9 responses »

  1. Why does one need to repent from their sins? Repent means change your mind. New covenant of God is “he will remember your sins no more.” If you are about to sin or are sinning, the Holy Spirit will remind you, stop you or give you conscience of not sinning.

    • He will not remember our sins AFTER we repent. We must repent first. Period. It says in the Bible: 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

  2. i was not a religious, but i have seen god in one of my time line therapy sins then i am very confused person, as i do not believe much on god but i have seen him with my on eyes and a golden angel went throw me as god was siting in a chair and two other angels was there. i have not idea what to believe any more can any body help???

    • Hi Pat the advise that I can give you is to search the scriptures. Pray before you read but ask the Holy Spirit for discernment. Several years ago I was lost just like you. I did not know what to believe. I believed in so may different doctrines I eventually gave up, but I found truth and studied the scriptures and the Holy Spirit revealed the truth. Start with this link. http://www.amazingfacts.org/bible-study/get-to-know-jesus.aspx
      explore the websites and check out some of the sermons. The sermons are educational and provide lots of scriptures. Check it out and you can email me too. important182@gmail.com

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  4. John omotayo agbaje

    I pray for all christien to inherit the kingdom of heaven.

  5. wooah the hell part was dead horrible..

  6. God bless you


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