. They can look the other way, to other paths that they think will lead to GOD, but there is only ONE path and it is by MY CROSS, MY BLOOD, MY SACRIFICE, MY DEATH, MY RESURRECTION, and MY SPIRIT in all HIS FULLNESS. Surrender to ME, lay your life down before ME, empty yourself. I want ALL of you. Only by giving ME ALL of you will this transaction be made complete and then I will fill you with MY HOLY SPIRIT and you will receive the POWER from GOD on high to live out your life in MY PERFECT WILL for it. There is no other way, there are no other answers. This is what I require and those who think different will be left behind to face the worst, to face MY enemy, face the Antichrist, to face MY wrath. Only you can make this choice for yourself, it is yours to make.

This is your GOD, Loving in ALL MY Ways…

Coordinating Scriptures:

Luke 17:26-30 (KJV): And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the SON of man. 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. 30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the SON of man is revealed.

Matthew 7:22-23 (KJV): Many will say to me in that day, LORD, LORD, have we not prophesied in THY name? And in THY name have cast out devils? And in THY name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

1 Corinthians 9:27 (KJV): But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

Philippians 2:12 (KJV): Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

1 Peter 4:18 (KJV): And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV): Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


Vital Message From The LORD Jesus Christ:

“I am the GOD of Second Chances, but time is running out…”

Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis.

Children, it is I, your LORD.

You believe I am never coming back. You say this to each other, “HE says HE is coming, but HE doesn’t come!”

MY children, this is your GOD speaking: Listen closely: I AM COMING! No, you will not know the day or the hour, but you can know the season and this is the season. The signs are appearing and you cannot deny MY coming is near.

I have given you many markings to follow. MY signs have been clear and they are coming to pass. Only those who don’t want to follow ME are not seeing it. They do not want to know because they do not want to know ME, their GOD. Those who follow ME closely can see what is happening around them. They can see the darkness moving in, darker than it has ever been.

This is not the time to be sleeping at the wheel. This is not the time to be ignoring your GOD. If you keep sleeping you are going to miss MY Coming. Will I find any with faith when I return? Many and most are disloyal to their GOD. Very few are looking forward to MY Coming. Wake up and pay attention! Come out of your spiritual slumber! Open your spiritual eyes and see the darkness around you! Stop letting the things of the world move you to distraction! Take your hands off the world! Come wash your hands and your garments in MY Blood. Come wash them in MY Word. Make ready for MY coming.

Warn your neighbors and your friends. You will have blood on your hands if you don’t warn the people around you. Who else can I send if not MY chosen bride? Only she has the truth and the map to the narrow path. All others are lost and misled: blind leading the blind.

Strike a match, start a fire, let MY HOLY SPIRIT Wind blow on the fire. Let the Truth blaze like a fire from your heart through your hands, through your mouth, through your feet. Let the world see the fire of MY True Gospel through MY people, MY bride. You are the only ones who have the Truth. You must not hide a Light under a bushel basket!

I want you to stop being comfortable in this world. I want you to be uncomfortable at the sight of the lost all around you. I want you to stop being comfortable in this world: you are just passing through. You are a foreigner in this land. You must be like soldiers going to war. Many lives are at stake. This is their only chance. If they fail this test, they will be lost forever. Wake up church, get busy! Don’t waste another moment…so many will be lost for eternity…so many are already lost.

If you come with ME, I will open many doors. Just open your mouth. I will put the words in your mouth. I will bring the people to your doorstep for you to talk to about MY Gospel. Once I take MY bride from the Earth, the enemy will move in and the people will have a much harder time getting to MY Salvation. It will not be easy for MY “left behind” church. They will have to die at the hand of MY enemy to make it into MY Kingdom. So do not let these golden moments slip by you. These are precious, golden moments. I am the GOD of Second Chances, but time is running out…

Coordinating Scriptures:

2 Peter 3:4 (KJV): And saying, Where is the promise of HIS coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

Mark 13:28 (KJV): Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near:

Luke 18:8 (KJV): I tell you that HE will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the SON of man cometh, shall HE find faith on the earth?

Job 41:19 (KJV): Out of HIS Mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.

Psalm 119:105 (KJV): THY Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Proverbs 6:23 (KJV): For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

Matthew 25:3 (KJV): They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

Luke 11:33 (KJV): No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light.


The LORD’s Words: “I Have Words, Stern Words to Give to MY Church.”

The following letter is from the LORD Jesus Christ—very serious Words for the church, for very serious times…

Words of the LORD:

“I have Words, stern Words, to give to MY church…”

Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ by Susan Davis.

MY children, this is your LORD Speaking, YAHUSHUA. These are the Words I am ready to give today: I have Words, stern Words, to give to MY church. It is the church that calls itself by MY Name. These children are lukewarm, at best. This church fights ME all the way. She is rebellious, but thinks she knows best. She uses MY Name and she thinks this justifies her every move.

She works outside of MY WILL and she believes all is well because she uses MY Name. This church is pimping MY Name for its own purposes. This church uses MY Name for every evil practice under the sun. They make money with MY Good Name even on MY HOLY DAY. MY Name is bantered about with great triviality. I AM A HOLY GOD AND I PROMOTE HOLINESS. I promote HOLINESS by the power of MY HOLY SPIRIT which can only be achieved BY A SURRENDER TO MY PERFECT WILL.

If you are not surrendered to MY WILL, then you are not part of ME and if you are working outside of MY WILL you are working for MY enemy even if you carry MY Name around. Your churches are white sepulchers with dead men’s bones and you are pimping MY Name for your own evil purposes. The darkest places in Hell are reserved for those who practice the religion of the enemy using MY Name, spreading lies and half-truths, leading untold numbers of people astray. Whole congregations of people will stand before ME weeping and gnashing their teeth when I reveal to them, “I NEVER KNEW YOU, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY” and cast them away for eternity because they have refused to PURSUE their GOD with a FULL SURRENDER because THEY HAVE REFUSED TO RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT INTO THEIR CHURCHES IN HIS FULLNESS AND BECAUSE THEY HAVE REJECTED PURSUING ME WITH ALL THEIR HEART, SOUL, MIND, AND STRENGTH.

This church, instead, has propagated lies in order to handle the things of the world. It has pursued its love for the world on MY HOLY DAY and MY enemy has infiltrated MY church leading many astray. This church has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof.





These are the foundation of MY harlot church. Take heed, O’ harlot church, make your way back to ME before it is too late! THESE WORDS ARE TRUE; READ MY BOOK AND FIND THE TRUTH, ASK FOR MY SPIRIT TO GUIDE YOU TO ALL TRUTH.


Coordinating Scriptures:

Revelation 3:16 (KJV): So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Matthew 7:21 (KJV): Not everyone that saith unto ME, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the Will of MY FATHER which is in Heaven.

2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV): Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Psalm 139:20 (KJV): For they speak against THEE wickedly, and THINE enemies take THY name in vain.


Vital Warning Message From The Lord Jesus Christ To All Rapture Watchers, Lukewarm Believers, Rapture Scoffers And Unbelievers Worldwide.

By Mark Chen

“My dear children, I wish to speak to you about a few important things in this message I AM giving to My son. My heart is heavy, children, for many of those who call themselves by My Name and profess their faith in Me are not ready for My coming. Some of them are earnestly looking forward to the Rapture of My Bride, believing that they are ready, but they are not. They have not remembered Me as their first love, and they have not fully surrendered themselves to Me. Though many of My children love Me, they love the things of this world as well. Do not be deceived, My loves, for no one can serve two masters. You cannot serve both God and Self at the same time. Have I not told you this truth in My Holy Scriptures? You will either love one and hate the other, or you will serve one and despise the other. There are no two ways about this, My children!

Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, My loves. My dear son, Mark, and daughter, Belle, have chosen the last portion of Joshua 24:15 as their creed of faith in their household: ‘But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.’ Make your choice quickly and wisely, for I AM about to spit those who are neither hot nor cold out of My mouth! I will not tolerate My lukewarm children’s apathy, laziness and worldliness any longer. Wake up! Wake up, I say! Do you not see the signs of My coming all around you in the world? Do you not recognize the lateness of this last hour in your Earth?

I AM about to come for My clean and spotless Bride who has consecrated herself to Me daily. My Bride pleases Me greatly, for she chooses Me over the things of the world. She willingly pursues My holiness and righteousness by denying herself and living by faith in Me. Are you doing this, My loves? I tell you the truth, none can complete the process of sanctification in their walk with Me by their own wisdom or strength. You must allow Me to do this for you by submitting to My Will in every area of your lives, for I will surely complete the good work I have begun in you on the day of My coming!

My son has been mulling over the prophetic events recorded in Matthew Chapter 24 of My Scriptures. Through the revelation of My Holy Spirit, he has gained a clearer understanding of where the world stands in God’s prophetic timeline of the end of this age. Many of My children in the Middle East and in other places have been persecuted and killed for My Name’s sake. This same demonic-inspired persecution is already raising its ugly head in the various States of America. My Father and I are permitting these things to take place because the churches are not standing up to the rise of evil and the spread of wickedness in their lands, once considered home of the brave and free.

America, O America, how I have longed for you to return to Me in true faith, repentance and obedience, but you have rejected My warnings through My Prophets and Apostles time and again. Since you have rejected Me, I will reject you, for My righteous anger burns against you for all of your sinfulness and filthiness! Through your wicked deeds, you have promoted homosexuality, abortion, drug abuse, witchcraft, idolatry, immorality and fornication. Woe to you who call evil good, and good evil, for I will heap your sins upon your heads! Not only have you corrupted the minds of the young through your satanic entertainment industry, you have promoted your sinful and wicked ways to other nations.

REPENT! I SAY, REPENT! Or I will come against you with the unquenchable fire of My righteous judgment until you are utterly devastated and destroyed. None can save you from the wrath of God Almighty, for I AM a consuming fire! Your government has betrayed you into the hands of the enemy, the devil, and yet you will not seek Me in humility and contriteness of heart. Do you not see that the “Great I AM” (Lord Jesus Christ) is your only deliverance and refuge, your only stronghold of hope and salvation? All other gods and idols will not be able to save you, My children, for they will perish in the fires of My judgment. I will surely rescue those who are devoted to Me, for they fear My Holy Name. My chosen ones will not taste death, for I AM with them – I AM their Sword and Shield, and My faithfulness will be their rampart. Stand firm to the end, My children, and do not waver in your faith in Me, even in the face of persecution and the threat of death.

I AM coming, My loves, I AM coming! Do not doubt Me, for I will not be pleased with those who shrink back from My Will for them, in fear and unbelief. Trust in Me, and see Me do a mighty work of transformation in your lives! Arise, My warriors, for My clarion calls out loud and clear across the nations! The time of battle has come and My warriors will walk in My victory assured. Be strong and courageous, and do not fear the enemy, for I AM with you, My loves. I will go with you wherever I AM sending you, so be encouraged, dear ones! I, Jesus Christ, your Commander-in-Chief, has spoken; let it be done so, according to the Will of the Father and of the Son!”

~ Jesus Christ, Captain of His Bride – King of kings and Lord of lords.

Coordinating Scriptures:

Luke 6:46-49 46 “Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? 47 Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them, I will show you whom he is like: 48 he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when a flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built. 49 But the one who has heard and has not acted accordingly, is like a man who built a house on the ground without any foundation; and the torrent burst against it and immediately it collapsed, and the ruin of that house was great.”

Revelation 2:2-5 2 ‘I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be false; 3 and you have perseverance and have endured for My name’s sake, and have not grown weary. 4 But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 5 Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place—unless you repent.

Matthew 6:24 24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.”

Joshua 24:14-15 14 “Now, therefore, fear the LORD and serve Him in sincerity and truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. 15 If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Revelation 3:15-19 15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot.16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,” and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, 18 I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see.19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.

Luke 21:34-36 34 “Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap; 35 for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of all the earth. 36 But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

1 John 2:17 17 The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.

Galatians 5:24 24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Revelation 19:7-8 7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” 8 It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.


Vital Soul Winning Admonition Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

Heaven: Why Born Again? John 3:3-16; 14:6. To be allowed to pass through Heaven’s gate, you need to have all of your sins removed. The only cleanser strong enough to thoroughly remove sin stains is the blood of Lord Jesus Christ. First, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of your wrong doings. Finally, make Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him. Ask Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to forgive your sins. By dying on the Cross, Lord Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in Hell fire! The reason so few people accept this pardon is that they do not think they need a Savior or they want to find their own way of salvation. When God looked at your soul, He saw a sinner. God judges your heart, your thoughts, your attitude and intentions. When you are saved and forgiven of your sins, God looks upon you and sees the blood of Lord Jesus Christ making you pure and clean. Accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Procrastination is dangerous! Many doomed souls are now suffering horribly in eternal burning Hell fire due to procrastination! Don’t join these doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire! Heaven is your best choice! You have been warned!

After being born again, remain dedicated in your commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is an act of faith (John 3:3-16, 5:24). There are no signs to look for. Believe strongly that you are saved in Jesus name. Don’t doubt. Make sure you continue to grow in your devotion to Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t backslide. You must always resist temptation that can lead you to indulge in sinful acts. Read your Bible daily. Also, pray always and look for a reliable gospel-focused Church where you can worship God regularly. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope and an imminent reality. Therefore, we must be ready always for Rapture. Never give up.

IS YOUR NAME WRITTEN IN THE HEAVENLY BOOK OF LIFE? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6. Sincerely, to have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, freethinker or a religious idolater. You will be left behind on imminent Rapture day and suffer terribly during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture. Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned! No more excuse for you if you die and end up in eternal burning Hell fire! Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Raptured saint or martyred saint? Follower of Lord Jesus Christ or Antichrist? Decide wisely!

ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED? NO!  Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm Christians/Preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden Preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in eternal burning Hell fire after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold or lukewarm Christian/Preacher can be left behind by Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians or Evangelical Preachers, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to active soul winning and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Majority of lukewarm Christians/Preachers who believe the doctrine of “Eternal Security” usually don’t believe at all in the numerous true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire. If they do, they will know that many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire because they believed foolishly in “Eternal Security” while alive. They believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine known as Eternal Security. “OSAS” doctrine which some lukewarm Christians/Preachers are defending zealously is based on the false notion that a born again Christian does not lose salvation inspite of continuous sinful lifestyle. According to “OSAS” proponents, a lukewarm believer/Preacher or born again Christian can never “out-sin” himself or herself out of Heaven due to un-repentant sins or backslidden condition. “OSAS” proponents are always insisting that a lukewarm Christian or “backslidden” Christian/Preacher can never “lose salvation” because of his or her current “poor status” in willful disobedience to the Word of God (Holy Bible).

Indeed, salvation is solely given freely by grace through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ who sealed us in His Holy Spirit but we are not eternally secured. The plain truth is that a lukewarm or “backslidden” Christian can “lose salvation” because of his or her current “poor status” in willful disobedience to the Word of God (Holy Bible). According to “OSAS” proponents, “only unbelievers” who are “not saved” end up in eternal burning Hell fire if they have not trusted on the Lord Jesus Christ to be forgiven of their sins. “OSAS” proponents also insist that “no actual born again, Holy Spirit filled Christian ends up in eternal burning Hell fire.”

“OSAS” proponents usually emphasize that “false believers or people who claim to be Christians but do not believe on Lord Jesus Christ are not saved and born again with the Holy Spirit; they are deceivers or deceived.” However, according to numerous true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire, there are many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers who are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire because they believed foolishly in “Eternal Security” while alive. They believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” While alive, these dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers never repent from their sins or backslidden condition because they foolishly thought they are “eternally secured.” Now in eternal burning Hell fire, they are being agonizingly tormented by wicked demons and on great judgment day, they will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). In great agony in eternal burning Hell fire, they are now regretting that they foolishly believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” It is too late for them! No more repentance after death (Hebrews 9:27).

Now, who do you want to believe? As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, do you want to believe in true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire or the “man-made” doctrine called “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine known as Eternal Security? The choice is yours but you must stop misleading other people with a false doctrine (OSAS) that can lead them to eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire!

The letters from Lord Jesus Christ to the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3, are relevant to all dispensations up till the imminent glorious Rapture day. Therefore, according to Revelation 3:16, lukewarm Christians/Preachers will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. If a believer is cold or lukewarm, the implication is that he or she is an unprofitable servant of Lord Jesus Christ. As a dedicated Rapture watcher, a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher must be hot and zealous in his or her selfless service for Lord Jesus Christ. A cold or lukewarm Christian/Preacher will run out of oil like the foolish virgins in Matthew 25. Therefore, only dedicated Rapture watchers with full oil in their lamps are regarded as wise virgins who are rapturable.

“Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine is a false teaching because if a Christian is cold or lukewarm, the implication is that he or she is a backslidden Christian. As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, you must be hot and zealous for Lord Jesus Christ while awaiting the imminent glorious Rapture. Encourage others to do likewise. Tell them to wake up from spiritual slumber and become hot for Lord Jesus Christ. Glorious Rapture is an imminent reality! No more argument henceforth! Continue with your active soul winning service for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your reward is awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

If you commit any sin, you must pray to God and ask Him to forgive you in Jesus name. Since you are a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, you know the right thing to do. Confess your sins to Lord Jesus Christ and ask for His forgiveness. You must be very sincere. If you are very sincere in your confession, Lord Jesus Christ will forgive you. He is a loving and merciful God. He will wipe away your sins with His precious blood.

A lot of lukewarm Christians/Preachers believe that God is loving and He will simply accept sinners into His Heavenly kingdom if they profess to believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Many lukewarm Christians/Preachers believe that you can continue to be a sinner but still enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem) even though it is written in Revelation 21:27 that nobody who practices abominations nor lies will ever enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem). You must know that God is a Holy God and Lord Jesus Christ expects you to turn from your sins before you can come to Him and before He can wash you clean by the Cross. Put it simply if you do not repent, you cannot have the forgiveness of sin through the Cross. Unless there is repentance there is no Gospel, there is no Good News, there is no Salvation.

Salvation belongs only to those who repent, turned from their sins and they go to the Messiah Jesus Christ and what happens is that He comes into their hearts and He changes them and He sets them free from sin and then they go and they crucify their old ways and they follow Him in the new way. These people are the ones who do not dirty their new robes in sin and they go and enter the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem) after death or on imminent glorious Rapture day. But many other lukewarm Christians/Preachers they come to the truth and they hear the word of God but then the cares of life and the lusts of the eyes and the sins of the flesh come up and kill out the word of God in them and they die. These people do not enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem). They are in eternal burning Hell fire and will be cast into the lake of fire and sulfur on judgment day with the abominable and the Sorcerers and the filthy and the evil minded and the wicked (Revelation 21:8).

Unless you repent of all your sins including little sins, you will not inherit the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem). The message is REPENT OR PERISH! If you go on in sin, you will perish in eternal burning Hell fire after death. There is no salvation for a lukewarm or backslidden Christian/Preacher who do not turn away from the flesh (sinful condition) and put on Christ. Only if you put on Christ will you be made clean and be able to enter the Heavenly kingdom (Heavenly New Jerusalem). If you don’t put on Christ and follow the flesh desires, all the things that it wants to do that are abominable before God, then you will indeed perish even though you think you have love. Even though you think you believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Even though you think Lord Jesus Christ is a loving God and surely He will let you into Heaven (Heavenly New Jerusalem). Don’t deceive yourself, the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem) but only those who turn from their sins and come to the Lord Jesus Christ so He can set them free and cleanse them (Galatians 5:16-26).

The fact is that Christians makes no difference until they are different. Do you believe in JESUS? Have you asked JESUS to come into your heart? Do you live a life of obedience, holiness and righteousness unto GOD? You cannot say you are a born again Christian and you are still living the old lifestyle. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.”

You may be enjoying yourself, or living in a secret sin but on that fateful day when you die, you will account for how you lived your life on Earth. Remember 2 Timothy 2:19 says “Nevertheless, the foundation of GOD stands sure, sealed with the inscription that the LORD knows those who are HIS. Let everyone who names the name of the LORD depart from iniquity.” No more argument henceforth. We must always be Heaven-minded and ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Lukewarm believers/Preachers and backslidden Christians must wake up from spiritual slumber and resist the satanic temptation to backslide from the narrow way to Heaven before death or the imminent glorious Rapture day. You have been warned! Heaven or Hell? Decide wisely!

Eternal Doom Of All Categories Of Unbelievers And Un-repentant Sinners In Lake Of Fire And Sulfur!

All categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. Some unbelievers who are always ignoring the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be successful and prosperous physically, they may think they are not yet captured by Satan. However, spiritually, they are already captured by Satan and in great satanic bondage. The reason why some unbelievers think they don’t need the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be because they are successful and prosperous physically. However, the plain truth is that all categories of unbelievers can only escape from satanic bondage and eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire if they quickly accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ before their physical death. (John 3:16, 14:6).

As an unbeliever and un-repentant sinner, your name is not written in the Heavenly book of life (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6). That means you are Hell bound and eternally doomed after physical death! Therefore, to have your name written in Heavenly book of life, you must accept JESUS CHRIST as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan.

Indeed, you are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after physical death by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. All these categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. They will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day and are Hell bound unless they accept the salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! On great judgment day, these categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners who are already doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to eternal burning Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6), no other ways!

Eternity: Are You Heavenly Or Hell Bound? “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). This biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Lord Jesus Christ will judge you on judgment day. You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire since you are still alive. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid Hell! Heaven is your best choice. Lord Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker or unbeliever. God is real! Lord Jesus Christ is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Judgment day is certain! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Lord Jesus Christ and ready always for imminent glorious Rapture!

What Is The Great White Throne Judgment of Damnation?

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades (Hell) gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades (Hell) were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15).

At the Great White Throne Judgment of God, the soul/spirit of condemned people in Hell will merge with their immortal bodies. In their resurrected forms, they will be judged by God. Lord Jesus Christ will be the Supreme Judge on the Great White Throne Judgment day because He will judge all rebellious people who refused to accept His great salvation offer (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15). It will be a judgment of condemnation, no appeal or mercy again. The verdict will be: “Guilty!” One can only repent while still alive. One can only accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ while still alive. The resurrected condemned people will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). Second death means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).


Satan, the deceiver and his fallen angels/demons will be thrown and confined totally into the lake of fire and sulfur eventually by God. They will be tormented forever. That will be the end of Satan’s evil activities on Earth forever. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur…and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10). You will be eternally separated from God in the lake of fire and sulfur. Your soul will never die but it will be eternally tormented in the horrible burning lake. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

On the Great White Throne Judgment day, all categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners who are already doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to eternal burning Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6), no other ways!

The Great White Throne Judgment of Damnation will happen after the Millennial Reign of Lord Jesus Christ and it will involve all unsaved people who while alive refused to accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15). Sadly, they will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Therefore, all active soul winners must intensify their soul winning efforts in this grace period to win numerous lost souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our eternal rewards are awaiting us at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to make Heaven and escape from going to Hell when you die (John 14:6). The lake of fire and sulfur will be a place of eternal torment. It will be very terrible for Satan, fallen angels/demons and the lost souls in that eternal burning lake. Do not end up in it! The second death is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Listen to what Lord Jesus Christ is saying to you now: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the One who lives. I was dead, but look: I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hell.” (Revelation 1:17-18). God does not send someone to Hell. You choose Hell when you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior.

When you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Lord Jesus Christ, you willingly choose Hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in Hell fire when you die. When you say “No” to Lord Jesus Christ and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into Hell fire. You are telling God that you do not need Lord Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in Hell fire! Hell is for eternity! If you die without accepting the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in Hell fire forever! You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

It will be a great disaster if you die without Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 8:36). Hell is a place of eternal torment! “The smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night.” (Revelation 14:11). God has a perfect place for you in Heaven: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no person has imagined what God has prepared for those people that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Avoid Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is your only way of making Heaven after physical death on Earth (John 14:6). It will not cost you anything to accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Accept Lord Jesus Christ while you are still alive. It will be too late if you die and end up in Hell fire!. Take the right decision now. “The salvation that was given to us is very great. So surely we also will be punished if we live like this salvation is not important.” (Hebrews 2:3).

If you have never received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, ask Him to save you now! Confess all your sins and ask God to forgive you in Jesus name. Do not put it off another second! This may be your last chance before you die! Take the chance now! The salvation of Lord Jesus Christ is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. It is very easy to accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, pray the salvation prayer below and mean it with all your heart.

Salvation Steps & Prayer

Are you still an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner? You must accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! If you remain in your rebellion against Lord Jesus Christ, you will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day by Lord Jesus Christ. Also, if you die without accepting the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ, you will end up in eternal burning Hell fire! How can you be saved? It is very simple. Take the steps below.


The following prayer, “The Sinner’s Prayer” (also known as the Prayer of Salvation) is by no means meant to be an “official prayer”, but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. You may certainly pray to God in your own words.

Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you say the following prayer and mean it with all your heart; along with repenting of your sins (asking for forgiveness), we believe that you will be saved and be born again. You may be wondering, “What happens next?” First, you will need to get into a Bible-based Church and study God’s Word. Once you find a Church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Lord Jesus Christ you are baptized in the Spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live; for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the Cross. May God Bless You!

Sinner’s Prayer

Dear God in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the Cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus Christ as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. This very moment I accept Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore, Lord Jesus Christ transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


If you just said this prayer and you meant it with all your heart, we believe that there is a great possibility that you just got saved and are born again. You may ask, “Now that I am saved, what is next?” First of all, you need to get into a bible-based Church, and study God’s Word. Once you have found a Church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Lord Jesus Christ you are baptized in the Spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live, for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the Cross. May God Bless You!

Still Procrastinating?

Take these easy steps to be saved: Realize you are a sinner. “There is no person without sin. None!” (Romans 3:10). “All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23). Realize you cannot save yourself. “We are all dirty with sin. Even our good works are not pure. They are like blood-stained rags.” (Isaiah 64:6). “He saved us because of His mercy (love), not because of any good things we did.” (Titus 3:5). Realize that Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross to pay for your sins. “Christ carried our sins in His body on the Cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right.” (1 Peter 2:24). “Jesus is the one who loves us. And Jesus is the One who made us free from our sins with His blood (death).” (Revelation 1:5). Simply by faith receive Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. “Some people did accept Him. They believed in Him. He gave something to those people who believed. He gave them the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). “…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all these people from your house.” (Acts 16:30-31). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

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Time Is Running Out! Be Ready Perpetually For Imminent Glorious Rapture! Are You Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Lord Jesus Christ? Don’t Be Ashamed Of Continuous Soul Winning For Lord Jesus Christ! Remain Always Heavenly Minded!


Soul Winning Commission Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

According to 1 Corinthians 16:22, “MARANATHA” means “Our Lord, come!” Therefore, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” is always blowing the warning trumpet to prepare people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. In essence, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” is a dedicated “Rapture Watcher” and committed Soul Winner for our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God. Hallelujah!

“MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to continuously win numerous souls online/offline, encouraging the faith of other believers-in-Christ as well as continuously warning people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; Titus 2:13; Revelation 20:4-6).  It is a selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ. The prophetic Millennial Kingdom  (Revelation 20:4-6) is the 1,000 years worldwide peaceful reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth after the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Jeremiah 30:3-11; Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 6-16).

In obedience to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28: 19-20, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach always want to win numerous sinners urgently for our Lord Jesus Christ. By God’s grace, many souls are won daily online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God. Lord Jesus Christ desperately wants souls saved from dropping daily into Hell. “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach always want to depopulate Hell and populate Heaven for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ is alive in Heaven and He is coming back on imminent glorious Rapture day. We must be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture because it is a Biblical and prophetic event (1 Corinthians 15: 51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17). Indeed, no one can know the day or hour of imminent glorious Rapture (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13: 32-33; Luke 21:34-35). Therefore, Rapture date setting is futile! Rapture date setters are deceiving themselves. Glorious Rapture will occur suddenly and unexpectedly!

It is true that glorious Rapture is overdue but we must never give up! Lord Jesus Christ has delayed glorious Rapture for over 2,000 years due to His great mercy to save numerous souls worldwide. We must never give up our glorious Rapture blessed hope because it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly whether Rapture scoffers, lukewarm believers and unbelievers believe it or not. The best option is to be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13).

Lord Jesus Christ is reliable. Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a reality and our blessed hope. Lord Jesus Christ gave us the Pre-Tribulation Rapture divine assurance in the Holy Bible: “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I (Lord Jesus Christ) also will keep you from the hour of trial (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

Glorious Rapture is a suspense filled prophetic event (1 Corinthians 15: 51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17). However, we must not worry or be too anxious. We must not be afraid of imminent glorious Rapture or become Rapture-phobic. Our Lord Jesus Christ will not inform us whether we will be among the raptured Saints or not. He expects us to be perpetually prepared and ready for imminent glorious Rapture. He will reward us with the crown of righteousness if we remain as dedicated Rapture watchers till He appears in the sky suddenly on imminent glorious Rapture day (2 Timothy 4:7-8). Therefore, we should have strong faith in Lord Jesus Christ and trust Him to pilot us safely to Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day. The great mercy of Lord Jesus Christ will usher us into Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day by His grace.

The horrible agonies of the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16) under the “One World Government” of Antichrist will be terrible for people left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. The satanic “One World Government” described in Revelation 13:1-18 will be under the total control of Antichrist and his New World Order (NWO) evil forces. Antichrist will be fully supported by the False Prophet. During the Great Tribulation period, left behind lukewarm Christians and converted unbelievers who are now very zealous for Lord Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18).

The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be enforced worldwide after the imminent glorious Rapture and left behind people who become micro-chipped during the Great Tribulation period will be damned for eternity in the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 14:9-11, 21:8). We must never give up our glorious Rapture blessed hope. We will become raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day by God’s grace.

The “Church age” will come to a distinct end on imminent glorious Rapture day and will be followed by the “day of God’s wrath” (the unfulfilled worldwide Tribulation period of 7 years – Daniel 9:27). Indeed, Rapture ready born again Christians (“the bride of Christ”) will not go through the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period because it is not for us due to the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and His reliable assurance in Revelation 3:10.

“Because you have kept My command to endure, I (Lord Jesus Christ) will also keep you safe from the time of trouble (the worldwide Tribulation period of 7 years) which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

Lord Jesus Christ will deliver us on imminent glorious Rapture day from the wrath that is coming to the Earth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10). “The bride of Christ” is not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) but to salvation or deliverance. “For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). Lord Jesus Christ alluded to our merciful escape from the coming day of wrath that shall try the whole Earth. “Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36).

The 7 years worldwide Tribulation period is not for “the bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians). Instead, it is for Israel to fulfill prophecy and for the Gentiles (unbelievers) to be punished if they refuse to repent and accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To understand end times prophecy, we must distinguish between the “Church,” Israel and the Gentiles. The “Church” is really made up of both believing Jews and converted Gentiles who have spiritually experienced the “born again” (John 3:3-16) relationship with Lord Jesus Christ by faith. They have entered into the kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ spiritually by faith, awaiting the day when they will enter His physical kingdom by His glory and power at His glorious second coming to Earth. They are not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) which is really for unbelieving Jews and rebellious Gentiles (Daniel 9:27).

Rapture scoffers are always mocking dedicated Rapture watchers. However, dedicated Rapture watchers don’t give up your glorious Rapture blessed hope. Glorious Rapture is a reality. Raptured or left behind? Rapture day is imminent! Rapture event is not dependent on Heavenly signs like blood moons, comet appearance, meteorite invasion, eclipse of the sun or moon, etc. These Heavenly signs are only warning us to wake up from spiritual slumber and be perpetually ready for imminent glorious Rapture. Our redemption is drawing near. Very soon, the Heavenly trumpet will sound and all our trials and challenges will cease on Earth. It will be marvelous when we are ushered by Lord Jesus Christ into the Heavenly New Jerusalem on the imminent glorious Rapture day. We will not experience the doom and great ordeals of the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16).

Many lost souls are perishing daily worldwide in eternal burning Hell fire. We must remain as active soul winners for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our eternal Heavenly rewards are awaiting us in Heaven (Matthew 10:40-42). As active soul winners, we will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

As dedicated born again Christians, we will remain committed to soul winning, Heavenly pursuit and perpetual Rapture readiness. We can’t know the day or hour, but we will remain ready always. By God’s grace, we will not give up dedicated Evangelistic service for our Lord Jesus Christ and Rapture blessed hope in Jesus name. We are eternal citizens of Heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22) by God’s grace. Whatever we do now to continuously populate the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will remain in our Heavenly record for eternity. We must remain as active soul winners for our Lord Jesus Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

Whatever we do selflessly for Gospel sake (Matthew 10:40-42) will always increase our eternal treasures and Heavenly rewards in Heaven. Lukewarm believers/Preachers and backslidden Christians must wake up from spiritual slumber and resist the satanic temptation to backslide from the narrow way to Heaven before death or the imminent glorious Rapture day. Heaven or Hell? Decide wisely! May Lord Jesus Christ have great mercy and Rapture all of us as well as wake up Backsliders and the unprepared Christians. Amen.

Apart from continuous online Evangelism, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is also fully committed to continuous missionary work for the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. The major aim of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER”     Evangelical Outreach is to massively propagate the Gospel online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a divine calling to propagate the Gospel continuously online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. The continuous aim is to awaken many souls online and offline to prepare for eternity – Heaven or Hell.

There are challenges that are hindering “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach from reaching numerous souls continuously. May God raise up compassionate people who will kindly support continuous missionary work in Jesus name. Amen. May God raise up kind-hearted believers-in-Christ for His glory to kindly support “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach in order to continuously speed up active missionary work and Global Evangelism for our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

If you are willing for God’s glory, your kind-hearted support for “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will be appreciated in order to continuously speed up active missionary work and Global Evangelism for our Lord Jesus Christ. There are many places, many cities and numerous villages that Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ need to reach urgently in this grace period. Time is running out! Prophetic glorious Rapture is an imminent reality! Apathy or cold indifference for kind-hearted Evangelical support is a wicked satanic manipulation to hinder massive continuous soul winning online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your kind-hearted support for “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is for God’s glory and for the sake of the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will always remain committed to active soul winning for our Lord Jesus Christ. You too must be actively committed to continuous soul winning for our Lord Jesus Christ. Never give up. You are an overcomer by God’s grace. We must not be ashamed of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:32-39; Romans 1:16-17; Colossians 1:24; 2 Timothy 1:8). Remember what Lord Jesus Christ said about those who are ashamed of Him. “If anyone is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” (Luke 9:26).

We must always be Heavenly minded and ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t know the day or hour but we must be ready perpetually. Warning signs are occurring regularly worldwide. Lord Jesus Christ is also warning us regularly through numerous prophetic messages to be ready always. Never give up. “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will continuously preach Biblical truth, win numerous souls always for our Lord Jesus Christ online and offline, motivate people to remain always Heavenly minded as well as continuously warning people worldwide and preparing them to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ.

This material world is not our eternal home. We will leave behind on Earth all our earthly acquisitions after physical death or on imminent glorious Rapture day. We are pilgrims just passing through. Heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22) is our eternal glorious home. Whatever we do now to continuously populate the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will remain in our Heavenly record for eternity. Remain blessed.


Your Brother-in-Christ,

Evangelist Sola Awolaja (“MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach).



Thomas Hobbes Speaks From Hell: “While Alive, I Was An Atheist! Now Tormented In Hell, I Believe There Is God!”

Thomas Hobbes Speaks From Hell: “While Alive, I Was An Atheist! Now Tormented In Hell, I Believe There Is God!”

Prologue: “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to continuously win numerous souls online/offline as well as continuously warning people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. It is a selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ. The major aim of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is to massively propagate the Gospel online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a divine calling and personal sacrifice to propagate the Gospel continuously online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. The continuous aim is to awaken many souls online and offline to prepare for eternity – Heaven or Hell. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.


In this highly inspiring Evangelical Post, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will enlighten you about this vital reality: Thomas Hobbes Speaks From Hell: While Alive, I Was An Atheist! Now Tormented In Hell, I Believe There Is God!”


 Thomas Hobbes (5th April, 1588 – 4th December, 1679) was an English Philosopher who is considered one of the founders of modern Political Philosophy. Hobbes is best known for his popular book “Leviathan,” which established the Social contract theory that has served as the foundation for most later Western Political Philosophy. In addition to Political Philosophy, Hobbes also contributed to a diverse array of other fields, including History, Geometry, the Physics of gases, Theology, Ethics, and General Philosophy.

Though on rational grounds a champion of Absolutism for the Sovereign, Hobbes also developed some of the fundamentals of European liberal thought: the right of the individual; the natural equality of all men; the artificial character of the political order (which led to the later distinction between civil society and the state); the view that all legitimate political power must be “representative” and based on the consent of the people; and a liberal interpretation of law which leaves people free to do whatever the law does not explicitly forbid. His understanding of humans as being matter and motion, obeying the same physical laws as other matter and motion, remains influential; and his account of human nature as self-interested cooperation, and of political communities as being based upon a “Social contract” remains one of the major topics of Political Philosophy.

In summary, Thomas Hobbes was born on 5th April, 1588 at Westport near Malmesbury, Wiltshire, England and died on 4th December, 1679 (aged 91) at Derbyshire, England. His Alma mater was Magdalen Hall, Oxford. His Era was 17th-century Philosophy. He was one of the notable Western Philosophers during his Era. His School of thought included popular theories like Social contract, Classical realism, Empiricism, Determinism, Materialism and Ethical egoism. His main interests included Political Philosophy, History, Ethics and Geometry. His notable ideas distinguished him as a modern founder of the Social contract tradition; implying that life in the state of nature is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” He was formerly a Christian but later backslided and became an Atheist until the time of his death. Sadly, according to the true divine revelation of the reality of Hell by John Bunyan, Thomas Hobbes is now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire!

Many famous personalities who are obedient to God and Lord Jesus Christ end up in Heaven after death while some famous personalities who are disobedient or unrepentant end up in eternal burning Hell fire after death. When you read the true testimonies of some people who have been shown the terrible agonies of tormented souls in Hell by our Lord Jesus Christ, you will be highly enlightened about the vital reality of the eternal burning Hell fire! You will be convinced that to have your name written in Heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6).

Eternal Doom

You are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, Atheist, Agnostic, Muslim, Mystic, Occultist, Freethinker or a religious idolater. Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned. No more excuse for you if you die and end up in eternal burning Hell fire! Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur on great White Throne Judgment day (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8).

A backslidden Preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in Hell after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold/lukewarm Christian can be left behind by Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to soul winning online/offline and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. You will be highly blessed through this Holy Spirit inspired Evangelical Post. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.


True Divine Revelation Of The Reality Of Glorious Heaven And Eternal Burning Hell!

By John Bunyan


John Bunyan was a 17th century English Preacher who spent twelve years in prison for his Christian faith and wrote over 40 books. His best known writing is Pilgrim’s Progress, one of the most famous and popular books in all of world history.


John Bunyan wrote the following true account when he was a young man, of how an Angel was sent by the Lord Jesus Christ to take him to see Heaven and Hell. It is a true story, not an allegory or fictional book. While all visions must be judged by the Bible, this true testimony was very scriptural and was used by the Lord Jesus Christ to help transform John Bunyan into a mighty man of God.


  1. Planning Suicide
  2. Beyond The Sun And Stars
  3. Prophet Elijah Explains
  4. The Eternal Happiness Of Heaven
  5. We Shall Know Each Other In Heaven
  6. Conducted To Hell
  7. The Tortures Of Hell
  8. A Lost Soul Speaks
  9. Further Conversations
  10. An Atheist In Hell


Chapter 1: Planning Suicide

When evil persons have gone in a life of sin, and find that they have reason to fear the just judgment of God, they begin at first to wish there were no God to punish them. Then little by little they persuade themselves that there is no God, and look for arguments to back their opinion. I had the unhappiness to know someone like this, who would always be telling me there was neither God nor devil, and no Heaven or Hell.

It was with fear and trembling that I first heard him speak about these topics, but he spoke of them so often that I felt I must consider what he said. From this time I found my mind so confused that I could not remember the truths about God which had appeared so clear to me before. I could not think there was no God but with the greatest horror, yet I questioned the truth of His being. I would not have parted with my hope of Heaven for all the riches of the world, yet now I was not sure whether there was any such place.

In my confusion I went to my false friend to see what comfort he could give me. He only laughed at my fears and pretended to pity my weakness. His talks only made me more confused, until life became a burden to me. It is impossible to tell you the agonies I felt, until I was pushed to the edge of desperation. I thought, “Why should I linger between despair and hope? Would it not be better to end my life and find out what is the truth?” So I decided to kill myself.

One morning I went out into a nearby woods, where I had planned to kill myself. But before I tried to use the knife I heard a secret whisper say, “Do not fall into everlasting misery to gratify the enemy of your soul. The fatal stroke you are about to give yourself will seal your own damnation. For if there is a God, as surely as there is, how can you hope for mercy from Him if you willfully destroy yourself who were made in His image?”

Where this secret whisper came from, I do not know, but I believe it came from God; for it came with so much power it made me throw away my knife, and it showed me the great evil of suicide. The horror of what I had almost done made me shake so much that I could hardly stand.

I recognized my deliverance to have come from the Lord Jesus Christ, and in gratitude I returned thanks. I knelt down on the ground and worshipped Him, asking that He would take away the blackness in my soul so that I would never again question His being or great power which I had just experienced.

Heavenly Angel

Suddenly I was surrounded with a glorious light, brighter than anything I had ever seen before. I saw coming toward me a glorious person like a man, but circled with beams of light and glory which shined from him as he came nearer. I tried to stand up, but had no strength left in me, so I fell flat on my face. As he lifted me up and I was given new strength, I said to him, “O my shining deliverer, how shall I acknowledge my thankfulness, and in what manner should I adore you?”

With majesty and mildness he replied, “Pay your adorations to God, and not to me who am your fellow-creature. I am sent from Him whose being you have so lately denied, to stop you from falling into eternal ruin.”

This touched my heart with such a sense of my own unworthiness that I could only cry out, “Oh, how utterly unworthy I am of all this grace and mercy!” To this the heavenly messenger replied, “When God decided to show mercy He did not consult your unworthiness, but His own unbounded goodness and vast love. He saw how the grand enemy of souls (Satan) desired your ruin, but He upheld you by His secret power. Through this, when Satan thought that you were destroyed, the snare was broken and you have escaped.” These words made me break forth into song, and I praised my Savior and declared that He is God alone.

Heavenly New Jerusalem

Chapter 2: Beyond The Sun And Stars

The heavenly messenger then said, “That you may never doubt the reality of eternal things, I have come to show you the truth of them: not by faith only but also by sight. I will show you things never yet seen by mortal eye, and to that end your eyes shall be strengthened and made able to behold Heavenly things.”

At these words of the Angel I was very surprised, and doubted I would be able to bear it. I said to him, “Who is able to bear such a sight?”

To this he replied, “The joy of the Lord shall be your strength.” When he had said this, he took hold of me and said, “Fear not, for I am sent to show the things you have not seen.” Then before I was aware I found myself far above the Earth, which seemed now to be very small.

Then I said to my bright conductor, “Please let it not offend you if I ask a question or two.” To this he replied, “Speak on. It is my work to inform you of what you ask. For I am a ministering spirit, sent forth to minister to you and to those that will inherit salvation.” (Hebrews 1:14).

Then I said, “Please inform me about that dark spot below, which has grown smaller and smaller as we have mounted higher, and which appears much darker since I have come into this region of light.”

My conductor replied, “That little spot that now looks so dark and despised is the world which you have lived on. To obtain one small part of that spot of Earth so many men have risked and lost their immortal souls; which are so precious that the Prince of Peace (Lord Jesus Christ) has told us that though a man could gain the whole world, it would not equal so great a loss. As you have ascended higher towards Heaven, the world has appeared still smaller and more insignificant; and it will appear the same to all who can by faith get their hearts above it. If the sons of men below could but see the world as it is, they would not covet it as they do now, but alas, they are in a state of darkness. And what is worse, they love to walk in this darkness. For although the Prince of Light (Lord Jesus Christ) came down among them and showed them the true light of life, yet they go on in darkness and will not bring themselves to the light, because their deeds are evil.”

Then I asked him, “What are those multitudes of black and horrible forms that hover in the air above the world? I would have been much afraid of them, but I saw that as you passed by, they fled; perhaps not being able to abide your brightness.”

To this he answered me, “They are the fallen angels which for their pride and rebellion were cast down from Heaven. They wander in the air by decree of the Almighty, being bound in chains of darkness and kept unto the judgment of the great day (Jude: 6). They are permitted to descend into the world, both for the trial of the elect, and for the condemnation of the wicked. And although you see that they now have black and horrible forms, yet they were once the sons of Light. They once were clothed in robes of glorious brightness, like what you see me wear. But the loss of this, although it was the result of their own willful sin, fills them with anger and hatred against the ever blessed God whose power and majesty they fear and hate.

“Tell me,” I said, “O blessed conductor, have they no hopes of being reconciled to God again, after some term of time, or at least some of them?”

“No, not at all. They are lost forever. They were the first that sinned, and had no tempter; and they were all at once cast down from Heaven. Besides, the Son of God (Lord Jesus Christ), the blessed Messiah by Whom alone salvation can be gained, did not take upon Himself the angelic nature. He left the apostate angels all to perish, and took upon Himself only the seed of Abraham. For this reason they have so much hatred against the sons of men, because it is a torment for them to see men made the heirs of Heaven while they are doomed to Hell.”

By this time we were above the Sun. My conductor told me this mighty globe of fire was one of the great works of God. Yet all the stars were not less wonderful; whose great distance away makes them appear like candles in our sight. They hang in their appointed places without any support. Nothing but His word that first created them could keep them in their station.

“These words are enough,” I said to my conductor, “To convince anyone of the great power of their Creator, and to show the evil of that unbelief which questions the being of the God who has given so many evidences of His power and glory. If men were not like beasts still looking downwards, they could not help but acknowledge His great power and wisdom.”

“You speak what is true,” he replied. “But you will see far greater things than these. These are but the scaffolds and outworks to that glorious place that the blessed above inhabit. A view of it shall now be given to you, as far as you are able to comprehend it.”

In a few moments I found what my conductor had told me was true. For I found myself transferred into Heaven, where I saw things that are impossible to describe, and heard beautiful songs that I could never sing. Whoever has not seen that glory can speak but very imperfectly of it, and they that have seen it cannot tell the thousandth part of what it is. Therefore the great Apostle of the Gentiles (Paul), who tells us that he had been caught up into Paradise (2 Corinthians 12:1-5) where he had heard unspeakable words which are not possible for a man to utter, wrote that “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man to conceive the things that God has prepared for those that love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). I will give you the best account I can of what I saw and heard, as near as I can remember.

Golden New Jerusalem

Chapter 3: Prophet Elijah Explains

When I was first brought near this glorious place I saw innumerable hosts of bright attendants, who welcomed me into this blessed place of happiness. And there I saw that perfect and unapproachable light that changes all things into its own nature, for even the souls of the glorified Saints are transparent. They are not illumined by the Sun; but all that light, that flows with such transparent brightness throughout these Heavenly mansions, is nothing else but the shining forth of the Divine glory.

Compared to this glory, the light of the Sun is but darkness and the fire of the most sparkling jewels are but dead coals. Therefore it is called The Throne of the Glory of God, where the radiance of the divine Majesty is revealed in the most illustrious manner. God was too bright for me to look upon as He was exalted on the high throne of His glory, while multitudes of Angels and Saints sang forth eternal hallelujahs and praises to Him (Revelation 4:1-11). Well may He be called the God of Glory, for by His presence He makes Heaven what it is. Rivers of pleasure continually spring forth from the divine Presence, and radiate cheerfulness, joy and splendor to all the blessed inhabitants of Heaven, the seat of His eternal empire.

Glorious Throne of God

For my own part, I was too weak to bear the least ray of glory that shot from that everlasting Spring of Light which sat upon the throne. I was forced to cry out to my conductor, “The sight of so much glory is too great for me to bear, yet it is so refreshing and delightful that I would desire to look, though I die.”

“No, no,” said my conductor, “death cannot enter this blessed place, nor sin nor sorrow can abide. It is the glory of this happy place to be forever freed from all that is evil; and without that freedom, our blessedness even here would be imperfect. Come along with me and I will bring you to one who is in the body, as you are. Talk with him for a while before I take you back again.”

“O rather,” I eagerly said, “let me stay here. There is no need of building tabernacles, for the Heavenly mansions are already prepared.” My shining messenger replied to this, “Here in a while you shall forever be, but the divine will must first be obeyed.”

Swift as thought he conveyed me past thousands of Angels, and presented me to that great Saint, the Prophet Elijah (1 Kings: 17-22, 2 Kings: 1-2). Though Prophet Elijah had lived in the world many hundreds of years ago, I knew him at first sight.

“Here is one,” said my conductor to Elijah, “who by the commission of the Imperial Throne has been permitted to visit these realms of light, and I have brought him to you, to learn from you.”

“That,” said the Prophet Elijah, “I shall gladly do. For it is our meat and drink in these blessed regions to do the will of God and the Lamb (Lord Jesus Christ), to sing His praises, and serve Him with the humblest adoration, saying, ‘Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sits upon the throne; and to the Lamb forever and ever: for He has redeemed us to God by His blood out of every kindred and tongue, and people and nation, and has made us unto our God kings and priests: even so, Amen.'” And I likewise added my “Amen” to that of the holy Prophet Elijah.

The Prophet Elijah then asked me why this great permission and privilege was given to me. (By which I understand the Saints in Heaven are ignorant of what is done on Earth; so how can prayers be directed to them?) I then told him the events I have already written here, at which the holy Prophet Elijah broke forth in praise, “Glory forever be given to Him that sits on the throne, and to the Lamb (Lord Jesus Christ), for His unbounded goodness and great condescension to the weakness of a poor and doubting sinner.” After this he said, “Now give attention to what I shall speak. What you have already seen and heard I am sure you cannot make fully understood to those not yet translated to this glorious place, who have not yet been freed from their earthly bodies. Nor is my being here in the body any objection to what I say; for although it has not been subject to death, yet it has been equally changed. It has been made spiritual, and is no longer able to suffer. Yet in this full state of happiness I cannot utter all that I enjoy, nor do I know what shall yet be enjoyed, for here our happiness is always new.”

River of life and tree of life

I then asked the blessed Prophet Elijah to explain himself. I did not understand how happiness could be complete, and yet still be added to. The following was his reply:

“When the soul and body are both happy, as mine now are, I count it a complete state of happiness. For throughout all the coming ages of eternity, it is the soul and body joined together in the blessed resurrection state that shall receive this happiness. But concerning the object of our happiness, which is the ever- adorable and blessed God, our vision of Him is forever new. For as the divine perfections are infinite, nothing less than eternity can be sufficient to display their glory. This makes our happiness eternally added to, as well as our knowledge of Him to be eternally progressive also.

“Therefore the Apostle Paul said, ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor can it enter into the heart of man to conceive what God has prepared for those who love him.’ (1 Corinthians 2:9). Yet the human eye has seen many admirable things in nature. It has seen mountains of crystal, and rocks of diamonds, it has seen mines of gold, and coasts of pearls. Nevertheless, the eye that has seen so many wonders in the world below could never pry into the glories of this triumphant place. And though the ear of man has heard many delightful and harmonious sounds, even all that man and nature could supply him with, yet he has never heard the Heavenly melody which both Saints and Angels make before the throne. The heart of man is so fine and imaginative that it can conceive almost anything that is, or was, or ever shall be in the world below, and even what shall never be. Man can conceive that every stone on Earth shall be turned into pearls, and every blade of grass into the brightest of shining jewels. He can conceive that the whole Earth be turned into a mass of pure gold, and the air turned into crystal. He can conceive every star to become as bright as the Sun, and the Sun to be a thousand times larger and brighter. But all this is infinitely short of what the eternal Majesty has prepared for all His faithful followers.”

Heavenly Scene

Chapter 4: The Eternal Happiness Of Heaven

The Prophet Elijah continued, “I will briefly tell you about our happiness here, for ages spent on this delightful theme would only begin to explain it. That you may have the best understanding, I will first explain about what the redeemed souls have been delivered from, and secondly about the happiness that they enjoy here.

“Firstly, the souls of all the blessed are forever freed from everything that can make them miserable, which above all is sin. It was sin that brought misery into creation. The blessed God at first made all things happy, like Himself. Had not sin defaced the beauty of His workmanship, Angels and men would have never known what is meant by misery. It was sin that threw the apostate angels down into Hell, and spoiled the beauty of the lower world. It was sin that defaced God’s image in man’s soul, and made the ones who were to be the lords of creation into slaves of their own lust. It is sin which can also plunge them into an ocean of eternal misery from which is no redemption. It is an invaluable mercy that in this happy place all the Saints are forever freed from sin through the blood of our Redeemer (Lord Jesus Christ). In the Earth below, the best and holiest of souls groan under the burden of corruption. Sin tries to cling to all that they do, and often leads them captive against their will. “Who shall deliver me?” has been the cry of many of God’s faithful servants, who at the same time have been dear to Lord Jesus Christ. Sin is the heavy weight upon the saints while they live in their corrupted flesh. Therefore when they lay their bodies down, their souls are like a bird loosed from its cage, and with a Heavenly joy they rise up to Heaven. But here their warfare is at an end, and ‘death is swallowed up in victory.’ Below their souls were deformed and stained by sin, but here their bright souls by the ever-blessed Lord Jesus Christ are presented to the Father (Jehovah) ‘without spot or wrinkle.’

“Not only are the Saints here free from sin, but also from any temptation to sin. When Adam was in Paradise, though he was innocent and free from sin, yet he was not free from temptation. Satan got into Paradise and Adam fatally yielded to his temptations. Like a disease, sin has eaten into the human nature and corrupted all mankind.

“Here each soul is freed from this. Nothing but what is pure and holy can find admission here. That roaring lion (Satan) who roams back and forth throughout the Earth seeking whom he may devour, in respect to the Saints in Heaven, is bound fast in everlasting chains. The temptations of the world shall never again allure those who through faith and patience have overcome it and safely arrived here. In Heaven we look with contempt on all earthly enjoyments. There is nothing here that can disturb our peace, but an eternal calm crowns all our happiness.

“Since we are freed from all sin and its effects, we are also rescued from punishment. After death, Hell confines the sinner to eternal misery. Yet the blessed are delivered from all these things.

“However, these things are but the least part of the happiness of Heaven. Our joys are positive, more than just the negative that we have been redeemed from. What these are I shall try to show you.


“Here we enjoy the sight of God, the blessed spring and eternal source of all our happiness. But what this is, I can no more fully explain than can finite creatures comprehend infinity. Yet the sight of God continually fills our souls with joy unspeakable and full of glory, and with a love so flaming that nothing but the blessed author of it can satisfy, nor eternity itself can end. It is that which makes us live, love, sing, and praise forever while it also transforms us into His blessed likeness. Beholding God’s face, we enjoy His love. His blessed smiles make glad our souls, and in His favor we rejoice continually, ‘for in His favor is life.’ And by this blessed vision of God, we come to know Him far above how any had known Him in the world below. For the sight of Him opens our understandings, and ‘gives us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Lord Jesus Christ.’ Here we all enjoy Him face to face. Below the saints enjoy God in a measure, but here we enjoy Him without measure. There they have some sips of His goodness, but here we drink largely and swim in the boundless ocean of happiness. Below the saints have their communion with God broken off many times, but here it is uninterrupted. Below love is mixed with fear, and fear has torment; but here love is perfect, and perfect love casts out fear. In Heaven we love God more than ourselves and one another like ourselves. Here we enjoy the perfection of all grace.

“In Heaven our understanding and knowledge is enlarged according to the greatness of what we can observe and think. In the world below light could only shine into our minds through the windows of our senses, so God had to condescend to our limited capacities when revealing His Majesty. Our purest ideas of God were very imperfect, but here the gold is separated from the dross and we can conceive the simplicity and purity of God. We understand about His decrees and counsels, His providence and dispensations. We clearly see here that from eternity God was sole existing, but not solitary, that the Godhead is neither confused in unity, nor divided in number. We see that there is a priority of order but no superiority among the persons of the Trinity, but that they equally have the same Excellency and Power, and equally are adored. Those ways of God that in the world below seemed unsearchable and beyond our comprehension, we understand so clearly here by His divine wisdom that the truth could not be made more simple.

“These are some of the things that make our souls happy. However, the happiness of the Saints in Heaven will not be complete until their bodies are resurrected and united with their souls (1 Corinthians 15:51-57). I will therefore show you what the resurrection body shall be like:

“First, the resurrection bodies of the blessed will be spiritual bodies, like mine. (1 Corinthians 15:35-50). You may better understand this not only by seeing but by touch. (After saying this, the holy Prophet Elijah was pleased to give me his hand.) They will be bodies that are purified from all corruption, yet will have substance. They will not be like wind or air, as people on Earth sometimes foolishly imagine.”

Then I said to him that I always understood spiritual as the opposite of material, so I thought that a spiritual body must be immaterial, and not capable of being touched or felt as I found his hand was.

To this the Prophet Elijah replied that their bodies were spiritual, not only because they were purified from all corruption, but as they were sustained by the enjoyment of God without needing food, drink, or sleep. Beholding the Lord Jesus Christ is what supports both their souls and their bodies, and is what they live upon forever. “Have you not read,” said the Prophet Elijah, “that the blessed Lord Jesus Christ, after His resurrection, appeared in His body to His disciples when they were met together in a chamber and the doors shut about them? And yet He called to Thomas to come and reach forth his hand and thrust it into His side, which shows it had substance (John 20:19-29).

Resurrection and Rapture

“Our bodies in the resurrection shall be immortal, and incapable of dying. Below their bodies are all mortal, perishing, and subject to crumbling into dust at any time. But here our bodies will be incorruptible and freed from death forever, for our corruption here shall put on incorruption, and our mortality will be swallowed up of life.”

Here I desired the Prophet Elijah to bear with me a little, while I gave him an account of my own ideas about this matter. “Speak, for I am ready to remove your doubt,” he said.

“I have learned,” I said, “in the holy Scriptures that immortality belongs to God only, and not to men. Daily experience tells us that bodies of men are mortal, and die. Therefore Paul told Timothy that God only has immortality.”

Prophet Elijah replied: “When I say that the bodies of the blessed here are immortal, I am speaking about the bodies in their resurrected state, that then they are subject to death no more. Man in his corruptible state is mortal and subject to death. And there is nothing more evident to all that dwell in the world below. Even the bodies of all those glorified souls that are here in Heaven are at this time still kept under the power of death. At the resurrection day, when they shall be raised up again, they shall then be immortal. And as to what you say from the Scripture, that the blessed God has only immortality, it is very true. He is most essentially so in His own being and nature; there is no Angel or man that can, in that strict sense, be said to be so. We are immortal through His grace and favor; but God is immortal in His essence and has been so from all eternity. In that sense He may well be said only to have immortality. Whatever the blessed God is, He is essentially so in His own being. It can likewise be said that He only is holy, and there is none good but God, none righteous, nor none merciful but He.”

Jesus Christ Introducing Raptured Saints to God

Chapter 5: We Shall Know Each Other In Heaven

I remarked, “As I was brought here, I saw among the Saints some that appeared to shine with greater brightness than the others. Are there among the blessed different degrees of glory?”

Prophet Elijah replied: “The happiness and glory which all the blessed here enjoy is the result of their communion with and love to the ever blessed God. The more we see Him, the more we love Him; and love changes our souls into His nature, and from this results our glory. This makes a difference in the degrees of glory. Nor is there any murmuring in one to see another’s glory much greater than his own. The ever blessed God is an unbounded ocean of light and life, and joy and happiness, still filling every vessel that is put therein, till it can hold no more. And though the vessels are of several sizes, while each is filled there is none that can complain. My answer therefore to your question is that those who have the most enlarged capacity do love God most, and are thereby changed most into His likeness. This is the highest glory Heaven can give. Nor let this seem strange to you, for even among God’s flaming Angels there are diversities of order and different degrees of glory.

While I was talking with the Prophet Elijah, a shining form drew near. It was one of the redeemed. He told me he had left his body below resting in hope until the resurrection; and that though he was still a substance yet it was an immaterial one, not to be touched by mortal.

He said, “We here behold a sight worth dying for- the blessed Lamb of God (Lord Jesus Christ), the glorious Savior. Here we see Him in His kingly office, on account of which He is called King of kings and Lord of lords. But all the glorious greatness of our blessed Redeemer does not make His kindness seem distant, but only more precious. It makes Heaven more than Heaven to me to find Him reigning here, who suffered so much for me in the world below. And our Redeemer’s great happiness increases our own, as He invites each faithful servant to enter into his Master’s joy.

“Here we see not only our elder Brother (Lord Jesus Christ), but also our friends and relatives. Although Elijah lived in the world below long before your time, you no sooner saw him than you knew him. And so you will also know Adam when you see him. Here we communicate the purest pleasure to each other, a sincere ardent love uniting our society. And oh, how happy is that state of love! Where there is love like this, all are filled with delight. How can it be otherwise, since in this blessed society there is a continual receiving and returning of love and joy.

“But besides all the happiness that comes to us by our communion with God and with each other, it is to me a mighty happiness to understand all the deep mysteries of religion which the wisest in the world below could not fully understand. Here we discern a perfect harmony between those scripture texts that in the world below seemed to oppose each other. And here we are especially filled with wonder and gratitude at discovering the divine goodness towards each one of us in particular. In respect to my former life on Earth, I have seen the mercifulness of those very afflictions that I once (when upon Earth) thought to show His anger. I am now fully convinced that no affliction that I met with in the world below (and I met with many) either came sooner or fell heavier or continued longer than was needful. My hopes were not disappointed, but God used all things to prepare me for a better eternal reward than what I had hoped for.

“But I remember that you are still in the body, and may be tired with hearing what I could forever tell, so great is the happiness that I possess. I shall only add one other thing about our happiness: though a vast multitude of blessed souls partakes of this joy and glory, this does not make less of what each receives. For this ocean of happiness is so bottomless that the innumerable company of all the Saints and Angels never can exhaust it. Nor is this strange, for in the world below everyone equally enjoys the benefit of light. There is no one that can complain that they enjoy it less, because another enjoys it also. All enjoy the benefit of light as fully as if no one else enjoyed it but themselves. If a multitude of persons drink of the same river none of them is able to exhaust it, even though each of them has the liberty of drinking as much as he can. So whoever enjoys God enjoys Him as much as he can contain, according to his capacity.

New Jerusalem beautiful landscape

“Thus I have given you a brief account of our Heavenly Canaan. It is not the thousandth part of that which might be said, yet it is enough to let you see it is a land flowing with milk and honey.” In this happy place worldly relations cease. Nor is there male and female here, but all are like the Angels. For souls cannot be distinguished into sexes, and therefore all relations are here swallowed up in God.”

He had no sooner spoken than he took me by the hand. Then, far swifter than an arrow from a bow, we passed by several shining forms clothed in robes of immortality, who looked at me as I passed them. He said, to me, “Farewell, my friend, your guardian Angel will shortly come and bring you back to the world below.”

Joyous Raptured Saint

I drew near the shining form of a redeemed one that stood before me, who appeared extremely glorious, encircled with rays of dazzling luster. I hardly could behold her for the exceeding brightness of her face.

She said to me, “For what I am, to Him that is on the throne be all the praise and glory. The robe of glory which you see me wear is only the reflection of His own bright beams!”

“You appear to be one who feels the mighty joys that you speak of.”

She replied, “You should not think this strange. The mighty wonders of divine love and grace will be the subject of our song forever. Here all human relations cease and are swallowed up in God who is alone the great Father of all this Heavenly family. As for the members of the family that I left behind in the world below, I have committed them to God. I shall be glad to see them all heirs of this blessed inheritance. But if they should join with the grand enemy of souls (Satan) and refuse the grace offered them, and thereby perish in their unbelief, God will be glorified in His justice, and in His glory I shall still rejoice.”

Then I desired to know whether the Saints in Heaven understood and were concerned for what was happening in the world below.

To this she replied, “As to the affairs of particular persons, we are not concerned with them and are ignorant of them. Only God is present in all places and sees all things. But the struggles and the victories of the Church below is told to us by the Angels, who are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those that shall be heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:14). From what they report we are excited to renew our praises to Him that sits upon the throne.”

 Scene of Hell

Chapter 6: Conducted To Hell

Then the bright messenger who had brought me to Heaven returned. “I have,” said the Angel, “a commission to return you to the Earth from where I took you, after first visiting the regions of the prince of darkness (Satan). There you will see the reward of sin, and what Justice has prepared as the judgment of those who would exalt themselves above the throne of the Most High. ”

To leave Heaven for Earth was extremely disappointing. But to leave Heaven for Hell turned my very heart within me! However, when I knew that it was God’s good pleasure, I was a little comforted. So I said to my bright conductor, “That which God has ordered I shall always be willing to obey. Even in Hell I will not be afraid if I may have His presence with me there.”

To this my shining guardian replied, “Wherever the blessed God grants His presence, there is Heaven, and while we are in Hell He will be with us.”

Then bowing low before the Almighty’s throne, swifter than thought my guardian Angel carried me on a speedy journey down through the heavens. When I saw the stars I told my conductor that I had heard on Earth that each one of these stars had their own worlds. “But I would ask you to tell me the truth of this matter.”

To this my shining guardian answered, “To Him Who is Almighty there is nothing impossible. But from knowing that it is in His power to do this, to argue that it is His will, is no good logic in the school of Heaven. We know what He pleases to reveal to us, and what He has not revealed are secrets locked up in His own eternal counsel. For anyone to inquire into these secrets would be but bold and presumptuous curiosity. There is no doubt that He can make as many worlds as He wants, but He has not yet revealed it to us, and it is not our duty to inquire.”

By this time we had come down to the lowest regions of the air. There I saw multitudes of horrible forms and dismal dark appearances which fled from the shining presence of my bright conductor.

I said, “These surely are some of the vanguard of Hell, so black and so frightening are their forms.”

My conductor replied, “Now we are upon the borders of Hell, and these are some of the apostate spirits that wander around like roaring lions.”

Soon we were surrounded with a darkness much more black than night, and with a stink far more suffocating than that of burning sulfur. My ears were likewise filled with the horrible yelling of the damned spirits, which in comparison with, would make the most discordant notes on earth sound like beautiful music.

“Now,” said my guardian Angel, “you are on the edge of Hell, but do not fear the power of the destroyer. My commission from the Imperial Throne secures you from all danger. Here you may hear from devils and damned souls the cursed causes of their endless ruin. What you ask them about, they will answer. The devils cannot hurt you, though they would want to, for they are bound by Him that has commissioned me.”

We then came within Hell’s territories, placed in the caverns of the infernal deep in the center of the Earth. There, in a sulfurous lake of liquid fire, sat Lucifer (Satan) upon a burning throne. His horrid eyes sparkled with hellish fury, as full of rage as his strong anger could make him. I saw that the demons that had fled from us as we approached from Heaven had given notice of our coming. This had put all Hell in an uproar, and made Lucifer release horrid blasphemies against the blessed God with an air of arrogance and pride.

King of Hell (Satan)

“What would the Thunderer have?” said Lucifer. “He has my Heaven already, whose radiant scepter this bold hand should bear. Instead of those never fading fields of light, He confines me here in this dark house of death, sorrow, and woe! What, would He take Hell away from me too, that He insults me here? Ah! Could I but obtain another day to try it, I would make Heaven shake and His bright throne to totter. Nor would I fear the utmost of His power, though He had fiercer flames than these to throw me in.

Although I lost the battle that day, the fault was not mine! No winged spirit in Heaven strove better for the victory than I did. But, ah!” he continued with a changed voice, “that day is lost, and I am forever doomed to these dark territories! But it is still at least some comfort to me that mankind’s sorrow waits upon me. And since I cannot fight against the Thunderer, I will make the utmost of my anger to fall on them.”

I was amazed to hear his ungodly speech, and felt compelled to say to my conductor, “How justly are his blasphemies rewarded!”

“What you have heard from this apostate spirit is both his sin and punishment; for every blasphemy he belches against Heaven, makes Hell the hotter to him.”

We then passed on to see more sorrowful scenes. I saw two wretched souls being tormented by a demon. He was continually plunging them in liquid fire and burning brimstone, while at the same time they accused and cursed each other. One of them said to his tormented fellow sufferer, “O cursed be your face, that ever I set eyes upon you! My misery is due to you; I may thank you for this, for it was your persuasions that brought me here. You enticed me, it was you who ensnared me into this. It was your covetousness, cheating, and oppression of the poor that brought me here. If you had been as good an example as you had been a bad one, I might now be in Heaven. O what a fool I was! When I followed your steps you ruined me forever. O that I never had seen your face, or that you had never been born!”

The other wretch replied, “And may I not as well blame you? Don’t you remember how at such a time and place you enticed me to go along with you? I was minding my own business when you called me away, so you are as guilty as I. Though I was covetous, you were proud. Though you learned how to cheat from me, yet you taught me to lust, to lie, to get drunk and to scoff at goodness. So although I stumbled you in some things, you stumbled me as much in others. Therefore if you blame me, I can blame you as much. I wish you never had come here, the very sight of you wounds my soul, by bringing sin afresh into my mind. It was with you, with you that I sinned. O grief to my soul! Since I could not avoid your companionship on Earth, O that I could be without it here!”

From this sad conversation I learned that those who are companions in sin upon Earth shall also be punished together in Hell. I believe that this was the true reason why the Biblical rich man seemed so charitable to his brethren (Luke 16:27-28). The reason he did not want them to join him in Hell was because they would have increased his torments.


Chapter 7: The Tortures Of Hell

There were yet more tragic scenes of sorrow that we saw as we left these two cursed wretches accusing each other. One woman had flaming sulfur continually forced down her throat by a tormenting spirit. He did this with such horrible cruelty and insolence that I said to him, “Why should you so delight in tormenting that cursed wretch, and be pouring that flaming, infernal liquid down her throat?”

“This is a more than just reward,” replied the demon. “This woman in her life time was such a greedy wretch that though she had plenty of gold, she could never be satisfied. Therefore I now pour it down her throat. She cared not who she ruined as long as she could get their gold. And when she had gathered together a greater treasure than she could ever spend, her love of money would not let her spend enough of it to supply herself with her basic living needs. She often went with an empty stomach, though her money bags were full. She kept no house because she would not be taxed, and would not keep her treasure in her hands for fear she should be robbed. She would not put her money in bonds and mortgages for fear of being cheated; although she always cheated everyone that she could. She was so great a cheat that she cheated her own body of its food, and her own soul of mercy. Since gold was her god on earth, is it not a just reward that she should have her belly full of it in Hell?”

When her tormentor had done speaking, I asked her whether this was all true. To this she answered me, “No; to my grief it is not.”

“Why is this not true,” I said, “and why are you grieved that it is not true?”

“Because if what my tormentor told you is true,” she said, “I would be satisfied. He tells you that he pours gold down my throat; but he is a lying devil and speaks falsely. If it was gold I would never complain. But he mocks me, and instead of gold he only gives me this horrid, stinking sulfur. If I had my gold I would be happy still, for I value it so much that if I had it, I would not part with it even if an entrance to Heaven could be bought.”

I told my angelic conductor that I was amazed to hear a wretch in Hell itself so greedy for riches while forever being tormented.

“This,” he said, “may convince you that it is sin which is the greatest of all evils. Whenever the love of sin controls a soul, it is the greatest of all punishments for them to be abandoned to that evil love. The love of gold which this cursed soul is consumed by, is a more fatal punishment than what the demons can inflict upon her here.”

“O!” said I, “if only wicked men on Earth could for one moment hear the horrid shrieks of those damned souls, they could not be in love with sin again.”

“Eternal Truth has told us otherwise, for those who will not fear His ministers, nor have regard to what His Word contains, will not be warned though one should come from Hell.”

We had not gone much farther before we saw a wretched soul lying on a bed of burning steel, almost choked with brimstone. He cried out with such dreadful anguish and desperation, that I asked my conductor to wait. I heard him speak as follows:

“Ah, miserable wretch! Undone forever, forever! Oh, this killing word, ‘forever!’ Will not a million years be long enough to bear that pain, which if I could avoid it, I would not endure for even one moment for the sake of being offered one million worlds? No, no my misery never will have an end; after millions of years it will still be forever. Oh, what a helpless and hopeless condition I am in! It is this ‘forever’ that is the hell of hell! O cursed wretch! Cursed to all eternity! How willfully have I undone myself! Oh, what stupendous folly am I guilty of, to choose sin’s short and momentary pleasure at the dear price of everlasting pain! How often I was told it would be so! How often I was encouraged to leave those paths of sin that brought me to the chambers of eternal death! But I, like a dumb animal, would not listen to those pleadings. Now it is too late to change it, for my eternal state is fixed for ever. Why was I made a person, that I would choose this fate? Why was I made with an immortal soul, and yet should take so little care of it? Oh how my own neglect stings me to death, and yet I know I cannot die! I live a dying life, worse than ten thousand deaths; and yet I once could have changed all this, but did not! Oh, that is the gnawing worm that never dies! I might once have been happy, salvation was offered to me and I refused it. Had salvation been offered to me only once, it would have been an unforgivable folly to refuse it. But salvation was offered me a thousand times, and yet (wretch that I was) I still as often refused it. O cursed sin, that with deluding pleasures leads mankind to eternal ruin! God often called, but I as often refused; He stretched His hand out, but I would not mind it. How often have I ignored His counsel! How often have I refused His reproof! But now the scene is changed, the case is altered. Now He laughs at my calamity, and mocks at the destruction which has come upon me. He would have helped me once, but I would not accept His help. Therefore those eternal miseries I am condemned to undergo are but the just reward of my own doing.”

I could not hear this sorrowful lamentation without thinking about the wonderful grace that God had shown to me, eternal praises to His holy name! For my heart told me that I had deserved eternal judgment as much as that sad wretch, but that God’s grace alone had made us different. O how unsearchable are His counsels! Who can fathom His divine decree?

After these thoughts I spoke to the sorrowful complainer, and told him I had heard his woeful complaints. I saw that his misery was great, and his loss irreparable, and told him I would willingly hear more about it if this might possibly help lessen his sufferings.”

“No, not at all; my pains cannot be relieved even for one small moment. But by your question I understand that you are a stranger here; and may you ever be a stranger! Ah, had I but the least hope still remaining, how I would kneel and cry and pray for ever to be redeemed from this Hell! But it is all in vain, I am lost forever. But so that you will be warned about ending up here, I will tell you what the damned suffer.”

Tormented Soul

Chapter 8: A Lost Soul Speaks

“Our miseries in this infernal dungeon are of two kinds: what we have lost, and what we suffer. I will first speak about what we have lost.

  1. In this sad dark place of misery and sorrow, we have lost the presence of the ever blessed God. This is what makes this dungeon Hell. Though we had lost a thousand worlds, it would not be as important as this one greatest loss. Could we but see the least glimpse of His favor here, we might be happy; but have lost it to our everlasting woe.
  2. Here we have also lost the company of Heavenly Saints and holy Angels, and instead have nothing but tormenting devils.
  3. Here we have lost Heaven, too, the center of blessedness. There is a deep gulf between us and Heaven, so that we are shut out from it forever. Those everlasting gates that let the redeemed into Heaven are now for ever shut against us.
  4. To make our wretchedness far worse, we have lost the hope of ever obtaining a better condition. This makes us truly hopeless. Well may our hearts now break, since we are both without hope and help. This is what we have lost; and if we think of these things, it is enough to tear and gnaw upon our miserable souls forever. Yet, oh, that this were all that our torments were!

But we are also tormented by suffering and pain, as I will try to explain to you now.

  1. First, we undergo a variety of torments. We are tormented here a thousand, no, ten thousand different ways. Those that suffer upon the Earth seldom have more than one affliction at a time. But if they had ulcers, gallstones, headaches, and fever all at the same time, would they not think they were very miserable? Yet all those together are but like the biting of a flea compared to those intolerable, sharp pains that we endure. Here we have all the sufferings of Hell. Here is an unquenchable fire which burns us; a lake of burning brimstone that ever chokes us; and eternal chains that bind us. Here there is utter darkness to frighten us, and a worm of conscience that gnaws upon us everlastingly. Any one of these is worse to bear than all the torments that mankind ever felt on Earth!
  2. But our torments here are not only various, but are also complete. They afflict every part of the body, and torment all the powers of the soul. This makes what we suffer the worst of tortures. In those sicknesses which men have on Earth, though some members of their bodies will suffer, yet other parts will have no pain. Here it is different; every member of the soul and body suffers at the same time.

“Our eyes are tormented here with the sight of devils who appear in all the horrible shapes and black appearances that sin can give them. Our ears are continually tormented with the loud continual yelling of the damned. Our nostrils are smothered with sulfurous flames; our tongues with burning blisters; and the whole body is rolled in flames of liquid fire. All the powers and faculties of our souls are also tormented here. The imagination suffers with the thoughts of our present pain and the memory of the Heaven we have lost. Our minds are tormented as we remember how foolishly we spent our precious time on Earth. Our understanding is tormented with the thoughts of our past pleasures, present pains, and future sorrows, which are to last forever. And our consciences are tormented with a continual gnawing worm.

  1. Another thing that makes our misery so awful is the sharpness of our torments. The fire that burns us is so violent that all the water in the sea can never quench it. The pains we suffer here are so extreme that it is impossible for anyone to know them except the damned.
  2. Another part of our misery is the ceaselessness of our torments. As various, as complete, and as extremely violent as they are, they are also continual. We have no rest from them. If there were any relaxation, it might be some relief. But there is no easing of our torments, and what we suffer now we must suffer forever.
  3. The society or company we have here is another part of our misery. Tormenting devils and tormented souls are all our company. Dreadful shrieks, howlings and fearful cursing are our continual conversation because of the fierceness of our pain.
  4. The place we are in also increases our sufferings. It is the completion of all misery, a prison, a dungeon, a bottomless pit, a lake of brimstone, a furnace of fire that burns to eternity, the blackness of darkness forever and lastly, Hell itself. Such a wretched place as this can only increase our wretchedness.
  5. The cruelty of our tormentors is another thing that adds to our sufferings. Our tormentors are devils in whom there is no pity. While they are tormented themselves, they still take pleasure in tormenting us.
  6. All those sufferings that I have recounted are very grievous. But that which makes them the most grievous is that they shall always be forever. All of our intolerable sufferings shall last to all eternity! ‘Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire,’ is what continually sounds in my ears. Oh, that I could reverse that fatal sentence! Oh, if there was but a bare possibility of salvation! This is the miserable situation we are in, and shall be in forever.”

 Doomed Soul

Chapter 9: Further Conversations

This wretched soul had scarcely finished what he was saying when he was tormented again by a hellish demon, who told him to stop complaining. The demon said, “Don’t you know you have deserved it all? How often were you told of this before, but would not believe it? You laughed at those who warned you about Hell. You were even so presumptuous as to dare Almighty justice to destroy you! How often you called on God to damn you. Do you complain that you are answered according to your wishes? What an unreasonable thing! You know that you had salvation offered you, and you refused it. How can you now complain of being damned? I have more reason to complain, for you had a long time in which repentance was offered you; but I was cast into Hell as soon as I had sinned. If I had been offered salvation, I would never have rejected it as you did. Who do you think should pity you now, with all that Heaven had offered to you?”

This made the wretch cry out, “Oh, do not continue to torment me; I know that I chose destruction. Oh, that I could forget it! These thoughts are my greatest torture. I chose to be damned, and therefore justly am so.”

Then turning to the demon that tortured him he said, “But I also came here through your temptations, you cursed devil. You were the one that had tempted me to do all of my sins and now you would reproach me? You say you never had a Savior offered to you; but you should also remember that you never had a tempter such as you have always been to me.”

To this the devil scornfully replied, “It was my business to lead you here! You had often been warned of this by your Preacher. You were plainly told that we sought your ruin and go about continually like roaring lions, seeking whom we could devour. I was often afraid that you would believe them, as several other souls did, to our great disappointment. But you were willing to do what we wanted and since you have done our work it is but reasonable that we should pay you wages.” Then the fiend tormented him again and caused him to roar out so horribly that I could no longer stay to hear him, so I passed on.

“How dismal,” I then said to my conductor, “is the condition of these damned souls! They are the devil’s slaves while upon Earth, and he reproaches and then torments them for it when they come to Hell.”

“The devils hate all the race of Adam,” said my conductor. “And because many souls are ignorant of their devices, they easily succeed to bring them to eternal ruin. You will see more how the demons treat the damned here.”

Passing a little further we saw a multitude of damned souls together, gnashing their teeth with extreme rage and pain, while the tormenting fiends with hellish fury poured liquid fire and brimstone continually upon them. In the meantime, they were cursing God and those about them, and were blaspheming in a tremendous manner. I could not help but ask of one demon that so tormented them, who were these souls that he tormented so cruelly?

Said he, “These wretches well deserve their punishment. They tried to teach others the right road to Heaven, while they were so in love with Hell that they came here. These are those souls that have been our great helpers upon the Earth and therefore they deserve our special attention in Hell. We use our full diligence to give everyone their utmost share of torments, for they not only have their own sins to answer for, but also all the sins of those whom they led astray both by their doctrine and example.”

“Since they have been such great helpers for you, I would think that in gratitude you would treat them a little more kindly.”

To this the impudent demon answered me in a scoffing manner, “They that expect gratitude among devils will find themselves mistaken. Gratitude is a virtue, but we hate all virtue. Besides, we hate all mankind, and were it in our power not one of them should be happy. It is true we do not tell them so upon Earth, because there it is our business to flatter and deceive them. But when we have them here where they cannot escape, we soon convince them of their foolishness in serving us.”

From this I could only think about what infinite grace it is that any poor sinners are brought to Heaven, considering how many traps are laid by the enemy to ensnare them by the way. Therefore it is a ministry well worthy of the blessed Son of God (Lord Jesus Christ) to save His people from their sins, and to deliver them from the wrath to come. But it is also folly and madness in men to refuse the offers of His grace, and to choose to side with the destroyer (Satan).

Going farther on, I heard a wretch complaining in a heartbreaking strain against those men that had betrayed him and brought him here.

“I was told,” said he, ‘by those that I depended on and that I thought could inform me correctly, that if I said ‘Lord, have mercy on me,’ when I came to die, it would be enough to save me. But oh, now I find myself mistaken, to my eternal sorrow! Alas, I called for mercy on my deathbed, but found it was too late. Before that time, this cursed devil here told me that I was safe. Then on my deathbed, he told me it was too late. Hell must forever be my portion.”

“You see, I did tell you the truth at last,” said the devil, “and then you would not believe me. A very fitting end, don’t you think? You spend your days enjoying sin, and wallow in your filthiness, and you want to go to Heaven when you die! Would anyone but a madman think that would be just? No; he that sincerely wants to go to Heaven when he dies, must walk in the ways of holiness and virtue while he is alive. You say some of your lewd companions told you that saying, ‘Lord, have mercy on me’ when you came to die would be enough. A very fine excuse! If you had read the Bible you would have known that ‘Without holiness, no one shall see the Lord.” Therefore, if you were willing to live in your sins as long as you could, you did not finally leave them because you did not like them, but because you could follow them no longer. And this you know to be true. How could you be so stupid to think you could go to Heaven with the love of sin in your heart? No, no, no. You were warned often enough that you should take heed of being deceived, for God is not mocked, but what you sow you reap. You have no reason to complain of anything but your own folly, which you now see too late.”

“This lecture of the devil was a very cutting one to the poor tormented wretch,” I said to my conductor, “and shows the true situation of many now on Earth as well as those in Hell. But oh, what a far different judgment do they make in this sad place from what they did on Earth.”

“The reason for this,” replied my guardian Angel, “is that they will not allow themselves to think what the effect of sin will be while on Earth. Carelessness ruins many souls who do not think about what they are doing, nor where they are going, until it is too late to help it.”

Burning soul in hell

Chapter 10: An Atheist In Hell

We had not gone much farther before I saw a vast number of tormenting demons. They were continually lashing a large company of wretched souls with knotted whips of ever burning steel. The tormented souls were roaring out with such loud cries that I thought it might have melted even cruelty itself into some pity. This made me say to one of the tormentors, “Oh, stop your whipping and do not use such cruelty on those who are your fellow creatures and whom you probably helped lead to all this misery.”

“No,” answered the tormentor very smoothly. “Though we are bad enough, no devil was as bad as them, nor were we guilty of such crimes as they were. We all know there is a God, although we hate Him; but these souls would never admit (until they came here) that there was such a Being.”

“Then these,” I said, “were Atheists. They are wretched men and tried to ruin me had not eternal grace prevented it.”

I had no sooner spoken, but one of the tormented wretches cried out mournfully, “Surely I know that voice. It must be John.”

I was amazed to hear my name mentioned and therefore I answered, “Yes, I am John; but who are you?”

To this he replied, “I once knew you well upon the Earth and had almost persuaded you to be of my opinion. I am the author of that celebrated book entitled “Leviathan.”


“What! The great Thomas Hobbes?” said I. “Have you come here?”

“Alas,” replied he, “I am that unhappy man indeed. But I am so far from being great that I am one of the most wretched persons in all these dirty territories. For now I know there is a God. But oh! I wish there were not, for I am sure He will have no mercy on me. Nor is there any reason that He should. I do confess I was His foe on Earth and now He is mine in Hell. It was that proud confidence I had in my own wisdom that has so betrayed me.”

“Your case is miserable, and yet you admit that you suffer justly. For how industrious were you to persuade others and try to bring them to the same damnation. No one can know this better than I, as I was almost taken in your snare to perish forever.”

“It is that,” said he, “that stings me to the heart, to think how many will perish by my influence. I was afraid when I first heard your voice that you had also been cast into Hell. Not that I wish any person happy, for it is my torment to think that anyone is happy while I am so miserable. But I did not want you to be cast into Hell, because every soul that is brought here through my deceptions, increases my pains in Hell.”

“But tell me,” I said, “for I want to know the truth. Did you indeed believe there was no God when you lived upon Earth?

“At first I believed there was a God,” he answered, “but as I turned to sins which would lead me to His judgment, I hoped there was no God. For it is impossible to think there is a just God and not also remember that He will punish those who disobey Him. But as I continued in my sins, and found that justice did not swiftly come, I then began to hope there was no God. From those hopes I began to frame ideas in my own mind that could justify what I hoped. My ideas framed a new system of the world’s origin which excluded from it the existence of God. At last I found myself so fond of these new theories that I decided to believe them and convince others that they were true. But before this, I did find several checks in my own conscience. I felt that I could be wrong, but I ignored these warnings. Now I find that those checking thoughts that might have helped me then, are here the things that most of all torment me. I must confess that the love of sin hardened my heart against my Maker and made me hate Him first and then deny His being. Sin, that I so proudly embraced, has been the cursed cause of all this woe; it is the serpent that has stung my soul to death. For now I find, in spite of my vain philosophy, there is a God. I have also found that God will not be mocked, although it was my daily practice in the world to mock at Heaven and all that is sacred, for this was the means that I found very successful to spread abroad my cursed ideas. For anyone that I could get to ridicule the truths of God, I looked upon as becoming one of my disciples. But now these thoughts are more tormenting to me than the sufferings I endure from these whips of burning steel.”

“Sad indeed,” I said. “See what Almighty Power can inflict on those that violate His righteous law.” I was making some further comments when the relentless fiend who had been tormenting them then interrupted me.

“Now you see what sort of men they were in the world. Do you not think they deserve their punishment now?”

To which I answered, “Doubtless it is the just reward of sin which they suffer and which you will suffer also. For you, as well as they, have sinned against the ever blessed God and for your sin you shall suffer the just vengeance of eternal fire. Nor is it any excuse to say you never doubted the being of a God; for though you knew there was God, yet you rebelled against Him. Therefore you shall be justly punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord.”

To this the fiend replied, “It is true we know we shall be punished, as you say. But if you say that mankind should have pity showed them, because they fell through the temptations of the devil, it is the same case with me and all the rest of the inferior spirits. For we were tempted by the Bright Sun of the Morning (Lucifer) to rebel with him. And therefore, though this multiplies the crime of Lucifer (Satan), it should lessen that of the inferior spirits.”

To this my bright conductor replied with an angry countenance. “O you apostate, wicked, lying spirit! Can you say those things and see me here? You know it was your proud heart that made you rebel with Lucifer against the blessed God who had created you with glory! But since you proudly exalted yourself above your blessed Creator and joined with Lucifer, you are justly cast down to Hell. Your former beauty has changed to your present horrible form as the just punishment of your rebellious pride.”

To this the apostate spirit replied, “Why do you invade our territories and come here to torment us before our time?” And when he had said this, he slipped away as if he did not want to have an answer. After he was gone I said to my guardian Angel that I had already heard about the fall of the apostate angels, but wanted to know more about what happened. To this my guide answered me, “When you have finished your earthly life and return to Heaven, you shall learn many things that you are not yet ready to understand. In your present state do not desire to learn more than what is written in the Scriptures. It is enough to know the fallen angels sinned and for their sin were cast down to Hell. But how pure spirits could have a thought arise in their hearts against the eternal Purity that first created them is what you are not yet capable of understanding.”

“I have observed,” said I, “that those in Hell complain most about the torment from their own sense of guilt, which confirms the justice of their punishment. This gloomy prison is the best place to rightly understand sin; for were it not so evil, it would not be rewarded with such extreme punishment.”

“What you say is very natural; but there is yet a better place to see the just reward due to sin. That place can be seen when you behold the blessed Son of God (Lord Jesus Christ) upon the Cross. There we may see the terrible effects of sin. There we may see all of its true evil. For all the sufferings of the damned here are but the sufferings of created beings; but on the Cross you see a suffering God.”

“Surely,” said I, “did justice and mercy triumph and kiss each other in that fatal hour. For justice was fully satisfied at the Cross in the just punishment of sin; and mercy triumphed and was pleased there because salvation for poor sinners was completed. Oh, eternal praises to His holy name for ever, that His grace has made me willing to accept this salvation and become an heir of glory! For I remember that some of those lost wretches here have lamented that when salvation had been offered to them, they had refused it. It was therefore grace alone that helped me to accept it.”

At this point my shining guardian told me that he must bring me back to the Earth again and leave me there until it was time for me to enter my Heavenly reward. “Come,” he said, “let us leave this place of sorrow and horror to the possession of their black inhabitants.”

In a very little space of time I found myself on Earth again. I was left at the very place where the Angel had met me, when I had been thinking about committing suicide through the temptations of the Devil (Satan) who had tried to persuade me that there was no God. How I returned there, I do not know. But as soon as I was back there, the bright Angel who had been my conductor said, “John, I must go now. I have another ministry to complete. Praise Him that sits upon the throne forever, who has all power in Heaven, Earth, and Hell. Praise Him for all the wonders of His love and grace that He has shown you in so short a time.”

As I was going to reply, the shining Angel disappeared and I was left alone. I spent some time considering the amazing things I had seen and heard and then knelt down and prayed. When I rose up I began blessing and praising God for all His goodness.

When I returned back to my house, my family was very surprised to see how my countenance had so greatly changed. They looked at me as if they scarcely knew me. I asked them what they were staring at. They answered that it was the change in my face that caused it. I said, “How am I so greatly changed?”

They told me, “Yesterday you looked so depressed that you seemed the very image of despair. But now, your face appears radiantly beautiful and seems full of perfect joy and satisfaction.”

“If you had seen,” I said, “what I have seen today, you would not be surprised at the change in me.” Then I went into my room, took my pen and ink, and wrote down everything that I had heard and seen. And I hope that those who read this will be moved in their hearts just as I have been as I wrote everything down.

The End.


The Terrible Agonies Of Doomed Souls In Eternal Burning Hell!

Vital Warning Message To Everybody From Lord Jesus Christ Given To Jarrod Waugh.

“Hello MY son. It is I your LORD JESUS. I do have words. Not only for you MY son, but for you, your friends and the entire Earth below the sky. I your LORD JESUS have important words to tell each of you. Now listen to ME. Listen to MY words. Take heed. These are serious words for all of you.

I love you all so much, MY daughters and MY sons I love you more than any other creation of MINE. I made you in MY image. How can I not love you, MY FATHER loves you so much because He sees ME in all of you who have MY blood. I love all of you so much. You will never fully know or understand how much I love you. You will never be able to measure the depth of MY love for you Children. I am going to address a lot of things that man takes for granted. Not realizing that it is the enemy’s deceit and lies that draw people into his sin. I your LORD, your GOD will expose HIM today. I do this only because I love MY creation and I want each of you to choose ME. Choose ME, your SAVIOR, the one who loves you.

MY children do you understand how much I love you. I want nothing but the best for all of you. I want to see you happy. I long to see you all walking in MY perfect will for your lives. I long to have you learn what peace is. Peace and joy in its fullness and the only way you can have that is through ME, the LORD JESUS CHRIST the only SON of GOD. MY children, I love you deeply. Your mother and father will never love you as I do. I alone know the true definition of love, I am love. The only way you are able to love each other is because MY SPIRIT is still on the Earth. You are able to love because I loved you first. I, GOD, of the Heavens and the Earth, everything belong to ME and I love you all. Yes the GOD of all loves each of you individually equally. I love you so much. Do not try to understand MY love for you but know MY love for you. Know my love for each of you. Even in sin I still love you and beg you to return to ME. Do not entertain the enemy’s deception and temptation.

I love you MY children. I love you and as surely as I live, as surely as I the sovereign GOD will always live, the enemy (Satan) will hate you. MY children do you think he likes you, he does not like you, how can he even love you. He (Satan) cannot tolerate you. If it were not for MY hand of protection over you the enemy would have killed you and had you in the pits where you will understand the hate he has for ME and you. Be not deceived. You think the pleasure you have on the Earth is nothing more than pleasure? No, it is sin. The pleasure of flesh is against the spirit. MY children please read this slowly, understand it fully. He (Satan) hates you, (the Lord Jesus Christ sounds sad) yes I am heartbroken by MY children who have perished. MY heart aches for each of them, each of them MY Spirit. Why do you choose the flesh over ME MY children? I can give you more but you choose him, the enemy (Satan) I defeated long ago. His defeat was written long ago, before you were born. He (Satan) hates you and he will do anything. Whatever it takes to have your soul in Hell. He will do it. Through your family, through your friends. Your career. Your music. The things you watch. Everything that he can find that will get to you he will use, but he cannot use it unless you give him power. MY children, Satan has no power. Do not entertain his evil ways, he wants your soul in Hell. In Hell, do you know what is in Hell my children? Do you?

Snakes which make love to you. Smokers, homosexuals, drunkards, their punishment is severe. Even MY children who called themselves MY own, those who chose money over ME, those who were harsh in words, people who love wild parties, there are so many in Hell MY children, so many being tortured. Yet some of you seem to think you can handle Hell, that Hell is a place of fun. You joke about Hell being a party, a fun party where you drink and smoke and take part in your pleasure filled sins. Yes it is so, MY children you will party, you will drink, you will smoke, you will fornicate for eternity MY children. It will indeed be a hot party, but believe ME you will find no pleasure in any of that. Only demons will find pleasure in Hell’s possession of your soul.

Drink: you will drink fire, you will drink acid, you will drink burning liquid, you will drink the most horrid painful things only Satan’s demons find pleasure in. You will smoke things you never thought to smoke and it will never end my children. You will be pierced with spears all over your bodies. All over your bodies you will be speared, stabbed, bitten, your flesh will be torn. You will cry for death but death will never come. You are made in MY Image, I am an ETERNAL BEING and you cannot die. Yes fornicators will be pierced in the genitals. In the most painful of areas. Demons with thorns all over their body will make love to you. Worms will suck on your tongues. Ugly, horrific things will happen to you. That is the party you will be in forever. The party, the hot party in Hell never ends my children. It never ends. There are no 6 to 6’s in Hell. Only eternity, forever, and ever the torment will go on. Is a minute’s pleasure worth eternal torment MY children; really is it worth it MY children? How do you choose that over what I offer you? I offer you peace, joy, eternal rest. I offer you life. I offer you the beauties of heaven. The finest GOD can give you. Do you not want to smile for eternity, do you not? What MY children is it not enough? Is to live to sin? How is it that you encourage this term of yours live a little?

What is to live a little? Live on the Earth sinfully, die and land up in Hell? Is that to live a little? MY children listen to Me, you do not live a little. You will never live a little. You will live forever. When your soul departs from your body that is the beginning of eternity. Where will you spend it? In MY Kingdom, in MY presence, Or in Hell? My children stop encouraging each other to sin, it is not right, it is unholy, it is evil, it is detestable.

My children I told you I am going to tell you many things in these words, I tell you the truth and nothing else. Nothing but truth comes out of MY mouth; I have no reason to deceive those I love. No reason to lie. I am not man. I cannot lie. I cannot, it is not in MY Being, and MY SPIRIT knows not to lie. I do not lie. My children, suicide, why do you commit suicide? Do not do it, I know MY children it is hard, some of you your circumstances seem unbearable but just trust and believe that I God will work everything out in your favor. I have forgiven every sin. Even suicide, I have MY blood to cover suicide but I will explain to you why MY children, why suicide offenders land up in Hell. Suicide offenders land up in Hell, MY children because they could not repent. You cannot repent in Hell. You cannot repent after the departure from your body. By the time you die there is no time for you to ask for forgiveness, you have left the Earth. You have been cut off from the Earth my children remember this.

Repentance is not for the grave, MY children. Repentance is for now. It is now. Do not waste time. Do not deceive yourselves thinking you will run away from your circumstances to a better place, you will find yourselves worse off than you were while on the Earth MY children, but I ask you my children to come to me. Run to ME, I will comfort you in your sickness and in your pain. I am here for you. I will never turn my back on you. I will give you back everything that the devil stole from you. I, GOD will give you back your joy. Your peace and your worth. I God will mend you and put you back together for my own glory because I love you and those who belong to me will not be mocked or destroyed by the enemy (Satan) for I will be your GOD, your PROTECTOR. I am the Great “I AM.” I can only protect you if you belong to Me. Call on MY name my children. Call on the name of JESUS. I am here.

My children listen to ME. I have a complaint against you. Why do you betray each other MY children? Why do you betray and hurt your friends and your family. Why do you lie to each other? Why do you fight? Make peace today, MY children. Talk, forgive one another, stop crucifying each other and mocking and slandering your names. MY children this is not from ME. I command you to love each other as you love yourselves. Do not believe that you will enter MY kingdom (Heaven) if you hold any grudges, MY children. No. Stop being hypocrites. Stop it. I do not go to MY Father and bad mouth you, I do not remind MY FATHER of the countless sins you performed. Forgive each other, help each other, respect, and do not break each other’s trust. Encourage each other in the LORD. In ME, encourage each other, do not pull each other away from each other. MY church is to help each other. Stop judging each other, judgment is for God alone not for mere people. Judgment is MINE; MY judgment is fair and just. Do not hurt each other.

MY children I am going to talk about pornography. I need you to understand MY children it is a sin. How dare you put what I made for privacy on display? Pornography encourages sex out of marriage. Demons of lust enter into your body then you yield to your flesh and sin against your own body, through masturbation. Why masturbation is wrong you may ask yourself? It is sin MY children, I am not pleased with MY children lusting after each other, I am not pleased with the world telling my children to masturbate because it is natural. Sex outside of ME, MY children is dangerous, demons make love to you. Do not do it. Do not watch pornography, do not make pornography, MY children, this includes your photos. The photos you take and the photos you look at. Listen to ME, you are grieving the HOLY SPIRIT, you are. MY children please, the road to Hell is very broad and the road to Heaven is very narrow. Few find it. I ask you now, what road are you walking on? Sex is for man and woman in marriage alone. Only in marriage, MY children. You ask yourselves why and how you became so sexual, so promiscuous? Sex MY children, sexual demons are in you, ask ME to restore you and purify you MY children that you are found not guilty before a Holy GOD. Only I, GOD can deliver you from such sin. Yes only I, GOD.

Glorious Rapture Day

I am not done MY children; I have words, listen to ME, and listen to ME carefully. I am coming. I am coming very soon (imminent glorious Rapture). I am coming so soon. Those who do not believe, those who doubt, your blood is on your own head. I have warned you over and over. Do not expect to see tomorrow, do not plan for next week, do not invest for retirement, do not watch and wait for your youth to end, do not stall, do not wait to turn to ME. I will come soon. I am coming now, I am on MY way. I am here. I am ready to leave with MY “bride” (Rapture ready born again Christians). I have sent the words out: Soon MY children. You will be shocked at the events that are about to take place before MY coming and after MY coming. Woe to you MY children who are left behind to face the Antichrist. Woe to you. The time is now. Do not wait. Repentance is not for the grave. It is not. I am coming with the voice of an arch-Angel and the sound of a trumpet. “I AM” is here! I love you all.”



New Jerusalem Scene
The Eternal Bliss And Rewards Of Immortal Saints In Heavenly New Jerusalem.

Vital Warning Message To Everybody From Lord Jesus Christ Given To Donna McDonald.





Corresponding Scripture:

John 14:3: And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.


“I See Everything You Are Doing! Lay Your Life Down Before Me! Repent Now!”

Vital Warning Message To Everybody From Lord Jesus Christ Given To Donna McDonald.

“Do you not think, I, your FATHER, do not see the things you do? I see what you do in secret. I see those magazines, the Internet sites, the billboards and venues you look at and go to. I see ALL. I see into your heart. You know what I say? Do some housecleaning. In your Spirit visualize opening a window and sweeping the evil out. Visualize yourself cleaning out the house. Then shut the window with your hands and get on your knees and call out to ME, beg ME to keep those spirits out–the spirit of lust, of anger, of fear, of anxiety. Call out to ME to deliver you from these spirits. And if you sense these spirits creeping back in whether through a crack in a window, a door or crevice in your house, your body, then you get on your knees and you do it again. You BEG ME to keep them out. You LAY YOUR LIFE DOWN to give it over to ME, tell ME as I WANT TO HEAR IT. “I lay my life down to YOU, LORD. Do what YOU wish with me today.” When you give your life over to ME there is less a chance that the enemy can ever creep back again.

Remember you are in the greatest battle in your life–the one of good versus evil and it is a civil war. The war has been waged from the enemy (Satan) with each of you with your thoughts, mind, spirit and soul. It is a civil war–your hand or eye will want to do what your spirit says, NO that is unclean, unholy. You will have thoughts–some directly whispered in your ear, unknown to you, by the enemy (Satan). You hear curse words when you are reading your Bible? Civil war–the enemy (Satan) is whispering in your ear and then you have this evil thought–curse words associated with the Bible. It is a civil war except you are not dealing with a civilian. You are dealing with an enemy (Satan) that is skilled at warfare. He (Satan) is the most formidable foe you will ever have and here is the kicker–you cannot see him–he is invisible to most of you except to those who have had visions or dreams of him (Satan).

You must put down the weapons, his (Satan) weapons of anger, fear and anxiety and pick up MY weapons, the weapons of your GOD. The weapons your GOD has for you are weapons the enemy (Satan) is unskilled at using. Try these weapons: LOVE–love your enemy, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF-CONTROL. You know them as fruits of the Spirit but these are MY weapons and against these the enemy (Satan) cannot assault you. He (Satan) is left powerless, rendered hopeless and he will move on, eventually. Pray for MY HOLY SPIRIT filling, read your Bible every day, pray to ME which is just talking to ME, worship ME. These are MY requirements. This is MY battle plan for you.


N.B: When Lord Jesus Christ says love your enemy, He means those people who persecute you. You don’t have to always engage with them, just love them.

Corresponding Scripture:

Galatians 5:22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.…

Confession and salvation

Vital Soul Winning Admonition Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

Heaven: Why Born Again? John 3:3-16; 14:6. To be allowed to pass through Heaven’s gate, you need to have all of your sins removed. The only cleanser strong enough to thoroughly remove sin stains is the blood of Lord Jesus Christ. First, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of your wrong doings. Finally, make Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him. Ask Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to forgive your sins. By dying on the Cross, Lord Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in Hell fire! The reason so few people accept this pardon is that they do not think they need a Savior or they want to find their own way of salvation. When God looked at your soul, He saw a sinner. God judges your heart, your thoughts, your attitude and intentions. When you are saved and forgiven of your sins, God looks upon you and sees the blood of Lord Jesus Christ making you pure and clean. Accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Procrastination is dangerous! Many doomed souls are now suffering horribly in eternal burning Hell fire due to procrastination! Don’t join these doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire! Heaven is your best choice! You have been warned!

After being born again, remain dedicated in your commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is an act of faith (John 3:3-16, 5:24). There are no signs to look for. Believe strongly that you are saved in Jesus name. Don’t doubt. Make sure you continue to grow in your devotion to Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t backslide. You must always resist temptation that can lead you to indulge in sinful acts. Read your Bible daily. Also, pray always and look for a reliable gospel-focused Church where you can worship God regularly. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope and an imminent reality. Therefore, we must be ready always for Rapture. Never give up.

IS YOUR NAME WRITTEN IN THE HEAVENLY BOOK OF LIFE? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6. Sincerely, to have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, freethinker or a religious idolater. You will be left behind on imminent Rapture day and suffer terribly during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture. Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned! No more excuse for you if you die and end up in eternal burning Hell fire! Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Raptured saint or martyred saint? Follower of Lord Jesus Christ or Antichrist? Decide wisely!

ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED? NO!  Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm Christians/Preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden Preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in eternal burning Hell fire after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold or lukewarm Christian/Preacher can be left behind by Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians or Evangelical Preachers, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to active soul winning and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Majority of lukewarm Christians/Preachers who believe the doctrine of “Eternal Security” usually don’t believe at all in the numerous true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire. If they do, they will know that many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire because they believed foolishly in “Eternal Security” while alive. They believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine known as Eternal Security. “OSAS” doctrine which some lukewarm Christians/Preachers are defending zealously is based on the false notion that a born again Christian does not lose salvation inspite of continuous sinful lifestyle. According to “OSAS” proponents, a lukewarm believer/Preacher or born again Christian can never “out-sin” himself or herself out of Heaven due to un-repentant sins or backslidden condition. “OSAS” proponents are always insisting that a lukewarm Christian or “backslidden” Christian/Preacher can never “lose salvation” because of his or her current “poor status” in willful disobedience to the Word of God (Holy Bible).

Indeed, salvation is solely given freely by grace through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ who sealed us in His Holy Spirit but we are not eternally secured. The plain truth is that a lukewarm or “backslidden” Christian can “lose salvation” because of his or her current “poor status” in willful disobedience to the Word of God (Holy Bible). According to “OSAS” proponents, “only unbelievers” who are “not saved” end up in eternal burning Hell fire if they have not trusted on the Lord Jesus Christ to be forgiven of their sins. “OSAS” proponents also insist that “no actual born again, Holy Spirit filled Christian ends up in eternal burning Hell fire.”

“OSAS” proponents usually emphasize that “false believers or people who claim to be Christians but do not believe on Lord Jesus Christ are not saved and born again with the Holy Spirit; they are deceivers or deceived.” However, according to numerous true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire, there are many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers who are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire because they believed foolishly in “Eternal Security” while alive. They believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” While alive, these dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers never repent from their sins or backslidden condition because they foolishly thought they are “eternally secured.” Now in eternal burning Hell fire, they are being agonizingly tormented by wicked demons and on great judgment day, they will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). In great agony in eternal burning Hell fire, they are now regretting that they foolishly believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” It is too late for them! No more repentance after death (Hebrews 9:27).

Now, who do you want to believe? As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, do you want to believe in true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire or the “man-made” doctrine called “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine known as Eternal Security? The choice is yours but you must stop misleading other people with a false doctrine (OSAS) that can lead them to eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire!

The letters from Lord Jesus Christ to the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3, are relevant to all dispensations up till the imminent glorious Rapture day. Therefore, according to Revelation 3:16, lukewarm Christians/Preachers will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. If a believer is cold or lukewarm, the implication is that he or she is an unprofitable servant of Lord Jesus Christ. As a dedicated Rapture watcher, a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher must be hot and zealous in his or her selfless service for Lord Jesus Christ. A cold or lukewarm Christian/Preacher will run out of oil like the foolish virgins in Matthew 25. Therefore, only dedicated Rapture watchers with full oil in their lamps are regarded as wise virgins who are rapturable.

“Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine is a false teaching because if a Christian is cold or lukewarm, the implication is that he or she is a backslidden Christian. As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, you must be hot and zealous for Lord Jesus Christ while awaiting the imminent glorious Rapture. Encourage others to do likewise. Tell them to wake up from spiritual slumber and become hot for Lord Jesus Christ. Glorious Rapture is an imminent reality! No more argument henceforth! Continue with your active soul winning service for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your reward is awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

If you commit any sin, you must pray to God and ask Him to forgive you in Jesus name. Since you are a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, you know the right thing to do. Confess your sins to Lord Jesus Christ and ask for His forgiveness. You must be very sincere. If you are very sincere in your confession, Lord Jesus Christ will forgive you. He is a loving and merciful God. He will wipe away your sins with His precious blood.

A lot of lukewarm Christians/Preachers believe that God is loving and He will simply accept sinners into His Heavenly kingdom if they profess to believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Many lukewarm Christians/Preachers believe that you can continue to be a sinner but still enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem) even though it is written in Revelation 21:27 that nobody who practices abominations nor lies will ever enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem). You must know that God is a Holy God and Lord Jesus Christ expects you to turn from your sins before you can come to Him and before He can wash you clean by the Cross. Put it simply if you do not repent, you cannot have the forgiveness of sin through the Cross. Unless there is repentance there is no Gospel, there is no Good News, there is no Salvation.

Salvation belongs only to those who repent, turned from their sins and they go to the Messiah Jesus Christ and what happens is that He comes into their hearts and He changes them and He sets them free from sin and then they go and they crucify their old ways and they follow Him in the new way. These people are the ones who do not dirty their new robes in sin and they go and enter the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem) after death or on imminent glorious Rapture day. But many other lukewarm Christians/Preachers they come to the truth and they hear the word of God but then the cares of life and the lusts of the eyes and the sins of the flesh come up and kill out the word of God in them and they die. These people do not enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem). They are in eternal burning Hell fire and will be cast into the lake of fire and sulfur on judgment day with the abominable and the Sorcerers and the filthy and the evil minded and the wicked (Revelation 21:8).

Unless you repent of all your sins including little sins, you will not inherit the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem). The message is REPENT OR PERISH! If you go on in sin, you will perish in eternal burning Hell fire after death. There is no salvation for a lukewarm or backslidden Christian/Preacher who do not turn away from the flesh (sinful condition) and put on Christ. Only if you put on Christ will you be made clean and be able to enter the Heavenly kingdom (Heavenly New Jerusalem). If you don’t put on Christ and follow the flesh desires, all the things that it wants to do that are abominable before God, then you will indeed perish even though you think you have love. Even though you think you believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Even though you think Lord Jesus Christ is a loving God and surely He will let you into Heaven (Heavenly New Jerusalem). Don’t deceive yourself, the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem) but only those who turn from their sins and come to the Lord Jesus Christ so He can set them free and cleanse them (Galatians 5:16-26).

The fact is that Christians makes no difference until they are different. Do you believe in JESUS? Have you asked JESUS to come into your heart? Do you live a life of obedience, holiness and righteousness unto GOD? You cannot say you are a born again Christian and you are still living the old lifestyle. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.”

You may be enjoying yourself, or living in a secret sin but on that fateful day when you die, you will account for how you lived your life on Earth. Remember 2 Timothy 2:19 says “Nevertheless, the foundation of GOD stands sure, sealed with the inscription that the LORD knows those who are HIS. Let everyone who names the name of the LORD depart from iniquity.” No more argument henceforth. We must always be Heaven-minded and ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Lukewarm believers/Preachers and backslidden Christians must wake up from spiritual slumber and resist the satanic temptation to backslide from the narrow way to Heaven before death or the imminent glorious Rapture day. You have been warned! Heaven or Hell? Decide wisely!

Eternal Doom Of All Categories Of Unbelievers And Un-repentant Sinners In Lake Of Fire And Sulfur!

All categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. Some unbelievers who are always ignoring the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be successful and prosperous physically, they may think they are not yet captured by Satan. However, spiritually, they are already captured by Satan and in great satanic bondage. The reason why some unbelievers think they don’t need the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be because they are successful and prosperous physically. However, the plain truth is that all categories of unbelievers can only escape from satanic bondage and eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire if they quickly accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ before their physical death. (John 3:16, 14:6).

As an unbeliever and un-repentant sinner, your name is not written in the Heavenly book of life (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6). That means you are Hell bound and eternally doomed after physical death! Therefore, to have your name written in Heavenly book of life, you must accept JESUS CHRIST as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan.

Indeed, you are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after physical death by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. All these categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. They will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day and are Hell bound unless they accept the salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! On great judgment day, these categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners who are already doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to eternal burning Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6), no other ways!

Eternity: Are You Heavenly Or Hell Bound? “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). This biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Lord Jesus Christ will judge you on judgment day. You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire since you are still alive. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid Hell! Heaven is your best choice. Lord Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker or unbeliever. God is real! Lord Jesus Christ is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Judgment day is certain! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Lord Jesus Christ and ready always for imminent glorious Rapture!


What Is The Great White Throne Judgment of Damnation?

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades (Hell) gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades (Hell) were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15).


At the Great White Throne Judgment of God, the soul/spirit of condemned people in Hell will merge with their immortal bodies. In their resurrected forms, they will be judged by God. Lord Jesus Christ will be the Supreme Judge on the Great White Throne Judgment day because He will judge all rebellious people who refused to accept His great salvation offer (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15). It will be a judgment of condemnation, no appeal or mercy again. The verdict will be: “Guilty!” One can only repent while still alive. One can only accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ while still alive. The resurrected condemned people will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). Second death means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).


Satan, the deceiver and his fallen angels/demons will be thrown and confined totally into the lake of fire and sulfur eventually by God. They will be tormented forever. That will be the end of Satan’s evil activities on Earth forever. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur…and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10). You will be eternally separated from God in the lake of fire and sulfur. Your soul will never die but it will be eternally tormented in the horrible burning lake. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

Lake Of Fire

On the Great White Throne Judgment day, all categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners who are already doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to eternal burning Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6), no other ways!

The Great White Throne Judgment of Damnation will happen after the Millennial Reign of Lord Jesus Christ and it will involve all unsaved people who while alive refused to accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15). Sadly, they will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Therefore, all active soul winners must intensify their soul winning efforts in this grace period to win numerous lost souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our eternal rewards are awaiting us at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to make Heaven and escape from going to Hell when you die (John 14:6). The lake of fire and sulfur will be a place of eternal torment. It will be very terrible for Satan, fallen angels/demons and the lost souls in that eternal burning lake. Do not end up in it! The second death is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Listen to what Lord Jesus Christ is saying to you now: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the One who lives. I was dead, but look: I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hell.” (Revelation 1:17-18). God does not send someone to Hell. You choose Hell when you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior.

When you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Lord Jesus Christ, you willingly choose Hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in Hell fire when you die. When you say “No” to Lord Jesus Christ and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into Hell fire. You are telling God that you do not need Lord Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in Hell fire! Hell is for eternity! If you die without accepting the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in Hell fire forever! You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

It will be a great disaster if you die without Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 8:36). Hell is a place of eternal torment! “The smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night.” (Revelation 14:11). God has a perfect place for you in Heaven: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no person has imagined what God has prepared for those people that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Avoid Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is your only way of making Heaven after physical death on Earth (John 14:6). It will not cost you anything to accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Accept Lord Jesus Christ while you are still alive. It will be too late if you die and end up in Hell fire!. Take the right decision now. “The salvation that was given to us is very great. So surely we also will be punished if we live like this salvation is not important.” (Hebrews 2:3).

If you have never received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, ask Him to save you now! Confess all your sins and ask God to forgive you in Jesus name. Do not put it off another second! This may be your last chance before you die! Take the chance now! The salvation of Lord Jesus Christ is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. It is very easy to accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, pray the salvation prayer below and mean it with all your heart.


Salvation Steps & Prayer

Are you still an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner? You must accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! If you remain in your rebellion against Lord Jesus Christ, you will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day by Lord Jesus Christ. Also, if you die without accepting the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ, you will end up in eternal burning Hell fire! How can you be saved? It is very simple. Take the steps below.


The following prayer, “The Sinner’s Prayer” (also known as the Prayer of Salvation) is by no means meant to be an “official prayer”, but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. You may certainly pray to God in your own words.

Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you say the following prayer and mean it with all your heart; along with repenting of your sins (asking for forgiveness), we believe that you will be saved and be born again. You may be wondering, “What happens next?” First, you will need to get into a Bible-based Church and study God’s Word. Once you find a Church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Lord Jesus Christ you are baptized in the Spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live; for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the Cross. May God Bless You!

Sinner’s Prayer

Dear God in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the Cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus Christ as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. This very moment I accept Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore, Lord Jesus Christ transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


If you just said this prayer and you meant it with all your heart, we believe that there is a great possibility that you just got saved and are born again. You may ask, “Now that I am saved, what is next?” First of all, you need to get into a bible-based Church, and study God’s Word. Once you have found a Church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Lord Jesus Christ you are baptized in the Spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live, for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the Cross. May God Bless You!

Jesus & A Raptured Saint

Still Procrastinating?

Take these easy steps to be saved: Realize you are a sinner. “There is no person without sin. None!” (Romans 3:10). “All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23). Realize you cannot save yourself. “We are all dirty with sin. Even our good works are not pure. They are like blood-stained rags.” (Isaiah 64:6). “He saved us because of His mercy (love), not because of any good things we did.” (Titus 3:5). Realize that Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross to pay for your sins. “Christ carried our sins in His body on the Cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right.” (1 Peter 2:24). “Jesus is the one who loves us. And Jesus is the One who made us free from our sins with His blood (death).” (Revelation 1:5). Simply by faith receive Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. “Some people did accept Him. They believed in Him. He gave something to those people who believed. He gave them the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). “…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all these people from your house.” (Acts 16:30-31). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

Who Will Be The Supreme Judge On Great White Throne Judgment Day? Lord Jesus Christ!

Who Will Be The Supreme Judge On Great White Throne Judgment Day? Lord Jesus Christ!

Prologue: “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” is an Evangelical Outreach with the goals of continuous online and offline soul winning, encouraging the faith of other believers-in-Christ as well as always preparing people worldwide for the imminent glorious Rapture and the prophetic Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to continuously win numerous souls online and offline as well as continuously warning people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. It is a selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ.

The major aim of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is to massively propagate the Gospel online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a divine calling and personal sacrifice to propagate the Gospel continuously online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. The continuous aim is to awaken many souls online and offline to prepare for eternity – Heaven or Hell. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

In this highly inspiring Evangelical Post, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will enlighten you about this vital reality: “Who Will Be The Supreme Judge On Great White Throne Judgment Day? Lord Jesus Christ!” The focus of this highly inspiring Evangelical Post is to reveal what will happen to you if you are an unbeliever or un-repentant sinner. You will be convinced that to have your name written in Heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6).

Eternal Doom

You are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, Atheist, Agnostic, Muslim, Mystic, Occultist, Freethinker or a religious idolater. Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned. No more excuse for you if you die and end up in eternal burning Hell. Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur on great judgment day (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8).


A backslidden Preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in Hell after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold or lukewarm Christian can be left behind by Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to soul winning online/offline and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. You will be highly blessed through this Holy Spirit inspired Evangelical Post. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Eternal Doom Of All Categories Of Unbelievers And Un-repentant Sinners In Lake Of Fire And Sulfur!

All categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. Some unbelievers who are always ignoring the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be successful and prosperous physically, they may think they are not yet captured by Satan. However, spiritually, they are already captured by Satan and in great satanic bondage. The reason why some unbelievers think they don’t need the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be because they are successful and prosperous physically. However, the plain truth is that all categories of unbelievers can only escape from satanic bondage and eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire if they quickly accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ before their physical death. (John 3:16, 14:6).

As an unbeliever and un-repentant sinner, your name is not written in the Heavenly book of life (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6). That means you are Hell bound and eternally doomed after physical death! Therefore, to have your name written in Heavenly book of life, you must accept JESUS CHRIST as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan.

Born Again Warning

Indeed, you are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after physical death by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. All these categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. They will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day and are Hell bound unless they accept the salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! On great judgment day, these categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners who are already doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to eternal burning Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6), no other ways!

White Throne Of God

Eternity: Are You Heavenly Or Hell Bound? “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). This biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Lord Jesus Christ will judge you on judgment day. You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire since you are still alive. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid Hell! Heaven is your best choice. Lord Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker or unbeliever. God is real! Lord Jesus Christ is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Judgment day is certain! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Lord Jesus Christ and ready always for imminent glorious Rapture!

What Is The Great White Throne Judgment of Damnation?

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades (Hell) gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades (Hell) were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15).


At the Great White Throne Judgment of God, the soul/spirit of condemned people in Hell will merge with their immortal bodies. In their resurrected forms, they will be judged by God. Lord Jesus Christ will be the Supreme Judge on the Great White Throne Judgment day because He will judge all rebellious people who refused to accept His great salvation offer (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15). It will be a judgment of condemnation, no appeal or mercy again. The verdict will be: “Guilty!” One can only repent while still alive. One can only accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ while still alive. The resurrected condemned people will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). Second death means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).


Satan, the deceiver and his fallen angels/demons will be thrown and confined totally into the lake of fire and sulfur eventually by God. They will be tormented forever. That will be the end of Satan’s evil activities on Earth forever. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur…and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10). You will be eternally separated from God in the lake of fire and sulfur. Your soul will never die but it will be eternally tormented in the horrible burning lake. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

Lake Of Fire

On the Great White Throne Judgment day, all categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners who are already doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to eternal burning Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6), no other ways!

The Great White Throne Judgment of Damnation will happen after the Millennial Reign of Lord Jesus Christ and it will involve all unsaved people who while alive refused to accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15). Sadly, they will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Therefore, all active soul winners must intensify their soul winning efforts in this grace period to win numerous lost souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our eternal rewards are awaiting us at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

Golden New Jerusalem

Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to make Heaven and escape from going to Hell when you die (John 14:6). The lake of fire and sulfur will be a place of eternal torment. It will be very terrible for Satan, fallen angels/demons and the lost souls in that eternal burning lake. Do not end up in it! The second death is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Listen to what Lord Jesus Christ is saying to you now: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the One who lives. I was dead, but look: I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hell.” (Revelation 1:17-18). God does not send someone to Hell. You choose Hell when you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior.


When you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Lord Jesus Christ, you willingly choose Hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in Hell fire when you die. When you say “No” to Lord Jesus Christ and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into Hell fire. You are telling God that you do not need Lord Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in Hell fire! Hell is for eternity! If you die without accepting the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in Hell fire forever! You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

It will be a great disaster if you die without Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 8:36). Hell is a place of eternal torment! “The smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night.” (Revelation 14:11). God has a perfect place for you in Heaven: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no person has imagined what God has prepared for those people that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Avoid Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is your only way of making Heaven after physical death on Earth (John 14:6). It will not cost you anything to accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Accept Lord Jesus Christ while you are still alive. It will be too late if you die and end up in Hell fire!. Take the right decision now. “The salvation that was given to us is very great. So surely we also will be punished if we live like this salvation is not important.” (Hebrews 2:3).

Burning soul in hell

“The Resurrection Unto Life” And The Resurrection Of Damnation.” What Is Your Vital Choice?

The bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ guarantees the Christian’s eventual resurrection. There are two resurrections, called in Scripture 1: “the first resurrection” also called “the resurrection unto life” and 2: “the second resurrection” which is the same as “the resurrection of damnation” or “white throne judgment.” The first resurrection is not a single event, but takes place in two stages which are separated by at least seven years. The first stage of the first resurrection is the glorious Rapture of the Church (Bride of Christ) which will include both living and dead Christians. When the Lord Jesus Christ shouts for His Church from heaven, He will resurrect the dead in Christ (all those who “sleep in Jesus Christ”).Then “we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

Resurrection and Rapture

Rapture Flight

In essence, all those who have received Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior whether living or dead at the time He comes in the air to rapture His Church, will be a part of this first stage of the first resurrection. The most comforting part of all is the promise that no matter what happens after that, “we will always be with the Lord.”

There are two stages of the first resurrection. After the first stage, millions of people will yet call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved during the seven years worldwide tribulation period. Then, when our Lord Jesus Christ comes to this Earth to set up His 1,000 years kingdom of peace and righteousness, He will resurrect the believers (great tribulation Martyrs) who are killed (beheaded) during the great tribulation period (Revelation 20:4-6). Indeed, during the great tribulation period left behind lukewarm Christians and unbelievers who become saved who are now very zealous for Lord Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18).

The Mark Of The Beast Or Bar-code


The second stage of the first resurrection will include the great tribulation Saints, most of whom will be martyrs because they refused to worship the Antichrist. Just like the raptured believers, the resurrected great tribulation Saints will reign with King Jesus Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the “dead,” or all unbelievers who lived from the days of Adam and Eve until Lord Jesus Christ comes to set His Millennial kingdom, will not be raised until the end of that kingdom age, which comes just before eternity. That is called “the second resurrection.” It is a resurrection of the lost to judgment and then to eternal separation from God (Revelation 20: 11-15, 21:8).


Vital Soul Winning Admonition Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

Heaven: Why Born Again? John 3:3-16; 14:6. To be allowed to pass through Heaven’s gate, you need to have all of your sins removed. The only cleanser strong enough to thoroughly remove sin stains is the blood of Lord Jesus Christ. First, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of your wrong doings. Finally, make Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him. Ask Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to forgive your sins. By dying on the Cross, Lord Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in Hell fire! The reason so few people accept this pardon is that they do not think they need a Savior or they want to find their own way of salvation. When God looked at your soul, He saw a sinner. God judges your heart, your thoughts, your attitude and intentions. When you are saved and forgiven of your sins, God looks upon you and sees the blood of Lord Jesus Christ making you pure and clean. Accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Procrastination is dangerous! Many doomed souls are now suffering horribly in eternal burning Hell fire due to procrastination! Don’t join these doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire! Heaven is your best choice! You have been warned!

After being born again, remain dedicated in your commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is an act of faith (John 3:3-16, 5:24). There are no signs to look for. Believe strongly that you are saved in Jesus name. Don’t doubt. Make sure you continue to grow in your devotion to Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t backslide. You must always resist temptation that can lead you to indulge in sinful acts. Read your Bible daily. Also, pray always and look for a reliable gospel-focused Church where you can worship God regularly. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope and an imminent reality. Therefore, we must be ready always for Rapture. Never give up.

IS YOUR NAME WRITTEN IN THE HEAVENLY BOOK OF LIFE? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6. Sincerely, to have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, freethinker or a religious idolater. You will be left behind on imminent Rapture day and suffer terribly during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture. Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned! No more excuse for you if you die and end up in eternal burning Hell fire! Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Raptured saint or martyred saint? Follower of Lord Jesus Christ or Antichrist? Decide wisely!

ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED? NO!  Once Saved, Always Saved? No! Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm Christians/Preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden Preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in eternal burning Hell fire after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold or lukewarm Christian/Preacher can be left behind by Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians or Evangelical Preachers, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to active soul winning and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Majority of lukewarm Christians/Preachers who believe the doctrine of “Eternal Security” usually don’t believe at all in the numerous true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire. If they do, they will know that many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire because they believed foolishly in “Eternal Security” while alive. They believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine known as Eternal Security. “OSAS” doctrine which some lukewarm Christians/Preachers are defending zealously is based on the false notion that a born again Christian does not lose salvation inspite of continuous sinful lifestyle. According to “OSAS” proponents, a lukewarm believer/Preacher or born again Christian can never “out-sin” himself or herself out of Heaven due to un-repentant sins or backslidden condition. “OSAS” proponents are always insisting that a lukewarm Christian or “backslidden” Christian/Preacher can never “lose salvation” because of his or her current “poor status” in willful disobedience to the Word of God (Holy Bible).

Indeed, salvation is solely given freely by grace through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ who sealed us in His Holy Spirit but we are not eternally secured. The plain truth is that a lukewarm or “backslidden” Christian can “lose salvation” because of his or her current “poor status” in willful disobedience to the Word of God (Holy Bible). According to “OSAS” proponents, “only unbelievers” who are “not saved” end up in eternal burning Hell fire if they have not trusted on the Lord Jesus Christ to be forgiven of their sins. “OSAS” proponents also insist that “no actual born again, Holy Spirit filled Christian ends up in eternal burning Hell fire.”

“OSAS” proponents usually emphasize that “false believers or people who claim to be Christians but do not believe on Lord Jesus Christ are not saved and born again with the Holy Spirit; they are deceivers or deceived.” However, according to numerous true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire, there are many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers who are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire because they believed foolishly in “Eternal Security” while alive. They believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” While alive, these dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers never repent from their sins or backslidden condition because they foolishly thought they are “eternally secured.” Now in eternal burning Hell fire, they are being agonizingly tormented by wicked demons and on great judgment day, they will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). In great agony in eternal burning Hell fire, they are now regretting that they foolishly believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” It is too late for them! No more repentance after death (Hebrews 9:27).

Now, who do you want to believe? As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, do you want to believe in true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire or the “man-made” doctrine called “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine known as Eternal Security? The choice is yours but you must stop misleading other people with a false doctrine (OSAS) that can lead them to eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire!

The letters from Lord Jesus Christ to the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3, are relevant to all dispensations up till the imminent glorious Rapture day. Therefore, according to Revelation 3:16, lukewarm Christians/Preachers will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. If a believer is cold or lukewarm, the implication is that he or she is an unprofitable servant of Lord Jesus Christ. As a dedicated Rapture watcher, a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher must be hot and zealous in his or her selfless service for Lord Jesus Christ. A cold or lukewarm Christian/Preacher will run out of oil like the foolish virgins in Matthew 25. Therefore, only dedicated Rapture watchers with full oil in their lamps are regarded as wise virgins who are rapturable.

“Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine is a false teaching because if a Christian is cold or lukewarm, the implication is that he or she is a backslidden Christian. As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, you must be hot and zealous for Lord Jesus Christ while awaiting the imminent glorious Rapture. Encourage others to do likewise. Tell them to wake up from spiritual slumber and become hot for Lord Jesus Christ. Glorious Rapture is an imminent reality! No more argument henceforth! Continue with your active soul winning service for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your reward is awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

If you commit any sin, you must pray to God and ask Him to forgive you in Jesus name. Since you are a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, you know the right thing to do. Confess your sins to Lord Jesus Christ and ask for His forgiveness. You must be very sincere. If you are very sincere in your confession, Lord Jesus Christ will forgive you. He is a loving and merciful God. He will wipe away your sins with His precious blood.

A lot of lukewarm Christians/Preachers believe that God is loving and He will simply accept sinners into His Heavenly kingdom if they profess to believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Many lukewarm Christians/Preachers believe that you can continue to be a sinner but still enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem) even though it is written in Revelation 21:27 that nobody who practices abominations nor lies will ever enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem). You must know that God is a Holy God and Lord Jesus Christ expects you to turn from your sins before you can come to Him and before He can wash you clean by the Cross. Put it simply if you do not repent, you cannot have the forgiveness of sin through the Cross. Unless there is repentance there is no Gospel, there is no Good News, there is no Salvation.

Salvation belongs only to those who repent, turned from their sins and they go to the Messiah Jesus Christ and what happens is that He comes into their hearts and He changes them and He sets them free from sin and then they go and they crucify their old ways and they follow Him in the new way. These people are the ones who do not dirty their new robes in sin and they go and enter the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem) after death or on imminent glorious Rapture day. But many other lukewarm Christians/Preachers they come to the truth and they hear the word of God but then the cares of life and the lusts of the eyes and the sins of the flesh come up and kill out the word of God in them and they die. These people do not enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem). They are in eternal burning Hell fire and will be cast into the lake of fire and sulfur on judgment day with the abominable and the Sorcerers and the filthy and the evil minded and the wicked (Revelation 21:8).

Confession and salvationUnless you repent of all your sins including little sins, you will not inherit the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem). The message is REPENT OR PERISH! If you go on in sin, you will perish in eternal burning Hell fire after death. There is no salvation for a lukewarm or backslidden Christian/Preacher who do not turn away from the flesh (sinful condition) and put on Christ. Only if you put on Christ will you be made clean and be able to enter the Heavenly kingdom (Heavenly New Jerusalem). If you don’t put on Christ and follow the flesh desires, all the things that it wants to do that are abominable before God, then you will indeed perish even though you think you have love. Even though you think you believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Even though you think Lord Jesus Christ is a loving God and surely He will let you into Heaven (Heavenly New Jerusalem). Don’t deceive yourself, the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem) but only those who turn from their sins and come to the Lord Jesus Christ so He can set them free and cleanse them (Galatians 5:16-26).

The fact is that Christians makes no difference until they are different. Do you believe in JESUS? Have you asked JESUS to come into your heart? Do you live a life of obedience, holiness and righteousness unto GOD? You cannot say you are a born again Christian and you are still living the old lifestyle. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.”

You may be enjoying yourself, or living in a secret sin but on that fateful day when you die, you will account for how you lived your life on Earth. Remember 2 Timothy 2:19 says “Nevertheless, the foundation of GOD stands sure, sealed with the inscription that the LORD knows those who are HIS. Let everyone who names the name of the LORD depart from iniquity.” No more argument henceforth. We must always be Heaven-minded and ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Lukewarm believers/Preachers and backslidden Christians must wake up from spiritual slumber and resist the satanic temptation to backslide from the narrow way to Heaven before death or the imminent glorious Rapture day. You have been warned! Heaven or Hell? Decide wisely!

If you have never received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, ask Him to save you now! Confess all your sins and ask God to forgive you in Jesus name. Do not put it off another second! This may be your last chance before you die! Take the chance now! The salvation of Lord Jesus Christ is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. It is very easy to accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, pray the salvation prayer below and mean it with all your heart.


Salvation Steps & Prayer

Are you still an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner? You must accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! If you remain in your rebellion against Lord Jesus Christ, you will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day by Lord Jesus Christ. Also, if you die without accepting the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ, you will end up in eternal burning Hell fire! How can you be saved? It is very simple. Take the steps below.


The following prayer, “The Sinner’s Prayer” (also known as the Prayer of Salvation) is by no means meant to be an “official prayer”, but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. You may certainly pray to God in your own words.

Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you say the following prayer and mean it with all your heart; along with repenting of your sins (asking for forgiveness), we believe that you will be saved and be born again. You may be wondering, “What happens next?” First, you will need to get into a Bible-based Church and study God’s Word. Once you find a Church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Lord Jesus Christ you are baptized in the Spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live; for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the Cross. May God Bless You!

Prayer gesture

Sinner’s Prayer

Dear God in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the Cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus Christ as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. This very moment I accept Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore, Lord Jesus Christ transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


If you just said this prayer and you meant it with all your heart, we believe that there is a great possibility that you just got saved and are born again. You may ask, “Now that I am saved, what is next?” First of all, you need to get into a bible-based Church, and study God’s Word. Once you have found a Church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Lord Jesus Christ you are baptized in the Spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live, for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the Cross. May God Bless You!

Jesus & A Raptured Saint

Still Procrastinating?

Take these easy steps to be saved: Realize you are a sinner. “There is no person without sin. None!” (Romans 3:10). “All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23). Realize you cannot save yourself. “We are all dirty with sin. Even our good works are not pure. They are like blood-stained rags.” (Isaiah 64:6). “He saved us because of His mercy (love), not because of any good things we did.” (Titus 3:5). Realize that Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross to pay for your sins. “Christ carried our sins in His body on the Cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right.” (1 Peter 2:24). “Jesus is the one who loves us. And Jesus is the One who made us free from our sins with His blood (death).” (Revelation 1:5). Simply by faith receive Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. “Some people did accept Him. They believed in Him. He gave something to those people who believed. He gave them the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). “…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all these people from your house.” (Acts 16:30-31). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

Once Saved, Always Saved? No! Demas Is Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!!!

Once Saved, Always Saved? No! Demas Is Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!!!

Salvation Is By Grace Of Lord Jesus Christ But Eternal Security Is Deceptive! No Eternal Security! Lukewarm And Backslidden Christians/Preachers Can End Up In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

Lukewarm Church

Prologue: Once Saved, Always Saved? No! Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm Christians/Preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden Preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in eternal burning Hell fire after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold or lukewarm Christian/Preacher can be left behind by Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians or Evangelical Preachers, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to active soul winning and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Majority of lukewarm Christians/Preachers who believe the doctrine of “Eternal Security” usually don’t believe at all in the numerous true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire. If they do, they will know that many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire because they believed foolishly in “Eternal Security” while alive. They believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine known as Eternal Security. “OSAS” doctrine which some lukewarm Christians/Preachers are defending zealously is based on the false notion that a born again Christian does not lose salvation inspite of continuous sinful lifestyle. According to “OSAS” proponents, a lukewarm believer/Preacher or born again Christian can never “out-sin” himself or herself out of Heaven due to un-repentant sins or backslidden condition. “OSAS” proponents are always insisting that a lukewarm Christian or “backslidden” Christian/Preacher can never “lose salvation” because of his or her current “poor status” in willful disobedience to the Word of God (Holy Bible).

Indeed, salvation is solely given freely by grace through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ who sealed us in His Holy Spirit but we are not eternally secured. The plain truth is that a lukewarm or “backslidden” Christian can “lose salvation” because of his or her current “poor status” in willful disobedience to the Word of God (Holy Bible). According to “OSAS” proponents, “only unbelievers” who are “not saved” end up in eternal burning Hell fire if they have not trusted on the Lord Jesus Christ to be forgiven of their sins. “OSAS” proponents also insist that “no actual born again, Holy Spirit filled Christian ends up in eternal burning Hell fire.”

“OSAS” proponents usually emphasize that “false believers or people who claim to be Christians but do not believe on Lord Jesus Christ are not saved and born again with the Holy Spirit; they are deceivers or deceived.” However, according to numerous true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire, there are many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers who are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire because they believed foolishly in “Eternal Security” while alive. They believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” While alive, these dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers never repent from their sins or backslidden condition because they foolishly thought they are “eternally secured.” Now in eternal burning Hell fire, they are being agonizingly tormented by wicked demons and on great judgment day, they will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). In great agony in eternal burning Hell fire, they are now regretting that they foolishly believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” It is too late for them! No more repentance after death (Hebrews 9:27).

Now, who do you want to believe? As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, do you want to believe in true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire or the “man-made” doctrine called “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine known as Eternal Security? The choice is yours but you must stop misleading other people with a false doctrine (OSAS) that can lead them to eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire!

Eternal Doom

The letters from Lord Jesus Christ to the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3, are relevant to all dispensations up till the imminent glorious Rapture day. Therefore, according to Revelation 3:16, lukewarm Christians/Preachers will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. If a believer is cold or lukewarm, the implication is that he or she is an unprofitable servant of Lord Jesus Christ. As a dedicated Rapture watcher, a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher must be hot and zealous in his or her selfless service for Lord Jesus Christ. A cold or lukewarm Christian/Preacher will run out of oil like the foolish virgins in Matthew 25. Therefore, only dedicated Rapture watchers with full oil in their lamps are regarded as wise virgins who are rapturable.

“Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine is a false teaching because if a Christian is cold or lukewarm, the implication is that he or she is a backslidden Christian. As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, you must be hot and zealous for Lord Jesus Christ while awaiting the imminent glorious Rapture. Encourage others to do likewise. Tell them to wake up from spiritual slumber and become hot for Lord Jesus Christ. Glorious Rapture is an imminent reality! No more argument henceforth! Continue with your active soul winning service for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your reward is awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

If you commit any sin, you must pray to God and ask Him to forgive you in Jesus name. Since you are a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, you know the right thing to do. Confess your sins to Lord Jesus Christ and ask for His forgiveness. You must be very sincere. If you are very sincere in your confession, Lord Jesus Christ will forgive you. He is a loving and merciful God. He will wipe away your sins with His precious blood.

A lot of lukewarm Christians/Preachers believe that God is loving and He will simply accept sinners into His Heavenly kingdom if they profess to believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Many lukewarm Christians/Preachers believe that you can continue to be a sinner but still enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem) even though it is written in Revelation 21:27 that nobody who practices abominations nor lies will ever enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem). You must know that God is a Holy God and Lord Jesus Christ expects you to turn from your sins before you can come to Him and before He can wash you clean by the Cross. Put it simply if you do not repent, you cannot have the forgiveness of sin through the Cross. Unless there is repentance there is no Gospel, there is no Good News, there is no Salvation.

Golden New Jerusalem

Salvation belongs only to those who repent, turned from their sins and they go to the Messiah Jesus Christ and what happens is that He comes into their hearts and He changes them and He sets them free from sin and then they go and they crucify their old ways and they follow Him in the new way. These people are the ones who do not dirty their new robes in sin and they go and enter the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem) after death or on imminent glorious Rapture day. But many other lukewarm Christians/Preachers they come to the truth and they hear the word of God but then the cares of life and the lusts of the eyes and the sins of the flesh come up and kill out the word of God in them and they die. These people do not enter the Holy city (Heavenly New Jerusalem). They are in eternal burning Hell fire and will be cast into the lake of fire and sulfur on judgment day with the abominable and the Sorcerers and the filthy and the evil minded and the wicked (Revelation 21:8).

Unless you repent of all your sins including little sins, you will not inherit the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem). The message is REPENT OR PERISH! If you go on in sin, you will perish in eternal burning Hell fire after death. There is no salvation for a lukewarm or backslidden Christian/Preacher who do not turn away from the flesh (sinful condition) and put on Christ. Only if you put on Christ will you be made clean and be able to enter the Heavenly kingdom (Heavenly New Jerusalem). If you don’t put on Christ and follow the flesh desires, all the things that it wants to do that are abominable before God, then you will indeed perish even though you think you have love. Even though you think you believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Even though you think Lord Jesus Christ is a loving God and surely He will let you into Heaven (Heavenly New Jerusalem). Don’t deceive yourself, the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem) but only those who turn from their sins and come to the Lord Jesus Christ so He can set them free and cleanse them (Galatians 5:16-26).

The fact is that Christians makes no difference until they are different. Do you believe in JESUS? Have you asked JESUS to come into your heart? Do you live a life of obedience, holiness and righteousness unto GOD? You cannot say you are a born again Christian and you are still living the old lifestyle. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.”

You may be enjoying yourself, or living in a secret sin but on that fateful day when you die, you will account for how you lived your life on Earth. Remember 2 Timothy 2:19 says “Nevertheless, the foundation of GOD stands sure, sealed with the inscription that the LORD knows those who are HIS. Let everyone who names the name of the LORD depart from iniquity.” No more argument henceforth. We must always be Heaven-minded and ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Lukewarm believers/Preachers and backslidden Christians must wake up from spiritual slumber and resist the satanic temptation to backslide from the narrow way to Heaven before death or the imminent glorious Rapture day. You have been warned! Heaven or Hell? Decide wisely!

Eternal Decision

“MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to continuously win numerous souls online/offline as well as continuously warning people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. It is a selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ. The major aim of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is to massively propagate the Gospel online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a divine calling and personal sacrifice to propagate the Gospel continuously online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. The continuous aim is to awaken many souls online and offline to prepare for eternity – Heaven or Hell. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

In this highly inspiring Evangelical Post, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will enlighten you about this vital fact: Divine Revelation Of Lukewarm And Backslidden Christians/Preachers Who Are Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!!!” Many dedicated born again Christians/Preachers who are obedient to God and Lord Jesus Christ end up in Heaven after death while some lukewarm and backslidden Christians/Preachers who are disobedient or un-repentant end up in eternal burning Hell fire after death. When you read the true testimonies of some people who have been shown the terrible agonies of tormented souls in eternal burning Hell fire by our Lord Jesus Christ, you will be highly enlightened about the vital reality of the eternal burning Hell fire. If you are an unbeliever or un-repentant sinner, you will be convinced that to have your name written in Heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6). You will be highly blessed through this Holy Spirit inspired Evangelical Post. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Born Again Warning


The Pit Of Hell

Divine Revelation Of Lukewarm And Backslidden Christians/Preachers Who Are Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!!!

True Divine Revelation By Carmelo Brenes

In 1982, I had an accident in which I died. As death came over me, I felt everything become dark. I found myself walking through a dark tunnel and a horribly looking demonic being was taking me. While we walked in this cold and dark tunnel, I began to hear horrific screams and moans, and an intense fear was growing inside of me. I knew that, although my body was already dead, I was somehow still alive in this horrible place.

Gates of Hell (3)

The Horrible Agonies Of Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

I saw large snakes moving all around and all the damned people in eternal burning Hell fire were crying out for water. Soon we arrived at an open plateau, which had many chambers and divisions, each contained different doomed people inside. I began to cry out with terror, begging God for mercy. “Lord Jesus Christ, remember my life! Have mercy!” Sheer terror was gripping my soul and my whole life was passing before my eyes. As we approached a particular door, I shouted again, “Have mercy on me my Lord Jesus Christ; have mercy on me! I beg you to help me! Help me Lord!!”


Suddenly, there was a silence and I heard a loud voice which said: “Stop!!!” The voice shook all of Hell and the demonic being that was taking me by the hand, released me. The loud voice of the Lord Jesus Christ spoke further: “I am not the God of adulterers, I am not the God of fornicators, I am not the God of liars. Why do you call me Lord, if I am not a God of those who boast?” (Luke 6:46).

I felt like I was going to be destroyed, but as the moments passed, the voice of Lord Jesus Christ became softer, “Come and I will show you the things going on in this horrible place that are waiting for all who haven’t been willing to follow My way and have walked after the imaginations of their own hearts.”

A Wicked Witch Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!


We then went to a place where I saw a woman who was sitting in a rocking chair. There were still terrifying moans coming from all over that place. At first, she seemed okay, but then her body transformed into a witch and she screamed in agony, burning in agonizing flames. She begged for mercy, but the Lord Jesus Christ said to me, “The wages of sin is death, and those who arrive in this place will never get out again.” (Romans 6:23).

Lukewarm Christians Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

The Lord Jesus Christ showed me many disobedient people, many who were once part of a Christian Church. They were crying out and begging for mercy, but there was no mercy. Mercy could only be found while a person is still alive on Earth. Once people are dead, mercy cannot be reached anymore, as it says, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27). Lord Jesus Christ also showed me a place with some kind of boiling oil and there were people suffering inside, burning in flames and trying to get out. But demons would throw them back in. We walked until we came to a place with people that had once listened to the word of God, but never wanted to repent.

Tormented Soul

Backslidden Christians And Backslidden Preachers Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

I saw backslidden Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries and backslidden believers in eternal burning Hell fire! They were all there for different reasons. I saw one Pastor who never believed in the power of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, healings or the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (Mark 3:29). He was begging for mercy and just one more chance to tell the world that speaking in tongues is real, that the Holy Spirit is real, and that there is real freedom in the Gospel. But it was too late for him; he could never get out, even though he was a Pastor. His chance to repent was only possible on Earth.

I also saw a Missionary in eternal burning Hell fire! He was there because he asked for money to open a mission in Africa, but he kept half the money for himself. Now he begs for mercy and another chance to return the money that wasn’t his. When he realized that Lord Jesus Christ could not help him, he cursed Lord Jesus. I saw people that were once inside the Church praising God. Now they only cry out for mercy for their un-repented sins, they lost their chance to repent after they died. I saw Pastors there who robbed tithes and offerings from their Churches. They also begged to undo all their bad works, but there was no more chance.

Those who die without Lord Jesus Christ go to eternal burning Hell fire and those who die with Lord Jesus Christ go to Heaven. Many people believe that dying is just stopping this existence. (Annihilationism). But at death, your real life begins, either in God’s Glory or in everlasting condemnation and shame. (Daniel 12:2). You are making that choice right now. We must all carefully meditate on where we will spend eternity. Do you want to spend eternity in Hell or in God’s glory (Heaven)? It is your choice.

Wicked Demons Of Destruction In Hell!

We continued walking to another horrifying place where there were demons of all types, shapes and forms; some that had just one arm, one eye and one hoofed leg. Their faces were like half of a human face, but the rest was just empty. I asked, “Lord Jesus Christ, what is this?” And He said, “These are demons of destruction, in the homes of all those who are lost. This is the demon that will destroy and destroy without rest, day after day.”

The Terrible Torment And Agonies Of Doomed Souls In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

The torment in eternal burning Hell fire is so terrible. The doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire always remember the things they did while on Earth. Just like in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. (Luke 16:19-31). The rich man could remember that he had a father and five brothers. If you are doomed in eternal burning Hell fire after death, you will always remember all the things you did in your life, good or bad; you will always remember all your relatives, and this is part of the torment, because you so desperately don’t want them to enter eternal burning Hell fire also.

Scene of Hell

Today, there are many people that preach the Gospel, warning those on Earth to repent. The only one who can save you is Lord Jesus Christ, who is at the right hand of the Father, ready to save you. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under Heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). Trust in Lord Jesus Christ alone.

Children Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

I witnessed a woman with two children who were yelling at their mother: “Why? Why didn’t you take us to Sunday school? Why didn’t you allow us to go to Church?” They cursed her because she never allowed them to hear the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ.

Even today, I still feel pain and terror in my soul when I remember that there are even young children in eternal burning Hell fire! I saw some doomed children in eternal burning Hell fire between the ages of 12 and 14 years old. They also regret many things they did while on Earth. Many lukewarm Christians ignorantly say that children can never be lost, because they are so young. But I tell you, if a child can distinguish between good and evil and if children are not walking in the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ, they also can die suddenly and arrive in that eternal horrible place of torment. (Proverbs 22:6).

In the Bible it says, “I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.” (Revelation 20:12). All persons that can comprehend between good and evil will have to stand before the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing is hidden from the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Demonic Fun Center In Hell!

We continued walking in Hell until we came to a place that was similar to stadium. There were demons there laughing at lost souls. They were mocking them and tormenting those who were made in God’s image. The demons would tear off parts of people and hide them, making the people search for it. Demons were getting sadistic pleasure by inflicting pain. As it is written, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy…” (John 10:10).


The people there desperately thirst for water, but there is none. They regret even the day they were born. But the worst feeling is for those who knew Lord Jesus Christ, but then walked away from Him. If you have walked away from Lord Jesus Christ, if you no longer follow His ways, today is the day to come back! Don’t be ashamed of what your friends or anyone else may say.

Remember what Lord Jesus Christ said about those who are ashamed of Him. “If anyone is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” (Luke 9:26).

It is time for you to run to the presence of God and look for salvation. Do not look for a Church that makes you feel good. Look for a Church where the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ moves and repent of all your sins! It is time for deep repentance; time to cry out to the Lord Jesus Christ and run to Lord Jesus. If you have sins that you haven’t stopped, your soul is in DANGER, because the Bible says that Lord Jesus Christ will come for glorious Rapture as a thief in the night. (1 Thessalonians 5:2). Are you ready for imminent glorious Rapture or not?

We continued watching the demons torment doomed people in Hell! I saw one demon rip out a person’s eye and hide it, and that person had to drag himself in pain to find it. The demons were getting pleasure from their cruelty. To some, they ripped off arms and legs. But to those who once knew the Lord Jesus Christ, but died in their sins, their punishment was much worse. They had a double condemnation. (Hebrews 10:26-27). Those who never knew Lord Jesus Christ were also in torment, but there is more intense suffering for those who knew Lord Jesus Christ and then became backsliders. (2 Peter 2:21).

When I was there in Hell, I felt unspeakable terror in my soul, pure panic. I had such compassion for all the doomed souls that were crying for mercy. Lord Jesus Christ said, “I will show you how many things are still waiting for lost souls.”

Burning Cells Of Some Backslidden Christians And Backslidden Preachers In Hell!

We passed another place that had many different burning cells. Inside the burning cells were doomed souls, but all that was left of them was just charred grey bones. But they could still feel pain and they screamed out for mercy from Lord Jesus Christ as He walked by. I found out that these people were once in Churches; some even preached the word of God during their lifetime, some cast out demons and spoke in tongues while on Earth. But now these backslidden Christians and backslidden Preachers were down here in eternal burning Hell fire, because one day they decided to turn from the ways of God.


The Broad Road To Eternal Burning Hell Fire And Narrow Road To Heaven

The Lord Jesus Christ said, “Look at this wide street.” I saw a broad street where a multitude of believers were walking and they were even carrying Bibles. I saw some praying and others were singing praises.

I saw how the narrow road of God (Heaven) branched off to the right, but the lukewarm Christians continued walking straight to eternal burning Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ explained, “They have a double life; they are living two lives: one in My house of prayer (Church), and another in their own houses.” I said, “But Lord Jesus, these people are praising Your Name!” Lord Jesus Christ replied, “Yes, and even when they cry, shout and say nice things about Me or to Me, their hearts are full of adultery, full of evil, full of lies, full of deception, full of hate, full of roots of bitterness, full of bad thoughts.” Then, I understood what was written in Scripture: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven.” (Matthew 7:21).

Road to hell

Many lukewarm Christians have some hatred or bitterness in their heart toward their brothers; and may even skip Church because of that brother. But when the Pastor asks the Church members, “How many of you love the Lord?” They say “Amen!” But the Bible says that those who hate their brothers are like murderers, and no murderer can come into the Kingdom of Heaven. It is written, anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of Hell. (Matthew 5:22). These brothers will deeply regret that when the Lord Jesus Christ returns.

The Bible tells us, “Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt. Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.” (Leviticus 19:17-18). It is so sad when those who serve the Lord Jesus Christ, don’t make it into Heaven. You need to seriously meditate on this and ask, “Am I ready for the Lord Jesus Christ? Am I really doing the will of God? Is my life pleasing to God?” You still have time to turn your heart to Lord Jesus Christ and escape eternal burning Hell fire!

Some people don’t care about where they are going, they only want to enjoy this life. But I tell you, spending time with Lord Jesus Christ, not having an illicit affair with a particular woman is enjoying life. Spending time in the Lord’s house (Church), not a drinking bar, that is life. We need to ask God for Mercy for those who are still waking on the road of death and sin.

A Female Preacher Doomed In Hell Fire Due To Her Un-forgiven Attitude

In Hell, we saw many who thought they were living holy while on Earth, but now they were just begging for mercy and another chance. My soul ached so much for them. We saw a woman who was acting like she was reading the Word of God (Bible) and preaching about John 3:16. She said: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Lord Jesus Christ said she was there “Because she could never forgive her husband; she never managed to forgive her husband.” (Matthew 6:14-15). This woman had been shepherding an Evangelical Church for 35 years, but now in Hell, she is begging for one more chance to forgive her husband.

Doomed Soul

The Bible warns us, “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.” (Matthew 5:25). “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Matthew 5:7).

If you are someone who cries in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, you are still under grace and mercy. But if you feel that you cannot cry any more, or pray anymore, if you have stopped your prayer life, you are in great danger.

Forgiveness is something special and that woman never forgave. After 35 years of hard work for Lord Jesus Christ, she lost it all in the end. Meditate on this and make sure you forgive all. How do you want to spend eternity?

My brother would often tell me: “The day I die, I will go to Hell and let the demons torment me.” But thankfully he has repented of this foolish belief, because the judgment of God has reached him. While recording this message, he is currently lying down, sick with AIDS. He has begged God for a chance and he has finally turned his heart to Lord Jesus Christ. He does not think the same way anymore and doesn’t want to go to that place of horrible torment (Hell). Thankfully, my brother has accepted Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. My brother was lucky; he knew he didn’t have much time left. But most people don’t know when they will die.

Apathetic And Miserly Evangelical Christians Doomed In Hell Fire!

Lord Jesus Christ and I continued walking until we came upon a group of people who called themselves “Evangelical Christians.” Lord Jesus Christ explained why these men were in Hell. In the neighborhood where they lived, there was a drunk that became a Christian. One day his wife got severely ill. He began to go door to door seeking help to bring her to the Hospital. When he got to the house of a Christian, he told them, “My wife is very sick. I need you to lend me some money to take her to the hospital.” But the Christians told him, “That is what you say! No! We don’t have money here!” When he went to another Christian’s house they also refused to help him. Eventually the man’s wife died.

One of the Christians said, “I sure taught that drunk a lesson, He just wanted the money to get drunk, but he didn’t fool me! I didn’t give him a single penny!” Now in Hell, they are in fire and tormented, and deeply regret their evil. (Matthew 23:31-46). These men were tied up with ropes and burning. Their skin was falling from their bodies and there was no end to the torment. They remember all the evil that they did.

Tied up in hell

A Proud And Arrogant Christian Will End Up In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

Please listen to me carefully. I was also an Evangelical Christian. I prayed for the sick and God healed them. I prayed for the lame and God raised them up. I cast out demons and spoke in new tongues, but I had a spirit of vain glory, that made me see my Pastor as spiritually smaller than me. I saw many miracles in my Ministry, more than my Pastor. But I began to think that it was me, that I was the one doing the miracles. In my vain glory, I thought that I was super-gifted, someone special. I didn’t understand that it was the mercy of God that was in my life. When I got to Hell, Lord Jesus Christ told me, “I am not the God of people with vain glory.”

Many of us stand before the altar of God full of pride and vain glory. Many, who sing praises to God, begin to be full of pride. Many of God’s servants who preach the word and are used mightily by God, begin to think that they are overly important? Many people who work in deliverance also get full of pride? I want to tell you that God see all, and knows your heart.

If you have vain glory, pride, or arrogance in your heart, if you see your brother or Pastor with disdain, please repent of your sins quickly! It is much better to be humiliated before the men, than be humiliated in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. I wish you could see this place (Hell), like I did. I wish you could hear the cries of the damned souls, feel the terror that I did, and see their final judgment, then you would understand.

Satanic Schemes To Destroy Ministries And Tempt Ministers Of God

We continued walking in Hell until we arrived at a kind of waiting room. We saw a demon that was shouting and other demons were presenting themselves before him. Two of them were in the form of beautiful women. Their job was to destroy Ministries and lead Ministers into sin. Those who serve the Lord Jesus Christ must be careful of Satan’s traps. Satan wants to destroy your life and he can use those people who are close to you, those who do not walk close to Lord Jesus Christ. They can be instruments of Satan. Satan also has demons that are disguised as men. They go into Churches in search for young ladies and even married women, to lead them into sin, destroying marriages and lives.

A Blasphemer Against The Holy Spirit Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

In Hell, I saw a man that blasphemed against the Holy Spirit. (Luke 12:10). He was there begging for mercy and shouting in pain. There were worms all over his face and body. He tried to remove them, but more would always come. (Mark 9:44). His pain was unbearable. This man was worried about his family members arriving there. If you truly love your family, preach the Word of God to them, so they may escape from Hell. (Acts 16:31).

Face With Worms

You Are Accountable To Lord Jesus Christ, Beware!

The Bible says do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in Hell. (Matthew 10:28). Christians need to remember that even though they can hide the truth from Pastors, Deacons, Elders and the Congregation, they can NOT hide from the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. As it is written, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the Heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast.” (Psalms 139:7-10).

Lying To God Will Lead You To Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

It might sound crazy, but many Christians end up in Hell because of lying. Lukewarm Christians often just nonchalantly lie in Church and think nothing of it. The Pastor may ask them a question and a member just lies to the Pastor. But we must remember that a simple lie is what caused God to kill Ananias and Sapphira while in Church. (Acts 5:3-10). Many Christians are in Hell because they simply lied to the Pastor. They didn’t realize that they were lying to God. And the Bible warns us, no drunks, no adulterers, no fornicators, no LIARS shall inherit the Kingdom of God. (Revelation. 21:8; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

Are You A Lukewarm Christian, Backsliding, Or Living A Double Life? Repent Now!

You must know that just because you claim to be a Christian, you can still be unclean before Lord Jesus Christ, if you keep sinning. I was personally being used by God, but still had vain glory in my heart. (Matthew 7:21-23). There is still time to repent and renew your heart and mind. If you are a lukewarm Christian/Preacher, backsliding, or living a double life, bow your head right now before God and beg for forgiveness, be willing to turn away from evil deeds.


Are You An Unbeliever? Accept The Salvation Of Lord Jesus Christ Now!

If you don’t know Lord Jesus Christ, pray now and ask Him for forgiveness, ask Him into your heart, accept Him as your personal Savior. Do it now! Don’t procrastinate! Tomorrow will be too late! Death can come suddenly! No more excuse! You have been warned! Hell is real! Avoid eternal burning Hell fire! Heaven is your best choice! Decide wisely! Time is running out! Glorious Rapture is imminent! Be ready always!


Divine Revelation Of Satanic Schemes Against Born Again Christians And Lukewarm Or Backslidden Christians/Preachers Who Are Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!!!

True Divine Revelation By Emmanuel SamsonJude

You have nobody to blame when you read this true divine revelation from Lord Jesus Christ but yet doubt it. “This book of law shall not depart out of your mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shall make thy way prosperous and then thou shall have good success.” (Joshua 1:8). If you still don’t take your conditions in the spiritual realm so serious then be expecting to miss the imminent glorious Rapture. Majority of Christians, who thought they are perfect in their way with God, are still under the attack of the Devil, even some of them, their spiritual garments are very dirty. (Psalm 51:7).

Around evening time on 25th June, 2014, I was feeling so weak, my right hand was shaking and I was dying gradually. My strength was going out of me, suddenly I felt a touch of a mighty hand of God, and then I was receiving strength gradually. After some minutes, before I knew what was happening, I found myself in a pure and beautiful room.

Glorious Jesus Christ

Tears Of Intercession Of Lord Jesus Christ

As I was in the room, I was wondering what I was doing there, suddenly, Lord Jesus Christ entered, weeping. I was feeling the sadness of Lord Jesus Christ because of His great compassion for the perishing souls. (Mark 8:2). As He was weeping, suddenly, I saw an Assembly of some group of Christians, listening to the word of God, but at the neck of each one of them was a heavy chain with names, as the following:

  1. LUST (MATTHEW 5:28)
  2. PRIDE (PROVERB 16:18)
  5. GOSIPPER (PSALM 52:2-4)
  7. LIAR (1 TIMOTHY 4:2)
  9. MALICE (1 PETER 2:1)

So I now found out, that was the cause of the weeping of the Lord Jesus Christ. Is any of this found in your life? I just want you to know that the Savior of the mankind, who died on the Cross of Cavalry, who left His beautiful throne, position and honor to lay down His life for you as a ransom for you to have eternal life is weeping because of your sin. Why can’t you return to Him today and you shall be saved. (John 3:16).

I Was Left Alone In Horrible Hell To Experience Agonizing Torment Of A Doomed Soul!

As I was looking at that Assembly of lukewarm Christians, a mighty power took me away with a powerful speed and landed me into a total darkness. Then I was running, trying to escape for my dear life. I began to hear loud screaming, shouting and the crying of the lost souls in eternal burning Hell fire! My heart was beating very fast with a vibration and fear took over me. I thought it is over for me (Psalm 18:5). The strong odor of the burning flesh in the atmosphere weakened me. I was running but I don’t know where I was running to.  Suddenly, I felt a powerful demon standing before me. My hand touched him and I could perceive the movement of snakes on his body. I wanted to shout the name of Jesus Christ but two hands covered my mouth and I said “No!” Despite my strong resistance, the demon continued to mark me with his fingers. If you are still living a sinful life, it is better to repent today because the wicked shall be turned into Hell (Psalm 9:17).


There Is A Powerful Demon Behind Your Weak Point!

The huge demon that stood before me asked, “When last did you see me?” I replied with fear, “I don’t know you.” He laughed and then told me he was behind my weak point. He showed me how I was preaching the truth on an ugly screen just live Television, my message on Internet and how many people had escaped from their prison (John 8:36). I was shaking my head, saying, “Is it this place that I am going to finish my work and labor, missionary work, online Ministry, crusades, revival, conferences and Evangelism.” All the damage that I have caused to the gate of Hell was shown unto me and then I began to cry. Suddenly, a hand came with big nail and hammer. The demon put the nail on my head and used hammer to knock it, then I shouted, “NO!!!!!!!!” I started crawling to run and then a demon that looked like “Smiggle, the one in a movie called THE LORD OF THE RING,” he held my leg, laughing and many demons surrounded me. All my possible effort to escape was in vain. Now I remember the Scripture in the book of Psalm 16:10, “FOR THOU WILL NOT LEAVE MY SOUL IN HELL.”


Two Mighty Angels Suddenly Appeared To Rescue Me From The Damnation Of Hell!

In desperation, I decided to run away from the demons. Immediately I stood up to run, countless demons surrounded me, then I saw a powerful light that appeared suddenly! Behold, the powerful light changed into two mighty Angels and they said: “LET GOD ARISE, AND LET HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED.” (Psalm 68:1-2). Immediately, those demons fell before the mighty Angels of God. There is power in the word of God, that if you continue to meditate on it, no demon will be able to stand before you. Ask me the reason why Devil is blocking Christians from studying the Bible. It is because through it, he will be defeated (John 1:1-5). I quickly rushed to meet the two mighty Angels of God, asking them why they left me to experience such a great torment, but their faces was full of smile. I told them I wanted to leave, but they told me, “You still have a place to go.” I then followed the two mighty Angels of God. One of them was my guardian Angel, although he never told me his name. You too have a guardian Angel. (Psalm 34:7; Psalm 91:11).

Heavenly Angel

Satanic Board Of The Devil In Horrible Hell!

The Angel of the Lord took me before a very big board in horrible Hell and before the board was a powerful, angry demon. He has the body of an animal and also has a tail. The powerful demon was moving up and down with great fury. On the satanic board was the following written:



The category of “WANTED CHRISTIAN” is the first subject on the big board of Devil (Satan) in Hell. Under this were the names of all real born again Christians/Preachers written. At the front of their names was a star that was very glorious. Whenever you are telling someone about Lord Jesus Christ, the star will be blinking. This give the demon monitoring the satanic board in Hell a signal that you are telling someone about Lord Jesus Christ (1 Peter 5:8). Satanic demons can stop you from preaching, after they see the light blinking. Therefore, pray always for divine protection of God, boldness for active Evangelism and plead the blood of Jesus Christ over yourself regularly. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to Evangelize online and offline. Also, don’t have apathy for active soul winning or kind Evangelical support.


Global Evangelism must be urgently supported by everybody in this grace period before the imminent glorious Rapture. Numerous lost souls are dropping daily into eternal burning Hell fire due to the apathy of many apathetic lukewarm Christians/Preachers. On great judgment day, the doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). There is a wicked, satanic manipulation in horrible Hell to stop born again Christians/Preachers from active Evangelism or rendering kind Evangelical support online and offline. Through this satanic manipulation of Satan and his wicked demons, some born again Christians/Preachers are ashamed or afraid of active Evangelism online and offline. These manipulated lukewarm Christians/Preachers also have great apathy for kind Evangelical support online and offline.

If you are ashamed or afraid of active Evangelism online and offline that means you are a lukewarm Christian/Preacher. As a true born again Christian/Preacher, you must fully obey the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) of our Lord Jesus Christ. You will overcome all satanic manipulations or demonic attacks through the precious blood of Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 12:11). However, if you begin to indulge in sinful lifestyle, you will easily become a target of satanic manipulations or demonic attacks. Be careful, watch and pray always in order not to become a captive of Satan. As a true born again Christian/Preacher, make sure you utilize your divine calling, time, talents and God given resources to Evangelize zealously and win many souls for Lord Jesus Christ in this grace period while awaiting the imminent glorious Rapture.

Don’t be a spectator believer/Preacher. Our eternal treasures and rewards are reserved for us in Heavenly New Jerusalem, kept safe for us by our Lord Jesus Christ. As profitable servants of Lord Jesus Christ, we will be bountifully rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ when we get to Heaven on imminent glorious Rapture day. Don’t be an unprofitable servant who will have no eternal rewards in Heaven. The holy Angels of God are daily recording everything we are doing on Earth for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and any help we render for the poor and needy.

Lord Jesus Christ will spit cold or lukewarm Christians/Preachers out of His mouth (Revelation 3:14-22). Indeed, cold or lukewarm Christians/Preachers, Rapture scoffers and unbelievers will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. Therefore, as a true born again Christian or dedicated Preacher, be hot and zealous for Lord Jesus Christ henceforthWake up from spiritual slumber! “I-don’t-care” attitude must stop nowApathy for active soul winning and contempt for dedicated soul winners must stop nowAttachment to mundane, worldly things must stop nowDon’t love the world too much like unbelieversAlways be Heaven-minded.

As a true born again Christian/Preacher, live everyday from now as if it may be your last day on Earth. Have daily Rapture expectation. This will enable you to be perpetually ready for imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial kingdom period of King Jesus Christ. You can’t know Rapture day or hour but it is imminent! It will happen when you are not expecting it. Suddenly and unexpectedly! Scoffing about Rapture or mocking dedicated Rapture watchers is not a good attitude. Stop your scoffing now! Whether you believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminentBe ready always!

Because we are saved “by grace… through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9), many born again Christians think there is little or no call on their life presently to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Consequently, they accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ as a gift and do nothing to advance His kingdom afterward. Unfortunately, they do not read on to the following verse: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10). By reading this passage, the Lord Jesus Christ expects His children to work for Him after they have been given salvation.

In fact, we will be rewarded in the Millennial kingdom period in direct proportion to the way we have served the Lord Jesus Christ presently (Matthew 20:1-16, 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27). Therefore, we are expected, once saved, to serve our Lord Jesus Christ dedicatedly. Your dedicated service for the Lord Jesus Christ can be anything done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, or for His glory. It could be active soul winningworshiping Him dedicatedly, or even giving a “cup of cold water” in His name (Matthew 10:40-42). Giving a “cup of cold water” in His name (Lord Jesus Christ) implies any act of kindness or charitable support rendered to the poor or the needy like the Biblical Good Samaritan. Lord Jesus Christ loves a kind, cheerful giver (Philippians 4:19).

The Lord Jesus Christ will reward us according to our faithfulnesstalent and time spent in serving Him selflessly. Talent times our productive sharing of the Gospel (Evangelism) times the time we had after our salvation to labor for Lord Jesus Christ will equal our eternal reward. The record of our dedicated service is kept by Lord Jesus Christ, who knows what ability we have to serve Him, and will hold us accountable for how we use our talents and time for service. Lord Jesus Christ is a just God and He will treat each believer according to his or her works, based on his or her ability (Matthew 6:19-21). In the mercy of Lord Jesus Christ, He has not only given us salvation totally free, but He also gives us an opportunity to invest a portion of our “treasure” (our life) in eternal rewards. The Lord Jesus Christ is not interested in having us serve Him faithfully for just a few years, but rather for our entire lifetime. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

When I was looking at the big satanic board in horrible Hell, the shining star of a born again Christian Brother was blinking and the monitoring wicked demon that was moving up and down shouted the name of the Brother with great anger. Then Devil (Satan) said, “Check his spiritual level.” When the spiritual level of the born again Christian Brother was brought out, the results are the following:

  1. PRAYER- 100%
  2. FASTING- 100%
  3. EVANGELISM- 100%

Suddenly, three powerful demons marched out with an arrow in their hands and they struck the prayer level of the man. It went down from 100% to 0% and then Devil laughed.  The wicked demons began to shoot the spiritual level of the born again Christian Brother one after the other till they finished their targets.

Where is your testimony of prayer? Some people in their story will be telling people, sometimes ago, I was a prayer champion, I can pray for long hours without getting weaker, but now to pray is very difficult for them, just because their prayer life is under the attack of satanic demons. Whenever Devil sees your spiritual level in 100%, he is always angry!

King of Hell (Satan)

Where is your testimony of Evangelism? Some people in time past, anywhere they found themselves, they will preach the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ, but nowadays to preach is very difficult for them, just because their Evangelism life is now captured. Devil knew the percent of your spiritual level. If your spiritual level is previously 100%, Satan will want it to become 1%. Devil is so wicked. (Ephesians 4:27). Be careful, watch and pray always. Don’t become an easy target of Satan.


Where is your testimony of studying God’s word (Bible)? It is time to stand up and return to our champion level and deliver ourselves from all arrows of the Devil and his wicked demons, assigned against our spiritual life. Suddenly, the two mighty Angels that was with me disappeared, then I turned back to run.

Lord Jesus Christ Appeared By My Side Suddenly!

As I turned to run, Lord Jesus Christ appeared by my side suddenly and said “FEAR NOT, I AM WITH YOU. ONLY FEW ARE PREPARED FOR ME. MANY ARE ALREADY CAPTURED. (Isaiah 41:10). I told the Lord Jesus Christ to take me out of Hell; I just don’t want to see the torments of people, but He refused and took me back before the big satanic board in Hell I was looking at before. (Matthew 6:10).


Under the category of “ALREADY CAPTURED” were the names of large quantity of people written. The star at the front of their names had become dark, although they can return to the Lord Jesus Christ and deliver themselves before it is too late! Many names disappeared under “WANTED CHRISTIAN” to “ALREADY CAPTURED. Many cold or lukewarm Christians/Preachers had been captured by Satan and his wicked demons, but physically they thought they are not yet captured. If you can return to Lord Jesus Christ, He is ready to set the captives free. (Luke 4:18).

All categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. Some unbelievers and un-repentant sinners who are always ignoring the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be successful and prosperous physically, they may think they are not yet captured by Satan. However, spiritually, they are already captured by Satan and in great satanic bondage. The reason why some unbelievers and un-repentant sinners think they don’t need the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ may be because they are successful and prosperous physically. However, the plain truth is that all categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners can only escape from satanic bondage and eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire after physical death if they quickly accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ before their physical death. (John 3:16, 14:6; Hebrews 9:27).

Jesus Is The True Way To Make Heaven

As an unbeliever and un-repentant sinner, your name is not written in the Heavenly book of life (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6). That means you are Hell bound and eternally doomed after physical death! Therefore, to have your name written in Heavenly book of life, you must accept JESUS CHRIST as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan.

Indeed, you are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after physical death by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. All these categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners are already captured by Satan and his wicked demons because they are satanic captives. They will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day and are Hell bound unless they accept the salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! On great judgment day, these categories of unbelievers and un-repentant sinners who are already doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to eternal burning Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6), no other ways!


The White Throne Judgment of Damnation will happen after the Millennial Reign of Lord Jesus Christ and it will involve all unsaved people who while alive refused to accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15). Sadly, they will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Therefore, all active soul winners must intensify their soul winning efforts in this grace period to win numerous lost souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our eternal rewards are awaiting us at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.


Under the category of “VISIONARY” were written the names of all those who had face to face encounters with Lord Jesus Christ, encounters with Holy Angels, vision of Heaven and Hell, glorious Rapture, Tribulation period or any other vision that can edify the body of Christ. So at the front of some are written: “CAPTURED. The following was satanic strikes against them:

  1. LUST
  5. PRIDE

Majority of the visionaries had been captured through Lust. The fact that you have seen vision is not a Visa into the kingdom of God (Heaven).because without holiness no man shall see the Lord Jesus Christ. Many visionaries who had divine encounters shouldn’t imagine themselves as Superstars. In order to avoid pride or self-glorification, the visionaries should not allow people to call them the following names:

  1. Angel
  2. Most Holy Man/Woman of God
  3. Mightiest Servant of God
  4. Most Anointed Preacher
  5. Greatest Prophet/Prophetess
  6. Most Accurate Seer
  7. His Holiness
  8. Greatest Visionary

If you are a visionary, do not allow people to worship you as God. You must not encourage this idolatrous act. It is a sin of idolatry for people worshiping creature than the Creator, only Lord Jesus Christ deserved praise. Watch and pray so that after you have preached to others, you should not be a cast away. (1 Corinthians 9:27). The Lord Jesus Christ showed me a Sister among the visionaries, she was a talkative. The Lord Jesus Christ was not happy about this. (Colossians 3:8).


Under the category of “WANTED MINISTRY” were written the names of Churches, Evangelical groups and non denominational Ministries that are leading people to the kingdom of God (Heaven). The names of their founders/General Overseers were also written. Although at the front of some was written: “CAPTURED.”  Let us join hands together and fight this end time battle. My Evangelical group name: “THE OVERCOMERS GROUP OF CHRIST” was also under the wanted Ministry. Glory be unto God. (1 Corinthians 15:57).

Robes In Heaven

Garment Of Righteousness Of The Redeemed Saints Of God

I was shown a well known Sister-in-Christ, she was dressed in a white garment but I saw spot on her garment. Lord Jesus Christ was weeping and saying, “THIS IS NOT THE GARMENT THAT I GAVE YOU.(Revelation 16:15). As a born again Christian/Preacher, in order to be spot-free, pray always and repent from any known or hidden sin. Also, always wash your spiritual white garment in the pool of the blood of Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 12:10). After this revelation, the Lord Jesus Christ took me away from the place and we arrived at another place in Hell.

Doomed Couple In Hell

Ananias And Sapphira Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

I saw two people in eternal burning Hell fire! Agonizing fire was burning both of them. They faced each other because demons used spear to join them i.e. penetrates from the man to woman. I saw bottle in the hands of both of them and inside the bottle was a powerful acid. Whenever they drank it, their heads will burst and the pieces of their heads will just come back to normal position. The horrible torment is a continuous process. The couple continued to scream but their torments became more terrible. The Lord Jesus Christ then told me, “THEY ARE ANANIAS AND SAPPHIRA THAT LIED TO THE HOLY SPIRIT. (Acts 5:1-11). Worms was pulling out their flesh but it was too late for them to repent. (Revelation 21:8).

It Is Important To Accept Lord Jesus Christ As Your Personal Savior Now!

Suddenly, I saw a man who fell down into Hell. At that time, he just died on Earth and he began to say: “I NEVER DO ANY EVIL. I NEVER TAKE ANYTHING THAT NEVER BELONGS TO ME. I HELPED THE POOR. I HELPED THE WIDOWS. WHAT AM I DOING HERE? WHY AM I HERE?” I heard a powerful voice from the throne of the Devil (Satan) saying: “YOU LACK ONLY ONE THING BECAUSE YOU REFUSED TO BELIEVE THE BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD.” (John 3:16). This man began to weep agonizingly. He was a good man before men, even in his own eyes, but he refused to believe the Lord Jesus Christ. He lived a natural life. He helped the Church, although he doesn’t go to Church.


The wicked will be turned into Hell. Who is the wicked? The wicked person is anyone that refused to believe and accept Lord Jesus Christ. He or she is a wicked person because such a person ignores the death of Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross of Cavalry. (Psalm 9:17). Devil then asked the man: “Did you prayed four times in a day?” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The man couldn’t say anything. He was weeping agonizingly. Suddenly, smoke of Hell in the form of a hand grabbed the head of the doomed man and threw him into the depth of the terrible eternal burning Hell fire! The man screamed horribly but it is too late for him to accept Lord Jesus Christ. (John 3:17-18).

Torment In Hell

A Young Lady Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

I saw a young lady doomed in eternal burning Hell fire! She was weeping agonizingly because her torments were terrible. She ended up her life in eternal burning Hell fire because of fornication. She heard about Lord Jesus Christ and danger of fornication but she continued in her sinful lifestyle. At the end, she died and it was too late for her to repent from her sinful lifestyle. (1 Corinthians 6:13; Ephesians 5:3). She pleaded with the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy but it was too late for her. God gave her enough grace to repent but she misused the grace giving unto her. Your breath is your opportunity, after death is judgment. The horrible eternal burning Hell fire covered the young lady like water.

Burning soul in hell

Demas Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell Fire!

I saw a man doomed in eternal burning Hell fire! He was screaming agonizingly and his torments were terrible. He forwards his hands towards me as if I will be able to rescue him. The wicked demons that were tormenting him said, “You are once among those who have increased the candidates of Heaven but at the end you are here in Hell fire. I was very sad when I heard that. Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THIS MAN IS DEMAS THAT TURNED AWAY FROM ME AND WENT AFTER THE PLEASURE OF THE WORLD. (2 Timothy 4:10). I then told Lord Jesus Christ to permit me to go and rescue Demas but the Lord Jesus Christ said, “NO!However, because I could not withstood the terrible torments of Demas, I left Lord Jesus Christ, running to go and help Demas, but my guardian Angel appeared suddenly and said, “GO BACK OR ELSE YOU WILL BLAME YOURSELF!”

I went back to Lord Jesus Christ, weeping profusely. The Lord Jesus Christ then said, “IF ANYONE DRAWS AWAY FROM ME, I WILL HAVE NO PLEASURE IN HIM.” (Hebrews 10:38). I wept because it is too late for Demas to return to the Lord Jesus Christ. (Proverb 14:14). After witnessing the eternal terrible agonies of Demas, the backslidden, Evangelical Preacher that formerly assisted Apostle Paul, the Lord Jesus Christ took me out of Hell and took me into the glorious Heaven.


Big Board Of Glorious Rapture Preparation In Heaven

When we arrived in Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ took me before a very big board of glorious Rapture preparation, on it was the following written:



Under the category of “PREPARED CHRISTIAN” were written few names of people. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THESE ARE THE FEW PEOPLE THAT ARE PREPARED FOR MY COMING.” While the Lord Jesus Christ was talking with me, suddenly a name disappeared from under “PREPARED CHRISTIAN. When I saw this, I began to cry because as I continued to look at the big board of glorious Rapture preparation, names are disappearing from under the category of “PREPARED CHRISTIAN.  (Mark 13:33). The Lord Jesus Christ is not slack concerning His promise. He is coming back again to take the prepared born again Christians in the imminent glorious Rapture. The Lord Jesus Christ can never fail His promise of coming back as prophesied in the Bible. (Acts 1:10-11).

Raptured Saints

Glorious Rapture Day


Under the category of “UNPREPARED CHRISTIAN” were written the names of large quantity of people who are not yet prepared for the coming (glorious Rapture) of the Lord Jesus Christ. I was very sad when I saw this. But suddenly, few names began to disappear from under the category of “UNPREPARED CHRISTIAN” and the few names appeared under the category of “PREPARED CHRISTIAN.  However, few numbers of people are prepared for the imminent glorious Rapture. (1 Thessalonians 4:16). How prepared are you for the coming (glorious Rapture) of the Lord Jesus Christ? Have you turned away from the Lord Jesus Christ? Why can’t you return to Him quickly because there is no more time to waste at this present grace period. Indeed, time is running out! Glorious Rapture is imminent!

The Lord Jesus Christ began to mention the names of some places and the number of those who are prepared for Him. He mentioned a particular town and said, “ONLY 3 ARE PREPARED FOR ME, APART FROM LITTLE CHILDREN. He mentioned the names of many places but He never said anything like hundred, but only few! I cried because of this, the Lord Jesus Christ knew that I was sad and He wept!

Heavenly Union

Court Of Angelic Praise Worship In Heaven

After witnessing the revelation from Lord Jesus Christ about imminent glorious Rapture preparation in Heaven, my guardian Angel appeared suddenly and took me into court of praise worship in Heaven. I saw how the Angels are worshiping God in the beauty of holiness. I loved the way of their dancing, their voice is so melodious and like multitude of trumpets. I saw a very beautiful Angel that stood at their front, leading them in worshipping God and then great joy entered me. I was so excited because the song strengthens me. (Psalm 148:2; Nehemiah 8:10).
Suddenly, I heard a powerful voice that said, “IT IS TIME TO RETURN!” My guardian Angel escorted me, before I knew what was going on, I woke up here on Earth. Then I began to cry.

My Prayer Of Intercession For Christendom

I went on my knees and was crying for mercy and for the Christendom, for God to have mercy and Rapture all of us. I wept like a baby for the Backsliders and the unprepared Christians. (Lamentation 5:1 and 21). I began to complain about the enormous challenges that are stopping Overcomers Group of Christ (O.G.C) from reaching many places, many cities and numerous villages. Only few compassionate people are supporting missionary work. Apathy of many people to Evangelical support is a great satanic manipulation to hinder massive soul winning online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. Sadly, due to this satanic, cold indifference of many people to continuous Evangelical support online and offline, numerous lost souls are perishing daily worldwide. I prayed with sadness and tears.

Worldwide Evangelism

Suddenly, my guardian Angel appeared beside me. He comforted me and told me not to cry. He spoke to me about many things. He said, “MANY PEOPLE THAT SUPPORT GLOBAL EVANGELISM AND MISSIONARY WORK WILL HAVE THEIR ETERNAL HEAVENLY REWARD. ALTHOUGH MANY CHURCHES ARE NOT PREACHING THE TRUTH ANYMORE, DO NOT BE AFRAID. CONTINUE TO WARN THE WORLD AND PREPARE THEM FOR THE COMING (GLORIOUS RAPTURE) OF LAMB OF GOD (LORD JESUS CHRIST). He then forwards his hand and said, “LOOK AT THE CHURCH OF GOD. I saw how people in some Churches were dancing disco, just like inside an entertainment club, the Angel was sad.

When the Angel was through in encouraging me, he went away. There are many places, many cities and numerous villages that Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ need to reach urgently in this grace period before imminent glorious Rapture. Time is running out! Let us join hands together and win numerous souls worldwide for Lord Jesus Christ. Let us prepare numerous souls worldwide for imminent glorious Rapture. Urgently support Evangelism work. Apathy must stop now! Global Evangelism online and offline must be urgently supported by everybody. Many souls are perishing daily worldwide. Be an active soul winner for Lord Jesus Christ and also kindly support committed Evangelists and Missionaries. Your eternal heavenly rewards are awaiting you in Heaven. As active soul winners, we will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

As for me, I am ready to use my last breath on active soul winning for Lord Jesus Christ. You too must be actively committed to continuous soul winning for our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t be apathetic to active soul winning and kind Evangelical support. Rebuke the wicked demon of apathy to active soul winning and Evangelical support in Jesus name. You are an overcomer by God’s grace.

Rescue The Perishing Souls! Come To Lord Jesus Christ Now!

Why can’t you come to Lord Jesus Christ today and be saved! If you are ready to do so, pray the following prayer:



Urgent: Vital Warning From “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

Dear esteemed reader, from what you have read so far in this highly inspiring Evangelical Post, it is now obvious that salvation is by grace of Lord Jesus Christ but eternal security is deceptive! No eternal security! Lukewarm and backslidden Christians/Preachers can end up in eternal burning Hell Fire! Ananias and Sapphira are doomed in eternal burning Hell fire! Ananias and Sapphira (damned couple) were born again Christians but they are now being horribly tormented in eternal burning Hell fire due to their sin of lying to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:1-11). Demas was a born again Evangelical Preacher who zealously assisted Apostle Paul in his Evangelical Ministry. Demas was previously dedicated as an Evangelical Preacher but became backslidden due to pleasure of the world. Apostle Paul was sad due to the backslidden condition of Demas. Apostle Paul told Timothy, another born again Evangelical Preacher that assisted him in his Evangelical Ministry: “Demas fell in love with this present world and has deserted me, going off to Thessalonica.” (2 Timothy 4:10).

It is not how far you have been in God’s Ministry, but how well you will finish your spiritual race. Don’t be a born again Christian/Preacher who will end up in eternal burning Hell fire! Be careful of your divine calling as a Man/Woman of God. Don’t allow Satan to derail you from the narrow way of Heaven to the broad way of eternal burning Hell fire! As a dedicated born again Christian or devoted Evangelical Preacher, if you later become a backslider and died in your backslidden condition, you will end up in eternal burning Hell fire! On great judgment day, you will be cast into the eternal Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20: 11-15, 21:8). Don’t become a lukewarm Christian or backslidden Man/Woman of God. Remain with the Lord Jesus Christ till the end of your life on Earth or till the imminent glorious Rapture day.   

As a dedicated born again Christian or devoted Evangelical Preacher, you must be hot and zealous in your selfless service for Lord Jesus Christ. A cold or lukewarm Christian/Preacher will run out of oil like the foolish virgins in Matthew 25. Only dedicated Rapture watchers with full oil in their lamps are regarded as wise virgins who are rapturable. “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine is a false teaching because if a Christian is cold or lukewarm, the implication is that he or she is a backslidden Christian. As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, you must be hot and zealous for Lord Jesus Christ while awaiting the imminent glorious Rapture. Encourage others to do likewise. Tell them to wake up from spiritual slumber and become hot for Lord Jesus Christ. Glorious Rapture is an imminent reality! No more argument henceforth! Continue with your soul winning service for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your reward is awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

While alive, some dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers never repent from their sins or backslidden condition because they foolishly thought they are “eternally secured.” Now in eternal burning Hell fire, they are being agonizingly tormented by wicked demons and on great judgment day, they will be cast into the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). In great agony in eternal burning Hell fire, they are now regretting that they foolishly believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” It is too late for them! No more repentance after death (Hebrews 9:27).

Unless you repent of all your sins including little sins, you will not inherit the kingdom of God (Heavenly New Jerusalem). The message is REPENT OR PERISH! If you go on in sin, you will perish in eternal burning Hell fire after death. There is no salvation for a lukewarm or backslidden Christian/Preacher who do not turn away from the flesh (sinful condition) and put on Christ. Only if you put on Christ will you be made clean and be able to enter the Heavenly kingdom (Heavenly New Jerusalem).

According to numerous true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire, there are many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers who are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire because they believed foolishly in “Eternal Security” while alive. They believed in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) false doctrine known as “Eternal Security.” From the true divine revelations about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire you have read so far, you now know that Ananias and Sapphira, Demas and many dead, backslidden or lukewarm Christians/Preachers are now doomed in eternal burning Hell fire!

Now, who do you want to believe? As a born again Christian or Evangelical Preacher, do you want to believe in true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ about the reality of eternal burning Hell fire or the “man-made” doctrine called “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) doctrine known as Eternal Security? The choice is yours but you must stop misleading other people with a false doctrine that can lead them to eternal damnation in eternal burning Hell fire! You have been warned! Decide wisely! Don’t end up in eternal burning Hell fire! Heaven is your best choice! Watch and pray so that after you have preached to others, you should not be a cast away. (1 Corinthians 9:27).

To urgently speed up global Evangelism for our Lord Jesus Christ in this grace period before the imminent glorious Rapture, we should kindly support committed Evangelists and Missionaries in order to quickly reach a global audience both online and offline. Global Evangelism should be urgently supported kindly. Apathy and cold indifference must stop now. It is a satanic manipulation to hinder massive soul winning online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. Numerous lost souls are perishing daily worldwide. According to many true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, there are billions of doomed souls being tormented in eternal burning Hell fire! On the great judgment day, they will be cast into the eternal Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). We should stop this great calamity urgently. Our blessed and long-anticipated departure for Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day is at the door! We should try to win as many souls as possible before the imminent glorious Rapture day.

According to many true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, many people worldwide will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day due to their lukewarm, sinful condition and not being ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. Therefore, we should try to increase the number of people worldwide who will become raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must urgently create continuous awareness about the imminent glorious Rapture both online and offline. Don’t be ashamed to be an active soul winner and dedicated Rapture watcher. We must urgently intensify our soul winning efforts online and offline. Make sure you utilize your time, talents and God given resources to evangelize zealously online/offline and win many souls for our Lord Jesus Christ in this grace period while awaiting the imminent glorious Rapture.

Confession and salvation

Vital Soul Winning Admonition Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

Heaven: Why Born Again? John 3:3-16; 14:6. To be allowed to pass through Heaven’s gate, you need to have all of your sins removed. The only cleanser strong enough to thoroughly remove sin stains is the blood of Lord Jesus Christ. First, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of your wrong doings. Finally, make Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him. Ask Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to forgive your sins. By dying on the Cross, Lord Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in Hell fire! The reason so few people accept this pardon is that they do not think they need a Savior or they want to find their own way of salvation. When God looked at your soul, He saw a sinner. God judges your heart, your thoughts, your attitude and intentions. When you are saved and forgiven of your sins, God looks upon you and sees the blood of Lord Jesus Christ making you pure and clean. Accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Procrastination is dangerous! Many doomed souls are now suffering horribly in eternal burning Hell fire due to procrastination! Don’t join these doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire! Heaven is your best choice! You have been warned!

After being born again, remain dedicated in your commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is an act of faith (John 3:3-16, 5:24). There are no signs to look for. Believe strongly that you are saved in Jesus name. Don’t doubt. Make sure you continue to grow in your devotion to Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t backslide. You must always resist temptation that can lead you to indulge in sinful acts. Read your Bible daily. Also, pray always and look for a reliable gospel-focused Church where you can worship God regularly. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope and an imminent reality. Therefore, we must be ready always for Rapture. Never give up.

IS YOUR NAME WRITTEN IN THE HEAVENLY BOOK OF LIFE? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6. Sincerely, to have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, freethinker or a religious idolater. You will be left behind on imminent Rapture day and suffer terribly during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture. Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned! No more excuse for you if you die and end up in eternal burning Hell fire! Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Raptured saint or martyred saint? Follower of Lord Jesus Christ or Antichrist? Decide wisely!

Eternity: Are You Heavenly Or Hell Bound? “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). This biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Lord Jesus Christ will judge you on judgment day. You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire since you are still alive. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid Hell! Heaven is your best choice. Lord Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker or unbeliever. God is real! Lord Jesus Christ is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Judgment day is certain! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Lord Jesus Christ and ready always for imminent glorious Rapture!

What Is The Great White Throne Judgment? At the great white throne judgment of God, the soul/spirit of condemned people in Hell will merge with their immortal bodies. In their resurrected forms, they will be judged by God. It will be a judgment of condemnation, no appeal or mercy again. The verdict will be: “Guilty!” One can only repent while still alive. One can only accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ while still alive. The resurrected condemned people will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). Second death means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to Hell! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6).

Satan, the deceiver and his fallen angels/demons will be thrown and confined totally into the lake of fire and sulfur eventually by God. They will be tormented forever. That will be the end of Satan’s evil activities on Earth forever. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur…and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10). You will be eternally separated from God in the lake of fire and sulfur. Your soul will never die but it will be eternally tormented in the horrible burning lake. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

Lake Of Fire

Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to make Heaven and escape from going to Hell when you die (John 14:6). The lake of fire and sulfur will be a place of eternal torment. It will be very terrible for Satan, fallen angels/demons and the lost souls in that eternal burning lake. Do not end up in it! The second death is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Listen to what Lord Jesus Christ is saying to you now: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the One who lives. I was dead, but look: I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hell.” (Revelation 1:17-18). God does not send someone to Hell. You choose Hell when you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior.

When you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Lord Jesus Christ, you willingly choose Hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in Hell fire when you die. When you say “No” to Lord Jesus Christ and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into Hell fire. You are telling God that you do not need Lord Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in Hell fire! Hell is for eternity! If you die without accepting the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in Hell fire forever! You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

It will be a great disaster if you die without Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 8:36). Hell is a place of eternal torment! “The smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night.” (Revelation 14:11). God has a perfect place for you in Heaven: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no person has imagined what God has prepared for those people that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Avoid Hell fire! Lord Jesus Christ is your only way of making Heaven after physical death on Earth (John 14:6). It will not cost you anything to accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Accept Lord Jesus Christ while you are still alive. It will be too late if you die and end up in Hell fire!. Take the right decision now. “The salvation that was given to us is very great. So surely we also will be punished if we live like this salvation is not important.” (Hebrews 2:3).

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades (Hell) gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades (Hell) were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15).

If you have never received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, ask Him to save you now! Confess all your sins and ask God to forgive you in Jesus name. Do not put it off another second! This may be your last chance before you die! Take the chance now! The salvation of Lord Jesus Christ is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. It is very easy to accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, pray the salvation prayer below and mean it with all your heart.

Salvation Steps & Prayer


Are you still an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner? You must accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! If you remain in your rebellion against Lord Jesus Christ, you will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day by Lord Jesus Christ. Also, if you die without accepting the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ, you will end up in eternal burning Hell fire! How can you be saved? It is very simple. Take the steps below.


The following prayer, “The Sinner’s Prayer” (also known as the Prayer of Salvation) is by no means meant to be an “official prayer”, but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. You may certainly pray to God in your own words.

Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you say the following prayer and mean it with all your heart; along with repenting of your sins (asking for forgiveness), we believe that you will be saved and be born again. You may be wondering, “What happens next?” First, you will need to get into a Bible-based Church and study God’s Word. Once you find a Church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Lord Jesus Christ you are baptized in the Spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live; for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the Cross. May God Bless You!

Sinner’s Prayer

Repentance and salvation

Dear God in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the Cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus Christ as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. This very moment I accept Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore, Lord Jesus Christ transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


If you just said this prayer and you meant it with all your heart, we believe that there is a great possibility that you just got saved and are born again. You may ask, “Now that I am saved, what is next?” First of all, you need to get into a bible-based Church, and study God’s Word. Once you have found a Church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Lord Jesus Christ you are baptized in the Spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live, for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the Cross. May God Bless You!

Jesus And The Two Thieves

Still Procrastinating?

Take these easy steps to be saved: Realize you are a sinner. “There is no person without sin. None!” (Romans 3:10). “All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23). Realize you cannot save yourself. “We are all dirty with sin. Even our good works are not pure. They are like blood-stained rags.” (Isaiah 64:6). “He saved us because of His mercy (love), not because of any good things we did.” (Titus 3:5). Realize that Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross to pay for your sins. “Christ carried our sins in His body on the Cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right.” (1 Peter 2:24). “Jesus is the one who loves us. And Jesus is the One who made us free from our sins with His blood (death).” (Revelation 1:5). Simply by faith receive Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. “Some people did accept Him. They believed in Him. He gave something to those people who believed. He gave them the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). “…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all these people from your house.” (Acts 16:30-31). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

Susan ‘Goldie’ Harvey Speaks From Hell: “Mercy Lord! I Am In Great Agony!”

Susan ‘Goldie’ Harvey Speaks From Hell: “Mercy Lord! I Am In Great Agony!”

Prologue: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Hell.” (Matthew 10:28)

For a long time, people have read the story of Lazarus and the rich man in the Bible (Luke 16:19-31). To some people, the story is a mere parable. However, the story is not a parable but a true occurrence that Lord Jesus Christ narrated in the Bible about two real places: Heaven and Hell, the salvation or the condemnation. There is no intermediate place. Purgatory or Limbo does not exist, where souls stay for a while after they have departed from the Earth and then go to Heaven. The Bible is very clear about that.

Eternal Doom

Lord Jesus Christ supernaturally dropped Bill Wiese into Hell in order for the unbelieving world to know the hopeless condition of a lost soul in Hell. Bill spent just 23 minutes in Hell before Jesus Christ supernaturally brought him back to Earth, but it was like an hopeless eternity while he was in that horrible place. According to Bill Wiese, once you end up in Hell after death, you are hopelessly lost for eternity. Severe torments and endless regrets will be your perpetual portion. The demons in Hell are wicked and doomed supernatural beings. They have no mercy, pity or love for human beings because they hate Jesus Christ due to His great love for humanity. Satan and his wicked demons are always happy when people end up in Hell regularly but Jesus Christ is always sad and crying. The great desire of Jesus Christ is for everybody to end up in Heaven after death but Satan is always eager for all people to perish in Hell.

King of Hell (Satan)

Bill Wiese experienced the torments of Hell for 23 minutes! He saw the searing flames of Hell, felt total isolation, experienced the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony of  billions of  lost souls, terrorizing demons, and finally, the strong hand of Lord Jesus Christ lifting him out of  the horrible pit of Hell. Wiese’s visit to the devil’s lair lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned with vivid details etched in his memory

Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in Hell after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold/lukewarm Christian can be left behind by Jesus Christ on imminent Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to soul winning and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

To have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6). You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after death by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. Also, you will be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. Accept salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now!

“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). This biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Lord Jesus Christ will judge you on judgment day. You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire since you are still alive. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid Hell! Heaven is your best choice. Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker or unbeliever. God is real! Jesus Christ is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Judgment day is certain! Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Lord Jesus Christ and ready always for imminent glorious Rapture!

At the great white throne judgment of God, the soul/spirit of condemned people in Hell will merge with their immortal bodies. In their resurrected forms, they will be judged by God. It will be a judgment of condemnation, no appeal or mercy again. The verdict will be: “Guilty!” One can only repent while still alive. One can only accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ while still alive. The resurrected condemned people will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). Second death means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to Hell! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6).

“MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to continuously win numerous souls online/offline as well as continuously warning people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. It is a selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ. The major aim of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is to massively propagate the Gospel online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a divine calling and personal sacrifice to propagate the Gospel continuously online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. The continuous aim is to awaken many souls online and offline to prepare for eternity – Heaven or Hell. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

In this highly inspiring Evangelical Post, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will enlighten you about this vital fact: The Reality Of Hell: The Great Agonies Of A Tormented Soul In Hell!” Many notable celebrities who are obedient to God and Lord Jesus Christ end up in Heaven after death while some notable celebrities who are disobedient or unrepentant end up in eternal burning Hell after death. When you read the true testimonies of some people who have been shown the terrible agonies of tormented souls in Hell by our Lord Jesus Christ, you will be highly enlightened about the vital reality of the eternal burning Hell. You will be convinced that to have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6). You will be highly blessed through this Holy Spirit inspired Evangelical Post. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus Saves!

Popular Late Nigerian Musician Susan ‘Goldie’ Harvey Burning Agonizingly In Hell Fire!

True Divine Revelation By Margaret Amure

“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). “I am the Lord, I change not.” (Malachi 3:6). The same God of Heaven that revealed divine secrets to Ezekiel, Daniel and Isaiah is still the same Lord Jesus Christ that poured His Spirit upon His servants and took them to show the eternal thing that is hidden from mortal eyes.

The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ fell on me and took me to the realm of Hell and I saw an ocean of fire with tormented souls crying and gnashing their teeth in pains and one of the tormented souls came out of the terrible fire and behold, it was a young lady and she introduced herself as Susan ‘Goldie’ Harvey, a popular Nigerian musician and Big Brother Africa reality TV show star. The fire had disfigured her and tore her flesh and she was abhorrent and decayed to look at (Isaiah 66:24).

A woman in hell

She lamented with great regret: “If I had known, I would have accepted Lord Jesus Christ into my life and avoid this horrible torment and suffering. I had access to all the enjoyment in the world but little did I know that it will land me in this great torment.” She cried that she couldn’t endure the punishment and just a minute in Hell is like a million years and a million years is like 1 minute. She is in a great torment and eternal regret. She cried agonizingly: ”Oh, how I wish I surrendered my life to Lord Jesus Christ and repented from my worldly ways but now it is too late!” Lord Jesus Christ wept for her and told her, “It is too late!” The horrible torment of Susan ‘Goldie’ Harvey in eternal burning Hell will continue for eternity! On Great Judgment day, she will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Very sad! This is a vital warning to everybody still alive on Earth. You can only repent from your sins while alive. Once you are dead and in eternal burning Hell, there is no chance for you to repent again! Don’t end up in Hell! Heaven is your best choice.




Susan ‘Goldie’ Harvey (23 October, 1983 – 14 February, 2013) was a very well known Nigerian professional singer and a Big Brother Africa reality TV star. ‘Goldie’ (Celebrity stage name) had won several African music awards including the Top Naija Award. She appeared on Big Brother Africa reality TV show in 2012. After returning home to Nigeria from the 2013 Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, California, she complained of a severe headache and was suddenly rushed to the hospital where she was later pronounced dead. She was 29 years old when she died untimely. The moment she died, her soul was taken to eternal burning Hell to be tormented for her worldly ways and to eternal regret in agonizing pains.



This is a true divine revelation from Lord Jesus Christ. Do not despise this true divine revelation with cold indifference or ridicule with contempt. Hell is real! Sinners, unbelievers and worldly Christians will end up in eternal burning Hell unless they repent now! Make your peace with Lord Jesus Christ now and escape God’s impending wrath that will come upon the unbelieving world after the imminent glorious Rapture. Don’t go to Hell! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6). No other ways! You have been warned! Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Procrastination is dangerous!


No more excuse for you if you end up in eternal burning Hell after physical death on Earth. Nothing created on Earth is worth your soul. Mark 8:36: “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” “Maggots will eat your body (In Hell). You will lie on them (Maggots) like a bed. Worms will cover your body like a blanket.” (Isaiah 14:11). “There (In Hell) the worms that eat them never die and the fire that burns them is never put out.’ (Mark 9:48). Don’t let the pleasures of life separate you from eternity with Lord Jesus Christ in Heavenly New Jerusalem.

Torment In Hell

Divine  Revelation Of Agonies Of Tormented Souls In Hell Fire, Glorious Rapture Events And Agonies Of Great Tribulation Period.

True Divine Revelation By Emmanuel SamsonJude

I give God the glory, honor, power, majesty and thanksgiving for this grace to see another divine revelation. Forever He reigns. Amen. In my vision, I was in a big hall. I couldn’t even see the end of the hall. I saw a man coming towards me, His face and body was full of light and glory. I have to go on my knees, I couldn’t look up. I covered my face but still could feel His presence. He put forward his hands towards me and said, “MY SON, EMMANUEL, I AM JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA. I HAVE COME TO SHOW YOU MIGHTY THING. FEAR NOT AND FOLLOW ME.”(Revelation 1:8).


He took me up and when I got up, I could now see Him clearly and I asked, “Why did you show yourself in that mighty form before?” Lord Jesus Christ replied, “YOU ARE ON DIVINE ENCOUNTER WITH GOD OF POWER AND YOU TOLD ME YOU WANTED TO SEE ME WITH MY POWER AND GREAT GLORY. I HAVE JUST DONE THAT.”

Immediately I saw the hole of the cross nails on His palms and I wept, then He warned me of many things including my marital life.


The Lord Jesus Christ took me to a place in the sky and He told me to watch and see carefully. I saw some group of demons in the sky waiting to stop as many prayers they could. I saw prayer in form of circle shape but was a smoke, coming to Heaven but the demons would quickly rush and smote the smoke with their weapons then the smoke would just disappeared. They would laugh and called men as fools. Then I asked the Lord Jesus Christ about it, to tell me why this prayer was in form of smoke and then He said, “LOOK AT THEM AND SEE WHAT THEY ARE DOING DURING PRAYER.” I saw a woman praying and at the same time her heart was saying, “I MUST QUICKLY OPEN MY SHOP TODAY, CUSTOMERS WILL COME VERY EARLY, I DON’T NEED TO STAY LONG IN THIS PRAYER.” She was praying and at the same time her heart was on her shop, because of this her prayer was destroyed by demons. (Lamentation 3:8).

I saw a man, he was praying, the demon around his house whispered and said “YOUR BIG SALARY IS COMING AT THE END OF THE MONTH.” Immediately the heart of this brother was on what the demon said and his heart was saying, “THIS IS SO TRUE, HOW WILL I USE MY SALARY AT THE END OF THIS MONTH? I STILL NEED SOME SHOES AND SUIT. I STILL WANT TO PAY SOME DEBT.” He was contemplating this while praying and his prayer was destroyed by demons.


I saw a lady, she has a misunderstanding with her husband (Ephesians 5:33). While praying, I saw smoke where she was praying. The smoke was full at the place. Suddenly I saw her in the battle field. A demon held her throat and the demon wanted to smite her with sword but a power held his hand so that he will not smite the lady and I heard a powerful voice saying, “MY POWER WILL NOT HOLD THIS HAND FOREVER. IT IS FOR A WHILE. GO AND SETTLE WITH YOUR HUSBAND.” (1 PETER 3:7).

The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THIS IS THE REASON WHY THEIR PRAYER WAS STOPPED BY DEMONS. THEY STARTED COMPLAINING THAT I NEVER ANSWER THEIR PRAYER. I WANT TO ANSWER BUT THEIR PRAYER NEVER REACHES ME. LOOK AT THAT WOMAN.” I saw a woman praying fervently with all her heart, her heart was on Heaven. A demon whispered, “WHEN ARE YOU EVEN GETTING MARRIED?” The woman said, “I REBUKE YOU, YOU FOUL SPIRIT IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!” The demon ran away (Luke 21:15; James 4:7). Immediately her prayer turned to fire in circle shape, went up to Heaven, the demons wanted to attack the prayer but could not withstood the fire and they all ran away.



I discovered that the moment you committed sin, this give free access for demons to strike your spiritual man. The more you sin the more they smote your spiritual man and the more you are closer to the gate of Hell. You need to ask God to give you power over your weak point because that is where Devil will continue to blow. (Psalm 19:13). As we are approaching the tunnel of Hell, I said Lord Jesus Christ, please I don’t want to see those who you have created for your glory burning in fire and Jesus wept and said, “SON, YOU NEED TO SEE IT AND TELL THEM AGAIN, SO THAT THEY MAY KNOW THE REALITY OF THIS PLACE. I NEVER CREATED THIS PLACE FOR THEM BUT FOR DEVIL BUT MAN REJECTED MY INSTRUCTION. THEY FOLLOWED THEIR PERNICIOUS WAY.” (2 Peter 2:2).

Gates of Hell (3)

Suddenly we arrived in Hell and heard shout of souls weeping, lamenting and crying: “HU HU HU HU HU HU, MY EYES!!! CAN ANYONE TELL ME ABOUT THE TRUTH AND SAVIOR?” They earnestly look for who will tell them about JESUS CHRIST but there was none because each and every one of them is looking for a way to escape. However, no more way of escaping.(Psalm 9:17). I hugged Lord Jesus Christ because I don’t want to see people tormented. Lord Jesus Christ wept and His tears dropped at my back, it was very hot like a fire. I could feel what He felt. Sadly, I could still see clearly how uncountable souls were falling into the pit of Hell.(Isaiah 5:14).

Gates of Hell (1)

Souls dropping into hell


I saw the torment of those who gossip. I saw a woman burning in fire, even fire was coming out of her eyes. She struggled to run to a demon as if she wanted to gossip, then the demon smote her face with hot sword. She wept and run to another demon, the demon did the same thing. She continued struggling from one demon to another and the fire was burning her seriously.(Psalm 34:13; Ephesians 4:29). JESUS WEPT (Titus 3:2).


I saw countless of souls lying on a hot iron table. The table is already red (hot) and the demons were using big axe to knock the chest of the damned souls. The knocking of the big axe on the chest of the damned souls sounds as if tire burst. These people shouted, “HO HO HO HO, THIS HURT TOO MUCH! WHERE IS MY SAVIOR?” (Proverb 6:25-33; Matthew 5:28; 1 Peter 2:11). There is no way of escape in Hell fire. Resist the Devil quickly before he takes you to Hell.


In Hell, I saw the punishment of those who bleached their bodies with bleaching creams and soaps while they were alive. I saw how these damned people in Hell were using acid to rub their bodies continuously and their bodies will just melt agonizingly. The horrible torment is continuous and their tears are very dark. They were crying seriously because as their flesh melts, new one would just appeared and the torment will repeat itself. They can’t stop! They are eternally damned!  They cried agonizingly but there is no way of escaping. (1 John 2:15). I am not saying that using of a cream or soap is a sin, but using bleaching cream or soap to change your skin or to bleach your body is a sin that can damn your soul in Hell fire when you die. Stop bleaching your skin with bleaching cream, soap or whitening capsules. Avoid Hell fire! Be contented with your natural skin complexion. If your skin complexion is black, don’t bleach it. Remain as you are and praise God for your natural skin complexion. Avoid the temptation of Satan that is tempting you to bleach your skin. Don’t end up in Hell fire! You have been warned!

Road to hell


In Hell, I saw some group of people, the demons were using some kind of machine to remove their skin despite that fire was also burning them. They cried for mercy but it was too late for them to repent.



Snake on Head Of Lost Soul In Hell

Worms In Head Of A Lost Soul In Hell

Insects Of Torment In Hell

I saw how horrible looking snakes were moving on the bodies of damned people in Hell. This is the time to repent and return to Lord Jesus Christ, the only “WAY and the LIFE.” (John 14:6). I began to beg the Lord Jesus Christ to take me out of Hell fire. I could see the sorrow of the Lord Jesus Christ and His weeping like that of a baby. Lord Jesus Christ said, “I LAID DOWN MY LIFE FOR THESE PEOPLE, BUT THEY IGNORED MY FREE OFFER OF SALVATION.” (Hebrews 9:14). He then took me out of Hell.


Immediately we got to Heaven, I discovered its beauty has increased. I began to look at beautiful flowers with wonderful odor. I could see how the four living creatures (Revelation 4: 6-11) are praising the King of Glory, their appearance was like a man, but they had four faces according to the description of Prophet Ezekiel 1:5-8.

The Glorious New Jerusalem

New Jerusalem beautiful landscape

River of life and tree of life

Golden New Jerusalem


Suddenly, I heard the loud sound of a trumpet and the voice of multitude of Angels. They shouted: “PRAISE THE KING OF KINGS, THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN, FOR A SOUL HAS JUST MADE IT TO THIS GLORIOUS KINGDOM.” I could see the smile of Lord Jesus Christ, so wonderful. I looked and behold a soul was just coming from Earth to the kingdom of Heaven. I looked at the person and I discovered the person was a LADY. She was just coming and the Angels quickly went to welcome her. She was clothed with garment of joy. (Matthew 8:11) Glory be to God. Amen.

Joyous Raptured Saint


Lord Jesus Christ asked me, “DO YOU WISH TO SEE JOHN THE BELOVED?”  I gladly answered, “YES” and Lord Jesus Christ smiled. We entered a glorious room in a very big house.

Heavenly golden city (New Jerusalem)

I saw a young man resting, waiting for me and you. He called me: “SAMSONJUDE, I AM VERY HAPPY TO SEE YOU.” I replied “ME TOO.” He spoke to me about the events in the book of REVELATION. The Lord Jesus Christ stood and was looking at both of us with smile. Then I told MY DADDY JESUS, “Please I don’t want to leave John the Beloved.” Lord Jesus Christ said, “SON, YOU NEED TO RETURN TO THE EARTH AND TELL THEM THE REALITY OF THIS PLACE (HEAVEN) AND I AM STILL COMING BACK TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT.”


As I left the place, Apostle John waved his hand to me and said, “I WILL BE WAITING FOR YOU.”  Lord Jesus Christ showed me beautiful houses in Heaven and said, “I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLACE FOR MY OBEDIENT CHILDREN. TELL THEM TO PREPARE FOR MY COMING.” (John 14:2-6).



What is that sin that is pushing you towards the gate of Hell? What is that sin in your life like a mountain? REBUKE THEM QUICKLY BEFORE THE SUDDEN ARRIVAL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST ON IMMINENT GLORIOUS RAPTURE DAY.


Lord Jesus Christ told me that He want to show me some great events that will happen on Earth very soon. Let us take a look at them.


Behold, I saw the Angels at the four corners of Heaven with golden trumpets in their hands. They blew their trumpets and behold, “THE DEAD IN THE LORD AROSE FROM THEIR GRAVES. THEIR BODIES CHANGED GLORIOUSLY INTO IMMORTALITY. THEY FLEW UP TO MEET THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE AIR.” (1 CORINTHIANS 15:52). OH GRAVE, WHERE IS YOUR VICTORY FOR THE SAINT HAS DEPARTED FROM YOU TO MEET THE LAMB OF GOD (LORD JESUS CHRIST). The resurrected Saints were followed by the few of those who are spotless (living born again Believers). Those who are living a holy life transformed gloriously and disappeared from the world to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18).

Resurrection and Rapture

Rapture Flight

 “What we are teaching you now is the Lord’s teaching: we who are alive on the day the Lord comes will not go ahead of those who have died. There will be the shout of command, the archangel’s voice, the sound of God’s trumpet, and the Lord Himself will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. So then, encourage one another with these words (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18).” “Listen to this secret truth: we shall not all die, but when the last trumpet sounds, we shall all be changed in an instant, as quickly as the blinking of an eye. For when the trumpet sounds, the dead will be raised, never to die again, and we shall all be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).”

Raptured Saints

See how left behind people were crying agonizingly. Some intentionally hurt themselves because they were left behind. Some deliberately hit their heads against the wall saying, “JESUS, THIS IS NOT OUR AGREEMENT TO COME AT THIS HOUR!” Some said, “IS IT TRUE, AM I DREAMING AT ALL, WHO WILL WAKE ME FROM MY DREAM?”

Can God forget His promise? No! He can never forget His promise. Lord Jesus Christ told us His coming is like the thief in the night. (1 Thessalonians 5:2). Many lukewarm believers and unbelievers are fond of saying that in 20 years to come, Jesus can never come. YOU ARE JUST DECEIVING YOURSELF BECAUSE HEAVEN AND EARTH SHALL PASS AWAY BUT THE WORD OF THE LORD SHALL STAND FOREVER. (LUKE 21:33). Many said, “LET ME COMMIT THIS FORNICATION, I KNOW JESUS CAN NOT COME AT THIS HOUR OF MY SIN.” You are just deceiving yourself, killing yourself gradually FOR THE LORD IS NOT SLACK CONCERNING HIS PROMISE, FOR HIS COMING SHALL BE LIKE THE THIEF IN THE NIGHT. (2 PETER 3:9-10).

Rapture Event

On Rapture day, I saw a Pilot who was raptured while his plane crashed to the ground. There were many planes crashing to the ground all over the world on Rapture day. The air planes fell on the dry land so that left behind people might suffer with flowing of blood and lamenting of the left behind lukewarm Christians and careless unbelievers. I saw a bus going with full speed and the driver was raptured suddenly! There was a trailer coming also with speed, it hit the swerving bus and the legs of some passengers broke. I could see the skulls of some passengers but they never died. IF YOU ONLY WATCH AND YOU NEVER PRAY, YOU WILL SURELY MISS THE RAPTURE! IF YOU ONLY PRAY AND YOU NEVER WATCH, BE READY TO MISS THE RAPTURE.  THEREFORE, WATCH AND PRAY. BOTH OF THEM ARE VERY IMPORTANT AND NOT JUST ONE. (EPHESIANS 6:18).


Suddenly, I saw a great giant (satanic Principality) full with power to rule the world. He said, “NOW IT IS TIME TO RULE THE WORLD!” There was One Government and One President (Antichrist) in a New World Order (NWO). There was One Currency and on it was written “666” with image of the Beast (Antichrist) on it. No one can buy or sell, or eat, or drink water or travel, without having the mark “666” in their right hands or foreheads (RFID chip/human barcode: 666).

New World Order Goals

I saw wicked demons walking around like soldiers, looking for those who didn’t have the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666). After being captured, the wicked demons removed the eyes of those who refused to take the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666), Some of these people were thrown into boiling water alive. Some were thrown into boiling oil and they removed the skin of some people alive. They removed the teeth of some people alive while they cut the hands and legs of some people alive, yet they cried for their soul, but no more helper.(Revelation 13:16-18).

Tribulation Force

Left behind lukewarm believers and unbelievers who refused to take the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will have no access to the money in their bank accounts, the money they are presently hiding from the poor and the work of GOD (online/offline Evangelism), but now all gone forever. Their money will be useless to them because they will suffer agonizingly and starve to death while hiding in mountainous caves and thick forest during the great tribulation period.



Indeed, according to Revelation 6-16, after imminent glorious Rapture, this world will experience 7 years worldwide tribulation period full of severe trials, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, wars, divine judgments, etc. Millions of left behind lukewarm believers will be martyred for their faith in Lord Jesus Christ by the satanic agents of Antichrist. Severe tribulation will be worldwide after Lord Jesus Christ removes Rapture ready born again Christians and the restraining power of the Holy Spirit (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12).

The revealing of Antichrist will spell trouble, terror and tragedy for the unbelievers and lukewarm believers left behind on glorious Rapture day. The “man of sin” (Antichrist) prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 will achieve worldwide power by conning his deluded followers worldwide to follow him. He will pretend as if he can create an orderly society out of one that has been reeling in chaos. His False Prophet will work miraculous wonders by the power of Satan. Later, the benevolence of Antichrist will turn to malevolence. He will fiercely persecute and attempt to slaughter all who accept Lord Jesus Christ and would refuse his demand that he be worshipped as “God” (Revelation 6:9-11). Antichrist will conduct a reign of terror bringing death to multitudes, both Jews, left behind lukewarm believers and Gentiles (unbelievers).

Antichrist Blasphemy

Antichrist will not be the only source of suffering during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. In addition, this terrible period will be marked by great calamity that will come as a result of God’s judgment and wrath (Joel 1:15, Revelation 11:18; 16:9). Amid this devastation will be the death of one quarter of the world’s population (Revelation 6:8), massive earthquakes (Isaiah 2:19), catastrophic fires (Isaiah 24:1-6) and sudden destruction (1 Thessalonians 5:3). The Earth will experience unparalleled trouble as God’s wrath is poured out on all left behind people (Isaiah 13:6-11). The unbelieving nations will not go unpunished by the hand of God. They will live to hate the day they cast their lot with God’s arch-enemy (Satan). For generations their leaders will have rejected God and mocked the Lord Jesus Christ. A just punishment will befall them during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. Two sections of the New Testament describe the events of these 7 years worldwide tribulation period. Read Matthew 24 and Revelation 6-16. These prophetic details indicate how left behind people worldwide will suffer during this frightening time.

The suffering and death that will fall on the rebellious nations during the great tribulation period will be horrible. Millions upon millions of rebellious people worldwide will die in the terrible outpouring of God’s wrath. However, due to demonic possession, the majority of rebellious people who are still alive will not repent. “…and people bit their tongues because of their pains, and they cursed the God of heaven for their pains and sores. But they did not turn from their evil ways.” (Revelation 16:10-11).

During the 7 years worldwide tribulation period, there will be a great multitude of Gentiles (Unbelievers) who will repent from their sins and accept Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. They and the left behind lukewarm believers will come to Heaven as great tribulation saints due to their martyrdom by Antichrist and his satanic agents. Apostle John refers to them as a great multitude which no one could number from every race, tribes, nations and languages (Revelation 7:9-17).


Wicked demons (Aliens) from the satanic kingdom will invade the Earth massively after the imminent glorious Rapture. During the great tribulation period, these wicked demons will try to enforce on left behind people, their own version of the mark of the Beast (666). Even if you try to evade the compulsory “666” micro-chipping (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) mandated by Antichrist and False Prophet, the wicked demons will attempt to brand your forehead or right hand with the satanic “666” mark. Once you are branded with the “666” mark of the Beast, you are doomed forever! That means you belong to Satan, forever separated from God. You must be ready to die rather than accepting the RFID chip/human barcode: 666 or the demonic “666” branding on your forehead or right hand. You will make Heaven if you prefer to be martyred. If you are micro-chipped or branded with the demonic “666” mark, you are hell-bound for eternity (Revelation 14:9-11). On the great judgment day, you will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). You have been warned!

Mark of the Beast

Can you hide in the Amazon jungle during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period? Can you survive in a dark, mountainous cave without food and water for 7 years? Can you cope with mosquito bites, scorpion attacks, snake bites and attacks from wild animals while hiding in thick forest or caves during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period? It is better for you to be perpetually ready for the imminent glorious Rapture. Wake up from your spiritual slumber! Stop your Rapture scoffing! Stop mocking dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners. Repent from your cold/lukewarm attitude now! Don’t be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day.

To ensure their strict devotion to Antichrist as well as loyalty to his false One World Religion, and compliance with its satanic rituals, False Prophet will fix it so that deluded left behind people could not earn money or buy the things they need unless they take a mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) signifying their belief in the false “Messiah(Antichrist). Refusing to receive the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be punishable by horrible torture and death by beheading or other horrible means (Revelation 13:16-18). From that period, following Lord Jesus Christ by left behind lukewarm believers will require great faith that will lead to martyrdom. Reign of terror (Hell on Earth) will be unleashed during this great tribulation period.

RFID Chip Scan

“The beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) placed on their right hands or their foreheads. No one could buy or sell without having this mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666), that is the Beast’s (Antichrist) name or the number that stands for the name. This calls for wisdom. Whoever is intelligent can work out the meaning of the number of the beast (Antichrist), because the number stands for a human name. Its (Antichrist) number is 666.” (Revelation 13:16-18).

The Bible is quite clear that receiving the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) during the great tribulation period is completely and obviously tied to the worship of the Antichrist. No one will take the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) by accident. You will be asked to swear allegiance to Antichrist as an act of worship. People receiving the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) during the time of the great tribulation period will know exactly why they are getting it. It will be because they will be acknowledging, falsely, the Antichrist as “God.” The coming One World Government under Antichrist and the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will control the lives of every left behind people on the face of the Earth during the great tribulation period.

Bar Code

The mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be a financial identification system that the Antichrist will establish during the great tribulation period. He will use the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) as a tool for controlling all aspects of society. The Antichrist will make it compulsory for everyone to have a tiny microchip (RFID) implanted under the skin of the right hand or on the forehead. The microchip will hold various amounts of data pertaining to each person who receives the implant. Right now, advanced technology exists to fully implement this system. Everyone who receives the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will have to swear allegiance to the Antichrist and acknowledge him as the supreme authority (God). This is why all who take the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be condemned to eternal burning Hell (Revelation 14:9-11). All who choose not to receive the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be unable to buy anything because cash, checks, credit cards and debit cards will all be replaced by the Beast system’s instant funds.

The Microchip (Mark of The Beast)

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic data capture technology that uses tiny tracking chips affixed to products. These tiny chips can be used to track items at a distance. Many of the world’s largest manufacturing companies would like to replace the barcode (666) with these “spy chips,” meaning that virtually every item on the planet and the people wearing and carrying those items could be remotely tracked.

The global decision makers are gradually manipulating us to embrace a world system that will monitor and track our every move as well as record every purchase. Therefore, when this system that the Bible calls the “mark of the Beast” (RFID chip/human barcode: 666)  is totally enforced after the imminent glorious Rapture, you will not be able to buy anything or sell anything without the permission of the New World Order (NWO) Government being ruled by Antichrist. You will be completely and totally controlled. They will apply this RFID technology to everything. Through this high-tech system, they will link together your thumb prints (right and left thumbs), finger prints (4 right fingers and 4 left fingers), your eye scan, your financial information, your bank cards, your automatic deposit paycheck, the computer sensors inside your car, your smart phones, your home computer, your medical records, and even brain waves into one, complete system that the New World Order (NWO) Government will control. Without their permission, you will buy nothing, sell nothing, and go nowhere untracked.

MOB (Barcode)

If you get chipped, you will suffer terrible agony in eternal Lake of Fire burning with sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Before that, you will also experience divine punishment on Earth: “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth. Terrible and painful sores appeared on those who had the mark of the beast and on those who had worshipped his image.” (Revelation 16:2).

This is what God says will happen eventually to Antichrist and his satanic False Prophet: “Then the beast (Antichrist) was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked miracles in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with sulfur.” (Revelation 19:20).

After the glorious Rapture (disappearance of true believers from the Earth), God’s Word (Holy Bible) will be very scarce on Earth because it will be forbidden by Antichrist. Therefore, left behind unbelievers will be easily tricked by Antichrist and False Prophet. Satan will harden the hearts of left behind unbelievers against the truth, thus deluding them into believing satanic lies. They will be easily fooled by the satanic deception of the satanic trinity: Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet.

The satanic False Prophet will be a very prominent religious leader widely loved and admired worldwide due to his religious charisma and deceptive manipulations of gullible followers globally. The major job of the False Prophet will be to lead the world’s new false religion (Chrislam) after the glorious Rapture. “Chrislam” is an anti-Christ religion that does not recognize Jesus Christ as the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6). According to Chrislam anti-Christ doctrines, there are many “WAYS” to Heaven, Hell is not an eternal burning place, Lake of fire does not exist, Holy Bible is not the Word of God and Jesus Christ is not the Savior (Messiah) of the world. Chrislam believes in the false teachings of purgatory and reincarnation. Through “Chrislam” (One World Religion), False Prophet will deceive his deluded left behind followers worldwide that Antichrist is the new “Messiah” (Savior) of the world (Revelation 13:11-12).

After the glorious Rapture, the satanic civil government described in Revelation 13:1-18 will be under the total control of Antichrist and his New World Order (NWO) evil forces. The False Prophet will work closely with Antichrist to deceive the unraptured people who are left behind on glorious Rapture day. During the great tribulation period, left behind lukewarm Christians who are now very zealous for Lord Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18).

There will be two kinds of people on the Earth during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period: those who will accept Lord Jesus Christ by faith in His blood shed on the cross for their sins and those who will reject Lord Jesus Christ and instead follow Antichrist. The deluded followers of Antichrist will end up killing those who believe and revere the name of Jesus Christ. Presently, where do you stand? Have you ever personally invited Lord Jesus Christ to come into your life to forgive your sins and save your soul from eternal doom in eternal burning Hell? If so, when? If you have not done so or you are not sure you have, you must do so right now! Rapture is imminent! Do not delay your salvation till tomorrow! Rapture will take place suddenly when you are not expecting it. Don’t be left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day!

According to Biblical prophecies, Antichrist will become very powerful globally after imminent glorious Rapture due to satanic empowerment. People will worship Satan through Antichrist because he will be a possessed Satanist (“Beast”). Antichrist will gather a huge following through satanic deception and also cause untold suffering in the world, especially for the unraptured cold/lukewarm Christians. Antichrist will receive his power, throne and authority from Satan (Revelation 13:2). He will be a ruler, conqueror, guilty of terrible blasphemy against God, put himself above everything and everyone and also proclaim himself to be “God” (Revelation 6:2, 13:5; Daniel 11:37; 2 Thessalonians 2:4).

Antichrist will attack unraptured cold/lukewarm Christians; kill millions of them for refusing to accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) and worship his image; have authority over the nations; demand that his image be worshipped by everybody and his number will be “666” (Revelation 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 13:7-18). If you are not raptured, you may end up receiving Antichrist satanic mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) and worship him (Revelation 3:16-18). Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Procrastination is dangerous! Avoid eternal burning Hell!

The Mark Of The Beast Or Bar-code


Antichrist will be sent by Satan after the imminent glorious Rapture. He will be the “king of fierce countenance,” the “willful king,” the “Man of Sin,” the “Son of Perdition” and the “Beast” (Daniel 8:23-25, 9:26-27, 11:16, 36-38; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 13:1-10). When Antichrist is revealed, the terrible events of the great tribulation and the devastation of the War of Armageddon will occur (2 Thessalonians 2:3; Revelation 6:9-11, 11:18, 13:1-18, 16:9, 19:19-21). After rising to world prominence, Antichrist will conduct a reign of terror, bringing death to millions of people worldwide. The suffering and death that will fall on the nations during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period will be horrible. Satan, Fallen Angels/demons, the False Prophet, Antichrist and his numerous followers worldwide will end up in the eternal Lake of Fire and Sulfur eventually (Revelation 14:9-12, 19:17-21, 20:10-15). Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior today! Stop your unbelieving disposition now!

The RFID chip (high-tech device) is powered externally as needed. Inside the RFID chip is a coil and a capacitor. The size of the RFID chip is 2 millimeters long and about 1 mm in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. The chip is made up of the Tissue Bonding Cap, an Antenna and the ID Chip. During the world reign of the Antichrist, it will have its power and significance.

Microchip (RFID)

When the RFID chip is exposed to an electromagnetic field, the same frequency as the coil is tuned to, then the coil takes some of the energy from this field and charges the capacitor which then powers the chip long enough to transmit, using frequency variations on the same coil that it used to get the power, to transmit a code. Your personal ID number.

The RFID chip is a super sophisticated multi layered microprocessor, which is both a transmitter and a transponder. It can transmit to satellite continuously through short bursts of ultra high frequency. It will be injected (like a shot) underneath the skin of the right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16-18). This transponder technology (RFID chip) will enable the closed surveillance of left behind people in the world during the great tribulation period.



RFID device puts out a digital created signal at specific intervals. This particular interval is a locator signal. It gives vital information on the individual as well as a locator marker signal. It has a release pattern, separate receiving antennal and separate broadcasting antenna. It has a microchip that stores nine items: name and digital picture, digitized fingerprints data, physical description, your address and previous addresses, family history, present occupation and income, bank/tax information and any money owed, your criminal record if any and your new social security number. Your new number will be 18 digits. The first five of your zip code, with the additional four after the hyphen and your social security number. These 18 digits will be grouped into three sections (666).


Presently, the RFID chip is ready, the needle to inject the RFID chip is ready, the patent is ready, the controlled mass media (TV, Newspapers, Radio) is ready and the general public has been well prepared for many years through subliminal manipulations with the help of TV, Radio and other mind control tools. Before and after the imminent Rapture, you are now being seriously warned not to let anyone, for any reason, inject any chip in your right hand or forehead.

RFID Chip Insertion

If you have noticed the current trend worldwide, the global decision makers are gradually getting society used to the idea of a cashless system, first checks, then credit/debit cards, then smart cards. Finally, they will go public with the “implantable transponder” (RFID chip) or human barcode tattoos. The deceptive justification will be that with “implantable transponder” (RFID chip) or human barcode tattoos, you will no longer have to worry about your cards being lost, stolen or forgotten and that without any cash to be robbed of, you will be a much less desirable target of crime, and since all financial transactions will have a computer record, all other types of crime will be more difficult. However, because of the evil behind the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) as shown in the Bible’s clear warning, it is to be absolutely avoided if you truly value your soul. The deceptive justification that may also be used is the excuse of a (planned) “world financial crisis” implying that in order to save the world economy, we have to go to a cashless system. They will try to convince people that it is for the benefit of humanity.


Microchip implantation is currently introduced as a voluntary procedure. A mandatory national identification system via microchip implants could be achieved in two stages: Upon introduction as a voluntary system, the microchip implantation will appear to be palatable. After there is a familiarity with the procedure and knowledge of its benefits, implantation would be mandatory. If the government can force you to surrender your fingerprints to get a driver’s license, why can’t it force you to get a computer chip implant? As Social Security numbers were first voluntary, then mandatory, biometric chip implants are universally inevitable after the imminent glorious Rapture. If you are left behind on imminent Rapture day, do not accept the mark of the Beast! (Revelation 14:9-11) “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”

Now, you know what the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is. No more excuse or argument. If you are left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day and the day comes when you are asked to choose whether or not you will be implanted with the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666), you know what your answer should be. No! This is not a game and it is not a science-fiction story. The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is real! The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is happening! The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is fulfillment of Bible prophecy and cannot be stopped. But there is one thing you can do…Don’t take it! If you are not raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day, you must be ready to die as a martyr during the great tribulation period if you want to come to Heaven as a great tribulation period Saint (Revelation 6:9-11).

From what you have read so far, it is now obvious that the “Church age” will come to a distinct end on imminent glorious Rapture day and will be followed by the “day of God’s wrath” (the unfulfilled worldwide tribulation period of 7 years – Daniel 9:27). Rapture ready born again Christians (“the bride of Christ”) will not go through the 7 years worldwide tribulation period because it is not for us due to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Because you have kept My command to endure, I (Jesus Christ) will also keep you safe from the time of trouble (the worldwide tribulation period of 7 years) which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

Lord Jesus Christ will deliver us on imminent glorious Rapture day from the wrath that is coming to the Earth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. “The bride of Christ” is not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) but to salvation or deliverance. “For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). Lord Jesus Christ alluded to our merciful escape from the coming day of wrath that shall try the whole Earth. “Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36).

The 7 years worldwide tribulation period is not for “the bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians). Instead, it is for Israel to fulfill prophecy and for the Gentiles (Unbelievers) to be punished if they refuse to repent and accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To understand end times prophecy, you must distinguish between the “Church,” Israel and the Gentiles. The “Church” is really made up of both believing Jews and converted Gentiles who have spiritually experienced the “born again” (John 3:3-16) relationship with Lord Jesus Christ by faith. They have entered into the kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ spiritually by faith, awaiting the day when they will enter His physical kingdom by His glory and power at His glorious second coming to Earth. They are not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) which is really for unbelieving Jews and rebellious Gentiles.

The glorious Rapture will be sudden and unexpected! Rapture ready born again Christians are looking for Lord Jesus Christ and perpetually ready for His glorious appearance in the sky on glorious Rapture day. They are spiritually prepared for Lord Jesus Christ like an expectantbride” awaiting the coming of her Groom (Jesus Christ). “The bride of Christ” is perpetually ready for the glorious Rapture. However, lukewarm/cold Christians who live worldly, carnal lives show by their deeds that they have little or no anticipation for the glorious appearance of Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day. Some of them did not want Jesus Christ to come in their life time while some want Jesus Christ to delay His coming perpetually. They will regret their actions when they are left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day and experience the agonies of the 7 years worldwide tribulation period.

Resurrection & Rapture Day

Deliverance of “the bride of Christ” from the world’s greatest period of wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) is a gift of Lord Jesus Christ for His devoted Rapture ready born again Christians. Jesus Christ loves us because He is our anticipated “Groom.” Therefore, it is like the perfect “Groom” (Jesus Christ) to manifest His love by rapturing His devoted “bride” (Rapture ready born again Christians) before the period of wrath just because He loves her. The present distress, economic challenges, calamities, rebellious militancy and violent Islamic terrorism (ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda, etc.) being experienced in some countries worldwide are “birth pains” prior to our merciful deliverance on glorious Rapture day. We must not give up our faith in Lord Jesus Christ. The love of Lord Jesus Christ for “the bride of Christ” is sufficient to sustain our “blessed hope” of being raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day.


Divine Revelation Of The Agonies Of Tormented Souls In Hell Fire!

True Divine Revelation By Sori Park

I and Lord Jesus Christ walked for a while and came to the place of agonizing cries. It was the Hell! When Abraham was holding Lazarus and talking with a rich man in Hell, there was a huge pit. I felt about the same distance as it. Entering the Hell, I saw a small prison before me. There was one of my relatives who died without believing in Lord Jesus Christ. He was reaching out his hands towards me and begging me desperately! Maggots were crawling in his body and eating a part of his face in the left side. Despite all of those, I intuitively knew that he was my relative. “Get me out of here!” I had nothing that I could do for him. “I have no power. I am sorry!” I answered sadly. Even though we were connected with blood, I could not save him whose life had been ended.

We should do everything we can do to help other souls to be saved when they are still alive. Once they stop breathing, there is nothing you can do for them! I asked, “What kind of people are coming to the Hell, Jesus?” Lord Jesus Christ answered, “It is those who don’t believe in me, betray me, or don’t love me. I do not want even a single person to be thrown into Hell. I truly and sincerely hope no Hell for all souls. Go and tell people that I don’t want any people to come to Hell!”

Lord Jesus Christ was so sad that He dropped His head on one side and moaned. I could see a pit of fire below the place where He was talking to me. There were people holding out hands and bawling out in it. “Save us out of here, Lord!” There were screaming because there was so much heat! Words are not enough to describe their pain and desperation. My soul started to cry out loud.

There was a long row of small prisons just like one I saw before over the pit. It was filled by people, who were only skeletons and holding out bony arms through the iron bars.
I was crying and so surprised to see that. “What kind of people is thrown into those prisons?” I asked Jesus. “It is my servants that betrayed me. I gave them a royal gift to spread Lord’s words, but they took my glory as their glory and their greed.” I then started to cry again. My crying became louder and louder until it turned into wailing. I could not bear the pain. It was the pain of Lord Jesus Christ. He let me feel His pain. I was tired of crying and sat down, crying more by holding His clothes. He patted me on my head and said in a sorrowful tone with tears in His eyes, “Don’t cry, my daughter.” He kept patting on my head.

Those Who Are Criticizing God’s Words

Suddenly I saw flames before me. They were burning up right in front of my eyes. I saw people screaming in pain in the flames. It was like a close-up version of the Hell fire I saw before. Then another scene came up. I was not sure whether it was a fire pit or prison. I was able to make only a person out. At the moment, I heard the voice of Lord Jesus Christ but He was not there to be found. “He listened to my words, but he chose not to believe it and just criticized it.” Endless rows of small snakes that were as thick as a finger were coming out of his eyes, nose, ears, mouth and other part of his body. He kept screaming in pain with his mouth open wide. I lowered my head because it was too painful to watch him suffer from small snakes. Then I urged Lord Jesus Christ again, saying, “I don’t want to see any more. It is too painful. Please take me to Heaven right now.” He took me, who was crying endlessly, to another place. It was back in Heaven.

Burning soul in hell

Divine Encounter With Lord Jesus Christ And Divine Revelation Of Agonies Of Hell Fire!

True Divine Revelation By 7 Columbian Youths

“There was a rich man that dressed in purple and fine linen, who enjoyed luxurious living every day.  In front of his gate a beggar named Lazarus was placed, covered with sores, and hungering to be fed crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table.  Even the dogs came and licked his sores. The beggar died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom.  The rich man also died and was buried, and while suffering tortures in hades, he looked up and from a distance saw Abraham with Lazarus in his bosom.  So he called out, ‘Father Abraham, take pity on me and send Lazarus to dip his fingertip in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this fire.’  But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that you enjoyed the good things in your lifetime while Lazarus had the bad things; now he is being comforted here but you are suffering anguish.  Besides, there is a great chasm fixed between you and us, so that those who want to cross from here to you are unable; neither can they cross from your side to us.’” (Luke 16:19).

The Bible, the Word of God, is very clear about the subject of Heaven and Hell.  In the passage that we have just read, the Lord Jesus Christ tells us about two places: Heaven and Hell, the place of condemnation and the place of salvation.  There is no intermediate place.  Purgatory does not exist.  Limbo does not exist, where men stay for a while after they have departed from Earth, before they go to Heaven. The Bible is very clear about this.

God gave us a divine revelation that would change the direction of our lives.  We had just begun to know about God and His Word.  We are seven youths to whom God has given the privilege and great responsibility of sharing this divine revelation with the world.

Everything started at approximately 10:00 a.m. We were praying and were prepared to go out on a picnic later that day.  Suddenly around 10 a.m, a very bright white light shone through one of the windows.  When the light appeared, we were all immediately baptized with the Holy Spirit, and we began to speak in tongues.

When it happened, we were all astonished and fascinated by what we saw.  The glorious light illuminated the entire room.  It was much brighter than the light of the sun.  In the middle of the light we saw a host of Angels dressed in white.  The Angels were very beautiful, tall, and very handsome.

In the middle of the Angels we saw an amazing sight—the figure of a Man.  The image was of a Special Being, a Man dressed in a pure white mantle and robe, whose hair resembled gold threads.  We could not see His face because of the brilliance of the light; however, we could see a gold sash across His chest with gold lettering that read, King of kings and Lord of lords.”  He had pure gold sandals on His feet and His beauty was without equal.  When we saw Him, we all fell to our knees.

Then we began to hear His voice.  It was extraordinary and wonderful; every word penetrated our hearts like a double-edged sword, just as is written in the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12).  He spoke to us in very simple yet powerful words.  We audibly heard Him say to us, “My little children, don’t be afraid. I am Jesus of Nazareth. I have visited you to show you a mystery, so you can reveal it and tell it to towns, nations, cities, churches, and every place.  Where I tell you to go, you will go, and where I tell you not to go, you will not go.

The Holy Bible, the Word of God, says in Joel 2:28, “It shall come to pass after this that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.”  These are the times that God is preparing for all people.

Then something strange happened. A rock appeared in the middle of the room. The Lord Jesus Christ, who was with us, made us get on the rock.  It was about eight inches above the floor. Then a large hole appeared in the floor.  It was a huge, black, terrifying hollow or cavern.  We fell on the rock and began descending through the hole in the floor.  The hole was dark and led to the center of the Earth.

While in the gloomy darkness, we were very scared!  We were so afraid that we said to the Lord Jesus Christ, “Lord, we don’t want to go there!  Don’t take us to that place Lord!  Take us out of here Lord!”  The Lord Jesus Christ answered us in a very beautiful and tender voice, “This experience is necessary so you can see and tell others.

We were in a horn-shaped tunnel. We started to see shadows, demons and figures moving about.  We kept going deeper and deeper.  In just a matter of seconds, we felt emptiness and great fear.

We then arrived at some caverns, at some terrible doors, like a labyrinth.  We didn’t want to go inside.  There was a terrible odor and heat that choked us.  Once we entered, we saw terrible things, frightful images.  The entire place was engulfed in flames. In the middle of the flames were the bodies of thousands of people.  They were suffering in great torment.  The sight was so horrifying that we didn’t want to look.

The place was divided into different sections of torment and suffering.  One of the first sections that the Lord Jesus Christ allowed us to see was the “Valley of the Cauldrons,” as we called it.  There were millions of cauldrons.  They were inlaid at ground level and each had boiling lava inside.  Within each one was the soul of a person who had died and gone to Hell.

As soon as the souls saw the Lord Jesus Christ, they started to shout and scream, “Lord, have mercy on us!  Lord give me a chance to get out of here!  Lord, take me out and I will tell the world that this place is real!”  But the Lord Jesus Christ didn’t even look at them.  There were millions of men, women and young people there.  We also saw homosexuals and drunkards in torment.  All of the people were shouting in very great torment.

It shocked us to see how their bodies had been destroyed.  Worms were going in and out of their empty eye sockets, mouths, and ears, and were penetrating their skin all over their bodies.  This fulfills the Word of God written in Isaiah 66:24, “They shall go forth; they shall gaze upon the dead bodies of those who have rebelled against Me; for their worm shall not die, nor shall their fire be quenched; they shall be an abhorrence to all mankind” and also in Mark 9:44, “Where their worm never ceases and the fire is not put out.”  We were horrified by what we were seeing.  We saw flames about 9 to 12 feet high.  Within each flame was the soul of a person who had died and gone to Hell.

The Lord Jesus Christ allowed us to see a man who was inside of one of the cauldrons.  He was upside down and pieces of flesh were falling off his face.  He stared at the Lord Jesus Christ intently and then started to shout and call on the name of Jesus.  He pleaded, “Lord have mercy!  Lord give me a chance!  Lord take me out of here!”  But the Lord Jesus Christ wouldn’t look at him.  Jesus simply turned His back to him.  When Jesus did this, the man started to curse and blaspheme the Lord Jesus Christ.  The man was John Lennon, the member of the satanic music group called “The Beatles.”  John Lennon was a man who mocked and made fun of the Lord Jesus Christ during his lifetime.  He said that Christianity was going to disappear and Jesus Christ would be forgotten by all.  However, today this man is in Hell and Lord Jesus Christ is alive!!  Christianity hasn’t disappeared either.


As we started to walk on the edge of that place, the souls extended their hands toward us and begged for mercy.  They asked Jesus to take them out of there, but the Lord wouldn’t even look at them.

Then we started to go through other sections. We came to the most terrible section of Hell, where the worst torments are experienced, the center of Hell.  There, the most intense forms of suffering are endured; the torments are so severe that they are beyond human expression.  The only people there were those who knew Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God.  There were Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, and all types of people that had once accepted Lord Jesus Christ and known the truth, but had lived a double life.

There were also backsliders. Their suffering was a thousand times worse than anyone else’s.  They were shouting and begging the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy, but the Word of the Lord says in Hebrews 10:26-27, “For if we go on sinning willfully after acquiring the knowledge of the truth, there is no longer left any sacrifice for sins, but some dreadful anticipation of judgment and of a fierce fire that is to devour those who oppose God.

Those souls were there because they preached, fasted, sung and lifted their hands in church, but on the streets and in their homes they lived in adultery, fornication, lying, and robbery.  We cannot lie to God.  The Bible says that to whom much has been given, much also will be required.  (Luke 12:48).

God then allowed us to see two women who had been Christian sisters while on Earth, but who didn’t live a righteous life before the Lord Jesus Christ.  One said to the other, “You cursed wretch!  It’s your fault that I am in this place!  You didn’t preach to me a holy gospel!  Because you didn’t tell me about the truth, I am now here in Hell!”  They would say these things to each other in the midst of the flames. They hated each other because there is no love, mercy or forgiveness in Hell.

There were thousands of souls who had known the Word of God, but whose lives weren’t clean before the holy presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. “You cannot play with God or the flames of Hell!” The Lord Jesus Christ said.  He also told us, “My sons, all the suffering on Earth concentrated in just one place is nothing, NOTHING, compared with the suffering that a person experiences in the best parts of Hell.”  If it is that terrible for those who suffer the least in Hell, how much worse must it be for those in the center of Hell, who once knew the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and walked away from it.  Then the Lord Jesus Christ told us that we could play with the fire on Earth, but never with the fire in Hell.

We continued walking through different sections and the Lord Jesus Christ showed us many other people.  We noticed that all the people there experienced approximately six different types of torment.  There were souls tormented by demons with all kinds of punishment.  Another terrible punishment came from their own conscience, which said, “Remember when they preached to you; remember when you heard the Word of God; remember when they told you about Hell and you laughed about it!”  Their own consciences tormented them, just like the worms that crawled all over their bodies, and like the consuming fire that was thousands and thousands of times hotter than we know.  This is the reward that the devil has for all those who seek him and follow him.

The Word of the Lord Jesus Christ says in Revelation 21:8, “As for the cowardly, however, and the unbelieving, and the fearful, the murderers, the immoral, those practicing magic arts, and idolaters, and all liars – their lot is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur.  This is the second death.

Next, the Lord Jesus Christ showed us a man that had murdered six people.  The six people were now surrounding him, and were shouting at him saying, “It is your fault that we are in this place, YOUR FAULT!”  The murderer tried to cover his ears because he didn’t want to listen to them, but he could not avoid listening since in Hell all your senses are much more sensitive.

Souls there are tormented with an intolerable thirst for water that cannot be satisfied in any way, like in the Bible story of Lazarus and the rich man. (Luke 16:19). The rich man in Hell wanted only a single drop of water; that would have been enough.  The Word of the Lord Jesus Christ says in Isaiah 34:9, “The streams of Edom shall be turned into pitch and her soil into brimstone; her land shall become burning pitch.

In that place, every soul was in the midst of the flames.  People saw mirages of crystal-clear rivers in the middle of the fire, but when they tried to reach them, the rivers turned into flames.  They also saw trees with juicy fruit on them, but when they tried to pick the fruit, they would burn their hands, and demons would ridicule them.

Then Lord Jesus Christ took us to a section that was much worse than the other sections that we had seen.  We saw the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8).  On one side of the Lake was a smaller lake.  In the smaller lake were millions and millions of souls crying and begging the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy.  They said to Him, “Lord, please!  Take us out of here even for just a moment!  Please give me the chance to get out!!!”  However, the Lord Jesus Christ could not do anything for them because their judgment was already set.


Among those millions and millions of people, the Lord Jesus Christ allowed us to focus on a man whose body was half-way submerged in the lake of fire.  The Lord Jesus Christ let us know and understand his thoughts.  His name was Mark.  We were amazed by the things he said to himself in his thoughts.  We learned an eternal lesson when we heard him think the following thoughts: “I would give anything to be in your place right now!  I would give anything to go back to Earth for just one minute.  I wouldn’t care if I were the most miserable, sickest, most hated, or the poorest man in the world; I would give anything to go back to Earth for just one minute.”  The Lord Jesus Christ was holding my hand.  Jesus replied to Mark’s thoughts saying, “Mark, why would you like to go back to Earth for even just a single minute?”  With a crying and tormented voice, he told Jesus, “Lord!  I would give anything to go back to Earth for just a single minute simply to repent and be saved.

When the Lord Jesus Christ heard what Mark said, I saw blood come from Jesus’ wounds. Tears filled His eyes as He said, “Mark, it is too late for you!  Worms are set for your bed and worms will cover you.” (Isaiah 14:11). When the Lord Jesus Christ said this to him, he sank into the lake forever.  Sadly, all those souls have no hope and they can never die again (Hebrews 9:27).  Only we on Earth have the chance to repent today and go to Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Soon there was a very foul odor, like the smell of rotten flesh.  It was getting much worse by the second.  Then I heard the voices of millions and millions of souls. They were endlessly shouting, crying out and moaning.  I was so frightened that I turned to the Lord Jesus Christ and said, “Lord where are you taking me?  Lord have mercy on me!  Please have mercy on me!”  The Lord Jesus Christ only said, “It is necessary that you see this, so you can tell everyone else.

We continued going down through the horn-shaped tunnel until we arrived at a place that was pitch-dark.  As if a heavy curtain was lifted from my eyes, I then saw millions and millions of flames.  Even worse, I heard agonizing screams but couldn’t see anyone.  I was very scared.  I said to the Lord Jesus Christ, “Oh please Lord, have mercy on me!  Oh please Lord, have mercy on me! Don’t take me to this place!  Forgive me!”  At the time, I didn’t think that I was just a spectator in Hell; I thought it was the day of reckoning.  Standing before the Lord Jesus Christ, I shook violently because I really thought my life was coming to an end.

We moved closer to a large flame that was ahead of us. It was huge and burning intensely.  I continued to slowly descend as I watched multitudes of flames and heard millions of souls crying with one voice.

Then I saw a wooden table that was not being consumed by the fire.  It had what appeared to be beer bottles on it.  They looked refreshing, but they were full of fire.  While I was looking, a man suddenly appeared.  His flesh was almost completely destroyed and what was left of his clothes were muddy and burning.  He had lost his eyes, mouth and all of his hair in the fire.  He could see me, even though he had no eyes.  I tell you, it is a person’s soul that thinks, reasons and truly sees, not their natural body.

The man extended his skinny hand toward the Lord Jesus Christ and started to cry out, saying, “Lord, have mercy on me!  Lord, have mercy on me!  I am in pain!  I am burning!  Please have mercy and take me out of here!”  The Lord Jesus Christ looked at him with compassion, and I started to feel something warm in my hand.  I looked and found that it was blood…the blood of Jesus!  The Lord’s blood came from His hand as He watched the man suffering in the flames.

Then the man turned his gaze in the direction of the table and walked toward the bottles.  He grabbed a bottle and as he was about to drink from it, fire and smoke shot out of it.  He put his head back and screamed like I had never heard anyone scream before.  He cried with great pain and sorrow, and then started to drink what was in the bottle.  The bottle was full of acid; it totally destroyed his throat.  You could see the acid passing through his stomach and hurting him.

The number 666 was engraved on the man’s forehead.  On his chest was a plate made of some unknown metal that couldn’t be destroyed, not even by the heat or the worms.  It had some letters written on it that we could not understand.  The Lord Jesus Christ, in His great mercy, gave us the translation of what was written: “I am here because I am a drunkard.”  He begged the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy, but the Word of God is very clear when it tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:10, “Thieves, greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God.

The Lord Jesus Christ showed me the man’s last moments on Earth as if I was watching a movie or film.  Something like a large television screen showed me his last seconds before his death.  The man’s name was Luis and he was drinking in a bar.  I saw the same table and the same bottles in the bar.  His friends were around the table.  (I can tell you this now, there is only ONE TRUE FRIEND, and His name is JESUS CHRIST.  He is the Faithful Friend.)  Luis was drinking and his friends were already drunk.  His best friend took a bottle, broke it and started stabbing Luis.  When he saw Luis lying on the floor he ran away, and Luis bled to death on the floor.  The saddest thing was that he died without serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the middle of all this, as all those souls in Hell were crying out, I asked the Lord Jesus Christ, “Oh Lord, please tell me, did this man know about you?  Did he know about your salvation?”  The Lord Jesus Christ sadly replied, “Yes Lupe, he knew about Me.  He accepted Me as his personal Savior, but he did not serve Me.”  Then I felt even more fear.  Luis cried louder and shouted, “Lord it hurts!  It hurts!  Please have mercy on me!”  He extended his hand again toward the Lord Jesus Christ, but Jesus took my hand instead and we walked away from the flames.  The flames consuming Luis became more intense, and he cried louder, “Have mercy on me!  Have mercy on me!!”  He then disappeared in the flames.

We continued walking. The place was huge and very scary!  We approached another flame and I said to the Lord Jesus Christ, “Lord, no!  Please I don’t want to see anymore of this! I beg You to forgive me!  Please forgive me!  I don’t want to see this!”  I closed my eyes, but it didn’t matter; open or closed, I still saw everything.  The flame started to go down slowly and I began to see a woman.  She was covered with mud, and the mud was full of worms.  She had very little hair left, and she was caked with worm-infested mud.  She was being consumed by the worms all over, and she shouted, “Lord, have mercy on me!  Lord, have mercy on me and forgive me!  Look at me!  It hurts!  Have mercy on me!  Take away these worms!  Take me out of this torment, because it hurts so much!”  The Lord Jesus Christ simply looked at her with great sorrow.  As we held His hand, we could feel the pain and sorrow in the Lord’s heart for all the lost souls burning eternally in the flames of Hell.

The woman had no eyes or lips, but she could still see and feel; her pain was just stronger.  She had a bottle in her hands that was full of acid, but she believed that it was perfume.  I could see that it was acid and that every time she sprayed her body it burned her.  Nevertheless, she still kept applying the acid to her body over and over again.  She kept saying that it was an expensive perfume.  She also believed that she was wearing a beautiful necklace, but all I saw were snakes wrapped around her neck.  She believed that she was wearing very expensive bracelets, but I saw that they were actually worms, about a foot long, furiously digging into her bones.  She said that her jewelry was all she had, but I saw scorpions and worms all over her body.  She had a metal plate that everyone wears in Hell. It read, “I am here for robbery.

The woman had no remorse for her sin.  The Lord Jesus Christ asked her, “Magdalena, why are you here?”  She answered, “It didn’t bother me to steal from others.  The only thing I cared about was having my jewelry and getting more expensive perfumes.  I didn’t care who I robbed as long as I looked good.

I held onto Christ’s hand as I watched the worms burrow through her entire body.  Magdalena turned around looking for something.  I asked the Lord Jesus Christ again, “Lord, did this person know about you?”  And the Lord answered, “Yes, this person knew me.

Magdalena started to look around, saying, “Lord where is that woman who talked to me about You?  Where is she?  I have been in Hell for 15 years.”  All the people in Hell can remember everything.  Magdalena kept asking, “Where is the woman?  I can’t see her!”  I knew her body could not turn around because her flesh remained in the same position.  She tried to turn and look into other flames to find the woman who talked to her about Lord Jesus Christ.  The Lord replied, “No!  No, Magdalena, she is not here.  The woman that told you about Me is with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Upon hearing this, she threw herself down in the flames, which burned her even more.  Her metal plate condemned her as a thief.  I want you to read in the Word of the Lord in Isaiah 3:24, “It shall be, that instead of a sweet smell, there will be rottenness; instead of a girdle, a rope; instead of well-set hair, baldness; instead of a rich robe, a wrapping of sack-cloth; instead of beauty, a branding mark.

As we continued walking with the Lord Jesus Christ, I saw a very large column filled with worms.  Around it was a slide made of red-hot metal.  On the column was a brightly-lit billboard that could be seen from everywhere.  The billboard read, “Welcome all liars and gossipers.”  At the end of the slide was a small boiling lagoon.  It looked like burning sulfur.  Then I saw a totally-naked person come down the slide.  As they slid, their skin peeled off and stuck to the slide.  When they fell into the burning lagoon, their tongue expanded until it exploded and worms appeared in place of their tongue.  This began their torment.  The Word of God says in Psalm 73:18-19, “Surely you set them in slippery places; you cast them down to destruction.  How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! They are utterly consumed with terrors.

I just want to tell you that Heaven and Hell are even more real than this physical world that we know.  It is here (Earth) where you decide which direction you want to go: to spend eternity with Lord Jesus Christ or to a burning Hell.  The Lord Jesus Christ kept saying to us, “Without holiness no man will see Me. Without holiness no man will see Me.”  (Hebrews 12:14). That is why I tell you the same thing now, “Without holiness you cannot see the Lord.

Whenever a soul arrives in Hell, that person acquires a body of death.  We arrived at a place with several doors. One of them opened and we entered it with the Lord Jesus Christ.  I would not let go of the Lord’s hand, because I knew that if I did I would stay in Hell forever.

Upon entering the door, I saw an enormous wall.  There were thousands of people hanging by their heads on hooks. Shackles bound their hands to the wall.  We also saw many thousands of people standing in the midst of flames all around.

We went and stood in front of one of the flames, and it started to go down slowly.  Soon I could see a person inside. When he spoke, I could tell it was a man.  He was wearing a priest’s garments, which were totally filthy and shredded.  Worms were slithering in and out all over his body.  He looked charred and burnt by the fire.  His eyes were gone and his flesh was melting and falling to the ground.  But after his flesh had all fallen off, it grew back, and the whole process started again.

Face With Worms

When he saw Jesus he cried, “Lord, have mercy on me! Have mercy on me!  Please let me out of here for just a moment!  Just a minute!”  On the man’s chest was a metal plate with the words, “I am here for robbery.

When Jesus came close, He asked the man, “What is your name?”  The man answered, “Andrew; my name is Andrew, Lord.”  The Lord Jesus Christ asked him, “How long you have been here?”  Andrew answered, “I have been here for a very long time.”  The man began to tell his story.  He said he had the responsibility of collecting tithes and organizing the distribution of money to the poor in his Catholic church.  However, he would steal the money instead.  With eyes full of compassion, the Lord Jesus Christ asked him, “Andrew, have you ever heard the gospel?”  Andrew replied, “Yes Lord, there was a Christian woman who went to the church and preached the gospel once, but I didn’t want to accept it.  I didn’t want to believe it then, but I believe it now!  Now I believe that this is real!  Please Lord, take me out of here, even for just one moment!

As he was speaking, worms were crawling into his eye sockets, exiting his ears, and entering again through his mouth.  He tried to pull them off with his hands but couldn’t.  He was shouting horribly and kept begging God for mercy.  He kept asking Jesus to take him out of there.  Even worse, demons were tormenting him by constantly stabbing him with their spears.  The demons looked just like one of the toy dolls that we have here on earth called, “The Jordanos.”  I saw those dolls in Hell, but they were not dolls anymore; they were alive and demonic.  They were about 3 feet tall and had very sharp teeth.  Blood came out of their mouths and their eyes were completely red.

They were stabbing Andrew with all their might, as well as all those who were in these parts of Hell.  When I saw this, I asked the Lord Jesus Christ how it was possible for a doll on Earth to look exactly like those demons.  The Lord Jesus Christ told me that they were spirits of sadness.

As we continued, we saw thousands of people in torment.  Whenever a soul saw the Lord Jesus Christ, they reached out toward Him with their skinny hands.  I noticed a woman that started to shout when she saw Jesus.  She screamed, “Lord, please have mercy on me!  Take me out of this place!”  She was suffering greatly, and extended her hands toward the Lord Jesus Christ.  She kept begging Him to take her out of there even for just one second.  She was totally naked and covered with mud.  Her hair was filthy and worms were slithering up and down her body.  She tried to take them off with her hands, but every time she scraped some away they would multiply.  The worms were about 6-8 inches long.  The Word of the Lord says in Mark 9:44, “Where their worm never ceases and the fire is not put out

Worms in hell

It was horrifying to see this woman and hear her cries as the worms voraciously ate her flesh.  A metal plate was embedded in her chest that could not be destroyed by the flames.  It read, “I am here for fornication.”  In the same manner as her sin, in Hell she was forced to fornicate with a very disgusting fat snake.  The snake had large thorns all over its body that were about 6-8 inches in length.  The snake penetrated her private parts and traveled inside her body up to her throat.  When the snake entered her, she started to scream.

She began begging the Lord Jesus Christ more intensely to take her out of there, “Lord, I am here for fornication. I have been here for 7 years, since the time I died of AIDS.  I had six lovers, and I am here for fornication.”  In Hell, she had to repeat her sin over and over again.  She had no rest day or night as she suffered the same way continuously.  She tried to extend her hands toward the Lord Jesus Christ, but the Lord just told her, “Blanca, it is too late for you.  Worms shall be your bed, and worms shall cover you.” (Isaiah 14:11)  When the Lord Jesus Christ said those words, a blanket of fire covered her, and I could no longer see her.

We continued walking, seeing thousands and thousands of people.  There were young people, adults and elderly people suffering in torment.  We arrived at a place that looked like a big swimming pool of fire with thousands of men and women inside.  Each of them had a metal plate on their chest that read, “I am here for not giving tithes and offerings.”  When I read those words I asked the Lord Jesus Christ, “Lord, how could it be possible that people are here for that reason?”  The Lord Jesus Christ replied, “Yes, because they thought that giving tithes and offerings were not important, when my Word shows it to be a command.”  In Malachi 3:8-9 it says, “Will a man rob God?  Yet you are robbing Me.  But you say, ‘How have we robbed You?’  In tithes and offerings.  You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you.

The Lord Jesus Christ told me that when His people withhold their tithes, the work of the Lord is hindered and the Gospel is not preached.  The people in that place suffered a thousand times worse than the others, because they knew the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ but disobeyed it.

We continued walking and the Lord Jesus Christ showed me a man. I could only see him from his waist up. I then started to have a vision of how he died.  His name was Rogelio.  He was sitting in his car when a person came up to him and preached the gospel to him and gave him a Bible.  But Rogelio ignored the person’s warning and continued on his way, not knowing that a few minutes later his car would have an accident.  It fell into a ravine, and he died shortly after.

The moment his car crashed, the Bible opened to Revelation 21:8, “As for the cowardly, however, and the unbelieving, and the depraved, the murderers, the immoral, those practicing magic arts, and idolaters, and all liars—their lot is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur.  This is the second death.”  When Rogelio read this verse, he died and arrived in Hell.

He had only been there one month and still had some flesh on his face.  However, he was suffering like everyone else.  At first, he did not know why he was in Hell.  I think that when that Christian approached his car, it was the only and last chance for him to accept the Lord Jesus Christ, the same way that many have had the opportunity to accept Him.  Today, I invite you to open your heart to Lord Jesus Christ. He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 14:6). Only through Him can we be saved and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (Acts 4:12). The Lord Jesus Christ also asks us to follow His ways in holiness and honor.

I saw several tunnels, and we went through the tunnel where people were hanging on hooks by their heads, with shackles on their wrists.  The wall that the people were hanging on seemed to be infinitely long.  Millions of people were hanging on it.  They had worms all over their bodies.  I looked up ahead and saw that there was another wall, exactly like the other.  I said to the Lord Jesus Christ, “Lord!  There are so many people here!”  Immediately, a Scripture verse came to mind, one that I did not recognize.  The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “Hell and Sheol are always hungry.”  (Proverbs 27:20).

We left there and soon arrived at a place we called, “The Valley of the Cauldrons.”  The cauldrons were full of boiling mud. We got close to one of them.  The first person that I saw was a woman.  Her body floated and sank with the boiling mud, but when the Lord Jesus Christ looked at her, she stopped moving and remained suspended in the mud with the mud up to her waist.  The Lord Jesus Christ asked, “Woman, what is your name?”  She answered, “My name is Rubiella.


Her hair was full of boiling mud, and flesh hung from her bones, which were charred black from the fire.  Worms entered through her eye sockets, came out through her mouth, entered again through her nose, and exited her ears.  When the worms could not enter, they simply made a hole and entered other parts of her body, which caused her indescribable pain.

She shouted, “Lord, please!  Take me out of here.  Have mercy on me!  I cannot continue like this any longer!  Make it stop Lord!  I cannot stand it anymore!  Please have mercy on me!”  The Lord Jesus Christ asked her why she was there.  She said she was there because of vanity, which was also the word written on the metal plate on her chest.  In her hand was a common-looking bottle, but to her it appeared to be a very expensive perfume.  Rubiella had to take the bottle, which was full of acid, and spray it all over her body.  The acid caused the flesh that she sprayed to melt, causing her great pain.

She shouted to the Lord Jesus Christ, “Lord, please, have mercy on me!  I cannot stay here any longer! Just a single second Lord!”  I am not saying that it is a sin to use perfume, but the Lord Jesus Christ told us that the woman was there because of the idolization of her perfume, as the Word of the Lord tells us in Deuteronomy 5:7, “You shall not have other gods before me.” She was there because her beauty, perfumes, and vanity were first place in her life.  However, the Lord Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords!  He must be first in your life; that is why she was there.  With sadness, the Lord Jesus Christ looked at her and said, “Rubiella, it is too late for you. Worms shall be your bed, and worms shall cover you.”  When the Lord Jesus Christ said that, a blanket of fire covered her.  As her body was being consumed in the cauldron, she suffered horrible pain.

We then moved far away from there and arrived at a place with giant doors.  As we approached them, they opened for us.  On the other side we saw a giant cavern.  As I looked up I saw different color lights moving like a cloud of smoke.  Suddenly, we heard music—salsa, ballenato, rock, and different kinds of popular music that people listen to on the radio.  The Lord Jesus Christ motioned with His hand, and we saw millions and millions of people hung with chains by their hands.  They were jumping wildly over the fire.

The Lord Jesus Christ looked at us and said, “Look, these are the wages of the dancers.”  They had to jump wildly up and down to the beat of the music.  If salsa was playing, they had to jump to its beat; if any other kind of music was playing, they had to jump to that its beat.  They could never stop jumping.  But worse than that, their shoes had 6-inch spikes on the bottom.  When they jumped, the spikes pierced their feet. They never had a moment’s rest.  When someone tried to stop, demons immediately came up and stabbed them with spears and cursed them saying, “Praise him!  This is your kingdom now! Praise Satan!  Praise him!  You can’t stop! Praise him!  Praise him!  You have to praise him!  You have to jump! You have to dance!  You cannot stop for one second!

Dancing souls in hell

It is unfortunate that many of the people there were Christians who knew the Lord Jesus Christ, but were in night-clubs when they died.  You may be asking, “Where does it say in the Bible that it is wrong to dance?”  In James 4:4 the Word of God says, “Do you not realize, you adulteresses, that friendship with the world is enmity toward God?  Therefore, whoever determines to be a friend of the world becomes God’s enemy.”  Also, in 1 John 2:15-17 it says, “Neither love the world nor the things in the world.  Whoever loves the world has not the Father’s love in his heart, because everything in the world, the passions of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the proud display of life have their origin not from the Father but from the world.  And the world with its lust passes away, but he who does the will of God remains forever.”  Remember, the world will pass away; all this will perish, but the one who does the will of God stands forever.

My friends and brothers, while leaving that place, we saw what looked like bridges that divided Hell into different sections of torment.  We saw a spirit walking over a footbridge.  It looked just like a doll that people have on Earth; people call them Treasure Trolls.  They have different color hair, with an old man’s face but a child’s body, and no sexual parts.  Their eyes are full of evil.  The Lord Jesus Christ explained that they are spirits of loss.  This spirit had a spear in his hands and was walking pompously on the footbridge, like a queen or a pretty runway model.

As he walked, he stabbed people down below with his spear.  He cursed them saying, “Remember the day you were outside a Christian church and you did not want to go in?  Remember the day they preached to you and you did not want to listen?  Remember the day they gave you a gospel tract and you threw it away?”  The lost souls tried to cover the areas where their ears used to be.  They replied to the demon, “Shut up!  Shut up!  Don’t tell me anymore!  I don’t want to know more! Shut up!”  However, the evil spirit enjoyed it because of the pain it caused them.

We continued walking with the Lord Jesus Christ.  While looking at a large group of people, we noticed that one man was shouting louder than any of the others who were burning there.  He was crying, “Father, Father, have mercy on me!”  The Lord Jesus Christ was not going to stop to look at him, but when He heard “Father” He trembled and turned around.  Jesus looked at him and said, “Father?  You call Me Father? No, I am not your Father and neither are you My son.  If you were My son, you would now be with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven.  You are son of your father the Devil.”  Immediately, a blanket of fire came up and completely covered the man’s body.

The Lord Jesus Christ told us the story of the man’s life.  The man called Him “Father” because he had once known Him.  He used to go to church and listen to God through His Word, and he had received many promises from God.  So we asked, “What happened Lord?  So, why is he here?”  The Lord Jesus Christ replied, “He was living a double life; he lived one way at home, and another at church.  He thought in his heart, ‘Well, there is no one that lives close to me, not the Pastor or any other brother, so I can do whatever I want.’  But he forgot that the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ are set on all our ways, and that no one can lie or hide from the Lord.

The Word of the Lord Jesus Christ tells us, “Don’t lie to yourselves; God cannot be deceived.  Because everything a man sows, the same he will harvest.”  (Galatians 6:7) This man was suffering a thousand times worse than the others.  He was receiving a double condemnation—one for his sins, and one for thinking he could deceive the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, people try to rank sins by their gravity; they think that homosexuals, thieves, and murderers are greater sinners than liars or gossips.  But in the Lord’s eyes, all these sins have the same weight and the same pay.  The Bible tells us, “The wages of sin is death.” “The soul that sins will die.” (Romans 6:23) (Ezekiel 18:20). My friends and brothers, I invite you now to accept Jesus’ invitation.  Lord Jesus Christ will extend His hand of mercy to you if you repent.  The Word of the Lord Jesus Christ tells us that mercy will be given to whoever changes his ways and repents.  It is much better to believe now than to wait and find out the hard way later.

The Word of God tells us in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

When we went down there, I felt the anguish and experience of being dead.  I was very frightened by what I saw.  I realized that there were many, many people there, all shouting and crying out.  It was pitch-dark, but with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, the darkness disappeared.  We saw thousands and thousands of souls, all crying out for help and mercy.  They cried out to the Lord Jesus Christ to take them out of there.  We also felt great pain because we knew that the Lord Jesus Christ suffered greatly when He saw them.

Tormented Soul

Many cried out to the Lord Jesus Christ to take them out for just a minute, for just a second.  The Lord Jesus Christ would ask them, “Why do you want to get out?” and they would answer, “Because I want to be saved!  I want to repent and be saved!”  However, it was too late for them.

Dear people who are listening to me now, now is the only opportunity to choose our eternal destination.  You can either choose an eternal place of salvation, or an eternal place of condemnation.

We went farther down.  I saw that the ground we were walking on was being destroyed by fire; mud and flames were coming out of it.  There was also a terrible stench everywhere.  We were very upset and nauseous from the odor and the cries of all the people.

We saw a man in the distance who was waist deep in burning mud.  Whenever he took out his arms, the flesh on his bones would fall off into the mud.  We could see a grey mist inside his skeleton, so we asked the Lord Jesus Christ about it.  The mist was in every person in Hell. The Lord Jesus Christ told us it was their souls trapped inside their bodies of sin, as is written in Revelation 14:11, “And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.


We began to understand many things that we had ignored while on Earth. The most important and clearest message was that our lives on Earth determine where we will spend eternity.

As we walked hand-in-hand with the Lord Jesus Christ, we realized that Hell had many different parts with various levels of torment.  We came to a place with many cells that contained tormented souls.  The souls were being tormented by many different types of demons.  The demons would curse them, saying, “You cursed wretch, praise Satan!  Serve him like you did while you were on Earth!”  The souls suffered terribly from worms, and fire was like an acid that covered their bodies.

We saw two men inside one of the prison cells. Each of them had daggers in their hands and were stabbing the other.  They were saying to each other, “You cursed wretch!  It is because of you that I am here!  You made me come here because you blinded me to the truth and didn’t let me recognize the Lord!  You didn’t let me receive Him!  Many times I had the chance and you didn’t let me accept Him!  That is why I am here, tormented day and night!

Through a vision, the Lord Jesus Christ showed us their lives on Earth.  We saw them in a bar together.  An argument started that led to a fight.  They were already drunk.  One of them took a broken bottle and the other pulled out a knife.  They fought until each of them was mortally wounded and died.  The two men were doomed to repeat that scenario forever.  They were also tormented by the memory that they had been best friends on Earth, like brothers in their love for each other.

I want to tell you today, there is just one real friend, and His name is Jesus of Nazareth.  He is the real friend.  He is the Faithful Friend who is with you every moment.

As we continued walking, we saw a woman inside another cell. She was rolling around in the mud.  Her hair was messed up and full of mud.  Inside the same cell was a large, fat snake.  It moved close to her, surrounded her body, and went inside of her starting at her lower parts.  She was forced to have sexual contact with the snake.  In that place, all the men and women who lived in fornication were forced to repeat it there.  However, they had to do it with snakes covered with 6-inch spikes.  The snake destroyed her body every time it went inside her.  She cried out to the Lord Jesus Christ and asked Him to stop it.  She did not want to suffer anymore. “Make it stop!  I won’t do it again!  Please!  Make it stop!” she begged the Lord Jesus Christ, as the snake went inside and destroyed her body over and over again.

We tried to cover our ears to her cries but we could still hear her.  We then tried even harder to cover our ears, but it didn’t help.  We said to the Lord Jesus Christ, “Please Lord, we don’t want to see and hear this anymore!  Please!”  The Lord Jesus Christ said, “It is necessary that you see this, so you can tell the others, because My people are being destroyed; My people are ignoring the true salvation, the true road to salvation.

We continued walking and saw a giant lake with thousands and thousands of people in the midst of flames.  They waved their hands asking for help, but there were many demons flying over that place.  The demons used spears with S-curved spearheads to hurt the people burning in the lake.  The demons mocked and cursed them saying, “You cursed wretch!  Now you must worship Satan!  Praise him! Praise him as you did while you were on Earth!”  There were thousands and thousands of people.  We were so frightened; we felt that if we did not hold onto the Lord’s hand we would be left in that horrifying place.  We were terrified by the things we were feeling.

In the distance we saw a man who was standing up and in very great pain and agony.  Two demons were flying over him tormenting him.  They would dig their spears into his body and take out his ribs.  They also continually ridiculed him.  Even further, the Lord Jesus Christ showed me that he was tormented by constantly worrying about the family he had left behind on Earth.  The man didn’t want his family to arrive in that same place of torment.  He was worried because he never gave them the message of salvation.  He was tormented because he remembered that they once had a chance to receive the message.  He had a responsibility to give the message to his family, but he chose to ignore it, and now he was worried about his sons and his wife.

The torment continued as the demons cut off his arms, and he fell into the burning mud.  Because of the pain from the burning mud, he squirmed around like a worm.  His flesh fell from his bones because of the heat.  He then started to slither like a snake to try to get out of there.  But every time he tried to get out, the demons pushed him back and he went deeper into the mud.

We then saw a number of demons in one place.  Something caught my attention; I noticed that one of the demons was missing a wing.  I asked the Lord Jesus Christ, “Lord, why is that demon missing one wing?”  The Lord Jesus Christ replied, “That demon was sent up to Earth for one purpose. But he did not accomplish his mission, and was cast back to Hell by one of the servants of God.  Then Satan came and punished him, and cut off one of his wings.”  Then we understood that as born again Christians we have all authority and power in the name of Jesus to cast out all demons and principalities.

Dear friends who are listening to these words right now, this testimony is not for condemnation, but salvation, so you can test yourself and see the condition of your heart before the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is so that you can change your ways, for salvation and not for condemnation.  Right now, lift your heart before the Lord Jesus Christ and confess your sins, so that if the Lord came at this moment you could go with Him to Heaven, instead of going to that place of torment where there is crying and gnashing of teeth (Hell fire).  There you will clearly understand why Lord Jesus Christ paid such a high price on Calvary’s Cross.

We saw many people in Hell who didn’t know why they were there.  Their lives were full of activities that they didn’t think were sinful.  Dear friend, test yourself!  Do not think that lying, stealing, and being conceded are okay things to do!  These are all sins before the eyes of the Lord!  Dear brothers, turn away and stop doing these things!  I am giving you this message so you can stop willfully sinning, and look even more to the face of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Psalms 62:12, “And to Thee, O Lord, belongs covenant love, for Thou rewardest every man according to his work.” When we arrived in Hell, I felt the place shake.  All the demons there ran to hide, because not one of them could endure the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We heard the captive souls begin to shout even louder because they knew that Jesus of Nazareth was there.  They all knew that there was just one Person that could possibly get them out of there.  They had that hope, even though it was a false hope.

We walked hand-in-hand with Lord Jesus Christ and arrived at the section of fornication.  Lord Jesus Christ turned to look at a woman who was totally covered with fire.  When Jesus saw her, she started to come out slowly from the fire, although her sufferings never stopped.   We could see she was totally naked, and saw all of her physical characteristics.  Her body was filthy, and she stunk.  Her hair was messed up, and she was covered with a yellowish green mud.  She had no eyes and her lips were falling apart.  She had no ears, just the holes.  With her hands, which were bones charred black, she took the flesh that was falling from her face and tried to put it back on.  But this caused her even more pain.

She then shuddered and shouted even more; her cries never ended.  She was full of worms, and there was a snake wrapped around her arm.  It was very thick and had thorns around its body.  She had the number 666 engraved on her body, the number of the Beast mentioned in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 13:16-18).  She also had a plate embedded in her chest that was made of an unknown metal; it wasn’t consumed by the fire.  On the plate was something written in a strange language. However, we could understand what was written on it.  It read, “I am here because of fornication.

When Lord Jesus Christ saw her, He asked her, “Elena, why are you here?”  While Elena was answering the Lord her body squirmed due to the pain of her suffering. She said that she was there because of fornication.  She asked the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness over and over again.

Then we started to see how she died.  When she died, she was having sex with one of her lovers, because she thought that the person she was living with was away on a trip.  However, he came back from his job and found her in bed with someone else.  He then went to the kitchen, took a long knife and stuck it in Elena’s back.  She died and was taken to Hell exactly the way she died, totally naked.

In Hell, everything materialized; she still had the long knife in her back, which caused her great pain.  By this time, she had already been in Hell for 7 years, and she could remember every moment of her life and death.  She also remembered when someone tried to preach to her about Lord Jesus Christ, that He was the only One who could save her.  But now it was too late for her and for everyone else in Hell.

The Word of the Lord Jesus Christ talks a lot about fornication, and it is very clear.  Fornication is having sexual relations outside of marriage.  1 Corinthians 6:13 says, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, but God will destroy both of them.  Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.”  Also, in 1 Corinthians 6:18 it says, “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.

When Lord Jesus Christ finished talking with her, she was covered by a large blanket of fire, and we could no longer see her.  But we could hear the sound of her flesh burning and her horrifying screams. I can’t even describe them in words.

As we continued to walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, He showed us all the people there: the idol worshipers, those who used and practiced witchcraft, the immoral, adulterers, liars, and homosexuals.  We were very frightened; the only thing we wanted to do was leave.  But Lord Jesus Christ kept saying that it was necessary for us to see, so we could tell others so they might believe.

We continued with Lord Jesus Christ, holding His hand even tighter.  We came to a section that really made an impression on me.  We saw a young man, 23 years old, suspended waist-high in the middle of a fire.  We couldn’t see exactly what his torment was, but the number 666 was engraved on him.  He also had a metal plate on his chest that read, “I am here for being normal.”  When he saw Lord Jesus Christ, he extended his hand toward Jesus begging for mercy.  The Word of God says in Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way that seems right to a person, but its end is the way of death.

When we read the plate that said, “I am here for being normal,” we asked the Lord Jesus Christ, “Lord, why!?  Is it possible for a person to come to this place for that reason?”  Then Jesus asked him, “Andrew, why are you here in this place?”  He answered, “Jesus, when I was on earth, I thought that just killing and stealing were sins. That is why I never tried to get close to You.”  In Psalms 9:17 it says, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the heathen that forget God.

Andrew made a big mistake by classifying sins, like many people do today.  The Bible is very clear when it says that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. (Romans 6:23).  Furthermore, when the Bible talks about sin, it never classifies sins; they are all just sins.  Andrew had the chance to know and accept Lord Jesus Christ, but he didn’t take the opportunity that God had given to him.  Maybe he had a thousand opportunities to know the Lord Jesus Christ, but he never wanted to know Him and that is the reason he is there.  Then a large blanket of fire covered his body and we never saw him again.

We continued walking with Lord Jesus Christ.  In the distance we saw something falling, like chunks of something.  When we got closer, we realized that they were people who were falling into Hell at that moment—people that had just died on Earth without having accepted Lord Jesus Christ in their hearts; they were just arriving in Hell.

The Pit Of Hell

We saw a young man. Many demons ran toward him and began to destroy his body.  Immediately, his body began to be filled with worms.  He shouted, “No!  What is this? Stop!  I don’t want to be here!  Stop it!  This must be a dream!  Take me out of here!”  He didn’t even know that he was dead, and that he had died without Lord Jesus Christ in his heart.  The demons were ridiculing him and torturing his body.  Then the number 666 appeared on his forehead, and a metal plate appeared on his chest.  Even though we couldn’t see the reason that he was in Hell, we knew for certain that he would never get out.

The Lord Jesus Christ told us that the torments of all these people in Hell would be even greater on the Day of Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8).  If they are suffering in such a terrible and horrifying way now, I can’t imagine how they will suffer after the Day of the Judgment.

Scene of Hell

We didn’t see any children there.  We only saw thousands and thousands of young people, men, and women of many nationalities.  Nevertheless, in Hell there are no nationalities or social classes; all are there to be tormented and punished.  There was one thing that they all wanted, and that was a chance to get out, for just a second. They also wanted to have one drop of water to refresh their tongues, as in the story of the rich man in the Bible. (Luke 16:19).  But this was no longer possible. They chose where they wanted to spend eternity.  They decided to spend it without Lord Jesus Christ.  God never sends anyone to Hell; everyone is there because of their own deeds.  In Galatians 6:7 it says, “Make no mistake, God will not be mocked.  What a person sows, he will reap.

Today you have a great opportunity to change your eternal destiny.  Lord Jesus Christ is still available today and the Bible says that while we have life we also have hope.  Today you have life. Don’t miss this opportunity; it might be your last one. God bless you.

Jesus (Light of the World)

Vital Soul Winning Admonition Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

Heaven: Why Born Again? John 3:3-16; 14:6. To be allowed to pass through heaven’s gate, you need to have all of your sins removed. The only cleanser strong enough to thoroughly remove sin stains is the blood of Jesus Christ. First, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your wrong doings. Finally, make Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to forgive your sins. By dying on the cross, Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in hell. The reason so few people accept this pardon is that they do not think they need a Savior or they want to find their own way of salvation. When God looked at your soul, He saw a sinner. God judges your heart, your thoughts, your attitude and intentions. When you are saved and forgiven of your sins, God looks upon you and sees the blood of Jesus Christ making you pure and clean. Accept the salvation of Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late!

After being born again, remain dedicated in your commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is an act of faith (John 3:3-16, 5:24). There are no signs to look for. Believe strongly that you are saved in Jesus name. Don’t doubt. Make sure you continue to grow in your devotion to Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t backslide. You must always resist temptation that can lead you to indulge in sinful acts. Read your Bible daily. Also, pray always and look for a reliable gospel-focused Church where you can worship God regularly. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope and an imminent reality. Therefore, we must be ready always for Rapture. Never give up.

IS YOUR NAME WRITTEN IN THE HEAVENLY BOOK OF LIFE? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16,14:6. Sincerely, to have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, freethinker or a religious idolater. You will be left behind on imminent Rapture day and suffer terribly during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture. Accept the great salvation offer of Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned. No more excuse for you if you die and end up in hell. Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Raptured saint or martyred saint? Follower of Jesus Christ or Antichrist? Decide wisely!

ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED? NO! Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in hell after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold/lukewarm Christian can be left behind by Jesus Christ on imminent Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to soul winning and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Is Your Name Written In The Book Of Life? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6. To have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and hell bound after death by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. You will be left behind on Rapture day. Accept salvation of Jesus Christ now!

Eternity: Are You Heavenly Or Hell Bound? “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). This biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Jesus Christ will judge you on judgment day. You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire since you are still alive. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid hell! Heaven is your best choice. Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker or unbeliever. God is real! Jesus Christ is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Judgment day is certain! Jesus Christ is the only WAY to Heaven (John 14:6). Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Jesus and ready always for Rapture!

Lake Of Fire

What Is The Great White Throne Judgment? At the great white throne judgment of God, the soul/spirit of condemned people in hell will merge with their immortal bodies. In their resurrected forms, they will be judged by God. It will be a judgment of condemnation, no appeal or mercy again. The verdict will be: “Guilty!” One can only repent while still alive. One can only accept the salvation of Jesus Christ while still alive. The resurrected condemned people will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). Second death means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to hell! Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to heaven (John 14:6).

Satan, the deceiver and his fallen angels/demons will be thrown and confined totally into the lake of fire and sulfur eventually by God. They will be tormented forever. That will be the end of Satan’s evil activities on earth forever. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur…and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10). You will be eternally separated from God in the lake of fire and sulfur. Your soul will never die but it will be eternally tormented in the horrible burning lake. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

Jesus Christ is the only way to make Heaven and escape from going to hell when you die (John 14:6). The lake of fire and sulfur will be a place of eternal torment. It will be very terrible for Satan, demons and the lost souls in that eternal burning lake. Do not end up in it! The second death is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Listen to what Jesus Christ is saying to you now: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the One who lives. I was dead, but look: I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and hell.” (Revelation 1:17-18). God does not send someone to hell. You choose hell when you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour.

When you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Jesus, you willingly choose hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in hell when you die. When you say “No” to Jesus and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into hell. You are telling God that you do not need Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in hell. Hell is for eternity! If you die without accepting the salvation of Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in hell forever! You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

It will be a great disaster if you die without Jesus Christ (Mark 8:36). Hell is a place of eternal torment! “The smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night.” (Revelation 14:11). God has a perfect place for you in heaven: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no person has imagined what God has prepared for those people that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Avoid hell. Jesus Christ is your only way of making heaven (John 14:6). It will not cost you anything to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Accept Jesus Christ while you are still alive. It will be too late if you die and end up in hell. Take the right decision now. “The salvation that was given to us is very great. So surely we also will be punished if we live like this salvation is not important.” (Hebrews 2:3).

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15).

If you have never received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, ask Him to save you now! Confess all your sins and ask God to forgive you in Jesus name. Do not put it off another second! This may be your last chance before you die! Take the chance now! The salvation of Jesus is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. It is very easy to accept the salvation of Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, pray the salvation prayer below and mean it with all your heart.

Salvation Steps & Prayer


Are you still an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner? You must accept the great salvation of Jesus Christ now! If you remain in your rebellion against Jesus Christ, you will be left behind on Rapture day by Jesus Christ. Also, if you die without accepting the great salvation offer of Jesus Christ, you will end up in eternal burning hell! How can you be saved? It is very simple. Take the steps below.


The following prayer, “The Sinner’s Prayer” (also known as the Prayer of Salvation) is by no means meant to be an “official prayer”, but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Jesus Christ into your heart. You may certainly pray to God in your own words.

Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you say the following prayer and mean it with all your heart; along with repenting of your sins (asking for forgiveness), we believe that you will be saved and be born again. You may be wondering, “What happens next?” First, you will need to get into a bible-based church and study God’s Word. Once you find a church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Christ you are baptized in the spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live; for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the cross. May God Bless You!

Sinner’s Prayer

Jesus And The Two Thieves

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


If you just said this prayer and you meant it with all your heart, we believe that there is a great possibility that you just got saved and are born again. You may ask, “Now that I am saved, what is next?” First of all, you need to get into a bible-based church, and study God’s Word. Once you have found a church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Christ you are baptized in the spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live, for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the cross. May God Bless You!

Jesus & A Raptured Saint

Still Procrastinating?

Take these easy steps to be saved: Realize you are a sinner. “There is no person without sin. None!” (Romans 3:10). “All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23). Realize you cannot save yourself. “We are all dirty with sin. Even our good works are not pure. They are like blood-stained rags.” (Isaiah 64:6). “He saved us because of His mercy (love), not because of any good things we did.” (Titus 3:5). Realize that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins. “Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right.” (1 Peter 2:24). “Jesus is the one who loves us. And Jesus is the One who made us free from our sins with his blood (death).” (Revelation 1:5). Simply by faith receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. “Some people did accept Him. They believed in Him. He gave something to those people who believed. He gave them the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). “…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all these people from your house.” (Acts 16:30-31). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

Divine Revelation Of Biblical Personalities Who Are Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell!!!

Divine Revelation Of Biblical Personalities Who Are Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell!!!

Prologue: “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to continuously win numerous souls online/offline as well as continuously warning people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. It is a selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ. The major aim of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is to massively propagate the Gospel online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a divine calling and personal sacrifice to propagate the Gospel continuously online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. The continuous aim is to awaken many souls online and offline to prepare for eternity – Heaven or Hell. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

In this highly inspiring Evangelical Post, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will enlighten you about this vital reality: Divine Revelation Of Biblical Personalities Who Are Doomed In Eternal Burning Hell!!!” Many Biblical personalities who are obedient to God and Lord Jesus Christ end up in Heaven after death while some Biblical personalities who are disobedient or unrepentant end up in eternal burning Hell after death. When you read the true testimonies of some people who have been shown the terrible agonies of tormented souls in Hell by our Lord Jesus Christ, you will be highly enlightened about the vital reality of the eternal burning Hell. You will be convinced that to have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan (Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6).

Eternal Doom

You are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, Atheist, Agnostic, Muslim, Mystic, Occultist, Freethinker or a religious idolater. Accept the great salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned. No more excuse for you if you die and end up in eternal burning Hell. Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur on great judgment day (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8).

Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in Hell after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold/lukewarm Christian can be left behind by Lord Jesus Christ on imminent glorious Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to soul winning online/offline and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. You will be highly blessed through this Holy Spirit inspired Evangelical Post. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Daughters of Biblical Lot

I Saw The Biblical Lot And Daughters In Terrible Agony In Hell Fire!

True Divine Revelation By Rachael Mushala Chisulo

The Lord Jesus Christ had told me that He has called me to tell of the reality of Hell as well as Heaven and warn people so that they repent. On this particular morning, the Lord Jesus Christ visited me to show me something in Hell. We descended into the dark abyss (pit of Hell) and I saw so many people burning in the enormous flames of Hell. I saw a man in the flames, he was all burnt out. The man was screaming in a way I cannot exactly describe. It sounded like a cry of extreme deep pain and regret. His clothes had long burnt off; all of his flesh had been eaten by worms and burnt off. He completely had no flesh left on him! It had all fallen off and only bones smeared with blood from his flesh remained. He was just a skeleton and yet he was alive! I could only tell he was a man because of his voice as he screamed.

Burning soul in hell

He had no eyes, they had rotted and burnt off, only eye sockets remained yet I noticed that he could see because he turned to look at the Lord Jesus and I.  He had no ears, or nose, everything had been burnt in the fire of that terrible place. Yet he could still hear and smell! I noticed that even his tongue was gone yet he could still talk! It was a horrible sight to behold. I was terrified, I moved closer to Jesus. Even though this man had completely burnt off remaining only a skeleton, He could not die. He kept on burning and screaming in great agony. He could still feel the pain the same way those with flesh were feeling. Jesus and I moved closer to the man. He was in horrible pain. Huge flames of fire covered him and he cried out loudly in pain. He lifted up his hands to his face, screaming in pain but there was no relief. This fulfils the word of the Lord Jesus Christ in Job 11:20:”But the eyes of the wicked shall look [for relief] in vain, and they shall not escape [the justice of God]; and their hope shall be to give up the ghost.”

I then asked the Lord Jesus Christ who this man was. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “This is Lot from the Bible.” I was shocked. Strength left me. Ever since I first heard of Lot until this very moment, I had always assumed he is in Heaven. God had rescued him and his family from Sodom because he was a righteous man. I have never had reasons to ever imagine him in Hell. I was in utter shock to see him in that terrible place going through unimaginable torment! Tears were coming out of my eyes, I looked at Jesus and I asked, “But Lord how can he be here? You saved him from Sodom.” I saw that Lord Jesus Christ was in great pain watching this man suffering. When He spoke, His voice sounded shaky (as a person would sound when he is in pain). He said, “I saved him and his family from Sodom, but towards the end of his life, he turned away from Me. He abandoned My ways. Go and tell My people to be faithful till the very end. Tell them to be faithful until the very end of their earthly lives. Hold on to Me faithfully because if you are not careful I can save you today but you can lose your salvation tomorrow. Look at him, I saved him from the fire of Sodom and Gomorrah but he abandoned Me and still ended up here. Tell My people to be faithful to Me until the end. Tell them to be faithful till the end. Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life.“ Revelation 2:10.

Glorious Crown

I was still in absolute shock at what I was seeing and what the Lord Jesus Christ was telling me. Lord Jesus Christ was in so much pain, He couldn’t look at Lot anymore and He turned to face away. When I looked at Lot, the flames that had gone down to his waist came right back up covering his whole body in a fiery explosion. I covered my face with my hands. It was too much to take. I began to think of how easily we could lose our souls if we become careless with sin. This man escaped the fire of Sodom and Gomorrah, yet he failed to escape the fires of Hell. I saw the absolute need of staying close to the Lord Jesus Christ every single minute of our lives. He is the only one who can help us. My joints felt weak. Jesus then led me away from there. On our way out, the Lord Jesus Christ showed me two women who were also burning in Hell and He told me, “Look, those are his (Lot) daughters.” They were in Hell too. As we left that place, the Lord Jesus Christ emphasized to me, “Tell My people to be faithful until the very end, until the very end.”We then left the place.

The Bible talks of Lot being a righteous man and that is why he was saved from Sodom. For that righteous man (Lot) dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds. (2 Peter 2:8). This is in reference to the state of his life while in Sodom, he was a righteous man. The Bible however is silent on what happened to him after Genesis 19 when his two daughters made him totally drunk and had immoral sexual intercourse with him which resulted in him impregnating the two daughters and becoming the father of their two illegitimate sons. His life is no longer discussed from then on. But the Lord Jesus Christ told me the reason he was in Hell was because he turned his back on God. He turned to the world later in his life (backslider). That is what Lord Jesus Christ told me.

The Bible says, “But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and committed iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? All his righteousness that he has done shall not be mentioned: (shall not be remembered) in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them shall he die.” Ezekiel 18:24. Even though you are righteous today but you later turn back to sin and die in sin, the Bible says your righteous deeds shall not be remembered. This is why Lord Jesus Christ is emphasizing on being faithful until the very end. That is the only way you will gain the crown of life.

Once saved is not always saved. You have to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. (Philippians 2:12). This simply means holding on to Lord Jesus Christ, living a holy life until the very end of your earthly life. It is carrying your cross every single day of your life. Luke 9:23- “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross DAILY and follow me.” Don’t put down your cross to rest, it is not time yet, now we are still in battle and must overcome the enemy. “And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved? And Jesus looking upon them said, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:26-27.  Remember that without Jesus you cannot live a holy life, stay joined to Him always. Be faithful until the end and you will get the crown of life. (Revelations 2:10).


Some hours later, I prayed and read the Bible. I was listening to worship music when the Lord Jesus Christ showed me a section in Hell for those who were greedy on Earth. This time around I was in the company of an Angel. The Angel explained to me that people who go to this section are those who loved money more than God. “Thou shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3. Money was their god. They were greedy with money and would do anything just to get their hands on more money. They wouldn’t care whom they hurt, and would even steal and do anything just to get money. “And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of all kinds of greed for a man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses.” (Luke 12:15).

In this section of Hell, I saw what looked like an expensive purse drop to the floor. It seemed to have dropped out of nowhere. Immediately this purse dropped, all the people in this section ran to the purse. All of them wanted it. They were so many and they began fighting for the purse. They fought and abused each other in an attempt to get it to themselves.  They did this for a very long time. I noticed that they were extremely tired but they continued fighting and raining abuses at each other! This surprised me because I expected at least even one of them to give up considering how tired they looked but not one of them stopped.

The Angel explained, “On Earth, they fought so hard and wouldn’t stop for anything to get money. Money was their god. Because they fought so hard for money, they must continue fighting for it even here. Nothing can make them stop fighting until they just collapse out of exhaustion but even then when they get up they continue to fight again. Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sow, that shall he also reap.”

As I watched, the people all kept fighting until like the Angel had said, they all collapsed to the ground one by one. The Bible says you cannot serve two masters at once. You can’t serve both God and money at the same time. (Luke 16:13). God wants to be first in your life; whatever you put ahead of Him is an idol. ” Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shall love the LORD thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-5. You cannot see Him unless you rid yourself of idols. Repent of every sin and make Jesus Christ your Lord. “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:” Hebrews 12:14. He loves you and sends this warning in love. He doesn’t want you to perish in that place but He wants you to come to him now so that you will have everlasting life.” John 3:16. All these people in hell cannot come back to Earth to repent, but you can repent while you are still on Earth. God bless you beloved brothers and sisters.

Tormented Soul in Hell

 Herodias’ Daughter In Hell Fire!

True Divine Revelation By Rachael Mushala Chisulo

I remember there was a time we could physically hear people in Hell screaming, everyday. There was this man who was screaming in a way I don’t even like to remember. So after we were talking about it, I saw a vision. I saw the daughter to Herodias, King Herod’s wife. The one who had asked for John the Baptist’s head in the Bible on Herod’s birthday. The story that is in Matthew 14:1-12.


“At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus, and he said to his attendants, “This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead! That is why miraculous powers are at work in him.”

Now Herod had arrested John and bound him and put him in prison because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, for John had been saying to him: “It is not lawful for you to have her.” Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people, because they considered John a prophet.

On Herod’s birthday the daughter of Herodias danced for the guests and pleased Herod so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked.  Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.”  The king was distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he ordered that her request be granted and had John beheaded in the prison. His head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother. John’s disciples came and took his body and buried it. Then they went and told Jesus.”

I saw Herodias’ daughter in Hell fire! She was in torment. The demons kept presenting her a head on a platter, then she would scream and run away so wildly but the scene just kept repeating. The whole place was made of fire and she was screaming so loudly. Hell is horrific, none of us should go there. There is just a way that Earth always manages to erase this reality from us.

Souls dropping into hell

Be Warned Of Secular Celebrity Influence: True Vision Of Hell’s Trash Can.

True Divine Revelation By Zipporah Mushala


This true divine revelation is from an experience with the Lord Jesus Christ as He showed me the pit of darkness-HELL. The Lord Jesus Christ pointed at something and said, “Do you see that? What do you think it is?” I saw something being spilled into a dark pit. It looked like a waterfall or sand. I answered, “Sand?” He brought the view closer and I could see that it was not sand at all, but countless human beings falling into a pit! He said, “This place is a trash can, the tares are gathered and burnt in here.” These people were from every race, tribe and language, the young and the old. There were Mongoloids, Eskimos, Masais, Buddhists, Hindus, spiritualists, prostitutes, the blind, mothers, fathers and children. The list is endless. Yes, even children, when they know what is wrong and right, must choose their destination. They were all falling into Hell in different positions. Some were falling shoulder first, stomach first, head first, back first, hand first etc. at the speed of light. Some were clothed, some were not.

The Lord Jesus Christ said with pain in His voice, “They are living on Earth, ignoring Me like I don’t exist. Especially in these secular movies, they create a scenario where the people have a ‘perfect life’ chasing their own pleasure, building their relationships and having their dream jobs with totally nothing to do with Me. It is unfortunate for them, because they have terribly deceived themselves. They do not think so, but they desperately need Me to save them. In just a snap of a finger, they may be dead and they will find themselves in this horrendous place. They have to repent; they just have to if they want to be saved, because I can never receive them into my kingdom (Heaven) when they are dead. They did not want to associate themselves with Me in life and they will surely not associate with Me in death. People who watch these movies also end up behaving the same. Come back to Me now before the door is closed.” He said this part with urgency in His voice.


He put His hand on my shoulder and said, come and see this. There were cauldrons with boiling lava and people in them! The flesh of these people was being washed away from their bones by it. One man in a cauldron upon seeing Jesus began unleashing insults on Him. He said, “I will get you yet, God!” and some other horrible things I would rather not repeat. When the man insulted Jesus, I felt like a knife had been driven through my heart and I told him, “If there is anyone you want to blame, it is yourself and the demons that deceived you into to this place. Your own sinful pleasures have landed you here!” But the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “Don’t mind them, they belong to their father, the devil.” The Lord Jesus Christ just looked at him sadly and said, “In life you insulted Me. You thought and said you did not need Me, and even in death, you continue to insult Me and are not repentant.” A fat, ugly demon with dirty, green saliva dripping from its mouth then came and drowned him in the lava. Then the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “When the people in this place ask for my mercy and say they have repented, it is not because they are sorry for their sins but because they are in pain. They are all just like this man.”

Lord Jesus Christ continued, “This is the result for all those who did not want to have anything to do with Me in life. This is not all but just one of the least punishments. From here, these people will be transferred by demons to other sections of hell for punishment. These people thought, ‘What a fulfilled life I have. I have all the money, happiness and just what else can I need?’ I sent my people to them, but they refused to listen, and some of them even said, ‘God is for the poor and hopeless that need to be comforted.’ They did not know that it was demons that were whispering to them.” Some people in this section are also those who were racist or used foul language on Earth. I saw no limit of torture in Hell. Demons did as they pleased, and they did it with zeal and delight. When new people landed in Hell, the demons felt a new surge of energy. They would walk about majestically with pride. I also want you to know that demons never get tired of torturing these doomed people in Hell. The Lord Jesus Christ also disapproved of dirty jokes, either saying or listening to them.

Face With Worms

Biblical King Saul, King Ahab And Judas Iscariot Are Doomed In Hell Fire!

True Divine Revelation By Emmanuel SamsonJude


Lord Jesus Christ took me to Hell fire. On our way to Hell, we passed through a tunnel. When we got out of this tunnel we immediately arrived at a place of pure darkness. It was a place of great darkness with terrifying sounds of crying and horror. I asked, ‘where are we, Lord?’ And He said, “THIS IS THE KINGDOM OF SATAN, HELL FIRE”. Hell fire is a fearsome place of a thick darkness. I saw many demons; they were huge and ugly. These demons were working hard and with speed and without rest. [1 Peter 5:8]. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THEY ARE PLANNING HOW TO BRING MAN TO THIS PLACE.”

Hell fire is like a sea and everybody has his or her own portion within different departments. There are many people in Hell fire asking for a second chance, but restitution is not possible. [Micah 3:4]. The first department that the Lord Jesus Christ showed me was a place where Pastors who lost heaven were been tormented. I saw many Pastors in Hell. On their pits, there is something like a signboard; it contains the name of that Pastor, the name of the church that Pastor attended, plus the reason why that Pastor is in Hell. Each Pastor had a demon tormenting them. They cried out for mercy, but Lord Jesus Christ wept and said “WHEN I WARNED YOU, YOU REFUSED TO LISTEN TO ME AND NOW YOU ARE IN THIS PLACE. I KNOW YOU NOT!” [Proverb 1:24-31].

The Lord Jesus Christ said to me, “HELL HAS ENLARGED HERSELF AND NONE THAT COME HERE SHALL RETURN AGAIN.” [Proverb 2:19], [Isaiah 4:14]. I saw such a great and surprising thing! “My people, how can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” [Hebrews 2:3].


The Lord Jesus Christ told me: “COME, I WANT TO SHOW YOU A KING.” I then saw a man on a throne chained down and the demon was tormenting him with great anger. The Lord Jesus Christ told me this was Biblical King Saul, and when King Saul saw me, he said, “You are here! Go tell my people that I am here! Tell them they should not disobey God! Tell the children of Israel that they must obey the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that my disobedience led me to this place. “[1 Samuel 13:13-14] [1 Samuel 15:22-26,] [1 Samuel 16:14]. “For I was a murderer and I killed myself! I thought I was the owner of my life.” [1 Samuel 31:4]. “Please tell them that Hell fire is real!” King Saul was crying for help, but the demon continued tormenting him. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “YOU MUST TELL THEM WHAT YOU SAW, IF YOU DO NOT TELL THEM, YOU SHALL BE JUDGED!


The Lord Jesus Christ then showed me a man who was sitting chained onto an iron seat. The seat was very hot and reddish like a coal. Though he screamed in great agony the demons continued tormenting him with spears and with a great fury. This man began to beg Lord Jesus Christ for a chance to get out of the fire. I wondered who the man could be; the Lord Jesus Christ knew my thoughts and told me, “HE IS BIBLICAL KING AHAB.” (1 Kings 16-22).

Angelica's Great Grandmother


I saw a woman in Hell fire, the demons were tormenting her. They beat her with spears as she cried and shouted. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “SHE IS JEZEBEL, THE FALSE PROPHETESS WHO SEDUCED THE PEOPLE TO SIN AGAINST GOD.” [Revelation 2:20]. You must be careful because there are many false prophets and prophetess who teach the people false doctrines, who only set up riches for themselves. They call themselves saviors and deceive people with the deceptions of the devil. IF THEY REFUSE TO REPENT, THEY SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN HELL FIRE. [2 Thessalonians 1:8].


I saw a man in Hell fire; the demons made him lay upon a metal-like table. They hurt him with many type of devices. I saw a very big iron which a demon operated to pass through the stomach of the man. It went through his belly…. the man cried bitterly. Then suddenly, a demon appeared having a very big metal knife in his hand. He cut off the middle of the head of the man, then the demon gathered many maggots and scorpions, he stuffed them inside the man’s head and covered it back. The man cried more like the wind of the sea. It pained me greatly to see this! The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “HE IS ONE OF MY DISCIPLES, JUDAS ISCARIOT.” I then asked the demon the reason they are tormenting him in such a way and the demon told me, “If he did not reveal that man of light [Jesus Christ] to the people to be killed, the work of salvation will not come into manifestation.” They shouted loudly, “Why did you betray Him?” They continued to torment him. [Matthew 10:4], [Matthew 20:18].

Worms In Head Of A Lost Soul In Hell

You must be careful of what you are doing; do not betray Jesus Christ! “Woe unto that man, by whom the Lord is betrayed!” [Matthew 26:24]. Those who have learned from the Lord Jesus Christ and have understanding about the word of God must allow “the word of Christ to dwell in you.” [Colossians 3:16-17]. To him who draws back, the Lord says “MY SOUL SHALL HAVE NO PLEASURE IN HIM.” [Hebrew 10:38]. If you are a servant of God, examine yourself. Take away the stumbling block from your life—HELL FIRE IS HORRIBLY REAL.


I saw a man in Hell fire, the demons were tormenting him with their weapons and devices. The man was begging for mercy and he cried bitterly. I asked the Lord Jesus Christ, “Who is this man?” The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “HE IS REVEREND OSHOFFA, THE FOUNDER OF CELESTIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST, THE WHITE GARMENT CHURCH.”  The Lord Jesus Christ told me the mystery of this man: “HE MADE A COVENANT WITH SATAN TO SEDUCE THE PEOPLE WITH A DOCTRINE OF DARKNESS, HEALING WITH CANDLES, PERFUMES AND SOAPS. HE WOULD TELL THEM TO USE THESE AND TO GO BATHE IN THE RIVER, THUS DECIEVING THEM WITH THE POWER OF A DEVIL.” The Lord Jesus Christ added, “HE INTRODUCED FALSE DOCTRINES JUST TO BE KNOWN AS A POWERFUL MAN OF GOD.” [Ephesians 4:14]. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “I WARNED HIM BUT HE REFUSED.”  He said to the man, “I KNOW YOU NOT!” Lord Jesus Christ was weeping like a baby. This man denied the cross of Jesus Christ just because of fame. Now he is in Hell begging for mercy with the Lord Jesus Christ denying him due to iniquity being found within him. [2 Timothy 2:12, 19].

I want you to understand that no matter what– don’t be living in a way or teaching others things that “you cannot defend for yourself before God”. [Titus 1:16], [Jeremiah 23:24]. Many people are in Hell fire because of their doctrine. [Philippians 2:5].


The Lord Jesus Christ then showed me another man in Hell fire. He was known as Reverend Patrick Cooney on Earth. The demons were cutting his body with saws as if it were a tree. The man was crying but the demons continued tormenting him and that way of torment was very great. They would mock him and laugh at him as the only spot where he was found at fault was due to his Catholic doctrine. He was here because he frequently would bow before a Saint Mary image. [Exodus 20:3-4]. This is so sad; many people end up in eternal Hell fire due to this kind of idolatrous act. Lord Jesus Christ wept with great compassion for the soul of the man. I was also in a great sorrow when the Lord Jesus Christ said to me, “IF YOU ARE TRULY SORROWFUL, YOU WILL TELL THEM WHAT YOU SAW.”

Worship of Mary


Bowing Before Mary


I saw a little boy in Hell fire, the demons were tormenting the boy with spears. When the boy saw us, he cried for help to take him out of the fire, but the Lord Jesus Christ said, “I AM NOT THE GOD OF THE DISOBEDIENT.” This boy was very rude while he was on Earth, he would always disturb his parents during the time of the Pastor’s messages. Whenever his parents corrected him, he would shout at them. He became sick and died, now he is in Hell forever. The Lord Jesus Christ says, “NO DISOBEDIENT CHILD WILL INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” [Ephesians 6:1-2].


I saw many people in this department in Hell fire. The Lord Jesus Christ showed me their earthly pictures. They were all beautiful and handsome on Earth, but now they are very ugly here in Hell. The demons tormented them and use spears to beat and pin their private parts. They cry and seek for death but death cannot be found. [Revelation 9:6]. Oh, Jesus wept! The people beg the Lord Jesus Christ to take them out. They swear with their life to do His will if they could come out of the fire, but the Lord Jesus Christ never plays or jokes with the word that has gone out of His month [Colossians 3:5-6]. It is declared in His Word that anyone who practices immorality cannot inherit the Kingdom of God [1 Corinthians 6:9-10].

Private Parts Pierced In Hell


There are many people in Hell fire who have heard about the work of salvation of Lord Jesus Christ, but refuse to repent from their sins. These thought they can come into Heaven with works of flesh and blood, but instead end up in the fire of Hell that burns for eternity [1 Corinthians 15:50]. They were crying, but the Lord Jesus Christ said, “THEY WERE GIVEN MUCH GRACE WHILE THEY WERE ON EARTH TO REPENT FROM THEIR SINS, BUT SAID, ‘TOMORROW’ AND PROCRASTINATED. SOME EVEN SAID ‘THERE IS NO HELL FIRE.’ SOME BEAT MY SERVANTS THAT I SENT TO THEM, AND NOW THEY ARE IN HELL BEGGING FOR SECOND CHANCE…..I KNOW YOU NOT.” [Proverb 1:24-28]. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “I SHOW THEM THE WAY TO ESCAPE HELL FIRE, BUT THEY HATE ME AND MY WAY AND CHOOSE A LIFE OF ENJOYING THIS WORLD. I EVEN OFFER THEM GRACE WHEN THEY WERE ABOUT TO DIE BUT THEY WERE DISTRACTED.” The Lord Jesus Christ also said, “THEY HATED ME AND LOVED DEATH…..NOT ONLY EARTHLY DEATH BUT ALSO EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT IN HELL FIRE. [Proverb 8:35-36].”

Repent from your sin for there is no repentance in Hell fire. Those who refuse to repent will be cast away into everlasting punishment [Revelation 21:8].


There was a great torment for those who turned away from the Lord Jesus Christ. The demons cut their tongue, cut their body and beat them with sharp weapons. They cried bitterly, they started blaming themselves saying, “Oh, why did I turn back? He warned me but I hearkened not!” And the demon tell them to “shut up, He gave you grace but you make it useless. You will never get out; we shall torment you till the judgment is set!”…..and they continue tormenting them. [Ezekiel 18:24]. The demon will tell them, “You are mine forever.” Please do not go back to the world, all you who are Christians, for there is a great danger in turning away from the Lord Jesus Christ [2 Peter 2:20-22].

Souls Been Cut To Pieces In Hell

Body Of Lost Soul Been Sliced In Hell


Then the Lord Jesus Christ showed me my own pit in Hell fire. I was very sorrowful, but the Lord Jesus Christ said, “EVERY ONE ON EARTH HAS THEIR OWN PIT IN HELL FIRE AND THE MISSION OF THE DEMON IS TO BRING YOU INTO IT.” You must make sure you do not go to that pit because it is very hot, burning with fire like acid. And we left the place.

King of Hell (Satan)


Then the Lord Jesus Christ took me to the throne of Devil (Satan). I saw a very big, tall, fat, huge demon on this throne. He was very hideous and he immediately set his eyes on me. He called my name, ‘Senayon, you have come here to see our mystery. I will not allow you to share any of our secrets! I will kill you, I swear.” And the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “FEAR NOT, FOR I AM YOUR LIFE.” [Isaiah 41:10-11]. Then after sometime, we were invisible to the Devil and the Lord Jesus Christ told me that “ALL THINGS ARE NOT VISIBLE TO THE DEVIL, HE DOES NOT KNOW EVERY THING. BUT ALL THINGS ARE VISIBLE TO GOD.”I at first did not believe this, because we all know that Devil is powerful. The Lord Jesus Christ knew my thoughts and he took me to the back of the throne. I noticed the Devil did not know that we were there. Then the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “CALL MY NAME” and I quietly said, “Jesus!”….. A great power shook Hell and the Devil fell down from his throne.

Then Devil turned back and we appeared visible. Then the Devil shouted my name, “SENAYON!” The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “TRY THE POWER IN MY NAME.” and I commanded Devil to die for three minutes in the name of Jesus! The power in the name of Jesus nailed his spirit on something like a wall and his hideous body fell down [Philippians 2:9-11]. After three minutes, the Lord Jesus Christ released his spirit and Devil came back in to that hideous body. Immediately when he rose up, he shouted with a great fury and with wrath. Then I saw many demons approaching; they were rushing out and they all assembled with arrows in their hands. They all come against us at once, then Heaven opened and I saw a pure white arrow! Just that one arrow came down and it destroyed all the arrows of the demons.

I want to tell you, there is power in the name of Jesus; by His Name every knee shall bow. [Philippians 2:9-11]. [Mark 16:17-19], [John 14:14], [John 16:23]. There is power in the name of Jesus, call it out with faith and the demons will flee from you; but when you call the name of Jesus without repentance you are in danger.


The Lord Jesus Christ took me to a big hall in Hel. I saw all the demons chained down and on seats. The Lord Jesus Christ told me they were the fallen Angels, so I asked the reason why they were chained down. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THEY ARE VERY POWERFUL AND IF THEY WERE RELEASED, THEY WOULD CAST MORE SOULS INTO HELL, THEY ARE VERY POWERFUL.”  Then the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THEY WILL BE RELEASED AFTER THE RAPTURE TO TROUBLE THE EARTH AND PERSECUTE THE PEOPLE FOR THE MARK OF THE BEAST.” [2 Peter 2:4] One of them, called my name, and said, “Senayon, the Lord has shown you a good testimony, but if I meet you on Earth, I will kill you.”

When we left the place and on our way, I noticed that something was holding onto my cloth. When I looked back, I saw it was a demon, and he came out from underneath. Because of the light of Lord Jesus Christ, it could not come near me. Then the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “HE IS THE HIGH PRIEST OF THE DEVIL [Beelzebub] [Matthew 12:24]. The demon said to me, “We will not allow you to share the testimony and you will not reveal our secret, we will kill you.” Then the Lord Jesus Christ told me “COMMAND HIM!” So I commanded him in the Name of Jesus to fall down- just then a great wind beat him down and he returned to his place. The Lord Jesus Christ also showed me the spirit of stubbornness, and how it sent evil weapons, but the Lord Jesus Christ send it back many fold more, and it ran away. [Psalm 91:1]. As long as the Lord Jesus Christ held my hand, His presence cast away my fear, and there was not a sorrow about what I saw.


I saw a lady afar off in Hell fire, the demons were tormenting her [Nahum 2:10]. She cried as she was looking at me and I asked the Lord Jesus Christ, “Who is she?” The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “IT IS RUTH, YOUR AUNTY” [My parents’ first born]. She had died many years ago, what a great sorrow. She was there because she did not know the Lord Jesus Christ. I was not happy and I was thinking if I too would not make it to Heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ knew my thoughts and told me, “I AM YOUR LIFE.”  I want Him to promise me that I will not end up in Hell and He said, “IF YOU KNOW MY NAME!” He always tells me “FEAR NOT, FOR I AM YOUR LIFE!


The Lord Jesus Christ told me that the target of devil is the prayer life of a man. Once your prayer life is captured, then your decision for God will be captured. The person will also fall victim when the fasting life of the man is captured. You must master and guide your prayer life. When a person’s prayers are affecting the kingdom of darkness, the devil will try to find ways to quench the power so its fire might weaken and die. [1 Peter 5:8]. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “LOOK AT THE MAN THAT THE DEMONS TORMENT WITH ANGER.” The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “WHEN HE WAS ON EARTH THERE WAS ALWAYS CONFUSION IN THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS WHEN THIS MAN PRAYED, AND I LOVED IT….HIS PRAYERS WOULD THWART AND DESTROY THE DEVIL’S PLANS.”

The Devil and his agents began to target the prayer life of this man. They captured the man through the bitterness in his heart over one brother in the church. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “I WARNED HIM, BUT HE REFUSED TO LISTEN TO ME.”  The man had an accident and he died, [Matthew 5:44] and now he is in Hell fire. There are many choir ministers that have bitterness in their heart against brothers in Christ. This is often because one is more talented than the other in one thing or another. People develop envy and pride because of this. They which do such things are in danger of Hell [Matthew 18:4].


The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THE PLAN OF GOD IS GREAT FOR MAN. WHENEVER GOD HAS A PLAN FOR A MAN’S LIFE, THE PLAN OF THE DEVIL IS TO DESTROY THE PROMISE AND PLAN OF GOD.” I asked Jesus, “Can the Devil destroy the promise and the plan of God for a man?” The Lord Jesus Christ said, “YES,” and the He explained to me, “IN EVERY PLAN AND PROMISE OF GOD FOR A MAN, THERE IS ALWAYS A CONDITION, AND IN THAT CONDITION, THERE IS GRACE AND MERCY….THE GRACE IS FOR A CHANCE FOR RESTITUTION IF THE PERSON BREAKS ANY OF THE CONDITIONS, MERCY IS FOR THE PERSON TO BE FORGIVEN BY GOD.” The Devil will make sure you break the conditions. When God made a covenant with Abraham, the condition God gave him was to “WALK BEFORE ME AND BE THOU PERFECT.” [Genesis 17:1-7]. God has a plan for your life and the conditions are written in the scriptures [Galatians 5:19-21]. Not only that, but God Himself will tell you more! Do not lose the grace in the condition of God and His mercy will raise you up. [Psalm 91:11-12].

Narrow Path To Heaven & People With Load Going To Hell


The Lord Jesus Christ showed me the broad road of Hell. There are many people on that road. Some look like Christians but they were going on the road leading to Hell. Some held hands, a husband holds the hand of the wife and a wife holds the hand of husband. Parents hold the hands of their children and some were going on their own. There was a very big load on the back of each person. The more Jesus looked at them, the more He was crying like a baby. The Lord Jesus Christ wept bitterly and He cried aloud like a woman in labor. Those of you who think you can just do as you like after you gave your life to Jesus, you are just deceiving yourself! Do not listen to the deception of the Devil, when you are born again, old things have passed away [2 Corinthians 5:17].


The Lord Jesus Christ then showed me the narrow road to Heaven. I saw people but they are not as many as on the broad road to Hell. On that narrow road to Heaven, I saw that some were moving forward, some were moving with joy, and some were dancing, praising God. [2 Corinthians 13:9], [2 Corinthians 12:9]. I then noticed that there are little and not-too-high hills on that road, and whenever anybody gets there, they will climb up it then get down to continue on their journey. I noticed some people had already crossed the hill but were coming back to the road. They were tired of moving forward. If you are that kind of Christian, you are tired of temptation, afflictions, poverty and many other things. You think the best solution is to quit serving the Lord Jesus Christ, so you stop that and go back because you feel you are just a man that escaped from a tiger and had fallen into the pit of a lion. The Lord Jesus Christ still wants you, but you must persevere. “We must pass through much tribulation to enter in to the Kingdom of God.” [Acts 14:22]. Return to Lord Jesus Christ and He will save you! Remember the torment of the backsliders in Hell fire [Jeremiah 3:21-22].

I saw some were standing, they are not moving, they are just standing there. If you are Christian and you are thinking of whether to continue serving the Lord Jesus Christ or not, you have to stop the evil thoughts and then move forward. The best choice is to continue moving, so pray for strength [Ephesians 6:18]. I then saw that some were crawling, they wished to continue on the way, but they were tired. If you are the kind of Christian that you fear your parents more than you fear the things of Jesus Christ, you have to stop it. This is very dangerous and some of you think that your parents are persecuting you, making you to sin against God. You have to pray and say “No” to any decision that is against the will of God. The Lord Jesus Christ says, “FEAR NOT” [Matthew 10:28].

Pray for strength to stand up and begin to move forward because our God is powerful. Cry unto Him and He will listen to your request [Ephesians 6:14-18], [Jeremiah 33:3]. Lord Jesus Christ wept bitterly and I too was sorrowful — the Lord Jesus Christ told me “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU THAT YOU ARE SORROWFUL? IF YOU TRULY ARE SORROWFUL, THEN TELL THE PEOPLE WHAT YOU SAW. ” I then woke up!

The Pit Of Hell


True Divine Revelation By Emmanuel SamsonJude

My name is Emmanuel Senayon (SamsonJude), I thank God for His divine grace in my life. It is He who has given me the golden grace to see this true divine revelation. The Lord Jesus Christ promised me in my first divine encounter that He would visit me again and show me the Mystery of Heaven and Hell. His coming (glorious Rapture) is very near and Satan is working very hard to win souls to his ugly kingdom (Hell).

This divine encounter happened on 26th of January, 2013 around 6 am in the morning. I didn’t know that my body was already dead here on Earth. I looked and saw myself lying there as if asleep. Lord Jesus Christ said, “COME! I WANT TO SHOW YOU THE PLAN OF THE DEVIL AGAINST MAN!” The Lord Jesus Christ took my hand and we immediately arrived before the throne of the Devil. I was taken to a place where I saw the Devil seated on a throne. The Devil was laughing with an ugly voice saying, “I must win their souls and their souls are mine, hahaha!”

The Lord Jesus Christ instructed me to watch carefully so that I would be able to tell others what I saw. I then saw two demons that brought a man before the Devil at the throne. The man was a Sorcerer. Immediately when the Devil saw him, he laughed and said, “Welcome my faithful servant!” The Devil began to question the two demons with great anger saying, “How many souls did he win for me?” The demons said, ‘7 million’ and Devil began to laugh. Again the Devil asked the demons, “How many of the seven million have died?” and one of the demons said, ‘2 million.’ The Devil laughed even more and said, “Their souls belong to me, hahaha!” Again the Devil asked the demons “How many planes did he crash?” and the demons responded, ‘six.’ Again the Devil asked the demons, “How many car accidents did he cause?” and they said ‘many.’ The Devil said with a great anger to that man, “I have a gift for you! I must give you a gift!”

Torment For Drunkards In Hell

All of a sudden, I saw a huge demon with a horrible looking cup in his hand, inside the cup was a dark acid. The demon gave it to the man and the Devil told the man, “Drink it…drink it…drink it!” with a powerful voice. The man drank it and his body began to melt. As the acid began to eat his body, his flesh burst to pieces. The man cried bitterly, he looked for a way to escape in vain. The Devil laughed and said, “I tricked you and you followed my deception, you will never get out of this place, your soul is mine, hahaha!” And Devil said, “Take him away” and the demons threw the man into the fire! He was crying and in such horror in this sudden realization of the great torments of Hell. [Isaiah 5:14].

Shortly after this I saw some powerful beasts that were shouting to that man-saying, “You used us to hurt people while you were on Earth, now it is our turn to hurt you!” They began to torment the man and he cried bitterly, even seeking death, but it was too late for him. Once a soul arrives in Hell it must remain there forever. [Matthew 22:13].

This is a great challenge for us as Christians…. Here we see just one servant of the Devil winning seven million souls in his lifetime, two million of them having died already; forever to be in great torment. But I ask you this question, how many people have you told about Jesus Christ? Some Christians have not won even a single soul for the Lord Jesus Christ ever!

I remember when I had a revelation where I saw the Devil on his throne. He was saying, “Who shall separate me from my glory?” The Devil was saying this because so many souls end up in Hell fire at the end of their lives. I then saw the Lord Jesus Christ, He was crying like a baby because many Christians no longer win souls for Him. Friend, it is time for us to say ‘No’ to the works of the flesh; it is time for us to win souls! [Matthew 10:7].

I saw the Devil laughing with a loud voice as he commanded a demon; saying, “Go to the highway and cause accidents!” Immediately this demon obeyed him, running to the Earth with speed. Then the Devil called out to another demon saying, “Go to the air and cause a plane to crash!” The Devil called out another demon and said, “Go quickly and make famous artists expose their nakedness! Have them to expose their bodies on TV, the Internet and in Newspapers/Magazines! Go and make the prostitutes release new sex videos!” All the demons obey, running to the Earth with speed.

We Christians must be careful of what we watch on Television, the Internet and read in the Newspapers/Magazines. The Devil is out there, looking for whom he may devour. [1 Peter 5:8].

The Devil then called a deceived Christian in Hell fire and said, “Joseph, do you now believe that Hell is real? Do you now understand that my kingdom exists?” I then saw Joseph; he was crying bitterly as a demon tormented him with great fury. The Lord Jesus Christ showed me the life of this man, the story of when he was still on the Earth. Joseph never believed Hell fire existed and he taught his fellowship members that it was merely a story. He said that man only needed to seek for God’s blessing as if that was all a man needed to pursue in life. He told his congregation that when a person dies, the person dies forever, as if there was not a soul to go to another destination. Sadly, Joseph is now in the fire of Hell crying out, “I now believe, please take me out! I now believe!” The Devil replied to him, “Your soul is mine, you will be here forever!” Friend, this is a great lesson for those of you that have thought Hell fire is a fantasy or a joke. Repent now and be saved! Hell fire is so very real! [Matthew 13:50], [Matthew 25:30].


I saw a brother coming to Lord Jesus Christ when he died, he was happy because he thought he had made it to Heaven at last; but when he get before Jesus Christ, he discovered Jesus was deeply weeping. Lord Jesus said, “GABRIEL, WHERE IS YOUR SWORD OF TRUTH AND BREAST PLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS I GAVE YOU? I GAVE YOU A COMPLETE ARMOR, WHERE ARE THEY?” Gabriel replied, “I left it at my friend’s house, please let me go back to get them.” The Lord Jesus told him, “IT IS TOO LATE! YOU CAN NOT GO BACK! I WARNED YOU MANY TIMES, YET YOU DID NOT LISTEN TO ME….I KNOW YOU NOT!” Gabriel was crying with a great sorrow saying, “Please give me the chance to go back, please Lord, please.” The Lord Jesus shouted with great anger saying, ‘DEPART, DEPART! DEPART FOR I KNOW YOU NOT! DEPART FROM ME!” and a great storm carried him away. Then, the Lord Jesus showed me the life story of Gabriel. While he was on Earth, he never would go out and win souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. Whenever the Lord Jesus told him to go and tell people about the gospel, he would procrastinate. The Devil would plant a thought into his heart: “Sit down and read your Bible, you will go tomorrow.”

But when the tomorrow came, again the Lord Jesus would tell him “GABRIEL, GO AND WARN THAT SINNER TO REPENT AND BE SAVED.” Then, again, Satan would say to his heart, “Gabriel sit down and read your Bible, tomorrow you shall do that.” Gabriel began to obey the voice of Satan [2 Corinthians 11:13-14]. He went to his friend’s house and instead of telling his friend about Jesus, he was discussing a business matter with the friend. Sadly, he lost his salvation through the friend’s evil advice. He began to live a sinful life like his friend did; that is why he told the Lord Jesus that he left his breastplate of righteousness at his friend’s house. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “TELL MY PEOPLE THAT THEIR ARMOR MUST BE COMPLETE; TELL THEM THEY MUST NOT LOSE THEIR ARMOR.” [Ephesians 6:10-18].

Armour Of God

When Gabriel arrived in Hell fire, I saw a big snake; the snake was so big and there were many thorns on its body. The snake spoke and said, “Gabriel that was how I deceived your first man (Adam) because you are made in the real image of God!” [Genesis 3:1-end] “I deceived you and you followed my deception; now I will torment you forever.” Then the snake entered the body of the man and hurt him. The man cried bitterly, but he could not get away from the snake or out of the fire. Then I heard the Devil begin to laugh and say, “Your souls are mine…I must win you all!” Christians, it is time to develop our relationship with God as many Christians end up their life in Hell fire just because of minute sins. We must confess our sin and forsake all of it, the standard of God stand out surely. [2 Timothy 2:19].


The Lord Jesus Christ then took me to a place in Hell fire where I saw ways the Devil works on Christians. I saw a dark anointing in a very large hole. I noticed that many demons would go there to take from the anointing. I wondered what these demons used this anointing for. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “MY SON, TELL MY PEOPLE THEY MUST BE PRAYERFUL, THE DEMONS USE THIS DARK ANOINTING AGAINST CHRISTIANS. DEMONS POUR THIS OUT ON A CHRISTIAN WHENEVER HE SLEEPS. IF THE CHRISTIAN WAKES UP AND REFUSES TO PRAY, THAT ANOINTING OF THE DEVIL WILL BRING ON A STRANGE FEELING AND EVIL THOUGHTS WILL BEGIN. HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ME WILL NOT BE PERFECT AND THE MAN COULD THEN BECOME A BACKSLIDER.”

People, we should not be ignorant of the devices of the Devil. [2 Corinthians 2:11] When we sleep, there are many things the Devil is doing against our soul; this is why the Bible is so true about the evil sower, “While men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. [Matthew 13:25] The Lord Jesus Christ told me “MY SON, LOOK AT THAT MAN.” And behold, I saw a man on Earth, he was sleeping. I saw a demon with the dark anointing. The demon poured it on the man and went his way. When the man woke up, he did not pray just because he was late for his work. He quickly rushed out of the room and went for his work. That dark anointing began to be manifested in his life. The man just began to have strange feelings. He began to commit adultery with women (church members). That was how the man forsakes the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus warned him to pray but he refused to listen- just because of his job. The Lord Jesus Christ told me “HE IS A PASTOR.”

We must be careful as the Devil is a great deceiver. His mission is to deceive us into certain destruction. He works politically as ‘the prince of this world.’ Also operating as ‘the god of this age,’ he blinds unbelievers and trying to keep them from hearing and accepting the gospel of salvation. [Ephesians 6:11-20].


There are many of you who have never believed in the Holy Spirit and I want to tell you now that He is real. I saw a man in Hell fire, he was chained down and the demon was tormenting him and when the man saw us, he was saying, “Now I believe in the Holy Spirit, now I believe in speaking in tongues!” When the man was still on Earth, he never believed in the Holy Spirit. He walked according to the flesh and not according to the Holy Spirit. He overlooked many sins. Now he is in Hell fire begging for second chance but the Lord Jesus Christ told him, “IT IS TOO LATE!” [Ephesians 1:13-14]. Pray hard and do not give up in seeking the Holy Spirit. If you don’t have it, you will just continue doing the will of the flesh [Romans 8:5-14]. Seek for the Holy Spirit to make it to Heaven.


The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “MY SON, COME! LET ME SHOW YOU HOW I WANT MY CHURCH TO BE.” Then I saw a church, and in that church I saw a burning flaming fire. I saw people in the fire but the fire never consumed them. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THAT IS THE FIRE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!” I also saw many powerful Angels with swords in their hands, they surrounded the church. I saw the people in the church; they were praying hard and were crying unto the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “THIS IS HOW I WANT MY CHURCH TO BE, BUT MANY OF MY CHURCHES ARE COLD.” [Revelation 3:15-16]. The Lord Jesus Christ continued, “MANY OF MY CHURCHES NO LONGER PRAY HARD, THEY NEVER DO FASTING. THEY NEVER PREACH ABOUT MY SECOND COMING. THEY NEVER PREACH ABOUT HELL FIRE.THEY NEVER PREACH OF MY GLORIOUS KINGDOM. THEY NEVER SEEK OUT AND WIN SOULS FOR ME. THEY DO NOT WANT MY ORDER. ALL THEY WANT IS TO BE LEAD BY THE FLESH AND NOT BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.



The Lord Jesus Christ took me to another place in Hell fire, I saw many demons, they were holding a meeting. All of a sudden, they all scattered and became disguised appearing as Pastors, Evangelists, Prophets, Teachers, brothers, sisters, elders, and Reverends. There the Devil was giving them orders saying, “Go now to the Earth, go and perform signs and wonders, go and perform miracles, go and teach them false doctrines; bring more souls to my kingdom.” The demons obeyed him and ran to Earth with great speed. When I saw them, I was very surprised as this reminded me of my first encounter with Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus showed me something next to Satan’s throne, a very large, deep hole. Inside of the hole was written the names of the churches on the Earth that belong to Satan. Friend, please be aware of the church that you attend, if it does not stand on the whole counsel of God (preaching of holiness, righteousness, glorious Rapture and second coming of Jesus Christ, godly dressing, preaching of Hell fire, Heaven, etc.). Please stay away from such churches as they all belong to Satan. [Matthew 24:24], [Mark 13:5-6], [Luke 21:8].

Beware, for many demons are in the likeness of ministers of God and their end goal is to deceive believers into eternal destruction. The Lord Jesus clearly told me, “I AM NOT THEIR FOUNDER; I DO NOT KNOW THOSE CHURCHES THAT ARE WRITTEN OF IN THAT HOLE.” [2 Timothy 3:4-7].


After this, the Lord Jesus Christ took me to a place where I saw only a few people who were fighting many demons. Those demons wounded so many in this great and powerful battle, primarily because the people had an incomplete armor. I saw so much blood on their bodies, yet these people kept up the fight. Behold, I saw the Lord Jesus crying and saying, “YOU MUST PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD!” [Ephesians 6:11-18]. I then saw those who wore the full and complete armor of their God, the demons could not wound them!


Suddenly, the Lord Jesus Christ turned His face to me, saying: “THEY ARE WAITING FOR YOU ON EARTH” and the Lord Jesus Christ took me back. I woke up and saw my mum and my elder brother. They had already removed a cloth that I used to cover myself. My mum told me that I had been in a deep sleep for a long time and at one point I was not breathing. She tried and tried to revive me, but I did not show any response. She then ran to get my brother and when he came to me they could see my life was returning. They decided they would wait a time until my blood circulated and my body came back to life. When I awakened, I saw them standing by me and calling my name. My mum was close to tears.


My friend, Lord Jesus Christ has revealed the secret of the Devil, as well as how His will for the church. It is now your time to take the step of salvation and repent from your sins, be saved! [Ephesians 5:1-2]. If you are a Christian and a backslider, even if you are a Pastor or a minister of God, please awaken! Come back to Jesus and He will receive you. [Ephesians 5:14-21].

The Lord Jesus Christ promised to visit me again, saying: “I AM COMING TO VISIT YOU AND SHOW YOU MORE THINGS ABOUT HEAVEN AND HELL FIRE!

Awaken, Christians!

 Scene of Hell


True Divine Revelation By Emmanuel SamsonJude

I thank God for giving me another divine encounter with Lord Jesus Christ. To Him be all the glory and honor. Amen. Around 4 pm on the 22nd of August 2014, I was praising God and asking for mercy, while my brother was praying in the sitting room. I was in the realm of the spirit dressed with a glorious garment and I was full of incomparable joy and peace. Halleluyah! I then saw a powerful Angel, he was dressed in a pure sky blue garment and his body was full of brilliant light. I asked him, “Who are you?” and he said “I am an Angel from God, sent to show you a vision.” And I said “Are you really an Angel from the Lord Jesus Christ?” I was not being carried away with his brilliant light because of the verse of the Bible that says “SATAN HIMSELF IS TRANSFORMED INTO AN ANGEL OF LIGHT.” (2 Corinthians 11:14). The Angel said, “Test every spirit, if they are of God.” (1 John 4:1). And I quickly remember my experience some time ago, how a false Angel appeared unto me but I called on the name of Jesus Christ, which made him turned into a demon and he fled away. Then this time around, I shouted in the name of Jesus Christ, but the Angel said, “He is the King of kings.” (Philippians 2:9-11). Then I knew already that he is truly an Angel from the Lord Jesus Christ and the Angel smiled.

Heavenly Angel

Then the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ said: “It is time to go to another place.” Then we were heading towards the center of the Earth. I was telling the Angel: “i don’t want to visit Hell,” but he told me that I needed to interview people there, so that people would know that it is not a joke. (Psalm 9:17). Hell has enlarged herself, and the candidates of Hell are increasing every second. The Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “Go and interview many here,” but I refused, but he said that I should go and interview many there. Souls are screaming for help in Hell fire.

Man in flames in hell


I was shown a man in Hell fire; he was in a great regret and in unbearable pain. I then asked him, “Why are you here?” He said, “I am Pharaoh that spoke against the God of Israel, I came here. I can feel serious pain here, who will take me out of this place?” (Exodus 14:17-28). All his horsemen and armies were in the same place with him. All of them were crying for mercy but it was too late for them to escape. When the Angel of our Lord Jesus Christ took me out of Hell, the doomed souls continued to say, “Please don’t go, come and take me out. Each one was crying for his soul, but they can’t come out any more. The terrible agonies of Hell fire continues forever!


Then I saw a woman in Hell fire, this woman was screaming, “Help, help!” I asked for the reason why she ended up her life in Hell, because she was going through unbearable pains in the fire. This made her body to melt away, but the same body would come back to the normal position. I asked, “Why are you here?” and she spoke, “I had been living a good life, until my caring husband died. I thought there was no man that could care for me the way he did, this led me into prostitution in order to have enough money to take care of my family. Later my son caught me with a man and told me about the Lord Jesus Christ, but I wouldn’t give him a chance to finish his preaching. I continued in my prostitution and died. How I wish I had listened to my son, I wouldn’t have come here. Can someone tell me about the gospel?” She was weeping for mercy but couldn’t found it because it is too late for her! (1 Thessalonians 4:3).


I saw a lady in Hell fire, screaming for mercy, and I could see tears dropping from the eyes of the Angel. I became surprised and I said, “Why are you crying?” I asked because I have never seen an Angel crying before. The Angel said, “My name is Mercy.” I was surprised with the name. I asked the lady the reason she ended up her life in Hell and she said, “I felt lonely and rejected by everyone. I felt no one cared for me. I felt no one loved me; I then went to hang myself. I killed myself. I regret ever doing that, I need mercy.” She cried but it was too late for her to repent. (Revelation 21:8).

Are you too in the same condition of feeling rejected, Jesus Christ care for you and love you more than anybody. (Matthew 11:28-30).


I saw a young man in Hell fire, the demon chained his two hands and there were worms coming out of his mouth. This man was unable to remove any of those worms since his hands were chained. Fire was burning him seriously and he wept for mercy. I saw how a demon was using his three horns to hurt the man. He would run and hit the man with his horns and the horns would penetrate into his belly. I asked him, “Why are you here?” and the man replied, “I am a liar, people used to send me to the market to buy them goods, but any time I bought goods I usually changed the amount in the receipt. I would just add to the amount so that I might gain some profit. My heart condemned me but I wouldn’t take a moment to think twice about it, now I found myself in this fire. I am very sorry. Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!” I became sad because of the life of this man. He looked for the gospel, if anyone could tell him about the Lord Jesus Christ, but this was impossible, all were looking for a way to escape.(Ephesians 4:25).


I saw a man in Hell fire, being in great agony and pain, in great torment. He stretched forth his hand if he could be delivered, but a demon was climbing on his back, cutting his head with an axe. I asked the man the reason why he ended his life there. He told me, “I divorced my wife. I chased her out because I didn’t have interest in her anymore. I got married to another woman, that is what brought me here. I blame myself, I am very sorry.” (1 Corinthians 7:10-11).

If you are a second wife or you have gotten married to a man that has put away his wife, or you have gotten married to a woman that has divorced her husband, you are an adulterer/adulteress in the sight of God and you are heading to Hell fire (Matthew 5:31-32). So whosoever that put his wife away let him remain unmarried. And let her that put her husband away remain unmarried or you go back to your husband or you call your wife back, because getting married to another person is a highway to Hell fire (Matthew 19:4-9). So divorce is a sin, which is why you need to escape for your life before it is too late. Whosoever that shall marry the person that is put away, he/she commits adultery. Beware of this and make a step on time. (Luke 16:18). Only death can separate a husband and a wife. (Romans 7:2-3).


I saw a woman in Hell fire screaming, “Please take me out, take me out, I need mercy.” She was in an unbearable pain and anguish. I saw worms on every part of her body. I then asked her the reason why she ended her life in Hell, and she told me, “I am a wicked person, I used charm to marry my husband. I treated him anyhow, but later he discovered I was using a charm on him. He poisoned me and I died and found myself in this place. I regret doing that.” She wept bitterly but there was no way for her to escape, her wickedness led her there, in great agony that has no end (Psalm 9:17).


I saw a man in Hell fire with a black bottle in his hand and the bottle contained acid. The man was drinking it, the more he drank, the more his body burst into pieces and come back again. It is a continuous process.  He wept with great pain. I could see sadness in the face of the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I asked the man, “Why did you come here?” and he said, “I was a Politician while alive and was very rich, but I spent most of my time in taking beer. I had heard about this place but I didn’t want to think twice about it, but I can still remember that before I died, I met a young boy at my gate, he gave me a small paper (tract), but I called him a beggar and gave him money but he refused. I later tore the paper because I thought the paper couldn’t profit my life. That very day I died. I am very sorry.” (John 3:3).

Then the Angel began to cry and said, “I was the one that gave him the tract, everything that he needed to hear was written in the tract, because I already knew he would pass away that day, but he called me a beggar. He misused the opportunity.” I was very sad about that, the late Politician abused the grace of God that minute. (Proverbs 1:24-27).


I saw a man in Hell fire, immediately I and the Angel got to his place, he began to jump with zeal and stretched forth his hands, like when a dog sees his master, exactly which was how the man was doing because he was in an unbearable pain. I asked the man, “Why did you come here?” And he said, “I died at the age of 80 years old. I married 3 wives, which is why I ended here. My Reverend told me it didn’t matter; meanwhile he also had a concubine. I regret knowing him; this pain is too much for me.” (Ephesians 4:18). Much grace was given unto the man to repent but he followed the advice of his lukewarm Pastor to miss the eternal home in the kingdom of God (Heaven).


I saw a man in Hell fire being chained by demons and he was inside a fire like boiling oil. Then I saw a serpent with seven heads and the serpent was saying to the man with great anger, “Why can’t you call the fire now the way you usually called fire on me on Earth, call it, call the fire!” As the serpent was saying that, fire was coming out of its mouth and the fire is acidic, and the fire was melting the body of the man. I asked the man, “Why did you come here?” And he said, “I was a Pastor, filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I regret coming here. During my counseling with a lady, I was seduced and I committed adultery with her. She became pregnant and I aborted the pregnancy. I was supposed to tell my wife to free my Heaven but I was afraid. My heart kept on condemning me, but I proved stubborn and refused to confess to my wife, now I ended up my life here. I need mercy, please help me.” (Exodus 20:14).

Majority of people are in this condition. Please, it would be better to confess than to end your life in eternal agony of Hell fire. I was very sad for the life of this late Pastor. Truly our God is not the God of partiality. He will render to everyone according to how his/her work shall be. (Luke 12:47; Romans 2:11).


I saw a young boy in Hell fire, going through pain. I then asked him the reason he ended up his life in Hell fire. He told me, “I was a secret sinner, whenever I was alone, I used to watch pornographic videos. I am very sorry of this. I want to give my life to the Lord Jesus Christ now. While alive, my friends told me to give my life to the Lord Jesus Christ but I wouldn’t listen to them. I blame myself.” (Ephesians 4:27). This boy was in a terrible pain, because demons were jumping on him but he can never die in eternal Hell fire. Are you too in such act, repent and be sanctified, never give a place to the Devil and you shall be saved.

Dropping Into Hell

Divine Revelation Of The Mystery Of Eternal Burning Hell!

True Divine Revelation By Emmanuel SamsonJude

The end of this present world is coming soon. After the imminent glorious Rapture, there will be the 7 years worldwide tribulation period and later the 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth known as the Millennial kingdom period. Therefore, be earnest, thoughtful men/women of prayer (1 Peter 5:7). I thank God for His grace over my life. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoice; and with my song will I praise Him. (Psalm 28:7). The Lord Jesus Christ promised to visit me on the 9th of February 2013 and He did. He is the ever faithful God. (Psalm 33:11).

On the 9th of February 2013, at approximately 1 pm, I was lying on my bed, about to go to sleep when I heard a voice saying, “It is time my son. Prepare yourself right now!” Then I asked for the blood of Jesus to wash me clean. Suddenly I fell into a deep sleep. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the room where I had my first divine encounter with Lord Jesus Christ. I saw Lord Jesus Christ entered and He said, “My son, I want to show you many things today, for this is the last time I will visit you. You must tell them what you saw because you have not been telling many people about what I showed you previously.” The Lord Jesus Christ started to cry because of this. I was sorrowful when He was crying because of me.  When we left the room, the Lord Jesus Christ told me, “My son, come. Let me show you the Great Judgment.” Then we arrived before a great throne.


When we arrived before a great throne I saw a woman there saying, “I am very sorry.” The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “Look at that woman crying. She knows she cannot make Heaven and that is why she is crying.” I asked the Lord Jesus Christ to tell me the reason why the woman had that thought. The Lord Jesus Christ replied, “My son, look at her.” Behold! I saw her life story. She was a Christian while she was still on Earth. She was looking for a man to marry and the Lord Jesus Christ told her to be patient, but her desire to marry was so strong. She did not wait for God’s time. Instead, she poisoned her friend so that she could marry her friend’s husband. Because of the poison, her friend died (Matthew 5:21). Then she married the husband of her late friend. Later, the husband found out that she was responsible for the death of his first wife. He then poisoned her and the woman also died. That was why the woman was crying before the throne of judgment (Luke 11:47).

The Lord Jesus Christ said to me, “I warned her not to do that but she never listened to me and now she is crying for help and a second chance. It is not possible. My kingdom is a holy place. It is not a place for a murderer. I warned you to repent but you never listened to me. It is too late for you.” (Isaiah 59:1-3). The Lord Jesus Christ told her, “Depart from me!”And a great storm carried her away into everlasting punishment!! (Matthew 25:41,46). Do not kill or murder because the one that does this is in danger of the judgment. Repent now and be saved! Then we left that place.

Please understand this: Christ’s coming is only for FAITHFUL, STEADFAST and WATCHFUL believers. It is not enough to simply be qualified for His coming; you must live each moment ready and waiting. Making your life count daily for eternity is the only thing that matters in this life. It is not enough just to warn and watch over others. You must also watch over yourself and take heed to the salvation of your own soul. Whenever the thought of Christ’s return (imminent glorious Rapture) fills you with dread or fright, this shows there is still something wrong and you need to allow the Holy Spirit do His work in you (Philippians 2:12-13).

You are better caught up, rather than cut off at the glorious Rapture. If you miss the glorious Rapture, the Antichrist will mock your faith and you will be punished more for trifling with the truth. What about if you die before the glorious Rapture? You must always be ready for the Lord’s return (imminent glorious Rapture). If you die and you have even one spot on your garment, you will be cast away. 1 John 5:17. All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death. If you keep on sinning against God thinking you still have time to repent you are just deceiving yourself. It is better to repent of your sins NOW because tomorrow may too be late for you. “DO NOT KILL!

The Lord Jesus Christ took me to Hell. We passed through the same tunnel that we used during my first divine encounter to arrive in Hell. Hell has enlarged herself because the Devil is working hard. (Isaiah 5:14).



I saw a man screaming in Hell fire saying, “Are you here to save me? I have been here for 250 years. I have waited to see if I would find a Savior, but I have already given up. But now that I see you, I doubt if you are here to save me.” The Lord Jesus Christ told him, “I sent many of my servants to you to tell you to repent but you never listened to me. They told you about the reality of Hell fire but you told them it was not real; it was a joke, and you thought your life was the best. You only spent your time on drinking alcohol, moving from one hotel to another, committing adultery (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, James 4:4). You were seriously ill to the point of death, but I did not allow you to die so that you would repent and be saved but you never even wanted to hear my name being mentioned. Now you are looking for Savior. I cannot save you anymore. It is too late for you.” (Proverbs 1:24-33).

The Lord Jesus Christ was crying while He was talking with that man because He has no pleasure in the death of a sinner. (Ezekiel 18:30-32). While you are still on Earth you have an opportunity to repent, but after death, there is no more repentance. Lord Jesus Christ is only the Savior of the living but not of the dead. Your breath is your opportunity. (Ecclesiastes 12:1-8) We left that place.


The Lord Jesus Christ took me to another place in Hell fire. I saw a girl there crying. There were so many worms and insects on her body. Whenever she removed one, many worms would come back to that particular place from which she removed the first worm. When she saw us, she was screaming for help. I asked her the reason she was there. She told me her life story, “When I was on Earth, I loved going to clubs to dance (1 Timothy 5:6). My parents never warned me because I was the only child they gave birth to. I loved following boys and having sex with them. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8) (Ephesians 5:3-6), I had heard about Hell fire but I never wanted to listen. Many of my friends told me to repent but I developed hatred toward them. Then I became pregnant and my mom reminded me of my ambition to become a lawyer. Because of this statement, I aborted the pregnancy and died. Then I ended up in this fire. I have been here for ten years being tormented. If I remove one of the worms, more will just replace them in my body. Please help me. I am now ready to repent.”

Worms in hell

I was very sad when I heard her story. The Lord Jesus Christ told her, “You cannot repent anymore. It is too late for you.” The Lord Jesus Christ was crying with deep feelings for her but He could no longer save her. The girl screamed saying, “No! No! No! No! It is too hot! I want to die!” But she could not find death. (Revelation 9:6) I asked the Lord Jesus Christ to take me back because I could not endure watching the way that girl was being tormented.

Parents, listen to me. Teach your children the way of the Lord Jesus Christ. Teach them the word of God. Correct them if they have done any wrong against the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 6:1-4) (1 John 2:1-6). Trains up a child in the way he/she should go, and when he/she is old he/she will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). We left that place and went to another area.


We must be careful and purge ourselves in this sinful world because many of our inventions defile us before God (Ecclesiastes 7:29). The Lord Jesus Christ showed me a girl in Hell fire. Her torments were so horrible that she was screaming out, “Enough! Enough! Please take me out!” She used her left hand to cover her ear while she was masturbating with a very hot object in her right hand. She was crying bitterly but she could not stop masturbating.

I asked her the reason why she was doing that and she told me her life story. “I was 14 years old when I died. When I was on Earth, I loved listening to worldly music. Any time I heard it, I had sexual feelings and that would lead me to masturbate. I heard about this place of torment, but I never believed it was real. Many servants of God warned me about worldly music but I called them fools. They warned me in their preaching that masturbation was a sin, but I told them God is merciful. Now I believe they are not fools. The reason I cover my ear is because I am still hearing that worldly music and it is hurting me. The reason I use this object is because this is what I used to masturbate with when I was on Earth. Please help me! I cannot stop this! It is hurting me!”

The Lord Jesus Christ told her, “I cannot help you anymore. You have made my grace useless on Earth, but in this place, there is no more grace. It is too late for you to repent!” She screamed but the Lord Jesus Christ told her, “I cannot change my words. It is written already. My word stands for ever.” (Matthew 24:35) (Matthew 13:31). Parents, please take care of your children (2 Corinthians 12:14) (Ephesians 6:1). Remember that the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience. (Colossians 3:6). Then we left that place and moved to another area.


The Lord Jesus Christ took me to another place in Hell fire where I saw a man screaming out, “I will listen! I will listen! Please I am ready to listen!” I asked him the reason why he was there and he said, “When I was on Earth, I loved having sex with girls, especially the prostitutes. My friend told me to repent and be saved but I replied that I didn’t want to listen to any foolish preaching- I am ready for that fire, just leave me alone. But now I am ready to listen and repent. Please! Please help me!”

The Lord Jesus Christ told him, “I gave you enough grace till you died at the age of 25 years old, but you never listened to my warning. Now you are begging to listen. It is too late for you. No one can tell you about me here because everybody here is looking for a way to escape. Any soul that arrives here shall never get out again. It is too late for you (1 Thessalonians 4:3). Your body is not for fornication (1 Corinthians 6:13).” The man screamed. I begged the Lord Jesus Christ to take me away from that place because I could not look at them anymore. So we left Hell fire.


True Testimony Of Lucius Oge: “The Rich Man In Luke 16:19-31 Is Truly In Great Torment In Hell! I Spoke With Him In Hell!”

True Divine Revelation By Lucius Oge

“There was a rich man that dressed in purple and fine linen, who enjoyed luxurious living every day.  In front of his gate a beggar named Lazarus was placed, covered with sores, and hungering to be fed crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table.  Even the dogs came and licked his sores. The beggar died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom.  The rich man also died and was buried, and while suffering tortures in hades (Hell), he looked up and from a distance saw Abraham with Lazarus in his bosom.  So he called out, ‘Father Abraham, take pity on me and send Lazarus to dip his fingertip in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this fire.’ But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that you enjoyed the good things in your lifetime while Lazarus had the bad things; now he is being comforted here but you are suffering anguish.  Besides, there is a great chasm fixed between you and us, so that those who want to cross from here to you are unable; neither can they cross from your side to us.

The rich man said, Then I beg you, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father’s house, where I have five brothers. Let him go and warn them so that they, at least, will not come to this place of pain. Abraham said, Your brothers have Moses and the prophets to warn them; your brothers should listen to what they say. The rich man answered, That is not enough, father Abraham! But if someone were to rise from death and go to them, then they would turn from their sins. But Abraham said, if they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone were to rise from death.” (Luke 16:19-31).

For a long time, people have read the story of Lazarus and the rich man in the Bible (Luke 16:19-31). To some people, the story is a mere parable. However, the story is not a parable but a true occurrence that Lord Jesus Christ narrated in the Bible about two real places: Heaven and Hell, the salvation or the condemnation. There is no intermediate place. Purgatory or Limbo does not exist, where souls stay for a while after they have departed from the Earth and then go to Heaven. The Bible is very clear about that.

The request of the rich man in Luke 16:19-31, was finally granted by Lord Jesus Christ in this end time for our generation. Earlier, the rich man requested from Abraham that the testimony of a person who rose from death will be convincing enough to warn people urgently to avoid the eternal torment of burning Hell. Therefore, presently, the true testimony of Lucius Oge who died and later rose again is now warning everybody, rich or poor to avoid Hell at all cost. Heaven is the best choice! Heaven is real! Hell is real! Lucius Oge was taken to heaven and Hell during his true death experience. In Hell, Lord Jesus Christ allowed Lucius to speak to the rich man in Luke 16:19-31 and some doomed souls in eternal burning Hell! You will read the full testimony of Lucius Oge death experience in this inspiring Evangelical post. Read the true testimony attentively and give your life now to Lord Jesus Christ if you are still an unrepentant sinner or unbeliever. Today may be your last chance before death. Avoid Hell! Heaven is your best choice!


(Divine Encounter of 15 years old boy Lord Jesus Christ took to Heaven and Hell during true death experience).

The testimony begins with the words of Lucius’ father who gave his own side of the testimony.


I have 3 children (Two boys and a girl) in Federal School and Technical College Usi-Ekiti, Ekiti, in South-Western part of Nigeria. Two weeks ago, I received a phone call from the Principal of the school, a lady that I should come urgently. When I got to the principal’s office, she confided in me that due to the sickness, which Lucius, my son has been experiencing in recent times, his academics has suffered. She referred to a particular incident when Lucius fainted, having suffered from breathing difficulty. On getting to the hospital, according to the Principal, a whitish substance was coming out of his mouth. The situation was so bad that, the doctor shortly after, pronounced him dead. After a session of prayer, Lucius woke up. Since then, Lucius has been admitted at the hospital. The Principal’s story was later supported by the school nurse that was taking care of Lucius. In the end, I was advised by the school Principal to take my son home for better care. When I was being told all these things, I let the Principal know that all the things happening to Lucius has a spiritual undertone.



My name is Lucius Oge, born into a Christian family of a father and two siblings (having lost my mother some few years ago). I am a Christian, because I could say I had given my life to the Lord Jesus Christ in the past, but due to the pressure of numerous temptations faced in my school, I kept on falling back into sin. But after my experience cum revelation, I have since recommitted my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and He has been helping me.

It was early February 3rd, 2011, we were scheduled to have a cross country race or a marathon. That was around 6:30am. We were woken by our Sports Master who told us to prepare for this race from Usi-Ekiti to another town called Udo – Ekiti. I complained to the Sports Master about my fragile health, being an ulcer patient and coupled with the fact that I had not eaten that morning, but he would not listen to me. So I was forced to run in the race.

When we returned from the race, I started gasping for breath. I felt a sharp pain as if a needle had pierced my heart. I was rushed to the hospital, but one thing I noticed was that the nurse didn’t show much concern, as I was left on my own on the floor for a while. My school Principal came and intervened and I was put on a bed. That was when I lost consciousness. The hospital I was taken to was Folasade Medical Hospital in Usi-Ekiti. I was later told that, I was at the point of being deposited in the mortuary when I recovered and came back to life.

Now, what happened during the time when I was unconscious? The first thing I observed was that I left my human body, as I saw my body on the bed. It was as if I just rose away from it. I was going up until I fell into a pit. A man dressed in black came as if coming to help me out of the pit, as he stretched his hand to me, but I refused. Later, a man dressed in white came and I allowed him to lift me out of the pit. When he brought me up, it was as if I was falling down again and I later found myself on my hospital bed and I regained my consciousness. It was a period of about 6-7 hours.


My second death experience was very frightening. It happened in the morning of a day in March 2011. One of our teachers had not covered much of his syllabus, so he organized an extra class for us during the Prep. He was hastening us to the class, so I had to run. That was when the sharp pain I had felt in February of that year reoccurred. I tried to control myself, but all to no avail. After the Prep and into the night, the sharp pain continued and became rather more acute. Then breathing problem compounded the problem.

The following morning, I was rushed to the hospital and at about 10 am the drip attached to my body had stopped. I lost consciousness. By the time I regained consciousness, I later discovered it was 12 am, the night of Tuesday /Wednesday. What happened was that, I stood up from the bed as I had come out of my body. In a rather strange occurrence, my body was still on the bed.

I came out in front of the clinic. There was this person in white who came and told me that the Master (Lord Jesus Christ) is calling me and that there is no time to waste.

Powerful Angel

We trekked and got to a junction and saw two major roads; one leading to the right and the other to the left. The road on the right was rough and unkempt and very narrow with thorns and was paved with broken bottles and other harmful objects. The road to the left was very wide and beautiful. We passed the dangerous road. The journey was very tedious.

When we got to the end of this road, we saw a beautiful gate with two Angels holding a book. The Angel that had been accompanying me from Earth was allowed to enter through the beautiful gate and when I attempted to follow suit, I was stopped. The reason for not being allowed according to one of the Angels was that I was not properly dressed. I explained to them that I could not have got another dress, because I was just coming straight from school and was still in my school uniform. The Angels now showed me a white garment which is the right dress to enter through the gate. This prompted me to further try to persuade the Angels by telling them that it is the Master Himself (Lord Jesus Christ) who had invited me to come, but they were not moved.

Shortly after, rescue came as the Angel that had been accompanying me came out of the beautiful gate with a white garment. He said that he is only lending me the garment and that he will collect it back. I asked him if that is the only dress that he has, that he would have to collect it back. He replied that I would have to return to Earth later and that if I should take it back to the world with me; there is the likelihood that it would get stained and soiled. I said ‘Ok.’ That was how he took me through the beautiful gate.

The Angel took me through the gate and the first thing I saw surprised me. I lost my mother in 2009 and there I was with my mother right in front of me in Heaven! I saw my mother there in Heaven, with a crown on her head. Suddenly, she began to frown and asked where my brother and sister were and she asked why I was the only one there in Heaven. The Angel now replied that it was the Master (Lord Jesus Christ) that sent for me and that I will be going back later. She said ‘Okay’ and went back to a building.

Heavenly New Jerusalem

There were different shapes of buildings in Heaven. Some were small, medium and big. The big mansions were mostly not occupied. The people that resided in these houses were in white robes, some with crowns and others without crowns, singing different melodious songs. Even leaves were singing halleluiah. We were going and we got to the roads that were paved with gold and other precious stones whose descriptions I lack the required human language to describe. You can virtually see your reflection on the road (Revelation 21:21).

Golden New Jerusalem

I came to a garden and in the middle was the tallest tree. This tree had 9 different kinds of fruits. I was surprised and asked the Angel how a single tree could produce 9 different fruits and the Angel replied that the fruits are the fruits of the Spirit as contained in the book of Galatians 5:22-23. According to the Angel, before anybody would enter heaven, he must have all the 9 fruits of the Spirit and that any lack of one fruit, sentences one straight to Hell fire.

The Glorious New Jerusalem

We entered another place with a huge gate, decorated with different exotic stones. This gate opened of its own accord. I saw the most beautiful mansion imaginable. It looked like a palace. There were two Angels at the entrance. When the gate opened, the glory that flowed out was so much that I had to close my eyes and the voice that came out was like a clash of many waters, just like thunder. The voice reassured me not to be afraid. A hand came from nowhere to remove my hands from my face and now I could see everything clearly.

There was a divine personality on the raised throne (Revelation 4:2-3), surrounded by 12 thrones on each side of the throne, right and left (Revelation 4:4). When I asked the Angel, he said these were the 24 elders and there were also 4 living creatures (Revelation 4:6-11) with different heads and looking very amazing. The heads of the 4 living creatures range from that of a man, calf, eagle and a lion. At the base of the throne was a sparkling water (River of Life) flowing beneath it (Revelation 22:1-3). What surprised me was the divine personality; Glorified Jesus Christ who was sitting on the throne. I can describe Him in different ways; His hair wooly in texture and very white with eyes like balls of fire (Revelation 1:12-16).

Glorious Throne of God

The pictures I have seen on Earth of Lord Jesus Christ are nothing but wrong imagination of the artists. When I entered the palace, there was absolute silence, and then a sweet music was playing. I was nearly carried away by the music, sweeter than any music on Earth. I began to dance. It took the prompting of my accompanying Angel that we still have an assignment ahead of us.

The Lord Jesus Christ then took me and said that He would show me some things. Suddenly we got to the crossroad that I had earlier mentioned which diverts to right and left paths. I discovered that the broad and wide road on the left took us to our destination rather faster. Welcome to Hell fire! I saw a big pit with fire gushing out of it with people being raised and dropped. Those people in Hell were numerous and were speaking different languages, but one thing common to their lamentations were shouts of ‘help,’ ‘give me one more chance.

Falling Into Hell

A Young Secondary School Girl In Hell Fire!

Shortly after, a lady was thrown up and left hanging in the air. This caused Lord Jesus Christ to frown His face. Jesus then asked me ‘Do you know that girl hanging in the air?  I said ‘No.’ He asked me if I remember the day we were having our inter house sport in my school and I said ‘yes.’ He reminded me that on that day, we erected two banners, one for the house we belong to called Republic House. He asked what the first banner was about and I answered that it was for our house, the Republic House and He asked what the second one was about. It was then that I remembered that on that day, we were having a memorial service and programme for a senior female student that had just died. She is supposed to be in SS3 (Senior Secondary School class) by now, but she died in SS2. The Lord Jesus asked if I know her name and I answered ‘Yes, Senior Olofinbiyi Oyinkansola. She was a Christian that belonged to a Christian fellowship when we were in school and I was surprised to find her in Hell fire. Jesus then asked me,’ Did I hear you put Senior title before her name? I said ‘Yes because she was my senior in school.’ Jesus now corrected me that, nobody in Hell is my senior and that anybody in Hell I am senior to them all and that there in Hell, they are useless and without hope and though they will be willing to come out, they are eternally condemned and doomed, but for me, I can still do whatever I want to do. I said ‘Okay.’

I asked Lord Jesus Christ what this girl was doing in Hell and that was when she herself replied. “I have my own mouth to answer you. When I was in the world, I was involved in a school father- daughter relationship (a trend in most schools) with a senior male student called Owoeye Caleb (he has since passed out of the college). Anytime you see him, please tell him that all the secret affairs we had together should be confessed because it is what has landed me in Hell fire.” The fire rolled up and dropped her down.

Muslim Prayer

A Muslim Scholar In Hell Fire!

The Hell fire brought out another person who has a spot on his forehead. He told me that he was a Muslim scholar and that the greatest mistake Muslims make in their religion is not to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Messiah (Savior), but now he has believed, it is too late to correct what he had professed. He requested that when I get to the world that I should tell Muslims that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Messiah (Savior). I told him that I am a small boy and that even those that have tried to preach the truth of the gospel to Muslims have been killed. That was when Lord Jesus Christ assured me that He brought me here into Hell for a purpose to go into the world and speak to them. He assured me of His protection, that I should go and tell them that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and not the servant of God and that He died for the Muslims too.

Biblical Rich Man

The Great Agony Of The Rich Man In Hell Fire! (Luke 16:19-31)

Later, the fire rolled up another man with a big stomach, with a wrinkled body. This man asked me, ‘My son, do you normally read the Bible especially the Book of Luke?’ I answered ‘Yes.’ The man continued, ‘Do you remember the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man? Would you believe if I tell you that I am that rich man?’ I said ‘No’ because I have always thought the story is a mere parable. The man told  me that it is not a parable and that he has been in Hell for close to four thousand years and the hope of coming out is gone. He even surprisingly quoted the Bible passage “What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul.” He explained that the reason he quoted that passage is because he gained all the riches on Earth, but now he is helpless and doomed forever, but for me, I still have the opportunity and that I should tell the whole world. He then explained further  that nobody has any excuse to miss Heaven, because on judgment day if any poor person ascribes his missing Heaven to poverty, Lazarus who was a poor man would stand up and condemn the person and say, ‘Look at me, I was poor, yet I made Heaven.’ For those that are rich too, Abraham would be waiting for them to disprove whatever excuse they may have by saying, ‘Look at me, I was rich, yet I was able to make it to Heaven.’ So there is no excuse for anybody. The fire rose and brought the rich man down into eternal damnation.

Tormented Soul

A Scientist (Atheist) In Hell Fire!

There was another man, a Scientist and an Atheist who confessed that the greatest mistake he made in life was to believe that there is no God. He explained that whenever they wanted to carry out any experiment, whenever they mention the name of God, the experiment would not be successful, but when they don’t use the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the experiment would be successful. That was the belief that made them make it into a law in their organization that God does not exist. However, he now believes that Jesus Christ exists and that Satan even exists. There is Heaven and Hell but it is too late for him. He begged me to talk to those Atheists that God do exist and when they die they are coming to Hell and God is not happy about that and that God will take me to a high position and that I should use the opportunity to tell people about eternity in Heaven and Hell. The fire rolled him down again.

Satan The Wicked Tormenter Of Doomed Souls In Hell Fire!

I wanted to ask Lord Christ Jesus where the master of those in Hell, Satan himself is. Jesus interrupted me that He already knew that was what I wanted to ask Him. He then pointed to the left hand side and immediately a screen came and the figure of a terrible looking creature came on it. He has many wounds, a disfigured body and reddish eyes. He had this reddish iron with thorns over it. Each time a sinner comes to Hell, Satan would roll it and use it to strike the sinner. It was as if Satan perceived my presence and began to show his anger and disgust at my presence. Lord Jesus Christ now assured me with a smile that it was a mere threat that since He is there with me, Satan could not do anything to me.

Satan In Hell

Lord Jesus Christ then asked me a question, which is also a question directed to all humanity. The question is, ‘Between a master and a servant, who would you choose?  I answered that I would choose the master. He asked me again, ‘between myself and Satan, who is the master?’’  I answered that He is the Master. He then said people of the world are now following the servant (Satan) and when it is time for the servant to receive his reward; all those that supported and followed him would also share in the eternal punishment (Lake of fire and Sulfur) and would perish with him. That I should tell people to follow Him (Lord Jesus Christ), the Master.

Lord Jesus Christ agonized how day and night, He cries before His Father (Jehovah) to delay His coming and that there was a time He appeared in the sky, but when He looked down, He saw that man has gone deeper in his sin and that the Angel was nearly putting the trumpet in his mouth to blow it, but He had to beg His Father (Jehovah) to please give humanity more time. That every day, sins are increasing. That He is begging man now to repent, because when man stand before Him in judgment, He would not entertain any begging.

I told the Lord Jesus Christ that people would not believe me if I go to them to deliver His message. I then asked Him to give me a sign. Jesus then replied, “How many signs did I show Pharaoh? 12 signs. Yet he still died and he is still there in Hell. Those that would believe would believe. There are some with soft hearts, while some have stony hearts.” He recounted that signs of His imminent coming are ever present with us: Signs of earthquake, of war everywhere.

Lord Jesus Christ then asked me if I know what is called the ozone layer. He then explained it to me that it is like a transparent glass between the sun and the Earth and that it is what absorbs the heat coming directly from the sun. He confided in me that it has started melting and we are complaining already of the growing heat on Earth. Jesus also mentioned a sign He recently sent which came in form of a baby born and on his palm was written, JESUS IS COMING BACK VERY SOON. The palm of the baby was opened through a surgical operation and shortly after, the baby died. People overlooked this incident as a normal occurrence.

Lord Jesus Christ wanted man to sit down and think for a while how they came into this world and that there are times He regrets creating man, because of his evil works. He said that if man would not serve Him, He would raise up stones. Jesus lamented how the so-called Christians are being attracted by things of this world and are going back to it.

Lord Jesus Christ then told me to return to the world and deliver His message to all humans. He however wanted me to follow the footsteps of somebody who He cannot even call his servant, but his son. What made this man special to Him according to Jesus was that whatever He told this man to do; he did with all humility, obedience and joy. The Lord Jesus asked me if know the founder of the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) in Nigeria. I said “Yes, Joseph Ayo Babalola.” Lord Jesus Christ immediately chided me. ‘Just look at the manner you called his name without any respect!

Shortly after, 2 Angels escorted me back to Earth, but Lord Jesus Christ Himself followed me inside the hospital to the bed and asked me to go sleep on the bed.  Immediately, I woke up and I saw Jesus in flesh, but He disappeared shortly after. End.

Gates of Hell (1)

The Terrible Agonies Of Doomed Souls In Eternal Burning Hell!

Vital Warning Message To Everybody From Lord Jesus Christ Given To Jarrod Waugh.

“Hello MY son. It is I your LORD JESUS. I do have words. Not only for you MY son, but for you, your friends and the entire Earth below the sky. I your LORD JESUS have important words to tell each of you. Now listen to ME. Listen to MY words. Take heed. These are serious words for all of you.

I love you all so much, MY daughters and MY sons I love you more than any other creation of MINE. I made you in MY image. How can I not love you, MY FATHER loves you so much because He sees ME in all of you who have MY blood. I love all of you so much. You will never fully know or understand how much I love you. You will never be able to measure the depth of MY love for you Children. I am going to address a lot of things that man takes for granted. Not realizing that it is the enemy’s deceit and lies that draw people into his sin. I your LORD, your GOD will expose HIM today. I do this only because I love MY creation and I want each of you to choose ME. Choose ME, your SAVIOR, the one who loves you.

Jesus & A Raptured Saint

MY children do you understand how much I love you. I want nothing but the best for all of you. I want to see you happy. I long to see you all walking in MY perfect will for your lives. I long to have you learn what peace is. Peace and joy in its fullness and the only way you can have that is through ME, the LORD JESUS CHRIST the only SON of GOD. MY children, I love you deeply. Your mother and father will never love you as I do. I alone know the true definition of love, I am love. The only way you are able to love each other is because MY SPIRIT is still on the Earth. You are able to love because I loved you first. I, GOD, of the Heavens and the Earth, everything belong to ME and I love you all. Yes the GOD of all loves each of you individually equally. I love you so much. Do not try to understand MY love for you but know MY love for you. Know my love for each of you. Even in sin I still love you and beg you to return to ME. Do not entertain the enemy’s deception and temptation.

I love you MY children. I love you and as surely as I live, as surely as I the sovereign GOD will always live, the enemy (Satan) will hate you. MY children do you think he likes you, he does not like you, how can he even love you. He (Satan) cannot tolerate you. If it were not for MY hand of protection over you the enemy would have killed you and had you in the pits where you will understand the hate he has for ME and you. Be not deceived. You think the pleasure you have on the Earth is nothing more than pleasure? No, it is sin. The pleasure of flesh is against the spirit. MY children please read this slowly, understand it fully. He (Satan) hates you, (the Lord Jesus Christ sounds sad) yes I am heartbroken by MY children who have perished. MY heart aches for each of them, each of them MY Spirit. Why do you choose the flesh over ME MY children? I can give you more but you choose him, the enemy (Satan) I defeated long ago. His defeat was written long ago, before you were born. He (Satan) hates you and he will do anything. Whatever it takes to have your soul in Hell. He will do it. Through your family, through your friends. Your career. Your music. The things you watch. Everything that he can find that will get to you he will use, but he cannot use it unless you give him power. MY children, Satan has no power. Do not entertain his evil ways, he wants your soul in Hell. In Hell, do you know what is in Hell my children? Do you?

Snake on Head Of Lost Soul In Hell

Snakes which make love to you. Smokers, homosexuals, drunkards, their punishment is severe. Even MY children who called themselves MY own, those who chose money over ME, those who were harsh in words, people who love wild parties, there are so many in Hell MY children, so many being tortured. Yet some of you seem to think you can handle Hell, that Hell is a place of fun. You joke about Hell being a party, a fun party where you drink and smoke and take part in your pleasure filled sins. Yes it is so, MY children you will party, you will drink, you will smoke, you will fornicate for eternity MY children. It will indeed be a hot party, but believe ME you will find no pleasure in any of that. Only demons will find pleasure in Hell’s possession of your soul.

Drunk in hell

Drink: you will drink fire, you will drink acid, you will drink burning liquid, you will drink the most horrid painful things only Satan’s demons find pleasure in. You will smoke things you never thought to smoke and it will never end my children.

Torment of a smoker

You will be pierced with spears all over your bodies. All over your bodies you will be speared, stabbed, bitten, your flesh will be torn. You will cry for death but death will never come. You are made in MY Image, I am an ETERNAL BEING and you cannot die. Yes fornicators will be pierced in the genitals. In the most painful of areas. Demons with thorns all over their body will make love to you. Worms will suck on your tongues. Ugly, horrific things will happen to you. That is the party you will be in forever. The party, the hot party in Hell never ends my children. It never ends. There are no 6 to 6’s in Hell. Only eternity, forever, and ever the torment will go on. Is a minute’s pleasure worth eternal torment MY children; really is it worth it MY children? How do you choose that over what I offer you? I offer you peace, joy, eternal rest. I offer you life. I offer you the beauties of heaven. The finest GOD can give you. Do you not want to smile for eternity, do you not? What MY children is it not enough? Is to live to sin? How is it that you encourage this term of yours live a little?

Private Parts Cut In Hell

What is to live a little? Live on the Earth sinfully, die and land up in Hell? Is that to live a little? MY children listen to Me, you do not live a little. You will never live a little. You will live forever. When your soul departs from your body that is the beginning of eternity. Where will you spend it? In MY Kingdom, in MY presence, Or in Hell? My children stop encouraging each other to sin, it is not right, it is unholy, it is evil, it is detestable.

My children I told you I am going to tell you many things in these words, I tell you the truth and nothing else. Nothing but truth comes out of MY mouth; I have no reason to deceive those I love. No reason to lie. I am not man. I cannot lie. I cannot, it is not in MY Being, and MY SPIRIT knows not to lie. I do not lie. My children, suicide, why do you commit suicide? Do not do it, I know MY children it is hard, some of you your circumstances seem unbearable but just trust and believe that I God will work everything out in your favor. I have forgiven every sin. Even suicide, I have MY blood to cover suicide but I will explain to you why MY children, why suicide offenders land up in Hell. Suicide offenders land up in Hell, MY children because they could not repent. You cannot repent in Hell. You cannot repent after the departure from your body. By the time you die there is no time for you to ask for forgiveness, you have left the Earth. You have been cut off from the Earth my children remember this.

Torment In Hell

Repentance is not for the grave, MY children. Repentance is for now. It is now. Do not waste time. Do not deceive yourselves thinking you will run away from your circumstances to a better place, you will find yourselves worse off than you were while on the Earth MY children, but I ask you my children to come to me. Run to ME, I will comfort you in your sickness and in your pain. I am here for you. I will never turn my back on you. I will give you back everything that the devil stole from you. I, GOD will give you back your joy. Your peace and your worth. I God will mend you and put you back together for my own glory because I love you and those who belong to me will not be mocked or destroyed by the enemy (Satan) for I will be your GOD, your PROTECTOR. I am the Great “I AM.” I can only protect you if you belong to Me. Call on MY name my children. Call on the name of JESUS. I am here.

My children listen to ME. I have a complaint against you. Why do you betray each other MY children? Why do you betray and hurt your friends and your family. Why do you lie to each other? Why do you fight? Make peace today, MY children. Talk, forgive one another, stop crucifying each other and mocking and slandering your names. MY children this is not from ME. I command you to love each other as you love yourselves. Do not believe that you will enter MY kingdom (Heaven) if you hold any grudges, MY children. No. Stop being hypocrites. Stop it. I do not go to MY Father and bad mouth you, I do not remind MY FATHER of the countless sins you performed. Forgive each other, help each other, respect, and do not break each other’s trust. Encourage each other in the LORD. In ME, encourage each other, do not pull each other away from each other. MY church is to help each other. Stop judging each other, judgment is for God alone not for mere people. Judgment is MINE; MY judgment is fair and just. Do not hurt each other.

MY children I am going to talk about pornography. I need you to understand MY children it is a sin. How dare you put what I made for privacy on display? Pornography encourages sex out of marriage. Demons of lust enter into your body then you yield to your flesh and sin against your own body, through masturbation. Why masturbation is wrong you may ask yourself? It is sin MY children, I am not pleased with MY children lusting after each other, I am not pleased with the world telling my children to masturbate because it is natural. Sex outside of ME, MY children is dangerous, demons make love to you. Do not do it. Do not watch pornography, do not make pornography, MY children, this includes your photos. The photos you take and the photos you look at. Listen to ME, you are grieving the HOLY SPIRIT, you are. MY children please, the road to Hell is very broad and the road to Heaven is very narrow. Few find it. I ask you now, what road are you walking on? Sex is for man and woman in marriage alone. Only in marriage, MY children. You ask yourselves why and how you became so sexual, so promiscuous? Sex MY children, sexual demons are in you, ask ME to restore you and purify you MY children that you are found not guilty before a Holy GOD. Only I, GOD can deliver you from such sin. Yes only I, GOD.

I am not done MY children; I have words, listen to ME, and listen to ME carefully. I am coming. I am coming very soon (imminent glorious Rapture). I am coming so soon. Those who do not believe, those who doubt, your blood is on your own head. I have warned you over and over. Do not expect to see tomorrow, do not plan for next week, do not invest for retirement, do not watch and wait for your youth to end, do not stall, do not wait to turn to ME. I will come soon. I am coming now, I am on MY way. I am here. I am ready to leave with MY “bride” (Rapture ready born again Christians).

Resurrection & Rapture Day

I have sent the words out: Soon MY children. You will be shocked at the events that are about to take place before MY coming and after MY coming. Woe to you MY children who are left behind to face the Antichrist. Woe to you. The time is now. Do not wait. Repentance is not for the grave. It is not. I am coming with the voice of an arch-Angel and the sound of a trumpet. “I AM” is here! I love you all.”


River of life and tree of life


The Eternal Bliss And Rewards Of Immortal Saints In Heavenly New Jerusalem.

Vital Warning Message To Everybody From Lord Jesus Christ Given To Donna McDonald.



Heavenly Scene



New Jerusalem beautiful landscape


Corresponding Scripture:

John 14:3: And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.


“I See Everything You Are Doing! Lay Your Life Down Before Me! Repent Now!”

Vital Warning Message To Everybody From Lord Jesus Christ Given To Donna McDonald.

“Do you not think, I, your FATHER, do not see the things you do? I see what you do in secret. I see those magazines, the Internet sites, the billboards and venues you look at and go to. I see ALL. I see into your heart. You know what I say? Do some housecleaning. In your Spirit visualize opening a window and sweeping the evil out. Visualize yourself cleaning out the house. Then shut the window with your hands and get on your knees and call out to ME, beg ME to keep those spirits out–the spirit of lust, of anger, of fear, of anxiety. Call out to ME to deliver you from these spirits. And if you sense these spirits creeping back in whether through a crack in a window, a door or crevice in your house, your body, then you get on your knees and you do it again. You BEG ME to keep them out. You LAY YOUR LIFE DOWN to give it over to ME, tell ME as I WANT TO HEAR IT. “I lay my life down to YOU, LORD. Do what YOU wish with me today.” When you give your life over to ME there is less a chance that the enemy can ever creep back again.

Remember you are in the greatest battle in your life–the one of good versus evil and it is a civil war. The war has been waged from the enemy (Satan) with each of you with your thoughts, mind, spirit and soul. It is a civil war–your hand or eye will want to do what your spirit says, NO that is unclean, unholy. You will have thoughts–some directly whispered in your ear, unknown to you, by the enemy (Satan). You hear curse words when you are reading your Bible? Civil war–the enemy (Satan) is whispering in your ear and then you have this evil thought–curse words associated with the Bible. It is a civil war except you are not dealing with a civilian. You are dealing with an enemy (Satan) that is skilled at warfare. He (Satan) is the most formidable foe you will ever have and here is the kicker–you cannot see him–he is invisible to most of you except to those who have had visions or dreams of him (Satan).

You must put down the weapons, his (Satan) weapons of anger, fear and anxiety and pick up MY weapons, the weapons of your GOD. The weapons your GOD has for you are weapons the enemy (Satan) is unskilled at using. Try these weapons: LOVE–love your enemy, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF-CONTROL. You know them as fruits of the Spirit but these are MY weapons and against these the enemy (Satan) cannot assault you. He (Satan) is left powerless, rendered hopeless and he will move on, eventually. Pray for MY HOLY SPIRIT filling, read your Bible every day, pray to ME which is just talking to ME, worship ME. These are MY requirements. This is MY battle plan for you.


N.B: When Lord Jesus Christ says love your enemy, He means those people who persecute you. You don’t have to always engage with them, just love them.

Corresponding Scripture:

Galatians 5:22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.…

Confession and salvation

Vital Soul Winning Admonition Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

Heaven: Why Born Again? John 3:3-16; 14:6. To be allowed to pass through heaven’s gate, you need to have all of your sins removed. The only cleanser strong enough to thoroughly remove sin stains is the blood of Jesus Christ. First, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your wrong doings. Finally, make Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to forgive your sins. By dying on the cross, Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in hell. The reason so few people accept this pardon is that they do not think they need a Savior or they want to find their own way of salvation. When God looked at your soul, He saw a sinner. God judges your heart, your thoughts, your attitude and intentions. When you are saved and forgiven of your sins, God looks upon you and sees the blood of Jesus Christ making you pure and clean. Accept the salvation of Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late!

After being born again, remain dedicated in your commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is an act of faith (John 3:3-16, 5:24). There are no signs to look for. Believe strongly that you are saved in Jesus name. Don’t doubt. Make sure you continue to grow in your devotion to Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t backslide. You must always resist temptation that can lead you to indulge in sinful acts. Read your Bible daily. Also, pray always and look for a reliable gospel-focused Church where you can worship God regularly. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope and an imminent reality. Therefore, we must be ready always for Rapture. Never give up.

Born Again Warning

IS YOUR NAME WRITTEN IN THE HEAVENLY BOOK OF LIFE? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16,14:6. Sincerely, to have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, freethinker or a religious idolater. You will be left behind on imminent Rapture day and suffer terribly during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture. Accept the great salvation offer of Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned. No more excuse for you if you die and end up in hell. Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Raptured saint or martyred saint? Follower of Jesus Christ or Antichrist? Decide wisely!

ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED? NO! Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in hell after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold/lukewarm Christian can be left behind by Jesus Christ on imminent Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to soul winning and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Is Your Name Written In The Book Of Life? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6. To have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and hell bound after death by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. You will be left behind on Rapture day. Accept salvation of Jesus Christ now!

Eternity: Are You Heavenly Or Hell Bound? “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). This biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Jesus Christ will judge you on judgment day. You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire since you are still alive. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid hell! Heaven is your best choice. Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker or unbeliever. God is real! Jesus Christ is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Judgment day is certain! Jesus Christ is the only WAY to Heaven (John 14:6). Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Jesus and ready always for Rapture!

What Is The Great White Throne Judgment? At the great white throne judgment of God, the soul/spirit of condemned people in hell will merge with their immortal bodies. In their resurrected forms, they will be judged by God. It will be a judgment of condemnation, no appeal or mercy again. The verdict will be: “Guilty!” One can only repent while still alive. One can only accept the salvation of Jesus Christ while still alive. The resurrected condemned people will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). Second death means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to hell! Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to heaven (John 14:6).

Satan, the deceiver and his fallen angels/demons will be thrown and confined totally into the lake of fire and sulfur eventually by God. They will be tormented forever. That will be the end of Satan’s evil activities on earth forever. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur…and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10). You will be eternally separated from God in the lake of fire and sulfur. Your soul will never die but it will be eternally tormented in the horrible burning lake. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

Lake Of Fire

Jesus Christ is the only way to make Heaven and escape from going to hell when you die (John 14:6). The lake of fire and sulfur will be a place of eternal torment. It will be very terrible for Satan, demons and the lost souls in that eternal burning lake. Do not end up in it! The second death is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Listen to what Jesus Christ is saying to you now: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the One who lives. I was dead, but look: I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and hell.” (Revelation 1:17-18). God does not send someone to hell. You choose hell when you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour.

When you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Jesus, you willingly choose hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in hell when you die. When you say “No” to Jesus and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into hell. You are telling God that you do not need Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in hell. Hell is for eternity! If you die without accepting the salvation of Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in hell forever! You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

It will be a great disaster if you die without Jesus Christ (Mark 8:36). Hell is a place of eternal torment! “The smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night.” (Revelation 14:11). God has a perfect place for you in heaven: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no person has imagined what God has prepared for those people that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Avoid hell. Jesus Christ is your only way of making heaven (John 14:6). It will not cost you anything to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Accept Jesus Christ while you are still alive. It will be too late if you die and end up in hell. Take the right decision now. “The salvation that was given to us is very great. So surely we also will be punished if we live like this salvation is not important.” (Hebrews 2:3).

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15).

Judgement Of God

If you have never received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, ask Him to save you now! Confess all your sins and ask God to forgive you in Jesus name. Do not put it off another second! This may be your last chance before you die! Take the chance now! The salvation of Jesus is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. It is very easy to accept the salvation of Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, pray the salvation prayer below and mean it with all your heart.

Salvation Steps & Prayer


Are you still an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner? You must accept the great salvation of Jesus Christ now! If you remain in your rebellion against Jesus Christ, you will be left behind on Rapture day by Jesus Christ. Also, if you die without accepting the great salvation offer of Jesus Christ, you will end up in eternal burning hell! How can you be saved? It is very simple. Take the steps below.


The following prayer, “The Sinner’s Prayer” (also known as the Prayer of Salvation) is by no means meant to be an “official prayer”, but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Jesus Christ into your heart. You may certainly pray to God in your own words.

Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you say the following prayer and mean it with all your heart; along with repenting of your sins (asking for forgiveness), we believe that you will be saved and be born again. You may be wondering, “What happens next?” First, you will need to get into a bible-based church and study God’s Word. Once you find a church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Christ you are baptized in the spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live; for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the cross. May God Bless You!

Jesus Saves!

Sinner’s Prayer

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


If you just said this prayer and you meant it with all your heart, we believe that there is a great possibility that you just got saved and are born again. You may ask, “Now that I am saved, what is next?” First of all, you need to get into a bible-based church, and study God’s Word. Once you have found a church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Christ you are baptized in the spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live, for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the cross. May God Bless You!

Jesus And The Two Thieves

Still Procrastinating?

Take these easy steps to be saved: Realize you are a sinner. “There is no person without sin. None!” (Romans 3:10). “All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23). Realize you cannot save yourself. “We are all dirty with sin. Even our good works are not pure. They are like blood-stained rags.” (Isaiah 64:6). “He saved us because of His mercy (love), not because of any good things we did.” (Titus 3:5). Realize that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins. “Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right.” (1 Peter 2:24). “Jesus is the one who loves us. And Jesus is the One who made us free from our sins with his blood (death).” (Revelation 1:5). Simply by faith receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. “Some people did accept Him. They believed in Him. He gave something to those people who believed. He gave them the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). “…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all these people from your house.” (Acts 16:30-31). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

Are You Zealous About Soul Winning? Urgently Support Global Evangelism!


Time Is Running Out! Be Ready Perpetually For Imminent Glorious Rapture! Are You Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Lord Jesus Christ? Don’t Be Ashamed Of Continuous Soul Winning For Lord Jesus Christ! Remain Always Heavenly Minded!


Soul Winning Commission Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

According to 1 Corinthians 16:22, “MARANATHA” means “Our Lord, come!” Therefore, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” is always blowing the warning trumpet to prepare people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. In essence, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” is a dedicated “Rapture Watcher” and committed Soul Winner for our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God. Hallelujah!

“MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to continuously win numerous souls online/offline, encouraging the faith of other believers-in-Christ as well as continuously warning people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; Titus 2:13; Revelation 20:4-6).  It is a selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ. The prophetic Millennial Kingdom  (Revelation 20:4-6) is the 1,000 years worldwide peaceful reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth after the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Jeremiah 30:3-11; Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 6-16).

In obedience to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28: 19-20, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach always want to win numerous sinners urgently for our Lord Jesus Christ. By God’s grace, many souls are won daily online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God. Lord Jesus Christ desperately wants souls saved from dropping daily into Hell. “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach always want to depopulate Hell and populate Heaven for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ is alive in Heaven and He is coming back on imminent glorious Rapture day. We must be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture because it is a Biblical and prophetic event (1 Corinthians 15: 51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17). Indeed, no one can know the day or hour of imminent glorious Rapture (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13: 32-33; Luke 21:34-35). Therefore, Rapture date setting is futile! Rapture date setters are deceiving themselves. Glorious Rapture will occur suddenly and unexpectedly!

It is true that glorious Rapture is overdue but we must never give up! Lord Jesus Christ has delayed glorious Rapture for over 2,000 years due to His great mercy to save numerous souls worldwide. We must never give up our glorious Rapture blessed hope because it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly whether Rapture scoffers, lukewarm believers and unbelievers believe it or not. The best option is to be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13).

Lord Jesus Christ is reliable. Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a reality and our blessed hope. Lord Jesus Christ gave us the Pre-Tribulation Rapture divine assurance in the Holy Bible: “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I (Lord Jesus Christ) also will keep you from the hour of trial (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

Glorious Rapture is a suspense filled prophetic event (1 Corinthians 15: 51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17). However, we must not worry or be too anxious. We must not be afraid of imminent glorious Rapture or become Rapture-phobic. Our Lord Jesus Christ will not inform us whether we will be among the raptured Saints or not. He expects us to be perpetually prepared and ready for imminent glorious Rapture. He will reward us with the crown of righteousness if we remain as dedicated Rapture watchers till He appears in the sky suddenly on imminent glorious Rapture day (2 Timothy 4:7-8). Therefore, we should have strong faith in Lord Jesus Christ and trust Him to pilot us safely to Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day. The great mercy of Lord Jesus Christ will usher us into Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day by His grace.

The horrible agonies of the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16) under the “One World Government” of Antichrist will be terrible for people left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. The satanic “One World Government” described in Revelation 13:1-18 will be under the total control of Antichrist and his New World Order (NWO) evil forces. Antichrist will be fully supported by the False Prophet. During the Great Tribulation period, left behind lukewarm Christians and converted unbelievers who are now very zealous for Lord Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18).

The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be enforced worldwide after the imminent glorious Rapture and left behind people who become micro-chipped during the Great Tribulation period will be damned for eternity in the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 14:9-11, 21:8). We must never give up our glorious Rapture blessed hope. We will become raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day by God’s grace.

The “Church age” will come to a distinct end on imminent glorious Rapture day and will be followed by the “day of God’s wrath” (the unfulfilled worldwide Tribulation period of 7 years – Daniel 9:27). Indeed, Rapture ready born again Christians (“the bride of Christ”) will not go through the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period because it is not for us due to the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and His reliable assurance in Revelation 3:10.

“Because you have kept My command to endure, I (Lord Jesus Christ) will also keep you safe from the time of trouble (the worldwide Tribulation period of 7 years) which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

Lord Jesus Christ will deliver us on imminent glorious Rapture day from the wrath that is coming to the Earth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10). “The bride of Christ” is not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) but to salvation or deliverance. “For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). Lord Jesus Christ alluded to our merciful escape from the coming day of wrath that shall try the whole Earth. “Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36).

The 7 years worldwide Tribulation period is not for “the bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians). Instead, it is for Israel to fulfill prophecy and for the Gentiles (unbelievers) to be punished if they refuse to repent and accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To understand end times prophecy, we must distinguish between the “Church,” Israel and the Gentiles. The “Church” is really made up of both believing Jews and converted Gentiles who have spiritually experienced the “born again” (John 3:3-16) relationship with Lord Jesus Christ by faith. They have entered into the kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ spiritually by faith, awaiting the day when they will enter His physical kingdom by His glory and power at His glorious second coming to Earth. They are not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) which is really for unbelieving Jews and rebellious Gentiles (Daniel 9:27).

Rapture scoffers are always mocking dedicated Rapture watchers. However, dedicated Rapture watchers don’t give up your glorious Rapture blessed hope. Glorious Rapture is a reality. Raptured or left behind? Rapture day is imminent! Rapture event is not dependent on Heavenly signs like blood moons, comet appearance, meteorite invasion, eclipse of the sun or moon, etc. These Heavenly signs are only warning us to wake up from spiritual slumber and be perpetually ready for imminent glorious Rapture. Our redemption is drawing near. Very soon, the Heavenly trumpet will sound and all our trials and challenges will cease on Earth. It will be marvelous when we are ushered by Lord Jesus Christ into the Heavenly New Jerusalem on the imminent glorious Rapture day. We will not experience the doom and great ordeals of the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16).

Many lost souls are perishing daily worldwide in eternal burning Hell fire. We must remain as active soul winners for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our eternal Heavenly rewards are awaiting us in Heaven (Matthew 10:40-42). As active soul winners, we will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

As dedicated born again Christians, we will remain committed to soul winning, Heavenly pursuit and perpetual Rapture readiness. We can’t know the day or hour, but we will remain ready always. By God’s grace, we will not give up dedicated Evangelistic service for our Lord Jesus Christ and Rapture blessed hope in Jesus name. We are eternal citizens of Heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22) by God’s grace. Whatever we do now to continuously populate the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will remain in our Heavenly record for eternity. We must remain as active soul winners for our Lord Jesus Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

Whatever we do selflessly for Gospel sake (Matthew 10:40-42) will always increase our eternal treasures and Heavenly rewards in Heaven. Lukewarm believers/Preachers and backslidden Christians must wake up from spiritual slumber and resist the satanic temptation to backslide from the narrow way to Heaven before death or the imminent glorious Rapture day. Heaven or Hell? Decide wisely! May Lord Jesus Christ have great mercy and Rapture all of us as well as wake up Backsliders and the unprepared Christians. Amen.

Apart from continuous online Evangelism, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is also fully committed to continuous missionary work for the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. The major aim of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER”      Evangelical Outreach is to massively propagate the Gospel online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a divine calling to propagate the Gospel continuously online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. The continuous aim is to awaken many souls online and offline to prepare for eternity – Heaven or Hell.

There are challenges that are hindering “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach from reaching numerous souls continuously. May God raise up compassionate people who will kindly support continuous missionary work in Jesus name. Amen. May God raise up kind-hearted believers-in-Christ for His glory to kindly support “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach in order to continuously speed up active missionary work and Global Evangelism for our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

If you are willing for God’s glory, your kind-hearted support for “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will be appreciated in order to continuously speed up active missionary work and Global Evangelism for our Lord Jesus Christ. There are many places, many cities and numerous villages that Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ need to reach urgently in this grace period. Time is running out! Prophetic glorious Rapture is an imminent reality! Apathy or cold indifference for kind-hearted Evangelical support is a wicked satanic manipulation to hinder massive continuous soul winning online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your kind-hearted support for “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is for God’s glory and for the sake of the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will always remain committed to active soul winning for our Lord Jesus Christ. You too must be actively committed to continuous soul winning for our Lord Jesus Christ. Never give up. You are an overcomer by God’s grace. We must not be ashamed of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:32-39; Romans 1:16-17; Colossians 1:24; 2 Timothy 1:8). Remember what Lord Jesus Christ said about those who are ashamed of Him. “If anyone is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” (Luke 9:26).

We must always be Heavenly minded and ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t know the day or hour but we must be ready perpetually. Warning signs are occurring regularly worldwide. Lord Jesus Christ is also warning us regularly through numerous prophetic messages to be ready always. Never give up. “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will continuously preach Biblical truth, win numerous souls always for our Lord Jesus Christ online and offline, motivate people to remain always Heavenly minded as well as continuously warning people worldwide and preparing them to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ.

This material world is not our eternal home. We will leave behind on Earth all our earthly acquisitions after physical death or on imminent glorious Rapture day. We are pilgrims just passing through. Heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22) is our eternal glorious home. Whatever we do now to continuously populate the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will remain in our Heavenly record for eternity. Remain blessed.


Your Brother-in-Christ,

Evangelist Sola Awolaja (“MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach).


Millennial Reign Of Global Peace: Will You Reign With Jesus Christ As A Glorified Saint?

Millennial Reign Of Global Peace: Will You Reign With Jesus Christ As A Glorified Saint?

Prologue: “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to continuously win numerous souls online/offline as well as continuously warning people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. It is a selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ. The major aim of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is to massively propagate the Gospel online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a divine calling and personal sacrifice to propagate the Gospel continuously online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. Many souls are won daily online/offline for our Lord Jesus Christ through “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Born Again Warning

Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace. Due to the pervasive apathy of some lukewarm Christians to soul winning, heavenly pursuit and perpetual Rapture readiness, the divine calling of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is to stand in the gap. “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will not give up dedicated Evangelical labor and Rapture blessed hope in Jesus name.

In this highly inspiring Evangelical Post, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will enlighten you extensively about this vital reality: Millennial Reign Of Global Peace: Will You Reign With Jesus Christ As A Glorified Saint?” You will be highly enlightened about the vital realities of the imminent glorious Rapture, the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ, the agonies of Great Tribulation Period and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. You will be highly blessed through this Holy Spirit inspired Evangelical Post. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Golden New Jerusalem

The Agonies Of Great Tribulation Period Before The Millennial Reign Of Global Peace Under King Jesus Christ.

As active soul winners and Rapture ready believers, Lord Jesus Christ has a strong warning for us in the Bible.

When the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) comes, it will be the same as the thing that happened during Noah’s time. In those days before the flood, people were eating and drinking. People were marrying and giving their children to be married. The people were still doing those things until the day Noah entered the boat. Those people knew nothing about what was happening. But then the flood came and all those people were destroyed. It will be the same when the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) comes. Two men will be working together in the field. One man will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain with a mill. One woman will be taken and the other woman will be left. So always be ready. You don’t know the day your Lord (Jesus Christ) will come….The Son of Man (Jesus Christ) will come at a time when you don’t expect Him.” (Matthew 24:37-44).

Raptured Saints

The glorious Rapture is a blessed hope of all active soul winners and dedicated Rapture watchers worldwide. The Rapture trumpet can sound anytime! It will be suddenly and unexpectedly! Only those who are perpetually ready for Rapture will hear the Rapture trumpet, become transformed gloriously and caught up into the sky for the glorious trip to heavenly New Jerusalem with Lord Jesus Christ and the heavenly Angels.

“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). “For the Lord Himself (Jesus Christ) will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

New World Order Goals

After the glorious Rapture, the satanic civil government described in Revelation 13:1-18 will be under the total control of Antichrist and his New World Order (NWO) evil forces. The False Prophet will work closely with Antichrist to deceive the unraptured people who are left behind on glorious Rapture day. During the great tribulation period, left behind lukewarm Christians who are now very zealous for Lord Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18).

The Microchip (Mark of The Beast)

There will be two kinds of people on the Earth during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period: those who will accept Lord Jesus Christ by faith in His blood shed on the cross for their sins and those who will reject Jesus Christ and instead follow Antichrist. The deluded followers of Antichrist will end up killing those who believe and revere the name of Jesus Christ. Presently, where do you stand? Have you ever personally invited Lord Jesus Christ to come into your life to forgive your sins and save your soul from eternal doom in eternal burning hell? If so, when? If you have not done so or you are not sure you have, you must do so right now! Rapture is imminent! Do not delay your salvation till tomorrow! Rapture will take place suddenly when you are not expecting it. Don’t be left behind on glorious Rapture day!

Indeed, according to Revelation 6-16, after glorious Rapture, this world will experience 7 years worldwide tribulation period full of severe trials, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, wars, divine judgments, etc. Millions of left behind lukewarm believers will be martyred for their faith in Lord Jesus Christ by the satanic agents of Antichrist. Severe tribulation will be worldwide after Jesus Christ removes Rapture ready born again Christians and the restraining power of the Holy Spirit (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12).

The revealing of Antichrist will spell trouble, terror and tragedy for the unbelievers and lukewarm believers left behind on glorious Rapture day. The “man of sin” (Antichrist) prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 will achieve worldwide power by conning his deluded followers worldwide to follow him. He will pretend as if he can create an orderly society out of one that has been reeling in chaos. His False Prophet will work miraculous wonders by the power of Satan. Later, the benevolence of Antichrist will turn to malevolence. He will fiercely persecute and attempt to slaughter all who accept Lord Jesus Christ and would refuse his demand that he be worshipped as “God” (Revelation 6:9-11). Antichrist will conduct a reign of terror bringing death to multitudes, both Jews, left behind lukewarm believers and Gentiles (unbelievers).

Antichrist will not be the only source of suffering during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. In addition, this terrible period will be marked by great calamity that will come as a result of God’s judgment and wrath (Joel 1:15, Revelation 11:18; 16:9). Amid this devastation will be the death of one quarter of the world’s population (Revelation 6:8), massive earthquakes (Isaiah 2:19), catastrophic fires (Isaiah 24:1-6) and sudden destruction (1 Thessalonians 5:3). The Earth will experience unparalleled trouble as God’s wrath is poured out on all left behind people (Isaiah 13:6-11). The unbelieving nations will not go unpunished by the hand of God. They will live to hate the day they cast their lot with God’s arch-enemy (Satan). For generations their leaders will have rejected God and mocked the Lord Jesus Christ. A just punishment will befall them during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. Two sections of the New Testament describe the events of these 7 years worldwide tribulation period. Read Matthew 24 and Revelation 6-16. These prophetic details indicate how left behind people worldwide will suffer during this frightening time.

The suffering and death that will fall on the rebellious nations during the great tribulation period will be horrible. Millions upon millions of rebellious people worldwide will die in the terrible outpouring of God’s wrath. However, due to demonic possession, the majority of rebellious people who are still alive will not repent. “…and people bit their tongues because of their pains, and they cursed the God of heaven for their pains and sores. But they did not turn from their evil ways.” (Revelation 16:10-11).

During the 7 years worldwide tribulation period, there will be a great multitude of Gentiles (Unbelievers) who will repent from their sins and accept Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. They and the left behind lukewarm believers will come to heaven as great tribulation saints due to their martyrdom by Antichrist and his satanic agents. Apostle John refers to them as a great multitude which no one could number from every race, tribes, nations and languages (Revelation 7:9-17).

There are two purposes for the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. The first will be the divine punishment of the rebellious nations and rebellious unbelievers worldwide. The second will be divine arrangement to bring Israel to the place where this Biblical nation can be restored to the position of spiritual favor she once held in God’s eyes. Israel will suffer intensely during the great tribulation period. This is the “time of Jacob’s trouble” prophesied by Prophet Jeremiah: “Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.” (Jeremiah 30:7). The Jews will be greatly hit by the terror of the great tribulation period. Prophet Zechariah prophesied that two-thirds of all Jews will die during this awful period (Zechariah 13:8-9) but the suffering will bring Israel to national repentance. The remnant will collectively accept Lord Jesus Christ as the true Messiah and sovereign King. Hallelujah!

Prophet Ezekiel prophesied Israel’s conversion: “I (Jesus Christ) will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries and bring you into your land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes and you will keep My judgments and do them. Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people and I will be your God.” (Ezekiel 36:24-28).

Biblical descriptions of Israel’s restoration are also prophesied in Ezekiel 37 (the valley of dry bones) and Zechariah 12:10-11. “Then they (the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem) will look on Me (Jesus Christ) whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son.” (Zechariah 12:10). The spiritual restoration of Israel as a Messianic nation will take place at the return of Lord Jesus Christ to Earth at the end of the 7 years worldwide tribulation period (Zechariah 14:3-5). When Lord Jesus Christ returns to rescue the Jews (Zechariah 14:3-5) from being annihilated by Antichrist, they will nationally accept Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Savior, even though individually a large number of Jews will already have been converted (Revelation 7:1-8). It will be wonderful that after hundreds of generations of hard-hearted disbelief, the people of Israel will finally trust in Lord Jesus Christ as their true Messiah. In terrible agony, inflicted by Antichrist, the Jews will turn in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ.

As the 7 years worldwide tribulation period draws to a close, the Earth will be in turmoil. Millions of rebellious people will have died in wars and terrible natural disasters. Antichrist’s hatred of God will focus on the Jews as the 7 years worldwide tribulation period begins to wind up. Opposed from the North and East (Daniel 11:44-45), Antichrist will march his armies into Palestine in preparation for a vast military showdown. Evil spirits will draw rebellious nations together for a final battle on the plains of Megiddo (Revelation 16:12-16). “Then the spirits (evil) brought the kings together in the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.” (Revelation 16:16).  The armies assembled in Palestine will be made up of satanic blood thirsty men who have resisted God throughout the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. Both sides – Antichrist and his opponents – will hate the Jewish people. They will engage in a fierce battle at Armageddon. The fighting will reach Jerusalem and the Jews living there will suffer horribly (Zechariah 14:1-2). A sense of despair will sweep over the Jews as the armies of Antichrist attack them.

Suddenly, when all seems hopeless, the scene will change. Lord Jesus Christ will appear in all His glory and descend to the Mount of Olives. When His feet touch it, the mountain will split in half, forming a vast new valley stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea (Zechariah 14:3-9). The Jewish believers will be given superhuman strength to fight their enemies (Zechariah 12:6-9). God will send a plague on the enemy soldiers (Zechariah 14:12-15) and panic will grip the foreign troops, causing them to attack one another (Zechariah 14:13).

In Revelation 19:11-21, Apostle John provides us with a beautiful portrait of the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ to the Earth on His majestic white horse with the heavenly saints also on white horses. King Jesus Christ is depicted astride his royal white horse. His eyes blazing.

Antichrist will rally the armies of Earth to attack Lord Jesus Christ and the heavenly saints but they will be crushed in great defeat. Israel will be rescued and the rebellious armies of Antichrist will be totally slain. Antichrist and False Prophet will be thrown alive into the horrible lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 19:20).

Satan will be bound by a powerful Angel of God and confined in the fiery bottomless pit where he will remain for 1,000 years and later thrown into the horrible lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:1-10).

The victorious King of kings and Lord of lords (Jesus Christ) will ascend His glorious throne in Jerusalem to rule the whole world in peace for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:4). King Jesus Christ will rule over the entire Earth in 1,000 years reign of peace, prosperity and righteousness, which we call the Millennial Reign of Christ (Revelation 20:4-6). King Jesus Christ will fulfill His prophesied rule (Luke 1:32-33). The Raptured and resurrected saints will reign with King Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:4-6). When King Jesus Christ rules in the Millennial kingdom, His love, justice, mercy, righteousness and peace will be found throughout the Earth. The people of the kingdom will reflect the characteristics of King Jesus Christ and during this golden age, the Earth will be what God intended it to be (Isaiah 2:4, 11:6-8, 30: 23-26, 35:5-6, 65:19-22; Micah 4:4; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Zechariah 8:4-5; Ezekiel 47:9-12).

From what you have read so far, it is now obvious that the “Church age” will come to a distinct end on glorious Rapture day and will be followed by the “day of God’s wrath” (the unfulfilled worldwide tribulation period of 7 years – Daniel 9:27). Rapture ready born again Christians (“the bride of Christ”) will not go through the 7 years worldwide tribulation period because it is not for us due to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Because you have kept My command to endure, I (Jesus Christ) will also keep you safe from the time of trouble (the worldwide tribulation period of 7 years) which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

Lord Jesus Christ will deliver us on glorious Rapture day from the wrath that is coming to the Earth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. “The bride of Christ” is not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) but to salvation or deliverance. “For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). Lord Jesus Christ alluded to our merciful escape from the coming day of wrath that shall try the whole Earth. “Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36).

The 7 years worldwide tribulation period is not for “the bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians). Instead, it is for Israel to fulfill prophecy and for the Gentiles (Unbelievers) to be punished if they refuse to repent and accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To understand end times prophecy, you must distinguish between the “Church,” Israel and the Gentiles. The “Church” is really made up of both believing Jews and converted Gentiles who have spiritually experienced the “born again” (John 3:3-16) relationship with Lord Jesus Christ by faith. They have entered into the kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ spiritually by faith, awaiting the day when they will enter His physical kingdom by His glory and power at His glorious second coming to Earth. They are not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) which is really for unbelieving Jews and rebellious Gentiles.

The glorious Rapture will be sudden and unexpected! Rapture ready born again Christians are looking for Lord Jesus Christ and perpetually ready for His glorious appearance in the sky on glorious Rapture day. They are spiritually prepared for Lord Jesus Christ like an expectantbride” awaiting the coming of her Groom (Jesus Christ). “The bride of Christ” is perpetually ready for the glorious Rapture. However, lukewarm/cold Christians who live worldly, carnal lives show by their deeds that they have little or no anticipation for the glorious appearance of Lord Jesus Christ on Rapture day. Some of them did not want Jesus Christ to come in their life time while some want Jesus Christ to delay His coming perpetually. They will regret their actions when they are left behind on glorious Rapture day and experience the agonies of the 7 years worldwide tribulation period.

Deliverance of “the bride of Christ” from the world’s greatest period of wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) is a gift of Lord Jesus Christ for His devoted Rapture ready born again Christians. Jesus Christ loves us because He is our anticipated “Groom.” Therefore, it is like the perfect “Groom” (Jesus Christ) to manifest His love by rapturing His devoted “bride” (Rapture ready born again Christians) before the period of wrath just because He loves her. The present distress worldwide, calamities and violent Islamic terrorism (ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda, etc.) being experienced in some countries are “birth pains” prior to our merciful deliverance on glorious Rapture day. We must not give up our faith in Lord Jesus Christ. The love of Jesus Christ for “the bride of Christ” is sufficient to sustain our “blessed hope” of being raptured on glorious Rapture day.

Glorious Crown

The Millennial Kingdom Reign Of King Jesus Christ: 1,000 Years Of Global Peace And Righteousness.

The revelation of Lord Jesus Christ at His second coming to Earth is painted graphically in Revelation 19:11-16:

“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice He judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has a name written on Him that no one knows but He Himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following Him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On His robe and on His thigh He has this name written:

King of kings and Lord of lords.”

Jesus Is Our King

There is no similarity whatever between the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ to Earth and coming in the air at the glorious Rapture:

“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). “For the Lord Himself (Jesus Christ) will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

At the glorious Rapture, there is no record that Lord Jesus Christ ever judges the Earth or that His purpose is to end the times of the Gentiles. During the glorious Rapture, Lord Jesus Christ will remain in the air, “catch up”  (Harpazo: Rapture) resurrected believers and rapture ready believers that are alive and then take them to heavenly New Jerusalem where they will remain throughout the duration of the seven years worldwide tribulation on Earth. Therefore, people must be perpetually prepared for the glorious Rapture. Rapture (“Harpazo”) is the catching away of the saints, which will happen within seconds and any moment very soon (1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). It is the first event of the end time advent when the Angels of God will blow the trumpets. Only born again Christians who are waiting for it, expecting it and preparing for it will become raptured by God’s grace.

The simple clarification for self-examination here is that if you are thinking, waiting, preparing or expecting prosperity, miracle or anything more than Rapture, you will not make the Rapture. Only those who earnestly, eagerly wait and prepare for His (Jesus Christ) appearance more than anything else will eventually make it, just like the 5 wise virgins. Read Matthew 25. Rapture is a glorious event of all generations. It is going to be splendid, wonderful and rewarding for the saints more than any event in the history of the world. Then it will leave behind gloom, doom and destructive reign of the Antichrist (mark of the Beast: RFID chip/human barcode: 666) during the great tribulation period for people who will miss the glorious Rapture. “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor ever shall be.” (Matthew 24:21).

In Revelation 19:11-16, the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ is pictured in contrast to His first coming. In His first coming to Earth, Lord Jesus Christ came quietly as a Man to live a humble life on Earth, became crucified on the Cross for our redemption and resurrected after three days in the tomb. Later, He ascended back to heaven. In His second coming to Earth, Lord Jesus Christ will come in His great glory accompanied by the heavenly Saints and heavenly Angels. At the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ to Earth, there is no “catching up” of the church (Bride of Christ) and taking it out of the world as is true of the glorious Rapture. In the Second Coming, the heavenly Saints and Angels will accompany Lord Jesus Christ in His return and will remain in the earthly sphere to share in the Millennial kingdom reign that follows. At His second coming, Lord Jesus Christ will destroy the armies of the world that were gathered to conquer the Holy Land (Jerusalem). It is a terrible picture of divine judgment upon a wicked world that rejected Lord Jesus Christ. The world leader described as the Beast (Antichrist) and the False Prophet associated with him will be cast alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur (Revelation 19:20).

Immediately after Lord Jesus Christ returns to Earth and judges those who wickedly oppose Him, Satan will be rendered inactive for the first time, as Revelation 20:1-3 states: “I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss (bottomless pit) and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.”

Distinction must be made in the interpretation of this passage between what Apostle John saw and what he was told. He saw what appeared to be Satan, described here also as the dragon, the serpent, and the devil. John saw him thrown into the abyss (bottomless pit) and saw the abyss locked and sealed, but he could not understand why unless he was told. God had to reveal that Satan would be bound for a thousand years and that he would not be able to deceive the nations during that 1,000 years period. It also was revealed that at the end of the thousand years, Satan would be set free for a short time (Revelation 20:3). This future prophecy is certainly not fulfilled in the present age because the present age is not the Millennium period and Satan is not bound in the present age. In fact, Scripture makes it clear, as in 1 Peter 5:8, that “your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” In the present age while Satan is limited by God, he is not bound or inactive and is deceiving millions of people worldwide. Therefore, in Revelation 20, Satan’s binding is the logical result of Christ’s coming to judge the world, restore righteousness, and install His Millennial kingdom in which Satan will be inactive for the entire period of the thousand years!

In connection with the events following the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ, Apostle John also saw the resurrection of those who had been martyred in the Great Tribulation period preceding the Second Coming. John writes: “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:4- 6).”

It is significant that the resurrection of the tribulation saints, who died during the great Tribulation period before the Second Coming, is accomplished in anticipation that they would in their resurrected life reign with King Jesus Christ for 1,000 years. Therefore, the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ is Pre-Millennial, that is, it occurs before the thousand years. This is required by the resurrection of the martyred saints killed in the great tribulation period. In essence, the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ results in the establishment of the Millennial kingdom. According to Revelation 20:4- 6, the martyred (murdered) people of the great tribulation period are resurrected and subsequently reign for 1,000 years with King Jesus Christ.

The false doctrine that there is one general resurrection of all people is also repudiated here because Revelation 20:5 states that the resurrection of the martyred dead is a selected resurrection and that the rest of the dead, that is, the wicked, will not be raised until after the thousand years. This is confirmed in the passage that follows, as described in Revelation 20:7-10, when the devil is released after the thousand years, begins to deceive the nations, and gains a large following, which surrounds Jerusalem and attempts to conquer it. Fire will come down from heaven and devour them, and Satan himself will be cast into the lake of burning sulfur where he will be tormented forever and ever. The resurrection and judgment of the wicked dead people will follow at the great white throne judgment of God (Revelation 20:11-15). At the beginning of the Millennial kingdom, all the righteous people have been raised from the dead, and those living, both Gentiles and Jews, who survived the great Tribulation period will enter the Millennium in their natural bodies and will perform natural functions in that Millennial kingdom. Only those who are wicked will still be in the grave and not resurrected during the Millennial kingdom period.

Indeed, the Millennium (also known as the Millennial Kingdom) is the 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth after the great Tribulation period and before the great white throne judgment of God (Revelation 20:11-15). Lord Jesus Christ will reign as king over Israel as well as all the nations of the world (Isaiah 2:4; 42:1). The world will live in peace (Isaiah 11:6–9; 32:18), Satan will be bound for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1–3) and everyone will worship God (Isaiah 2:2–3). The purpose of the 1,000-years reign of King Jesus Christ is to fulfill promises God made to the world that cannot be fulfilled while Satan is free and human beings have political authority. Some of these promises, called covenants, were given specifically to Israel. Others were given to Lord Jesus Christ, the nations of the world and creation of God. All of these will be fulfilled during the 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth.

Revelation 20:1-10 says, “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

After the glorious Rapture of the Church (“Bride of Christ”), after the seven years worldwide tribulation period, and after the second coming to Earth, Lord Jesus Christ will reign in His Millennial kingdom. The coming literal kingdom of King Jesus Christ to this Earth will be the most blessed time this world has known since the Garden of Eden. Many Edenic features will characterize this Millennial kingdom. All the unrepentant rebels who rebelled against God and Lord Jesus Christ during the great Tribulation period will be gone. Antichrist and the False Prophet will be languishing in the terrible lake of fire and sulfur. Satan will be bound for 1,000 years in the fiery bottomless pit so he cannot tempt people during the Millennial kingdom period. This will enable King Jesus Christ to enforce His worldwide 1,000 years reign of peace and righteousness. Together with His holy Angels, King Jesus Christ will have the glorified Saints (Raptured and Resurrected Saints) in their new glorified bodies to help Him enforce His worldwide 1,000 years reign of peace and righteousness. It will be illegal for potential law breakers, criminals and other people who may want to corrupt society to ply their evil trades in the Millennial kingdom. Therefore, the coming Millennial kingdom will be a time of unprecedented prosperity, when everyone will have his or her home. The curse on the Earth will be lifted by King Jesus Christ and the ground will bear incredible harvests. Cheating and war will be non-existent, so people will enjoy the fruits of their labors.

Glorious Rapture Day

Immortality: Glorified Saint With A Glorified Body. Glorious Rapture is a blessed hope of dedicated Rapture watchers worldwide. As a Raptured or Resurrected Saint, your immortal body will be like the glorified body of our Lord Jesus Christ at His resurrection and in which He lives today. “..But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He really is. Everyone who has this hope in Christ keeps himself pure, just as Christ is pure (1 John 3:1-3).” A vital connection between us (glorified Saints) and Lord Jesus Christ will endure for eternity. In the Millennial kingdom period and for eternity, you will live forever in a real glorified body, eat, drink, interact with Lord Jesus Christ and other glorified Saints in heavenly New Jerusalem, earthly Jerusalem and other parts of the world.

When will our glorious transformation into glorified Saints occur? It will occur on glorious Rapture day when Lord Jesus Christ will return in the air to take all of His own, living and dead, to be with Him in heavenly New Jerusalem. The Rapture event will take place before the terrible outpouring of God’s wrath on unbelieving Jews and Gentiles (Unbelievers) during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. On glorious Rapture day, the dead in Christ will rise first and be given new, glorified bodies. Living believers will follow, and their bodies will be transformed gloriously. Both groups will meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air. The glorious Rapture event will occur suddenly!

Raptured Saints

“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). “For the Lord Himself (Jesus Christ) will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

What will our glorified bodies look like? The scriptural answers to this question are that our glorified bodies will be:

  • Flesh and bone, but dramatically changed (Luke 24:39; 1 Corinthians 15:50).
  • Like Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrected body (1 Corinthians 15:49; Philippians 3:21; 1 John 3:2).
  • Incorruptible (1 Corinthians 15:42, 50).
  • Awe- inspiring (1 Corinthians 15:43).
  • Having new abilities (1 Corinthians 15:43).
  • Suited for heaven and eternal living (1 Corinthians 15:47- 49).
  • Spiritual (1 Corinthians 15:44).

The spiritual aspect of our glorified bodies is indicating the imperishable and perfect nature of our new immortal bodies. Since we have transformed from mortality into immortality, this means that we will be able to stand in the presence of and relate to Almighty God (Jehovah) who is a glorious Spiritual Being. Our glorified bodies have been designed by our Lord Jesus Christ for eternal life in heaven (New Jerusalem) for eternity! Eternity has no end. We will live in our glorious heavenly mansions forever (John 14:1-4). Yes, we will enjoy blissful existence during the Millennial kingdom period and for eternity in our glorified bodies. Hallelujah!

As a glorified Saint, your immortal body and clothes will always glow gloriously forever (Luke 9:28-36). Your glorified body and brain will possess supernatural powers. Your supernatural brain will be better than the most sophisticated computer or Smartphone in the world. You won’t need iPhone or Skype to communicate or vehicles to go from one place to another. Just desiring any information will bring it to your mind! You can also read the thought of another person near you or far away from you. If you feel like, you can use any sophisticated computer or Smart-phone that will be available during the Millennial kingdom period. There will be new and sophisticated technological inventions during the Millennium due to our superior knowledge. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

As a glorified Saint, distance will never be a barrier for you for eternity. Just thinking about going somewhere will get you there! However, if you feel like, you can use any vehicle, train, ship or an airplane. Just like our Lord Jesus Christ, you can walk on top of any river, lake or sea without sinking (John 6:16-21). In reality, you can also fly anywhere you want to go at the speed of light better than the science fiction character: “Superman.” As a glorified Saint, you can appear anywhere you want to go suddenly! Alternatively, you can also disappear suddenly! (Luke 24:13-49). Yes, as a glorified Saint, you will possess super-human abilities. This is not a science fiction or genetics engineering. It is a reality! As glorified Saints with glorified bodies, we have been blessed with our eternal inheritance through the special grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:35-58).

For eternity, all the things you can’t do in your mortal body, you will be able to do them as an immortal glorified Saint. You will never get tired or fall sick for eternity! You will have a youngish and radiant look forever! All glorified Saints will look young and handsome or beautiful forever! No aging wrinkles on your face for eternity! Your eye- sight will be perfect forever, no need for reading glasses again. No terminal disease or ailment in your glorified body forever! You can never die! You can’t die or become injured if you fall down from any great height. Gun-shot or dangerous weapons can’t kill you. No poison can kill you. Vehicle accident, car-crash or plane crash can’t kill you. If you are swimming in the swimming pool, river, lake or sea, you can go down and breathe under water! Yes, as a glorified Saint with a glorified body, you will be like a “Superman” or “Superwoman” forever! Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

In reality, you will be able to do what you can only imagine presently. Super-heroes in Science fiction films are fictional characters but glorified Saints with super-human abilities will become a reality during the Millennium and for eternity!  You will remain strong and energetic forever! You can walk through closed doors or wall (John 20:19-29).  You can float or fly in the air like a bird. If you feel like, you can ascend into the sky through the ceiling and roof of any building without causing any structural damage to the building. You can traverse from earthly Jerusalem or any part of the world to heavenly New Jerusalem at will (Luke 24: 50-52; Acts 1:6-11). You can also get to any part of the world supernaturally within a twinkle of an eye! As a glorified Saint, there is no limitation for you for eternity! Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16). Therefore, as a King or Queen, you will reign with the King of kings (Lord Jesus Christ) throughout the 1,000 years reign of our Great King Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:4). During the Millennial kingdom period, you will also interact with mortal people you are ruling over in any part of the world. The part of the world where you will rule and your responsibilities during the Millennial kingdom period will be determined by King Jesus Christ. You will report regularly to King Jesus Christ at Jerusalem to brief Him about the progress of your administration. Because we are saved “by grace… through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9), many Christians think there is little or no call on their life presently to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Consequently, they accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ as a gift and do nothing to advance His kingdom afterward. Unfortunately, they do not read on to the following verse: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10). By reading this passage, the Lord Jesus Christ expects His children to work for Him after they have been given salvation.

In fact, we will be rewarded in the Millennial kingdom period in direct proportion to the way we have served the Lord Jesus Christ presently (Matthew 20:1-16, 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27). Therefore, we are expected, once saved, to serve our Lord Jesus Christ dedicatedly. Your dedicated service for the Lord Jesus Christ can be anything done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, or for His glory. It could be soul winning, worshiping Him dedicatedly, or even giving a “cup of cold water” in His name (Matthew 10:40-42).

The Lord Jesus Christ will reward us according to our faithfulness, talent and time spent in serving Him selflessly. Talent times our productive sharing of the gospel (Evangelism) times the time we had after our salvation to labor for Lord Jesus Christ will equal our eternal reward. The record of our dedicated service is kept by Lord Jesus Christ, who knows what ability we have to serve Him, and will hold us accountable for how we use our talents and time for service. Lord Jesus Christ is a just God and He will treat each believer according to his/her works, based on his/her ability (Matthew 6:19-21). In the mercy of Lord Jesus Christ, He has not only given us salvation totally free, but He also gives us an opportunity to invest a portion of our “treasure” (our life) in eternal rewards. The Lord Jesus Christ is not interested in having us serve Him faithfully for just a few years, but rather for our entire lifetime. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Our reward is in heaven for everything we do on Earth for Christ sake. Our treasure is in heaven. Our continuous labor presently for our Lord Jesus Christ is being recorded always by the holy Angels. Our selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ will be bountifully rewarded in heaven at the Judgment seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10). You will not take to heaven on glorious Rapture day anything you have acquired on this sinful Earth. You will only ascend to heaven on glorious Rapture day as a glorious Saint in your glorious white garment of righteousness (Revelation 19: 8, 14). Therefore, make sure you utilize your divine calling, time, talents and God given resources to evangelize zealously and win many souls for Lord Jesus Christ in this grace period while awaiting the glorious Rapture.

Don’t be a spectator believer. Our eternal treasures and rewards are reserved for us in heavenly New Jerusalem, kept safe for us by our Lord Jesus Christ. As profitable servants of Jesus Christ, we will be bountifully rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ when we get to heaven on glorious Rapture day. Don’t be an unprofitable servant who will have no eternal rewards in heaven. The holy Angels of God are daily recording everything we are doing on Earth for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ and any help we render for the poor and needy.

Romans 14:10-12 says, “For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat…so then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.” Second Corinthians 5:10 tells us, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” In the context, it is clear that both scriptures are referring to born again Christians, not unbelievers. The Judgment Seat of Christ, therefore, involves born again believers giving an account of their lives to our Lord Jesus Christ. The Judgment Seat of Christ does not determine salvation; that was determined by Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf (1 John 2:2) and our faith in Him (John 3:16). All of our sins are forgiven and we will never be condemned for them (Romans 8:1). We should not look at the Judgment Seat of Christ as God judging our sins, but rather as Lord Jesus Christ rewarding us for our lives. Yes, as the Bible says, we will have to give an account of ourselves. This is going to be the primary focus of the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ after glorious Rapture.

At the HeavenlyBema” or Judgment Seat Of Christ after the glorious Rapture, all dedicated Rapture watchers will get the crown of righteousness from Lord Jesus Christ because they are perpetually ready for His glorious appearance in the sky. Since they are dedicated Rapture watchers, the crown of righteousness will be the reward for perpetual watchfulness. At the Judgment Seat of Christ in heaven after the glorious Rapture, there is a crown of righteousness that Lord Jesus Christ will place on the heads of all dedicated Rapture watchers because they eagerly love, watch and await His glorious appearance in the sky (2 Timothy 4:7-8).

Rewarded Saint

There will also be awarded the crown of rejoicing for active soul-winners for Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20). There will also be an incorruptible crown for overcoming the old nature (1 Corinthians 9:25-27). There will also be a crown of life for enduring persecution and trials while on Earth (James 1:12; Revelation 2:10). Additionally, there will be a crown of glory for shepherding the flock of Christ (1 Peter 5:4). The crown of glory is a special crown that will be awarded by Lord Jesus Christ to dedicated men/women of God who share or teaches the “Word of God (Holy Bible)” regularly with people in the churches and everywhere both online/offline. They could be Evangelists, Ministers, Pastors, Deacons, Sunday school teachers, Child Evangelism teachers or anyone who teaches the “Word of God” faithfully to others. Such individuals will be adequately rewarded by Lord Jesus Christ for their dedication and commitment to sharing the eternal Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ and encouraging the faith of other believers-in-Christ. Lord Jesus Christ is the “Word of God” (John 1:1-5). By God’s grace, you will be entitled to any of these glorious crowns in heaven as a raptured Saint at the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ after the glorious Rapture.

At the Judgment Seat of Christ, believers are rewarded based on how faithfully they served Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 9:4-27; 2 Timothy 2:5). Some of the things we might be judged on are how well we obeyed the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), how victorious we were over sin (Romans 6:1-4) and how well we controlled our tongues (James 3:1-9). The Bible speaks of believers receiving crowns for different things based on how faithfully they served Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 9:4-27; 2 Timothy 2:5). The various crowns are described in 2 Timothy 2:5, 2 Timothy 4:8, James 1:12, 1 Peter 5:4 and Revelation 2:10. James 1:12 is a good summary of how we should think about the Judgment Seat of Christ: “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.”


After glorious Rapture, at the heavenly judgment seat of Christ, raptured believers whose faithful service provides them with genuine rewards that survive the fire test will receive many crowns from Lord Jesus Christ. Since the Bible tells us that we will reign with Lord Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:12) when He comes to reign in His Millennial kingdom, it is obvious what these crowns signify, for crowns are for Rulers. That is compatible with His (Lord Jesus Christ) parable of the pounds, in which He promised to give rewards according to service by saying, “I will make you ruler over ten cities.” (Luke 19:11-27). That may be the reason the heavenly judgment seat of Christ will occur before the Millennial kingdom- so that glorified Saints can be assigned to opportunities of service according to the faithful use of their talents in directly advancing Christ’s spiritual kingdom in this present life.

According to 1 Corinthians 3:12-13, some of our heavenly treasure (“good works”) will be “gold, silver, or precious jewels,” meaning that they will survive the fire test and the believer will receive a reward. What you should also see in this passage is that “the wood, hay and stubble” (bad works) do not survive the fire test and the believer suffers loss of reward– not loss of salvation. The reason “bad works” don’t qualify to abide the fire test and earn a reward is because they have not been done with the right motive. To the eyes of people, they may look like silver, gold and precious stones, but in reality before Lord Jesus Christ, they are nothing but wood, hay and stubble. The reality of the fire test will reveal what sort it is, whether good or bad. The judgment seat of Christ will reveal all truth because the works mentioned in 1 Corinthians 3 evidently all looked alike until after the fire “tested every man’s work what sort it was.” There would be no purpose in fire testing straw or wood or stubble– unless they looked the same as gold, silver or jewels. It is the holy test of fire that determines whether the “works” were really “good or bad.”

To the church, Pastor or fellow Christians, a person’s “Christian service” may look like “good works,” but his or her “evil motive” or “hidden counsels” will be revealed by Lord Jesus Christ at this heavenly judgment seat of Christ, and the believer will lose his or her reward because his or her motive was one of self-seeking or hypocrisy. Therefore, a believer can lose his or her crown, receive less than a full reward, and “suffer loss’ even when expecting rewards. Some of the things that could cause a loss of reward are unconfessed sin, good things done with an evil motive, and hidden counsels of the heart that are displeasing to Lord Jesus Christ. In essence, God’s work should be done in God’s way- with a pure heart and a desire to glorify Lord Jesus Christ, or else there will be no reward, or at least a diminished reward.

Lord Jesus Christ will spit cold/lukewarm Christians out of His mouth (Revelation 3:14-22). Indeed, cold/lukewarm Christians, Rapture scoffers and unbelievers will be left behind on Rapture day. Therefore, be hot and zealous for Jesus Christ henceforth. Wake up from spiritual slumber! “I-don’t-careattitude must stop now! Apathy for soul winning and contempt for dedicated soul winners must stop now! Attachment to mundane, worldly things must stop now! Don’t love the world too much like unbelievers. Always be heaven-minded. Live everyday from now as if it may be your last day on Earth. Have daily Rapture expectation. This will enable you to be perpetually ready for glorious Rapture and the Millennial kingdom period. You can’t know Rapture day or hour but it is imminent! It will happen when you are not expecting it. Suddenly and unexpectedly! Scoffing about Rapture or mocking dedicated Rapture watchers is not a good attitude. Stop your scoffing now! Whether you believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminent! Be ready always!

The warning signs of imminent Rapture are now occurring worldwide. You are aware of these regular warning signs of imminent Rapture in the sky and in every part of the Earth. We can’t bury our heads in the sand like an Ostrich, pretending as if nothing is happening. It is Rapture scoffers, lukewarm/cold believers as well as unbelievers who are always opposing dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners. It is because they are so much in love with the world. Be perpetually ready for glorious Rapture and the Millennial kingdom reign of King Jesus Christ. Glorious Rapture is a true blessed hope of dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners worldwide.

In this grace period, global Evangelism should be urgently supported by all and sundry. Apathy and cold indifference must stop now! It is a satanic manipulation to hinder massive soul winning online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. Numerous lost souls are perishing daily worldwide. According to many true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, there are billions of doomed souls being tormented in eternal burning hell. On the great judgment day, they will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15). We should stop this great calamity urgently. Our blessed and long-anticipated departure for heavenly New Jerusalem on glorious Rapture day is at the door! We should try to win as many souls as possible before the imminent Rapture day.

According to many divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, many people worldwide will be left behind on Rapture day due to their lukewarm, sinful condition and not being ready always for Rapture. Therefore, we should try to increase the number of people worldwide who will become raptured on imminent Rapture day by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must urgently create continuous awareness about the imminent glorious Rapture both online and offline. Don’t be ashamed to be an active soul winner and dedicated Rapture watcher. We must urgently intensify our soul winning efforts both online and offline.

Henceforth, everything you are doing for Lord Jesus Christ should be done because you love Him and want to glorify Him. This must always be your motive in your continuous selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t serve because you want to get a reward or commendation from people, serve dedicatedly because you love Lord Jesus Christ and want to glorify Him. You will get your eternal rewards by God’s grace. During the thousand years of the reign of King Jesus Christ, you will serve Him during that period in direct proportion to the way you have faithfully served Him during this present time on Earth. If you have been a spectator Christian in this life, you will be one in the Millennial kingdom period. Your eternal rewards earned from your selfless service in this present life will determine your opportunity to serve King Jesus Christ for 1,000 years! In this grace period before glorious Rapture, it is entirely up to you to make the right decision now! Wake up from lukewarm, spiritual slumber! Time is running out! Prepare and be ready always for the glorious Rapture and Millennial reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth.

King Jesus Christ

What Will Happen During The Millennial Kingdom Of King Jesus Christ?

The Reason For The 1,000 Years Reign Of King Jesus Christ. The Millennial kingdom is a period of time when King Jesus Christ will reign over all the Earth. The purpose of the 1,000 years reign is to allow for the fulfillment of several promises God made with Israel, Lord Jesus Christ, the Gentiles and creation. Therefore, the main purpose of Lord Jesus’ 1,000 years reign is to fulfill the prophecies given to Israel and the promises made by God to Lord Jesus Christ, the nations and the whole Earth. God’s covenants were voluntary and eternal. He promised He would bless Israel and restore the world in specific ways, and He will accomplish His covenants through the 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth.

Promises To Israel. Throughout Israel’s history, God has made several promises, or covenants, promising to bless Israel in specific ways. Some of these covenants have yet to be fulfilled. The Palestinian Covenant or the Land Covenant (Genesis 15:18-20; Numbers 34:1-12; Deuteronomy 30:1-10) outlines the exact borders Israel will possess for eternity; however, the nation of Israel has yet to encompass these specific boundaries. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7) is the promise that God made to David that David’s heir would sit on the throne of Israel forever. Lord Jesus Christ is that heir, but He has yet to take His physical, political birthright. The New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34) outlines the promise that Israel as a nation will return to God and worship their Messiah: Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 9-11).

God has already fulfilled the personal aspects of the Abrahamic Covenant. Abraham went to the Promised Land (Canaan), he had many descendants, and he was the forefather of many nations. Several hundred years after Abraham, Joshua led the Israelites to claim ownership of the Promised Land (Canaan). However, Israel has never possessed the specific boundaries that God promised in Genesis 15:18–20 and Numbers 34:1-12. Not even Solomon ruled over this particular area (1 Kings 4:21–24). Although he did reign from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates, he did not hold the area from Mount Hor to Hazarenan (Numbers 34:7–9)—into present-day Lebanon and Syria. In addition, the covenant God made with Abraham was that he and his descendants would have the land for eternity (Genesis 13:15; 17:8; Ezekiel 16:60). The current Israeli state may be a step in this direction, but they still do not possess the boundaries God laid out.

Concerning the Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7), God’s covenant with David was that his line would never die out and that David’s heir would sit on the throne of Israel forever (2 Samuel 7:16). Biblical scholars agree that Lord Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of this covenant—one of the reasons His genealogy is given for both His step-father (Matthew 1:1–17) and His mother (Luke 3:23–38). The Jews understood this when they laid down palm branches and their cloaks as Lord Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1–17). They expected Him to be a military/political leader that would liberate them from the Romans and make Israel a great nation again. However, they didn’t understand the nature of Jesus’ work at the time was for the New Covenant, not the Davidic Covenant. The 1,000 years reign will be the beginning of Lord Jesus’ eternal reign over Israel and the Earth (Revelation 20:4, 6).

Pertaining to the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34), or the work of the New Covenant—Jesus’ death and resurrection to reconcile hearts to God—has been accomplished. However, we have not yet seen the complete fulfillment. Jeremiah 31:33 says, “But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Ezekiel 36:28 gives more specifics: “You shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers, and you shall be my people, and I will be your God.” Isaiah 59:20–21 explains that this covenant is possible because of the Redeemer, and the reconciliation He provides will last forever. This covenant means that Israel as a nation will eventually worship their Messiah (Lord Jesus Christ). The Old Testament prophets who spoke of this covenant, including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, and Ezekiel, all wrote that it will be fulfilled in the future. From their time on, Israel has yet to be an independent nation that worshiped its Messiah (Romans 9-11). They will be in the 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ. In essence, all the covenants of God with Israel will be fully fulfilled during the 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth.

Promises To Lord Jesus Christ. In Psalm 110, David records the promises that God (“The Lord“) made to Jesus Christ (“My Lord“). God invites Lord Jesus Christ to sit at His right hand until God makes Jesus’ enemies a footstool. Lord Jesus Christ will rule over, judge, and shatter His enemies while His loyal people will worship Him freely (Psalm 100). This combination of judging enemies and being worshiped by the faithful cannot happen simultaneously in the eternal heaven, because in heaven there will be no sin or rebellion to judge. Similarly, In Daniel 7:11-14, Lord Jesus Christ is given dominion over all the people, nations, and languages before His enemies are permanently destroyed.

Promises To The Gentiles. The promise in Daniel 7:11-14 refers to Gentiles, as well. It says that Lord Jesus Christ will be given dominion over all the nations. The whole world will know God (Isaiah 11:9). In addition to Jesus’ rule over the Gentiles, His faithful followers will be given positions of authority (Luke 19:12-27; Revelation 5:10; 1 Corinthians 6:2).

Promises To Creation. Jesus’ sovereignty will extend beyond human political systems and into all of creation. The curse will be lifted (Romans 8:18-23). Animals will live in peace again (Isaiah 11:6-9, 35:9, 65:25). Fields will be productive and freed from the curse of weeds (Isaiah 32:13-15). The mortals who survived the great Tribulation period and populate the Earth during the 1,000 years kingdom reign of  King Jesus Christ will be freed from disease (Isaiah 33:24, 35:5-6,61:1-2; Ezekiel 34:16).

During the Millennial period, even though there is peace throughout the world, even though the worship of God is the norm for all nations, even though King Jesus Christ will reign from Jerusalem, and even though Satan is bound and cannot influence people, there will still be those who do not choose Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This is due to the fact that when Satan is released in Revelation 20:7, the rebellious people are completely open for his deception and willing to follow him into battle against King Jesus Christ one last time. They will not be few individuals—“number is like the sand of the sea.” (Revelation 20:8). Indeed, rebellion is a deliberate action because the influence of King Jesus Christ over civilization during the Millennium and the removal of Satan are not enough to encourage rebellious people to follow God (Romans 3:11-12). Only the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts ensures we will choose good over evil.  God cannot force people to accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. People must decide voluntarily whether they want to follow Lord Jesus Christ or Satan. Therefore, in the Millennium, rebellious people who choose to follow Satan will be doomed for eternity with Satan and his fallen angels/demons in the lake of fire and sulfur (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:11-15).

2 Peter 3:8-9 says, “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” The 1,000 years reign of King Jesus Christ offers the opportunity for God to fulfill His promises to Israel, Lord Jesus Christ, the Gentiles and creation. Therefore, the wait presently offers the opportunity for us (soul winners) to reach the world for Lord Jesus Christ and teach others about His great salvation offer and the blessings of God awaiting people during the Millennial kingdom period and for eternity.

Second Coming Of Lord Jesus Christ To Earth Is A Reality. The Biblical Psalms contain a number of references to Christ’s second coming to Earth. In Psalm 2, the writer says that the Lord scoffs at those who rebel against Him. The Psalm states: “Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, “I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill.” I will proclaim the decree of the Lord: He said to me, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery” (Psalm 2:5-9).

The trilogy of Psalm 22, 23, and 24 gives a panoramic view of Lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 22 speaks of His work as the Good Shepherd dying on the cross for our sins (John 10:11). Psalm 23 speaks of His present care for His own as the Great Shepherd (Hebrews 13:20), interceding for them in heaven. Psalm 24 describes Lord Jesus Christ as the King of Glory, the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4), who will enter the gates of Jerusalem. Another major revelation is given in Psalm 72, revealing Christ’s Millennial reign over the whole Earth. After describing how He will judge the people, defend the afflicted, and deliver the righteous, the psalm continues: “In His days the righteous will flourish; prosperity will abound till the moon is no more. He will rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. The desert tribes will bow before Him and His enemies will lick the dust. The kings of Tarshish and of distant shores will bring tribute to Him; the kings of Sheba and Seba will present Him gifts. All kings will bow down to Him and all nations will serve Him (Psalm 72:7-11). The Psalm concluded by stating that all nations will be blessed through Him and that the whole earth will be filled with His glory. (Psalm 72:17-19).

Another major passage dealing with Lord Jesus Christ in His second coming is found in Isaiah 11, where the righteous reign of King Jesus Christ and the blessings of the Millennial kingdom are revealed. Daniel 7:13-14 states that the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ marks the termination of the times of the Gentiles and the beginning of the reign of God’s kingdom on Earth: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into His presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” This passage, as all others on the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ, makes clear that it refers to an event not yet fulfilled that will consummate the plan of God for the ages.

Zechariah 2:10-11 also anticipates the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and His residence in the Earth, “Shout and be glad, O Daughter of Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you,’ declares the Lord. ‘Many nations will be joined with the Lord in that day and will become my people. I will live among you and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you.” In that future day, Scripture declares that Lord Jesus Christ will claim the Holy Land (Jerusalem) as His own. Zechariah says, “The Lord will inherit Judah as his portion in the holy land and will again choose Jerusalem.” (Zechariah 2:12).

A dramatic description of the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ is recorded in Zechariah 14, which describes an attack upon Jerusalem. Zechariah states, “Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights in the day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south.” (Zechariah 14:3-4). This prophecy makes clear that Lord Jesus Christ has not come in His second coming because the Mount of Olives is still intact, awaiting the coming of Christ.

Among the first duties of King Jesus Christ as He prepares to set up His 1,000 years reign is to sit in judgment on some groups of people.  King Jesus Christ will judge three groups of people:

  1. Resurrected believers from before Pentecost and the resurrected martyred great tribulation saints (Daniel 12:1-3, Revelation 20:4).
  2. Jews who had gone through the great tribulation period and survived (Ezekiel 20:33-44). Some of them will be allowed to become citizens of the Millennial kingdom and some of them will be cast into Hades (Hell). Their destination will depend on whether they chose to accept Lord Jesus Christ or to follow Antichrist and his revolt against God and Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. Gentiles (Matthew 25). What King Jesus Christ will do with Gentiles who endured the great tribulation period will depend on how they behaved during those devastating years. Those who did not follow Antichrist and who showed kindness to the Jews showed their love for Lord Jesus Christ, so they will enter the Millennial kingdom. The rest will be “cast away” into Hades (Hell) either because they worshipped Antichrist or because they mistreated Jews or both.

Pertaining to the judgment of the Jews who survived the great tribulation period, Prophet Ezekiel described King Jesus Christ as a shepherd standing at the door of a sheepfold. The Jews who have trusted Lord Jesus Christ will be received into His Millennial kingdom while those who rejected Him will not (Ezekiel 20:33-44). Again, a shepherd metaphor is used to describe King Jesus Christ while judging the Gentiles who live through the great tribulation period. King Jesus Christ is pictured as separating the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:31-46). Believers in Christ (the sheep) will be allowed to enter the Millennial kingdom while unbelievers (the goats) will die and await the great white throne judgment of God (Revelation 20:11-15).

At the battle of Armageddon, just when all seemed lost, King Jesus Christ will appear in glory, leading His heavenly armies to Earth. The battle will be won by King Jesus Christ and the armed hordes of the Earth will be totally defeated. The Earth will be in ruins. Death and destruction will lie everywhere. Rather than returning to heaven, King Jesus Christ will erect His glorious throne in Jerusalem, establish it as His capital city, reinstate the Jews as His people, and rule over the entire Earth in a 1,000 years reign of peace, prosperity and righteousness, which we call the Millennium (Revelation 20:4-6).

The Old Testament prophecies are filled with details about the new government King Jesus Christ will establish when He returns to Earth. Here is what it will be like when the Lord Jesus Christ rules the world:

  1. Jesus Christ Will Be King.
  • The Branch of David will rule (Jeremiah 23:5).
  • Jesus Christ will fulfill His prophesied rule (Luke 1:32-33).
  • The believers of the Church age and resurrected martyred great tribulation saints will reign with Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:4-6).
  1. Israel Will Be Prominent.
  • Israel will be the favored nation (Isaiah 2:1-3).
  • Jerusalem will be the capital city (Isaiah 60:10-14).
  • David’s throne will be re-established (Luke 1:32).
  1. Christ’s Rule Will Reflect His Character.
  • Justice for everyone (Isaiah 2:4).
  • All will prosper (Micah 4:4).
  • Jesus Christ will reign in righteousness (Jeremiah 23:5).
  • The Earth will be at peace (Zechariah 8:4-5).
  • People will be safe (Jeremiah 23:5-6).
  1. The Natural World Will Be Transformed.
  • Climate will be ideal (Isaiah 30:23-26).
  • Wild animals will be tame (Isaiah 11:6-8).
  • Fishing will be great (Ezekiel 47:9-10).
  • People will have good health (Isaiah 35:5-6).
  • Life of people will be lengthened (Isaiah 65:19-20, 22).
  • Trees will provide food and medicine (Ezekiel 47:12).
  1. God Will Be Worshiped.
  • The name of Jehovah (God) and Lord Jesus Christ will be known throughout the world (Malachi 1:11).
  • The new Millennial Temple at Jerusalem will be the center of worship (Ezekiel 40-48).
  • Representatives will come from everywhere worldwide to worship King Jesus Christ at Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:16).
  • All mankind will come to worship King Jesus Christ at Jerusalem (Isaiah 66:23).
  • The Jews will lead in worship (Isaiah 60:10-14).

The Millennium

When King Jesus Christ rules in the Millennial kingdom, His love, justice, mercy, righteousness and peace will be found throughout the Earth. Since people reflect their ruler, the people of the Millennial kingdom will reflect the characteristics of their king (Lord Jesus Christ). During this golden age, the Earth will be what God intended it to be. Indeed, shortly after Lord Jesus Christ glorious return, He will transform this age-old Earth, reversing some of the fallout from the curse in the Garden of Eden. These changes will allow the inhabitants of Earth to enjoy a time of prosperity and happiness unparalleled in human history. The re-creation of King Jesus Christ will be marked by:

The Sovereign Ruler Reigns In The Millennium. The Millennial kingdom of King Jesus Christ will not be a democracy. Rather, it will be a theocracya benevolent government led by God. As Ruler of the Earth during the Millennial kingdom period, King Jesus Christ will be a King who will “reign and prosper, and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.” (Jeremiah 23:5). As King, Lord Jesus Christ will do what no other leader in history has been able to do. He will govern with absolute authority, righteousness and justice. Finally, after so many failures on the part of mankind, a utopian world will have arrived. King Jesus Christ will rule as we have always desired leaders to rule. There can be no such golden age for this world apart from the personal appearance, presence and rule of its rightful Sovereign, the Prince of Peace, King Jesus Himself! During this time, the nations “shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4).

Prophet Zechariah predicted, “Then shall the Lord (King Jesus Christ) go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives…And the Lord (King Jesus Christ) shall be King over all the earth (Zechariah 14:3-9).” Revelation 19 pictures the Messiah (King Jesus Christ) as Lord of lords and King of kings, coming down from heaven riding upon a white horse. In Revelation chapter 20, Apostle John made reference to 1,000 years about six times! This time span refers to a golden age when Satan is bound and King Jesus Christ is ruling over the nations of the Earth from the city of Jerusalem. During this golden age, “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord (King Jesus Christ) as the waters cover the sea.’ (Habakkuk 2:14).

The Millennial kingdom is primarily a political kingdom, though it has spiritual aspects and Lord Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, who has come to reign over the Earth. Because it is an earthly kingdom with Lord Jesus Christ on the throne, it obviously cannot be fulfilled in the present age when Lord Jesus Christ is in heaven, though Christians form a part of the kingdom of God in a spiritual sense.

Jesus Christ will serve as King of kings and Lord of lords in the Millennial kingdom and will fulfill the promises that He will sit on David’s throne over the house of Israel (2 Samuel 7:16; Psalm. 89:20-37; Isaiah 11:1-16; Jeremiah 33:19-21). In His relationship to Israel as her king, He was born to rule over her (Luke 1:32-33). The people of Israel rejected Him as their king (Mark 15:12-13; Luke 19:14). In His death, it was posted on the Cross that He died as a King (Matthew 27:37). It is in keeping with this that when He comes again, He comes as the King who will fulfill prophecies of His ruling over the Davidic kingdom (Revelation 19:16).

In addition to reigning over Israel as the Son of David, Lord Jesus Christ is also King of kings over the entire Earth, and this includes the Gentile world. As Psalm 72:8 states, “He will rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.” The fact that Lord Jesus Christ will reign over the entire world is taught by many Scriptures (Isaiah 2:1-4; 9:6-7; 11:1-10; 16:5; 24:23; 32:1; 40:1-11; 42:3-4; 52:7-15; 55:4; Daniel 2:44; 7:27; Micah 4:1-8; 5:2-5; Zechariah 9:9; 14:16-17). These Biblical verses demand a literal kingdom and a literal reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth.

In Christ’s reign over the people of Israel, David will be resurrected as king and serve as a “Regent” under King Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 30:9; 33:15-17; Ezekiel 34:23-24; 37:24-25; Hosea 3:5). The twelve Apostles also will have part in the reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth and will judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28).

The divine kingdom of King Jesus Christ in the Millennium is clearly over the entire Earth in fulfillment of Psalm 2:6-9 (Psalm 72:8; Daniel 2:35; 7:14; Micah 4:1-2; Zechariah 9:10). This is in keeping with His title in Revelation 19:16 as “King of kings and Lord of lords.” The Millennial kingdom will be an absolute rule of King Jesus Christ and it will involve judgment on anyone who opposes Him. (Psalm 2:9; 72:9-11; Isaiah 11:4).

Righteousness and justice will characterize the Millennial kingdom, in contrast to the corrupt governments of our present world. In keeping with this, Psalm 2:10-12 speaks of His wrath, and Isaiah 11:3-5 gives assurance that the poor and the meek will be dealt with righteously. Because all those who enter the Millennium are either resurrected saints or people who became born again (saved) during the great tribulation period and survived, in the early stages of the Millennium, there will be a righteous manner of life in the world such as the world has never seen.

A Time of Faith In Lord Jesus Christ. The Millennial kingdom period will be a time of faith, when the majority of the population will become believers-in-Christ (Christians). Only saved mortal people (born again Christians) will enter the Millennium and those born during the thousand years of Christ’s reign will need to receive Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and become born again Christians. Christianity will be the only approved religion worldwide during the Millennial kingdom period. No false religion or occultic society will be allowed worldwide. The Holy Bible will be the only approved Scriptural book worldwide. No false Scriptural book or occultic book will be allowed worldwide. Since King Jesus Christ will be fully in charge, there won’t be immoral or other forms of destructive Television programming or worldly music/movies that can blind the minds of people to the eternal Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. Body damaging substances (cocaine, heroin, marijuana, opium, LSD, anabolic steroid, cigar, cigarette, alcoholic drinks, etc.) will not be available worldwide, so people will not have their minds so fogged that they cannot fairly appraise the truths of Scriptures (Holy Bible). Satan will be bound for 1,000 years in the fiery bottomless pit so he cannot “blind the eyes” of the people spiritually.

God's Word Is The Bible


In the Millennial kingdom period, the citadel of learning (University) will not be dominated by Professors or Doctors who are Atheists or Agnostics set to destroy the minds of youths. The false theory of “Evolution” or “Big Bang” false theory will be banned forever. All education from Primary, Secondary and University levels will start from the premise: “In the beginning GOD!” In such an academic climate, young people will be more open to the claims of God and Lord Jesus Christ on their lives. All education and art forms will glorify Lord Jesus Christ during the Millennial kingdom period. According to Jeremiah 31:31-34, everyone will be acquainted with the eternal Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. The Millennial kingdom period will offer people who have not known Lord Jesus Christ or His true expectations an opportunity to respond to Him. It is important to note that this is not a second chance. It will be the first and only chance for these people. The Bible teaches that everyone will have an opportunity to come to God (2 Peter 3:9).

During the Millennial kingdom period, Isaiah 65:20 indicates that unbelievers will die “being 100 years old.” This means that a person will be considered still a “child” at “100 yearsof age. In essence, this indicates that only believers-in-Christ (Christians) will live beyond their hundredth birthday. Evidently God will give people “100 years” to decide about Lord Jesus Christ. If they accept Him as Personal Lord and Savior, they will be permitted to live on for the rest of the Millennial kingdom period. However, no sinner will survive his or her hundredth birthday. Therefore, only believers-in-Christ (Christians) will be alive to propagate and raise children after they are “100 years” old.

During the Millennial kingdom period, Satan will be bound in the fiery bottomless pit (Revelation 20:1-2) and God’s people who will have been changed into immortal beings (glorified Saints) on glorious Rapture day (1 Corinthians 15:52), will be actively teaching mortal people worldwide God’s ways and the eternal Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. Commenting on this time, Isaiah 30:20-21 says: “And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your teachers will not be moved into a corner anymore, but your eyes shall see your teachers. Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” Satan’s constant influence to cause people to sin, which is part of this present evil world, will be replaced by immortal beings (glorified Saints) that will help guide people into Godly paths. Because of this positive teaching and guidance by immortal beings (glorified Saints)  and the fact that God’s law will be going out to all the Earth from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-3), the mortal people living in the Millennium will know about this period of time and that this is their opportunity to respond to God and Lord Jesus Christ.

The Spiritual Life In The Millennial Kingdom. Though the Millennial kingdom is a political kingdom, it nevertheless will provide a context for a high level of spiritual life and experience. Though Lord Jesus Christ reigns in the hearts of His followers now, in the Millennial kingdom this will be universal, political, and visible. An important part of this is the fact that Lord Jesus Christ will be visibly present and the world will be able to see His great glory (Matthew 24:30). Psalm 72:19 also mentions that the whole Earth will be filled with His glory.

In addition to other aspects of the spiritual life, full knowledge of God and His ways are indicated, as stated in Isaiah 11:9“They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” In contrast to the Mosaic Law, which was written on tablets of stone, God will put His truth in the heart of man, and all will know the facts about Lord Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 31:33-34). God will also forgive their sins and pour out His blessings upon them. The spiritual life in the Millennium will be manifested in righteousness among the glorified Saints, who will flourish (Psalm 72:7).

In addition to the kingdom being righteous in relation to spiritual life, it will also be a time of peace, when nations no longer fight each other, and interpersonal relationships will be peaceful. Isaiah 2:4 states, “He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”

In keeping with righteousness and peace, there will be universal joy, as stated in Isaiah 12:3-4: “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. In that day you will say: Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.”

In keeping with these predictions, the power of the Holy Spirit will work in the Millennial scene. Glorified Saints in the Millennium will be indwelt by the Holy Spirit, even as they are in the present age (Isaiah 32:15; 44:3; Ezekiel 39:29; Joel 2:28-29). The Millennial kingdom will manifest a high level of spiritual life unequaled in any previous dispensation.

The Social And Economic Characteristics Of The Millennium. The Millennium will provide a high level of social and economic characteristics for the entire Earth. Probably the majority of those living in the Millennium will be saved. This is because only saved mortal people (born again Christians) will enter the Millennium and those born during the thousand years of Christ’s reign will, of course, need to receive Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and become born again Christians. Because there is such universal knowledge of Christ and because Satan is bound and cannot oppose this, it would seem that the great majority of those who live in the millennial kingdom period will be saved even though at the end of the Millennium there will be a rebellion on the part of those who are not actually saved. The millennial kingdom period will also be a time of great prosperity and there will be no poor people or people suffering from lack of economic needs. The curse on the ground pronounced after Adam’s sin will be lifted, and even the desert will produce abundant crops (Isaiah 32:14-15; 35:1-2). It will be a time of general prosperity for the entire Earth (Jeremiah 31:12; Ezekiel 34:25-29; Joel 2:21-27; Amos 9:13-14).

In the Millennial kingdom period, each of the twelve tribes of Israel will have its designated portion of the promised land as indicated in Ezekiel 48.

One of the outstanding features of the Millennium is that there will be no war. Accordingly, expenditures necessary to support a military branch of the government will be turned into improvement of the social and economic life in the Millennium.

Contributing to peaceful circumstances, there will be universal justice. As stated in Isaiah 11:4, “With righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.”

The Earth, which was cursed following Adam’s sin, will now bring forth abundantly as stated in Isaiah 35:1-2, “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.” There will be abundant rainfall (Isaiah 30:23; 35:7). In general, there will be prosperity under the ideal government of King Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 31:12; Ezekiel 34:25-29; Joel 2:21-27; Amos 9:13-14).

Apparently, sickness will be less prevalent in the Millennium than in any previous dispensation and physical difficulties will be healed (Isaiah 29:18; 33:24). Even those who are lame will be healed and those who are dumb will be able to speak (Isaiah 35:5-6). In general, longevity will characterize the human race, for a person who dies at the age of “100 years” will be considered a “child” (Isaiah 65:20).

Because the Earth’s population has been decimated by the events of the Great Tribulation period, those in the Millennium will witness a large increase in the birth rate. In the book of Jeremiah the Lord (King Jesus Christ) says, “From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they will not be decreased; I will bring them honor, and they will not be disdained. Their children will be as in days of old, and their community will be established before me; I will punish all who oppress them.” (30:19-20). Indeed, the Millennium will be a golden age to a far greater extent than any previous dispensation.

Increased Productivity In The Millennium. Prophet Isaiah said that “the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; it shall blossom abundantly.” (Isaiah 35:1-2). In addition to enjoying peace and prosperity during the kingdom age, the inhabitants of the Earth will revel in the blessings of a fully cooperative natural world. Nature itself will smile upon mankind. Even the deserts will be well watered. According to Prophet Isaiah, “In the wilderness shall waters break out and streams in the deserts” (Isaiah 35:6). Evidently, new areas of land will be made fruitful and this new source of usable land will lead to a time of great prosperity. Even the fishing will improve (Ezekiel 47:9).

Millennial Kingdom Scene

Better Weather In The Millennium. According to Prophet Isaiah, “Then He (King Jesus Christ) will give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground and bread of the increase of the earth; it will be fat and plenteous.” (Isaiah 30:23). King Jesus Christ transforming work will include changes in the climate of Earth. The sun will be more radiant and even the moon will shine brighter (Isaiah 30:26).

Millennial Reign Period

Peaceful Co-existence Of Animals In The Millennium. In the Millennial kingdom period, through the transformation power of King Jesus Christ, wild animals will become peaceful. In Isaiah 11:6-9 it is revealed that “Wolves and sheep will live together in peace, and leopards will lie down with young goats. Calves and lion cubs will feed together, and little children will take care of them. Cows and bears will eat together, and their calves and cubs will lie down in peace. Lions will eat straw (grass) as cattle do. Even a baby will not be harmed if it plays near a poisonous snake. On Zion, God’s sacred hill, there will be nothing harmful or evil. The land will be as full of knowledge of Lord (King Jesus Christ) as the seas are full of water. “

According to Prophet Isaiah, wild animals that are presently carnivorous will begin to eat grass only, so that the animals will not fear one another or harm people. However, not only will all animals literally be herbivorous in the Millennial kingdom period, but all animals once were herbivorous, since neither Man nor beast ate animal flesh prior to the great flood of Noah’s era.

Genesis 1:29-30, “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.”

The Hebrew word “oklah” translated “meat” by the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) simply means food or that which is devoured. The beasts (animals) are neither given for Adam’s food, nor for one another’s food. Both Adam and the beasts (animals) are given the herbs and fruits to eat. So Man (Adam) and beasts (animals) were all vegetarian. However, God changed things after the great flood.

In Genesis 9:2-3 God says to Noah, “And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.”

Since after the great flood of Noah’s era, the animals began to fear people, because human beings were given permission to eat the animals. This was also when many wild animals became carnivorous. However, by the transformation power of King Jesus Christ, all wild animals worldwide will become peaceful during the Millennial kingdom period. Even snakes will become harmless and not dangerous to human beings and animals. No more poisonous venom from the deadly bite of a snake because during the Millennial kingdom period, snakes will not bite again. During this utopian era, a crawling baby will be able to play with a snake which will be like a harmless toy.

“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion and the fatling together.” (Isaiah 11:6-7). This means that during the Millennial kingdom of King Jesus Christ, wild animals will become gentle and will not kill other animals again. The implication is that all animals worldwide will become grass eating (Herbivorous) during the Millennial kingdom period. In essence, carnivorous (flesh eating) tendency among wild animals will be removed by King Jesus Christ and His plans for this golden age will surely cause our lives to be more enjoyable.

Lion And Lamb In Millennium

Life Spans Increased In The Millennium. Isaiah 65:20-25 says, “There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed. And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them. And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD (King Jesus Christ).

There are many key statements in this prophetic passage. We see a great increase in life spans. However, not only will life spans literally be longer during the Millennium, but this too occurred before the great flood of Noah’s era.

In the genealogy from Adam to Noah given in Genesis 5 and 9:29, there are extremely long life spans. When we exclude Enoch who was taken to heaven by God (Genesis 5:24) at the age of 365 years and Lamech who died at the age of 777 years, we find that all of the other eight lived between 895 and 969 years. Methuselah was the oldest man who died at the age of 969 years. After the great flood of Noah’s era, there was a rapid drop in life span to a little over 400 years. Around the time of the tower of Babel, life spans dropped to a little over 200 years. Then they began to slowly decrease to more modern life spans over a period of hundreds of years.

According to Isaiah 65, during the Millennial kingdom period, longevity will be increased to almost what it was prior to the great flood of Noah’s era, when people lived to almost 1,000 years of age. At least that will be the case for believers-in-Christ born in the Millennial kingdom period, who will live from the time of their birth until the end of the Millennial kingdom period. In essence, 1,000 years life span will become a reality for a mortal believer-in-Christ during the Millennial kingdom period. Isaiah 65:20 indicates that a person will be considered still a “child” at “100 years” of age. Definitely, this will be a utopian era. Glory to Lord Jesus Christ.

In the Isaiah 65:20-25 passage we also see normal, everyday life taking place during the Millennial kingdom period. In this prophecy, we see normal activities like building houses, living in them, planting vineyards, eating fruit, bearing children, and sometimes even death among mortal human beings. The Glorified Saints with glorified bodies who are immortal beings can never die. This passage also provides further evidence of carnivorous animals becoming herbivorous.

It is pertinent to note that it is not only those who are resurrected or changed into immortal bodies that will enter the Millennial kingdom. This would leave no one in the Millennial kingdom who could possibly sin or die. But Matthew 25:31-46 describes King Jesus Christ dividing the sheep from the goats at the end of the great tribulation period. This is the judgment of the Gentile nations (Matthew 25:32). All of the people gathered on the Lord’s right hand are survivors of the great tribulation period and will pass into the Millennial kingdom in their mortal bodies. They will bear children who are mortal as well. The same is true for the many Israelites who will survive the great tribulation period, and will bear children in the Millennial kingdom. Ezekiel 37:25-26 says, “And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children’s children for ever: and my servant David shall be their prince forever. Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” All of these mortal people and their descendants will be capable of both sin and death in the Millennial kingdom, even though Satan will be in chains in the fiery bottomless pit and unable to influence them.

An End To Wars In The Millennium. There will be no war on Earth during the one thousand years reign of King Jesus Christ, until Satan is released from his bottomless pit prison (Revelation 20:7-9) for a short period at the end. In reference to Lord Jesus Christ, Micah 4:3 says, “And He (King Jesus Christ) shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” Isaiah 2:4 is another similar passage. Not only will there no longer be any war on Earth during the Millennial kingdom period, but the dangerous weapons of war worldwide will be dismantled and battle strategies will no longer be taught. Hallelujah! Glory to Lord Jesus Christ.

Israel will be at peace and dwell safely in the Millennial kingdom period. “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King (Lord Jesus Christ) shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In His days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is His name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” (Jeremiah 23:5-6). This is certainly in contrast to the present period with Israel surrounded by her enemies on all sides.

King Jesus Christ’s Judgment In The Millennium And The Restored Judges Of Israel. Micah 4:3 says, “And He (King Jesus Christ) shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King (Lord Jesus Christ) shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In His days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is His name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” (Jeremiah 23:5-6). The prophecies of Prophet Micah and Prophet Jeremiah refer to King Jesus Christ judging the nations of the Earth during His Millennial kingdom. He will do so in all wisdom and perfect justice, with a rod of iron. “And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God” (Revelation 19:15). Lord Jesus Christ will reign as a literal King on a glorious throne, dwelling in Jerusalem.

King Jesus Christ will also restore the Judges to Israel. “And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city.” (Isaiah 1:26). Who will the Judges of the twelve tribes of Israel be? Lord Jesus Christ told His disciples, “… Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of His glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (Matthew 19:28). As a traitor, Judas Iscariot committed suicide (self-murder), therefore he is doomed forever in hell and will end up in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur on great judgment day.

The 11 Apostles under the leadership of Apostle Peter replaced Judas Iscariot with Matthias. Paul became an Apostle by the special grace of Lord Jesus Christ but he was very dedicated as an Evangelist and Missionary throughout his life time. Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Apostle Paul wrote some of the books in Biblical New Testament and the numerous activities of his Ministry were recorded in “The Acts of the Apostles’ (Acts 9-28). Therefore, in the Millennial kingdom period, King Jesus Christ will decide wisely whether Apostle Paul or Apostle Matthias will be among the twelve Judges ruling the twelve tribes of Israel.

Israel Will Be A Kingdom Of Priests In The Millennium. “Thus saith the LORD of hosts; It shall yet come to pass, that there shall come people, and the inhabitants of many cities: And the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD, and to seek the LORD of hosts: I will go also. Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you” (Zechariah 8:20-23).

Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.” (Exodus 19:5-6).

The Feast Of Tabernacles In The Millennium. A prophecy occurring in Zechariah 14:16-19 concerns the Gentile nations keeping the feast of tabernacles in the Millennial kingdom period. “And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King (Jesus Christ), the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. And it shall be that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.” According to this prophecy, during the Millennial kingdom the Gentiles must keep the feast of tabernacles which was formerly a feast just for Israel. To do so, they must travel to Jerusalem once each year to “worship the King” (Lord Jesus Christ).

King Jesus Christ will reign on His glorious throne in Jerusalem like Ezekiel 43:7 says, “And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile..” To know the details about the feast of tabernacles which is also known as the feast of booths, you can read Leviticus 23:33-44. It may be that the feast of tabernacles will take on a slightly different meaning in the Millennial kingdom period since Israel will no longer celebrate their rescue from Egypt, but rather, from all the nations to which they have been scattered. Jeremiah 16:14-15 says, “Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be said, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers.

The Millennial New Temple And The Law In The Millennium. The Temple of the Millennial kingdom period is described in detail in Ezekiel chapters 40-44. The glory of the Lord Jesus Christ will fill the Temple (Ezekiel 43:5). The law given by God through Moses will still be kept by the Jews including the animal sacrifices (Ezekiel 43:19-27). The Levites will still minister in the Temple (Ezekiel 44:9-11). The laws and statutes delivered by Moses will be obeyed by the Jews (Ezekiel 44:24). The Sabbaths and feasts of Israel will still be kept including the Passover, the feast of unleavened bread (Ezekiel 45:21), and the feast of tabernacles (Ezekiel 45:25). It will be well known by all that Lord Jesus Christ gave his life as the perfect sacrifice for all mankind.

The new Millennial Temple will be a huge building rich in spiritual meaning. The spiritual significance of the Millennial Temple will differ from the importance of the Temple under the Mosaic Law, but it will provide a means of worship of God, including animal sacrifices. Though animal sacrifices in themselves do not provide any relief from sin, as was true in the Old Testament, Millennial kingdom period sacrifices will look back to the Cross of Lord Jesus Christ even as sacrifices in the Mosaic period looked forward to the Cross of Lord Jesus Christ. Though some critics have opposed the idea of animal sacrifices in the Millennium on the ground that Christ’s sacrifice was sufficient, there does not seem to be any other suitable explanation of the details of the Millennial kingdom period and the details of the sacrificial system in the Millennial kingdom period as provided in Ezekiel’s prophecy. During the present age, the Lord’s Supper is the scriptural reminder of the sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ.

As portrayed by Prophet Ezekiel, the Millennial new Temple building differs so much from the Temples of Jewish history that it cannot be identified with any of them. Therefore, a new Temple is going to stand in Jerusalem during the Millennial kingdom period. A literal acceptance of Prophet Ezekiel’s prophecy about another Temple with its associated animal sacrifices does not, as some critics claim, mean a return to the bondage of the law. Indeed, as the animal sacrifices under the law in Old Testament times pointed forward to Lord Jesus Christ, so those that are offered by the Jews in the future Temple during the Millennium will point back to Lord Jesus Christ. They will be vivid reminders of the sacrificial death of Lord Jesus Christ and thus they will serve a purpose similar to the observance of the Lord’s Supper. As we partake of the bread and the cup during the Holy Communion (Lord’s Supper) service in our present day churches, we remember the sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ for us through His bruised body and shed blood on the Cross of Calvary.

A literal fulfillment of Prophet Ezekiel’s prophecy and the observance of festivals and Sabbaths by the Jews during the Millennium will not be a return to the law. Instead, these observances are going to have memorial significance for the Jews. Although in the Millennial kingdom period, the ancient Jewish calendar will be followed by the Jews, we (glorified Saints) shall not be regulated as the Israelites were under Moses. Neither are we (glorified Saints) going to be involved in the observance of a complicated set of civil and ceremonial laws. Additionally, the idea of a future order of priests among the Jews in connection with the Millennial new Temple does not contradict the New Testament doctrine of the priesthood of all believers. Yes, priests from the Jewish family of Zadok will officiate in the new Temple services during the Millennium, but what they do will not in any way interfere with individual worship and access to God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Christians worldwide will still be attending regular church services during the Millennial kingdom period.

The literal interpretation of Prophet Ezekiel’s prophecy concerning the Millennial new Temple with its grounds and river, could never be located in Jerusalem as it now exists. However, in Zechariah 14:4, we are told that at the return of Lord Jesus Christ to Earth, the Mount of Olives  “shall cleave in its midst toward the east and toward the west and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north and half of it toward the south.” Prophet Zechariah later said that, “all the land shall be turned like Arabah from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem.” (Zechariah 14:10). It would be an easy task for the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ to produce the topographical conditions and make possible the fulfillment of Prophet Ezekiel’s prophecy. Therefore, we have no reason to reject a literal fulfillment of those prophetic predictions which speak of the Millennial new Temple as the center of world worship. Nothing about its priesthood or the observance of festivals and Sabbaths by the Jews conflicts in any way with the teaching of the New Testament about the completeness of our salvation or the priesthood of all believers. Also, Zechariah 14 suggests how the Lord Jesus Christ could bring about the physical conditions that would make possible the literal fulfillment of Prophet Ezekiel Millennial new Temple prophecy.

Prophet Jeremiah prophesied of a day when”a King (Lord Jesus Christ) shall reign and prosper, and shall execute justice and righteousness on the earth.” (Jeremiah 23:5). Prophet Malachi prophesied that the name of God is going to be great among the nations “from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same.” (Malachi 1:11). Prophet Isaiah assured us prophetically that “with righteousness shall He (King Jesus Christ) judge the poor… and with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked.” (Isaiah 11:4). Certainly, the predictions about the coming Millennial kingdom are going to be fulfilled just like those related to Lord Jesus Christ first coming. We can therefore look forward with glad anticipation to the coming golden age when King Jesus Christ will personally return to this Earth to establish His Millennial kingdom of peace and righteousness. It will be the most glorious time in all human history!

Geographical Changes In Israel During The Millennium. In the Millennial kingdom period, there will be tremendous geographical changes in Israel. When Lord Jesus Christ returns to the mount of Olives, just east of Jerusalem, an earthquake will split the mountain in two. “And His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee.” (Zechariah 14:4-5).

Additionally, the fountain of living water described in Zechariah and Ezekiel will have a geographical impact in Israel. “In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.” (Zechariah 13:1). Zechariah 14:8 shows us where the waters will flow, “And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalemhalf of them toward the former (eastern) sea, and half of them toward the hinder (western) sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.” The living waters will flow out of Jerusalem in two directions, to the west to the great sea (western or Mediterranean Sea) and to the east to the Dead Sea (eastern or Salt Sea). For further reference, you can read Ezekiel 47:1-7.

In the Millennial kingdom period, what effect will these living waters have on the Dead Sea? The Dead Sea is about 10 miles wide and 50 miles long running north and south on along the eastern side of Judea. Its northern end is about as far north as Jerusalem. It has no outlet and is seven times more salty than the oceans. No fish live in the Dead Sea, and ocean fish placed in its waters soon die. Only certain types of microbes live in it. Yet In Ezekiel 47:8-11 we are told the waters of the Dead Sea will be healed. “Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed. And it shall come to pass, that everything that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and everything shall live whither the river cometh. And it shall come to pass, that the fishers shall stand upon it from Engedi even unto Eneglaim; they shall be a place to spread forth nets; their fish shall be according to their kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many. But the miry places thereof and the marshes thereof (swamps) shall not be healed; they shall be given to salt.” Engedi, mentioned above, is on the western coast of the Dead Sea about 25 miles southeast of Jerusalem. A peninsula juts out into the sea from the east. South of this peninsula the Dead Sea is shallow, less than 20 feet deep in most places. But the majority of the sea is north of the peninsula, where the central and northern part of the sea is more than one thousand feet deep. Perhaps verse 11 refers to the shallow southern end, furthest from Jerusalem, that will remain too salty for aquatic life.

In the Millennial kingdom period, as the many following Isaiah verses show, the land of Israel will become much more fertile. The deserts will become fertile fields and the fields will become as forests.

Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.” (Isaiah 32:15).

Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest?” (Isaiah 29:17).

For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.” (Isaiah 51:3).

… the dessert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.” (Isaiah 35:1).

In the Millennial kingdom period, the nation of Israel will be given far more land than they presently possess. A general description is found in Genesis. “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates …” (Genesis 15:18). God confirmed this promise to Abraham’s son, Isaac, in Genesis 26:3 and later to Isaac’s son, Jacob, in Genesis 35:12. A detailed description of how this land will be divided by the 12 tribes of Israel is found in Ezekiel chapter 48. Zechariah 14:10 also reveals other geographical changes in Israel. These are just some of the changes to Israel’s geography and ownership that God’s Word (Holy Bible) says will take place when the Millennial kingdom comes. These are only a few of the many prophecies about the Millennial kingdom period in which King Jesus Christ will reign on the Earth from Jerusalem. The prophecies about the Millennial kingdom period that God has provided in the Holy Bible are vast and detailed. The evidence presented here is a sample of the teaching God’s Word (Holy Bible) has to offer on the Millennial kingdom period.

Jerusalem In The Millennium. In the Millennium Jerusalem will be exalted as a city and raised topographically above the surrounding land. According to Zechariah 14:10, “The whole land, from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem, will become like the Arabah. But Jerusalem will be raised up and remain in its place, from the Benjamin Gate to the site of the First Gate, to the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the royal winepresses.” Jerusalem will be greatly enlarged but will include some of the old landmarks such as the Benjamin Gate (Jeremiah. 37:13) as well as other gates (Zechariah 14:10).

Any close examination of the many particulars that abound in prophecy of this Millennial kingdom on Earth will make it clear that these prophecies are not being fulfilled in any sense now and that they require a second coming of Lord Jesus Christ, a personal return of Christ on Earth, and the establishment of His kingdom on Earth for a thousand years before the eternal state begins. The Millennial kingdom will not be fulfilled in the new Earth (Revelation 21-22), as in the Millennium there will be sin and death and divine judgment as well as other factors not found in heaven. The Millennium will be fulfilled in the present Earth, even though some changes will be made in the earthly situation.

The Final Defeat Of Satan And End To Human Rebellion On Earth. It is unfortunate that in spite of all the ideal conditions arranged by God to attract a maximum number of people to accept the free salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ, millions of people will rebel at the end of the 1,000 years kingdom, for Revelation 20 indicates that at the end of the 1,000 years Satan will be released from the fiery bottomless pit to go out “to deceive the nations” – that is, to tempt them to rebel against God. The reason for this tempting is so that all the people living on the Earth at that period who are still unsaved will be forced to make a decision about whether they will receive the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ before God establishes the eternal order. It is apparent that these will be people under 100 years of age because Isaiah 65:20 indicated that only believers-in-Christ will live past their hundredth birthday.

According to Revelation 20, it is very sad that even after living for almost a hundred years under the righteous reign of King Jesus Christ, there will still be a multitude “whose number is as the sand of the sea” who will rebel against God and Lord Jesus Christ when given the opportunity. The implication is that rebellious people has a tendency to reject faith in Lord Jesus Christ due to the rebellion of their own will. Therefore, Satan coming on the scene at this point only brings to the surface the rebellion of many hearts who, like many Jews during the time of Lord Jesus Christ’s Ministry on Earth at His first coming, “willed not to come” to Him that they might have eternal life. (John 5:40). The judgment of God on these rebellious people will be swift because they will be burnt to death by a raging fire sent down by God from heaven before they could carry out their nefarious plot to attack Jerusalem and overthrow the benevolent kingdom of King Jesus Christ.

Revelation 20:10 says, “And the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast (Antichrist) and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” The ability of living beings to suffer indefinitely in the lake of fire and sulfur is seen in the fact that the Beast (Antichrist) and the False Prophet are mortal men. They are thrown alive into the lake of fire and sulfur at the beginning of the 1,000 years kingdom of King Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:20), yet they are spoken of in the present tense in Revelation 20:10, indicating that they are still there alive and they will continue to be tormented horribly for eternity! Probably, God will transform them suddenly into immortal beings that can’t die before they are cast into the horrible lake of fire and sulfur in order for them to suffer agonizingly for eternity!  Surely, with God, all things are possible. It is into this horrible lake of fire and sulfur that Satan is also cast. Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet, Fallen Angels/Demons and all the people from every age in history who rejected God’s free offer of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ “will be tormented day and night forever and ever” in the horrible lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20: 11-15, 21:8). Yes, for eternity! That is the strongest word structure in the Bible. Make sure you don’t end up in the horrible lake of fire and sulfur for eternity! Accept the free salvation offer of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late!

Lake Of Fire

The bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ guarantees the Christian’s eventual resurrection. There are two resurrections, called in Scripture 1: “the first resurrection” also called “the resurrection unto life” and 2: “the second resurrection” which is the same as “the resurrection of damnation” or “white throne judgment.” The first resurrection is not a single event, but takes place in two stages which are separated by at least seven years. The first stage of the first resurrection is the glorious Rapture of the Church (Bride of Christ) which will include both living and dead Christians. When the Lord Jesus Christ shouts for His Church from heaven, He will resurrect the dead in Christ (all those who “sleep in Jesus Christ”).Then “we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). In essence, all those who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior whether living or dead at the time He comes in the air to rapture His Church, will be a part of this first stage of the first resurrection. The most comforting part of all is the promise that no matter what happens after that, “we will always be with the Lord.”

There are two stages of the first resurrection. After the first stage, millions of people will yet call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved during the seven years worldwide tribulation period. Then, when our Lord Jesus Christ comes to this Earth to set up His 1,000 years kingdom of peace and righteousness, He will resurrect the believers (great tribulation Martyrs) who are killed (beheaded) during the great tribulation period (Revelation 20:4-6). Indeed, during the great tribulation period left behind lukewarm Christians and unbelievers who become saved who are now very zealous for Lord Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18). Therefore, the second stage of the first resurrection will include the great tribulation Saints, most of whom will be martyrs because they refused to worship the Antichrist. Just like the raptured believers, the resurrected great tribulation Saints will reign with King Jesus Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the “dead,” or all unbelievers who lived from the days of Adam and Eve until Lord Jesus Christ comes to set His Millennial kingdom, will not be raised until the end of that kingdom age, which comes just before eternity. That is called “the second resurrection.” It is a resurrection of the lost to judgment and then to eternal separation from God (Revelation 20: 11-15, 21:8).

Now, what is your vital choice? Raptured or left behind? Glorious Rapture or 7 years worldwide tribulation period? Raptured in glory or Martyred in pain? Raptured Saint or Great Tribulation Saint? Dedicated follower of Jesus Christ or deluded follower of Antichrist? Micro-chipped or Martyred? Glorified Saint reigning with King Jesus Christ in the Millennial kingdom period or awaiting the great white throne judgment of eternal damnation? Eternal citizen of Heavenly New Jerusalem or doomed eternally in the eternal Lake of Fire and Sulphur? Your choice is very vital! Make the right decision now! Tomorrow will be too late! Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6). Accept the great salvation offer of Jesus Christ now! Rapture is imminent!

MARANATHA TRUMPETER” will now share with you some divine revelations and vital messages from our Lord Jesus Christ about glorious Rapture day events, agonies of great tribulation period and the glorious events that will happen during the Millennial reign of King Jesus Christ. After reading them, you must decide immediately whether you want to be among the Raptured saints on Rapture day or you want to go through the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture.

In this highly inspiring Evangelical post, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” will share with you many urgent warning messages and divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ to all Rapture watchers worldwide. This is to prepare us always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ . After reading all these vital messages and divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, you must decide immediately whether you want to remain as a dedicated Rapture watcher or Rapture scoffer. Decide wisely! Whether you believe it or not, Rapture is imminent! Your scoffing is futile! Make the right decision! A wrong decision is dangerous! Decide wisely! Wake up from spiritual slumber! Time is running out! Rapture is a reality! Heaven and hell are real! Jesus Christ is our eternal Savior. Accept the eternal salvation of Jesus Christ now! Stop procrastinating! Don’t delay your salvation till tomorrow! Tomorrow will be too late!

Rapture Day News Report

End Time Visions And Prophecies Of Tsunami, Earthquake, War, Rapture, Great Tribulation And Millennial Kingdom Reign Of King Jesus Christ.

Divine Revelation Of End Time Events Given By Lord Jesus Christ To Elvi Zapata.

The Lord Jesus Christ took Elvi Zapata supernaturally many times, to show him many events of the end of times, including the great tribulation period and events that are going to happen before the Church (Bride of Christ) is raptured.

God showed him three main signs that we will see right before the Rapture. These signs are not to scare the people of God, but a calling for repentance of the nation known as USA and other nations worldwide. Obedience is everything to God. God showed Elvi that God sees the nation known as USA  at this present time as Nineveh. Sin has multiplied even in the churches. There is no holiness anymore in many churches. This is a calling for repentance!

Elvi Zapata saw in a vision that huge Tsunami will hit the East-Coast, destroying Florida, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and others. The water will become contaminated. The Lord Jesus Christ advises him to tell the people to store water and food. He also saw a vision of great earthquake in California. The church should pray for the many that will die from the earthquake and Tsunami. He saw that millions will die in Puerto Rico and in the cities of the East Coast due to Tsunami. The Lord Jesus Christ confirms the Tsunami to him again and again. He saw that New Jersey almost covered by water, and only a few survived this great Tsunami.

The Lord Jesus Christ has shown and confirmed this many times, because He wants people to repent. This is an opportunity He is giving the nation called USA. Like He did with Nineveh and the Prophet Jonah as recorded in the Holy Bible (Jonah 1-4).

God also revealed to Elvi a war outbreak between Israel and Iran and its allies. However, he saw that God gives Israel the victory.

According to the revelation given to Elvi by Lord Jesus Christ, these are the main three signs before the Rapture which are the Tsunami in the East coast, the earthquake in California and the war between Iran and Israel. Be ready, following these events the Rapture will come. God is showing these things to His people, so we can be prepared always for the imminent Rapture.

Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Elvi Zapata and took him to heaven to show him His plan for His Church (Bride of Christ). He saw a bright golden table with the plans of God on it. God is going to bring a great revival. All people will have the opportunity to meet the Lord Jesus Christ. A mighty, powerful revival will come, and it will happen shortly after the Tsunami hits the U.S. God showed Elvi in a dream the fruits (positive outcome) that we are going to collect. Millions will be saved through this coming revival.

Joel 2:28-32, “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.”

God will put wealth in His people’s hands to help the needy. He is going to do justice to His people and restore everything that has been taken away from the Church (Bride of Christ) by the enemy (Satan). God will use His people. Everyone that is willingly obedient to Him and surrender to God will be used in the last harvest.

Elvi Zapata also saw in a time soon to come, a collapse in the U.S economy. In vision, he saw people crying because the government had cut medical assistance and they needed it for their children. Others stealing for food, because no more welfare program. The government had no more money to fund the millions in welfare, causing them to go into riots. He saw many crying desperately, complete chaos. Power outages in New York City and throughout the nation (USA). All those things are going to happen because of sin with no repentance. The nation’s wicked ways is bringing God’s judgment.

These catastrophic events are the judgment of God that is coming to the U.S. because of the sin that has multiplied, even though, the Lord Jesus Christ has given this nation chances. Abortion rates are sky rocketing, teenagers are lining up for abortion procedures, homosexual marriages are being widely accepted even among churches. God was holding his judgment. However, He will no longer hold it, if there is no repentance.

In a vision, Zapata was taken to U.S FEMA camps and saw many people from the city in these camps. He saw the National Guard and the army; they all had weapons with them. People were kept in these fenced camps. No one could come out of there. People that were in the camps were divided by nationalities. Everyone was fighting and arguing with each other. The government already planned this. Food has already been ordered. Guns have been taken away from the people, so they will not be able to protect themselves. It is all ready for those camps. Martial law will be implemented very soon. The government will take advantage of people’s right. Probably right after the Tsunami. The Lord Jesus Christ warned him that, this is coming soon.

Elvi was shown that the U.S government, CIA and the Vatican has direct contact with aliens, which are demons. This false teaching or idea will come out, the demons created false religion (Chrislam) to keep harmony throughout the world. Christian persecution will increase. These demons have been giving new technology to certain governments.

This is time to seek for wisdom from God and be closer to Him than ever before. We must repent from our sins. God’s judgment is not for His Church (Bride of Christ). He will protect His people. We should not be afraid. God does not want anyone to be afraid of Him. The fear of the Lord is not the fear that the enemy (Satan) confuses people with, saying that God is too holy for us. We should come to Him through the Lord Jesus Christ. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

After these events happen, and the revival comes upon the world, Lord Jesus Christ will come and Rapture his “Bride (Rapture ready born again Christians).

Lord Jesus Christ took Elvi Zapata to the great tribulation period, in the spirit, like in a calendar; he saw month by month passing by. In that revelation, he was in the great tribulation period already at that time in his vision. By the looking of people’s clothes, he guessed the time was just before starting summer. He heard the huge cracks noise, because of the earthquakes; people everywhere were really scared and desperate. The people that he saw looked like business people that did not had time to seek God. In the vision, Elvi saw boys and girls 8 years and older, thousands of them, desperately looking for places to hide, robbing and even killing others. Why is that? He asked the Lord Jesus Christ. So many young kids doing horrible things. We have to pray for the children and always prepare them for glorious Rapture. If not, they will be left behind on Rapture day and go through the great tribulation period.

Elvi was taken in the spirit, to a C.I.A. chamber, where he saw them putting people in a sort of computer and implanting something in their brains, that would allow them to even know their thoughts, mind control them. He saw demons chasing people and killing them with no mercy. Those demons were up to 30 feet tall. In a different vision, he also saw demons chasing and killing people, but he saw Lord Jesus Christ in a cloud giving orders to His Angels to protect certain people. The devil does not have control over everything. Everything he does he has to have permission from God. The Lord Jesus Christ has all the powers and control.

The first half of the 7 years worldwide tribulation period will be bad; however, the second part will be a lot worse. The signs are here. There are earthquakes already happening all around the world. The False Prophet is already in place. God revealed to Elvi that the Pope is the False Prophet. There is evil in this man and people are not seeing. Pope Francis is the last Pope. It was also revealed to Elvi that President Obama is the first Beast (Antichrist) and Pope Francis the second Beast (False Prophet).

Revelation 13:15-18: “The second beast (False Prophet) was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast (Antichrist), so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. The beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) placed on their right hands or their foreheads. No one could buy or sell without having this mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666), that is the Beast’s (Antichrist) name or the number that stands for the name. This calls for wisdom. Whoever is intelligent can work out the meaning of the number of the beast (Antichrist), because the number stands for a human name. Its (Antichrist) number is 666.”

Elvi Zapata saw zombies in the great tribulation period. After four o’clock, people had to get out of the streets, because they would come and chase them to eat their flesh. The Lord Jesus Christ showed Elvi that the cause of people turning into zombies is a virus that will ruin a person’s DNA, with any type of contact with it. They already have that virus set up to be released, and it will be released in the “Great Tribulation period. Great evil will be upon the Earth. Mark 13:19, “For there will be greater anguish in those days than at any time since God created the world. And it will never be so great again.”

In the great tribulation period, people still can be saved only if they remain faithful until the very end. Therefore, no matter what happens, do not get the mark of the Beast, which the Lord Jesus Christ showed to be the RFID chip/human barcode: 666. If you do, the Lord Jesus Christ will not receive you as His son or daughter. Those who get the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will not defeat death. If you take the mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666), you cannot be saved. You lose the seal of the Holy Spirit and the devil will defeat you. You will be doomed for eternity in the horrible lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 14: 9-12, 20:11-15, 21:8). God showed Zapata in vision, people giving up for the RFID chip/human barcode: 666 in the great tribulation period, because they could not take it anymore. They were starving, eating from the garbage, or whatever they could get a hold of. They were giving up. If for any reason, you are not raptured on Rapture day and you happen to stay in the great tribulation period, Do Not take the mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666), because it will have no return. God’s plan is to take people to heaven for eternity. The Lord Jesus Christ wants us to focus in going home to heaven. We cannot change what is about to happen. It is in the Word (Holy Bible). Rapture will happen soon and the worldwide great tribulation period is coming.

The Lord Jesus Christ showed Elvi Zapata, North Korea releasing nuclear missiles against the U.S. that cannot be detected by the U.S. radars. He saw that North Korea has received this new technology from demons, which are principalities to deceive the U.S. and other countries in Europe. He saw when North Korea would launch those nuclear missiles and hit different cities in the U.S. He could see the CIA panicking because they could not figure out, where it was coming from. As a result of all the damage that is to come, the dollar is going to collapse. Elvi inquires of the Lord Jesus Christ if we are going to see all these, and the Lord Jesus Christ tells him, No! Lord Jesus Christ is taking his “Bride (Rapture ready born again Christians) in the glorious Rapture before all these happens.

The glorious Rapture is near! Closer than ever before! It is time to be prepared at all time. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming for His “Bride (Rapture ready born again Christians) for the Rapture, for those who are obedient and faithful. After glorious Rapture, 7 years worldwide Tribulation period will begin; great evil will be upon this world. After seven years of the worldwide tribulation period, the Lord Jesus Christ will come back to Earth and put an end to the agonizing worldwide tribulation. Also, arresting the enemy (Satan) and throwing him into the Abyss (bottomless pit); locking him for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3). The Beast (Antichrist) and the False Prophet will be cast alive into the lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 19:20).

God took Elvi Zapata to the Millennium period where the Church (Bride of Christ: Rapture ready born again Christians) and everyone who refused to accept the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) during the great tribulation period will reign with King Jesus Christ. In the Millennium kingdom, King Jesus Christ is the law. Everything will run according to the way that He wants to run. It is going to be very beautiful. This Earth by the end of great tribulation period is going to be destroyed. None of the technology that we have now, will be used in the Millennium. Everything will be brand new. Everybody will be young and handsome or beautiful. They are very happy. Fruits re-grow in the same day they are picked. There is no season for fruits.

In the Millennium, there will be night and day. There will be cars, buildings, roads, planes and highways. In the divine revelation, Elvi Zapata saw this amazing machine, with an incredible technology; building the roads. A single machine builds from beginning to end. The technology is beyond what we know. Nothing in the Millennial kingdom period compares to what we see today in the world because the wisdom comes from God. The science that we have is a fraction of its totality. As Prophet Daniel prophesies, the science will increase (Daniel 12:3). All of this is nothing to our God. He is the Almighty, all-powerful. All we have to do is believe His Word, His promises. Everything in the Millennium look like they can last for thousands of years. The weather will be always perfect. The sun and the moon will be brighter. There will be abundance of everything. No one is going to lack anything.

There will be Christian Ministries in the Millennium. There will be churches, but there will be no Pastors, only Evangelists. Lord Jesus Christ is the Pastor of the church. There will be people playing instruments. Lord Jesus Christ took Elvi Zapata to a church service, and Elvi saw Lord Jesus imparting gifts to the church, people were full of the Holy Spirit, rejoicing in the Lord Jesus Christ. The glory of God was tremendous.

Be prepared, the time is coming very soon. Jesus’ Bride (Rapture ready born again Christians) will soon be raptured. Rapture is imminent. Lord Jesus Christ is coming for His spotless “Bride” (Rapture ready born again Christians). Unfortunately, most who consider themselves Christians will be left behind on glorious Rapture day. Your will alone cannot rid you of all your wrongful desires. Get close to Christ’s love and sinful desires will lose their hold and fall away.  Seek Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart. The days are very short. After the glorious Rapture, the Holy Spirit that held back the forces of evil in the world will depart from the Earth to heaven, and evil will rule worldwide (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12). Great Tribulation period will be the worst time on Earth. Get committed now! Repent from your sins! Prepare always for the glorious Rapture!

The Statue of Liberty

Divine Revelation Of The Destruction Of American Statue Of Liberty And Tribulation Calamities That Will Befall USA.

By Churchill Smith

I had a dream. It was a terribly frightening dream. In it, I saw a huge angel standing suspended in the air over New York harbor. It looked so large that it covered the night sky. His body was clad in golden armor as if he was going to war. His face and entire being were so bright that I could not gaze up at him for long. White beams of light seemed to radiate outward from him in all directions. He was standing over the Statue of Liberty.

It was night, but I could hardly see the lights around him coming from New York City as he blazed so brightly with divine light. He reached for his belt that was covered with a red sash around his mid-section, and drew out his sword. It was so massive! It blazed with light and fire all around it. It looked at least 100 feet long! I have never felt such fear when I saw an angel before. I just knew this mighty warring spirit had authority from the very throne of God. He had a grim expression as he held this mighty sword over his head with both hands.

I could see that he was poised to hit the Statue of Liberty and cleave it in two! I trembled and tried to hide, but the angel was looking directly at me, and I knew there was nowhere to go that he would not see me. Then he spoke! His voice was like thunder and echoed throughout the whole harbor. He said, “How long will you refuse to humble yourself, O America! You have been weighed in the balances of God and found wanting. Your beginning was great and noble, but your end shall be disgrace and destruction! Thus saith the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, the LORD of Hosts, ‘Time is running out. The bowls of My wrath are full of My fury and judgment. They shall be poured out upon you. You shall drink them down to the dregs every drop! I have come to you day and night pleading with you to return to Me for over one hundred years. I am merciful and long suffering. It brings Me no joy to judge you. But, you have hardened your hearts, scoffed at My warnings through My prophets, and my holy servants. I brought you from nothing and exalted you, O America, higher than any other nation! But now you have fallen lower than Sodom. You have sinned greater than Egypt. You have become prouder than Babylon and Persia. You have become more selfish than Rome. You have exalted yourself in your own wisdom higher than Greece. You have more idols and high places of idolatry and luxury than any Gentile kingdom in history.

Your beginning was pure and great, but now the stench of your sin and filth fills My nostrils! I shall cut you in pieces and you shall reap the harvests of wrath from what you have sown! You shall no longer be the Queen of nations. Now you shall bear your shame and become the lowest of the heathen nations! Now, as Agag, you shall be hacked in pieces! O EARTH, EARTH, EARTH, HEAR YE THE WORD OF THE LORD!” Then, to my horror, that massive sword came smashing down on Lady Liberty. When it hit the top of her head, there was a blinding flash of light and that sword split her in two – right down the middle! Then the sword came again and again against her. It divided her in pieces. As the sword would finish each strike, fires would burst forth. I heard terrible explosions. The vision of the Statue ended with an earthquake as it was hacked into pieces and sunk into the harbor. I was weeping and crying out to God for mercy. Never had I seen this side of God before. I had only really known the love and goodness of Him, never had I seen the Wrath of the Almighty!

Then, as if I was watching from a zoomed-in close up the dream shifted and I started to zoom outward from New York harbor and started traveling in the air over America. What I saw was horror beyond anything I have ever seen! I saw the United States seem to cracking into two with a giant earthquake – right down the middle!

I saw the South-eastern United States covered with a giant wave of water from the ocean. I saw a massive earthquake that just seemed to crack off the coast of California. It reminded me of a Saltine cracker that just cracked in two! The great cities along the West coast just fell into the ocean, all the way from Mexico up to Alaska and giant waves flooded inland until much of the West Coast just wasn’t there! It had disappeared into the Pacific Ocean.

Then I saw three giant rocket missiles that took off into the air. Two came from out of the ocean waters, and one came from land and traveled a great distance. All of them blew up in the air one, two, and three in the upper atmosphere within five minutes of each other. It was out near space. They were terrible nuclear bombs. But the last one was the biggest and it created a huge mushroom cloud over the Mid-west part of America.

Then the ground shook and everything just went black. There wasn’t any electric light coming out of any homes. Then candles began to be lit and fires, and a little light was seen. There were other nuclear explosions, and many people perished throughout the nation. There was just twisted metal and charred debris in cities that once were tall and majestic. There was widespread looting and gangs roaming about everywhere with guns, stealing whatever food and supplies they could find.

Then I saw what looked like elite riot police by the thousands go into communities and even cities, force the people out of their homes, and brought into what looked like concentration camps. Some, but not all of these “police armies” had light blue helmets on.

Hundreds of thousands of people were arrested in this way. Many would not “cooperate” and were just shot and left dead in their homes. But, there were millions of hidden groups that escaped the first wave of these terrible disasters. Revival broke out, and great evangelists, prophets and apostles rose up and began to preach to thousands outdoors, and many were saved and were born again. Miracles of provision, multiplication of food and water, and astonishing healings occurred. Millions of people cried out to God and he heard and answered.

I knew that this was not just happening in America, but the Great Tribulation was upon them, and all over the world these calamities were also taking place. I saw multitudes of Tribulation saints refusing to renounce Jesus as LORD. They were starving, many of them, but still refused to take the stamp on their bodies so they could eat and live. There was what looked like kiosks that were in every little town. They advertised food and water, only if you went inside them and took the electronic mark. Some went in, bowed down to a holographic movie image of the Antichrist and were branded in their hands and foreheads with an electronic tattoo-like stamp. When they came out, if they came out, they had a zombie- like look. Their minds and souls were gone. It looked like they had a spiritual lobotomy.

Then these immediately joined the armies of those police units, and were given weapons after they were fed and drank and rested in the kiosk. They were like robots doing the Antichrist’s bidding. I knew that they were lost forever. But, quite a few did not make it out. They were tortured mentally and physically inside the kiosk thing, but, if they still refused the mark of the beast, there was a laser that shot through their brain and heart, and sliced their heads off.

Then they were immediately incinerated. Nothing but ashes remained. This was the most horrifying of all. It made the Nazi death camps look like a picnic, if that is possible. Millions of people were executed in this way via computer systems automatically with such precision and efficiency that I marveled that something like this was even possible and could take place on such a large scale. The technology was more advanced than I had ever seen.

Then, I was back looking at that terrible angel of the LORD and he said, “Warn everyone! Flee from the wrath to come. Repent and turn to Jesus while you still can. Pray that you may escape these things that are shortly to happen and to stand in the Presence of the LORD. These things are about to take place! Turn to God and cry out for mercy. Come into the ark of Salvation before the doors of grace close and it is too late!” Then I awoke and was very troubled for some time and could not speak for several hours.


Vital Message From The LORD Jesus Christ:

“Few discover I am a GOD WHO is just and will judge according to each individual’s relationship with ME in this life.”

Words Received From Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis.

Take down these Words:

There is an overwhelming belief that I am not coming soon: so many want to believe otherwise. This world is too attractive to them—longing and looking for MY Coming is the last thing on their minds. When I come to bring out MY church, I will only be looking for a ready bride—a church perched in anticipation of her coming KING. I am coming in ALL MY Glory. Only those waiting…ready…watching with their robes white and stain-free will come out of this stagnant world—a cesspool of evil, a stench under MY Nose. Pin your hopes on the LIVING GOD. This is the ONE True Path—all others lead to destruction. The world is in a rapid descent to ultimate immorality and decay. Once I take out MY bride—MY true worshipful followers, this world will cave in on itself under the weight of the evil that will consume the land.

There will be bloodshed, cruelty, abominable atrocities. Man will enter a never witnessed before level of ultimate degradation. Children who turn back to ME after I take MY church out will find themselves under the rule of a cruel tyrant world leader: the Antichrist, who will round up the true believers, the ones who turn back to their GOD in great remorse. Theirs will be a sad plight as they must then endure the worst possible torment, torture, and death for their decision to return to their LORD and to reject the Antichrist system.

Horror awaits MY left behind, lukewarm church who must do the hard things to return to their GOD. Many will not be willing to pay the price before them in order to obtain their eternal freedom. Those who choose against ME for the Antichrist system will lose their place with ME for eternity and they will be tormented for eternity instead.

Hard choices must be made by those who are left and refuse to follow ME now. Turn to ME now. Surrender your ALL. Lay your life down. I am ready to take you out with ME when I come for MY beautiful bride.

Scoffers, mockers, doubters, lovers of this evil world will soon learn the error of their wayward ways turning back away from their GOD to give themselves over to seducing spirits and evil longings. They are grasping at evil pursuits following their own self-made paths believing they know best for themselves apart from their MAKER GOD WHO first loved them, created them, gave them life. Woe to those who believe this world a better choice than the LIVING GOD WHO makes all, WHO is ALL in all.

Come back to your senses lost church. Your love for ME is weak, your heart is failing, you have no temperature, you have grown cold. I cannot take you with ME, if you believe yourself ready while you devote yourself to this evil world. You are deceived, lost, and your destination is the broad road where many travel to, lost for eternity, everlasting hell.

If this Word sounds untrue, it is because you have not spent time in MY Word or getting to know ME. If MY lost children would come to fear ME, then they would come back to the narrow road and separate themselves from the world and evil.

Few discover I am a GOD WHO is just and will judge according to each individual’s relationship with ME in this life. Do you know your GOD? Come know ME before it is too late. MY Warnings are coming to pass. Do not find yourself outside MY Will, lost for eternity. MY adversary is cruel.

Your choice is before your face. I am the ETERNAL OMNIPRESENT GOD. Reach out. I stand before you.

Coordinating Scriptures:

Matthew 24:43 (KJV): But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

1 John 2:22 (KJV): Who is a liar but he that denieth that JESUS is the CHRIST? He is antichrist, that denieth the FATHER and the SON.

Revelation 7:9 (KJV): After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

Revelation 7:13-14 (KJV): 13And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? 14And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the LAMB.

Jude 1:17-19 (KJV): 17But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our LORD JESUS CHRIST; 18How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. 19These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the SPIRIT.


Vital Message From The LORD Jesus Christ:

“The majority of the world is caught up in their own pleasure: seeking wealth; seeking rebellion to GOD; seeking sensual pleasures.”

Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis.

Children, this is your GOD. You see that the time is drawing near. You see I am trying to make it obvious to you but many do not want to pay attention. Many are still enthralled by the world by what looks normal and exciting to them. The world is putrid to MY Face: it stinks and it is disgusting to ME, a Holy GOD. The world runs contrary to MY Will, the Will of GOD. The world looks right and normal, but only a few operate in MY Will.

The majority of the world is caught up in their own pleasure: seeking wealth; seeking rebellion to GOD; seeking sensual pleasures. This is not MY Will, it is the will of MY enemy (Satan). And this is who the people are led by, the enemy of GOD.

The people want to be led by MY enemy. They want to run counter to MY Will. These are the ones who will drink MY Cup of wrath when I come back for the few who really want to be in MY Will. This is MY true church, MY bride, the bride I died for and the bride I am coming for. She has clean garments and pursues ME avidly. She takes MY breath away. She is the one I am anxious for and she is the one I am coming to rescue. These are MY loyal followers, the few who really read MY Words, the few who follow ME through a relationship and those who want to be in MY Will.

This church is a remnant: there is only a small number compared to those turned against ME. I am coming to set you free, O’ sacred church. You must keep your eyes on ME. For anyone who wants to be part of this church, surrender your all to ME, repent of your sins, give forgiveness to all, seek MY HOLY SPIRIT in HIS Fullness, pray to be baptized in HIS SPIRIT, read MY Words daily, seek ME as your Best FRIEND. I want to hear from you all through the day. These are MY terms, MY requirements for being part of the prepared church. If you do not want to be part of MY church, prepare for MY wrath that is coming to punish this evil world. You must seek ME as your Only HOPE, because I AM mankind’s ONLY HOPE.



Vital Message From The LORD Jesus Christ:

“I cannot tolerate a world that is not interested in hearing about MY sacrifice on the cross.”

Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis.

Children, it is I, your GOD from heaven above. I want to give you news about MY COMING. So few are paying attention in this daunting hour—there is only a remnant paying attention. This has been foretold in MY Book that very few would be watching for ME when I come: when I come for MY bride, MY church.

Very few will be ready…very few will be watching…very few will be looking for ME with eager anticipation. Very few will have their EYES FIXED ON ME. Very few want to follow their GOD: in MY Perfect Will. Very few want to read MY Book by the Power of MY HOLY SPIRIT. Very few want a FULL OIL LAMP. Very few want to give all those around them FORGIVENESS that goes forth from their heart. Very few are REPENTANT before MY Holy Face. Very few are truly REMORSEFUL over their sin. Very few want to SEEK the HOLY SPIRIT for handling the sins of the flesh. Many want to handle their sins in their own flesh apart from the guidance of MY HOLY SPIRIT. It is only by the GUIDANCE and POWER of MY HOLY SPIRIT that anyone can conquer their flesh.

I, GOD, cannot stand how the church clings to the world. The world is an enmity to ME. I will not come back for you if you cling to both, ME and the world. The two cannot mix. The two cannot co-exist although this is the move of the world.

MY Message is an enmity to the world. I cannot tolerate a world that is not interested in hearing about MY SACRIFICE on the CROSS. I AM intolerant of those who deny MY GIFT, MY BLOOD SHED for all mankind. They can look the other way, to other paths that they think will lead to GOD, but there is only ONE path and it is by MY CROSS, MY BLOOD, MY SACRIFICE, MY DEATH, MY RESURRECTION, and MY SPIRIT in all HIS FULLNESS. Surrender to ME, lay your life down before ME, empty yourself. I want ALL of you. Only by giving ME ALL of you will this transaction be made complete and then I will fill you with MY HOLY SPIRIT and you will receive the POWER from GOD on high to live out your life in MY PERFECT WILL for it. There is no other way, there are no other answers. This is what I require and those who think different will be left behind to face the worst, to face MY enemy, face the Antichrist, to face MY wrath. Only you can make this choice for yourself, it is yours to make.

This is your GOD, Loving in ALL MY Ways…

Coordinating Scriptures:

Luke 17:26-30 (KJV): And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the SON of man. 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. 30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the SON of man is revealed.

Matthew 7:22-23 (KJV): Many will say to me in that day, LORD, LORD, have we not prophesied in THY name? And in THY name have cast out devils? And in THY name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

1 Corinthians 9:27 (KJV): But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

Philippians 2:12 (KJV): Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

1 Peter 4:18 (KJV): And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV): Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


Vital Message From The LORD Jesus Christ:

“I am the GOD of Second Chances, but time is running out…”

Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis.

Children, it is I, your LORD.

You believe I am never coming back. You say this to each other, “HE says HE is coming, but HE doesn’t come!”

MY children, this is your GOD speaking: Listen closely: I AM COMING! No, you will not know the day or the hour, but you can know the season and this is the season. The signs are appearing and you cannot deny MY coming is near.

I have given you many markings to follow. MY signs have been clear and they are coming to pass. Only those who don’t want to follow ME are not seeing it. They do not want to know because they do not want to know ME, their GOD. Those who follow ME closely can see what is happening around them. They can see the darkness moving in, darker than it has ever been.

This is not the time to be sleeping at the wheel. This is not the time to be ignoring your GOD. If you keep sleeping you are going to miss MY Coming. Will I find any with faith when I return? Many and most are disloyal to their GOD. Very few are looking forward to MY Coming. Wake up and pay attention! Come out of your spiritual slumber! Open your spiritual eyes and see the darkness around you! Stop letting the things of the world move you to distraction! Take your hands off the world! Come wash your hands and your garments in MY Blood. Come wash them in MY Word. Make ready for MY coming.

Warn your neighbors and your friends. You will have blood on your hands if you don’t warn the people around you. Who else can I send if not MY chosen bride? Only she has the truth and the map to the narrow path. All others are lost and misled: blind leading the blind.

Strike a match, start a fire, let MY HOLY SPIRIT Wind blow on the fire. Let the Truth blaze like a fire from your heart through your hands, through your mouth, through your feet. Let the world see the fire of MY True Gospel through MY people, MY bride. You are the only ones who have the Truth. You must not hide a Light under a bushel basket!

I want you to stop being comfortable in this world. I want you to be uncomfortable at the sight of the lost all around you. I want you to stop being comfortable in this world: you are just passing through. You are a foreigner in this land. You must be like soldiers going to war. Many lives are at stake. This is their only chance. If they fail this test, they will be lost forever. Wake up church, get busy! Don’t waste another moment…so many will be lost for eternity…so many are already lost.

If you come with ME, I will open many doors. Just open your mouth. I will put the words in your mouth. I will bring the people to your doorstep for you to talk to about MY Gospel. Once I take MY bride from the earth, the enemy will move in and the people will have a much harder time getting to MY Salvation. It will not be easy for MY “left behind” church. They will have to die at the hand of MY enemy to make it into MY Kingdom. So do not let these golden moments slip by you. These are precious, golden moments. I am the GOD of Second Chances, but time is running out…

Coordinating Scriptures:

2 Peter 3:4 (KJV): And saying, Where is the promise of HIS coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

Mark 13:28 (KJV): Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near:

Luke 18:8 (KJV): I tell you that HE will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the SON of man cometh, shall HE find faith on the earth?

Job 41:19 (KJV): Out of HIS Mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.

Psalm 119:105 (KJV): THY Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Proverbs 6:23 (KJV): For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

Matthew 25:3 (KJV): They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

Luke 11:33 (KJV): No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light.


The LORD’s Words: “I Have Words, Stern Words to Give to MY Church.”

The following letter is from the LORD Jesus Christ—very serious Words for the church, for very serious times…

Words of the LORD:

“I have Words, stern Words, to give to MY church…”

Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ by Susan Davis.

MY children, this is your LORD Speaking, YAHUSHUA. These are the Words I am ready to give today: I have Words, stern Words, to give to MY church. It is the church that calls itself by MY Name. These children are lukewarm, at best. This church fights ME all the way. She is rebellious, but thinks she knows best. She uses MY Name and she thinks this justifies her every move.

She works outside of MY WILL and she believes all is well because she uses MY Name. This church is pimping MY Name for its own purposes. This church uses MY Name for every evil practice under the sun. They make money with MY Good Name even on MY HOLY DAY. MY Name is bantered about with great triviality. I AM A HOLY GOD AND I PROMOTE HOLINESS. I promote HOLINESS by the power of MY HOLY SPIRIT which can only be achieved BY A SURRENDER TO MY PERFECT WILL.

If you are not surrendered to MY WILL, then you are not part of ME and if you are working outside of MY WILL you are working for MY enemy even if you carry MY Name around. Your churches are white sepulchers with dead men’s bones and you are pimping MY Name for your own evil purposes. The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who practice the religion of the enemy using MY Name, spreading lies and half-truths, leading untold numbers of people astray. Whole congregations of people will stand before ME weeping and gnashing their teeth when I reveal to them, “I NEVER KNEW YOU, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY” and cast them away for eternity because they have refused to PURSUE their GOD with a FULL SURRENDER because THEY HAVE REFUSED TO RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT INTO THEIR CHURCHES IN HIS FULLNESS AND BECAUSE THEY HAVE REJECTED PURSUING ME WITH ALL THEIR HEART, SOUL, MIND, AND STRENGTH.

This church, instead, has propagated lies in order to handle the things of the world. It has pursued its love for the world on MY HOLY DAY and MY enemy has infiltrated MY church leading many astray. This church has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof.





These are the foundation of MY harlot church. Take heed, O’ harlot church, make your way back to ME before it is too late! THESE WORDS ARE TRUE; READ MY BOOK AND FIND THE TRUTH, ASK FOR MY SPIRIT TO GUIDE YOU TO ALL TRUTH.


Coordinating Scriptures:

Revelation 3:16 (KJV): So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Matthew 7:21 (KJV): Not everyone that saith unto ME, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the Will of MY FATHER which is in Heaven.

2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV): Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Psalm 139:20 (KJV): For they speak against THEE wickedly, and THINE enemies take THY name in vain.

Confession and salvation

Vital Soul Winning Admonition Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

Heaven: Why Born Again? John 3:3-16; 14:6. To be allowed to pass through heaven’s gate, you need to have all of your sins removed. The only cleanser strong enough to thoroughly remove sin stains is the blood of Jesus Christ. First, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your wrong doings. Finally, make Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to forgive your sins. By dying on the cross, Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in hell. The reason so few people accept this pardon is that they do not think they need a Savior or they want to find their own way of salvation. When God looked at your soul, He saw a sinner. God judges your heart, your thoughts, your attitude and intentions. When you are saved and forgiven of your sins, God looks upon you and sees the blood of Jesus Christ making you pure and clean. Accept the salvation of Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late!

After being born again, remain dedicated in your commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is an act of faith (John 3:3-16, 5:24). There are no signs to look for. Believe strongly that you are saved in Jesus name. Don’t doubt. Make sure you continue to grow in your devotion to Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t backslide. You must always resist temptation that can lead you to indulge in sinful acts. Read your Bible daily. Also, pray always and look for a reliable gospel-focused Church where you can worship God regularly. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope and an imminent reality. Therefore, we must be ready always for Rapture. Never give up.

IS YOUR NAME WRITTEN IN THE HEAVENLY BOOK OF LIFE? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16,14:6. Sincerely, to have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, freethinker or a religious idolater. You will be left behind on imminent Rapture day and suffer terribly during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture. Accept the great salvation offer of Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned. No more excuse for you if you die and end up in hell. Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Raptured saint or martyred saint? Follower of Jesus Christ or Antichrist? Decide wisely!

ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED? NO! Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in hell after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold/lukewarm Christian can be left behind by Jesus Christ on imminent Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to soul winning and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Is Your Name Written In The Book Of Life? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6. To have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and hell bound after death by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. You will be left behind on Rapture day. Accept salvation of Jesus Christ now!

Eternity: Are You Heavenly Or Hell Bound? “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). This biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Jesus Christ will judge you on judgment day. You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire since you are still alive. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid hell! Heaven is your best choice. Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker or unbeliever. God is real! Jesus Christ is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Judgment day is certain! Jesus Christ is the only WAY to Heaven (John 14:6). Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Jesus and ready always for Rapture!

What Is The Great White Throne Judgment? At the great white throne judgment of God, the soul/spirit of condemned people in hell will merge with their immortal bodies. In their resurrected forms, they will be judged by God. It will be a judgment of condemnation, no appeal or mercy again. The verdict will be: “Guilty!” One can only repent while still alive. One can only accept the salvation of Jesus Christ while still alive. The resurrected condemned people will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). Second death means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to hell! Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to heaven (John 14:6).

Satan, the deceiver and his fallen angels/demons will be thrown and confined totally into the lake of fire and sulfur eventually by God. They will be tormented forever. That will be the end of Satan’s evil activities on earth forever. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur…and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10). You will be eternally separated from God in the lake of fire and sulfur. Your soul will never die but it will be eternally tormented in the horrible burning lake. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

Jesus Christ is the only way to make Heaven and escape from going to hell when you die (John 14:6). The lake of fire and sulfur will be a place of eternal torment. It will be very terrible for Satan, demons and the lost souls in that eternal burning lake. Do not end up in it! The second death is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Listen to what Jesus Christ is saying to you now: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the One who lives. I was dead, but look: I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and hell.” (Revelation 1:17-18). God does not send someone to hell. You choose hell when you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour.

When you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Jesus, you willingly choose hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in hell when you die. When you say “No” to Jesus and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into hell. You are telling God that you do not need Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in hell. Hell is for eternity! If you die without accepting the salvation of Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in hell forever! You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

It will be a great disaster if you die without Jesus Christ (Mark 8:36). Hell is a place of eternal torment! “The smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night.” (Revelation 14:11). God has a perfect place for you in heaven: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no person has imagined what God has prepared for those people that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Avoid hell. Jesus Christ is your only way of making heaven (John 14:6). It will not cost you anything to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Accept Jesus Christ while you are still alive. It will be too late if you die and end up in hell. Take the right decision now. “The salvation that was given to us is very great. So surely we also will be punished if we live like this salvation is not important.” (Hebrews 2:3).

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15).

If you have never received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, ask Him to save you now! Confess all your sins and ask God to forgive you in Jesus name. Do not put it off another second! This may be your last chance before you die! Take the chance now! The salvation of Jesus is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. It is very easy to accept the salvation of Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, pray the salvation prayer below and mean it with all your heart.

Salvation Steps & Prayer


Are you still an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner? You must accept the great salvation of Jesus Christ now! If you remain in your rebellion against Jesus Christ, you will be left behind on Rapture day by Jesus Christ. Also, if you die without accepting the great salvation offer of Jesus Christ, you will end up in eternal burning hell! How can you be saved? It is very simple. Take the steps below.


The following prayer, “The Sinner’s Prayer” (also known as the Prayer of Salvation) is by no means meant to be an “official prayer”, but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Jesus Christ into your heart. You may certainly pray to God in your own words.

Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you say the following prayer and mean it with all your heart; along with repenting of your sins (asking for forgiveness), we believe that you will be saved and be born again. You may be wondering, “What happens next?” First, you will need to get into a bible-based church and study God’s Word. Once you find a church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Christ you are baptized in the spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live; for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the cross. May God Bless You!

Sinner’s Prayer

Prayer gesture

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


If you just said this prayer and you meant it with all your heart, we believe that there is a great possibility that you just got saved and are born again. You may ask, “Now that I am saved, what is next?” First of all, you need to get into a bible-based church, and study God’s Word. Once you have found a church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Christ you are baptized in the spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live, for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the cross. May God Bless You!

Still Procrastinating?

Jesus & A Raptured Saint

Take these easy steps to be saved: Realize you are a sinner. “There is no person without sin. None!” (Romans 3:10). “All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23). Realize you cannot save yourself. “We are all dirty with sin. Even our good works are not pure. They are like blood-stained rags.” (Isaiah 64:6). “He saved us because of His mercy (love), not because of any good things we did.” (Titus 3:5). Realize that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins. “Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right.” (1 Peter 2:24). “Jesus is the one who loves us. And Jesus is the One who made us free from our sins with his blood (death).” (Revelation 1:5). Simply by faith receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. “Some people did accept Him. They believed in Him. He gave something to those people who believed. He gave them the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). “…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all these people from your house.” (Acts 16:30-31). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

Are You Zealous About Soul Winning? Urgently Support Global Evangelism!


Time Is Running Out! Be Ready Perpetually For Imminent Glorious Rapture! Are You Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Lord Jesus Christ? Don’t Be Ashamed Of Continuous Soul Winning For Lord Jesus Christ! Remain Always Heavenly Minded!


Soul Winning Commission Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

According to 1 Corinthians 16:22, “MARANATHA” means “Our Lord, come!” Therefore, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” is always blowing the warning trumpet to prepare people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. In essence, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” is a dedicated “Rapture Watcher” and committed Soul Winner for our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God. Hallelujah!

“MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to continuously win numerous souls online/offline, encouraging the faith of other believers-in-Christ as well as continuously warning people worldwide to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; Titus 2:13; Revelation 20:4-6).  It is a selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ. The prophetic Millennial Kingdom  (Revelation 20:4-6) is the 1,000 years worldwide peaceful reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth after the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Jeremiah 30:3-11; Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 6-16).

In obedience to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28: 19-20, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach always want to win numerous sinners urgently for our Lord Jesus Christ. By God’s grace, many souls are won daily online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God. Lord Jesus Christ desperately wants souls saved from dropping daily into Hell. “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach always want to depopulate Hell and populate Heaven for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ is alive in Heaven and He is coming back on imminent glorious Rapture day. We must be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture because it is a Biblical and prophetic event (1 Corinthians 15: 51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17). Indeed, no one can know the day or hour of imminent glorious Rapture (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13: 32-33; Luke 21:34-35). Therefore, Rapture date setting is futile! Rapture date setters are deceiving themselves. Glorious Rapture will occur suddenly and unexpectedly!

It is true that glorious Rapture is overdue but we must never give up! Lord Jesus Christ has delayed glorious Rapture for over 2,000 years due to His great mercy to save numerous souls worldwide. We must never give up our glorious Rapture blessed hope because it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly whether Rapture scoffers, lukewarm believers and unbelievers believe it or not. The best option is to be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13).

Lord Jesus Christ is reliable. Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a reality and our blessed hope. Lord Jesus Christ gave us the Pre-Tribulation Rapture divine assurance in the Holy Bible: “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I (Lord Jesus Christ) also will keep you from the hour of trial (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

Glorious Rapture is a suspense filled prophetic event (1 Corinthians 15: 51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17). However, we must not worry or be too anxious. We must not be afraid of imminent glorious Rapture or become Rapture-phobic. Our Lord Jesus Christ will not inform us whether we will be among the raptured Saints or not. He expects us to be perpetually prepared and ready for imminent glorious Rapture. He will reward us with the crown of righteousness if we remain as dedicated Rapture watchers till He appears in the sky suddenly on imminent glorious Rapture day (2 Timothy 4:7-8). Therefore, we should have strong faith in Lord Jesus Christ and trust Him to pilot us safely to Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day. The great mercy of Lord Jesus Christ will usher us into Heavenly New Jerusalem on imminent glorious Rapture day by His grace.

The horrible agonies of the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16) under the “One World Government” of Antichrist will be terrible for people left behind on imminent glorious Rapture day. The satanic “One World Government” described in Revelation 13:1-18 will be under the total control of Antichrist and his New World Order (NWO) evil forces. Antichrist will be fully supported by the False Prophet. During the Great Tribulation period, left behind lukewarm Christians and converted unbelievers who are now very zealous for Lord Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18).

The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be enforced worldwide after the imminent glorious Rapture and left behind people who become micro-chipped during the Great Tribulation period will be damned for eternity in the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 14:9-11, 21:8). We must never give up our glorious Rapture blessed hope. We will become raptured on imminent glorious Rapture day by God’s grace.

The “Church age” will come to a distinct end on imminent glorious Rapture day and will be followed by the “day of God’s wrath” (the unfulfilled worldwide Tribulation period of 7 years – Daniel 9:27). Indeed, Rapture ready born again Christians (“the bride of Christ”) will not go through the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period because it is not for us due to the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and His reliable assurance in Revelation 3:10.

“Because you have kept My command to endure, I (Lord Jesus Christ) will also keep you safe from the time of trouble (the worldwide Tribulation period of 7 years) which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

Lord Jesus Christ will deliver us on imminent glorious Rapture day from the wrath that is coming to the Earth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10). “The bride of Christ” is not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) but to salvation or deliverance. “For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). Lord Jesus Christ alluded to our merciful escape from the coming day of wrath that shall try the whole Earth. “Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36).

The 7 years worldwide Tribulation period is not for “the bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born again Christians). Instead, it is for Israel to fulfill prophecy and for the Gentiles (unbelievers) to be punished if they refuse to repent and accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To understand end times prophecy, we must distinguish between the “Church,” Israel and the Gentiles. The “Church” is really made up of both believing Jews and converted Gentiles who have spiritually experienced the “born again” (John 3:3-16) relationship with Lord Jesus Christ by faith. They have entered into the kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ spiritually by faith, awaiting the day when they will enter His physical kingdom by His glory and power at His glorious second coming to Earth. They are not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide Tribulation period) which is really for unbelieving Jews and rebellious Gentiles (Daniel 9:27).

Rapture scoffers are always mocking dedicated Rapture watchers. However, dedicated Rapture watchers don’t give up your glorious Rapture blessed hope. Glorious Rapture is a reality. Raptured or left behind? Rapture day is imminent! Rapture event is not dependent on Heavenly signs like blood moons, comet appearance, meteorite invasion, eclipse of the sun or moon, etc. These Heavenly signs are only warning us to wake up from spiritual slumber and be perpetually ready for imminent glorious Rapture. Our redemption is drawing near. Very soon, the Heavenly trumpet will sound and all our trials and challenges will cease on Earth. It will be marvelous when we are ushered by Lord Jesus Christ into the Heavenly New Jerusalem on the imminent glorious Rapture day. We will not experience the doom and great ordeals of the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16).

Many lost souls are perishing daily worldwide in eternal burning Hell fire. We must remain as active soul winners for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our eternal Heavenly rewards are awaiting us in Heaven (Matthew 10:40-42). As active soul winners, we will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

As dedicated born again Christians, we will remain committed to soul winning, Heavenly pursuit and perpetual Rapture readiness. We can’t know the day or hour, but we will remain ready always. By God’s grace, we will not give up dedicated Evangelistic service for our Lord Jesus Christ and Rapture blessed hope in Jesus name. We are eternal citizens of Heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22) by God’s grace. Whatever we do now to continuously populate the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will remain in our Heavenly record for eternity. We must remain as active soul winners for our Lord Jesus Christ. Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved. We will get our glorious crowns at the Heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our Heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace.

Whatever we do selflessly for Gospel sake (Matthew 10:40-42) will always increase our eternal treasures and Heavenly rewards in Heaven. Lukewarm believers/Preachers and backslidden Christians must wake up from spiritual slumber and resist the satanic temptation to backslide from the narrow way to Heaven before death or the imminent glorious Rapture day. Heaven or Hell? Decide wisely! May Lord Jesus Christ have great mercy and Rapture all of us as well as wake up Backsliders and the unprepared Christians. Amen.

Apart from continuous online Evangelism, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is also fully committed to continuous missionary work for the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. The major aim of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER”     Evangelical Outreach is to massively propagate the Gospel online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a divine calling to propagate the Gospel continuously online/offline and win numerous souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. The continuous aim is to awaken many souls online and offline to prepare for eternity – Heaven or Hell.

There are challenges that are hindering “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach from reaching numerous souls continuously. May God raise up compassionate people who will kindly support continuous missionary work in Jesus name. Amen. May God raise up kind-hearted believers-in-Christ for His glory to kindly support “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach in order to continuously speed up active missionary work and Global Evangelism for our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

If you are willing for God’s glory, your kind-hearted support for “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will be appreciated in order to continuously speed up active missionary work and Global Evangelism for our Lord Jesus Christ. There are many places, many cities and numerous villages that Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ need to reach urgently in this grace period. Time is running out! Prophetic glorious Rapture is an imminent reality! Apathy or cold indifference for kind-hearted Evangelical support is a wicked satanic manipulation to hinder massive continuous soul winning online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your kind-hearted support for “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach is for God’s glory and for the sake of the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will always remain committed to active soul winning for our Lord Jesus Christ. You too must be actively committed to continuous soul winning for our Lord Jesus Christ. Never give up. You are an overcomer by God’s grace. We must not be ashamed of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:32-39; Romans 1:16-17; Colossians 1:24; 2 Timothy 1:8). Remember what Lord Jesus Christ said about those who are ashamed of Him. “If anyone is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” (Luke 9:26).

We must always be Heavenly minded and ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t know the day or hour but we must be ready perpetually. Warning signs are occurring regularly worldwide. Lord Jesus Christ is also warning us regularly through numerous prophetic messages to be ready always. Never give up. “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach will continuously preach Biblical truth, win numerous souls always for our Lord Jesus Christ online and offline, motivate people to remain always Heavenly minded as well as continuously warning people worldwide and preparing them to be ready always for the imminent glorious Rapture. Glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ.

This material world is not our eternal home. We will leave behind on Earth all our earthly acquisitions after physical death or on imminent glorious Rapture day. We are pilgrims just passing through. Heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22) is our eternal glorious home. Whatever we do now to continuously populate the Heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will remain in our Heavenly record for eternity. Remain blessed.


Your Brother-in-Christ,

Evangelist Sola Awolaja (“MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach).


Glorious Rapture: Why Are Lukewarm Believers And Unbelievers Not Keen?

Glorious Rapture: Why Are Lukewarm Believers And Unbelievers Not Keen?

“I have told you this many times before and now I repeat it with tears: there are many whose lives make them enemies of Christ’s death on the cross. They are going to end up in hell because their god is their bodily desires. They (Lukewarm Believers And Unbelievers) are proud of what they should be ashamed of and they think only of things that belong to this world. We (Dedicated Rapture Watchers) however are citizens of heaven (Heavenly New Jerusalem) and eagerly wait for our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ to come from heaven. He will change our weak mortal bodies (Glorious Rapture) and make them like His own glorious body, using that power by which He is able to bring all things under His rule.” (Philippians 3:18-21).

Rapture Event

As born again Christians and dedicated Rapture watchers, our nationalities may differ but we are eternal citizens of heavenly New Jerusalem by God’s grace. Some lukewarm Christians are self-centered and very worldly. They are not keen about soul winning for our Lord Jesus Christ. They are more concerned with worldly, mundane things than soul winning and heavenly pursuit. As a result, their lukewarm followers are also not keen about soul winning for our Lord Jesus Christ. Their lukewarm followers are more concerned with worldly, mundane things than heavenly pursuit. Also, some lukewarm Christians are highly antagonistic to Biblical Rapture doctrine. They are always opposing Biblical Rapture doctrine. As a result, their lukewarm followers are also highly antagonistic to Biblical Rapture doctrine. Are you among the dedicated born again Christians who are committed to soul winning, heavenly pursuit and perpetual Rapture readiness? Are you sure? Due to the pervasive apathy of some lukewarm Christians to soul winning, heavenly pursuit and perpetual Rapture readiness, you must never give up as a born again Christian and dedicated Rapture watcher.

Jesus our Savior

Through continuous soul winning online and offline, the whole world will be Evangelized for our Lord Jesus Christ before the imminent glorious Rapture. By God’s grace, numerous souls will be saved and be prepared always for the imminent glorious Rapture in Jesus name. We will get our glorious crowns at the heavenly Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10) and live in our heavenly glorious mansions forever by God’s grace. Whatever we do selflessly for Gospel sake will always increase our eternal treasures and rewards in Heaven.

Whether scoffers and unbelievers believe it or not, we will leave this sinful Earth one day either through physical death or glorious Rapture. Where we will spend our eternity after our departure from Earth is very important. Heaven or hell? Heaven is the best choice. By God’s grace, you will not give up continuous Evangelistic efforts and commitment to perpetual Rapture readiness. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. You will continue dedicated Evangelistic efforts massively online and offline before the imminent glorious Rapture. Satan cannot stop you in Jesus name. Indeed, the grace period we have presently is short. Time is running out! Glorious Rapture is imminent. Our future hope as active soul winners and Rapture watchers is to live in our glorious mansions in Heavenly New Jerusalem. The signs of imminent glorious Rapture are now everywhere worldwide. We cannot pretend as if nothing is happening. Lukewarm/cold attitude must stop now! (Revelation 3: 14-22). Our Lord Jesus Christ is warning us repeatedly through numerous signs and prophetic messages to be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. As a born again Christian and dedicated Rapture watcher, you will not give up your dedicated Evangelical labor and Rapture blessed hope in Jesus name. Our glorious Rapture blessed hope is a reality by the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rapture Event

In this grace period, global Evangelism should be urgently supported by all and sundry. Apathy and cold indifference must stop now! It is a satanic manipulation to hinder massive soul winning online and offline for our Lord Jesus Christ. Numerous lost souls are perishing daily worldwide. According to many true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, there are billions of doomed souls being tormented in eternal burning hell. On the great judgment day, they will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15). We should stop this great calamity urgently. Our blessed and long-anticipated departure for heavenly New Jerusalem on glorious Rapture day is at the door! We should try to win as many souls as possible before the imminent Rapture day.

According to many divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, many people worldwide will be left behind on Rapture day due to their lukewarm, sinful condition and not being ready always for Rapture. Therefore, we should try to increase the number of people worldwide who will become raptured on imminent Rapture day by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must urgently create continuous awareness about the imminent glorious Rapture both online and offline. Don’t be ashamed to be an active soul winner and dedicated Rapture watcher. We must urgently intensify our soul winning efforts both online and offline.

As a born again Christian and dedicated Rapture watcher,  when you become raptured on glorious Rapture day, you will leave behind on Earth your cheque book, credit cards, debit cards, cash deposits in banks and money wallet. You will leave behind on Earth your laptop PC or desktop PC, any brand of Smart-phone/Android Tablet you are using, iPad or ordinary mobile phone. Also, you will leave behind on Earth your properties, cars, houses, clothes, bags, shoes, jewellery, companies and other worldly acquisitions. You will not take to heaven on glorious Rapture day anything you have acquired on this sinful Earth. You will only ascend to heaven on glorious Rapture day as a glorious saint in your glorious white garment of righteousness (Revelation 19: 8, 14). Therefore, make sure you utilize your divine calling, time, talents and God given resources to evangelize zealously and win many souls for Jesus Christ in this grace period while awaiting the glorious Rapture.

Rapture Flight

Don’t be a spectator believer. Our eternal treasures and rewards are reserved for us in heavenly New Jerusalem, kept safe for us by our Lord Jesus Christ. As profitable servants of Jesus Christ, we will be bountifully rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ when we get to heaven on glorious Rapture day. Don’t be an unprofitable servant who will have no eternal rewards in heaven. The holy Angels of God are daily recording everything we are doing on Earth for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ and any help we render for the poor and needy.

Romans 14:10-12 says, “For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat…so then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.” Second Corinthians 5:10 tells us, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” In the context, it is clear that both scriptures are referring to born again Christians, not unbelievers. The Judgment Seat of Christ, therefore, involves born again believers giving an account of their lives to our Lord Jesus Christ. The Judgment Seat of Christ does not determine salvation; that was determined by Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf (1 John 2:2) and our faith in Him (John 3:16). All of our sins are forgiven and we will never be condemned for them (Romans 8:1). We should not look at the Judgment Seat of Christ as God judging our sins, but rather as Jesus Christ rewarding us for our lives. Yes, as the Bible says, we will have to give an account of ourselves. This is going to be the primary focus of the Judgment Seat of Christ after glorious Rapture.

Rewarded Saint

At the Heavenly “Bema” or Judgment Seat Of Christ after the glorious Rapture, all dedicated Rapture watchers will get the crown of righteousness from Jesus Christ because they are perpetually ready for His glorious appearance in the sky. Since they are dedicated Rapture watchers, the crown of righteousness will be the reward for perpetual watchfulness. At the Judgment Seat of Christ in heaven after the glorious Rapture, there is a crown of righteousness that Jesus Christ will place on the heads of all dedicated Rapture watchers because they eagerly love, watch and await His glorious appearance in the sky (2 Timothy 4:7-8).

There will also be awarded the crown of rejoicing for active soul-winners for Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20). There will also be an incorruptible crown for overcoming the old nature (1 Corinthians 9:25-27). There will also be a crown of life for enduring persecution and trials while on earth (James 1:12; Revelation 2:10). Additionally, there will be a crown of glory for shepherding the flock of Christ (1 Peter 5:4). By God’s grace, you will be entitled to any of these glorious crowns in heaven as a raptured saint.

Glorious Crown


Crowns In Heaven

At the Judgment Seat of Christ, believers are rewarded based on how faithfully they served Christ (1 Corinthians 9:4-27; 2 Timothy 2:5). Some of the things we might be judged on are how well we obeyed the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), how victorious we were over sin (Romans 6:1-4) and how well we controlled our tongues (James 3:1-9). The Bible speaks of believers receiving crowns for different things based on how faithfully they served Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 9:4-27; 2 Timothy 2:5). The various crowns are described in 2 Timothy 2:5, 2 Timothy 4:8, James 1:12, 1 Peter 5:4 and Revelation 2:10. James 1:12 is a good summary of how we should think about the Judgment Seat of Christ: “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.”

Raptured Saints

Glorious Rapture Is Not A Science Fiction! It Is A Reality And Blessed Hope!

“What we are teaching you now is the Lord’s teaching: we who are alive on the day the Lord comes will not go ahead of those who have died. There will be the shout of command, the archangel’s voice, the sound of God’s trumpet, and the Lord Himself will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. So then, encourage one another with these words (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18).” “Listen to this secret truth: we shall not all die, but when the last trumpet sounds, we shall all be changed in an instant, as quickly as the blinking of an eye. For when the trumpet sounds, the dead will be raised, never to die again, and we shall all be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).”

Christ Returns News

Rapture Breaking News Is Imminent! CNN, BBC, SKY, FOX, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE, INSTAGRAM, MSN & YAHOO. These popular News and Social Media websites will be very busy on glorious Rapture day. Why? They will be reporting the most amazing News in world history. What is the amazing News they will be reporting? The amazing News will be: “BREAKING NEWS: JESUS CHRIST CAME! MILLIONS MISSING AROUND THE WORLD! RAPTURE TOOK PLACE AT LAST!” If you are left behind on Rapture day, you will read this Breaking News either on your Television, desktop PC, laptop PC, iPad/iPhone, Android phone/Tablet, BlackBerry phone, touch screen Smartphone or normal mobile phone. This is not a science fiction or fairy tale. Pre-tribulation Rapture is a reality. This is the blessed hope of dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners worldwide. Whether scoffers and unbelievers believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminent! Therefore, be perpetually ready for glorious Rapture. Mid/Post-tribulation Rapture doctrines are deceptive. Jesus Christ gave us the Pre-tribulation Rapture assurance in Revelation 3:10. Are you a dedicated Rapture watcher and active soul winner for our Lord Jesus Christ? Don’t give up!

Glorious Rapture: The True Blessed Hope. Indeed, the “blessed hope” of dedicated Rapture watchers worldwide is the glorious Rapture. The “Rapture” of living believers and the “Resurrection” of dead believers is definitely a “blessed hope.” In Titus 2:13, Apostle Paul challenged Christians to live a holy and godly life on the basis of the anticipation of the glorious appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul challenged us with these words: “looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ…” The hope of Rapture watchers worldwide is not to triumph here on this sinful earth or even be in the majority. Our “hope” or confident expectation is that one day we are going to win in this race called “life,” not through anything we have done but because according to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, He will save us out of this world before the time of wrath or 7 years worldwide tribulation begins (Revelation 3:10). Cold/lukewarm Christians must wake up now!

New Jerusalem: Our Eternal Heavenly Home. As a redeemed follower of Jesus Christ, you are a citizen of a heavenly city. This glorious city is more dazzling and beautiful than anyone on earth has ever seen. As dedicated Rapture watchers, we are waiting for our glorious entry on Rapture day into New Jerusalem with hopeful anticipation. Apostle Paul assured us that our grand entry into New Jerusalem will happen on Rapture day at Christ’s coming for us in the air. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). On Rapture day, you will pass through a pearly gate and enter New Jerusalem. You will gaze in wonder when you see your image on the transparent golden streets of New Jerusalem. You will eat fruits from the tree of life and drink from the crystal river of life. You will dwell in your mansion. Our Rapture flight is imminent!

Golden New Jerusalem

Immortality: Glorified Raptured Saint? If you become raptured on Rapture day, your immortal body will be like the glorified body of Jesus Christ at His resurrection and in which He lives today. “..But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He really is. Everyone who has this hope in Christ keeps himself pure, just as Christ is pure (1 John 3:1-3).” A vital connection between us and Jesus Christ will endure for eternity. You will live forever in a real glorified body, eat, drink, interact with Jesus Christ and other raptured saints in heavenly New Jerusalem. Your immortal body will glow gloriously. Your body and brain will possess supernatural powers. You won’t need iPhone or Skype to communicate or vehicles to go from one place to another. Just desiring information will bring it to mind! Just thinking about going somewhere will get you there! You can also fly or appear and disappear suddenly! You can walk through closed doors and traverse from earth to heaven at will. Definitely, glorious Rapture is a blessed hope of dedicated Rapture watchers worldwide. If you are not keen, you will be left behind on glorious Rapture day and experience the agonizing 7 years worldwide tribulation period after glorious Rapture. You better wake up from your lukewarm, spiritual slumber now! Don’t be left behind on Rapture day! Your unbelieving disposition is dangerous for your spiritual health!

Glorious Rapture Day

Rapture: Scary Or Blessed Hope? Ideally, we may think that all Christians are eager for the glorious Rapture. Although many professing Christians would most likely not admit it. However, there are some lukewarm/cold Christians who are not eager. Some did not want Jesus Christ to return in their life time while some want Him to delay His coming for the next 50 years inspite of numerous Rapture alert warnings from Jesus Christ. Are they lukewarm Laodiceans? (Revelation 3: 14-22). Some people are worldly and pleasure loving. They are scared because they assume that the return of Jesus Christ will affect their earthly programs and daily activities. They are so much in love with the world. They want to enjoy continuously and actualize all their earthly aspirations until grand old age. According to Apostle Paul, “while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5:6). If we are too materialistic, not keen about soul winning, if our heart and homes are not in heaven, we will not be very eager for the imminent glorious Rapture.

Rapture Is Not A Fairy Tale! How often do you think about Rapture? Are you prepared for the appearance of Jesus Christ in the sky? Do you have clear understanding of what Rapture is all about? Rapture is an unpopular topic in lukewarm churches and lukewarm Christians care less about it because it is not as enticing as prosperity, breakthrough, blessings and earthly success. Rapture is a daily expectation and thought of the wise Christians while prosperity and earthly blessings are the only focus for the lukewarm Christians. Rapture is the sudden catching away of true saints to heaven (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Indeed, Rapture is imminent! An Arch-angel of God will blow heavenly trumpet suddenly! Only Christians who are waiting for it, expecting it and preparing for it will hear this trumpet sound and be raptured! Rapture is not a fairy tale! Rapture is a reality! If you are a scoffer, unbeliever or lukewarm believer, you will be left behind! Be ready always! Don’t give up!

Urgent Notice

Are You A Rapture Watcher Or Soccer Idolater? Soccer is a game being played on the football field or through game play station (PS2). Soccer can become a sin if it is your idol or you are idolizing soccer stars or you are betting (gambling) on soccer habitually. If you love soccer more than Jesus Christ, you are an idolater. If you are always thinking of your soccer stars or favorite clubs or betting (gambling) about soccer matches, you are a lukewarm Christian. Sports betting is very addictive. As a lukewarm Christian, you are in love with the world and not ready always for glorious Rapture. Repent from this sin (soccer idolatry) if you want to be among the raptured saints on Rapture day. Love Jesus Christ more than soccer and be ready always for Rapture. Jesus Christ will appear suddenly in the sky for glorious Rapture on the day you are not expecting Him. You can’t know the day or hour of glorious Rapture. Therefore, as a Rapture watcher, you must be perpetually ready for glorious Rapture.

After the glorious Rapture, there will be the 7 years worldwide tribulation period. Indeed, glorious Rapture is not a science fiction! It is a reality! The glorious Rapture is a blessed hope of all dedicated Rapture watchers worldwide. Whether you believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminent! The Rapture trumpet can sound anytime! It will be suddenly and unexpectedly! Only those who are perpetually ready for Rapture will hear the Rapture trumpet, become transformed gloriously and caught up into the sky for the glorious trip to heavenly New Jerusalem with Jesus Christ and the heavenly angels. You will be left behind by Jesus Christ on Rapture day if you are a lukewarm/cold Christian, Satanist, Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker, New Ager, Occultist, Muslim, Idolater, unrepentant sinner and unbeliever.

Rapture Day News Report

Indeed, there will be 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture (Daniel 9:27, Revelation 6-16). Therefore, we must be ready always for Rapture. All left behind people must be ready to die as martyrs if they want to go to heaven as great tribulation saints (Revelation 7:9-17). Left behind unbelievers must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour. Left behind people must not accept the Mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) in their right hands or foreheads. They must not worship Antichrist and his image. They will be tortured horribly and then beheaded due to their non-conformist attitude. Left behind people who willingly worship Antichrist and his image and also accept his mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will end up in the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 14:9-11). Fellow soul winners, continue your soul winning efforts. Don’t give up!

People must be ready always. People must be perpetually prepared for the glorious Rapture. Rapture (“Harpazo”) is the catching away of the saints, which will happen within seconds and any moment very soon (1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). It is the first event of the end time advent when the angels of God will blow the trumpets. Only born again Christians who are waiting for it, expecting it and preparing for it will make it. The simple clarification for self-examination here is that if you are thinking, waiting, preparing or expecting prosperity, miracle or anything more than Rapture, you will not make the Rapture. Only those who earnestly, eagerly wait and prepare for His (Jesus Christ) appearance more than anything else will eventually make it, just like the 5 wise virgins. Read Matthew 25. Rapture is a glorious event of all generations. It is going to be splendid, wonderful and rewarding for the saints more than any event in the history of the world. Then it will leave behind gloom, doom and destructive reign of the Antichrist (mark of the Beast: RFID chip/human barcode: 666) during the great tribulation period for people who will miss the glorious Rapture. “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor ever shall be.” (Matthew 24:21).

You must assume that any day can be the anticipated Rapture day. You must have daily anticipation about the Rapture. That will enable you to be perpetually ready for Rapture by God’s grace. If you continue in your lukewarmness or coldness, you may end up being left behind on Rapture day by Jesus Christ. However, if you are left behind on Rapture day, don’t accept the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666). If you get chipped, you are hell bound eternally (Revelation 14:9-11). You have been warned! No more excuse for you if you are left behind on Rapture day due to your lukewarm or unbelieving disposition.

Jesus Christ will spit cold/lukewarm Christians out of His mouth (Revelation 3:14-22). Indeed, cold/lukewarm Christians, Rapture scoffers and unbelievers will be left behind on Rapture day. Therefore, be hot and zealous for Jesus Christ henceforth. Wake up from spiritual slumber! “I-don’t-care” attitude should stop now! Attachment to mundane, worldly things should stop now! Don’t love the world too much like unbelievers. Always be heaven-minded. Live everyday from now as if it may be your last day on Earth. Have daily Rapture expectation. This will enable you to be perpetually ready for glorious Rapture. You can’t know Rapture day or hour but it is now upon us! It will happen when you are not expecting it. Suddenly and unexpectedly! Scoffing about Rapture or mocking dedicated Rapture watchers is not a good attitude. Stop your scoffing! Whether you believe it or not, glorious Rapture is imminent! Be ready always!

Hand of God in the Sky

The warning signs of imminent Rapture are now occurring worldwide. You are aware of these regular warning signs of imminent Rapture in the sky and in every part of the Earth. We can’t bury our heads in the sand like an Ostrich, pretending as if nothing is happening. It is Rapture scoffers, lukewarm/cold believers as well as unbelievers who are always opposing dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners. It is because they are so much in love with the world. Be perpetually ready for glorious Rapture. Glorious Rapture is a true blessed hope of dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners worldwide.

Blood Moon Tetrad

Are you a dedicated soul winner? Don’t relent in your selfless labour for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your glorious crowns are awaiting you in heaven by God’s grace. As dedicated born again Christians and Rapture watchers, we will never be ashamed of our Lord Jesus Christ. We will remain dedicated in our Evangelism online and offline. We are committed soul winners for our Lord Jesus Christ online and offline. We will continue to warn people to be perpetually ready for the imminent glorious Rapture. We will also continue to warn unbelievers to accept the great salvation offer of Jesus Christ before it is too late. Rapture scoffers can’t discourage us. Our blessed Rapture hope is a reality by the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are eternal citizens of heavenly New Jerusalem by God’s grace. We will walk forever on the golden streets of heavenly New Jerusalem by God’s grace. We will dwell in our glorious heavenly mansions forever by God’s grace. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

River of life and tree of life

Jesus Christ will deliver us on glorious Rapture day from the wrath that is coming to the Earth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. “The bride of Christ” is not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) but to salvation or deliverance. “For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). Jesus Christ alluded to our merciful escape from the coming day of wrath that shall try the whole Earth. “Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36).


The 7 years worldwide tribulation period is not for “the bride of Christ” (Rapture ready Christians). Instead, it is for Israel to fulfill prophecy and for the Gentiles (Unbelievers) to be punished if they refuse to repent and accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To understand end times prophecy, you must distinguish between the “Church,” Israel and the Gentiles. The “Church” is really made up of both believing Jews and converted Gentiles who have spiritually experienced the “born again” (John 3:3-16) relationship with Lord Jesus Christ by faith. They have entered into the kingdom of Jesus Christ spiritually by faith, awaiting the day when they will enter His physical kingdom by His glory and power at His glorious second coming to Earth. They are not appointed to wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) which is really for unbelieving Jews and rebellious Gentiles (Unbelievers).


Antichrist will be sent by Satan after the Rapture. He will be the “king of fierce countenance,” the “willful king,” the “Man of Sin,” the “Son of Perdition” and the “Beast” (Daniel 8:23-25, 9:26-27, 11:16, 36-38; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 13:1-10). When Antichrist is revealed, the terrible events of the great tribulation and the devastation of the War of Armageddon will occur (2 Thessalonians 2:3; Revelation 6:9-11, 11:18, 13:1-18, 16:9, 19:19-21). After rising to world prominence, Antichrist will conduct a reign of terror, bringing death to millions of people worldwide. The suffering and death that will fall on the nations during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period will be horrible. Satan, Fallen Angels/demons, the False Prophet, Antichrist and his numerous followers worldwide will end up in the eternal Lake of Fire and Sulfur eventually (Revelation 14:9-12, 19:17-21, 20:10-15). Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour today! Stop your unbelieving disposition now!

The Mark Of The Beast Or Bar-code

The Bible is quite clear that receiving the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) during the great tribulation period, is completely and obviously tied to the worship of the Antichrist. No one will take the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) by accident. You will be asked to swear allegiance to Antichrist as an act of worship. People receiving the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) during the time of the great tribulation period will know exactly why they are getting it. It will be because they will be acknowledging, falsely, the Antichrist as “God.” The coming One World Government under Antichrist and the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will control the lives of every man, woman and child on the face of the Earth during the great tribulation period.

MOB (Barcode)

The mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be a financial identification system that the Antichrist will establish during the great tribulation period. He will use the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) as a tool for controlling all aspects of society. The Antichrist will make it compulsory for everyone to have a tiny microchip (RFID) implanted under the skin of the right hand or on the forehead. The microchip will hold various amounts of data pertaining to each person who receives the implant. Right now, advanced technology exists to fully implement this system. Everyone who receives the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will have to swear allegiance to the Antichrist and acknowledge him as the supreme authority (God). This is why all who take the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be condemned to hell forever (Revelation 14:9-11). All who choose not to receive the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666)  will be unable to buy anything because cash, checks, credit cards and debit cards will all be replaced by the Beast system’s instant funds.

The Microchip (Mark of The Beast)

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic data capture technology that uses tiny tracking chips affixed to products. These tiny chips can be used to track items at a distance. Many of the world’s largest manufacturing companies would like to replace the barcode (666) with these “spy chips,” meaning that virtually every item on the planet and the people wearing and carrying those items could be remotely tracked.

The global decision makers are gradually manipulating us to embrace a world system that will monitor and track our every move as well as record every purchase. Therefore, when this system that the bible calls the “mark of the Beast” (RFID chip/human barcode: 666)  is totally enforced after the glorious Rapture, you will not be able to buy anything or sell anything without the permission of the New World Order (NWO) Government being ruled by Antichrist. You will be completely and totally controlled. They will apply this RFID technology to everything. Through this high-tech system, they will link together your thumb prints (right and left thumbs), finger prints (4 right fingers and 4 left fingers), your eye scan, your tax/financial information, your bank cards, your automatic deposit paycheck, the computer sensors inside your car, your Smart phones, your home computer, your medical records, and even brain waves into one, complete system that the New World Order (NWO) Government will control. Without their permission, you will buy nothing, sell nothing, and go nowhere untracked.

If you get chipped, you will suffer terrible agony in eternal Lake of Fire burning with sulfur (Revelation 14: 9-11, 20:11-15, 21:8).

Tormented Soul

Before that, you will also experience divine punishment on Earth: “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth. Terrible and painful sores appeared on those who had the mark of the beast and on those who had worshipped his image.” (Revelation 16:2).

This is what God says will happen eventually to Antichrist and his satanic False prophet: “Then the beast (Antichrist) was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked miracles in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with sulfur.” (Revelation 19:20).

The Pit Of Hell

The RFID chip (high-tech device) is powered externally as needed. Inside the RFID chip is a coil and a capacitor. The size of the RFID chip is 2 millimeters long and about 1 mm in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. The chip is made up of the Tissue Bonding Cap, an Antenna and the ID Chip. During the world reign of the Antichrist, it will have its power and significance.


When the RFID chip is exposed to an electromagnetic field, the same frequency as the coil is tuned to, then the coil takes some of the energy from this field and charges the capacitor which then powers the chip long enough to transmit, using frequency variations on the same coil that it used to get the power, to transmit a code. Your personal ID number.

The RFID chip is a super sophisticated multi layered microprocessor, which is both a transmitter and a transponder. It can transmit to satellite continuously through short bursts of ultra high frequency. It will be injected (like a shot) underneath the skin of the right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16-18). This transponder technology (RFID chip) will enable the closed surveillance of every man, woman and child in the world during the great tribulation period.


RFID device puts out a digital created signal at specific intervals. This particular interval is a locator signal. It gives vital information on the individual as well as a locator marker signal. It has a release pattern, separate receiving antennal and separate broadcasting antenna. It has a microchip that stores nine items: name and digital picture, digitized fingerprints data, physical description, your address and previous addresses, family history, present occupation and income, bank/tax information and any money owed, your criminal record if any and your new social security number. Your new number will be 18 digits. The first five of your zip code, with the additional four after the hyphen and your social security number. These 18 digits will be grouped into three sections (666).

Bar Code

Presently, the RFID chip is ready, the needle to inject the RFID chip is ready, the patent is ready, the controlled mass media (TV, Newspapers, Radio) is ready and the general public has been well prepared for many years through subliminal manipulations with the help of TV, Radio and other mind control tools. Before and after the imminent Rapture, you are now being seriously warned not to let anyone, for any reason, inject any chip in your right hand or forehead.

If you have noticed the current trend worldwide, the global decision makers are gradually getting society used to the idea of a cashless system, first checks, then credit/debit cards, then smart cards. Finally, they will go public with the “implantable transponder” (RFID chip) or human barcode tattoos. The deceptive justification will be that with “implantable transponder” (RFID chip) or human barcode tattoos, you will no longer have to worry about your cards being lost, stolen or forgotten and that without any cash to be robbed of, you will be a much less desirable target of crime, and since all financial transactions will have a computer record, all other types of crime will be more difficult. However, because of the evil behind the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) as shown in the Bible’s clear warning, it is to be absolutely avoided if you truly value your soul. The deceptive justification that may also be used is the excuse of a (planned) “world financial crisis” implying that in order to save the world economy, we have to go to a cashless system. They will try to convince people that it is for the benefit of humanity.

Microchip implantation is currently introduced as a voluntary procedure. A mandatory national identification system via microchip implants could be achieved in two stages: Upon introduction as a voluntary system, the microchip implantation will appear to be palatable. After there is a familiarity with the procedure and knowledge of its benefits, implantation would be mandatory. If the government can force you to surrender your fingerprints to get a driver’s license, why can’t it force you to get a computer chip implant? As Social Security numbers were first voluntary, then mandatory, biometric chip implants are universally inevitable after the Rapture. If you are left behind on Rapture day, do not accept the mark of the beast! (Revelation 14:9-11) “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”

Now, you know what the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is. No more excuse or argument. If you are left behind on Rapture day and the day comes when you are asked to choose whether or not you will be implanted with the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666), you know what your answer should be. No! This is not a game and it is not a science-fiction story. The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is real. The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is happening. The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is fulfillment of Bible prophecy and cannot be stopped. But there is one thing you can do…Don’t take it! If you are not raptured, you must be ready to die as a martyr during the great tribulation period if you want to come to Heaven as a great tribulation period Saint (Revelation 6:9-11).

The “bride of Christ” (Rapture ready Christians) should not be expecting the 7 years worldwide tribulation period, although the Jewish people should. They have seven prophetic years (Daniel 9:27) still unfulfilled and these years will be fulfilled during that time of wrath called “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:3-11; Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 6-16). The unsaved Gentiles (Unbelievers) should also expect that 7 years worldwide tribulation period when the “New World Order(NWO) for a “One-World Government” will come on the scene saying, “Let us give world peace a chance.” All it would take is for a charismatic-type world figure (Antichrist) who has no place for God or His moral values to pull it all together through the United Nations Organization (UNO) and European Union (EU).

New World Order Goals

The prophecy of Daniel 9:27 indicated exactly what will start the 7 years worldwide tribulation period when “he” (the Ruler that shall come) will have a firm agreement with many people for 7 years. This means that Antichrist will make a covenant (peace agreement) with Daniel’s people (Jews) for 7 years. Antichrist, the Ruler of the “One World Government” after glorious Rapture will initially pretend as man of global peace. By offering “peace” to the world, he will make a covenant (7 years peace agreement) with Israel. The Jewish people will have “peace” in the Holy Land (Jerusalem), rebuild their Temple and reinstate their religious sacrifices again for 3 and half years. However, in the middle of the 7 years or after 3 and half years has elapsed, he (Antichrist) will bring an end to Jewish sacrifices and offerings.

“That ruler (Antichrist) will have a firm agreement with many people for seven years and when half this time is past, he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings. The awful Horror (abominable object) will be placed on the highest point of the Temple and will remain there until the one who put it there meets the end which God has prepared for him.” (Daniel 9:27). Antichrist will break his covenant (peace agreement) with the Jews in the middle of the 7 years worldwide tribulation period and launch the greatest time of desolation in the history of the world (Revelation 11 and 13).

The 7 years worldwide tribulation period will begin by the signing of a peace agreement (covenant) between the coming “One World Government” headed by Antichrist and the nations of the world, including Israel. However, when Antichrist gains total control after 3 and half years, he will break that covenant (peace agreement) and begins to persecute the nation of Israel horribly. The “man of sin” (Antichrist) will then reveal his true satanic agenda of being worshipped as “God.”

The satanic civil government described in Revelation 13:1-18 will be under the total control of Antichrist and his New World Order (NWO) evil forces. During the great tribulation period, left behind lukewarm Christians who are now very zealous for Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18).

There will be two kinds of people on the Earth during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period: those who will accept Jesus Christ by faith in His blood shed on the cross for their sins and those who will reject Jesus Christ and instead follow Antichrist. The deluded followers of Antichrist will end up killing those who believe and revere the name of Jesus Christ. Presently, where do you stand? Have you ever personally invited Jesus Christ to come into your life to forgive your sins and save your soul from eternal doom in eternal burning hell? If so, when? If you have not done so or you are not sure you have, you must do so right now! Rapture is imminent! Do not delay your salvation till tomorrow! Rapture will take place suddenly when you are not expecting it. Don’t be left behind on glorious Rapture day!

Indeed, according to Revelation 6-16, after glorious Rapture, this world will experience 7 years worldwide tribulation period full of severe trials, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, wars, divine judgments, etc. Millions of left behind lukewarm believers will be martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ by the satanic agents of Antichrist. Severe tribulation will be worldwide after Jesus Christ removes Rapture ready born again Christians and the restraining power of the Holy Spirit (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12).

The revealing of Antichrist will spell trouble, terror and tragedy for the unbelievers and lukewarm believers left behind on Rapture day. The “man of sin” (Antichrist) prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 will achieve worldwide power by conning his deluded followers worldwide to follow him. He will pretend as if he can create an orderly society out of one that has been reeling in chaos. His False Prophet will work miraculous wonders by the power of Satan. Later, the benevolence of Antichrist will turn to malevolence. He will fiercely persecute and attempt to slaughter all who accept Jesus Christ and would refuse his demand that he be worshipped as “God” (Revelation 6:9-11). Antichrist will conduct a reign of terror bringing death to multitudes, both Jews, left behind lukewarm believers and Gentiles (unbelievers).

The glorious Rapture will be sudden and unexpected! Rapture ready born again Christians are looking for Jesus Christ and perpetually ready for His glorious appearance in the sky on glorious Rapture day. They are spiritually prepared for Jesus Christ like an expectant “bride” awaiting the coming of her Groom (Jesus Christ). “The bride of Christ” is perpetually ready for the glorious Rapture. However, lukewarm/cold Christians who live worldly, carnal lives show by their deeds that they have little or no anticipation for the glorious appearance of Jesus Christ on Rapture day. Some of them did not want Jesus Christ to come in their life time while some want Jesus Christ to delay His coming perpetually. They will regret their actions when they are left behind on glorious Rapture day and experience the agonies of the 7 years worldwide tribulation period.

Deliverance of “the bride of Christ” from the world’s greatest period of wrath (7 years worldwide tribulation period) is a gift of Jesus Christ for His devoted Rapture ready born again Christians. Jesus Christ loves us because He is our anticipated “Groom”. Therefore, it is like the perfect “Groom” (Jesus Christ) to manifest His love by rapturing His devoted “bride” (Rapture ready born again Christians) before the period of wrath just because He loves her (Revelation 3:10). The present distress, calamities,  and violent Islamic terrorism (ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda, etc.) being experienced in some countries are “birth pains” prior to our merciful deliverance on glorious Rapture day. We must not give up our faith in Jesus Christ. The love of Jesus Christ for “the bride of Christ” is sufficient to sustain our “blessed hope” of being raptured on glorious Rapture day.

As active soul winners and Rapture ready believers, Jesus Christ has a strong warning for us in the Bible. “When the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) comes, it will be the same as the thing that happened during Noah’s time. In those days before the flood, people were eating and drinking. People were marrying and giving their children to be married. The people were still doing those things until the day Noah entered the boat. Those people knew nothing about what was happening. But then the flood came and all those people were destroyed. It will be the same when the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) comes. Two men will be working together in the field. One man will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain with a mill. One woman will be taken and the other woman will be left. So always be ready. You don’t know the day your Lord (Jesus Christ) will come….The Son of Man (Jesus Christ) will come at a time when you don’t expect him.” (Matthew 24:37-44). The glorious Rapture is a blessed hope of all active soul winners and dedicated Rapture watchers worldwide. The Rapture trumpet can sound anytime! It will be suddenly and unexpectedly! Only those who are perpetually ready for Rapture will hear the Rapture trumpet, become transformed gloriously and caught up into the sky for the glorious trip to heavenly New Jerusalem with Jesus Christ and the heavenly angels.

Inevitable Rapture

Now, what is your vital choice? Raptured or left behind? Glorious Rapture or 7 years worldwide tribulation period? Raptured in glory or Martyred in pain? Raptured Saint or Great Tribulation Saint? Dedicated follower of Jesus Christ or deluded follower of Antichrist? Micro-chipped or Martyred? Eternal citizen of Heavenly New Jerusalem or doomed eternally in the eternal Lake of Fire and Sulphur? Your choice is very vital! Make the right decision now! Tomorrow will be too late! Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6). Accept the great salvation offer of Jesus Christ now! Rapture is at the door!

MARANATHA TRUMPETER” will now share with you some divine revelations and vital messages from our Lord Jesus Christ about glorious Rapture day events and agonies of great tribulation period. After reading them, you must decide immediately whether you want to be among the Raptured saints on Rapture day or you want to go through the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture.

In this highly inspiring Evangelical post, “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” will share with you many urgent warning messages and divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ to all Rapture watchers worldwide. This is to prepare us for the imminent glorious Rapture. After reading all these vital messages and divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ, you must decide immediately whether you want to remain as a dedicated Rapture watcher or Rapture scoffer. Decide wisely! Whether you believe it or not, Rapture is imminent! Your scoffing is futile! Make the right decision! A wrong decision is dangerous! Decide wisely! Wake up from spiritual slumber! Time is running out! Rapture is a reality! Heaven and hell are real! Jesus Christ is our eternal Saviour. Accept the eternal salvation of Jesus Christ now! Stop procrastinating! Don’t delay your salvation till tomorrow! Tomorrow will be too late!


Prepping People For The Apocalypse Has Become A High-Tech Billion Dollar Industry.

By Geoffrey Grider

The apocalypse has become big business. And it is getting bigger every day.

“And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” Revelation 6:15-17 (KJV).

In Revelation 6 quoted above, we see an amazing picture. God shows us unsaved man in the last days, living in doomsday shelters, begging the ‘mountains and the rocks’ to protect them from the wrath of God Almighty. These shelters, bunkers and panic rooms do nothing to keep them safe when the actual Apocalypse arrives. If you really want to prepare for the end times, then get saved and trust Jesus Christ. Your victory will be assured for all eternity.

In the ’50s, homeowners fearing Communist attacks built bunkers in their backyards and basements, hung up a few “God Bless Our Bomb Shelter” signs and called it a Cold War. But today, Americans en masse are again preparing for the worst—and Communists are just about the only thing not on their list. What is? Terrorist attacks, a total economic collapse, perhaps even zombie invasions. Or maybe just a complete societal breakdown after this November’s scorched-Earth presidential election.

But this is not your Uncle Travis’ guns-and-canned-foods-militia vision of Armageddon preparedness. While the fears of survivalists and so-called preppers are modernizing, so too are their ideas and methods of refuge.

Inside the Luxury Survival Condos:

The business of disaster readiness is getting higher tech, higher priced, and way more geographically diverse, with state-of-the-art underground shelters tricked out with greenhouses, gyms, and decontamination units in the boondocks and the latest in plush panic rooms in city penthouses.

Welcome to the brave (and for some, highly profitable) new world of paranoia.

“There is a lot of uneasiness in society. You see it in politics. You see it in the economy. The world is changing really, really quickly and not always for the better,” says Richard Duarte, author of “Surviving Doomsday: A Guide for Surviving an Urban Disaster.”

Prepping “gives them a certain comfort that at least they have got some sort of preparations to … take care of their family if things start falling apart all around them,” he says.

Better be safe with a safe room

If the booming sales of panic rooms are any indication, more and more city dwellers these days are obsessively worrying about everything from home invasions to terror attacks. And they are backing up those worries with cold, hard cash.

Sales of safe (aka panic) rooms, where families can safely lock themselves away from most threats, are up 30% over the same time last year at Gaffco Ballistics, a Londonderry, VT–based installer which does much of its business in New York City, according to CEO Tom Gaffney. That is driven in part by the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, CA, and Paris, he says.

High Capacity ‘Rising S’ Super Shelter:

This video will give you an in depth look at the Rising S line of high capacity “SUPER” storm shelters. Each can hold hundreds of people, can be built for handicap access and the craftsmanship will last for generations. Call us today to learn more about these incredible shelters.

Most of his safe rooms are actually fortified master bedrooms, with ballistic fiberglass–reinforced walls, a Kevlar-lined door that is purported to resist both bullets and sledgehammers, and bullet-proof windows—as well as a high-end alarm system that is designed to withstand burglars, rioters, and more.

He also turns home theaters into radiation-proof rooms where residents can watch the latest Hollywood blockbusters while World War III rages on outside. The rooms range from $250,000 to $1.5 million. (No one said paranoia came cheap.) People are “just more aware” of potential threats, says Gaffney of his clients, many of whom don’t consider themselves preppers. “It is a growth market.”

That paranoia has also been fueling business at construction company and safe room installer GoNavco Corp., a Troy, NY–based safe room installer. Owner Joe Navarra began installing panic rooms several years ago after requests began pouring in. Now this burgeoning portion of his business is up about 50% over the same time last year. His no-frills chambers start at $20,000, although most are in the $50,000 range. They are typically installed in the closets or bathrooms of master bedrooms.

Panic rooms aren’t just relegated to the biggest cities and the biggest disasters. Author Duarte has several spaces in his suburban home outside of Miami that could serve as safe rooms with fortified walls and doors.

“You are never going to stop a determined attacker” with his homemade safe rooms, says Duarte, who says he became a prepper after Hurricane Andrew destroyed his home in 1992. “But you can slow them down to give you enough time to call the police or figure out how to defend yourself.”

Survivalist properties: Living off the land

Of course, for some survivalists, cities will never feel safe. These are the folks who need to go far off the grid. But even this age-old concept is getting a makeover, and a business plan.

Some real estate companies are seeing big increases by specializing in “survivalist properties”—large parcels of rural land with homes targeted specifically to preppers, with full fortification and self-sustainable food and energy options. After all, why not grow your own tomatoes and kale while you wait out the end of the world as we know it?

For example, sales at American Redoubt Realty, a real estate firm nestled in the heart of prepper country in northern Idaho, are up 50% over the same time last year, says real estate agent Todd Savage, who specializes in such transactions. His clients typically hail from Texas and California.

Idaho, Montana and Wyoming are often considered the epicenter of the modern survivalist property trend. But you can find pockets of it across the country, from North Carolina to Washington State.

“Each election cycle we see a huge uptick in interest and sales,” says Savage, who first noticed the trend in 2012, when Mitt Romney faced off against Barack Obama. “People are tired of both sides.”

His buyers are looking for very specific, “100% self-sustainable,” rural properties, at least 10 acres and up, says Savage. To make it true prepper property, the land must have at least two abundant water sources, like a well and a stream; alternative energy, like solar panels or hydropower; and the ability to grow food. It must also be easily defendable against a multitude of threats, with either bunkers or safe rooms or simply reinforced doors and windows and a lot of ammunition. Properties already outfitted with solar panels or hydropower are particularly in demand since they can be expensive to install, he says.

Better have deep pockets for a bunker

Likewise, sales at bunker builder Rising S Co. have never been better. They shot up 20% to 25% over the past two years for the radiation-resistant shelters, which can be sunk 33 feet underground and tricked out with gyms, greenhouses, and water filtration systems that can even enable dwellers to drink their own urine if need be. Ewww!

“The more politics that are played on TV, the more our sales go up,” says proud prepper Clyde Scott, owner of the Kemp, TX–based company. “People are in fear of our government passing laws to take their guns away and not allowing them to protect themselves,” including against a foreign invasion.

The company sells nearly two dozen, air- and water-tight steel bunkers a year, which can range from $40,000 to $10 million each. They bear little resemblance to the bare-bulb bomb shelters of the ’50s. The bulk of sales are in Texas, but the end-of-the-world-proof shelters are also big in the Carolinas, Virginia, and Florida, Scott says.

Most of his clients, from surgeons to billionaires, work in cities and are successful business people with families. The bunkers are typically installed on their “bug out” properties, secondary residences in the country where preppers can go if (or when, depending on whom you talk to) disaster hits.

Business is also good over at Ultimate Bunker, based on the outskirts of Salt Lake City, where sales have nearly tripled each year since the company opened shop four years ago. General contractor Mike Peters got into bunkers (literally, folks!) after watching the TV show “Doomsday Preppers” on the National Geographic Channel. He was convinced he could build them better. His underground shelters start at $59,000 and go way up from there. His top-of-the-line model has areas for raising rabbits and fish. The majority of his sales are in the $500,000 range.

“Almost everything I do is off-ground and located in the middle of nowhere,” says Peters, who often powers the shelters with solar panels placed on nearby sheds. Customers “want a bunker right now because they feel the country is doomed after the election,” he says. “It doesn’t matter who wins; we are in trouble.”

Source: http://www.realtor.com/news/trends/more-preppers-buying-property/


Rapture certainty

Urgent Warning Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To Alex Withav.

“My Bride. My glorious Bride. Are you foolish or are you wise? Are you ready or are you still in the world. Please My Bride, drop this world this second and I will take you to the most beautiful Wedding ever. I love you so much that I took your death penalty upon Myself so you can be found worthy to be with Me. Oh My Bride, time is short and the watchmen themselves are now growing tired. Evil is at an all-time high and is a stench to the entire world. My Bride, your time to shine is coming. Not only this though, your work is about to begin. I want you to help Me with this final harvest for the fields are plenty but the laborers are few. My Bride, come with a repentant heart and let Me cleanse you. Let Me prepare you for our Wedding. Come Home and be with Me. The place I AM taking you, you can’t even comprehend! It is so beautiful and there is no more death or dying! There is no more pain! Please My Bride, listen to the spirit inside you as I assure you it is talking now. My Spirit is comforting you in this latter rain. Yes I said latter rain. There was a former rain. This established the church and the latter rain is to complete the church. My Spirit is poured on all the Earth. Those looking and seeking will find it. My children, I can’t wait to see you face to face and remove you from your daily lives. Life without Me is pointless so live for Me. There is not much time left! 11:59:58. Get ready My children! Clock is ticking!”

Jesus Christ.


Matthew 24:48-51
“But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And shall begin to smite his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”

1 Corinthians 15:51-52
“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

Revelation 19:7: Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to HIM, for the Marriage of the LAMB is come, and HIS wife hath made herself ready.

Revelation 19:9: And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the Marriage Supper of the LAMB. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of GOD.

Heavenly Banquet Table

Divine Revelation of Glorious Rapture And Satanic Manipulations Against Believers/Unbelievers.

By Zipporah Mushala

Satan’s Meeting Against Our Souls

I saw a meeting of demons. They were all wearing black gowns with hoods. Some of them had bony fingers with claws. They were of all kinds. They were talking and one of them who seemed to be of a high rank said, “What is the fastest and most effective method of deceiving human beings, because as you can see, the Holy One is about to return. We must prevent Christians from going with Him. We must! We cannot burn alone! No!” At this point, he was standing and hit the table roughly. They all started giving suggestions. Some were suggesting that they should upgrade the contents of secular TV, and worldly songs, as they were one of the best weapons, as humans imitated what they saw or heard, especially from famous people. They also suggested making more and more captivating Soap Operas to make people forget about God, and live their lives in these. They talked about many things including making indecent clothes seem innocent and fancy.

The same demon, whose name the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to me as Peruza, requested for a book from another demon, which had just joined the meeting as it was straight from Earth. The book had a lot of names in it. These were the names of those who were walking to hell, because of the life they were leading. Peruza started going through the names. The one’s whose names were glittering were those who were finding Jesus Christ. They were quite a number of them, and he got really furious. He said, “Who is assigned to bring these particular people to hell?” They all shook in fear but made no response. That was, however, quickly sorted out by the Devil (Satan) that walked in upon hearing the case and the particular demons were taken for punishment. New demons stronger than the previous were then assigned to bring these people down, but there were strong muscular Angels with swords guarding them day and night, and they could not succeed. Praise be to the King of kings!

Vision Of The Glorious Rapture


I also saw people going up in the Rapture. I noticed that they were all wearing pure white garments and had the words, “JESUS FREAK” written on their foreheads. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “They call those who want to serve me in truth, spirit and holiness “Jesus freaks.” Tell them that only those Jesus freaks are going up in the Rapture when I come. People will be shocked that I came. They will say, “We did not think he would come so soon.”

During prayers at church one day, I saw a mob of demons exiting hell for Earth. They told me, “We are going to stop the Rapture.” I told them, “You can’t stop the Rapture” and then they replied, “Then we are going to stop people from going in the Rapture.” With that, they made for a certain street and started hugging people from behind. If the person’s name was John, the demon would also have the name John written on its forehead. This meant that that demon was assigned to this particular person. The demons began to whisper to the people they held captive, “There is no God. There is no Rapture, and just enjoy the world a little bit.” After saying this, the demon would withdraw from the person and laugh secretly with its hand over its mouth. One of the deceived people then began shouting loudly, “There is no God!”
The world today is so polluted and filled with devil agents that one should never imitate others. Many people are in occults, some Satanists, some witches, some wizards and some even being used without knowing. All of these are against your soul. For a Christian to stand, they have to pray without ceasing and cling to Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18. Pray and watch that you may not fall.


Divine Revelation of Glorious Rapture And Urgent Warning Words From The LORD Jesus Christ Given To Kerry-Ann G.

Vivid Dream About The Glorious Rapture

Very soon, Jesus Christ will return to the true saints of God, “the pure of heart.” Hello people of God, I would like to share this dream with you about the glorious Rapture. I firmly believe according to the word of God, that people are going to start having vivid dreams and visions in the time of the end just before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In my dream, I was in the house of my parents with a great amount of people hiding from the terrible persecution of Christians that was going on. I saw my mother opened the door and called everyone to come out and watch. As we were going out of the place, it was quiet and each individual firm eyes were looking up at the sky. When I looked up in the sky, I saw the most wonderful, bright, majestic and beautiful colored lights flashing and moving behind the clouds.

The clouds began to disappear; the sky was as red as blood with lighting strong, fierce and intense. Then I saw the most beautiful person, perfect, without spot standing on the clouds like a king with such a majestic dominion, glory, power and might coming to take us home, the true born again Christians. We screamed, Jesus is here!!! We all stared at each other with joy and happiness because the God of this generation was standing in the sky for all to see Him.

Since we were waiting to ascend up to Jesus Christ, I saw a huge fireball is preparing towards the Earth. We all got so scared, but then I heard an Angel said to Jesus Christ: “Lord, we haven’t picked up the saints to keep at bay the ball of Fire.” Then, all of a sudden, my clothes changed to a pearly white dress-robe. My skin also started to shine brightly. I felt my feet up off the floor and I was floating constantly to be with my beautiful king, Jesus Christ. To pass the roof floating and there were so many people around that I have never seen before.

Then I told Jesus Christ, “Jesus, why aren’t we moving” and I heard the Lord Jesus said: “Your shoes are dirty and your faith is weak.” The words I don’t want to express was what I felt when I heard that statement Jesus told me. Crying and sobbing is an understatement. Then, all of a sudden, we had new white shoes, white as snow.

Then I saw him (Antichrist: Beast) with the same people on Earth, but this time I was in the back of an Angel. We were laughing and smiling. The Angel told him (Antichrist: Beast) that he has come to take us directly to where Jesus Christ is gathering the saints in the air. We started to fly to Jesus Christ, but as I was leaving the Earth, I saw some of my family and friends we left behind and I yelled at them and said: “Whatever you do, please don’t take the mark (666) of the Beast!” (Revelation 13: 16-18).

I woke up! I was not happy when I found out that it was only a dream. I can only pray that I will be found worthy to stand before the king, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kerry-Ann G


Urgent Warning Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To Jarrod Waugh.

I received a WORD from the Lord Jesus Christ. Here it is:

“My Son, I am on My knees. I am heartbroken. I have warned, and warned and warned. I am so sad. I am feeling so lowly because My children whom I love so much just refuse to listen to Me. Oh, I am heartbroken. I have sent out so many warnings. Things are escalating globally at a rapid pace and I am soon about to sound the alarm and bring my Children Home. There is not a lot more that I can do. I have spoken of judgement for so long, and because of this, My Children have either grown weary, or have become complacent. Every day, there are so many prayers that are sent up to My Throne Room, pleading with Me, “When will you come, Lord?” “How much longer, My Lord?”

I cannot wait much longer, as I have received so many souls within My Time of Extended Grace, but all the same, there are so many more who have rejected Me and ignored My Words because they think that they know better. My Wicked children will soon reap what they sow. I have had enough of the pain and the anguish. The time is now. I am ALREADY on My Way. My faithful children are exhausted. I can see that. They have pleaded and pleaded with Me to save their loved ones, and few have listened. Yet, they need to understand that free will is Free Will. I will NOT force anyone. It has to be a choice of FREE WILL alone.

Things are about to change. Already, things are heating up and I will not contain it for much longer. I have had enough. ENOUGH I tell you. My patience only goes so far, and like everyone that was made in My Image, it has its limits. I have warned and warned. But yet, my belligerent children just refuse to listen! So what shall I do? What can I do?

I will Judge, and I will Judge MIGHTILY. My wrath will be poured out upon all who chose sin over a Holy lifestyle, and they will beg for mercy when they have missed their chance to board My ARK of Salvation that I have offered to ALL men. They are left with no excuse, and they CANNOT say that nobody warned them. I have sent messenger after messenger after messenger. But what did they do? They MOCKED, they LAUGHED and they RIDICULED. Do you know what this reminds Me of? This reminds ME of MY Crucifixion. It rekindles MY Anger because of what I suffered to offer them a place of safety from Satan’s Schemes and Plans, but they rejected Me then and they REJECT ME NOW!

Woe to them. WOE to them! Son, warn them. I love them. But this is IT! I have Spoken. I will see you soon. Gear up. Pray. Stay in MY WORD. Reside in ME. Things are about to get ugly. Things will change in the twinkling of an eye. My Word has spoken it. Be ready at all times.

Yours Truly, with LOVE, “

Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah.


Urgent Warning Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To David Pearce.

I received a strong word from the Lord Jesus Christ. It is very sad. We must pray and intercede for the lost souls before it is too late. Share the love of Jesus Christ to this hurting humanity and preach the Gospel. This is the urgent warning words from the Lord Jesus Christ:

“My Father and I are watching this world – Our hearts are grieved – We are broken hearted over the rejection and hatred that mankind, our very own creation have towards Us – they do not want Us anymore – they have turned aside to idols, to abominable practices and they commit all kinds of evil against Us, their Creator. We see all of their doings – We see what they think – We view what is practiced in the dark places away from watching eyes…. so they think – but We see all and We view their abominable and most despicable practices – they eat up My flesh – they devour the flesh of My children and drink their blood – We hear the cries of the children – We hear their humble cries – their cries have reached Our ears in heaven.

We have even come down ourselves to view what is going on and a decision has been made – We will respond to their cry – We will take vengeance on these our enemies who have killed and slaughtered the innocent ones – much blood has been shed and We will respond. Vengeance belongs to God – We will repay – My fury, My pent up wrath is about to be poured out. Woe to the inhabitants of the Earth. Behold, I come quickly – prepare your hearts – prepare to meet Me. My enemies will be destroyed. I the Lord have spoken. “

Jesus the Messiah – God of all.


Psalms 78:65-66

Then the Lord awoke as from sleep,

Like a mighty man who shouts because of wine.

And He beat back His enemies;

He put them to a perpetual reproach.

Isaiah 42:13-14

The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man;

He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war.

He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud;

He shall prevail against His enemies.

“I have held My peace a long time,

I have been still and restrained Myself.

Now I will cry like a woman in labor,

I will pant and gasp at once.


Urgent Warning Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To David Pearce.

Folks, this incoming object, or Destroyer as the Lord Jesus Christ has told me twice is getting very close. I feel that all is about to change and change quickly when it does. We must prepare our hearts and warn those set before us and encourage them to live for Jesus Christ.

This is what the Lord Jesus Christ said to me:

“I have words for you son, write them down. My son you must warn the people of My coming – and you must warn them of the incoming object.  There is an incoming object – it is “Destroyer“. I God am not evil – evil cannot be found in Me – I Am Righteous God – I Am Holy Lord – I Am The Great King – I see all and I know all. I see what is coming your way people of the Earth – seek Me now – delay no longer – the time is late – the hour draws near for this “arrival” – with it will come much destruction – and with it will come much evil. Men do not know nor can they comprehend the extent of evil that will be released at its coming. My judgment will come – the time of great evil draws near.

Repent now! Awaken now! Look up for your redemption draws near. “

Jesus – Faithful Bridegroom.


Destroyer is coming, it is close now My son – it is the outer darkness planet – It seeks to unload its evil onto the Earth on its way past – darkness will come for a time – the Sun will be blotted out – one side of Earth will experience darkness for an extended period – three days of darkness will come – terror will grip men’s hearts – hearts failing for fear of what is coming upon the Earth – much evil is coming. War will first break out – I will have a great victory – My people will have the victory in this war and My Name will be glorified in all the Earth.

I am THE GREAT GOD of Heaven, Earth and the entire Universe. There is no one like Me – who compares to Me? There is no one My equal – I stand alone as the GREAT I AM. I am the great GOD who is to be feared. My people are to fear Me – not men, not Satan, but Me only. If you would fear Me, you would need fear nothing else. I am greater than all – who can compare? Who is My equal? Who would dare come against Me the LORD? This is why My enemies are short lived – I grant them a short space of time to repent, then I destroy those who do not.

You must repent of all sin My son – you must also tell the people and warn them of their need to repent of all sin before the Holy God that I am. I am not to be toyed with – I will not be mocked! My precious people, seek Me now and live – stand in the gap and pray for the world – pray for revival fire to sweep the world.”

Jesus – your Messiah.


Urgent Warning Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To David Pearce.

“My son you must tell the people My coming is near – I come suddenly – I come quickly and without prior warning – the warnings have already gone out both in My Word and through My servants the prophets. Tell them My coming is near – tell them I am waiting to meet with them. I will receive only holy set apart vessels who long to meet with Me – I will not accept those who have impure hearts or idols in their hearts or other loves in their life – tell the people they must be holy and set apart for Me – I must be their first love.

I the Lord Jesus Christ have spoken, amen, amen, amen. “


Ephesians 5:27

That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.


Urgent Warning Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To Mitchell Bertram.

“My son listen… A day is coming. A day where I will do one final call for My Bride. A day where I will give one last warning. I have already begun to finalize my warnings through many prophets and messengers. Behold, I have spoken that a great shaking is coming upon the earth. I AM COMING MY CHILDREN. BE NOT DECEIVED. YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR 30, 40, or 50 YEARS AHEAD OF YOU LIKE YOU WOULD LIKE TO THINK!









Do this and you will do well.




Your God,

Jesus Christ.



Revelation 3:18
“I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.”

Isaiah 41:10
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

Luke 21:28
“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”

1 Corinthians 15:51-52
“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”


Urgent Warning Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To Mitchell Bertram.

“The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and, behold, a greater than Jonah is here.”

Matthew 12:41 KJV

“Behold the fair warning of the storm “Jonah.” I have sent this warning to a land once thriving but now has fallen in to depravity. This is My warning to this nation of soon destruction and calamity. I sent My prophet Jonah to warn Nineveh, behold I have sent My storm Jonah of the same purpose. Repent I say! Repent O America! The mighty and proud shall soon fall! They will be humbled for I AM the Lord God. I am exalted and I WILL be exalted amongst the prideful.

Behold, death and destruction shall befall upon this land. Soon My Bride will be taken. She will not endure this wrath! I have not appointed her for it! Only the wicked shall reap what they have sown.

I have spoken, earthquakes shall increase in diverse places. Yes greater earthquakes than these shall come upon the lands. Natural disasters shall increase in numbers and in strength. The seas and waves shall roar at their (the storms) arrival. Plagues shall increase. Famines shall increase.

Lo and behold the earth groans in pains as the great and awesome day of the Lord cometh! Even now you have heard these sounds!






“But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.”

Matthew 12:39-41 KJV

“For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,”

1 Thessalonians 5:9 KJV

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

Galatians 6:7 KJV

“And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.”

Luke 21:11 KJV

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.”

Isaiah 45:7 KJV

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;”

Luke 21:25 KJV

“For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.”

Romans 8:22 KJV

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.”

Revelation 19:7-9 KJV

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”

Matthew 24:36 KJV

“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”

Matthew 24:22 KJV


Urgent Warning Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To Mitchell Bertram.

“My people are falling away. They are loosing hope in Me. Their hearts believe that My coming is being delayed. They are loosing their flames that My Holy Spirit once burned bright within them. They are losing their joy in Me because the enemy is using My signs to steal it from them. They see no need anymore to continue their work with Me because the multitude refuses to listen. What if I were to have done that? Many did not listen to Me. Many walked away when I had spoken of My blood and flesh being as communion. Is it not for Me that you work? Is it not for My glory? Where is your love for Me if you do not wish for others to be saved?

Why My children? Why, why, why? I grieve over this! You are to be faithful and obedient but you are choosing your own will over Mine. What if I had given up My mission for you all? What then, My children? Your mission is not yet done, so why give up now? I abhor this. Repent! Full up your oil lamps once more for the Bridegroom cometh! Pray that I set your hearts on fire for Me once more and that I return you to your first loves-love.

Come back to Me children and I will give you joy. I will give you happiness in the midst of chaos. I will give you and shod your feet with peace. I will be there for you even unto the ends of the earth. Do you think I would allow My Bride to suffer My wrath when I am deeply in love with her? No, for she is not appointed for wrath! I will remove her from the earth in My great rescue mission soon enough! My timing is perfect. MY TIMING IS PERFECT. Do not say in your hearts that I have tarried. I AM COMING.


Matthew 24:48-51
“But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And shall begin to smite his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
John 6:53-67
“Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live forever. These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum. Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it? When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you? What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?”

John 15:10-11
“If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”
Matthew 28:20
“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
1 Thessalonians 5:9
“For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.”


Urgent Warning Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To Mitchell Bertram.

“Thus says the Lord: The inhabitants of the world are blind to the signs I have given them. They claim they see yet they stumble in their darkness. The blind are leading the blind and all are falling into darkness. A gaping pit of hell awaits those who refuse to see. Open your eyes for I am the light of the world. Come to Me, you who stumble and fall. I will give you eye salve to see through My Holy Spirit. I will cleanse your unrighteousness and set you apart from the wickedness of the world. Truly I am for you and not against you. Is it not loving to warn your child of imminent danger that could befall them? Come now, My children. Let us reason together. Come before your God and speak with Me. I shall hear the desires of your heart.

Children, worry not of when I will come. Stay focused on Me and allow Me to continue to give signs. Truly I say My signs of warning will cease and judgement will commence.

I am coming My children. Lift your heads for redemption draws closer each day. Continue in your pursuits of your God. Continue to read My Word and stories. Continue to profess truth. Continue to watch. Continue to repent. Continue to work and be My hands and feet. Continue these things even up to the last second. Know that I AM at the door and knocking. Soon this door shall be shut and sealed off and only those right with Me and aboard My ark shall depart from the earth before judgement. They shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump. Come now My children, the marriage supper awaits.

Pray that your name be found in the Lamb’s Book of Life.



Luke 6:39
“And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?”

John 8:12
“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

Revelation 3:18
“I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.”

Isaiah 41:10
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

Luke 21:28
“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”

1 Corinthians 15:51-52
“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

Revelation 13:8 – And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Revelation 20:15 – And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.


Urgent Warning Words From The Lord Jesus Christ Given To Mitchell Bertram.

“And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.”
1 Samuel 3:10 KJV.

“Behold, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb is at hand. Children this will be a marvelous event. A table so big, as far as the eye can see. Many will join Me at this event, will it be you My son? Will it be you My daughter? Will it be you?

I want you all to attend this event and escape the wiles of the enemy and all the evil things he has planned for those who choose to remain on the earth. You yourself will make this decision on your own.
I will tell you O faithful ones what to expect at this event. Welcoming the Bride will be a joyous celebration. All the hosts of heaven shall cheer and celebrate at her arrival. Music shall be played wonderfully and joyously. It will be a spectacle! Each of My children’s favorite food will be waiting for them at their specific place mat. Each one of you will have a goblet embedded with jewels of onyx, sapphires, rubies, diamonds, and other gems alike. You will each have a name plaque with a new name written on it but some of you I have kept your name the way it is for My purposes. Your sweet and enduring names are befitting for you to those that I have chosen to keep the same. It will be a marvelous event that will be talked about throughout all the Heavens! My Father will watch over this event with much pleasure!

To the ones who shall be left behind: You will not experience any of this. You have chosen the ways of the world and I will give you over to it. The world is a cold place and that is what you will feel the moment you are left behind. Cold, hard fear. Fear of what is to come. Fear of the things that the enemy will do to you. Fear of what you do not know for you are ignorant of the things that will happen to you. I have given many messages through my prophets and you passed them off as mere nonsense. You hardened your hearts against the warnings because your own thoughts of a future ahead of you seemed better than My eternal plan.

You will be tortured, beaten, mutilated, and mangled. You will be imprisoned, starved, raped, sodomized, boiled alive, stabbed and hacked open, and many other things. These are the things that await you that have chosen to commit spiritual adultery with the world. They that have turned their backs on Me, will not receive grace from My enemy. He is merciless and brutal. Is this what you want My children?! Is this truly what you want?! Then you shall have it!

You will plead, beg, and cry out to Me but I will NOT listen to you. You have chosen this for yourself and I have simply given to you what you have wanted all along. Only then will you truly know the importance of surrendering to Me. Clinging to Me like I am your only hope, because I AM your only hope. You will finally know what this truly means My disobedient children.

This putrid world will know what it will be like without their God. O inhabitants of the world, you continue to push Me out of this world as if it belongs to you. You continue to mock Me as if I do not have feelings and do not hear you. You turn your backs against Me as if I do not exist. You think the world will be a better place when I remove My faithful ones, but only then will you truly understand what you are speaking of. You claim you want “separation of church and state” and I will give that to you.


Repent, My church. Repent and wash your garments clean with My Holy Blood. Though your sins be as scarlet, I shall make them as white as snow. Though they be as red as crimson, I shall make them as wool. Nothing is too hard for Me. I truly AM long suffering for ALL of you, for I seek that NONE should perish but all to come to repentance. Truly you must repent! You must surrender EVERYTHING to Me. You must be bold in your faith. You must be willing to submit to My will in all ways of your life. I AM a God who requires your 100%, not your 95%. How can you expect Me to give you My all, if you will not do likewise for Me? Do this for Me, children. Humble yourselves, soften your hearts, be still and listen for My sheep hear My voice. I will guide you and lead you to My Kingdom.

I am coming soon My children. I am coming on the clouds of fire for I am an all consuming fire. Harden not your hearts to this message. Heed it My children. Harken to the voice of your God. There is much I wish to speak to My children, but O so little time. Who will be still to listen to the voice of their God? Whom will listen to Me? There are many I wish to use in these last days but they have chosen their own ways over mine. Seeking dispensationalism rather than obey My commands. Is it hard to obey Me, children? Have I not said My yoke is easy and My burden is light? My 10 commandments are simple to follow, why complicate them?

Children, this is your God.

Amen, shalom.”

Corresponding scriptures:

Revelation 19:6-9 (KJV)
“And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.”

Luke 21:36 (KJV)
“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”

Revelation 2:17(KJV)
“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”

1 Thessalonians 5:19-22(KJV)
“Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.”

Galatians 6:7-8(KJV)
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”

James 4:4-8(KJV)
“Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy? But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.”

Isaiah 1:18(KJV)
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

2 Peter 3:3-10(KJV)
“Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”

John 10:27-30(KJV)
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. I and my Father are one.”

Hebrews 12:28-29(KJV)
“Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.”

Matthew 11:28-30(KJV)
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

John 14:15(KJV)
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.”


Urgent Warning Words From The Lord God Almighty (Jesus Christ) Given To Mitchell Bertram.

“My son, write as I speak. Children, I must warn you. There comes a great shaking. The earth will be tossed around like a drunkard. As a woman in travail it will groan in pains. I tell you children, this will happen all across the earth. All will feel this rumbling and trembling. I grow tired of this wicked world that only wants darkness. Oh how they continue to reject My light. Why O children? Have I not offered enough for you? Did I not lay down My life for you? Was this not enough?

My children, you do not want the world for the world is enmity with Me. It is evil and detestable. PUTRID AND GROTESQUE. I loathe this world and the sinfulness of man. Many will willingly take the mark of the Beast. The number of a man and it shall read upon their foreheads and right hands, “666.” Detestable and evil. Proud and haughty. A disobedient bunch that chose the ways of the wicked. They shall be cast into the lake of fire along with the devil and his angels.

I will shake this earth with the might of My right hand. I will cast judgements upon it with fire and brimstone. I will send hailstones the size of a talent upon the populous cities. Plagues and pestilences will run freely and rampant across the whole earth. Boils and sores will corrode the flesh of men and they will seek death. I tell you neigh, but death shall flee them!

An awakening is coming, but it will not happen until after I remove My Bride. Only then will those who seek to sleep with the world, wake up and I will allow it (the taking of the Bride) to happen very shortly. O how My cup of wrath is about to spill upon the earth, though My disobedient children do not see it coming. The world offers them more, they think. Foolishly they do think. In vain it is apart from Me. All that is apart from Me, is vanity.

Come My children. It is high time we fly.


(Note: The taking of the Bride, otherwise known as the Rapture, is before the wrath of God. It is before the 6 and 7th seals, as well as before the 7 trumpets, bowls, and lastly 7 vials. See 1 Thessalonians 4:17).


Isaiah 13:11

“And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.”

Isaiah 13:13

“Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.”

John 3:19-21

“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”

John 10:17-18

“Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.”

James 4:4

“Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

Revelation 13:16-18

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

Revelation 20:10

“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.”

Revelation 21:8-9

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.”

Psalms 11:4-6

“The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord’s throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men. The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth. Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.”

1 Corinthians 15:51-52

“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

Ecclesiastes 1:14

“I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.”

See also Revelation 16 (entire chapter)

The Angels & Jesus On Rapture Day

Urgent Warning Words Of The LORD Jesus Christ Given To Donna McDonald.

Dear LORD, do you have anything to say to your children?

“Yes, I do. I have something to say to MY children. Children, this is I, your LORD. I am coming soon and you all better be ready or else you will be left behind. Do not ridicule this daughter or the others who speak the Truth less you be left behind. Which would be easier–to fold in now and pursue ME or fold in later and come to ME when you think it is convenient? I am a GOD who is growing tired of waiting for MY children to come to ME while they engage with anything and everything in the world. This is a travesty, a crime in the first degree. Run to ME now while it is easy and MY Arms are open wide. I am your LORD and I am ready for you at this minute. AMEN. “
1 Corinthians 16:23: Our Master Jesus has his arms wide open for you.


Urgent Warning Words of the LORD Jesus Christ:

“There will be great crying and wailing by those who discover they have been left behind.”

(Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis).

“I will give a letter to MY people.

Children of the Most HIGH. There is a rift coming–a great rift.  It is a gap between those I remove to MY Heavenlies and those I leave behind.  There will be great crying and wailing by those who discover they have been left behind.  They are left to face the plans and dictatorship of the Anti-Christ–the one who will rule over all who remain in the earth.  It will be bleak and hopeless.  There will be no hope.  The loss for those left will be great.

To find their way back to their GOD, they must be taken prisoners and many will be tortured then to refuse the Mark of the Anti-Christ they will have to die.  Only this, and a full confession of their faith in ME, FULL surrender, FULL repentance, FULL forgiveness will be required. They must forgive even those who torture them and those who abuse them.

MY lukewarm church will not come back to ME easily.  It will not be the easy choice.  Most will want to fold back into their routines and taking the “mark” will seem so easy–it will seem like the way to go. Their poor choices will lead them to eternal separation from their GOD with no hope of recovery. MY children, face this truth now.  Allow ME to prepare you now.  Let MY Truth speak to your heart. Come to ME with a FULL surrender.  Allow ME to rule over you.  Surrender ALL.  Enter into MY Safekeeping.  This is the ONLY safe route. Face your GOD and repent, surrender to ME, The CHRIST–there is NO other SAVIOR…I AM HE…I AM The LORD of all…”

Coordinating Scriptures:

Revelation 13:16-17 (KJV):  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Luke 17:4 (KJV):  And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.

Revelation 20:4 (KJV): And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of JESUS, and for the word of GOD, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with CHRIST a thousand years.


Urgent Warning Words of the LORD Jesus Christ:

“Choose for ME…NOW is the hour, not tomorrow…”

(Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis).

“I will begin with a Word for MY people.

Children it is I, GOD of the Heavens. I am High and Lifted Up. I come to you with deep sadness.  So many have fallen away. Falling into the trap of the enemy: to obey his words, his desires, and to put rebellion in the hearts of men, MY own creation.  He has inspired men to rebel against their own CREATOR.

Children, when you remain un-surrendered to your GOD, you remain in your evil, rebellious ways.  Though you believe you do good works, they are evil when done with an un-surrendered heart.  How do you surrender, you may ask?  You lay low, put your knee to the floor. Repent of this evil you have done: all that looks good and all that seems good while un-surrendered FULLY to your GOD.

Repent of believing partial surrender, lukewarm faith, is sufficient.  It is sin before a Holy GOD. Surrender your will to MY Will. Tremble in fear at the possibility you may fall away into Hell uncovered by MY mantle of salvation: MY blood covering that I provided when I laid MY Life down for your transgressions, your iniquities when you walked outside of MY forgiveness. Repent and forgive, lay down your unforgiveness toward all those who harm you. This I require.  Have I not forgiven you and all those who seek forgiveness from ME who surrender fully?

Only full surrender allows the sinner to be relieved of his sins and only full surrender gives the forgiven “grace.”  Grace is allotted for those only who surrender ALL. All others with a “lukewarm” commitment will not receive grace and will not enter MY Heavenlies…MY Presence.

This is serious.  Many fall away, many lose their GOD.  Choose for ME…Now is the hour, not tomorrow.  Tomorrow for you may never come.  Wait not, today is the day of good news. Tomorrow may be too late. I am the KEEPER of time and MY warnings are clear. Your hour may be finished tonight.  Do not hesitate.

I am GOD.

I Speak Truth.

I am TRUTH.”

Coordinating Scriptures:

Matthew 7:21 (KJV): Not everyone that saith unto me, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the Will of MY FATHER which is in heaven.

1 Samuel 15:23 (KJV): For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the Word of the LORD, HE hath also rejected thee from being king.

 Psalm 18:44 (KJV): As soon as they hear of ME, they shall obey ME: the strangers shall submit themselves unto ME.

Revelation 3:16 (KJV): So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of MY Mouth.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV): For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


Urgent Warning Words of the LORD Jesus Christ:

“No one loves you like I do.”

(Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis).

Let US begin.

This Letter MY children is for you and about you.  You are MY children who I love.  No one loves you like I do. There is no one who can compare with the love I can lavish on the children who come to ME in love and obedience.  MY love is an ever-flowing river and it leaves a current of good will.  I am the greatest force of love in the world–there is no other source of true love that can be found anywhere but through ME.

MY love is available at any point–night or day.  I am available to you at any point.  You can come and make contact with ME at any point.  Cry out to ME when you are in trouble–when you have difficulties–I am here for you: to bear the weight on MY Great Shoulders.

Children, I am coming back soon.  Sooner than most people think.  Those who watch ME not will be greatly saddened.  They will miss the greatest rescue mission of all time.  I will be available to anyone who has needs: to help them to become more aware of MY goodness and love.  Soon the love people want to possess through ME will be found almost nowhere.

This is the hour of beauty: the hour of getting right with GOD, the hour of repentance and forgiveness.  I can turn you toward ME if you ask from a heart that is truly pursuing ME.  The GROOM is coming and the bride is ready–soon the marriage supper will take place.  Do not believe everyone about your salvation:  Seek MY Face and allow ME to show you that this should be a time of grace and love.

These are MY Words–I AM that I AM.”

Coordinating Scripture:

Psalm 36:8 (KJV): They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of THY house; and THOU shalt make them drink of the river of THY pleasures.


Urgent Warning Words of the LORD Jesus Christ:

 “I am coming for a ready church.”

(Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis).

“Children it is I, your LORD.

I come to you with a heavy heart. I am saddened. The time is drawing nearer for the removal of MY bride and at that point many will be caught in sudden destruction who will not escape, just as it is written in MY Book so many years before.

All is coming to pass as I have outlined in MY Book.  This generation has become filthy in MY Eyes. I cannot look upon the gross sinfulness of these evil children I created with my own hands and by MY Own Breath, the Breath of GOD.   O’ lost world turn back to your GOD.  Seek ME while I can still be found.

Those who turn against ME will be sorrowful for all eternity, regretful, tormented, and forever in darkness apart from their Great GOD of love and everlasting peace.  What an hour of darkness that faces the earth and all those inhabitants of the earth: those left behind to face MY wrath poured out and the punishment of MY enemy. It will be a time like no other, complete darkness will settle over the earth, and it will seem like time is standing still because the anguish of great evil will paralyze those caught in it.  It will seem to never end and many will cry out for the rocks to fall on them or to die to be relieved of the  horror of the hour they live in. This is what is coming for my rebellious children, those who will not submit to ME now, those who choose not to allow ME to enter into their hearts. The love of the world is too great for them now and so they will be punished for their rejection of GOD if they do not soon seek ME for their deliverance.

I am coming for a ready church, a church looking, waiting, and anticipating my arrival. This is MY watchful church, those who take MY Word and line it up to the times and see that MY coming is near.  They see the urgency of filling their oil lamps and they will be ready and waiting when I come, and their reward will be great.  Look up my children, look up your redemption draws nigh.  I am coming to pull you free and carry you home with ME to everlasting glory. Look up O’ church, LOVE is coming.”

Coordinating Scriptures:

1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV): For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Job 25:5 (KJV): Behold even to the moon, and it shineth not; yea, the stars are not pure in HIS sight.

Matthew 25:30 (KJV): And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Revelation 6:16 (KJV): And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the Face of HIM that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the LAMB:

1 John 2:15 (KJV): Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the FATHER is not in him.


Urgent Warning Words of the LORD Jesus Christ:

 “Few discover I am a GOD WHO is just and will judge according to each individual’s relationship with ME in this life.”

(Words Received From Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis).

“Take down these Words:
There is an overwhelming belief that I am not coming soon: so many want to believe otherwise. This world is too attractive to them—longing and looking for MY Coming is the last thing on their minds. When I come to bring out MY church, I will only be looking for a ready bride—a church perched in anticipation of her coming KING. I am coming in ALL MY Glory. Only those waiting…ready…watching with their robes white and stain-free will come out of this stagnant world—a cesspool of evil, a stench under MY Nose. Pin your hopes on the LIVING GOD. This is the ONE True Path—all others lead to destruction. The world is in a rapid descent to ultimate immorality and decay. Once I take out MY bride—MY true worshipful followers, this world will cave in on itself under the weight of the evil that will consume the land.

There will be bloodshed, cruelty, abominable atrocities. Man will enter a never witnessed before level of ultimate degradation. Children who turn back to ME after I take MY church out will find themselves under the rule of a cruel tyrant world leader: the Antichrist, who will round up the true believers, the ones who turn back to their GOD in great remorse. Theirs will be a sad plight as they must then endure the worst possible torment, torture, and death for their decision to return to their LORD and to reject the Antichrist system.

Horror awaits MY left behind, lukewarm church who must do the hard things to return to their GOD. Many will not be willing to pay the price before them in order to obtain their eternal freedom. Those who choose against ME for the Antichrist system will lose their place with ME for eternity and they will be tormented for eternity instead.

Hard choices must be made by those who are left and refuse to follow ME now. Turn to ME now. Surrender your ALL. Lay your life down. I am ready to take you out with ME when I come for MY beautiful bride.

Scoffers, mockers, doubters, lovers of this evil world will soon learn the error of their wayward ways turning back away from their GOD to give themselves over to seducing spirits and evil longings. They are grasping at evil pursuits following their own self-made paths believing they know best for themselves apart from their MAKER GOD WHO first loved them, created them, gave them life. Woe to those who believe this world a better choice than the LIVING GOD WHO makes all, WHO is ALL in all.

Come back to your senses lost church. Your love for ME is weak, your heart is failing, you have no temperature, you have grown cold. I cannot take you with ME, if you believe yourself ready while you devote yourself to this evil world. You are deceived, lost, and your destination is the broad road where many travel to, lost for eternity, everlasting hell.

If this Word sounds untrue, it is because you have not spent time in MY Word or getting to know ME. If MY lost children would come to fear ME, then they would come back to the narrow road and separate themselves from the world and evil. Few discover I am a GOD WHO is just and will judge according to each individual’s relationship with ME in this life. Do you know your GOD? Come know ME before it is too late. MY Warnings are coming to pass. Do not find yourself outside MY Will, lost for eternity. MY adversary is cruel.

Your choice is before your face. I am the ETERNAL OMNIPRESENT GOD. Reach out. I stand before you.”

Coordinating Scriptures:

Matthew 24:43 (KJV): But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

1 John 2:22 (KJV): Who is a liar but he that denieth that JESUS is the CHRIST? He is antichrist, that denieth the FATHER and the SON.

Revelation 7:9 (KJV): After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands.

Revelation 7:13-14 (KJV): 13And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? 14And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the LAMB.

Jude 1:17-19 (KJV): 17But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our LORD JESUS CHRIST; 18How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. 19These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the SPIRIT.


Urgent Warning Words of the LORD Jesus Christ:

“I am the GOD of Second Chances, but time is running out…”

(Words Received from Our LORD Jesus Christ By Susan Davis).

“Children, it is I, your LORD.

You believe I am never coming back. You say this to each other, “HE says HE is coming, but HE doesn’t come!”

MY children, this is your GOD speaking: Listen closely: I AM COMING! No, you will not know the day or the hour, but you can know the season and this is the season. The signs are appearing and you cannot deny MY coming is near.

I have given you many markings to follow. MY signs have been clear and they are coming to pass. Only those who don’t want to follow ME are not seeing it. They do not want to know because they do not want to know ME, their GOD. Those who follow ME closely can see what is happening around them. They can see the darkness moving in, darker than it has ever been.

This is not the time to be sleeping at the wheel. This is not the time to be ignoring your GOD. If you keep sleeping you are going to miss MY Coming. Will I find any with faith when I return? Many and most are disloyal to their GOD. Very few are looking forward to MY Coming. Wake up and pay attention! Come out of your spiritual slumber! Open your spiritual eyes and see the darkness around you! Stop letting the things of the world move you to distraction! Take your hands off the world! Come wash your hands and your garments in MY Blood. Come wash them in MY Word. Make ready for MY coming.

Warn your neighbors and your friends. You will have blood on your hands if you don’t warn the people around you. Who else can I send if not MY chosen bride? Only she has the truth and the map to the narrow path. All others are lost and misled: blind leading the blind.

Strike a match, start a fire, let MY HOLY SPIRIT Wind blow on the fire. Let the Truth blaze like a fire from your heart through your hands, through your mouth, through your feet. Let the world see the fire of MY True Gospel through MY people, MY bride. You are the only ones who have the Truth. You must not hide a Light under a bushel basket!

I want you to stop being comfortable in this world. I want you to be uncomfortable at the sight of the lost all around you. I want you to stop being comfortable in this world: you are just passing through. You are a foreigner in this land. You must be like soldiers going to war. Many lives are at stake. This is their only chance. If they fail this test, they will be lost forever. Wake up church, get busy! Don’t waste another moment…so many will be lost for eternity…so many are already lost.

If you come with ME, I will open many doors. Just open your mouth. I will put the words in your mouth. I will bring the people to your doorstep for you to talk to about MY Gospel. Once I take MY bride from the earth, the enemy will move in and the people will have a much harder time getting to MY Salvation. It will not be easy for MY “left behindchurch. They will have to die at the hand of MY enemy (Antichrist) to make it into MY Kingdom (Heaven). So do not let these golden moments slip by you. These are precious, golden moments. I am the GOD of Second Chances, but time is running out…”

Coordinating Scriptures:
2 Peter 3:4 (KJV): And saying, Where is the promise of HIS coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
Mark 13:28 (KJV): Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near:
Luke 18:8 (KJV): I tell you that HE will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the SON of man cometh, shall HE find faith on the earth?
Job 41:19 (KJV): Out of HIS Mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.
Psalm 119:105 (KJV): THY Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Proverbs 6:23 (KJV): For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:
Matthew 25:3 (KJV): They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
Luke 11:33 (KJV): No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light.

Resurrection & Rapture Day

Urgent Warning Words Of The LORD Jesus Christ Given To Sue Piccini.

“Behold, I stand at the door and I am coming to take you Home. Look Up! You are not set to endure the things which must come upon the Earth, for it is My Wrath that is coming and I have told you that you are not appointed for Wrath. I have given My Watchman My word to send forth into this dying World and the Word is, “I Am is coming.” My Children are hearing My voice and My commands to be ready for My return and the people of this Earth who I am saying and who have refused to listen to what I am saying and who have refused to come to Me will suffer for their unbelief. The trials of this year have started and there are many who do not see or understand what they are seeing and hearing, but My Children, My Bride, they know and they understand that time is short and that they need to be standing and be ready to be taken.

My Word is steadfast and true and there is no more time, for it is finished. Children, get ready to receive your New Body and your New Name.” I Am has spoken these things to you!”

Revelation 3:10-12 “Because you have kept My command to endure, I (Jesus Christ) will also keep you safe from the time of trouble (the worldwide tribulation period of 7 years) which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth. I am coming soon, keep safe what you have, so that no one may take your crown. I will make those who are victorious pillars in the temple of My God and they will never leave it. I will write on them the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which will come down out of heaven from My God. I will also write on them My new name.”

Please read this section of Scripture and you will see that the Lord Jesus Christ has given this Word to correlate to the Word He gave Me. Amen!

Jesus On Rapture Day

Urgent Warning Message From Lord Jesus Christ To All Rapture Watchers Worldwide Given To Pius Joseph.


“My children for whom the city of light has been prepared, you need to know that each passing second bring you closer to eternity and the ushering in of the heavenly reign. You must know that time is not on your side. The time to prepare for eternity is now not tomorrow. The time to make yourself ready for never-dying existence is now not tomorrow. It is today not later. It is this morning not in the evening. For now is the time to prepare for my coming. I shall come as I have declared to you in my eternal word (Bible). Children never be tired of waiting for my coming. Never be tired of constantly washing your robe in my precious blood. Don’t be weary in your preparation for eternity. I have prepared much for you and the things that I have set for you is nothing comparable to the glory that is to be revealed in the future when you arrived home (Heavenly New Jerusalem).

Many have turned away from light and embraced darkness. Many have turned away from truth and embrace lies. Many have turned away from righteousness and embrace the sin. Many have turned away from Godliness and embrace worldliness. You my son and daughter who have been constantly watching and waiting, you must continue to set your eyes above. Watch and not faint. Watch and keep watching so that you will be caught up with me in glory. Keep watching and waiting for I will come for you.”

Born Again Warning

Vital Soul Winning Admonition Of “MARANATHA TRUMPETER” Evangelical Outreach.

Heaven: Why Born Again? John 3:3-16; 14:6. To be allowed to pass through heaven’s gate, you need to have all of your sins removed. The only cleanser strong enough to thoroughly remove sin stains is the blood of Jesus Christ. First, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your wrong doings. Finally, make Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to forgive your sins. By dying on the cross, Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in hell. The reason so few people accept this pardon is that they do not think they need a Savior or they want to find their own way of salvation. When God looked at your soul, He saw a sinner. God judges your heart, your thoughts, your attitude and intentions. When you are saved and forgiven of your sins, God looks upon you and sees the blood of Jesus Christ making you pure and clean. Accept the salvation of Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late!

After being born again, remain dedicated in your commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is an act of faith (John 3:3-16, 5:24). There are no signs to look for. Believe strongly that you are saved in Jesus name. Don’t doubt. Make sure you continue to grow in your devotion to Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t backslide. You must always resist temptation that can lead you to indulge in sinful acts. Read your Bible daily. Also, pray always and look for a reliable gospel-focused Church where you can worship God regularly. Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope and an imminent reality. Therefore, we must be ready always for Rapture. Never give up.

IS YOUR NAME WRITTEN IN THE HEAVENLY BOOK OF LIFE? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16,14:6. Sincerely, to have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour now! You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and hell bound after death by claiming to be an unbeliever, freethinker or a religious idolater. You will be left behind on imminent Rapture day and suffer terribly during the 7 years worldwide tribulation period after Rapture. Accept the great salvation offer of Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). You have been warned. No more excuse for you if you die and end up in hell. Your argument is futile! Repent now or perish for eternity in the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Raptured saint or martyred saint? Follower of Jesus Christ or Antichrist? Decide wisely!

ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED? NO! Do you believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” (OSAS) teaching by some lukewarm preachers? If you do, you are being deceived by Satan. A backslidden preacher or backslidden Christian can end up in hell after death (2 Peter 2:1-22). Also, a cold/lukewarm Christian can be left behind by Jesus Christ on imminent Rapture day (Revelation 3:14-22). Therefore, as born again Christians, we must repent always from any known or hidden sins, be committed to soul winning and be ready always for imminent glorious Rapture. We can’t make heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Is Your Name Written In The Book Of Life? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6. To have your name written in heavenly book of life, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan. You are deceiving yourself and hell bound after death by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. You will be left behind on Rapture day. Accept salvation of Jesus Christ now!

Eternity: Are You Heavenly Or Hell Bound? “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). This biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Jesus Christ will judge you on judgment day. You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire since you are still alive. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid hell! Heaven is your best choice. Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker or unbeliever. God is real! Jesus Christ is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Judgment day is certain! Jesus Christ is the only WAY to Heaven (John 14:6). Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Jesus and ready always for Rapture!

What Is The Great White Throne Judgment? At the great white throne judgment of God, the soul/spirit of condemned people in hell will merge with their immortal bodies. In their resurrected forms, they will be judged by God. It will be a judgment of condemnation, no appeal or mercy again. The verdict will be: “Guilty!” One can only repent while still alive. One can only accept the salvation of Jesus Christ while still alive. The resurrected condemned people will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulphur (Revelation 20:11-15). Second death means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulphur. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8). Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to hell! Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to heaven (John 14:6).

Satan, the deceiver and his fallen angels/demons will be thrown and confined totally into the lake of fire and sulfur eventually by God. They will be tormented forever. That will be the end of Satan’s evil activities on earth forever. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur…and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10). You will be eternally separated from God in the lake of fire and sulfur. Your soul will never die but it will be eternally tormented in the horrible burning lake. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

Lake Of Fire

Jesus Christ is the only way to make Heaven and escape from going to hell when you die (John 14:6). The lake of fire and sulfur will be a place of eternal torment. It will be very terrible for Satan, demons and the lost souls in that eternal burning lake. Do not end up in it! The second death is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8). Listen to what Jesus Christ is saying to you now: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the One who lives. I was dead, but look: I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and hell.” (Revelation 1:17-18). God does not send someone to hell. You choose hell when you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour.

When you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Jesus, you willingly choose hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in hell when you die. When you say “No” to Jesus and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into hell. You are telling God that you do not need Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in hell. Hell is for eternity! If you die without accepting the salvation of Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in hell forever! You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

It will be a great disaster if you die without Jesus Christ (Mark 8:36). Hell is a place of eternal torment! “The smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night.” (Revelation 14:11). God has a perfect place for you in heaven: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no person has imagined what God has prepared for those people that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Avoid hell. Jesus Christ is your only way of making heaven (John 14:6). It will not cost you anything to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Accept Jesus Christ while you are still alive. It will be too late if you die and end up in hell. Take the right decision now. “The salvation that was given to us is very great. So surely we also will be punished if we live like this salvation is not important.” (Hebrews 2:3).

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15).

If you have never received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, ask Him to save you now! Confess all your sins and ask God to forgive you in Jesus name. Do not put it off another second! This may be your last chance before you die! Take the chance now! The salvation of Jesus is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. It is very easy to accept the salvation of Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, pray the salvation prayer below and mean it with all your heart.

Salvation Steps & Prayer

Confession and salvation

Are you still an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner? You must accept the great salvation of Jesus Christ now! If you remain in your rebellion against Jesus Christ, you will be left behind on Rapture day by Jesus Christ. Also, if you die without accepting the great salvation offer of Jesus Christ, you will end up in eternal burning hell! How can you be saved? It is very simple. Take the steps below.


The following prayer, “The Sinner’s Prayer” (also known as the Prayer of Salvation) is by no means meant to be an “official prayer”, but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Jesus Christ into your heart. You may certainly pray to God in your own words.

Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you say the following prayer and mean it with all your heart; along with repenting of your sins (asking for forgiveness), we believe that you will be saved and be born again. You may be wondering, “What happens next?” First, you will need to get into a bible-based church and study God’s Word. Once you find a church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Christ you are baptized in the spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live; for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the cross. May God Bless You!

Sinner’s Prayer

Prayer gesture

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


If you just said this prayer and you meant it with all your heart, we believe that there is a great possibility that you just got saved and are born again. You may ask, “Now that I am saved, what is next?” First of all, you need to get into a bible-based church, and study God’s Word. Once you have found a church home, you will want to become water-baptized. By accepting Christ you are baptized in the spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live, for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price was His death on the cross. May God Bless You!

Jesus & A Raptured Saint

Still Procrastinating?

Take these easy steps to be saved: Realize you are a sinner. “There is no person without sin. None!” (Romans 3:10). “All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23). Realize you cannot save yourself. “We are all dirty with sin. Even our good works are not pure. They are like blood-stained rags.” (Isaiah 64:6). “He saved us because of His mercy (love), not because of any good things we did.” (Titus 3:5). Realize that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins. “Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right.” (1 Peter 2:24). “Jesus is the one who loves us. And Jesus is the One who made us free from our sins with his blood (death).” (Revelation 1:5). Simply by faith receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. “Some people did accept Him. They believed in Him. He gave something to those people who believed. He gave them the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). “…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all these people from your house.” (Acts 16:30-31). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).