Urgent Wake-Up Call: Be Alert Always! Time Is Running Out On The Grace Period!

Urgent Wake-Up Call: Be Alert Always! Time Is Running Out On The Grace Period!

In this highly inspiring Evangelical Post, Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Outreach will enlighten you extensively about this vital fact: “Urgent Wake-Up Call: Be Alert Always! Time Is Running Out On The Grace Period!”

When you read this vital and inspiring Evangelical Post, you will be convinced that indeed, the grace period is running out! The New World Order (NWO) global agenda is gradually gathering momentum. Therefore, wake up from spiritual slumber and be ready always for prophetic glorious Rapture.

Spiritual coldness or lukewarm condition must stop now! Be spiritually hot always like Philadelphian believers-in-Christ (Revelation 3:7-13). Avoid Laodecian lukewarm spiritual condition (Revelation 3:14-22).

Apathy for soul winning and heavenly pursuit must stop now! We are temporary pilgrims in this sinful Earth. We are just passing through. Heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22) is our eternal home by God’s grace.

Scoffing about prophetic glorious Rapture must stop now! Whether you believe it or not, prophetic glorious Rapture will happen at a day and hour you can’t know because it is a prophetic reality. Therefore, remain always heavenly minded and committed to continuous soul winning for Lord Jesus Christ.

Your eternal heavenly rewards are awaiting you by God’s grace. Your magnificent heavenly mansion and glorious crowns are awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. Therefore, never give up your blessed heavenly hope. It will be well with you by God’s grace. Don’t give up your faith in Lord Jesus Christ. You are an overcomer by God’s grace. Hallelujah!

Some people believe that they will go through the prophetic Great Tribulation period (Revelation 13:1-18; 6-16) before being raptured while some people believe that they will be raptured before the commencement of the prophetic Great Tribulation period. Whatever opinion you have about prophetic glorious Rapture (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) does not matter.

The vital fact is that Lord Jesus Christ will fulfil His long anticipated promise (John 14:1-3) of rapturing to Heaven the true believers-in-Christ worldwide at an unknown day and hour (Matthew 24:36). This is our blessed hope. “Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13).

What is the present deceptive strategy of satanic New World Order (NWO) global decision makers? The subtle scheme by some powerful global decision makers to inject people worldwide with a COVID-19 vaccine that contains a micro-chip to track who has and has not been vaccinated is still in the pipeline.

Previously, the COVID-19 vaccination/micro-chipping health initiative caused great uproar and protest among religiously inclined people worldwide against the advocates of the initiative. The intense global protest temporarily suppressed this initiative but later, there will be a collective movement by world governments to vaccinate everyone on the planet Earth against the menacing COVID-19 (Corona virus) global pandemic.

The major motive of the COVID-19 vaccination/micro-chipping advocates from the onset is that after being vaccinated against COVID-19 (Corona virus), people worldwide will be required to also receive a COVID-19 digital immunity passport. That is why in order to realize this innovative objective, ID2020 is on the team working on that health initiative.

Through persistent New World Order (NWO) subtle manipulation, the COVID-19 vaccination/micro-chipping health initiative will become a reality eventually. Therefore, it is pertinent for people worldwide to decide what they are going to do when the moment of decision comes. It is inevitable due to the pervasive and global effects of COVID-19 (Corona Virus) global pandemic.

Some people who are not spiritually inclined will consider the COVID-19 vaccination/micro-chipping health initiative as a beneficial project for the sake of humanity worldwide. They will not regard it as subtle manipulation by the satanic New World Order (NWO) global decision makers.

However, due to the spiritual consequences as prophesied in the Holy Bible (Revelation 13:16-18, 14:9-11), spiritually discerning people globally must decide wisely whether they want to accept COVID-19 (Corona virus) vaccination/digital immunity passport or reject it. There will be intense pressure from governments worldwide on their citizens to embrace this COVID-19 (Corona virus) vaccination/digital immunity passport health initiative.

COVID-19 immunity passport ID2020 is a very rapidly-evolving global effort to bring the COVID-19 immunity passport to life. This New World Order (NWO) health initiative will start out voluntary, so people falsely feel like they have control, and then will quickly become mandatory.

The COVID-19 Credentials Initiative (CCI) is a global coven of technology entities like ID2020, Microsoft, Bill Gates, the National Health Service, UK and Silicon Valley, USA.

The COVID-19 Credentials Initiative (CCI) is a collaboration of more than 60 organizations to deploy verifiable credential solutions to enable society’s return to normal in a controlled, measurable, and privacy-preserving way. The CCI advocates are working to deploy verifiable credential solutions to help stop the spread of COVID-19 (Corona virus) global pandemic.

The CCI project is a direct response to the many calls by influential global decision makers for an immunity passport, a digital certificate that lets individuals prove (and request proof from others) that they have recovered after testing negative, have tested positive for antibodies, or have received a COVID-19 vaccination when it is fully available. By proving some level of immunity, individuals will be able to begin participating fully in everyday life again.

Using the W3C industry standard called Verifiable Credentials, the CCI proponents have a blueprint to move forward. The motive is that with the health data backed by high-tech infrastructure, governments and health agencies can formulate new plans and safety measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 (Corona virus) global pandemic and other diseases.

Additionally, individual users can assess their digital immunization passport using a mobile application. The application will features color-coded indicators — green, yellow and red. If the application shows the green indicator, the individual has clearance to interact in social and work environments.

This COVID-19 (Corona virus) health status indicator can be shared and authenticated by others using a QR code. The motive for the innovative health application will be to ensure that the world must have a system that eliminates the fears and anxiety of not knowing who is able to return to work.

This global health initiative includes all of the work done by Bill Gates and ID2020, and then takes it to a new level by including 60 other technology companies, and on a global scale. It will be in every nation on the face of the Earth.

To effectively achieve the New World Order (NWO) global agenda, ID2020 Alliance is the umbrella body for this planned global project. ID2020 Alliance is an innovative public-private partnership committed to improving lives through global digital identity. According to ID2020 Alliance, for you to get any attention or support to fight poverty, sickness and obtain any good thing in life, you must have a micro-chip implanted in your body, an “Identification Mark” that gives you access in the New World Order (NWO).

If you are knowledgeable about the Holy Bible, you will fully understand what the Bible prophesied concerning the “Mark of the Beast” (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) in the book of Revelation Chapter 13 verses 16-18.

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a MARK on their right hand, or on their foreheads, And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the MARK or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” (Revelation 13:16-18).

In order to achieve the “Digital Identification” of everyone on Earth, a micro-chip must be implanted under the skin of everyone worldwide. Therefore, the subtle ways to achieve this is to try and make people to willingly accept the micro-chip implant on their bodies, or induce fear in people’s mind that will make them accept it.

Under the excuse of law-backed mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for everybody, people globally will be manipulated to accept the COVID-19 (Corona virus) vaccination/digital immunity passport.

Anybody who has the micro-chip implanted on his or her skin will be declared fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (Corona virus) and no more a danger to global human community and will be permitted to perform transactions such as buying and selling under the New World Order (NWO). The micro-chip will carry all the information required to power the next generation technology of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Due to the relentless nature of the rampaging COVID-19 (Corona virus) global pandemic, this unpleasant situation is causing great fear in the hearts of people globally and they will be ready to accept and embrace any permanent solution.

Therefore, the COVID-19 (Corona virus) vaccination/digital immunity passport will be presented as the ultimate remedy for all and sundry. The implanted micro-chip will store all the information required for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and will be communicating with the 5G network to continuously transmit vital information. The super-speed 5G network referred to as Internet of everything, will connect you to everything you can think of in the virtual Internet world.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology will enable everything about you to be stored digitally in the implanted micro-chip in your body. For instance, the ability to withdraw any money you have in your Bank account will be stored on the micro-chip.

Therefore, you will not need to carry any Credit or Debit card or any information on you again because you have been digitally connected to a central server ready for the One World Government, One World Economy and One World Religion.

Through mandatory cashless transaction, you will be paid money directly to your Bank account but those who have not received their COVID-19 (Corona virus) vaccination/digital immunity passport which contains the micro-chip will not be able to receive or spend their money. Also, they cannot buy nor sell in the New World Order (NWO).

Additionally, if you are applying for or expecting any grant from anywhere globally, you will be required to get your COVID-19 (Corona virus) vaccination/digital immunity passport before you can access your grant.

The global justification for the mandatory enforcement of the COVID-19 (Corona virus) vaccination/digital immunity passport in the New World Order (NWO) will be that only those who refused to take the vaccine will be dying from the COVID-19 (Corona virus) killing people and that until they take the vaccine everyone will continue to die. Due to this induced fear of continuous viral death, many gullible people globally will be willingly accepting the COVID-19 (Corona virus) vaccination/digital immunity passport.

It is now apparent that what is really going on with the menacing COVID-19 (Corona virus) global pandemic is extremely big, very complex, highly sinister, diabolical, bizarre and extraordinary for the average mind to comprehend or accept. That is why spiritually discerning people globally consider it as a global “PLANDEMIC.” Indeed, it is a sinister scheme by the satanic New World Order (NWO) global decision makers to prepare the way for the emergence of the prophetic Antichrist.

A willing person must first become immunized against COVID-19 (Corona virus) before receiving a digital immunity passport. Therefore, CCI project is an ambitious health prospect among technology experts. However, among religiously inclined people globally, it is a prelude to the prophesied Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-18, 14:9-11) which is an actual Mark implanted inside the body.

The New World Order (NWO) global decision makers will try to convince people globally that CCI project is for the health benefit of humanity. However, due to the negative motive as shown in the Bible’s clear warning (Revelation 13:16-18, 14:9-11), the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is to be absolutely avoided before or after the prophetic glorious Rapture.

According to Biblical prophecy, the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be a New World Order (NWO) global financial identification system that the prophesied Antichrist and the False Prophet will establish during the prophetic Great Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 13:16-18).

If you don’t understand spiritually what is going on presently globally, then you need to wake up from spiritual slumber and become spiritually discerning. Prophetically, the glorious Rapture must take place before Antichrist and the New World Order (NWO) global decision makers can be in full charge of the world.

The micro-chip implant in the body is what the Holy Bible describes as the “Mark of the Beast” (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) in the Book of Revelation chapter 13:16-18 and once you take it you are doomed forever (Revelation 14:9-11).

According to Biblical prophecy, the global enforcement of “Mark of the Beast” (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is meant to happen after the taken away of the true born again Christians from Earth to Heaven (glorious Rapture) by Lord Jesus Christ.

However, Satan and the satanic New World Order (NWO) global decision makers are running faster diabolically by trying to make sure that some gullible Christians worldwide accept this “Mark of the Beast” (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) even before the prophetic glorious Rapture takes place. The subtle excuse they are planning to use for global enforcement is the curtailment of the rampaging COVID-19 (Corona virus) global pandemic.

The New World Order (NWO) global decision makers desperately want to achieve the following objectives:

  1. One World Economy
  2. One World Government
  3. One World Religion

Their diabolical target is to cage humanity and take over power to be controlled by few powerful individuals and big corporations through Artificial Intelligence (AI). The aim of that satanic manipulation is to turn human beings into machines by artificially controlling their brains to perform intelligent tasks as obtained in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

To achieve their nefarious aim, they will compel everyone globally to take a micro-chip in form of COVID-19 vaccines in their bodies which will permit them to transact businesses and perform all life’s essentials, without which none of these things can be done.

Are you still doubting or procrastinating your salvation? Take a vital decision now! If you are yet to receive Lord Jesus Christ as your only Lord and personal Savior, do it now! Time is running out on the grace period! Prophetic glorious Rapture will happen at an unexpected day and hour whether you believe it or not. Don’t be left behind! No more excuse for you. You have been warned!

Do you realize that the horrible agonies of the worldwide Great Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-16) under the “One World Government” of Antichrist will be terrible for people left behind on prophetic glorious Rapture day? The satanic “One World Government” described in Revelation 13:1-18 will be under the total control of Antichrist and his New World Order (NWO) evil forces. Antichrist will be fully supported by the prophesied satanic False Prophet.

During the Great Tribulation period, left behind cold/lukewarm Christians and converted unbelievers who are now very zealous for Lord Jesus Christ will be persecuted and martyred horribly. Millions of them will be tortured and beheaded due to their refusal to worship Antichrist as “God” and also accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) either in their right hands or foreheads (Revelation 13:14-18).

The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be enforced worldwide after the prophetic glorious Rapture and left behind people who become micro-chipped during the Great Tribulation period will be damned for eternity in the Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 14:9-11, 21:8). We must never give up our glorious Rapture blessed hope. We will become raptured on prophetic glorious Rapture day by God’s grace.

Prophetic glorious Rapture will occur suddenly and unexpectedly (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). We can never know the day and hour but be ready always! It is true that prophetic glorious Rapture is overdue but we must never give up. Lord Jesus Christ is always warning us regularly through numerous prophetic messages and warning signs to be ready always.

Glorious Rapture is the long anticipated prophetic event in God’s divine timeline. Many prophetic events in the Holy Bible became fulfilled at the appointed time. Therefore, prophetic glorious Rapture will also become fulfilled eventually whether people believe it or not.

Don’t allow Satan and his wicked demons to discourage you or deceive you into given up your glorious Rapture blessed hope. Sadly, some lukewarm Pastors and lukewarm Christians have given up their glorious Rapture blessed hope due to satanic deception and discouragement.

Some religious people assumed ignorantly that they will definitely go through the Great Tribulation period as martyrs without any hope of being raptured, therefore, they are not keen again about the prophetic glorious Rapture. They have succeeded in convincing many people online and offline to give up on the blessed hope of prophetic glorious Rapture.

As a true believer-in-Christ, don’t be deceived through deceptive doctrine or teachings. Remain ready always for prophetic glorious Rapture till the end. Never give up!

Glorious Rapture is a suspense filled prophetic event (1 Corinthians 15: 51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17). However, we must not worry or be too anxious. We must not be afraid of prophetic glorious Rapture or become Rapture-phobic.

Our Lord Jesus Christ will not inform us whether we will be among the raptured Saints or not. He expects us to be perpetually prepared and ready for prophetic glorious Rapture. He will reward us with the crown of righteousness if we remain as dedicated Rapture watchers till He appears in the sky suddenly on prophetic glorious Rapture day (2 Timothy 4:7-8).

Therefore, we should have strong faith in Lord Jesus Christ and trust Him to pilot us safely to heavenly New Jerusalem on prophetic glorious Rapture day. The great mercy of Lord Jesus Christ will usher us into heavenly New Jerusalem on prophetic glorious Rapture day by His grace.

The vital lesson of the parable in Matthew 25:1-13 is that constant watchfulness and perpetual anticipation are highly essential in order to partake in the long awaited prophetic glorious Rapture. Therefore, spiritual slumber and spiritual lukewarmness must be avoided in order not to be left behind on the prophetic glorious Rapture day.

Are you totally discouraged or no more keen about the prophetic glorious Rapture? Remain always keen and perpetually ready. Never give up your glorious Rapture blessed hope like the five foolish virgins in Matthew 25:1-13. Don’t be left behind due to spiritual lukewarmness.

It is true that prophetic glorious Rapture is overdue but we must never give up! Lord Jesus Christ has delayed prophetic glorious Rapture for over 2,000 years due to His great mercy to save numerous souls worldwide.

We must never give up our glorious Rapture blessed hope because it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly whether Rapture scoffers, lukewarm believers and unbelievers believe it or not. The best option is to be ready always for prophetic glorious Rapture.

Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 3:3-16; 14:6). Biblical prophecy about prophetic glorious Rapture and end time events will become fulfilled whether unbelievers or scoffers believe or not. No more argument henceforth. You have been warned!

Deliverance of “the bride of Christ” from the world’s greatest period of wrath (worldwide Great Tribulation period) is a gift of Lord Jesus Christ for His devoted Rapture ready born again Christians. Lord Jesus Christ loves us because He is our long awaited “Groom.” Therefore, it is like the perfect “Groom” (Lord Jesus Christ) to manifest His love by rapturing His devoted “bride” (Rapture ready born-again Christians) before the period of wrath just because He loves her (Revelation 3:10).

The prevalent COVID-19 (Corona Virus) global pandemic, intense worldwide distress, social unrest, economic challenges or recession, calamities, natural disasters, scary/odd News, rebellious militancy and violent Islamic terrorism (ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda, etc.) being experienced in some countries worldwide are spiritual “birth pains” prior to our merciful deliverance by Lord Jesus Christ on prophetic glorious Rapture day.

We must not give up our faith in Lord Jesus Christ. The love of Lord Jesus Christ for “the bride of Christ” is sufficient to sustain our “blessed hope” of being raptured on prophetic glorious Rapture day. Glory and honor to Lord Jesus Christ.

Are you still doubting or confused about many unpleasant end time events globally? Are you still doubting that the menacing COVID-19 (Corona Virus) global pandemic is an end time warning sign? It means that there is now an increase in satanic activities worldwide prior to the prophetic glorious Rapture and the prophesied worldwide rule of the satanic Antichrist (Revelation 13:1-18).

Do you realize that the continuous intense distress worldwide is a spiritual wakeup call for you to be preparing always for the ultimate spiritual flight (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) to Heaven on prophetic glorious Rapture day?

Do you remember that 10 plagues occurred in Egypt during the time of Biblical Pharaoh and Moses before the ultimate exodus of Israelites from Egypt? It is only the precious blood of Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 12:11) that can protect us completely from any deadly end time plague just as it happened to the Israelites in Egypt during the era of Moses and King Pharaoh of Egypt (Exodus 11-12).

It is very apparent that this present world is experiencing many end time events or spiritual birth pains prior to the merciful deliverance of the bride of Christ (Rapture-ready born again Christians) by Lord Jesus Christ in the long anticipated prophetic glorious Rapture. You can never know the day and hour but it will happen eventually suddenly in an unknown moment whether you believe it or not.

Apart from observing the specified medical precautions to guard against COVID-19 (Corona Virus) global pandemic, we must plead always the precious blood of Lord Jesus Christ over ourselves, family members and relatives. We must repent from known or hidden sins, always heavenly minded, remain dedicated to Lord Jesus Christ and pray always for divine mercy.

We must remain always covered with the precious blood of Lord Jesus Christ for total divine protection. We must not be afraid or become fearful. We must trust totally the saving grace of Lord Jesus Christ and no harm will befall us in Jesus name. Amen. As an unbeliever or unrepentant sinner who have not accepted the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ, what will you do after the prophetic glorious Rapture when many divine plagues (Revelation 6-16) begins to happen worldwide during the prophetic Great Tribulation period?

What will you do when the heavenly Rapture trumpet sounds eventually and Lord Jesus Christ has come and gone to Heaven with His own blood washed rapture ready born again Christians? Be ready always in order not to be left behind on prophetic glorious Rapture day. Accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late!

If wicked satanic activities are rapidly increasing presently worldwide, do you realize that the situation will become very horrible during the prophetic Great Tribulation period (Revelation 13:1-18) when Satan will be ruling the entire world through the prophesied Antichrist and False Prophet?

As an unrepentant unbeliever, Rapture scoffer, Atheist, Agnostic, Satanist or Occultist, you have been scoffing the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ for years and mocking dedicated Rapture watchers but your mockery will turn into bitter regret eventually if you don’t repent from your sins and accept the eternal salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Procrastination is dangerous! Lord Jesus Christ will judge you on Great White Throne Judgment day (John 5:22-29; Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8).

Though you may be thinking you are still young and still have many years ahead of you but death can come suddenly at an unexpected time. After physical death on Earth comes judgment of God (Hebrews 9:27). Avoid eternal burning Hell fire and horrible Lake of fire after Great White Throne Judgment day (Mark 8:36, 9:43-48; Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Heaven is your best choice for eternity (Luke 16:19-31; Revelation 21-22).

Are you still a spiritually lukewarm Christian? Don’t become a cast away Laodicean lukewarm believer (Revelation 3:14-19). Are you still ashamed of the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ? Don’t be ashamed of continuous soul winning for Lord Jesus Christ online and offline.

Remain always heavenly minded. Your eternal heavenly rewards and eternal heavenly treasures are awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. Wake up from lukewarm spiritual slumber! Time is running out! Become always spiritually hot for Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 3:7-13). Lord Jesus Christ will spit cold/lukewarm Christians out of His mouth (Revelation 3:14-22). Indeed, cold/lukewarm Christians, Rapture scoffers and unbelievers will be left behind on prophetic glorious Rapture day. Therefore, be hot and zealous for Lord Jesus Christ always.

Wake up from spiritual slumber! “I-don’t-care” attitude must stop now! Apathy for active soul winning and contempt for dedicated soul winners must stop now! Attachment to mundane, worldly things must stop now! Don’t love the world too much like unbelievers. Always be heavenly minded.

Live every day from now as if it may be your last day on Earth. Have daily Rapture expectation. This will enable you to be perpetually ready for prophetic glorious Rapture and the Millennial kingdom period. You can’t know prophetic Rapture day and hour but be ready always. It is not a fantasy. It is a prophetic reality and it will happen when you are not expecting it. Suddenly and unexpectedly!

Scoffing about prophetic glorious Rapture or mocking dedicated Rapture watchers is not a good attitude. Stop your scoffing now! Whether you believe it or not, glorious Rapture is a prophetic reality! Be ready always!

The divine warning signs of prophetic glorious Rapture are now occurring regularly worldwide. You are aware of these regular warning signs of prophetic glorious Rapture in the sky and in every part of the Earth. You will be deceiving yourself by maintaining nonchalant attitude. We can’t bury our heads in the sand like an Ostrich, pretending as if nothing is happening worldwide.

It is Rapture scoffers, cold/lukewarm believers as well as unbelievers who are always opposing dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners. It is because they are so much in love with the world. Be perpetually ready for prophetic glorious Rapture and the Millennial kingdom reign of King Jesus Christ. Glorious Rapture is a true blessed hope of dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners worldwide.

As a true believer-in-Christ, you should be motivated to go out and do all it takes for the Gospel to spread around the world and prevail in the hearts of people. Don’t be ashamed of the true Gospel of Christ. Intercede for the spread of the Gospel in the Earth (2 Corinthians 5:19). Be concerned about the Gospel and let your motivation for the Gospel comes from your genuine love for others and your understanding that it is God’s only saving power (Romans 1:16).

You should realize that your primary work on Earth is to fulfil the Great Commission of Lord Jesus Christ to all true believers-in-Christ in Matthew 28:19-20. Nothing in the world should matter more to you than this noble endeavor. You may be busy with your daily profession, however, it is necessary to find time to also reach out to lost souls around you or online.

In the grace period, ensure that you utilize all available opportunities to win souls for Lord Jesus Christ. You will not regret it when you get to Heaven. Your eternal rewards and eternal treasures are awaiting you in Heaven by God’s grace. If you miss Heaven, definitely, you can’t miss Hell and the penalty is eternal suffering. Therefore, avoid Hell and try to prevent many lost souls from perishing in eternal burning Hell fire. Heaven is the best choice for everybody by God’s grace.




Vital Facts You Don’t Know about Mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666)!

Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation and mentioned the mark of the Beast/number “666.” Revelation 13:16-18: “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a MARK on their right hand, or on their foreheads, And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the MARK or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

In this digital era, technology is advancing all the time. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic data capture technology that uses tiny tracking chips affixed to products. These tiny chips can be used to track items at a distance.

Many of the world’s largest manufacturing companies would like to replace the barcode (666) on their manufactured products with these “spy chips,” meaning that virtually every item on the planet Earth and the people wearing and carrying those items could be remotely tracked.

Positive ID, formerly known as VeriChip, is the technology company that initially created the implantable RFID chip for human use. Many other technology companies globally have also created human implantable chips in variety of forms to make them acceptable to technology-inclined people. Therefore, they will use any and every excuse to sell their human implantable chips to people globally.

The usual justification for micro-chipping is chipping kids to prevent kidnappings, chipping the elderly to guard against Alzheimer, chipping diabetics, chipping people with allergies, chipping people to prevent medical mistakes and the list goes on and on. It all sounds good, it all sounds so right – using advanced technology to better our lives. But it is not good, and it is not right spiritually.

Whether you believe it or not, RFID chip is the Mark of the Beast as prophesied in the Holy Bible (Revelation 13:16-18). Therefore, you are highly advised against having yourself or anyone you know and loved micro-chipped before and after prophetic glorious Rapture. Never become micro-chipped! Resist it, reject it and fight it with your dying breath.

The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is real! It is ready globally! The satanic New World Order (NWO) global elites are eager to implement mandatory global micro-chipping before and after the prophetic glorious Rapture. No more excuse for you. Now you know the satanic agenda of the New World Order (NWO) global elites. You have been warned!

Some religious sects and religious teachers will delude their gullible members to become micro-chipped because they have been brain-washed for years that RFID chip is not the prophetic “mark of the Beast.” Also, they are determined to go through the Great Tribulation period due to their religious indoctrination. If you are left behind on prophetic glorious Rapture day, should you get chipped during the Great Tribulation period? All depends on whose side you are on. God’s Side, or Satan’s. If you truly want to end up in Heaven, don’t become micro-chipped!

This satanic “mark of the Beast” (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is what the Antichrist will use during the Great Tribulation period. When fully activated, it will be the Devil’s mark, take it at your own eternal peril! Avoid religious ignorance. Don’t gamble with your eternal destination. Heaven is your best choice. Avoid eternal damnation in burning Hell fire due to false religious teaching. No more excuse for you. You have been warned!

RFID chip: High-tech National Identity Card Device. The end times Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. Whether people believe it or not, the implantable RFID chip is the mark of the Beast. The Bible says that the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be implanted either in the forehead or the back of the right hand.

The RFID chip (high-tech device) is powered externally as needed. Inside the RFID chip is a coil and a capacitor. The size of the RFID chip is 2 millimeters long and about 1 mm in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. The RFID chip is made up of the Tissue Bonding Cap, an Antenna and the ID chip. During the prophetic One World Government of the Antichrist (Revelation 13:1-18), RFID chip will have its ultimate power and satanic significance.

When the RFID chip is exposed to an electromagnetic field, the same frequency as the coil is tuned to, then the coil takes some of the energy from this field and charges the capacitor which then powers the chip long enough to transmit, using frequency variations on the same coil that it used to get the power, to transmit a code. Your personal ID number.

The RFID chip is a super sophisticated multi layered micro-processor, which is both a transmitter and a transponder. It can transmit to satellite continuously through short bursts of ultra-high frequency.

Organizers and technology planners of RFID chip analyzed the two best parts of the body in which to implant this RFID device in order to take advantage of maximum degrees of temperature variation. After months of expensive medical research, they determined the two best places to implant it would be first, the right hand, and if you were missing your right hand, your forehead. It will be injected (like a shot) underneath the skin of the right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16-18).

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand (RFID chip insertion) or on their foreheads. And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” (Revelation 13:16-18).

In Biblical numerology, “777” is God and “6” is man, so “666” is man trying to be god. One way man tries to be “god” is to control everything through our own man-made technology.

This transponder technology (RFID chip) will enable the closed surveillance of every man, woman and child in the world during the prophetic Great Tribulation period. RFID device puts out a digital created signal at specific intervals. This particular interval is a locator signal. It gives vital information on the individual as well as a locator marker signal. It has a release pattern, separate receiving antenna and separate broadcasting antenna.

RFID device has a micro-chip that stores nine items: name and digital picture, digitized fingerprints data, physical description, your address and previous addresses, family history, present occupation and income, bank/tax information and any money owed, your criminal record if any and your new social security number. Your new number will be 18 digits. The first five of your zip code, with the additional four after the hyphen and your social security number. These 18 digits will be grouped into three sections (666).

According to technology experts globally, presently, the RFID chip is ready, the needle to inject the RFID chip is ready, the patent is ready, the controlled mass media (TV, Newspapers, Radio) is ready and the general public has been well prepared for many years through subliminal manipulations with the help of TV, Radio and other mind control tools.

Before and after the prophetic glorious Rapture, you are now being seriously warned not to let anyone, for any reason, inject any RFID chip or implants in any form in your right hand or forehead.

The mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be a financial identification system (Revelation 13:16-18) that the Antichrist in partnership with the False Prophet and satanic New World Order (NWO) global elites will establish during the prophetic Great Tribulation period.

Antichrist will use the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) as a tool for controlling all aspects of society. The Antichrist will make it compulsory for everyone to have a tiny micro-chip (RFID) implanted under the skin of the right hand or on the forehead.

The micro-chip (RFID) will hold various amounts of data pertaining to each person who receives the implant. According to technology experts, advanced technology exists to fully implement this New World Order (NWO) financial identification system globally before and after the prophetic glorious Rapture.

During the prophetic Great Tribulation period, everyone who receives the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will have to swear allegiance to the Antichrist and acknowledge him as the supreme authority (God). This is why all left behind people who take the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be condemned by Lord Jesus Christ to eternal burning Hell fire (Revelation 14:9-11).

All left behind people who choose not to receive the mark or number of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666)  will be unable to buy anything because cash, checks, credit cards and debit cards will all be replaced by the Beast system’s instant funds.

The New World Order (NWO) global decision makers are gradually manipulating us to embrace a world system that will monitor and track our every move as well as record every purchase. Therefore, when this financial identification system that the Bible calls the “mark of the Beast” (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is totally enforced after the prophetic glorious rapture, you will not be able to buy anything or sell anything without the permission of the New World Order (NWO) Government being ruled by Antichrist. You will be completely and totally controlled.

The New World Order (NWO) Government being ruled by Antichrist will apply this RFID technology to everything. Through this high-tech financial identification system, they will link together your thumb prints (right and left thumbs), finger prints (4 right fingers and 4 left fingers), your eye scan, your financial/tax information, your bank cards, your automatic deposit paycheck, the computer sensors inside your car, your smart phones, your home computer, your medical records, and even brain waves into one, complete system that the New World Order (NWO) Government will control. Without their permission, you will buy nothing, sell nothing, and go nowhere untracked.

If you have noticed the current trend worldwide, the New World Order (NWO) global decision makers are gradually getting the global society used to the idea of a cashless financial system, first checks, then credit/debit cards, then smart cards. Finally, they will go public with the “implantable transponder(RFID chip) or human barcode tattoos.

The deceptive justification will be that with “implantable transponder(RFID chip) or human barcode tattoos, you will no longer have to worry about your Bank cards (Credit/Debit card) or National Identity card being lost, stolen or forgotten and that without any cash to be robbed of, you will be a much less desirable target of crime, and since all financial transactions will have a computer record, all other types of crime will be more difficult.

However, because of the evil behind the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) as shown in the Bible’s clear warning (Revelation 13:16-18; 14:9-11), it is to be absolutely avoided before and after prophetic glorious Rapture if you truly value your eternal soul.

Apart from the rampaging COVID-19 (Corona Virus) global pandemic, another deceptive justification for global implementation of RFID chip is the excuse of a (planned)world financial crisis” implying that in order to save the world economy, we have to go to a cashless financial system worldwide. New World Order (NWO) global decision makers will try to convince people globally that it is for the benefit of humanity.

Micro-chip implantation is currently introduced in some countries as a voluntary procedure. A mandatory national identification system via micro-chip implants could be achieved in two stages: Upon introduction as a voluntary system, the micro-chip implantation will appear to be palatable.

After there is a familiarity with the procedure and knowledge of its benefits, micro-chip implantation will become mandatory globally. If any national government can force you to surrender your fingerprints to get an International Passport, National Identity Card, Bank Verification Number (BVN), SIM Card verification, National Voter’s Card or Driver’s License, why can’t New World Order (NWO) Government being ruled by Antichrist during the prophetic Great Tribulation period force you to get a digital micro-chip implant?

As Social Security numbers were first voluntary, then mandatory, biometric chip implants (RFID chip) are universally inevitable after the prophetic glorious Rapture. What is the best option? In case a person is left behind on prophetic glorious Rapture day, that person must not accept the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666). Before prophetic glorious Rapture, you must also resist any New World Order (NWO) manipulation to compel you to become micro-chipped. Never compromise!

The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is fulfillment of Bible prophecy and cannot be stopped. But there is one thing you can do…Don’t take it! If you are not raptured, you must be ready to die as a martyr (Revelation 13:13-18) during the prophetic Great Tribulation period if you want to come to Heaven as a Great Tribulation period Saint (Revelation 6:9-11, 7:9-17). Remember this always.

If you are left behind on prophetic glorious Rapture day, do not accept the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666). You must fully obey the divine warning in Revelation 14:9-11: “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation.

He shall be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.” (Revelation 14:9-11).

If you get chipped during the Great Tribulation period, you will suffer terrible agony in eternal Lake of Fire burning with sulfur. Before that, you will also experience divine punishment on Earth: “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth. Terrible and painful sores appeared on those who had the mark of the beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) and on those who had worshiped his image.” (Revelation 16:2).

This is what God says will happen eventually to Antichrist and his satanic False prophet: “Then the beast (Antichrist) was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked miracles in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with sulfur.” (Revelation 19:20).

If you are left behind on prophetic glorious Rapture day, during the Great Tribulation period, mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be injected in your right hand or forehead if you voluntarily make up your mind to accept it. However, if you decided to accept the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) during the Great Tribulation period due to fear of martyrdom, you will be eternally doomed in eternal burning Hell fire (Revelation 14: 9-10). On the Great White Throne Judgment day, you will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20: 11-15). You have been warned!

Don’t accept the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) in your right hand or forehead during the Great Tribulation period! Be ready to die as a martyr! You will come to Heaven as a Great Tribulation Saint (Revelation 6: 9-11; 7: 9-17). Presently, it is better for you to be ready always for the prophetic glorious Rapture than to come to Heaven as a Great Tribulation Saint. Glorified Raptured Saint or Great Tribulation Saint? Decide wisely! Your decision is very vital!

The Bible is quite clear that receiving the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) during the worldwide prophetic Great Tribulation period, is completely and obviously tied to the worship of the Antichrist. No one will take the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) by accident. You will be asked to swear allegiance to the Antichrist as an act of worship.

Left behind people receiving the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) during the time of the Great Tribulation period will know exactly why they are getting it. It will be because they will be acknowledging, falsely, the Antichrist as “God. The coming One World Government and the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will control the lives of every man, woman and child on the face of the Earth during the prophetic Great Tribulation period.

Now, you know what the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is. No more excuse or argument. If you are left behind on prophetic glorious Rapture day and the day comes when you are asked to choose whether or not you will be implanted with the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666), you know what your answer should be. CAPITAL NO!!!

This is not a game and it is not a science-fiction story. The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is real! The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is happening! The mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) is fulfillment of Bible prophecy and cannot be stopped! Bible prophecy will become fulfilled whether you believe it or not! However, there is one thing you can do. Don’t accept mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) before or after prophetic glorious Rapture! You have been warned!

Presently, you may be a cold or lukewarm Christian, Rapture scoffer or an unbeliever. However, on prophetic glorious Rapture day, if you are not raptured, you must be ready to die as a martyr during the Great Tribulation period if you want to come to Heaven as a Great Tribulation period Saint (Revelation 6: 9-11; 7: 9-17). Remember always! Don’t forget this vital admonition. Your eternal destination is at stake! You have been warned!

The “bride of Christ” (Rapture ready born Christians) should not be expecting the worldwide prophetic Great Tribulation period, although the Jewish people should. They have seven prophetic years (Daniel 9:27) still unfulfilled and these years will be fulfilled during that time of wrath called “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:3-11; Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 6-16).

The unsaved Gentiles (unbelievers) should also expect the worldwide prophetic Great Tribulation period when the “New World Order” (NWO) for a “One-World Government” will come on the scene saying, “Let us give world peace a chance.” All it would take is for a charismatic-type world figure (Antichrist) who has no place for God or His moral values to pull it all together through the United Nations Organization (UNO) and European Union (EU).

Indeed, time is running out. Lord Jesus Christ is alive in Heaven and He is coming back on prophetic glorious Rapture day. We must be ready always for the prophetic glorious Rapture because it is a Biblical and prophetic event (1 Corinthians 15: 51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17).

Truly, no one can know the day or hour of prophetic glorious Rapture (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13: 32-33; Luke 21:34-35). Glorious Rapture will occur suddenly and unexpectedly. It is true that glorious Rapture is overdue but we must never give up. Lord Jesus Christ is always warning us regularly through numerous prophetic messages to be ready always.

We must always be Christ-focused, Heavenly minded, committed to active soul winning, avoid eternal burning Hell fire, avoid lukewarm spiritual condition, be hot always spiritually and ready always for the prophetic glorious Rapture.

We can’t know the day or hour of prophetic glorious Rapture but we must be ready perpetually. Warning signs are occurring regularly worldwide. We must never give up. We must always resist the satanic temptation to backslide from the narrow way to Heaven before death or the prophetic glorious Rapture day. The way to Heaven is narrow but we will enter Heaven by the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.




Apocalypse: Who Are The Prophesied Antichrist And False Prophet?

The Bible prophesied the end time activities of two prominent men (Antichrist and False Prophet) after the prophetic glorious Rapture. Read Revelation 13:1-18 to know their end time assignments during the prophetic Great Tribulation period.

Is the Antichrist and False Prophet already active? Yes! According to many true divine revelations from Lord Jesus Christ, the prophesied Antichrist and False Prophet are already presently active on the global scene. They are presently still pretending as “virtuous men of global peace” and greatly admired by their numerous followers globally. Also, they are among the powerful New World Order (NWO) global decision makers. They are popular global celebrities.

The prophesied Antichrist and False Prophet are presently working together with the global decision makers to establish the satanic New World Order (NWO) through deceptive manipulations. However, they will manifest fully in their true satanic identity after the prophetic glorious Rapture and commence their wicked satanic agenda for left behind lukewarm Christians and unraptured unbelievers worldwide (Revelation 13:1-18).

Who is the Divine Restrainer in the Bible? The “Restrainer” that Apostle Paul mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-10 is the Divine Holy Spirit who is still presently restraining the full manifestation of the prophesied Antichrist and False Prophet as well as their planned end time evil schemes in conjunction with Satan. The evil trinity– Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet are the major backbone of the deceptive global decision makers in the satanic New World Order (NWO).

The Holy Spirit as the Divine Comforter (John 14:15-17) is in-dwelling in all true born again Christians worldwide. Therefore, when all Holy Spirit filled and rapture ready born again Christians globally are raptured by Lord Jesus Christ on prophetic glorious Rapture day, the restraining intervention of the Holy Spirit will cease on Earth.

The departure of the Holy Spirit from Earth will enable the prophesied Antichrist and False Prophet to commence their evil satanic assignment during the prophetic Great Tribulation period (Revelation 13:1-18). They are desperate presently but they can’t unleash their reign of terror globally due to the restraining power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

Antichrist and False Prophet are referred to as “Beasts” due to their wicked and satanic dispositions. They will be supernaturally empowered by Satan who will endow them with supernatural powers and vast authority to dominate the whole world during the Great Tribulation period after prophetic glorious Rapture. Due to this satanic empowerment, left behind unbelievers worldwide will follow and worship Antichrist as “God” (Revelation 13:1-4). Antichrist will proclaim himself as “God” and “Savior” of mankind (Revelation 13:5-6). He will be very blasphemous and supported actively by his evil partner known as False Prophet.

The first “Beast” (Antichrist) pictured in Revelation 13:1-10 will be the head of the coming “One World Government” because he so definitely takes on the functions of a powerful and highly influential person. He will be joined by the second “Beast” (False Prophet) who is also a powerful and highly influential religious person (Revelation 13:11-15). The two of them will operate during the worldwide prophetic Great Tribulation period. During this satanic era in world history, Antichrist will have total control of the left behind people living on the Earth at that time through satanic empowerment.

“The dragon (Satan) gave the beast (Antichrist) his own power, his throne and his vast authority… The whole earth was amazed and followed the beast (Antichrist). Everyone worshiped the dragon (Satan) because he had given his authority to the beast (Antichrist). They worshiped the beast (Antichrist) also, saying: Who is like the beast (Antichrist)? Who can fight against it (Antichrist)? (Revelation 13:2-4).

Whenever the Bible uses a “Beast” symbolically, it always means Government. An example is found in the prophecy of Daniel chapters 7 and 8. Many evil governments are repressive and persecute the common people. These wicked governments usually hate God (anti-Christ) and try to keep the people from worshipping God. The old Roman “Caesars” and the past Communist dictators are obvious examples of this.

The blasphemous “Beast” (Antichrist) in Revelation 13:1-10 will be the “Ruler” of the coming New World Order “One World Government” after the prophetic glorious Rapture.

“Then I saw a beast (Antichrist) coming up out of the sea. It (Antichrist) had ten horns and seven heads; on each of its horns there was a crown and on each of its heads there was a name that was insulting to God. The beast looked like a leopard with feet like a bear’s feet and a mouth like a lion’s mouth…

The beast (Antichrist) was allowed to make proud claims (“I am God”) which were insulting (blasphemous) to God and it was permitted to have authority for forty-two months (3 and half years). It (Antichrist) began to curse God, His name, the place where He lives (Heavenly New Jerusalem) and all those who live in heaven (Heavenly New Jerusalem).

It (Antichrist) was allowed to fight against God’s people (left behind lukewarm believers) and to defeat them and it (Antichrist) was given authority over every tribe, nation, language and race. All people (left behind) living on earth will worship it (Antichrist), except those whose names were written before the creation of the world in the book of life which belongs to the Lamb (Lord Jesus Christ) that was killed.” (Revelation 13:1-8).

Whenever a wicked political leader tries to exterminate true religion or true worship of God, he must use the services of a false religious leader. The Antichrist will not be different. His false religious leader (False Prophet) will look “like a lamb” and speak “like a dragon.” The Antichrist will rule the world during the prophetic Great Tribulation period with the “False Prophet” as his satanic religious leader.

“Then I saw another beast (False Prophet), which came up out of the earth. It (False Prophet) had two horns like a lamb’s horns and it (False Prophet) spoke like a dragon. It (False Prophet) used the vast authority of the first beast (Antichrist) in its presence. It (False Prophet) forced the earth and all (left behind) who live on it to worship the first beast (Antichrist)

This second beast (False Prophet) performed great miracles (deceptive magic); it (False Prophet) made fire come down out of heaven to earth in the sight of everyone. And it (False Prophet) deceived all the people (left behind) living on earth by means of the miracles (deceptive magic) which it (False Prophet) was allowed to perform in the presence of the first beast (Antichrist).

The beast (False Prophet) told them to build an image (Idol or holographic image) in honor of the beast (Antichrist)…The second beast (False Prophet) was allowed to breathe life (supernatural animation) into the image (Idol or holographic image) of the first beast (Antichrist), so that the image (Idol or holographic image) could talk and put to death all those who would not worship it.” (Revelation 13:11-15).

It is Satan known as the “Dragon” who will empower “Antichrist” and “False Prophet” to deceive left behind people (unbelievers) of Earth and mobilize them to rebel against Almighty God (Jehovah) and true Savior of mankind (Lord Jesus Christ). During the Great Tribulation period, Antichrist will hate left behind lukewarm believers who are now zealous for Lord Jesus Christ. Antichrist will seek to destroy them completely (Revelation 13:7-8).

Antichrist will be a great Politician (Global Political Leader), the smartest, most charismatic man the world has ever known. Initially, he will pretend as “Man of global peace.” Satan will deceptively convince left behind unbelievers worldwide that Antichrist is the “Messiah” (Savior).

Deluded left behind people (unbelievers) on Earth will devotedly worship Satan and his false “Messiah” (Antichrist). As the “man of sin” (2 Thessalonians 2:3), Antichrist will encourage left behind people to be very rebellious against Almighty God and Lord Jesus Christ.

Antichrist will openly encourage sexual immorality among rebellious left behind people globally and also openly support depraved left behind people like Homosexuals, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Pedophiles, etc. Incest and bestiality will also be encouraged openly.

Antichrist will always be daring Almighty God and Lord Jesus Christ through his devilish support for all forms of sinful attitudes. Through demonic possession, deluded left behind people globally will remain rebellious and unrepentant throughout the worldwide prophetic Great Tribulation period.

After the prophetic glorious Rapture (disappearance of true believers from the Earth), God’s Word (Holy Bible) will be very scarce on Earth because it will be forbidden by Antichrist. Therefore, left behind unbelievers will be easily tricked by Antichrist and False Prophet. Satan will harden the hearts of left behind unbelievers against the truth, thus deluding them into believing satanic lies. They will be easily fooled by the satanic deception of the satanic trinity: Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet.

The satanic False Prophet will be a very prominent religious leader widely loved and admired worldwide due to his religious charisma and deceptive manipulations of gullible followers globally.

The major job of the False Prophet will be to lead the world’s new false religion after the prophetic glorious Rapture. The New World Order false One World Religion will be an anti-Christ religion that will not recognize Lord Jesus Christ as the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven (John 14:6) because it will falsely proclaim that there are many “WAYS” to Heaven, Hell fire is not an eternal burning place, lake of fire does not exist, Holy Bible is not the Word of God and Lord Jesus Christ is not the Savior (Messiah) of the world.

New World Order false One World Religion will promote the false teachings of purgatory and reincarnation and the satanic False Prophet will deceive his deluded left behind followers worldwide that Antichrist is the new “Messiah(Savior) of the world (Revelation 13:11-12).

Satanic One World Religion will unite all false religions worldwide and also actively encourage Devil worship (Satanism). This will encourage left behind people to remain very rebellious against Almighty God and Lord Jesus Christ.

Through the satanic One World Religion, any rebellious left behind person can remain as a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc.

False Prophet will make sure that everyone (deluded left behind people) worship Satan and his false “Messiah” (Antichrist). By using the supernatural powers Satan had given him, False Prophet will perform all sorts of deceptive miraculous signs (magical performance) to delude his gullible followers worldwide (Revelation13:13-14).

In order to enforce the satanic worship of Antichrist, False Prophet will construct a giant image (Idol or holographic image) of the false “Messiah” (Antichrist) that could actually speak (Revelation 13:14-15). His deluded left behind followers worldwide will be forced to worship this animated image of the Antichrist and those who refused to worship this satanic image will be killed horribly.

To ensure their strict devotion to Antichrist as well as loyalty to his false One World Religion, and compliance with its satanic rituals, False Prophet will fix it so that deluded left behind people could not earn money or buy the things they need unless they take a mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) signifying their belief in the false “Messiah” (Antichrist).

Refusing to receive the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) will be punishable by horrible torture and death by beheading or other horrible means (Revelation 13:16-18). From that period, following Lord Jesus Christ by left behind lukewarm believers will require great faith that will lead to martyrdom. Reign of terror (Hell on Earth) will be unleashed during this Great Tribulation period.

“The beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) placed on their right hands or their foreheads. No one could buy or sell without having this mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666), that is the Beast’s (Antichrist) name or the number that stands for the name. This calls for wisdom. Whoever is intelligent can work out the meaning of the number of the beast (Antichrist), because the number stands for a human name. Its (Antichrist) number is 666.” (Revelation 13:16-18).

Wicked demons from the satanic kingdom will invade the Earth massively after the prophetic glorious Rapture. During the Great Tribulation period, these wicked demons will try to enforce on left behind people their own version of the mark of the Beast (666).

Even if you try to evade the compulsory “666” micro-chipping (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) mandated by Antichrist and False Prophet, the wicked demons will attempt to brand your forehead or right hand with the satanic “666” mark of the Beast. Once you are branded by the wicked demons with the satanic “666” mark of the Beast, you are doomed forever! That means you belong to Satan, forever separated from God.

If you are not raptured, you must be ready to die as a martyr during the Great Tribulation period if you want to come to Heaven (Revelation 6:9-11). Indeed, you must be ready to die as a martyr rather than accepting the mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) or the satanic “666” branding on your forehead or right hand.

You will make Heaven as a Great Tribulation Saint if you prefer to be martyred. If you are micro-chipped (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) or branded with the satanic “666” mark of the Beast, you are Hell-bound for eternity (Revelation 14:9-11). On the Great White Throne Judgment day, you will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15). No more excuse for you. You have been warned!

Can you hide in the Amazon jungle or any remote forest during the Great Tribulation period? Can you feed for many years like an Herbivorous animal on raw vegetables, fruits and river or stream water? Can you survive in a remote dark cave without food and water for many years? Can you cope with mosquito bites, scorpion attacks, snake bites and attacks from wild animals while hiding in remote forest or caves during the Great Tribulation period?

It is better for you to be perpetually ready for the prophetic glorious Rapture. Wake up from your spiritual slumber! Stop your Rapture scoffing! Stop mocking dedicated Rapture watchers and active soul winners. Repent from your cold or lukewarm attitude now! Don’t be left behind on prophetic glorious Rapture day.

According to Biblical prophecies, Antichrist will become very powerful globally after prophetic glorious Rapture due to satanic empowerment. Left behind people worldwide will worship Satan through Antichrist because he will be a possessed Satanist (“Beast”).

Antichrist will gather a huge following globally through satanic deception and also cause untold suffering in the world, especially for the unraptured cold or lukewarm Christians. Antichrist will receive his power, throne and authority from Satan (Revelation 13:2). He will be a ruler, conqueror, guilty of terrible blasphemy against God, put himself above everything and everyone and also proclaim himself to be “God” (Revelation 6:2, 13:5; Daniel 11:37; 2 Thessalonians 2:4).

Antichrist will attack unraptured cold or lukewarm Christians; kill millions of them for refusing to accept his mark of the Beast (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) and worship his image; have authority over the nations; demand that his image be worshiped by everybody and his number will be “666” (Revelation 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 13:7-18).

If you are not raptured, you may end up receiving Antichrist satanic mark (RFID chip/human barcode: 666) and worship him (Revelation 3:16-18). Accept the great salvation of Lord Jesus Christ today! Procrastination is dangerous. Tomorrow will be too late!

Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Outreach will now share with you many true divine revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ to convince you that indeed, the grace period is running out! Therefore, we must never give up our glorious Rapture blessed hope. Remember, you can never know the day and hour but you must be ready always for the prophetic glorious Rapture. Make a wise decision now. Decide wisely!




Vital Divine Warning Message for Everybody On Earth Received from Our Lord Jesus Christ by Donna McDonald.

Lord Jesus Christ, what do You have to say?

It is I, your God, and I have much to say to you and others, My daughter. For they are My sons and daughters as well as My Father’s. To all of you: Go in peace to love and serve your Lord and Savior Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Lord Jesus Christ) for I have come to the Earth to fulfill my Father’s desire to die for you so that you all, each one of you, can be saved from yourselves and from what is coming.

All Hell will be breaking out on the Earth soon. This is not a lie and it is not a conjecture and it is not a drama. It is the Truth. Only those who are completely submitted to Me will be taken and removed off of the planet safely into the heavenlies for the Great Banquet, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Put down all of the ways of the world. Stop procrastinating and come to Me wholeheartedly now. Do not wait until a disaster comes to your door. Come to Me now. This is the perfect time, do not wait. I came in the form of a human once over 2000 years ago.

I shall come back again soon for the Rapture of the Saints, My one true church. There is not a better time to come to Me than now. I am a Pre-Great Tribulation God. I am not desiring and demanding that My Bride go through the Great Tribulation period and accept the mark of the Beast and be condemned to Hell or be tortured and beheaded.

My Bride (Rapture ready born again Christians) will be safely whisked away for the Great Banquet in Heaven. It is your choice whether you will be left behind for the greatest trauma and turmoil and destruction ever known on the Earth (Great Tribulation period) or you are whisked away to pure and total ecstasy with your God. Which will it be? You decide.

I am capable of taking care of you and your family and your loved ones and your neighbors and all those that you care about. Don’t hesitate again. Come to Me now, I am calling you now. This is your Lord and Savior, Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Lord Jesus Christ). Amen, Shalom, Amen, Shalom.

Note: I understand when Lord Jesus Christ says He is capable of taking care of your family, loved ones, neighbors and those that you care about that it is a direct result of your faithful and wholehearted prayers for them and you wholeheartedly being submitted to God. Lord Jesus Christ takes your prayers and intervenes to the Father on behalf of what you pray for. He wants to answer the prayers of the Saints. The Holy Spirit can draw people to Lord Jesus Christ.

Coordinating Scriptures:

John 15:16- You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.

Matthew 25:1-10- Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps.

Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps.

The foolish said to the prudent, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the prudent answered, ‘No, there will not be enough for us and you too; go instead to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.’ And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut.




Vital Divine Warning Message for Everybody On Earth Received from Our Lord Jesus Christ by Donna McDonald.

Come to Me while the air is cool and calm. Don’t wait but come to Me now. I want you to know that I died for you a horrible death so that you could live with Me for eternity. Come to Me now. Don’t hesitate. My Father wants you to know that He has a book in Heaven with your name on it and everything you have ever said to Me is written in that book. It is bound up and it is private and just between you and I.

If you have not spoken to Me much then the time to start is now for I relish everything that you say to Me. You can pour out your heart and tell Me your deepest darkest sorrows. You can pour out your heart and tell Me how much you love me and want to be with Me. It is all recorded.

What is important is that you pour out your heart to Me and unleash your thoughts and emotions and desires. I want to have a deep relationship with you. A relationship between two people that is deep consists of communication on an intimate level.

I want to be with you for eternity and I want you to get to know Me now. Tell me all of your thoughts and hopes and desires and your deepest secrets and all of your fears and concerns. I want you to pour it all out to Me now and every day. Close personal relationships depend on consistent and open communication. This is what I desire from you and today is the perfect day to start or continue into the next chapters.

Coordinating Scripture:

Psalm 42:7- Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me. (God going deep with us).




Vital Divine Warning Message for Everybody On Earth Received from Our Lord Jesus Christ by Glynda Lomax.

My children, now more than ever, you must be ready to be taken from the Earth at any time! Any hour! I have judgments planned for many nations. I have storms planned that will come with no warning!

I am raising up enemies against the nations that have refused to acknowledge Me, who forbid to proclaim My Holy Name. These will come suddenly! There will be no last moment to repent and many souls will be lost in them!

I have given mankind much time to repent and sin grows…worse and worse! The Earth grows darker by the moment and I must bring an end to the suffering of the innocent! The time is upon you when you will face my judgment! Can you stand before me now and be declared righteous?

Will you gain entrance to my heavenly kingdom when you are judged or will you be found wanting? The time to think of these things is now my children, not later when there is no more time and your opportunities to repent are gone. Consider now what I will see when you stand before me!

Coordinating Scriptures:

Luke 12:19-21- And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.

1 Peter 4:18- And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?




Vital Divine Warning Message for Everybody On Earth Received from Our Lord Jesus Christ by Glynda Lomax.

Everything is about to change. My people are not ready. Still they run to and fro in the Earth, seeking worldly pleasure, attending to worldly matters and ignore Me and My Holy Word except on Sundays. The world is their focus all the other time.

What will you do, My people, when these judgments I have ordained fall and you no longer have churches to sit in or pews to sit upon? Who will you turn to when your investment portfolios crumble and your Banks close and there are no jobs? How will you feed your families when your wallets are empty if you do not know Me? What will you do?

I liken you to the foolish virgins because there is no oil in your lamp and you make no time to buy oil of Me while you still can. Do you think you will be able to buy it later? Nay, the door will be shut and you will be left without. The wedding feast will have begun and you will not be invited.

I will say Depart from Me, for I never knew you because you never made time that I might know you by coming into My Presence. How can someone know you if you are never around them? What will you do then? Can the world save you?

Coordinating Scriptures:

2 Timothy 3:1-8- This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts. Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

Matthew 25:3-13- They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Matthew 7:22-24- Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.

Acts 4:12- Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.




Vital Divine Warning Message for Everybody On Earth Received from Our Lord Jesus Christ by Julie Thatcher.

The COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Vaccine Will Feed Your Flesh!

The COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Vaccine is coming soon! Alert my people and warn them! I have said not to take of the Vaccine and the mark of the Beast. The powers that be will try and force these weapons of destruction upon you!

The masses will take the Vaccine and become infected. Like parasites this Vaccine will feed off your flesh, your immune system- and start to bring it down. There is evil in this Vaccine.

The Vaccine is an atrocity designed to bring down the human race. As the fallen angels fell, so too will many fall once they take of it. Their DNA will be altered and I no longer will consider them human as those who have been inoculated will take on the DNA of other entities unnamed.

The fall begins for those who choose to take of this Vaccine instead of choosing Me. I am Life Eternal. I am Truth Everlasting. Come to Me. Seek Me wholeheartedly. Remain in Me and in My Word (Holy Bible). I am Yours. I come soon upon the clouds. Look for Me there. Your Lord and Savior Yeshua. He Who Saves.

Coordinating Scriptures:

Revelation 13:16-18- He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a MARK on their right hand, or on their foreheads, And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the MARK or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

Revelation 14:9-11- Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation.

He shall be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.




True Divine Revelation of Satanic Schemes and Vaccine from Hell!

By Prophetess Victoria Fernandez of Brazil.

Peace of the Lord. This is the true testimony of the singer and preacher Victoria Fernandez. I am here to tell you one shocking testimony that the Lord Jesus Christ gave me on October 31, 2020. The Lord Jesus Christ visited me for the second time and took me to the United States. And then He took me to Hell to show me a laboratory where I saw the Corona virus vaccine.

I will tell the true vision I had that day on October 31, where Lord Jesus Christ was there in my prayer room as I was in fellowship with my King, my Groom. I experienced the best when Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me again. He already manifested to me previously. The first time it was the 29th of October, 2020. The second time, it was the 31st of October, 2020.

When Lord Jesus Christ came for the second time, He showed me the turmoil and civil war in America and the vaccine for the Corona virus. When the Lord Jesus Christ came, we traveled to the United States. And He said, “I will take you back to Hell again.”

When He said that I started to contemplate and smelled a very strong demon that was like the wind. This demon came into my room like a swirling wind, sending smoke in my room. I can’t explain it for it was terror. And that moment the Lord Jesus Christ appeared, He hugged me. He said, “Well, daughter, I love you so much. I am here to help you and show you more things.”

At that moment, when He hugged me, immediately He took my spirit and transported me with Him to New York. I knew that we were in New York in the United States. We were in a big square in New York City. I don’t know which place it was. Suddenly, I saw some crowded people marching in that square, and they were carrying flags of the United States.

The people were protesting. It was like a march with flags. I saw it very fast. This part was very fast. They were protesters passing and carrying the flags. And I realized that in that protest, there was a person on his knees. Even when I was in Hell and terror in that room where I saw the Corona virus vaccines, the Lord Jesus Christ pulled out a screen where I watched the United States in the Civil War.

There were buildings on fire in every corner. Because of these elections in the United States, there will be very hard times. I saw a lot of protests mainly from New York City. We all have to pray and seek the presence of the Lord. It is not going to be easy.

I saw again, the flag being raised by this person on his knees. The Lord Jesus Christ did not give me many details this time. I was just shown the kind of unrest in America where I saw this person on his knees with hands raised. In the second part of this vision, the Lord Jesus Christ took me to the interior of the United States government in the White House.

I saw that everything was messed up. I was in the White House and it was very beautiful. It was lunchtime. Inside the White House, things were looking upside down. A lot of people had invaded the White House, walking the stairs. I saw soldiers who were in the White House dealing with those people. Everything was messed up. The Lord Jesus Christ took me there and said, “Daughter, this is how the government of the United States and the presidency will be. Watch!”

I saw that it was all messy. It was really a mess. Things were all upset. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “Daughter, the next few days, the United States would not be easy. Things will not be easy, and it will be difficult. But I need to show you more things, and I will now lead you to Hell.”

I said, “My God.” But again, Lord Jesus Christ said, “I need to take you to Hell.” I replied and said, “I don’t want to go.” The Lord said, “I will be with you.” It was so wonderful to be listening to the tenderness of the voice of Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord asked me to take it easy and hugged me. He was full of love.

The Lord Jesus Christ is big and strong. He was surrounded by blazing external flames of fire. Soon He took me by the hand and we started going down a dark tunnel. I was very scared. He said, “I told you that I will be with you. Do not fear. I need to show you something for the Brazilian nation and the whole world.”

So we went down in Hell and it was the first time for me to be there. It was so dark. There were many horrible bugs that appeared in Hell. I saw the bottomless pit. I also heard lots of cries and agonizing screaming for help by the damned souls in Hell. We passed quickly as the screaming was strong.

I arrived with the Lord Jesus Christ in a room where I saw demons with tails. It was a terrible vision for I saw many demons and I got scared. Lord Jesus Christ said, “Don’t fear. I am with you.” He put His arm around me. We went through this route that was waste. He comforted me all the time. How I love you, Lord Jesus Christ, you are wonderful. And when He touched me His touch was matchless.

The Lord Jesus Christ took me to a hole in Hell where I saw a demon that was handling medicine. I saw this very big demon that was dealing with medical instruments. I saw the demon taking out from inside that closet medical items and he put them on a round table. He put these medical items on top of that table. This demon had a pen and he wrote the names of the countries of the Earth on these glasses.

The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “What you are seeing, daughter, is about the vaccine of the Corona virus. It comes straight from Hell.” The Lord Jesus Christ told me, “You will tell people, no one should take this Corona virus vaccine of the devil. Warn anyone that wants salvation. This Corona virus vaccine comes from Hell.”

Nobody must take this Corona virus vaccine. For God’s sake, I know it will not be mandatory in Brazil. I trust in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. I trust my God, it will not be mandatory in Brazil. I trust that President Jair Bolsonaro won’t let this Corona virus vaccine be mandatory. I trust the Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Lord Jesus Christ touch the president’s heart so that this Corona virus vaccine will not be mandatory, I prophesied. Otherwise, God’s children will flee the country and hide. I saw this demon in Hell handling this medical substance that was a Corona virus vaccine that he was putting inside many little bottles where doctors keep medical substance.

I noticed many of these little bottles had labels of names of several countries of the world. I saw among them there was the country of Angola, Brazil, the Russian Federation, etc. I saw this demon signing on the name on these little bottles having names of several countries. I contemplated with dread.

Lord Jesus Christ calmed me down and told me, “You need to see this for I have to warn Brazil and the world about these terrible things that are about to happen in the world.” Then another demon appeared and opened one of these medical bottles and was testing the Corona virus vaccine on a damned soul in Hell. It was very terrible.

My God, this Corona virus vaccine is coming from Hell, satanic kingdom and will appear on Earth. No one must take it for God’s sake. This Corona virus vaccine made in Hell is a great problem! Don’t take it! This is the true vision that the Lord Jesus Christ gave me on 31st October, 2020.

Now that you have heard this true testimony about the demonic Corona virus vaccine made in Hell and meant to be distributed worldwide for mandatory vaccination, what are you going to do with it? Ignore? Reject? Disbelieve? Accept? Or Repent?

Are you saved or still an unbeliever? Whether you believe it or not, Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon for the prophetic glorious Rapture. You can’t know the day and hour but be ready always. Don’t be left behind due to your unbelieving or lukewarm spiritual condition.

If you are not yet saved and want to give your life to Lord Jesus Christ, do it now! Accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! Tomorrow will be too late. Procrastination is dangerous! The salvation of Lord Jesus Christ is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. Amen.




Vital Divine Warning Message for Everybody On Earth Received from Our Lord Jesus Christ by Susan Davis.

Children, I, GOD have new Words to speak. MY time is coming: “MY TIME!” For I am in charge of ALL TIME. I am in charge of the hour I will return. You are not in charge of this knowledge…NO MAN KNOWS THE HOUR.

Children, there is a reason for this. You would not want for MY enemy (Satan) to have this information. You would not want to have this information either. MY children, if you knew exactly the hour of MY coming you would all procrastinate in your coming to ME. You would put it off until the time of MY coming. You would not prepare your robes and make them clean. You would not be ready even if you knew the exact moment of MY coming. You would not run into MY Arms because the pull of the world would be too great.

You know it is the season. The season is all you need to know. That means now is the time to prepare. Already so many are on their way to Hell because they ignore MY warnings carefully placed in MY Word.

Children, you must sit up and pay attention. Who will prepare you if you do not make a FULL SURRENDER to ME? Only I can take you by the hand like a child and lead you. Only I can hold you up above the challenges that life brings. No one is exempt. All must choose. Everyone has a choice to make who is the age of accountability and able to choose.

You children need to take your focus off of the date of MY return. That is only for I to know and focus on ME, your GOD. Do not remove your gaze from ME. Put your energies in finding ME in intimacy and pursuing your lost brothers and sisters who are all around you. Too many will be left behind–left to terror, sadness, loss, and sudden destruction.

Children, seek ME. Now is the time to prepare, not later. Later will be too late. I am holding the door open. When I come through to take MY bride home, I will shut the door and no more will it be open. Pray that you be found worthy to escape.

I am coming very soon. Will I find you ready and waiting on ME? Soon children. Be ready! Your LORD Doth Cometh.

Coordinating Scriptures:

Matthew 24:36-39 (KJV): But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Revelation 19:8 (KJV): And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Matthew 7:13 (KJV): Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leaded to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV): For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Luke 21:36 (AKJV): Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the SON of man.




Vital Divine Warning Message from Lord Jesus Christ to All Rapture Watchers, Scoffers and Unbelievers Worldwide.

Divine Message Received from Our Lord Jesus Christ by Susan Davis.

Children, it is I, your LORD. You believe I am never coming back. You say this to each other, “HE says HE is coming, but HE doesn’t come!”

MY children, this is your GOD speaking: Listen closely: I AM COMING! No, you will not know the day or the hour, but you can know the season and this is the season. The signs are appearing and you cannot deny MY coming is near.

I have given you many markings to follow. MY signs have been clear and they are coming to pass. Only those who don’t want to follow ME are not seeing it. They do not want to know because they do not want to know ME, their GOD. Those who follow ME closely can see what is happening around them. They can see the darkness moving in, darker than it has ever been.

This is not the time to be sleeping at the wheel. This is not the time to be ignoring your GOD. If you keep sleeping you are going to miss MY Coming. Will I find any with faith when I return? Many and most are disloyal to their GOD.

Very few are looking forward to MY Coming. Wake up and pay attention! Come out of your spiritual slumber! Open your spiritual eyes and see the darkness around you! Stop letting the things of the world move you to distraction! Take your hands off the world! Come wash your hands and your garments in MY Blood. Come wash them in MY Word (Holy Bible). Make ready for MY coming.

Warn your neighbors and your friends. You will have blood on your hands if you don’t warn the people around you. Who else can I send if not MY chosen bride? Only she has the truth and the map to the narrow path. All others are lost and misled: blind leading the blind.

Strike a match, start a fire, let MY HOLY SPIRIT Wind blow on the fire. Let the Truth blaze like a fire from your heart through your hands, through your mouth, through your feet. Let the world see the fire of MY True Gospel through MY people, MY bride. You are the only ones who have the Truth. You must not hide a Light under a bushel basket!

I want you to stop being comfortable in this world. I want you to be uncomfortable at the sight of the lost all around you. I want you to stop being comfortable in this world: you are just passing through. You are a foreigner in this land. You must be like soldiers going to war. Many lives are at stake. This is their only chance. If they fail this test, they will be lost forever.

Wake up church, get busy! Don’t waste another moment…so many will be lost for eternity…so many are already lost.

If you come with ME, I will open many doors. Just open your mouth. I will put the words in your mouth. I will bring the people to your doorstep for you to talk to about MY Gospel. Once I take MY bride from the Earth, the enemy (Satan) will move in and the people will have a much harder time getting to MY Salvation.

It will not be easy for MY “left behind” church. They will have to die at the hand of MY enemy (Antichrist) to make it into MY heavenly Kingdom. So do not let these golden moments slip by you. These are precious, golden moments. I am the GOD of Second Chances, but time is running out…

Coordinating Scriptures:

2 Peter 3:4 (KJV): And saying, Where is the promise of HIS coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

Mark 13:28 (KJV): Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near:

Luke 18:8 (KJV): I tell you that HE will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the SON of man cometh, shall HE find faith on the earth?

Job 41:19 (KJV): Out of HIS Mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.

Psalm 119:105 (KJV): THY Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Proverbs 6:23 (KJV): For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

Matthew 25:3 (KJV): They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

Luke 11:33 (KJV): No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light.




Vital Divine Warning Message from Lord Jesus Christ to All Rapture Watchers, Lukewarm Believers, Scoffers and Unbelievers Worldwide.

Divine Message Received from Our Lord Jesus Christ by Susan Davis.

Take down these Words: There is an overwhelming belief that I am not coming soon: so many want to believe otherwise. This world is too attractive to them—longing and looking for MY Coming is the last thing on their minds.

When I come to bring out MY church, I will only be looking for a ready bride—a church perched in anticipation of her coming KING. I am coming in ALL MY Glory. Only those waiting…ready…watching with their robes white and stain-free will come out of this stagnant world—a cesspool of evil, a stench under MY Nose.

Pin your hopes on the LIVING GOD. This is the ONE True Path—all others lead to destruction. The world is in a rapid descent to ultimate immorality and decay. Once I take out MY bride—MY true worshipful followers, this world will cave in on itself under the weight of the evil that will consume the land. There will be bloodshed, cruelty, abominable atrocities. Man will enter a never witnessed before level of ultimate degradation.

Children who turn back to ME after I take MY church out will find themselves under the rule of a cruel tyrant world leader: the Antichrist, who will round up the true believers, the ones who turn back to their GOD in great remorse. Theirs will be a sad plight as they must then endure the worst possible torment, torture, and death for their decision to return to their LORD and to reject the Antichrist system.

Horror awaits MY left behind, lukewarm church who must do the hard things to return to their GOD. Many will not be willing to pay the price before them in order to obtain their eternal freedom. Those who choose against ME for the Antichrist system will lose their place with ME for eternity and they will be tormented for eternity instead.

Hard choices must be made by those who are left and refuse to follow ME now. Turn to ME now. Surrender your ALL. Lay your life down. I am ready to take you out with ME when I come for MY beautiful bride.

Scoffers, mockers, doubters, lovers of this evil world will soon learn the error of their wayward ways turning back away from their GOD to give themselves over to seducing spirits and evil longings. They are grasping at evil pursuits following their own self-made paths believing they know best for themselves apart from their MAKER GOD WHO first loved them, created them, gave them life.

Woe to those who believe this world a better choice than the LIVING GOD WHO makes all, WHO is ALL in all.

Come back to your senses lost church. Your love for ME is weak, your heart is failing, you have no temperature, you have grown cold. I cannot take you with ME, if you believe yourself ready while you devote yourself to this evil world. You are deceived, lost, and your destination is the broad road where many travel to, lost for eternity, everlasting Hell.

If this Word sounds untrue, it is because you have not spent time in MY Word (Holy Bible) or getting to know ME. If MY lost children would come to fear ME, then they would come back to the narrow road and separate themselves from the world and evil.

Few discover I am a GOD who is just and will judge according to each individual’s relationship with ME in this life. Do you know your GOD? Come know ME before it is too late. MY Warnings are coming to pass. Do not find yourself outside MY Will, lost for eternity. MY adversary (Satan) is cruel.

Your choice is before your face. I am the ETERNAL OMNIPRESENT GOD. Reach out. I stand before you.

Coordinating Scriptures:

Matthew 24:43 (KJV): But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

1 John 2:22 (KJV): Who is a liar but he that denieth that JESUS is the CHRIST? He is antichrist, that denieth the FATHER and the SON.

Revelation 7:9 (KJV): After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

Revelation 7:13-14 (KJV): And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? And whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the LAMB.

Jude 1:17-19 (KJV): But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our LORD JESUS CHRIST; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the SPIRIT.




Vital Divine Warning Message for Everybody On Earth Received from Our Lord Jesus Christ by Susan Davis.

Susan’s Question: What can be done to reach out to the most resistant to the Gospel of our family?

The Lord’s Answer: If you have someone who does not want MY Message who is close to you—keep your faith no matter what and don’t allow them to discourage you. MY children who dislike ME really do not know ME.

If people really knew their GOD they would not abandon their ONE TRUE LOVE in exchange for a poor replacement- an empty world and an enemy (Satan) who wants to see them destroyed.

Pray for the people in your lives who resist MY Message. Surrender them to MY Care and I will hear your prayer. Stand in the gap for their soul, pray scriptures over them, and claim healing over their heart and for ME, their GOD, to open them and lead them back to the Truth Everlasting.

Persevere and don’t allow the enemy (Satan) to discourage you. I will draw as you pray earnestly for these lost souls. This is MY greatest desire: to partner with MY children to reach the lost and deliver them from eternal Hell and loss.

Discouragement will come, but victory is also in the grasp of those who speak life, trust, keep their faith, persevere, and hold on to their ONLY HOPE, their GOD.

Coordinating Scriptures:

Ezekiel 22:30 (KJV): And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before ME for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

Acts 16:14 (KJV): And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped GOD, heard us: whose heart the LORD opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.




Vital Divine Message For Everybody On Earth Received from Our Lord Jesus Christ by Mitchell Bertram.

Father what is it that You wish to say?

My Children, it is I your GOD. I wish to tell you that My coming is NEAR. It is SOON. So soon that many will be caught off guard when it happens. My children are wrapped up in the cares of this life. They do not wish for ME to come. They cherish their lives over MY eternal plan. This is evil and detestable in MY sight. REPENT I say to you!

My children, awaken! For now is the time that your salvation draws nearer than when you first believed. Yes I tell you, MUCH nearer.

Listen My children, for My Arch-angel Gabriel will soon sound his trumpet and I will come faster than the speed of light to come take you all away! Yes My children, listen for this is truth. I wish for you all to be taken into MY Heavenlies but you will decide this for yourself. I cannot force you, for you have free-will that I have given you all.

My children, you MUST surrender your ALL to me. Yes, everything. You MUST come to ME with your everything and lay it at MY feet. Invite ME into your heart as your Lord and Savior, then I will reside in you through MY Holy Spirit.

You will be MY temple. You must forgive ALL. You must repent of ALL. Yes, all that you are ashamed of. All that you wish not to speak of. All that you have regretted. I already know all of these and all that you have done and said. Oh how I wish for you to speak this to ME, children for it is humbling in MY sight. It is MY WILL for you to do this. All of you!

Come before ME, children and seek MY Kingdom first, not the things that follow. Seek ME and I shall bless you with what I wish. Yes Children, even after you have received what it is that I have given you, still you must seek ME.

I wish for you all to spend time with ME. Talk with ME, read with ME, think of ME, sing to ME, honor ME, and praise ME for I alone am worthy! I the Lamb who was slain for all, am worthy of all.

Children this is a dark hour that is only going to get darker. It has been spoken through this messenger that famines, pestilences and plagues, and animal die-offs shall increase. Lo, you have witnessed this come to pass and it shall continue to increase for I the LORD your GOD have spoken!

You will hear this message. Heed it, for I AM coming soon! Gloriously I shall come on the clouds. Yes men’s hearts shall fail them in fear. Many will say in that hour to the rocks above them, “fall on us and hide us from the one who sits on the right hand of GOD for the great and terrible day of HIS wrath has come!” But I say to you, none is hidden from ME!

I come. Amen.

Coordinating Scriptures:

Revelation 22:12 King James Version (KJV): And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

Luke 21:34 King James Version (KJV): And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and CARES OF THIS LIFE, and so that day come upon you unawares.

Romans 13:11 King James Version (KJV): And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

1 Corinthians 15:52 – In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Romans 12:1 – I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 King James Version (KJV): What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.




True Divine Revelation of Intercession of Lord Jesus Christ in the Courtroom of Heaven!

By Maurice Sklar

I had a vision/prophetic experience. Suddenly a portal opened in the spirit realm and my Angel said to me, “You are summoned to come to the Courtroom of Heaven. You are to record the case being tried now, so that God’s people will know the lateness of the hour. You must warn them so that the Bride may awaken and take heed! The time is short!”

I was escorted by two Angels to a seat on the left side, down front, of the Supreme Courtroom of Heaven. There were many hundreds of Angels and heavenly Saints already seated before the Bench.

I was surprised how much it looked like our Supreme courtroom in America, except it was much larger. It looked more like a giant arena with thousands of seats ascending up as far as I could see.

There were five big leather “lawyer-like” chairs with wings on each side in the front row. There were gold-embossed cards on them that said, “Recorder” on all five of these chairs. I must have been the first to arrive, and I was ushered into the one closest to the Bench.

I sat down and sunk into this really comfortable chair and was handed a pen and a small scroll. I was curious as I looked at it, for it looked really old-fashioned. The pen was a feather quill with an old fashioned nib like a fountain pen at the bottom to write with.

The “pad” was a scroll that was made out of parchment. It would open automatically as you wrote upon it when you got to the bottom of the page. It was kind of like an iPad that looked like a small Torah scroll at the same time.

The Angel showed me how it worked, it was extremely easy to hold and write on. When I would start to write, it would write whatever I thought of in perfect calligraphy script as fast as I thought it!

The nib seemed to just fly over the parchment with ease in my hand. It would write whatever the Angel put into my mind from what I saw and heard to record, and then would describe perfectly any other information the Holy Spirit deemed important in an instant as it happened.

It was the easiest thing I ever written, it seemed to do all the work without my thinking or trying. I think this must be Heaven’s way of court/legal stenography! Most amazing of all, I was writing in Hebrew, and I hardly know the language at all! But, somehow, I understood and thought in fluent Hebrew during this vision. I cannot offer any explanation for this at all.

The Angel said, “You are one of five Prophet Recorders that have been summoned from the Earth to chronicle and witness this trial soon to begin. Just let the pen flow over the parchment and it will be a witness to the proceedings. Then, you will sign it when it is finished, and it will be added to the Eternal Ledger of heavenly Legal Proceedings.”

Soon, the other four Prophet Recorders were seated and shown how to write as I was. I recognized one of them as a current Prophet on Earth. He was the only other from the Western world. I cannot speak of whom it was at this time and the other three of them were not known to me. We were all different races from different regions of the Earth. One was a Chinese woman of great age, who just glowed with the wisdom and love of God.

We were dressed in black robes, with red border sashes on the sides and the sleeves. The other Prophet/Recorder was a lady from Africa who had a headdress that wrapped around her head which flashed rays of light whenever she moved. She spoke and wrote in French, I believe. The fifth was a man from South America.

Everyone finally assembled and a great and beautiful Angel who presided over the courtroom named “Justice” stood up. She seemed to tower over us and was about 20 feet tall! Then Angels appeared with long trumpets on either side of the courtroom and sounded a fanfare that ended with a blast.

The Angel Justice then shouted with a very loud, but soprano, voice: “ALL RISE! The Honorable Ancient of Days, The Judge of all Creation, The King of the Ages, The Most High LORD Almighty is Present and PRESIDING!!”

We all stood up exactly at the same time in unison. Then the most awesome sound of praise and worship filled the atmosphere as we all began to praise His Glorious Majesty together. I have never experienced such a sense of awe as the Fear of the LORD filled the Court!

It was only then that I could just make out who was seated behind the Holy Bar. There were not nine judges, but twelve. God the Father sat in the middle with six of the Supreme Court Judges on both sides of Him. I somehow knew He was the final deciding vote in every decision.

After our praises finished, the Angel Justice, who I now saw was a Lady and not a male Angel, shouted: “Be seated!” The High Court is now in session. She was standing just in front of God’s Throne. She had a golden gavel and struck a giant crystalline base with it. There was a great thunderclap and lightning flashed out from the gavel base and flew across the large arena in all directions.

It was only then that I could see the Judges behind the bench. The only Person I could not see the Face of was the Father, but I could see the Throne He sat upon and the outline of His face. He seemed to be clothed in a white blinding light as well. He had a black robe on but had every color of the rainbow flashing out of it. If He moved even slightly, lightning bolts would fly all over the large arena out of His head, His hands and His feet.

The other Judges to the Father’s right hand were Enoch, Father Abraham, Moses the Lawgiver, David the King, Elijah the Prophet, and Daniel. On the Father’s left hand were John the Baptist, Peter, James, John, Andrew and Paul the Apostle. I do not know whether these were the permanent Judges of the Supreme Court of Heaven or not, but these were the ones seated for this case. They all were also dressed in these black sparkling judge robes. There were stunning crowns of glory on each of their heads and they were holding gold scepters in their right hands.

The Father in the middle on the Throne of Judgment held the biggest scepter and had many crowns suspended over His head that shot lightnings out of them in every direction. I could not look upon them or His face because it was so bright, it was like looking into the noonday sun. I was given one glimpse at Him when He first came into the Courtroom.

There was a rainbow that would appear that encircled Him above and below that I saw a few times during this vision. I could not endure looking at Him for more than a split second before I had to avert my eyes for the white blazing brightness was too intense. All the judges behind the Great Bar were emanating great light that was also nearly blinding. That is the closest I can describe them now.

Then the Case was read before all present by Lady Justice the Angel:

She spoke: This is the summary of the case brought before the Supreme Court of Heaven today:

“The Timing of the Final Judgments of the Day of the LORD must be decided. The Accuser Satan is prosecuting, declaring that the time of Adam’s lease is over and he must be allowed to take ownership of the Earth for a time, and times, and a half of time, as it is written in the Holy Scriptures.

“Representing the Holy Defense is the LORD Yeshua, Jesus, the Messiah the Lamb of God.” At this, Yeshua Himself (Lord Jesus Christ) stood up at the Defense table as the Advocate General of the Bride of Messiah on Earth. He was representing the Holy Saints of God still alive in their physical bodies on Earth.

When He stood up at the left table, everyone bowed and worshiped, except those at the prosecution table to the right. There was a very handsome man (Lucifer or Satan) who just sat stone-faced with several other satanic princes at the prosecution table. They did not move. Their leader (Lucifer or Satan) sneered when the general assembly worshiped Yeshua (Lord Jesus Christ).

“Representing the agenda of the fallen Lucifer, now called Satan, is himself, the Accuser, liar and deceiver, Satan.” At this, the handsome prince (Lucifer or Satan) with the evil smirk stood up. No one moved. There was silence in the courtroom for about a minute. Then, Lady Justice spoke again, “You may sit down now.” Finally, he did so, with another sneering grunt. I marveled that he seemed human and actually very attractive to look at, although there was no heavenly light in him or around him.

“The prosecution may proceed,” Lady Justice proclaimed.

At that, this very tall ‘handsome man’ (Lucifer or Satan) stood up. He was robed in a black suit that had a long cape of crimson red that followed behind him. He had gold epaulets on his shoulders that were built into his cape. He was very articulate and extremely proud. I got sick to my stomach, as he spoke. He walked back and forth in front of the court room in long strides with his nose in the air.

He (Lucifer or Satan) began his long diatribe of accusation against fallen man. He seemed to know the Bible very well. Starting from Adam and Eve, he began accusing God of failing mankind in every generation.

He started with the stipulation, “Adam was given exactly 6,000 years to rule the Earth. He gave that lease to me and I own it. I have a right to rule over every man, woman, and child who are MINE by Adam’s free choice. The time is up! I now demand, to be given to me the government of Mankind through whom you call the Son of Perdition (Antichrist). I call him, My Son of Man. I have the scriptural right to take control of the Earth for Seven years (Daniel 9:27). GIVE IT TO ME NOW!”

Then he (Lucifer or Satan) sat down. Again, for about a minute or so, there was complete silence. Lady Justice then spoke again, “the Defense may proceed.”

Yeshua (Lord Jesus Christ) then arose from the Defense table. He wore a white robe with blue trim and red sleeves with a bottom border and neck border of red. He wore a small diadem of solid diamonds as a crown. Once again, when He stood up, everyone bowed their heads before Him in worship, except those at the prosecution table.

Yeshua (Lord Jesus Christ) said, “As the true Son of Man, I have taken the death penalty for every generation of fallen man, including those in this harvest generation. I also stripped Satan of his authority over the Church of the Living God. His gates can no longer prevail against her.

Through the intercession of My Holy Bride on Earth, the overcoming Church of the Living God, there has been granted a pause by this Court to allow for the fullness of the harvest to come in, during the last hearing on this matter.

For I spoke on Earth, as it is written in the Holy Bible, ‘This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world, and then the end shall come.’ I, by the authority of the prayers and intercession of the Bride, documented here in this scroll…”

He handed the scroll to the Father, and another copy of it to Satan’s prosecution table… “I petition the Court for another measure of time for the end time church to finish and fulfill the promise to My people, as it is written, “that NONE should perish, but all, (who are truly Mine) have the opportunity to hear the good news of the Gospel and to be saved from perdition.”

As Yeshua (Lord Jesus Christ) was speaking, Satan – the ‘handsome man’ was busy reading the scroll feverishly to see if there truly was enough intercession to stop his immediate seizing of the Earth and for the Seven years Tribulation period to begin.

He was consulting his other diabolical “lawyers” about it. Foul language was coming out of his mouth along with hissing and, accusing his right hand “man,” saying, “You told me that we had destroyed the prayers of the church. The great awakening had been thwarted!”

Yeshua (Lord Jesus Christ) continued, “As you can see, my faithful Bridal remnant has kept the faith, enduring the evil, and continue to overcome. The blood of the martyrs has proven their faithfulness. Look at China. Look at the Middle East, look at Africa, look at Indonesia, look at South America, look at the islands of the Sea, look at My persecuted Bride in all nations. Even America has held, though all of hell has been thrown against her.

The facts speak for themselves. I have the authority to request for another extension of time. The Defense petitions the Court for another extension of time in the Grace that I purchased by My blood on the Cross.

Also, I petition the Court to look into the scrolls of the hidden counsels written before the foundations of the Earth regarding the Mysteries of the Harvest of the end of days. These, Satan has no knowledge of – as they were never shown to him. It is written there, as well as in the hidden revelation of scripture, that the Tribulation beginning the Kingdom Age must begin only after ALL of My Bride that are ordained to Eternal Life are saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

This information can also be found in the scroll given by My hands to the Court for eternal record. The evidence written in this scroll fully confirms and documents our Holy and Righteous claim.” Though millions shall come to me and be saved in the Tribulation to come, My Holy Bride must all be prepared now!

Then there came a time of silence. Nobody moved. The Judges on the bench were studying the scroll. Somehow it had multiplied into 13 scrolls. All of the Judges, (including the Father), read through the scroll.

I got to get one glance at the writing. It was written in red! It was written in the blood of Yeshua (Lord Jesus Christ). I was told that by the chronicling Angel that was helping me to write. Amazingly, as I wrote about this, the ink coming out of my pen became blood red as well for the duration of the description of it. Then, it turned back to black ink again.

After some deliberation, there was a vote. Every judge voted in favor of the Saints to extend another time period of grace. I cannot disclose how long it is at this time.

Finally, the Father, the Great Judge of all the Earth, spoke. He said:

“On the basis of the evidence presented by the Defense, I decree that the prosecution has failed to bring a closing to the final days of Grace on Earth. An extension of time has been granted to the Saints of the overcoming Bridal remnant Church. “Nevertheless, the birthing pains and judgments on the Earth will not be stopped.

Satan has the authority to rule over the tares of the Earth-the wicked in darkness, by their willing consent according to the tenets of free will given to Adam’s race at the beginning of creation. Both the tares and the wheat have grown up and are now ready to be harvested. Therefore, the birth pangs of judgment shall increase.

Those that will abide with Me in the secret place, I will provide for and protect. Those that do not are in more and more peril with each passing day. Though I have granted this, the final Day of the LORD has indeed come and the prosecution is correct.

The time of Grace upon the Earth is nearly over. Warn my children: This is the midnight hour! Watch and Pray that you can stand in the evil day and overcome! I am answering the prayers of My Kingdom coming to Earth. It shall come first in the fire of My Holy judgments! But it shall also come in the Great Awakening that I have promised of revival and outpouring.

The Time of My Wrath is soon to engulf the Earth! But, in it I will remember Mercy. Many millions of souls shall be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth.”

Then the Angel, Lady Justice, came forward and was blindfolded. She raised a large, old fashioned scale in her hands above her head. Into one of the bowls a presiding Angel poured a black sand-like powder from a brass urn. This tipped the scale to all the way at the bottom as far as it could descend. This represented the accumulated sin and rebellion of all of mankind, as well as the failures of the church in this generation.

Into the other bowl, a presiding Angel dressed in a golden robe poured a white sand-like powder from a porcelain white urn that represented the prayers and intercession and obedience of the overcoming church in generations past as well as the Bridal Company of our generation. (This is what allows for evil to be restrained).

I was really alarmed, because it looked so small at first compared to the amount of black powder in the other bowl. But, the Angel kept pouring, and suddenly the Holy justice scale began to balance out. Then it was even. As we all watched, the scale suddenly shifted. The white bowl went down and the black bowl came up! Then there were mighty shouts of Praise and Victory in the heavenly Courtroom!

Then, the Father raised His golden scepter in His left hand, and slammed his Gavel down accompanied by thunderclaps and lightning flashing everywhere with bursts of rainbow colors shooting through the courtroom, and said, “The time of Grace shall be extended as petitioned by the Bride of Messiah for a little longer. More length of time has been granted to finish the final harvest in the age of Grace.”

Note: I have condensed what was spoken in the heavenly trial into this brief summary. I am forbidden to share any more…though much more was spoken. You can eventually go to the Library of Legal Proceedings in Heaven to access the entire transcript. Of course, you will probably have to wait for this access to when you arrive there, unless granted by the Lord Jesus Christ through revelation by the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then, I was told to sign the recording scroll I had written. The other four Prophet Recorders also signed their scrolls. I noticed that their scrolls were written in different earthly languages. The most visible was in Chinese.

Then, the vision ended and I immediately went to my computer and typed what I saw and heard.

Dearly Beloved Bride of Messiah, we must labor now while it is light! Soon it will be night, where we cannot labor in the Harvest Fields of the Earth any longer.

People get ready always! Lord Jesus Christ is coming!!!




Vital Soul Winning Admonition of Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Outreach.

Eternity In Heaven: Why Is It Compulsory To Be Born Again?

According to John 3:3-16; 14:6, to be allowed to pass through Heaven’s gate, you need to have all of your sins removed. The only cleanser strong enough to thoroughly remove sin stains is the blood of Lord Jesus Christ. To become born again, first, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of your wrong doings. Finally, make Lord Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him.

Ask Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to forgive your sins. By dying on the Cross, Lord Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to be granted a full pardon from the punishment of eternal damnation in burning Hell fire! The reason so few people accept this pardon is that they do not think they need a Savior or they want to find their own way of salvation.

When God looked at your soul, He saw a sinner. God judges your heart, your thoughts, your attitude and intentions. When you are saved and forgiven of your sins, God looks upon you and sees the blood of Lord Jesus Christ making you pure and clean. Accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now! Tomorrow will be too late! Procrastination is dangerous! Avoid the continuous torment of eternal burning Hell fire!

Many doomed souls are now suffering horribly in eternal burning Hell fire due to procrastination! Don’t join these doomed souls in eternal burning Hell fire! Heaven is your best choice! You have been warned!

Is your name written in the Heavenly Book of Life? Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:3-16, 14:6. To have your name written in heavenly Book of Life, you must accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. You can’t be neutral. You are either a true follower of Lord Jesus Christ or a doomed follower of Satan.

You are deceiving yourself and Hell bound after death by claiming to be a Freethinker, Agnostic, Atheist, New Ager, Mystic, Occultist, Muslim, Traditionalist, Living Perfect Master, Grand Master, Avatar, Swami, Occultic Guru, Buddhist, Grail Messenger, Eckist (Eckankar), Amorc (Rosicrucian), Sai Baba devotee, Hare Krishna devotee, Mormon, Ba-hi Faith believer, Scientologist, Sufist, Freemason, Illuminati member, Traditional Idolater, Religious Idolater, Satanist, Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Medium, Psychic, Enchanter, Hypnotist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Astral Traveller, Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedophile, etc. Accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ now!

“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

This Biblical quotation will condemn you to eternal damnation after your physical death. Lord Jesus Christ will judge you on Great White Throne Judgment day (John 5:22-29; Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). You can still escape this eternal doom in the lake of fire and sulfur since you are still alive. Repent and accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior now! Today may be your last day before death. Avoid Hell! Heaven is your best choice.

What is the Great White Throne Judgment? At the Great White Throne Judgment of God, the soul/spirit of condemned people in eternal burning Hell fire will merge with their immortal bodies. In their immortal resurrected forms, they will be judged by God. It will be a judgment of condemnation, no appeal or mercy again. The verdict will be: “Guilty!”

One can only repent while still alive. One can only accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ while still alive. The resurrected condemned people will be cast into the eternal lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). The “second death” means eternal separation from God in the horrible lake of fire and sulfur. Repent now! Tomorrow will be too late! Heaven and Hell are real! Heaven is your best choice. Don’t go to eternal burning Hell fire!

Satan, the deceiver and his fallen angels/demons will be thrown and confined totally into the lake of fire and sulfur eventually by God. They will be tormented forever. That will be the end of Satan’s evil activities on Earth forever. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur…and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10).

You will be eternally separated from God in the lake of fire and sulfur. Your soul will never die but it will be eternally tormented in the horrible burning lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8).

Lord Jesus Christ loves you. No more excuse for you if you die as an Atheist, Agnostic, Freethinker, Muslim or an unbeliever. God is real! Lord Jesus Christ is real! Holy Spirit is real! Heaven and Hell are real! You have been warned! Repent before it is too late! Great White Throne Judgment day is certain! Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6). Are you a cold or lukewarm believer? Be hot for Lord Jesus Christ and ready always for prophetic glorious Rapture!

Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to make Heaven and escape from going to eternal burning Hell fire when you die (John 14:6). The lake of fire and sulfur will be a place of eternal torment. It will be very terrible for Satan, fallen angels/demons and the lost souls in that eternal burning lake of fire. Do not end up in it! You can’t die again in your immortal resurrected form but you will be eternally tormented in the fiery lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 14:11). No rest for you for eternity!

Listen to what Lord Jesus Christ is saying to you now: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the One who lives. I was dead, but look: I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hell.” (Revelation 1:17-18). God does not send someone to Hell. You choose Hell when you refuse to accept Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior.

When you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Lord Jesus Christ, you willingly choose Hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in eternal burning Hell fire when you die. When you say “No” to Lord Jesus Christ and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into eternal burning Hell fire. You are telling God that you do not need Lord Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in eternal burning Hell fire! Hell is for eternity!

If you die without accepting the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in eternal burning Hell fire and for eternity in lake of fire and sulfur. You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

It will be a great disaster if you die without accepting the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 8:36). Eternal burning Hell fire and lake of fire and sulfur are horrible places of eternal torment! “The smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night.” (Revelation 14:11).

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds.

And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15).

God has a perfect place for you in Heaven: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no person has imagined what God has prepared for those people that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Avoid eternal burning Hell fire! Avoid lake of fire and sulfur!

Lord Jesus Christ is your only way of making Heaven after physical death on Earth (John 14:6). It will not cost you anything to accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Accept Lord Jesus Christ while you are still alive. It will be too late if you die and end up in eternal burning Hell fire! Take the right decision now. “The salvation that was given to us is very great. So surely we also will be punished if we live like this salvation is not important.” (Hebrews 2:3).

After being born again, remain dedicated in your commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is an act of faith (John 3:3-16, 5:24). Believe strongly that you are saved in Jesus name. Don’t doubt. The Holy Spirit will help to strengthen your faith in Lord Jesus Christ. Make sure you continue to grow in your devotion to Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t backslide or become lukewarm. You must always resist temptation that can lead you to indulge in sinful acts. Read your Bible daily. Also, pray always and look for a reliable Gospel-focused Church where you can worship God regularly.

Glorious Rapture is our blessed hope and a prophetic reality. Therefore, we must be ready always. You can’t know the day or hour of prophetic glorious Rapture (Matthew 24:36). Rapture is a matter of faith and continuous suspense. Since we can never know the day or hour of prophetic glorious Rapture, we must always be ready.

The grace period we have presently is short. Time is running out. The warning signs of prophetic glorious Rapture are now occurring regularly in every part of the Earth. Lord Jesus Christ is warning us regularly through numerous warning messages to be ready always. Never give up your glorious Rapture blessed hope (Titus 2:13).

If you have never received Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, ask Him to save you now! Confess all your sins and ask God to forgive you in Jesus name. Do not put it off another second! This may be your last chance before you die! Take the chance now!

The salvation of Lord Jesus Christ is very important. Remain steadfast. Heaven will be your eternal home in Jesus name. It is very easy to accept the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. To accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, pray the salvation prayer below and mean it with all your heart.

Sinner’s Prayer of Salvation:

The following prayer, “The Sinner’s Prayer” (also known as the Prayer of Salvation) is a simple prayer to follow when asking Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Dear God in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that Lord Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin. You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus Christ as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Lord Jesus Christ from the dead.

This very moment I accept Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying for me and giving me eternal life. Amen.

Still Procrastinating?

Take these easy steps to be saved: Realize you are a sinner. “There is no person without sin. None!” (Romans 3:10). “All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23). Realize you cannot save yourself. “We are all dirty with sin. Even our good works are not pure. They are like blood-stained rags.” (Isaiah 64:6). “He saved us because of His mercy (love), not because of any good things we did.” (Titus 3:5).

Realize that Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins. “Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right.” (1 Peter 2:24). “Jesus is the one who loves us. And Jesus is the One who made us free from our sins with his blood (death).” (Revelation 1:5).

Simply by faith receive Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. “Some people did accept Him. They believed in Him. He gave something to those people who believed. He gave them the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12).

“…Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all these people from your house.” (Acts 16:30-31). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

Soul Winning Commission of Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Outreach.

According to 1 Corinthians 16:22, “Maranatha” means “Our Lord, come!” Therefore, Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Outreach is always blowing the warning trumpet to prepare people worldwide to be ready always for the prophetic glorious Rapture. In essence, Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Outreach is a dedicated “Rapture Watcher” and committed Soul Winner for our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory be to God. Hallelujah!

Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Outreach is divinely inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to continuously win numerous souls online and offline, encouraging the faith of other believers-in-Christ as well as continuously warning people worldwide to be ready always for the prophetic glorious Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Global Peace under King Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; Titus 2:13; Revelation 20:4-6). It is a selfless service for our Lord Jesus Christ.

The prophetic Millennial kingdom (Revelation 20:4-6) is the 1,000 years worldwide peaceful reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth after the 7 years worldwide Tribulation period (Jeremiah 30:3-11; Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 6-16).

In obedience to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20, Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Outreach always want to win numerous souls for the heavenly kingdom. Lord Jesus Christ desperately wants souls saved from dropping daily into Hell fire. Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Outreach always want to depopulate eternal burning Hell fire and populate glorious Heaven for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Since the commencement of Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Outreach in 2011, we have received tremendous live transforming testimonies from brethren all over the world, glorifying the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for continuously encouraging their faith and regularly unveiling the heavenly truth unto them.

Hence we have taken these glorious responsibilities upon ourselves, in order to ensure the eternal salvation Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is proclaimed to the whole world. By God’s grace, we will never give up.

We have published several true Divine Revelations from Lord Jesus Christ and numerous edifying Evangelical messages as well as advertising and promoting these Gospel messages while continuously reaching out to numerous lost souls worldwide both online and offline. Glory be to God.

The world is blinded in horrific darkness and presently yearning for spiritual revival and awaken unto heavenly consciousness in preparation for the prophetic glorious Rapture. In this grace period, we must intensify the spread of the Gospel worldwide both online and offline in order to win numerous souls for Lord Jesus Christ and increase the number of people worldwide who will be among the glorified Raptured Saints on prophetic glorious Rapture day.

The Lord Jesus Christ has given us a great commission to go into all the world to preach the Gospel to every creature (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15). This great commission from Lord Jesus Christ is also known as “Global Mission Outreaches and World Evangelization.”

It is a great responsibility laid on our shoulders as dedicated born again Christians by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The “Church” (Rapture ready born again Christians) right now is eagerly awaiting the return of the Lord Jesus Christ at the prophetic glorious Rapture. However, because so many people in the world are yet to be reached with the Gospel of Christ, continuous soul winning is highly essential.

Do you realize for example that in a Nation of Vietnam (Asia) with a population of over 90.4 million people, 91% does not believe that God exists? Majority of them have not accepted the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. What can we do about this deplorable situation worldwide? We can’t remain indifferent and allow numerous unbelievers worldwide to perish in eternal burning Hell fire.

Do you realize that numerous unbelievers worldwide who have died unsaved will suffer eternally in eternal burning Hell fire? On Great White Throne Judgment day, they will be cast into the eternal burning Lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8). Lord Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY” to Heaven, no other ways (John 14:6)

Do you realize that in about 68 countries in Africa, Middle East and Central Asia where there are around 4 billion people, about 1.6 billion of them have never heard the Gospel – not even once! Sadly, many of them are dying and going to eternal burning Hell fire without Christ!

Are you not bothered that numerous unbelievers worldwide are perishing daily in eternal burning Hell fire? Is this nothing to you as a believer-in-Christ? Are you folding your hands thinking there is nothing you can do about this?

According to statistics, everyday about 345,000 people are born. Also everyday about 146,000-153,000 people died. Just as you are reading this sobering message some people are dying all over the world and at the end of everyday about 146,000 people will die with many of them ending up in eternal burning Hell fire.

Whose turn will be the next to die? You don’t know because it could be your neighbor? It could be that man or woman in the same car, bus, airplane, train or office with you? It could be that person travelling with you or your business partner or any relative? It could be that person selling in the same market with you?

You can’t know whose turn will be the next to die because death can come at any time. That is why we must be ready always for eternity and ensure we win as many souls as possible for Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). Eternal burning Hell fire must be avoided. Heaven is the best choice for everybody. The harvest is ripe but the active laborers are few in number.

There are many things you can do for this Gospel of the Kingdom of God to reach numerous people worldwide. This Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15), the continuous mission work is labor intensive but it is Heaven advancing! Glory be to God.

Lord Jesus Christ is alive in Heaven and He is coming back on prophetic glorious Rapture day. We must be ready always for the prophetic glorious Rapture because it is a Biblical and prophetic event (1 Corinthians 15: 51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17). Surely, no one can know the day and hour of prophetic glorious Rapture (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13: 32-33; Luke 21:34-35).

We can’t know the day and hour of prophetic glorious Rapture but we must be ready perpetually. Warning signs and many end time events are now occurring regularly worldwide. We must never give up. The global plague or pandemic known as COVID-19 (Corona virus) is a wake-up call for everybody worldwide to remain dedicated to Lord Jesus Christ and be ready always for the prophetic glorious Rapture. The way to Heaven is narrow but we will enter Heaven by the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is true that prophetic glorious Rapture is overdue but we must never give up our blessed Biblical hope (Titus 2:13). Don’t let unbelievers and Rapture scoffers discourage you. Lord Jesus Christ is always warning us regularly through numerous prophetic messages and end time signs to be ready always. Unbelievers and Rapture scoffers will be shocked greatly when prophetic glorious Rapture occurs eventually suddenly and unexpectedly! Raptured or left behind? Decide wisely.

As true believers-in-Christ in this grace period, we must continue with our dedicated soul winning efforts both online and offline. Don’t give up. We must always be Christ-focused, repent always from any known or hidden sins, remain heavenly minded, committed to active soul winning, avoid eternal burning Hell fire, avoid lukewarm spiritual condition, be hot always spiritually and ready always for the prophetic glorious Rapture.

In fact, we will be rewarded in the Millennial kingdom period (Revelation 20:4) in direct proportion to the way we have served the Lord Jesus Christ presently (Matthew 20:1-16, 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27). Therefore, we are expected, once saved, to serve Lord Jesus Christ dedicatedly.

Your dedicated service for Lord Jesus Christ can be anything done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, or for His glory. It could be soul winning, worshiping Him dedicatedly or even giving a “cup of cold water” in His name (Matthew 10:40-42).

Giving a “cup of cold water” in His name (Lord Jesus Christ) implies any act of kindness or charitable support rendered to the poor or the needy like the Biblical Good Samaritan. Lord Jesus Christ loves a kind, cheerful giver (Philippians 4:19).

Lord Jesus Christ will reward us according to our faithfulness, talent and time spent in serving Him selflessly. Talent times our productive sharing of the Gospel (Evangelism) times the time we had after our salvation to labor for Lord Jesus Christ will equal our eternal heavenly rewards.

The record of our dedicated service is kept by Lord Jesus Christ, who knows what ability we have to serve Him and will hold us accountable for how we use our talents and time for service. Lord Jesus Christ is a just God and He will treat each believer according to his/her works, based on his/her ability (Matthew 6:19-21). Lord Jesus Christ is not interested in having us serve Him faithfully for just a few years, but rather for our entire lifetime. (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Many born again Christians will be overwhelmed with endless joy when they eventually get to Heaven and see their great heavenly rewards and heavenly treasures due to their sacrificial giving for God’s glory (Matthew 10:40-42). We can’t make Heaven by personal efforts or self-righteousness. We can only make Heaven by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this grace period, we must actively intensify our soul winning efforts in order to continuously reach millions of souls worldwide. We must not allow anything to discourage us from continuously reaching out to lost souls worldwide. Gospel work of Lord Jesus Christ is a continuous labor for the heavenly kingdom.

You are an overcomer by God’s grace. Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:32-39; Romans 1:16-17; Colossians 1:24; 2 Timothy 1:8). Remember what Lord Jesus Christ said about those who are ashamed of Him. “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” (Luke 9:26).

Eternal burning Hell fire must be depopulated and the glorious heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ must be populated continuously with numerous souls worldwide. This material world is not our eternal home. We will leave behind on Earth all our earthly acquisitions after physical death or on prophetic glorious Rapture day. In this present Earth, we are temporary pilgrims just passing through. Heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22) is our eternal glorious home by God’s grace.

Whatever we do now to continuously populate the heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will remain in our heavenly record for eternity. Our heavenly eternal rewards and eternal treasures are awaiting us in Heaven by God’s grace.

Our continuous labor for Lord Jesus Christ will be bountifully rewarded in Heaven by God’s grace. Don’t be discouraged by the numerous end time events in this present world. All will be well eventually when we are ushered into the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ on prophetic glorious Rapture day. Our continuous joy will remain forever. Never give up your glorious blessed hope (Titus 2:13).

None shall take away your crown of glory and garment of righteousness because the husbandman that labored must surely partakes in the first fruit and Heaven shall honor you in Jesus name. 2 Timothy 2:6.

If you are divinely touched by this inspiring soul winning publication and God impress it on your mind to support the continuous Gospel work of this Evangelical Ministry, it is all for God’s glory. Indeed, time is running out on the grace period. We must continuously intensify soul winning globally in order to ensure massive global revival. By God’s grace, Hell will be depopulated and the heavenly kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will continue to be populated with numerous souls worldwide. Amen.

For salvation steps, wise counselling for Christian spiritual growth, special prayers, or further inquiries, contact Evangelist Olusola Awolaja on WhatsApp: +2348109259713 or solaj72@gmail.com

About Evangelist Olusola Awolaja

Evangelist Olusola Awolaja is an active full time Evangelist online and offline through Divine calling from Lord Jesus Christ. He is a born again Christian who believes in Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. Through Divine calling from Lord Jesus Christ, the vital goals of his Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Ministry are continuous massive soul winning online and offline, encouraging the faith of believers-in-Christ, wise counselling for Christian spiritual growth and always preparing people worldwide for the prophetic glorious Rapture and the prophetic Millennial Reign of worldwide Peace under King Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18; 1 Corinthians 15:5153; Titus 2:13; Revelation 20:4-6). The prophetic Millennial Kingdom (Revelation 20:4-6) is the 1,000 years worldwide peaceful reign of King Jesus Christ on Earth after the worldwide Great Tribulation period (Jeremiah 30:3-11; Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 6-16). By God’s grace, Maranatha Trumpeter Evangelical Ministry is continuously spreading worldwide the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory be to God.

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